hypermagnus(2077) vs. funkmaus(2177) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-03
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: dman she spoilt the watchbot page
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Oh damn such a stupid connection - why it starts now???
cytrus(2032) whispers: go Hyper! go Intrepids !
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: so if I ever stop coming to FICS all of a sudden, you might guess it was the shrooms' fault 3...Bf5 (1:15)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: My PC crushed on sunday, I turned my old one :(
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: but works! Have Internet-Connection and Installed Babas
xombie(1947) whispers: highly approve of opening choice
cytrus(2032) whispers: we hope the mouse is old too and slips happens :)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: xombie, approve white's or black's?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: e6/Nf6/Nbd7/Be7/h6/0-0 - kinda Londoner System-Reversed set-up is what I am going to do
xombie(1947) whispers: white's
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: paying attention to move-order 4.h3 (2:47)
xombie(1947) whispers: does away with theory and tests understanding
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: okay... its for g4!
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: in case you might wonder, I don't care about this game at all
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: that really sucks, HM 4...e6 (1:01)
cytrus(2032) whispers: go Hyper go! you never walk alone!
xombie(1947) whispers: or maybe he chose this opening out of apathy
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: I took a bite out of the shroom, and I am hallucinating
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: Black has 16 pawns, wow!
cytrus(2032) whispers: geez man. :P
xombie(1947) whispers: well, #486 is highly interesting 5.g4 (1:14)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: I feel so mighty! 5...Bg6 (0:29) 6.Bg2 (0:14)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Just talked about advanced Caro today. This early g4... dont really like it. But well, now its time to show whats wrong
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: h5 Ne5, so... 6...Nd7 (0:51)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: and before Nf6 developed he cant go Nh4
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: id love to exchange Ng8 and Bg6, to have Bg8 and Ng6 :))
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: one knight might belong to f5 later if I do win fight for that square
IMgooeyjim(2145) whispers: idk about that
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: thinking about... d3 Qa5+ Nbd2 0-0-0
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: for him hard to 0-0-0 - no good square for Queen and my Bishop is watching
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: oh no, magnus really gets her blood rising, always those 0-0-0 plans
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: I HAS A PLAN 7.d3 (3:10)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: he having plan :)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Qa5+ okay, but then wait with 0-0-0 - keep options open! (Nf6/Bd6 first)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qa5+ then ngf6 and ba3
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: if I can provoke c3 its shut-ups bishop 7...Qa5+ (4:21)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: Funkmaus' faiblesse for the CS shows (Qa5) ;)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: belle faisse 8.Nbd2 (2:50)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: bien sur 8...Ngf6 (0:37)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: ah tu parle le franglais aussi ismir?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: he can go g5 only if I play h5 - cant leave me Nh5-f4
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ouais
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: chouette
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: merci
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: je croyais que tu ettait allemand? 9.a3 (1:23)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: hyper speaks dozens of languages
LaurentiuI(1791) whispers: Et les "boches" ne parlent pas francais, n'est pas:)?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: oui, chuis allemand 9...Bd6 (1:21)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: ha ha, les boches, ah non hein, ca cest le passe
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: je parle 4 langues, en fait
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: tres bien, j'en parle que 3
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: anglais, francais et zulu?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: ha ha, tres peut de zulu, l afrikaans
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: moi, je parle allemand, anglais, francais et espagnol
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Its still not my move here...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: HM doesnt feel like playing...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: goddamn, what to do?!
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I wanted play!
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: wow, tous courament?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: + ou -
xombie(1947) whispers: farcical
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: espagnol, un peu
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: ok
xombie(1947) whispers: HM doesnt want to play and here we have french diarrhea
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: un pocito de espanol
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: que?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :))
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: is he really going to let his time run?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: here we have french diarrhea :))
LaurentiuI(1791) whispers: He's pulling a Fischer move on Funk:P
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: un rencontre francophone
Rascian(2047) whispers: habla espanol tambien ;)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: somehow dieriah seems wrong, but then i could never spell dierehiah
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: muy bien, rascian, eres de espana?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: si rascian eres de espana
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: un grande matador
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :)) 10.c4 (6:29)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: muy divertido
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ese zulu
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: si
Rascian(2047) whispers: zulu no tiene cojones
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: castagnettes only
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I need a 10 minutes break to calm down
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: oh i guess not
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: prolly c5 for black
Rascian(2047) whispers: zulu tiene una novia
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: this game is a traffic jam :(
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: why not e5?
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: i don't like e5
Rascian(2047) whispers: porque?
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: white can generate serious pressure on that long diagonal and against d5
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: tho I have found a countermove for it
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: so no worries
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: maybe I should just stop talking and have another bite
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: i think black is ok but those bishops are hard to deal with
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Qa5 looks deplaced now, c7 would be better
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: Qc7 is good
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: black queen is playing bishop
Rascian(2047) whispers: zools change pills
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: u think ras?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: take pils instead
Rascian(2047) whispers: this doesn't have effect anymore
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: i dont like the black quuen there, i dont know why, seems like a bad spot?
Rascian(2047) whispers: yeah chicks instead
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: i wonder if theres doping in chess?
Rascian(2047) whispers: crazyglue is playing and no comments on that game!
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: If this game is transposed to a mix of english/cambridge-springs then the right way to go for me is 0-0 and e5
Rascian(2047) whispers: shame on us all
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Monkey CLub its all about despair
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :))
Rascian(2047) whispers: no no mister all about "hair" ;)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: hair, and gel
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hairspray
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: and hair dryer
Rascian(2047) whispers: yes squib have it only
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Rascian(2047) whispers: u know he is from "Wales" ;)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: coal miner?
Rascian(2047) whispers: long beautiful head?
Rascian(2047) whispers: !BCS->(horse)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: =D> lol ras dont go there
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: ugh
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: that was one bad noise 10...O-O (10:18)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: chickenish play by Funk
Rascian(2047) whispers: zools 74 more points and u r 1600 wow
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: 74 points = 6 months
Rascian(2047) whispers: "it remove zools from Open section"
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: you want open ras, take it, im tired of drawn games
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: should I close down now?
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: no!, its already closed! :(
Rascian(2047) whispers: yeah lock it
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: MicroMagnus
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: Nh4 is annoying here
Rascian(2047) whispers: b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 b4
milpat(1820) whispers: GO Jen!!
Rascian(2047) whispers: damn irish keyboard
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: patricia!!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: il y a des francophones ici
milpat(1820) whispers: oui!
Rascian(2047) whispers: oh no francais made me sick
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: no frogs here
milpat(1820) whispers: haha Zulu!
Rascian(2047) whispers: oh no milpat :(
Rascian(2047) whispers: he always tend to find bad moves in my games
Rascian(2047) whispers: but that's not that hard :)) 11.O-O (6:35)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: diboss always finds bad moves in my games 11...h6 (1:00)
Rascian(2047) whispers: why not Bd3?->coz I didn't saw it :))
Rascian(2047) whispers: well I can't talk anymore will get banned
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: you want to get banned ras, say hello to thobjo, he will ban u 12.e4 (4:32)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: does he ban evryone who talks to him?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: This is ACTION!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: he is not online, anyway
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: yes, hes a sourpuss
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: no joking
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qc7 looks good
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: e5 - dxe4 - Bf4 are my candidates
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: he cant help it
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: Bf4 is good
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: weird it reminds me on KIA, and vs. KIA I dont have good score OTB
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i was just a little worried bout bf4 e5
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: maybe
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: for that reason Qc7 is better
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: but then there is re1
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: the queen isn't so productive on a5 anyway
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qc7 re1 dxe4 dxe4 e5 would be my choice as black
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: what about Ne5 instead?
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: get rid of that passive d7 knight
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes, looks better
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: dxe4 too much watchout for uncovered pieces on d complicated!
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: yet another reason why Qc7 is good
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Bf4 threatens on e4 and e5 looks logical
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: have hard time to decide
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: why was the other game adjourned?
outAtime(1790) whispers: Go Hyper!
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: e5?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: Pe5? 12...Bf4 (9:36)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Bb8 Qc7 and mate on h2 :P
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: less tactical is this!
Aneirin(1730) whispers: she probably means that as being a good thing. :)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: thats a dam good move jenny
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she never calculates more than two moves ahead
Aneirin(1730) whispers: it's amazing, indeed
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: you don't need to calculate in chess...
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: only the key moments
Pacekiosk(2063) whispers: well only if your not a 2700
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: thats not true
Aneirin(1730) whispers: I'll try to calculate less and see if it helps.
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: all you need to do is look for tricks
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: thats all i do
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: i stink at calculating haha :P
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: i maybe see only 5 moves ahead
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Oh, I cant put a person on follow who is not logged in! Another SheRocks game in 11 Minutes
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes, lovely sophie
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: now black queen can become active on c7
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: he can play e5, now or after excanhing on d5 13.Qe2 (5:40)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: now e5 is interesting
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: or dxe4 dxe4 ne5 13...Rad8 (1:07)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: yes block that bad white bishop sitting at b2
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: have some nasty tricks after e5 Nh7 d4 Ng5
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: on b4 is Qa4-Qc2 worse taking a look 14.Rfd1 (1:51)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: if I do play e5 myself.. my Bg6 - strong or weak cause out of play
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she wants to penetrate him
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: penatration envy?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: me?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: no way!
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: lol, no
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: e5 exd5 cxd5 Nxe5 NxN BxN Re8 - scary, but interesting...
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: e5 exd5 cxd5 cxd5 is rather a problem
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: NC4 coming
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: still an in-between-move b4 there
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: dxe4 dxe4 ne5 looks safest
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: oh dear, Nc4 after cxd5 is also there
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: hate such positions, move 14 and no piece is traded
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: start trading :D !
milpat(1820) whispers: haha Funk!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: dxe4 dxe4 Ne5
olechos(1761) whispers: yeah ther is nice moment now:)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: its going to be a nervous end game, with litte time
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: i still cant believe im sitting here watching a game of chess????? 14...e5 (7:42)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: to non chess people, it must be one of the most boring games to watch
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: why is it so unbelievable to you?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: i dont know, i never thought i was the type
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: playing is ok, but watching?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she cxd5 cxd5 exd5 Qb5
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: dont worry Ismir, im just showing off, im so chuffed with my chess lately
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: u are the monkey mascot :)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I missed d4 :( exd cxd cxd Nxd Nc4 Qc7 Nxe5 Re8 d4.....
Aneirin(1730) whispers: two moves, eh?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: at last e5
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she also miss her own opportunity qb5 15.cxd5 (5:08)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: his d3-pawn getz week in all this lines.
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: first go for and then think Re8 instead of recapture 15...cxd5 (0:24)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she sould even play the crazy qd5 16.exd5 (0:33)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: pity there wasnt a rook on e file
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qb5 now or after nxd5
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: first nxd5 lol
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qb5 nc4 qxb3
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: c3 possibility
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: does not work
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: oh?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: the Qx save pawn?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: dunno
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: considering Nc5 b4 Bxd3 Qe1 Qb6 or Qxd5 Nxe5 Qe6
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: then R on e
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: nc5 looks alright
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nc5 Nc4 Qa6
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Can I win a piece with Bc2 in Qxd5-line???
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: if he covers with d4 looks so!
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: damn no, f6 hanging :( would be nice to be true.... 16...Rfe8 (6:52)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nc5 looks stronger than Qxd5
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: as usual - first thought is played.. wasted too much time 17.Nc4 (0:45) Qa6 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: e5 is POISON :))
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ok, e5 cant be taken
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: lol jenny
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: shes crazy :)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: :)
spendius(1806) whispers: Nh4 maybe
Conquerer(1510) whispers: go jenny!!!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nh4 Bh7
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: this gets a little annoying for black
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: d5 will not be so easy to recapture 18.Nh4 (2:47)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: there is still nc5
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: bh7 now 18...Bh7 (0:41)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: amd theres nbg on ne3
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: nb6
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: eying with e4
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: and Nc5-Nb3-Nd4
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: trade on f5 has to favour me
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: messes all his pawn
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: no, he cant do it
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: and then - why Nh4? 19.Qf3 (4:11)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: didnt consindered this :p
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: nice game
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: does nc5 work now?
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: this game favours you,funkmaus...
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: no better move, Nb6 19...Nb6 (4:03)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: yes
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: drop a bishop
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: b5 would have given black a clear advantage
spendius(1806) whispers: d6 maybe
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: nc5 was strong, too
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: but win a knight
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: Nb6 is not
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: d6! and white is confortable
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: d6 now
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: d6 lol, then Nd5
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: black mus play qb5 then maybe
spendius(1806) whispers: d6 opens attack on b7
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: whites best move is to exchange knights
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: i think
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: hypermagnus will most likely lose on time....
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Qg3 is certainly wrong
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: time... 20.d6 (2:51)
Aneirin(1730) whispers: not to fear, he'll get hyper soon.
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: nobody is going to get flagged in a tl game
Aneirin(1730) whispers: I've seen it happen :)
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: thought funkmaus was a woman....
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: easy 20...Rd7 (0:56)
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: fine
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: it happens but if anyone cared to avoid it they could
Aneirin(1730) whispers: obviously :)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: why not Kd5?
fernbap(1713) whispers: howdy gentlemen and chess players :P
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hallo fernanda 21.Nf5 (0:54)
fernbap(1713) whispers: yea, right 21...Bxf5 (0:07) 22.gxf5 (0:01)
fernbap(1713) whispers: i wonder why HM relies on these atrocious openings
spendius(1806) whispers: go go HyperSaurus
pdas(1743) whispers: because he sucks in opening theory? 22...Nbd5 (0:51)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: yes
fernbap(1713) whispers: i don't think so. It's more like a lack of self-confidence, i think
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: then b5 chase knight
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: terrible opening
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: eat d6
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Re1!
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: Re1 looks good 23.Qe2 (1:32)
pdas(1743) whispers: 1-0? (barring any blunders etc)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ok 23...b5 (0:22)
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: both dark bishops have been strong
fernbap(1713) whispers: in fact i think black is starting to take control of the game
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: im not sure
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: nxe5 qxd6 d4
pdas(1743) whispers: Ne3 24.Bxd5 (1:04) Nxd5 (0:02)
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: i???m a 12 year old,yet i enjoy ches
fernbap(1713) whispers: you can enjoy chess at any age
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: many weak pawns :)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: there could be blunders galore coming
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: can eat e5 for d6
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: time!
Myob(1761) whispers: disco?
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: lol
pdas(1743) whispers: yep, ripe position for committing blunders 25.d4 (1:08)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: D I S C O !
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: Queen is pinned on e file
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: oops
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: hanging knight...
fernbap(1713) whispers: cracked
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: no not pinned rook is hanging
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: juste eat it
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: intersting move. he wants make of his weak pawns power
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: in worse case- sac-back?!
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: i think 1 minute is enough to see your knight is hanging...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: on Rxd6 Nd5 pinned
pdas(1743) whispers: won't work (making weak pawns power)
fernbap(1713) whispers: jenny, instead of typing comments, look at your own clock :P
pdas(1743) whispers: interesting may be, but flawed idea
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: lol Bxe5...
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: bxc4 is just strong
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: threatening Bh2+
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: and if Bxe5 Nc3
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: jenny,watch your clock!
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: NEED_MORE_SHROOMS
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: cute variation, IM
fernbap(1713) whispers: you need bigger pawns
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: anyway bc just outright wins
Conquerer(1510) whispers: wow Jenny plays this opening/variation so well, almost to perfecting
Conquerer(1510) whispers: perfection*
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: well, HM messed up, he was mcuh betetr some moves ago HyperMagnus offers a draw.
fernbap(1713) whispers: lol
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: haha
deionsandersson(2028) whispers: hehe
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: jenny,watch your clock!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: :)) :))
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: he must have seen his knight is hanging now :))
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: what a great funny senseless draw request
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: he is halucinating cuz or shrooms
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: sometimes these "inappropriate draw offers are good"
fernbap(1713) whispers: HM has a sense of humour
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: hyper afraid he'll lose
deionsandersson(2028) whispers: exd4!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: E AT I T !!
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: yes exd4!! is an awesome rook sac :)
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
Aneirin(1730) whispers: double rook sac!
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: oh yeah
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: loses the game instantly
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: :) Funkmaus declines the draw request. 25...bxc4 (5:42)
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: yes yes yes! tasty!!!
Rascian(2047) whispers: mexican shrooms 26.dxe5 (0:03)
pdas(1743) whispers: "In a confusing situation, offer draw" (blik)
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: Bxe5 will force white to resign 26...Rxd6 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I see a FORK
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: bxe5 bxe5 nc3 Qg4!
pdas(1743) whispers: white can resign, he screwed up
fernbap(1713) whispers: i see a SPOON
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: lol ras
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: :))
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: what happens after Qe4? 27.bxc4 (0:53) Bxe5 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: BxN Nc3 - HAHA
Rascian(2047) whispers: where's that pork?
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: wow all these pins
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: *BxB, N is cross pinned, cant eat
Rascian(2047) whispers: yum yum :P 28.Qxe5 (1:09)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ok be5 after qe4 too
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: whoa... 28...Rxe5 (0:11) 29.Bxe5 (0:00)
Rascian(2047) whispers: nice combo
Aneirin(1730) whispers: worth a shot
Rascian(2047) whispers: give a last blow
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: this game DEFINITELY needs more time
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: and more SHROOMS
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Rd7
Rascian(2047) whispers: mexican yum yum 29...Rd8 (0:38) 30.cxd5 (0:21)
Rascian(2047) whispers: !BCS->(goats) HyperMagnus offers a draw. Funkmaus declines the draw request.
Rascian(2047) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: god damn this offers, they do make me nervous
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: well come on he is desperate...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I cant draw this
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: wow v nice game, its 10:46 here
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: have to sleep
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qc4
Myob(1761) whispers: past your bedtime zooly
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: Qa5 should get d pawn but can B and R keep Q at bay?
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qa5 looks mmighty
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: R+B are no match for a queen in an open position
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: if white's f5 pawn was on g3 and the bishop on f4 and the h-pawn on h5, white could probably hold
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: yes ismir
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: definately not here
IMgooeyjim(2148) whispers: black will pluck the d pawn and then the f pawn
fernbap(1713) whispers: anyway, this is prolly white's best shot
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: white will f ana a pawn
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qa5 go
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: please god, if you can hear me now, don't let me lose
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: and make this GOTW 30...Qa5 (2:27)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: it will be GOTW, with you losing :P
SpiritsWord(1260) whispers: THE WINNER IS......FUNKMAUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zulugodetia(1526) whispers: rc1
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: f6
fernbap(1713) whispers: hmm... who is unsophisticated? Another false blonde?
pdas(1743) whispers: one more example of how "interesting" sacs turn out to be fundamentally flawed 31.f6 (2:06)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: unsophisticated is a real london girl 31...Rxd5 (0:15)
fernbap(1713) whispers: for real? wow! 32.Rxd5 (0:21) Qxd5 (0:02)
fernbap(1713) whispers: an unsophisticated girl? Didn't know those existed :P
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: R must go to e1 33.Re1 (0:25)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: of course she is very sophisticated
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: maybe I can hold this
fernbap(1713) whispers: right,then
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: gxf6 no need to take unnecessary risks
spendius(1806) whispers: unsophistication is the ultimate sophistication 33...gxf6 (1:36)
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: Black will take h pawn though: gxf Bxf Qf5
fernbap(1713) whispers: i see. Some kind of counter-culture
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes h pawn is already lost
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: a pawn will follow
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: blacks h pawn queens I think
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: tough ending. Qf3 attacks everything on BxP, but still he can cover
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: in any case thie is a win for black
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: late make "Festung" 34.Bg3 (1:11)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: oh thats worse 34...Kg7 (0:38)
spendius(1806) whispers: maybe Hyper can work out a fortress
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: to be continued...
fernbap(1713) whispers: no forterss. white can't prevent f4 35.Kh2 (0:36)
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: black is trying a fortress on 3rd rank but light squares can be exploited by K and Q
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: king support f-pawn push, over light squares maybe can progress 35...Kg6 (0:18)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: she found the right plan
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: f5-f4
fernbap(1713) whispers: f4 and/or h4 will murder white 36.Re3 (0:55)
gaelleg(2174) whispers: f is cutting the B from the diagonal, i think i
gaelleg(2174) whispers: t s better
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: f5 f4
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: Bc7 now? 36...f5 (1:26) 37.Bf4 (0:19)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qd4 37...Qc4 (0:36) 38.Rg3+ (0:31)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Kh5 38...Kh5 (0:27) 39.Bd6 (0:27)
deionsandersson(2028) whispers: does hyper have a forteress here?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: qE4 39...f4 (0:14)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: oh it works, mybe Bb8 was better
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: K should have gone to g3
deionsandersson(2028) whispers: w about Rf3 and play Bf4 Bg3 Bf4 Bg3 etc
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes 40.Rg4 (0:40)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: got his pieces into chaos! 40...Qd4 (0:26)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: thats decisive
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: there goes f pawn
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: and h cant even take f4
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Bf4 Qf2 K moves f5!
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: no I can't
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: f5 is the nail in coffin 41.Bxf4 (1:28)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: does that not lose a B?
fernbap(1713) whispers: over
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes, over
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Good game, Jenny
milpat(1820) whispers: congratz Funk ;)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: I wish I had no pawns so I could stalemate
fernbap(1713) whispers: She Rocks!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: sophie looks winning, too :)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: he must have overlooked that I eat f2 check and then no Be3 on f5...
spendius(1806) whispers: sigh
spendius(1806) whispers: i am going to Mount Athos for holidays 41...Qxf2+ (1:58) 42.Kh1 (0:02) f5 (0:09)
spendius(1806) whispers: no chicks there :z
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: THE SHROOMS THEY DO NOTHING
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: good game Funk
milpat(1820) whispers: 217 Qxc2 was not possible
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: She's just too strong for me HyperMagnus resigns 0-1
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