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elery(2190) vs. funkmaus(2173) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-21

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:02) d5 (0:11) 3.Nc3 (0:01) dxe4 (0:01) 4.Nxe4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:01) 5.Nxf6+ (0:01) exf6 (0:03) 6.c3 (0:03) Bd6 (0:03) 7.Bd3 (0:01) O-O (0:02) 8.Qc2 (0:01) Re8+ (0:04) 9.Ne2 (0:02) Kh8 (0:05) 10.Be3 (0:01) Nd7 (2:03) 11.O-O (1:37)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: probably expected a trilling game with 0-0-0 of white!
11...Nf8 (3:02) 12.Rae1 (0:07) Qc7 (1:55)
hoizi(1875) whispers: Goooo Funk!
13.Ng3 (0:15) Be6 (0:33) 14.f4 (0:14)
wmahan(1989) whispers: 359 go jenny
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: Haven't seen this variation in a while
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: Usually on 5. Nxf6 people go with the Bronstein-Larsen, gxf
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: black has played c5 previously in this position
14...c5 (4:17) 15.Ne4 (0:50)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: I've seen Funkmaus play this variation before, but never the Bronstein-Larsen so I wasn't surprised
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: This is considered to be 'safer'
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: hi folks
hugozver(1910) whispers: hola Ismir!
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: But like in the Exchange Ruy, if black doesn't get enough activity the endgames are looking bleak
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Th is is not exactly nice for black :(
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: I think it's theory:))
hugozver(1910) whispers: I don't like that theory
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: still i dont like it
hugozver(1910) whispers: :-&
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: thank you mila
hugozver(1910) whispers: oh? de nada!
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: Rae1 seems to be the first new move
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe she can try c4 followed by bd5
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: But white scores very well at move 9, 10 - around 70%
15...cxd4 (5:04)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: c4 instead gives him a covered passer in any endgame, but maybe been better then this
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: I think it is because the players distribution are skewed. I reckon white is on average higher ranked
hugozver(1910) whispers: now looks better
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: Maybe
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: c4 NxB QxB Be4 Bd5 Bf3
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: But still, that qside majority must be dangerous in the long term
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: now its Nxd6 QxN Bxd4 a6... still have square d5 for LSB
16.Nxd6 (1:19) Qxd6 (0:02) 17.Bxd4 (0:01) a6 (0:09)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well this is just very bad for black :(
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: B-pair is overrated :p
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: Majorities too?
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: White over 50 minutes, that is impressive
xombie(1895) whispers: i don't understand this line
xombie(1895) whispers: shouldn't black push the f pawn to gain space?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: space is overrated as well :P
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: I'm not convinced Kh8, Nd7-f8 instead of g6 or h6 is an improvement
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: lol
18.Rd1 (2:39)
wmahan(1989) whispers: f5 wouldn't help Bd3 any
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: I think its nothing tactical on D-file for now, but I dont like the look :D so, Qc7 and then see if Rac8 or Rad8
18...Qc7 (1:41)
wmahan(1989) whispers: apparently the Nf8 thing is a theory idea
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: it does have one advantage: I wouldn't play it which makes it a lot likely to be a good move ;)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Cant do anything here, my goal is to defend on Q-side vs. his majoirity
wmahan(1989) whispers: it does look strange to me because the N can't go to g6 with the B on e6
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: evaluating trade offer with Bc4 now, maybe he plays c4 to prevent
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: lsb trade would certainly help black
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: or b3
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: c4 has dis-advanteges, though - can move Bg4 and Ne4 next, with tempo - Bd4 no covered, and then Nc5
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: he cant play c4 ;)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: b3 makes sence
wmahan(1989) whispers: I guess she means Ne6 instead of Ne4
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: she does
wmahan(1989) whispers: but her ideas sound good to me
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: have to watchout for his b3/c4/Qf2 and Bb6! so, placing rook on d8 may be wrong
wmahan(1989) whispers: overrated or not, I would try to eliminate the B pair
19.h3 (5:57)
hugozver(1910) whispers: like Bc4?
LaurentiuI(1784) whispers: h3 looks a bit pointless
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Oh! got the point of Rd1 previous move. Prevents Bg4. No D-file for me, since he has Bb6 at some point
wmahan(1989) whispers: yeah, it was her idea first
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Bc4 BxB QxB Qb3 QxQ axQ - can I survive this ending for draw?!
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: theoretically yes, practially not vs. Elery
wmahan(1989) whispers: h3 was preventing the Bg4 idea she talked about, I think
Rascian(2014) whispers: OMG how many kibitzers :)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: ok, have a plan: b5/Rac8/Bd5/Qb7/Be4
hoizi(1875) whispers: well that's normal when Jenny plays :)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: see that a fight goes in E-file, not D-file
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: and keep Q on board
19...b5 (7:32)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Be4 Rac8 and Bc4 next, if he b3 to prevent, then Bd7/Ne6 - some play vs. c3 for me for a while
20.b3 (1:08) Rac8 (0:58) 21.Qf2 (1:45) Bd5 (0:40)
wmahan(1989) whispers: black's position isn't as bad as I thought at first...Ne6 coming
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Bf5 Be6 back, on Ne6 Qh4 kills me
22.Rde1 (2:52)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: same here Ne6 Qh4
22...Ng6 (1:57)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: am fine with 2 rooks trade, at the end Bc6 to defend e8
23.Re3 (3:50)
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: am I the only one wondering why funk would discuss his game plans?
wmahan(1989) whispers: her opponent can't see them, only us observers :)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: first, its her game plans, and second, her opp cant read it
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: her, excuse me..I see! why cant he? and how do we know this?
nemotyro(1747) whispers: But what is preventing viewing on another computer?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: hmm, rxe3 qxe3 qd5 maybe
hugozver(1910) whispers: your dignity?
wmahan(1989) whispers: the rules and the spirit of fair play
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: in fact, thank you agian, lady mila
nemotyro(1747) whispers: In a street fight there is no dignity.
23...Rxe3 (2:11)
wmahan(1989) whispers: "help whisper" explains whispering
24.Qxe3 (0:03)
hugozver(1910) whispers: well, again, de nada ;)
24...Qc6 (0:06)
vipiu(2064) whispers: actually it is so easy to cheat even with engine help, that we base our play here on dignity a lot
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: but its not a bad thing, is it?
nemotyro(1747) whispers: yes, but players do wonder.
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: without trust evrything will fall into pieces
wmahan(1989) whispers: maybe, but most TL players are fair-minded I think
XJamesX(1400) whispers: trust is good, faith is bad
xombie(1895) whispers: the human race progresses by thrusting, not trusting
vipiu(2064) whispers: so if they cheat what ? they gain some points, we gain some chess knowledge
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: honestly i dont care about cheaters
wmahan(1989) whispers: games are checked for cheating as well
hugozver(1910) whispers: I care, because I think they are sick :(
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: they are sick, thats for sure
hugozver(1910) whispers: and I feel for sick people
wmahan(1989) whispers: but it's a hot topic for disucession and probably always will be
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: u should become a psychatrist, too :)
wmahan(1989) whispers: discussion*
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: i dont really understand cheating, gonna boost your ego for about two seconds until you remember that you had nothin to do with the moves
hugozver(1910) whispers: yea, it is hard to understand
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: does c4 work now??
xombie(1895) whispers: God has created life, and cheaters
GaraE(1490) whispers: To understand it, you have to realize that the ego boost is what they want. :P
XJamesX(1400) whispers: how can you guys not understand cheating?
hugozver(1910) whispers: you can?
xombie(1895) whispers: let us not pollute these hallowed virtual walls with taint like that for now
XJamesX(1400) whispers: yeh i get it, doesn't mean i do it
hugozver(1910) whispers: cool
XJamesX(1400) whispers: its like whn people laugh at someone elses misfortune
XJamesX(1400) whispers: it makes them feel superior even though they aren't
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: they are looking to boost their ego, but why would winning a game with an engine make you feel like anything but a bigger douche than when you were losing without it
25.Qg3 (4:58)
xombie(1895) whispers: hear, hear
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: its the ego boost you gain not by winning, but by having a high rating
GaraE(1490) whispers: It's simple, they're victorious and the defeated isn't. If cheating acquires victory, that's the ego boost - being the triumphant superior.
wmahan(1989) whispers: I guess white still has some advantage, but I'm not sure how much
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: all those cheaters are rating sluts
xombie(1895) whispers: it is to be remarked, before we descend down to the levels of accusing someone publicly that it is against the rules to do the same
25...Re8 (0:53)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: I did not accuse anyone
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: I dont intend to do so, either
xombie(1895) whispers: i said, before these accusations take place :)
hugozver(1910) whispers: yea, let's refocus on this game
xombie(1895) whispers: was trying to steer the discussion away from that
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe she wants to play Be4 now
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: forgive my ignorance but is this game part of a tourney? seems to have a lot of attention on it
26.h4 (0:56)
vipiu(2064) whispers: yes
GaraE(1490) whispers: TeamLeague seasonal play yeah.
milpat(1800) whispers: http://teamleague.org
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: cool cool, thanks folks
hugozver(1910) whispers: de nada
wmahan(1989) whispers: h4 looks scary
vipiu(2064) whispers: h4 is nice plan...h5 and h6 is a threat
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe she can defend with the simple h6
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: oops its dangereous
vipiu(2064) whispers: h6 now loses a pawn
hugozver(1910) whispers: maybe Be4 now
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: yes, but allowing whites push seems worse
wmahan(1989) whispers: it would be sad to see the N go back to f8
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nf8 seems acceptable as a defensive role, though certainly sad for any intent to go on the offense with that piece.
vipiu(2064) whispers: yes, I like Be4
brigadoon(2110) whispers: Be4 seems a good idea, interrupting theb1-h7 diagonal
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well, Be4 h5
brigadoon(2110) whispers: Be4 h5, Bxd3 Qxd3, Nf8
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: then h6
vipiu(2064) whispers: even h6 is playable, the extra pawn will not win with these Bs
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: im not sure but it looks like a serious try to hold
brigadoon(2110) whispers: after h6 maybe Qe4
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: have to play Nf8/h6 here to stop his h5-h6. Such a crap, there is no way to avoid move h6 :(
vipiu(2064) whispers: let's not comment so much on the game as it will boost her ego after the game :)
milpat(1800) whispers: :)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: why?
vipiu(2064) whispers: as she will read the whispers
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: oh well
vipiu(2064) whispers: and will realize that Ismir is inlove with her
26...Nf8 (7:03)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Dangerous talk. :P
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: whadya saying?
vipiu(2064) whispers: h5
hugozver(1910) whispers: involwe how?
vipiu(2064) whispers: involve, inlove
hugozver(1910) whispers: I didn't see that
27.h5 (2:07)
xombie(1895) whispers: wonder what black's plan is now
27...h6 (0:06)
xombie(1895) whispers: it could happen that white's pawns could become a liability in teh endgame
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably not very likely, though the chance exists. g4 is too easy to play once the white queen moves to elsewhere.
28.f5 (0:48)
vipiu(2064) whispers: Re1 Be4 Qe3 f5 g4 ?
xombie(1895) whispers: hah
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: what about Be4 now??
milpat(1800) whispers: black can put N on g5 now?
xombie(1895) whispers: very much
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: no, N would rather belong to e5
xombie(1895) whispers: first trades though
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: N at g5 looks immovable
xombie(1895) whispers: well, it can move
xombie(1895) whispers: if there are no threats it can always manoeuvre its way around
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: yes I mean may force white to give up dark bishop
xombie(1895) whispers: i dont understand f5 though
vipiu(2064) whispers: maybe black is not bad after B trade and Ng5
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Be4 looks very sensible here
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: hmmm... finally I can look for good squares for my Nf8 :D Nh7-g5 or Nd7-e5/c5
vipiu(2064) whispers: I preferred my line Re1 Be4 Qe3 f5 g4 instead of f5
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: first to check if he can sac. something on h6 or Rf4-g4
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: I prefer square e5
Conquerer(1509) whispers: GO FUNKMAUS GOO!!!!!!
hugozver(1910) whispers: exactly!
vipiu(2064) whispers: oh, was losing a pawb on g2 maybe
xombie(1895) whispers: she's probably considering the implications ...
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: N at g5 also hits e4 f3 and h6 strengethening blacks hold on white squares around the king
xombie(1895) whispers: seems okay to grab on g2 if Ng5 is played
xombie(1895) whispers: with blockade
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Nd7 Rf4 Be5 BxN fxe5 f6. this f6.. it can work
Conquerer(1509) whispers: nh7 maybe?
xombie(1895) whispers: oops, i am blind Bxg2 loses B :(
Conquerer(1509) whispers: planning ng5?
Perkl(1343) whispers: how to prevent rf4?
vipiu(2064) whispers: I prefer black here
Conquerer(1509) whispers: or g5??
xombie(1895) whispers: g5 seems unwise ...
Conquerer(1509) whispers: qd6 will prevent re4
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: yea, somewhat
wmahan(1989) whispers: she meant Ne5 instead of Be5 above
Conquerer(1509) whispers: re4. ..qe6 maybe
Perkl(1343) whispers: g5 hxg and i dont see how the kingside can hold
Conquerer(1509) whispers: d6*
28...Nd7 (6:57)
vipiu(2064) whispers: now I might not prefer black
xombie(1895) whispers: whats wrong with Ng5?
Perkl(1343) whispers: aside from it being an illegal move?
milpat(1800) whispers: Ng5 hiting e4 looks great (in my weak world)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: on Nh7 he had c4
xombie(1895) whispers: it's offside but so what
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: now not (if I am not wrong)
Conquerer(1509) whispers: I think black has alot more strategic possibilities
milpat(1800) whispers: she just mention concrete reason
milpat(1800) whispers: c4 on Nh7
xombie(1895) whispers: i think funk is right in not playing Be4
xombie(1895) whispers: her B is better
xombie(1895) whispers: she perhaps needs to work around to e4
xombie(1895) whispers: with Nc5-e4
xivarmy(1902) whispers: what does Nd7 do to help if c4 now though
xombie(1895) whispers: or invite trade of the other B
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: not sure how to meet Rf4 tho
xombie(1895) whispers: there's a tactic
xombie(1895) whispers: nah nm
milpat(1800) whispers: at last resort Rg8 if Rg4?
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: rg8 ew
wmahan(1989) whispers: seems ok pat
milpat(1800) whispers: just have to keep someone guard f6
wmahan(1989) whispers: yep, 2 pieces already
milpat(1800) whispers: ah, if Rg8 Be3 Wil...
milpat(1800) whispers: maybe
milpat(1800) whispers: as the g-pawn would be pinned
wmahan(1989) whispers: indeed
wmahan(1989) whispers: I was thinking Kh7 then
milpat(1800) whispers: just some ideas in the air :)
milpat(1800) whispers: i know u worry for me when i dont talk ;)
wmahan(1989) whispers: it seems a little awkward for both sides though...I doubt it will happen
wmahan(1989) whispers: :D
xombie(1895) whispers: whats with c4 now?
milpat(1800) whispers: i'm not sure i get why she said now c4 not good
xombie(1895) whispers: c4 bc bc Rc1 Rc8?
milpat(1800) whispers: why c4 was good on Nh7 but not now
milpat(1800) whispers: (she said)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: OK, can I offer him a draw or is it not polite? My team is 2-1 up
Jammes(1842) whispers: its just not polite to us watching the game.
hugozver(1910) whispers: I don't know, I would've liked that N on g5 more ...
xombie(1895) whispers: nothing wrong with this either
Conquerer(1509) whispers: yeah, I liked Nh7
29.Kh2 (10:49)
Jammes(1842) whispers: i think she calculated and dont see an danger for the king. after that she thought only way for progress is c4. c4 in what way ever is prevented by nd7 :)
milpat(1800) whispers: this discourage Nc5
milpat(1800) whispers: i mean no QxB+
Jammes(1842) whispers: ok ne5 does stop c4 for longer time. maybe that was the idea?
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: so, has someone besides Funkmaus understood why Nd7 (instead of Nh7) stops c4?
milpat(1800) whispers: not me, maybe cuz Ne5
wmahan(1989) whispers: not me
xivarmy(1902) whispers: apparently elery did as c4 was not played
hugozver(1910) whispers: I would be satisfied with draw
29...Ne5 (3:57) Funkmaus offers a draw.
milpat(1800) whispers: Funkmaus offers to win th match....
wmahan(1989) whispers: nice timing
wmahan(1989) whispers: hehe
hugozver(1910) whispers: well, c4 stopped ;) Elery declines the draw request.
30.Be2 (1:40)
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: elery's team being down a point, what are the chances he accepts a draw? Im not sure of the structure of the tourney so I dont know if they have a chance to redeem themselves
wmahan(1989) whispers: if I needed a win there's no way I would take a draw here
hugozver(1910) whispers: of course
wmahan(1989) whispers: can't hurt to offer I guess
xombie(1895) whispers: but black seems to not lose, which means that she should win
nemotyro(1747) whispers: trust yourself Funkmaus
hugozver(1910) whispers: Go Jenny! Find a plan!
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: a rejected draw means they (the ones rejecting) often push too hard to win though
milpat(1800) whispers: in counterpart; half-gp can make difference at the end in case of tie
Perkl(1343) whispers: a5?
xombie(1895) whispers: no, but black has the superior pawn structure
xombie(1895) whispers: and she can potentially attack c3, f5, h5
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: I am going to sit with Kg8/Kh8 and wait him to catch me
wmahan(1989) whispers: I wonder if that applies in must-win situations, since you have to push hard anyway
xombie(1895) whispers: after trades
Perkl(1343) whispers: i cant see any worthwhile move for black, everything is nicely placed
30...Kg8 (1:49)
xombie(1895) whispers: this has to be almost winningg
milpat(1800) whispers: pure Funk minding!
Jammes(1842) whispers: computer move
hugozver(1910) whispers: when you don't know waht to play, move your King?
Perkl(1343) whispers: i think theres nothing else to move unless white tries something first
Perkl(1343) whispers: everything is as well as it can be
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: well, it is better positioned to action on g8 than h8
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: and safer
milpat(1800) whispers: Be3 and K will leave g8?
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Elery(359) says: sorry should play only for win, my time losing 1:2 now
Jammes(1842) whispers: on kg8 there is rg4 danger or not
wmahan(1989) whispers: unless pat's Rf4-g4 idea comes about, but that would take a while
31.Rf4 (2:03)
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: ...
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: did she offer a draw?? was disconnected, did not notice
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: yup
hugozver(1910) whispers: yea, she did
milpat(1800) whispers: 5$ i tell u
hugozver(1910) whispers: lol
31...Kh8 (0:21)
hugozver(1910) whispers: I told him for nothing
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: I tell you for $4 ;)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: ehh, no !! :)
Jammes(1842) whispers: bxe5 rg4 ...?
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: Qf6 seems quite adequate then?
32.Bf1 (0:53)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: bxe5 fxe5 f6still looked dangerous
hugozver(1910) whispers: yea, that's why I wanted that N on g5
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Qf6 also attacks f5 and black gets a passer on e file
Jammes(1842) whispers: not possible qf6 after Bxe5 fxe5 f6
hugozver(1910) whispers: well, it is possible, but bad
wmahan(1989) whispers: well ismir said the N is better on e5 than g5, and he's never wrong
32...Kh7 (1:32)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well its better, but its more risky of course
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Bxef fxe5 attacks rook so white cannot immediately play f6
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: he can, threatens mate
Jammes(1842) whispers: fxe5 qxg7 is mate
xombie(1895) whispers: hah
Jammes(1842) whispers: i ment exf4
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Does black has to watch out for c4
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: but black can counter it with rg8
hugozver(1910) whispers: and now c4 is a treath too?
xombie(1895) whispers: Rg8 is forced
xombie(1895) whispers: Bxe4 would undouble the pawns though
xombie(1895) whispers: Be5*
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well, the only other offensive plan i see is c4
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: the only threat i see is Bxe5 fxe5 f6. Be4/Qd3+ I have e4 - so hope its safe
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: on f6 take or Rg8, not sure now
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Rg8 looks a lot safer
33.Be2 (5:44)
milpat(1800) whispers: Rg8 Bxe5 fx f6!?
Perkl(1343) whispers: eh, unless theres a mating line with f6 i dont see how white can profit from it. this looks like it will end up a draw
33...Kh8 (0:19) 34.Bd1 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: be4 now maybe
Perkl(1343) whispers: parking the bish on c2 in hopes of a revealed attack?
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Does the doubled pawns compensate for a pawn sac?
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: pawn sac?
jaberwock(2101) whispers: Kh8-h7-h8 Petrosian's Nichevo Attack
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: which pawn sac??
nemotyro(1747) whispers: if c4 last move
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: nichevo means nothing in russian
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: c4 is only good, if it can not be taken easiyly
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: check on c2 after f6 means no tempo with e4, ok...
34...Rg8 (2:14) 35.Bc2 (0:39)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: ok, this poses the question what the rook is doing on f4 now
35...Qd6 (0:31)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: oh, self-pin
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: wow what was that about
Perkl(1343) whispers: is it possible to gang up on e4 here?
Perkl(1343) whispers: qe3 something be4?
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: BxN fxN Rg4 f6 Rg6 Bf7 - pawn h5 is weak
xivarmy(1902) whispers: Qe3 Ng4+ perk
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: ugh
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: with my R@g8 he has no f6-cheapos anymore, tired to calculate them
Perkl(1343) whispers: ach, true
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: gonna sit moving Queen, nothing else
36.Kh3 (2:02)
wmahan(1989) whispers: what ismir?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: nasty tactic
36...Qc6 (0:32)
Perkl(1343) whispers: massive skewer, that was
37.Rf2 (1:07)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: re8 now
hugozver(1910) whispers: but... in one moment he will threaten Qd3
37...Re8 (0:48)
wmahan(1989) whispers: did jenny's line mean that Qd6 was a mistake?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well if u need not take on e5 with a apwn ...
xivarmy(1902) whispers: not a threat after Re8 - f pawn doesn't capture to open the line any more
38.Re2 (0:29)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Nf3+?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: its not check
milpat(1800) whispers: Nf3 is not check
hugozver(1910) whispers: and it's suicide
38...Qd6 (0:57)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: mind barf :-)
39.Re3 (1:01) Bc6 (1:46) 40.Qf4 (2:14) Bd5 (0:50) 41.Bd1 (1:26) Qc6 (0:35)
Twikki(2036) whispers: might be time for a5/b4 since c4 is unplayable
Twikki(2036) whispers: well, not any more
42.Qg3 (1:02) Qd6 (0:27) 43.Be2 (0:10)
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Maybe Elery is trying to fluster Flunkmaus after declining the draw.
43...Bc6 (0:18) 44.Bf1 (0:19) Bd5 (0:13)
wmahan(1989) whispers: I'm getting a bit flustered watching
45.Qf4 (0:04) Bc6 (0:11)
wmahan(1989) whispers: a lot of tense maneuvering
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Wow, so many observers out there. Arent you bored?! :p
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: watching you is never boring, jenny :P
hugozver(1910) whispers: hihi
46.Kg3 (2:02)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe the bishop is useful on d7 attacking f5
hugozver(1910) whispers: or on c8 with Q on d7
46...Bd5 (0:42)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: only about 32 moves to go now ;)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: C mon, Kf2 now - to end this show :))
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Kf2 really is a no-brainer
hugozver(1910) whispers: now c4?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: tho i like qf2 even more
wmahan(1989) whispers: looks like they are each waiting for the other to blunder
milpat(1800) whispers: he will never beat Funk at "sit and wait"
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: they are waiting, but not sure what they are waiting for I-)
wmahan(1989) whispers: well said pat
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: :-/
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: elery's just in denial cause he needs a point
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: trying to outlast the observers? ;)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: how is c4 now
47.Bd3 (2:15)
milpat(1800) whispers: she is sit and wait grandmaster
47...Bc6 (0:21) 48.Be4 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: h, something happens!!
milpat(1800) whispers: ah, finally, no choice to do it
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well take and qc7
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: or Bd5 now :)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: or take and Qd5 dunno, all looks acceptable, tho white keeps an edge
XJamesX(1400) whispers: funkmaus doing what we gamers call "camping"
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Isn't Elery an International Master, so a draw here would be a kind of a win for her and the team.
48...Bd7 (5:15)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well, draw is match win for us
BlindRobot(2181) whispers: is he?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: he is
wmahan(1989) whispers: wow
49.Kh3 (1:11)
wmahan(1989) whispers: suddenly I feel unqualifiied to make comments
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Nc4 now!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: hehe, theres really no reason for that
wmahan(1989) whispers: no worries, maeniel tells me I always was
hugozver(1910) whispers: I like Nc4
jaberwock(2101) whispers: "camping"
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: nc4 just looks too clever to be true
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: why not? if QxQ NxQ hits both bishop and f pawn
milpat(1800) whispers: hehe
jaberwock(2101) whispers: what does that mean to us non-gamers?
hugozver(1910) whispers: getting closer to draw
milpat(1800) whispers: idea surely good
milpat(1800) whispers: since no RxR
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: i dont see a refutation of nc4, tho
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: it trades queens, she will find it :)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Nc4 forces liquidation
49...Qc7 (2:32)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: oh no :(
hugozver(1910) whispers: damn
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: Funkmaus might be intent on drawing with the 50 moves rule
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: hard
hugozver(1910) whispers: how many moves left?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: more than nuff
jaberwock(2101) whispers: pawn move on 28 ;)
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: I think they're only about halfway there
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: ?ast pawn move was at 28 f5
hugozver(1910) whispers: 28 + 50 = 78
50.g3 (1:54)
milpat(1800) whispers: reset
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: oh well
50...Qd6 (0:19)
hugozver(1910) whispers: 50 + 50 = 100
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: he he
51.Bg2 (0:14)
hugozver(1910) whispers: :-&
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: what's the length record of an TL Open Division game?
51...Qc7 (0:17) 52.Bd5 (0:07)
xivarmy(1902) whispers: death by 1000 cuts. can you stay awake long enough to finish the game
52...Bc8 (0:13) 53.c4 (0:23)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: might be time for c4 now?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: this game starts confusing me
xivarmy(1902) whispers: hurray! progress
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: qd7 now
hugozver(1910) whispers: and making me sleepppy
milpat(1800) whispers: Qd7 e5 falls?
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: qd7 doesnt lose a pawn?
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: f5 fakks too
hugozver(1910) whispers: GL Jenny, Im off to bed
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Goodnight, Lady Mila :)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: bxc bxc Re7
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Re7 right away
milpat(1800) whispers: hope she will not start panic cuz clock
Twikki(2036) whispers: Kg8
wmahan(1989) whispers: I'm going now...if jenny can draw, contgrats to your team ismir
milpat(1800) whispers: bye Whaly
53...Bb7 (6:19)
milpat(1800) whispers: Q overloaded?
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: hope i dont miscalculated - there is a perp on h1/d1
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: if he takes my B
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Q has a check at h1
Twikki(2036) whispers: no perp
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bxb7 Qxb7 Qe4
xivarmy(1902) whispers: i think the concern was giving up a pawn after Bxb7 - Qe4 doesn't drop a pawn
Twikki(2036) whispers: trading qs doesn't seem particularly good for black
Twikki(2036) whispers: I think this gives white a little more hope
54.Bxe5 (6:56) fxe5 (0:14)
Twikki(2036) whispers: hope is overrated anyway :P
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: white has a pawn majority on Q side
55.Qe4 (2:21) Bxd5 (0:18) 56.Qxd5 (0:06)
Twikki(2036) whispers: f6 is interesting
56...f6 (1:49)
Twikki(2036) whispers: wonder of all wonders... Funk played a move I thought was interesting!
Twikki(2036) whispers: that never happens
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe she has something fishy in mind
Twikki(2036) whispers: cb Qc1 is cute
57.Rc3 (2:36)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: e4
LightKnight(1622) whispers: td setres mjb sumadartson b
LightKnight(1622) whispers: ouch, miswhisper
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: LOL
57...bxc4 (1:46) 58.Rxc4 (0:09)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: e4 looke better
58...Qa7 (0:13)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: go jenny Go !!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Qg1?? that really is a strange plan
Twikki(2036) whispers: maybe Qf2
59.Qc6 (0:54)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: sowwy i don't know what teams are playing
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: just here for fun
59...Rg8 (0:29)
milpat(1800) whispers: yea, u look so sowwy
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Elery(TheKrazyKryptonites) vs. Funkmaus(RockOn)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: she is playing too passively now
60.Rc5 (0:31)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: why not d8?
milpat(1800) whispers: white progress more and more
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Rd8?
60...Kh7 (0:35)
Twikki(2036) whispers: dunno if white's really making that much progress
milpat(1800) whispers: well maybe it is only illusion
61.Qc7 (1:00)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: :D
61...Qa8 (0:05) 62.Rc6 (0:01)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: hard to tell from a smiley..
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: :D
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: just lotsa teeth..
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rd8 is cute
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well she has to do something Qe8 and e4 for example
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Rxf6 is a threat
Twikki(2036) whispers: look again :P
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rxf6 Qh1+ Kf4 Rd4++
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: h1!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Rd8 is a great trick
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: gotta love it
62...Qe8 (2:03)
xivarmy(1902) whispers: even without Rd8 Qh1+ is at least perp atm
63.Kg4 (0:19)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: re6?
63...Qf8 (0:18)
Conquerer(1509) whispers: Qa8?
Twikki(2036) whispers: I think black had an edge after Rd8... this doesn't look as good
milpat(1800) whispers: 2 qside passers?
xivarmy(1902) whispers: Qb6 seems to pick up the a-pawn
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: well black should have sought active possibilites, maybe evn some moves earlier
Twikki(2036) whispers: picks up the a pawn, drops the f pawn
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qb6 Qf7 Qa6 Qd5
xivarmy(1902) whispers: how's that?
64.Kf3 (2:01)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: how does it drop the f pawn??
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: maybe Qb4 now, looks very complicated
milpat(1800) whispers: tik tak...
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Qb4 Rxf6 e4+ and?
64...e4+ (2:10)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qa8 seems ok too
Twikki(2036) whispers: cheap rubbish :P
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: nah, its not bad idea
mjb(1707) whispers: hi
Twikki(2036) whispers: it works, but is still cheap :D
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Qb4 and Re8
milpat(1800) whispers: what black gain? 45 seconds?
65.Kxe4 (0:52)
mjb(1707) whispers: he takes
65...Qe8+ (0:14)
Twikki(2036) whispers: ooh, not good for white
xivarmy(1902) whispers: expected Qb4+ there - this doesn't make sense to me - Re6?
66.Kd4 (0:45)
mjb(1707) whispers: ya I dont think he saw that
mjb(1707) whispers: ?
milpat(1800) whispers: Re6 Qa8?
Twikki(2036) whispers: grabs the h pawn
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: lpook at h5
66...Qxh5 (0:18)
milpat(1800) whispers: ah
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: and a few more checks
xivarmy(1902) whispers: i guess it's something - i was expecting black to try for a perp there
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qd1+ and Rd8 is more than just checks
67.Kc5 (1:09)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: yay!!! looks like we will score another point!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: just eat it :)
67...Qxf5+ (0:52) 68.Kb6 (0:03)
Twikki(2036) whispers: game points are rarer than gold in the open this tl...
68...Qb5+ (0:09) 69.Ka7 (0:02)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: haha yeah
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: winning in open section is real tough
nemotyro(1747) whispers: C'mon Funkmaus.whoa!
69...a5 (0:18)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qf2+ and Qxa2 was good
milpat(1800) whispers: Rxf6?
70.Rc5 (0:33)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qe2 & Re8
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: yeah Qe2 looks strong
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Qe2 looks great
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: or Qd3
70...Qe8 (1:27)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: Qe8 isn't bad either
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: wow
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, hitting the g3 pawn might be even better
71.Rxa5 (0:03)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: oh black wins now
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: qe3 now
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qe4
71...Qe4 (0:29)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: Rf8 is killing
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: this is ok too
Twikki(2036) whispers: cheap stuff on a8
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: Rf8 is a nasty pin threat
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: this is perfect
72.Kb6 (0:45)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: so it will be 3 for our team!
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Re8
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: too bad about albido
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: Re8 is good but I see no win for black
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qe6+ is cheap
Twikki(2036) whispers: with Rc8 stuff
NakedNous(1819) whispers: time for the black root to come in the game!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: qe6 is interesting
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: white is completely dead anyway
72...Qe6+ (0:59)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: I dont see this dead, really
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: well he is in a lot of trouble
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: like Kb7 Rf8 or Re8 should kill
Twikki(2036) whispers: hard to defend positions like this in time pressure
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: g pawn goes though
73.Kb5 (0:44) Rc8 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: hes under attack, thats for sure
74.Qb6 (0:15)
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: Qe8+ 0-1
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: oh yes
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: yes
Twikki(2036) whispers: nice
milpat(1800) whispers: yea!
74...Qe8+ (0:30)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: take your time, jenny
milpat(1800) whispers: good Jen!!!
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Amazing :D
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: good job!
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: great one, I take my hat
milpat(1800) whispers: resign
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: good slaughter
Fischeur(1916) whispers: a la karpov
75.Kb4 (1:06) Rb8 (0:08)
Twikki(2036) whispers: yet another boring caro kann from funkmaus :D
76.Qxb8 (0:16) Qxb8+ (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: he plays on for his team
77.Rb5 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: but g3 falls
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: its over
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: this is way too easy
jaberwock(2101) whispers: we should call it the Caro Wall
IMgooeyjim(2110) whispers: Qxg3 and support the h-pawn
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: (02:15)Funkmaus: Ich habe den!!!!!!
77...Qd6+ (1:21)
Perkl(1343) whispers: well played from black, i was sure white had the advantage at some point
78.Kc4 (0:06)
Fischeur(1916) whispers: she should offer draw now, come on
78...Qc6+ (0:16)
Twikki(2036) whispers: hehe
Ismirdochegal(2053) whispers: no, she shall kill him
79.Kb4 (0:08)
LargeJohnson(1650) whispers: gotta wonder why hes even playing on
79...Qe4+ (0:08) 80.Kc5 (0:01) Qc2+ (0:06)
xombie(1895) whispers: wow how did this happen
Elery resigns 0-1


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