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drinkeh(2089) vs. funkmaus(2189) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-10

1.e4 (0:00)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Jen has her strapon dildo on and ready to f***
BMK(2114) whispers: :facepalm:
Boedi(1922) whispers: go drinkeh :)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: uberi levuju ruku ot lica i viprjami spinu
Boedi(1922) whispers: to do some normal talk in here
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Hello friends and enemies
BMK(2114) whispers: wtf?
Boedi(1922) whispers: Hello beloved neighbour
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: I have typed that (1...e5) into console, have to press enter
Boedi(1922) whispers: wow
Boedi(1922) whispers: not c6??
Boedi(1922) whispers: ;-)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: I am here, so normal talk is postponed until better times
BMK(2114) whispers: e5 is not good for a win, no?
1...e5 (0:00)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: at last, she lost her e5 virginity
2.Nf3 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Exed my old games, studyed c20-c92 whole weekend. Expecting C47, Belgrader Gambit
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: thanks xombie, he explained me how to use ecos
2...Nc6 (0:30) 3.Nc3 (0:09) Nf6 (0:02)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: c93-99 Ruy Lopez variations Funk doesn't play?
spendius(1828) whispers: i like g3 :P
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: C93-99 excludes Chigorin
Boedi(1922) whispers: We know :)
4.d4 (0:48) exd4 (0:02)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: 4 knights is drawish no?
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Nd5 ;)
andreufm(1752) whispers: You don't know Boedi , do not lie
Boedi(1922) whispers: Nd5 is draw
andreufm(1752) whispers: Mistell
Boedi(1922) whispers: if played good by both sides
5.Nxd4 (0:31)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: I wanted the dreaded Halloween Attack 4.Nxe5 ;)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: this is frustrating. I have prepared for all my tl games this time and opponents have deviated ervery single time
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: there is a clear lesson, preparation is futile
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: yes, when I do not prepare and multitask I always win
hoizi(1954) whispers: gooo Jenny
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: but then people criticised me for not putting enough interest in the game
hoizi(1954) whispers: She rocks will rock the Playoffs
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: so I decided to study a little and got the opposite results
Jammes(1777) whispers: go last schachkiste mohinkaner, go funkmaus
spendius(1828) whispers: were you multitasking the Clinton way ?
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: I wish!
5...Bb4 (2:42) 6.Nxc6 (0:11) bxc6 (0:03) 7.Bd3 (0:08) d5 (0:07)
Jammes(1777) whispers: whoo
8.exd5 (0:06) cxd5 (0:00) 9.O-O (0:02) O-O (0:22) 10.Bg5 (0:14)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: well now we have the line of Scotch that favours black
10...c6 (0:16)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Favours black? I thought this was boringly even.
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: had a game OTB, there been Ne2 played. my book is over here, tho I know that Na4 is another way to go for white
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: I thought it was considered equal
Boedi(1922) whispers: equal is good
Boedi(1922) whispers: as long as it stays equal its all good
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Here's my logic: white is supposed to have a small advantage out of the opening
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: if black equalises, means the line favours him
jaberwock(2086) whispers: So, if white concedes it easily?
11.Qf3 (1:52)
spendius(1828) whispers: i think drinkeh is better in complicate tactical games
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Be7
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: btw, what is Belgrader Gambit?
11...Be7 (0:33) 12.Rae1 (0:10)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: 5.Nd5 instead of 5.Nxd4
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: 5. Nd5 instead of recapture on d4
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Jaber, stop reading my thoughts!
jaberwock(2086) whispers: We have worked too long together! ;)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: ;)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: No complaints, mind you.
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rb8 looks natural
spendius(1828) whispers: i mean , not better than funkmaus .. just that drinkeh like it complicated
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: Re8 is also often played
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: h6 is a draw invitation to white
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Kasparov has played has played Re
jaberwock(2086) whispers: 8
jaberwock(2086) whispers: maus is not in a position to draw for her team
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: whoa, he can sac if I play h6 (Bxp gx Qe3)
Jammes(1777) whispers: re8 looks like the natural move her ?
Jammes(1777) whispers: or maybe be6
drinkeh(2089) whispers: well there go my caro kann preparations for one thing, but i guess she didn't expect me to play this either
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: gonna try to kick that Bd3 out of his diagonal (c5-c4) create Q-side counterplay
12...Be6 (7:36)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: I wanna see how Funk plays this - I often get this position in my games but in most of them I got outplayed
Jammes(1777) whispers: this allows to play g6 if necessary
Jammes(1777) whispers: the save move
drinkeh(2089) whispers: i'm out of book now too though
jaberwock(2086) whispers: I am not sure if g6 is needed for a while
drinkeh(2089) whispers: probably best for her since i had an easy draw after h6 Bxh6
jaberwock(2086) whispers: wow; my book ended with drinkeh's.
Jammes(1777) whispers: dont think so either
13.Ne2 (3:38)
Jammes(1777) whispers: but if necessary :)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: sure ;)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: oh, now i have to watchout for c5 Nf4 c4 Rxe6
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Amazingly, the database has the line cited by maus.
13...h6 (6:02)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: For me, the trouble with these lines is that I expect them to explode in my face or fizzle out to a draw.
Conquerer(1510) whispers: wow , Jenny played 1. ...e5?!
Conquerer(1510) whispers: Thats Rare
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: some might argue whether 1. ...e5 deserves ?!
andreufm(1752) whispers: Black has a slight edge? Maybe
Conquerer(1510) whispers: this is a Boring lines for borth sides
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Giving the Caro a break.
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: if he goes to f4, there cant go a knight and if he goes to h4 I can Bg4 and on Qg3 g5
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Seeing very wild tactics there
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: but what I do if he Bc1, there goes my Rb8 or Qb8 idea
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Maybe Bc1 and b3 and Bb2
jaberwock(2086) whispers: but c5-c4 a pain
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Strange... I am absolutely not nervous. I feel comfortable in Open-Games again :))
14.Bc1 (3:16)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Bh4 was preferable
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: c5 Nf4 Bg4 Qe3 Re8 f3 Bd7
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: or simple Bd6 - cause if Nf4 then Bg4 Qe3 Re8
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Bd6 is useful in any case
14...Bd6 (5:38) 15.h3 (1:29)
xombie(2007) whispers: whats the assessment here?
RxR(1694) whispers: I am guessing =
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: I wanna have that (or one of) Bishop!
15...Nd7 (3:20)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: damn, missed this move completely
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Well Nd4 gets the other bishop no?
drinkeh(2089) whispers: off goes my bishop pair i guess
16.Nd4 (3:59)
andreufm(1752) whispers: Ne5
nemotyro(1688) whispers: time to get her bishop of the diagonal
drinkeh(2089) whispers: unless i'd take the N on e5 off, but that doesn't bring me much on first sight
nemotyro(1688) whispers: *his
16...Ne5 (3:22)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: not sure.. maybe he can sac exchange
drinkeh(2089) whispers: sigh, now i've got to calculate this
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: he can
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Qh5 looks interesting
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: he can as in drinkeh is likely to do it or he can as in being a decent move?
RxR(1694) whispers: Qe3 is my choice to preserve =
drinkeh(2089) whispers: the Bishops become immensely strong though, but i don't like having just one pawn for the exchange
drinkeh(2089) whispers: there's another crazy line where i might get 3, maybe 4 pawns for a bishop
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: he must be really thinking about Rxe5 BxR Nxc6 Qc7 NxBe5 QxB c3 followed by Be3-d4
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: what he getz is a pawn for exchange, 2 strong B s eying my king
drinkeh(2089) whispers: actually i'm not sure i can write it down so deep as it helps me a lot
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Never settle for anything less than nine pawns for a piece.
drinkeh(2089) whispers: wouldn't be allowed in otb for sure
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: thinking about where I do put rooks. b8 and c8?! looks like no use of them in that position
nemotyro(1688) whispers: Is he talking about writing down lines in otb?
drinkeh(2089) whispers: this is after trade on d3, then on e6 and Bxh6, Qg6 kind of stuff
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: aww, b8 and c8 doestn work - Bf4
nemotyro(1688) whispers: I tried to find out about writing down lines in otb, awhile ago. I haven't heard of it not being allowed.
drinkeh(2089) whispers: nevermind, going for Rxe5 after all soon
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: i go get a ~o)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: my dark squared bishop will control everything from d4
17.Rxe5 (20:06) Bxe5 (0:00) 18.Nxc6 (0:04)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: nice use of a premove (Bxe5)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: eventually i'll wish i went for a simpler Qg3 there
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: whoa, back. and it happened!
18...Qc7 (3:06) 19.Nxe5 (0:03) Qxe5 (0:01) 20.c3 (0:06)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rab8 to tempt Bf4
drinkeh(2089) whispers: my pawn structure will be quite a mess after Rb8 and Bf4 though, in case she'd sack back right away
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rab8 Bf4 Qf6 BxR QxQ gxQ RxB and black gets h3 with doubled f pawns
20...a5 (8:21)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: go jenny kill him!
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: hi evrybody :)
Boedi(1922) whispers: Hi mister
nemotyro(1688) whispers: Hi Ismir :)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: sorry for being late
Boedi(1922) whispers: I want to play you in play offs ;-)
Boedi(1922) whispers: so go drinkeh :)
21.Bf4 (2:53) Qf6 (0:19)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: so drinkeh will take a bye in playoffs so u can play me :P ?
22.Qg3 (0:06)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: even my light squared B has a nice outpost now, if i get a4 in -> b5
22...Bc8 (2:09)
Conquerer(1510) whispers: Go JEN GOOOO!
drinkeh(2089) whispers: darn, that's a nice improvement of the position
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: cant say i admire black here
23.Rd1 (2:50)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: going perhaps for a snack on d5
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: white has an extra pawn and two strong bishops black has two useless rooks and the count of monte christo, but at least she tries to exchange that one
drinkeh(2089) whispers: too bad there's always Qg5 after Be5, would have been quite deadly otherwise
nemotyro(1688) whispers: Didn't the Count escape?
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: yes, but not taht early :D
drinkeh(2089) whispers: a shame also i can never go for a classic "well-timed draw offer", as it would only remind her she has to win
23...Re8 (3:45)
Jammes(1777) whispers: lol drinkeh
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: would have been easier if the other game was drawn too
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: would be fine with losing d5 for B-trade, but his in between move Be5 makes me trade Queens too
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: now Bb5 is a bit nasty
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bb5 Rd8 Be5 Qg5 Qxg6 hg Bc6 :(
24.Bb5 (3:01) Re4 (0:05) 25.Be3 (0:29)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: the bishop should return to e6 now the rook has passed :)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: but BB7 looks strong too
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: if white lets black play d4 undder favorable cirumstances we will see the breakout of Monte Christo :)
25...Bb7 (2:41) 26.Bd3 (1:15) Ree8 (0:04)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: whoops, i didn't want to drop it yet, teaches one to hoover
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: i would have spent some time on Re6
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: f4 maybe to stop Qg4?
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Qg5
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: No Idea how I can win this :(
Boedi(1922) whispers: offer a draw then :)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: never
Boedi(1922) whispers: og
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: can't let the sucky decap team win
Boedi(1922) whispers: mis
Boedi(1922) whispers: :P
27.Bb5 (3:03)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: re6 is worth a try
27...Re6 (1:20)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: this guy is kidding me, goes for move-repeat
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: with the rook on 6th file black has some ideas to keep goning
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: whenever you want to draw too much you lose
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: maybe he realized he has to lose
28.Bd4 (3:30) Qg6 (0:35)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: omg I must have seen Qc7 before.....
29.Qxg6 (1:53) Rxg6 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Qc7 did not do much
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: ok I think black has serious winning chances, but i will certainly not be easy
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: exchaning rooks will considerably help her
30.a4 (1:17)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: now Bc6 looks fine
drinkeh(2089) whispers: still doing fine i think, but things will get critical after Ba6
drinkeh(2089) whispers: or c6
jsobo(1627) whispers: which would be better for black... getting the 2 white bishops off the board or exchanging off the rooks?
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: I think any exchange makes things easier for black
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Bc6 Be5
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bc6 now looks strong
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Re6 also looks strong
30...Re6 (4:37)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: f4?
vipiu(2024) whispers: Be3
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: f4 looks... i dont know f4 just does not seem right
31.f4 (1:09)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: f4 then f5 to chase rook
31...Re7 (0:48)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Re4 followed by Ba6 was an alternative
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: how is f5 now?
Jammes(1777) whispers: why re4 if ba6 makes sence you need the rook on b7 at some time or not
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Ba6 now fails to Bc6 I think
32.g4 (2:41)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: if i exchange d5 for a4 i dont
Jammes(1777) whispers: ok thats not possible because bc6. anyway bc6 doesnt make sence to me
Jammes(1777) whispers: ba6
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: i cant believe this is good
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: now re4 really has somthing going for it
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: bishop is stuck on b7
fietswiel(1300) whispers: rb8
32...Ba6 (3:18)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Bc6 now and then b4
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bc6 Rb8
drinkeh(2089) whispers: time for a sign of weakness to keep her hopes up, i figure i'm going to have to make a bunch of offers before she accepts anyway
jsobo(1627) whispers: Bc5 is ugly here no?
33.Bc5 (0:41) drinkeh offers a draw. Funkmaus declines the draw request.
jsobo(1627) whispers: wow
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: hehe
Kyuuketsuki(2242) whispers: lol
33...Re4 (0:23)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: re4
drinkeh(2089) whispers: damn, she pre-declined or something?
Kyuuketsuki(2242) whispers: this is the fight for last place
tupajz(1513) whispers: why Ba6?
jsobo(1627) whispers: Rxd5
34.Rxd5 (0:33)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: this is the fight for playoffs in fact
34...Rxf4 (0:13)
Kyuuketsuki(2242) whispers: oh wrong whisper. funkmaus needs a win or what
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: now i really believe in blakcs winning chances
Kyuuketsuki(2242) whispers: i think white can hold
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: but not as easily as say 5 moves ago
Kyuuketsuki(2242) whispers: this u2000 has too many teams
35.Bd4 (1:08)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bb7-e4 looks strong here
jsobo(1627) whispers: I guess a good problem to have
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: can black risk BxB axb5?
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: maybe, but thats not necesary
35...Bb7 (1:45) 36.Rd7 (0:20) Be4 (0:03)
Jammes(1777) whispers: bc2 dann. verhindert zumindest mal b4
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: hite can target f7
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: *white
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: not really Bc4 Bc6
37.b4 (4:57)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: another very risky move
drinkeh(2089) whispers: was thinking about Re7, but that was a little transparent and also pointless
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: this isn't going to end in a draw
37...Rf3 (2:03)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: what about ab cb Bc2 a5 Re8 and mate whites king?
RedMagic(1936) whispers: Can't black just play ab cb Rc8 idea Rc2 ?
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bc5 can stop it
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Re7 now
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: RE7 Bd3 looks likely
38.Re7 (1:49) Bd5 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: now c4
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: c4 Be6 bxa
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: c4 Bxc4 Bxc4 Rf4 Rd7 ab
39.Re5 (1:08)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: this might force things actually drinkeh offers a draw. Funkmaus declines the draw request.
39...Bb7 (0:46)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Re7 again then ...
40.Re7 (0:30) Bd5 (0:08) 41.Re5 (0:08)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rd8?
Boedi(1922) whispers: is it going to happen? :)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: difficult for black
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: drinkeh will certainly be the most hated man in TL from this day on
Boedi(1922) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: why so?
Boedi(1922) whispers: I LOVE YOU DRINKEH!!!
Boedi(1922) whispers: :)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Boe, he's Belgian
Boedi(1922) whispers: Still
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: you guys should hate each other
Boedi(1922) whispers: nah
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: oh come on
Boedi(1922) whispers: only the none chess players
andreufm(1752) whispers: boedi is in love
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: when I was in Holland everyone told me dumb Belgian jokes
andreufm(1752) whispers: :)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: who hates belgians?
spendius(1828) whispers: what is wrong with Be6 ?
Boedi(1922) whispers: :P
andreufm(1752) whispers: LOL
andreufm(1752) whispers: bc6
andreufm(1752) whispers: looks bad
Boedi(1922) whispers: can black play Rd8 or is that losing
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: i dont hate belgians, just this particular one
andreufm(1752) whispers: rxd5 idiot
Boedi(1922) whispers: no
Boedi(1922) whispers: doesnt work
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: rxd5 is bad
Boedi(1922) whispers: andreu
andreufm(1752) whispers: bc6 then
Boedi(1922) whispers: may I remind you this isnt bughouse :)
andreufm(1752) whispers: shit
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: rd8 rxd5 rxd5 bc6 rxd4!
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: +nuke
andreufm(1752) whispers: you are right
Boedi(1922) whispers: andreu btw dont swear in here
jaberwock(2086) whispers: clean language, please
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: still good for white tho
andreufm(1752) whispers: ok
andreufm(1752) whispers: well the word i used isn't so bad but i don't mind
andreufm(1752) whispers: ismir
andreufm(1752) whispers: rxd5
andreufm(1752) whispers: rxd5
andreufm(1752) whispers: bc6 rxd4 cxd4
andreufm(1752) whispers: your turn
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: yes, i realized thats pretty shitty for black
drinkeh(2089) whispers: after Rd8 there's the completely nuts Rxd5 Rxd5, bxa5 maybe, but i don't intend to play that one yet
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: nah
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: ah Rc3 b5
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: yea
andreufm(1752) whispers: b5
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: large audience for this game
drinkeh(2089) whispers: Bc6 is also rather doubtful since Rxd4
41...Rd8 (5:06)
jsobo(1627) whispers: Rxd5 Rxd5 bxa5 Rzh3?
jsobo(1627) whispers: sorry mixing lines
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: maybe Rxd5 Rxd5 Bc6 axb4
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Bxd5 Rd3!
jsobo(1627) whispers: bxa5
gaelleg(2219) whispers: a B on the diagonal would please me
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: Bb6 kills
42.Bb6 (1:51) Rd6 (0:02)
jaberwock(2086) whispers: watch langauge, please
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: who said what?
43.Bc7 (0:28) Rg3+ (0:07) 44.Kf2 (0:35)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Rf3 Ke2 Re6
jaberwock(2086) whispers: Amazing tactics
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: but black is still pretty fu.... I mean... shi... darn, jaber is around,
44...Rf3+ (0:51)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rf3 Kg1
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: black is pretty bad
jaberwock(2086) whispers: language police
45.Ke2 (0:23)
drinkeh(2089) whispers: this should be good enough
45...Re6 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: still better than grammar nazis
46.Rxe6 (0:29) fxe6 (0:00)
fietswiel(1300) whispers: ko
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: c4!
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: c4 looks pretty bad
47.c4 (0:39)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: Ba8 best
47...Rc3 (0:17)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: over
Boedi(1922) whispers: isnt cxd5 d6 good
Boedi(1922) whispers: ?
drinkeh(2089) whispers: she just keeps pinning everything
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: yes
Boedi(1922) whispers: look fine
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: tempo gain
Boedi(1922) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: fine but not over i guess
48.cxd5 (0:49) Rxc7 (0:00)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: cxB RxB d6!
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: cxd Rxc7 d6 Rc8 d7 Rd8 bxa
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: and then Bc6 and push push push
Boedi(1922) whispers: yeah
49.d6 (0:28)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: alpha is sitting there with Rybka
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: I think white wins
Boedi(1922) whispers: :)
Boedi(1922) whispers: HyperMagnus > Rybka ;-)
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: its over
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: not in chess
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: its over
BMK(2114) whispers: Hyp, when did you become a fisherman?
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: uh?
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: especially if you have a 45 sec increment
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: a8 is light coloured
BMK(2114) whispers: you find Rybka 2nd game in a row
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: ne vjezhaju
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: good players always use rybka..didnt you know that? LOL
BMK(2114) whispers: nevermind then :)
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: that's why you got ratewiped?
drinkeh(2089) whispers: it might finally be safe to say i can no longer screw this up
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: good to know
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: that is why there are so many GMs and IMs here as opposed to ICC LOL
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: yea, like, LOL
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: chess is really ego-centric innit ;-)
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: drinkehs low rating is suspicious
Boedi(1922) whispers: we could say the same of yours
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: well, mine was nerver higher
Ismirdochegal(2080) whispers: so i cant be sandbagging
HyperMagnus(2050) whispers: seeing how well drinkeh conducts this game makes me feel frustrated about my play
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: It is totally lost :(
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: I think black pushed too hard and gave white the opportunity
Boedi(1922) whispers: yes :)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: His king comes to c6, nothing I can do against
dlastmohican(2183) whispers: if anyone finds good moves, then it can only be rybka...never mind that his bishops had dominating positions and that the tactics were rather obvious and the pawns were screaming to be pushed...any human player would have lost all his marbles and gotten checkmated LOL
Funkmaus resigns 1-0


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