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zulugodetia(1506) vs. yunanideniz(1505) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-20

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:19) d5 (0:06) 3.Bg5 (0:27) e6 (0:23) 4.Nf3 (0:22) Be7 (0:06) 5.e3 (0:18) h6 (0:10) 6.Bxf6 (0:10) Bxf6 (0:11) 7.Bd3 (0:06) Nc6 (0:09) 8.Bb5 (0:07) O-O (0:16) 9.O-O (0:43) Na5 (0:18) 10.b3 (3:26) a6 (0:13) 11.Bd3 (0:35) Bd7 (0:17) 12.e4 (0:43) b5 (1:07) 13.e5 (0:28) Bg5 (0:35)
Myob(1784) whispers: well, i'd be very surprised if the superior rating didn't prove itslef here
Myob(1784) whispers: but the 1500 yard can be a brutal place ...
14.Qe1 (4:05)
derMandarin(2086) whispers: Myob(1784): well, i'd be very surprised if the superior rating didn't prove itslef here hahahaha
14...Nc6 (0:14)
derMandarin(2086) whispers: well, Nxg5 would have been good for white here
15.Ne2 (0:47) Nb4 (0:07)
Myob(1784) whispers: it seems as though a 1507 would have spotted the merits of Ng5
Myob(1784) whispers: so we can't expect too much
16.Qd1 (1:06)
derMandarin(2086) whispers: well, black sees which bishop is better and tries to exchange it off.
derMandarin(2086) whispers: he plays like a 1508 guy
16...c5 (0:34)
derMandarin(2086) whispers: Interesting to pass on Nxb4
17.c3 (0:24) Nxd3 (0:05) 18.Qxd3 (0:02)
Myob(1784) whispers: it ould be that the underdog is underrated by quite a couple of points and is punching above his weight
18...c4 (0:16)
Myob(1784) whispers: it looks as though the 1506 champion is taking the provocative 'come and get me if you think you're hard enough' stance
19.Qc2 (1:33)
Myob(1784) whispers: which has been so successful in the u42 category
19...f6 (0:35) 20.Nxg5 (0:16) fxg5 (0:11) 21.Qd2 (2:30) Be8 (0:08) 22.f4 (0:16) Bg6 (0:14)
Myob(1784) whispers: now the champion opens up the game and goes for the kill
23.fxg5 (0:49) Qxg5 (0:17) 24.Qxg5 (1:21) Rxf1+ (0:12) 25.Rxf1 (0:45) hxg5 (0:04) 26.bxc4 (2:20) Rf8 (0:00)
Myob(1784) whispers: well if the point diff is an endgame point zulu should be feeling quite safe now
27.c5 (0:47) Bf5 (0:28) 28.Ng3 (0:58) g6 (0:08) 29.Ra1 (0:30) Rc8 (1:09) 30.a4 (0:09) Bd3 (0:21)
Myob(1784) whispers: looks like zulu may have stumbled into a good position
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: activate the tower
31.axb5 (0:59) Bxb5 (0:11)
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: activate king ramboo
Myob(1784) whispers: :))
32.Nf1 (0:43)
Myob(1784) whispers: giddy-up dobbin
32...Kg7 (0:30) 33.Nd2 (0:31) Kf7 (0:41)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: the king need exercise. just look at ono's king in the TL game yesterday. If he hadn't trained he wouldn't have been able to run away from the assaulting queen ;)
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: harhar sure
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: zulus king is too fat XD
Myob(1784) whispers: :))
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: the funtalk about my king yesterday was really funny
Myob(1784) whispers: :)
34.h3 (1:18)
Myob(1784) whispers: funkyking
34...Kg7 (0:07)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: knight trip b3-a5-b7-d6 any good?
35.Nb3 (1:41)
Myob(1784) whispers: looks funky
35...Rf8 (0:39) 36.Na5 (1:12) Rf7 (0:23) 37.Rc1 (0:43) Rc7 (0:33) 38.c4 (1:16) dxc4 (0:11) 39.Nxc4 (0:03) Bxc4 (0:25) 40.Rxc4 (0:03) Rc6 (0:08) 41.Ra4 (0:17) Kh6 (0:15) 42.g4 (0:16) Kg7 (0:04) 43.Kf2 (0:03) Kf7 (0:08) 44.Ke3 (0:05) Kg7 (0:21) 45.Kd3 (0:48) Kf7 (0:05) 46.Kc3 (0:11)
Myob(1784) whispers: goooooooo zooooooooo looooooooooo
46...Ke7 (0:07) 47.Kb4 (0:08) Kd7 (0:14) 48.Ka5 (0:04) Kc7 (0:05) 49.Rb4 (0:05)
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: lol zugzwang
49...Kc8 (0:30) 50.Rb6 (0:09) Rxb6 (0:19) 51.Kxb6 (0:04) a5 (0:04) 52.Kxa5 (0:02) Kc7 (0:01) 53.Kb5 (0:10) yunanideniz resigns 1-0


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