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ismirdochegal(2077) vs. gregorioo(1994) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-31

6...Bc5 (4:40) Ismirdochegal declines the draw request. 7.Qe2 (0:18)
Ismirdochegal(2077) whispers: it happens to all of us
milpat(1820) whispers: especially you :P
nubie(1596) whispers: milpat: no, he lost unfortunately
milpat(1820) whispers: oh :(
Fashion(1750) whispers: hi ismir... No improvement in net connection
milpat(1820) whispers: wondering if Ismir saw the draw offer
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: that's a bit unfair, it's 1-1 in disconnections sofar ;)
TGV(1741) whispers: lol
milpat(1820) whispers: yea promising :)
CinnamonBandit(1477) whispers: maybe ismir can make it a win then.... he's really strong....
milpat(1820) whispers: strong as hell!
CinnamonBandit(1477) whispers: this is also true haha
Fashion(1750) whispers: nf2...
milpat(1820) whispers: wnodering sometimes why his standard rating so low (if i can say "low")
milpat(1820) whispers: N is pinned Fash-boy
Fashion(1750) whispers: assume it to be suicide
nubie(1596) whispers: in suicide, Nf2 would still be illegal
CinnamonBandit(1477) whispers: Low? he could be higher but its not "low"
Fashion(1750) whispers: yeah... You must capture :(
7...O-O (7:10) 8.Qxe4 (0:05) Re8 (0:02) 9.Ne5 (0:01) f6 (0:01)
Fashion(1750) whispers: bd3
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: No clue of this position :(
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: I like Fashion's suggestion
milpat(1820) whispers: not safe Funk? bot safe...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: not safe - lol - both messy
milpat(1820) whispers: welcome in KG world
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I like Bb5 too
milpat(1820) whispers: no need endgame techniques :)
milpat(1820) whispers: Bd3 maybe?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: oh yes..
nubie(1596) whispers: Bd3, as Fashion and pat suggested, is theory (white is better, 0-0 considered an error for black)
nubie(1596) whispers: I have a book :) Gregorioo offers a draw.
milpat(1820) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: can you post how this theory after g6 goes on?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Draw offer again?! Ismirdochegal declines the draw request.
10.Bb5 (4:53)
nubie(1596) whispers: Funkmaus, the book says "weak is 7.. 0-0 8.Qxe4 Re8 9. Ne5 f6 10. Bd3 etc" :-)
nubie(1596) whispers: so no idea :)
Fashion(1750) whispers: nubhe has a chess book...hmmm... I have only one book....how to cook recipes in microwave
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I see thanks nubie! book means bad... and why.. think yourself. As usual!
Fashion(1750) whispers: week for white or black ?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: weak for blacj#
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: black
Ismirdochegal(2077) whispers: I wanted to play 10 d6 dut i dont know what to do after 10 ... fxe5
Fashion(1750) whispers: perhaps nubie need to gift that book to ismir
milpat(1820) whispers: wasnt Bd3 in ur candidate move SmirMan?
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Bf5 was considered stronger than 7.- 0-0?
10...Bd7 (3:37)
nubie(1596) whispers: right
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: well now ur Bd3 - better now - square d7 occuped for no development of Nb8
milpat(1820) whispers: true Jen
milpat(1820) whispers: Bb5 was kinda diversion
11.Bd3 (2:07) g6 (0:04) 12.Nc3 (0:14)
milpat(1820) whispers: less and less guard on black king
milpat(1820) whispers: after fxe5 no many piece to defend kside
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: on the other side, now fxN fxN Bf5 frees square again and trades LSB
milpat(1820) whispers: and white seems to hold his extra pawn, right?
Fashion(1750) whispers: diversion.... Road under construction...diversion
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Nd7-f8 can defend and 7th rank is free for defence with majour pieces
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: see no defence problems for black
milpat(1820) whispers: if Funk says...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: its more about being a pawn down :))
milpat(1820) whispers: after white achieved 0-0-0 i would be scare for black
Fashion(1750) whispers: what will white do with those much advanced central pawns
milpat(1820) whispers: 2 white center pawns
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: 2 central pawns are scary!
Fashion(1750) whispers: yeah... I said pawns :)
12...fxe5 (3:54)
milpat(1820) whispers: at least something to keep black busy
13.fxe5 (0:11) Bf5 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: looking if pawns can get attacked by Bd6
14.Qe2 (0:05)
milpat(1820) whispers: Bf4 Funk maybe
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: yes, then Nd7
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: the idea is force white play e6
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: then can easy go c6 - and pawns killed
milpat(1820) whispers: now if i see well, BxB cxd3 gives white another pawn support center?
14...Bxd3 (2:05)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: This d/c is making me mad!
xivarmy(1896) whispers: Bxd3 cxd3 Bd4 e6 c6
15.cxd3 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Yeah, Bd4 is better then Bd6 :D
15...c6 (0:30)
milpat(1820) whispers: yes Bd4 prevent white play d4 himself
Fashion(1750) whispers: exchanges good or bad for white here ?
fernbap(1713) whispers: i think it's time for ismir to start to think :P
milpat(1820) whispers: white is 2 pawns up, that may give maneuver margin
16.Bf4 (0:57)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: if white can keep his pawns they are good
16...cxd5 (0:19) 17.O-O-O (0:02)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Bd4/Nc6 - all moves tempo
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: think cant hold e5
xivarmy(1896) whispers: Bd4 Nb5 is interesting
17...Nc6 (0:55) 18.Qf3 (0:25)
fernbap(1713) whispers: is there any standard game going?
pchesso(1775) whispers: no, just blitz :)
lrzal(1864) whispers: games /s
Fashion(1750) whispers: will ismir be able to take his clock to 60 min plus...guess what will be the move no.
pchesso(1775) whispers: but they are blitzing a class higher then we play standard
milpat(1820) whispers: true pchess
18...d4 (2:36)
milpat(1820) whispers: Ne4
fernbap(1713) whispers: anyway, playing a gambit and then offering a draw is, at least..... advanced :P
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Q-trade
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: lol fern ;)
Fashion(1750) whispers: playing fast means... You are ignoring bad moves....and just looking good ones
19.Qd5+ (1:10)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: yeah.. this just wins
19...Qxd5 (0:08) 20.Nxd5 (0:01)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: d4 loses the exchange?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: fork and f6 --> e5 alive
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: does it?
20...Rf8 (0:28) 21.Rhf1 (0:06) Kg7 (1:19)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: otherwise the beast on e5 is alive
Fashion(1750) whispers: n-f6-d7
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: the beast :p
milpat(1820) whispers: Nc7?
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: yes
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Nc7 wins the exchange now though
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: now exchange goes too
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: d/c - Nc7 is really a blitz - move
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I suspect every time he takes his time that his connection just gone
lrzal(1864) whispers: something wrong with nc7?
lrzal(1864) whispers: oh
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Not that I see
fernbap(1713) whispers: he must be lagging
lrzal(1864) whispers: you are saying that he would have played it in one second, therefore he has to be disconnected because he has not played it yet
fernbap(1713) whispers: i wouldn't expect him to actually pause to think :P
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Lagging?! No... its internet-connection which breaks
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: same here
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I dont know why...
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: When we are online we are fine with fast games: 1+0 or bughouse. Not much lag. But we d/c and can come-back in a few
fernbap(1713) whispers: it must be Big Brother monitoring all your moves to check if you are not sending encripted messages to Al Qaeda
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: I have it a 1/2 less times then Ismir
fujin(1699) whispers: hi
milpat(1820) whispers: he's thinking too much, it is either suspiscious or dangerous ;)
fujin(1699) whispers: wow
fujin(1699) whispers: Nice oppening :)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: He never thinks so much, not at such obvious move
xivarmy(1896) whispers: went for coffee perhaps
22.Nc7 (5:33)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Oh ur right :))
22...Rac8 (0:11) 23.Ne6+ (0:03) Kg8 (0:02) 24.Nxf8 (0:02) Bxf8 (0:05) 25.Kb1 (0:03) Nb4 (0:04)
milpat(1820) whispers: gregorioo offers a draw? :P
jariv(1577) whispers: I've noticed it's a good idea to take a break once you have the game won
26.Bg5 (0:31) Nd5 (0:16)
fernbap(1713) whispers: yes, that is good advice
fernbap(1713) whispers: i should listen to it :P
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: :p take break in every radical change of game/position - same if you mess a win into a draw
fernbap(1713) whispers: making huge blunders also doesn't help :P
fernbap(1713) whispers: btw, Starcraft 2 is awesome!
Myob(1766) whispers: there's a starcraft 2?
Myob(1766) whispers: oh fernbap cheers
fernbap(1713) whispers: went out on the 27th
xivarmy(1896) whispers: came out 4 days ago
Myob(1766) whispers: man i spent so much time on starcraft when it came it ...
Myob(1766) whispers: :D
fernbap(1713) whispers: well, starcraft 1 was still being played
27.e6 (7:40)
milpat(1820) whispers: yea!
Ismirdochegal(2077) whispers: i decided to give back the exchange to clear things up a bit
fernbap(1713) whispers: the best RTS game of all times
milpat(1820) whispers: Ne3 e7?!?
xivarmy(1896) whispers: Ne3 Bxe3 fxe3 Rde1 Bh6 and Rf3 looking to move into a rook ending up two pawns?
Nitreb(1271) whispers: RTS?
fernbap(1713) whispers: Real Time Strategy
Nitreb(1271) whispers: Ah :-)
27...h6 (3:50) 28.Bf6 (0:09) Ne3 (0:36) 29.Bxd4 (0:02) Nxf1 (1:16) 30.Rxf1 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: MOVE!
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Here happened nothing a while :p
30...Be7 (11:54)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: Called it :))
31.Rf7 (0:42) Bg5 (0:58) 32.Bc3 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2177) whispers: gg Ismir!
32...b5 (0:31) 33.a3 (0:03) a5 (0:03) 34.Rg7+ (0:40) Kf8 (0:04) 35.Rxg6 (0:04) Gregorioo resigns 1-0


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