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bearsun(1815) vs. nikro(1894) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2010-07-24

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:02) 3.d4 (0:02) cxd4 (0:01) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:00) 5.Nc3 (0:02) e5 (0:01) 6.Ndb5 (0:02) d6 (0:01) 7.Bg5 (0:02) a6 (0:01) 8.Bxf6 (0:01)
Nikro(1894) whispers: so white goes for the early bxf6
Nikro(1894) whispers: this is considered almost winning for black
Nikro(1894) whispers: some players confuse this line with na3 bxf6 lines but they are almost two completely different systems
8...gxf6 (1:03) 9.Na3 (0:02) f5 (0:01)
Nikro(1894) whispers: in this system black will almost never play b5 unless white goes for a weak sideline
10.Qh5 (0:55) b5 (0:38) 11.Nd5 (0:29) fxe4 (0:04) 12.Bxb5 (0:13) axb5 (0:09) 13.Nxb5 (0:02) Be6 (1:37) 14.Ndc7+ (0:33) Kd7 (0:05) 15.c3 (2:19) Rc8 (0:40) 16.Nxe6 (0:16) fxe6 (0:46) 17.Rd1 (0:19) Qe8 (0:52) 18.Qe2 (0:33) Rg8 (0:17) 19.O-O (0:12) Qg6 (0:03) 20.g3 (0:13) Qg4 (0:09) 21.Qc2 (0:16) Be7 (3:43) 22.f3 (0:35) exf3 (0:10) 23.Qxh7 (0:06) Rg7 (0:14) 24.Qh6 (1:10) Bg5 (0:08) 25.Qxg7+ (0:03) Ne7 (0:01) 26.Rxd6+ (0:12) Ke8 (0:02) 27.Qh8+ (0:17) Kf7 (0:02) 28.Qh7+ (0:09) Kf6 (0:01) 29.Rd7 (0:25) Be3+ (0:06) 30.Kh1 (0:09) Ng6 (0:09) 31.Qf7+ (0:07) Kg5 (0:01) 32.Rxf3 (0:19) Rf8 (0:02) 33.Qxf8 (0:21) Nxf8 (0:01) 34.Rxf8 (0:01) Qd1+ (0:02) 35.Rxd1 (0:08) Nikro resigns 1-0


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