34.Re8+(2:32)Kd6(1:03) 35.f4(0:17)exf4(1:31) 36.gxf4(0:17)Rc7(0:42) 37.Rb5(1:42)Kc6(3:38) 38.Rb1(0:03)Bd4(1:45) 39.e3(4:00)Kd7(3:55) 40.Rbb8(0:05)Bf6(0:22) 41.Rf8(1:19)Ke6(1:56) 42.Rfc8(6:10)Kd7(1:16) 43.Rxc7+(0:04)Kxc7(0:03) 44.Rb5(0:02)d4(1:06) 45.e4(0:07)fxe4(0:19) 46.dxe4(0:02)Kc6(1:00) 47.Rb2(1:21)Be7(0:52) 48.Kf3(1:08)a5(1:02) 49.Ke2(0:06)Bb4(0:48) 50.Kd3(0:36)Kc5(0:45) 51.f5(0:30)a4(3:01) 52.e5(1:24)a3(0:49) 53.Re2(0:59)
CarlosKerber(1679) whispers: my move
53...Kd5(0:44) 54.f6(0:11)gxf6(0:31) 55.exf6(0:08)
piorgovici(1521) whispers: nice end game piorgovici(1521) whispers: :) milpat(1806) whispers: tough for black Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: dead lost HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: can draw
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: lost for whom :)) Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: oh, i thought 'Re4 wins Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: I still think so milpat(1806) whispers: re4 a2 Rd4+ kmove Ra4 Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: or f7 and RE8 piorgovici(1521) whispers: but before Re4 maybe f7 for presure Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: f7 Bc5 h3 maybe Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: I think white can win this game Funkmaus(2187) whispers: White can play for zugzwang Funkmaus(2187) whispers: and force black play a2, or move bishop from f8, promote and catch a3 pawn from a8
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: If black wind the f pawn without losing his bishop, its a draw
56...Bc5(0:53) 57.f7(0:20)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: can hardly happen if white puts rook on f-file and pawn to f7
57...a2(0:38) 58.Re1(0:04)Bb4(0:14)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: ok, Ke6 will draw next move
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: hmm, really? Ra1 Ke6 Rxa2 Kxf7 Ra6 and white gets h6 pawn too
59...Ke6(0:22) 60.Rxa2(0:13)Kxf7(0:03)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: no he doesn't
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Bf8
61...Bd6(0:17) 62.Ke4(0:16)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: oh right
62...Be7(0:40) 63.Kf5(0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Bg5
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: Bd6 was bad Funkmaus(2187) whispers: R vs. B is a win in some weird positions
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea, but if black avoids the corner he should not get mated
64...Kf8(0:40) 65.Kg6(0:18)Be3(0:25)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: if he runs away far from the corner, white sacs on h6, owns square g7 and pawn promoted HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: yes Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: f8 is a safe square
66.Ra8+(0:57)Ke7(0:05) 67.h4(0:10)Bf4(0:49) 68.Ra4(0:08)Bd2(0:12)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: e4 HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: Re4 Kf8 Re2! HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: and wins Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Bc1 in your line HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: then Rf2 Ke7 Rc2 HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: ok Bf4 HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: still very close to win there already Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea, but the diagonal is long enuff to keep the bishop safe milpat(1806) whispers: close to win, definition of a draw? CarlosKerber(1679) whispers: :) Funkmaus(2187) whispers: no! check on e4, if Kf8 then no square f4 for B, it has only 3 squares, 2 of then controlled by a rook
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: are you tryin to argue with me funk? Funkmaus(2187) whispers: no, with ismir ;)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: well 3 squares is enuff
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: 2 would be be one too few
70...Bf4(0:23) 71.Kg6(0:10)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: This is a draw HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: no
71...Ke7(1:04) 72.Re2+(0:06)
HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: see
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: ur also arque with ismir, HM? Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Bc1 was better Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: than Bf4 Funkmaus(2187) whispers: or I am only one who think white can win? HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: I argue with everyone HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: just for the sake of it Funkmaus(2187) whispers: ach! HyperMagnus(2077) whispers: was? Twikki(2036) whispers: only a win if white can sac the rook on h6 without the black king on e7 or e8
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: this eases blacks task
milpat(1806) whispers: with black king so far achieve some Rxh6 would win, no? Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: by giving him an additional square on his defensive diagonal
74.Kf7(0:08)Kd7(0:57) 75.Re4(0:05)Gregorioo lost connection; game adjourned *
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