dreadtower(1585) vs. skydiploma(1635) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-11
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: More conventional than I expected 9.h3 (0:59) Na5 (0:28)
Myob(1826) whispers: go dreaded of the telescopic tower! :(|)
ExirK(1496) whispers: Go dread!
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Somewhat transpositonal into a Chig 10.Bc2 (0:17)
ExirK(1496) whispers: beat the (*&%# out of him B-) 10...c5 (0:21)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Mainline Chigorin Variation now 11.d4 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Dread, jia you!
ExirK(1496) whispers: I have trust in you dread!
ExirK(1496) whispers: yes
ExirK(1496) whispers: jia you!
ExirK(1496) whispers: here's some petroleum for you :))
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: haha 11...cxd4 (0:49) 12.cxd4 (0:04)
ExirK(1496) whispers: I like playing white here
ExirK(1496) whispers: have played against this black setup before
ExirK(1496) whispers: find it not particularly challanging
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: for those unenlightened: jia you is a Mandarin expression, meaning "good luck", but literally translates to "add some gasoline" 12...Qb6 (1:47)
ExirK(1496) whispers: yes
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Black should play Bb7 or Bd7, and Qc7, Rc1 and attack c2
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But he hasn't
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I like playing both sides of the Chig
ExirK(1496) whispers: hmm...
ExirK(1496) whispers: dxe5 dxe5 Nxe5?
ExirK(1496) whispers: what happens here?
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: b3 and Bb2 looks plausible
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: So does Be3
ExirK(1496) whispers: anything wrong with dxe5 dxe5 Nxe5?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: well Rd8 at the end
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: kinda annoying
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: you can take on e5
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: dxe5 dxe5 Nxe5 wins a pawn
ExirK(1496) whispers: Qe2?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: but there might be trouble. black is well developed
ExirK(1496) whispers: I mean
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: dunno why, but I'd prefer Be3
ExirK(1496) whispers: I don't see Rd8 as being THAT big a trouble
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But I don;t like going for a pawn whilst still developing
ExirK(1496) whispers: maybe black has compensation for pawn though
ExirK(1496) whispers: yes dread go after Smallblackcat's suggestion
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: how about Nc3
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Be3 gives me an initiatiative
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Be3 Nc4 though
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Nc3 threatens to take on e5, cause after Rd8 you can do Nd5
castleden(1724) whispers: nice typo, extra tempi ;)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Be3 Bb7 dxe5
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: then dxe5 Nxe3 Rxe3 and win the e pawn
ExirK(1496) whispers: Yes
ExirK(1496) whispers: Nc3 looks nice and sensible
ExirK(1496) whispers: very natural
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: no. don't give away the bishop
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: much as before, except that white has more development and black has the bishop pair
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Be3 Nc4 dxe5 Nxe3 looks complex though
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: white should go for the usual setup
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Nc3-e2-g3
ExirK(1496) whispers: yes that's nice
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Bg5, Nh4-f5 etc
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Chigorin is litmus test for one's positional understanding
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: b3 Nc6 Be3 also complex
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: could say that about the ruy as a whole
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or the closed ruy, at least
ExirK(1496) whispers: b3 seems sensible too
ExirK(1496) whispers: because it preps Bb2
ExirK(1496) whispers: looks spacey
ExirK(1496) whispers: also it prevents Nc4
ExirK(1496) whispers: which frees up Be3
ExirK(1496) whispers: because Be3 Nc4 looks annoying
ExirK(1496) whispers: so b3 Be3 Bb2 Nd2 looks like a good setup
ExirK(1496) whispers: right guys? 13.Be3 (10:39)
ExirK(1496) whispers: ooh
ExirK(1496) whispers: gutsy 13...Qc7 (2:38)
ExirK(1496) whispers: this is kind of mild I think
ExirK(1496) whispers: Nd4 here?
ExirK(1496) whispers: sorry
ExirK(1496) whispers: Nd2 I mean
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well now blakc just lost a tempo 14.Nbd2 (1:41)
ExirK(1496) whispers: yes
ExirK(1496) whispers: white is in good shape hear
ExirK(1496) whispers: comfty
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bb7 d5!?
ExirK(1496) whispers: earlier e4 and d4 was slightly threatneed
ExirK(1496) whispers: now it's safe and snugf
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Yes
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: And his N(a5) and B(b7) are both poor 14...Bb7 (2:02)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bb7 d5 Rc8 Rc1 and c2 is covered 15.d5 (0:07)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: mm not the best decision
Myob(1826) whispers: you tell 'em hyper 15...Nc4 (0:28)
Myob(1826) whispers: why exactly?
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: The c2 bishop retains long-term positional pressure on his K position
ExirK(1496) whispers: huh?
ExirK(1496) whispers: c2 bishop?
ExirK(1496) whispers: c2 bishop and king...
ExirK(1496) whispers: I can't find a connection there...
Myob(1826) whispers: such is the bane of the philosophical mind
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Nxe3 Rxe3 jumbles me up and swaps my decent bishop for his bad knight
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: So b3 doesn't seem good
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Nxc4 bxc4
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Not bad
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well I prefer to keep tension in the centre
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Nxc4 Qxc4 also not bad
ExirK(1496) whispers: hmmm..
Myob(1826) whispers: git dat nag
ExirK(1496) whispers: usually I'd be thinking about losing my b2 pawn here
ExirK(1496) whispers: lol
ExirK(1496) whispers: not long term positional stuff
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But costs my knight which I would like on the Kisde via e1 g3
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But he can take it off anyway
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I think I have to exchange perhaps
ExirK(1496) whispers: exchange or b3
ExirK(1496) whispers: only two alternatives I think
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: b3 Nxd2 Qxd2 is not bad for me
ExirK(1496) whispers: b3 he'd prolly go Nxe3
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I could Bh6! gxh6 Qxh6
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But he would move his N(f6) to cover against Ng5
Myob(1826) whispers: take the knight but don't take all day over it
ExirK(1496) whispers: nah
ExirK(1496) whispers: it's good to think
Myob(1826) whispers: not if you're thinking is bad
ExirK(1496) whispers: well
ExirK(1496) whispers: if you're lower rated
ExirK(1496) whispers: you can't always tell
ExirK(1496) whispers: it's not about how much you think
ExirK(1496) whispers: it's about how you make sure you're thinking about the right stuff
ExirK(1496) whispers: :)) 16.Nxc4 (7:17)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I like bxc4
Myob(1826) whispers: i like naturist clubs 16...Qxc4 (2:12)
ExirK(1496) whispers: black is not being very threatening
ExirK(1496) whispers: Bd3 or Bb3?
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Is e4 posion?
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: poison
ExirK(1496) whispers: it's not poison if you threaten his queen
ExirK(1496) whispers: :))
ExirK(1496) whispers: pragmatism not idealism 17.b3 (5:19)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I think e4 may have been poison, but it's complicated to calculate
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Maybe a dummy move would have made him Nxe4 Bxe4 Qxe4 and then Bg5 perhaps
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But I'd rather do something simple and get his Q out of my face
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Qc7 is forced I think 17...Qb4 (2:41)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Now a2 is not threatened I may do Rc1 and try for the poisoned pawn manouevre
ExirK(1496) whispers: why not get the queen out of the way
ExirK(1496) whispers: a2
ExirK(1496) whispers: a3
ExirK(1496) whispers: b4
ExirK(1496) whispers: chase the queen out
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Rc1 Nxe4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Bg5 Qxd1+ Rxd1 Bxg5 and he has RBP for Q
ExirK(1496) whispers: and I have no idea what is a poisoned pawn
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Intersting
ExirK(1496) whispers: lol
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Rc1 Nxe4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Rc7
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Seems to win a minor for a pawn
ExirK(1496) whispers: ah
ExirK(1496) whispers: okay
ExirK(1496) whispers: well
ExirK(1496) whispers: go a3 Qa5 b4 Qc7 then you can go Rc1
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bd2 Qa3F seems to lead nowhere
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bd2 Qc5
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: a3 maybe
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: already mentioned I see
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bd2 Qc5 a3 a5
ExirK(1496) whispers: dread, pragmatism not idealism
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bg5 followed by Bxf6 Bxf6 relieves pressure on e4
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Rc1 Nxe4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Rc7 Bxd5 Rxe7 looks fine 18.Rc1 (8:25)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: And with a B(e3) move with initiative available
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: This is by far the most interesting line :)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Qa3 Bb1 of course
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Take the pawn 18...Bd8 (1:33)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: lol
ExirK(1496) whispers: Dread is the exact opposite of me lol
zhonghao(1679) whispers: test
Myob(1826) whispers: icles
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: test failed 19.Bd2 (1:25) Qa3 (0:07) 20.Bb1 (0:02)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I may be able to trap his Q
Myob(1826) whispers: Re3 20...Bb6 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nh4-f5 is thematic
ExirK(1496) whispers: white's play was a little weird these few moves...
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: and it works now that there aren't Nxd5 tactics to worry about
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well yeah
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: can still try setting up an attack
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: yeah, black has one defender right now
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and he can't transfer his pieces to the Kside so quickly 21.Bg5 (3:37)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Do NOT play Qd2 Robin 21...Nd7 (2:17) 22.Nh4 (1:33)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nh4 Qg4 Nf5 simple
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: >> possibilities 22...f6 (2:41) 23.Be3 (0:21)
ExirK(1496) whispers: Bh6 works too
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh yes, Bh6 was nice 23...Ba5 (0:59)
ExirK(1496) whispers: THANK YOU :)) ||*(
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Ooh - ofrget to look at Qg4 there
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: forgot
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: wasitacatisaw? :D
milpat(1795) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: :D
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: I would so sac the exchange here
Funkmaus(2197) whispers: Hey ther!
milpat(1795) whispers: Go SkyD!! 24.Bd2 (1:25)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hey maus
Myob(1826) whispers: go dread!
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Fanky Maus
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: go SkyD !
milpat(1795) whispers: Funk the attacker!!
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Qg4 Bxe1 Nf5 Rf7 Nh6+ was getting the material back anyway
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: go Dread
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i just realized I dont have nuff time left to watch my kitties such a shame
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Qg4 looks very strong 24...Bb6 (1:43)
milpat(1795) whispers: yea, too much to my taste
Funkmaus(2197) whispers: oh yeah, Qg4 and Ng5
Funkmaus(2197) whispers: err Nf5 25.Nf5 (1:01) Rac8 (0:09)
Myob(1826) whispers: oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh
Myob(1826) whispers: go dreaded!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: lets see...
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: b4...then rc7 followed bye bc1 wins queen or bishop
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Damn!! Played too fast!!
milpat(1795) whispers: mmm skyd plays fast, for a guy under dangerous threat
Myob(1826) whispers: Qg4! 26.Ne7+ (0:43) Kh8 (0:03) 27.Nxc8 (0:02) Rxc8 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Qg4 was probably even stronger, yes
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Qg4 Bxe1 Nf5 Bxf2+ Kxf2 Rf7 Nh6+ Kf8 Nxf7 loses a piece for black
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: A moment of excitelment :)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: and Qg4 still works
ExirK(1496) whispers: Dread
ExirK(1496) whispers: slay giants! 28.Rxc8+ (1:16) Bxc8 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: he can play avoid Bxf2 and play Rf7 right away but he still loses material in the end
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Qg4 and Rc1 now?
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: qc2
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Qh5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Qg4 Bxe1 Nf5 g6 29.Be3 (1:11)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nh6+ Kh8 Qxd7 29...Nc5 (0:16)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: still winning some stuff for white
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: Qh5!!!! 30.Bc1 (0:49)
Myob(1826) whispers: he's not looking for it
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: what does Qh5 threaten?? 30...Qb4 (0:23)
ExirK(1496) whispers: back rank check
Myob(1826) whispers: Qe8#
milpat(1795) whispers: yea Qh5 :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: :-/
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i dont get it 31.Bb2 (2:09)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I did wonder about getting Qg4 in back there
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But didn;t like leaving my << pieces the way they were without the Q for cover 31...Ba5 (1:32)
milpat(1795) whispers: no many squares for black Q, brrr
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Re3
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Re3 Bb6 Qh5 and black is near death I think 32.Rf1 (2:05)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Nxe4 and he dies
Myob(1826) whispers: fearing ghosts 32...Bb6 (1:39) 33.a3 (0:11) Qxb3 (0:03) 34.Qxb3 (0:03) Nxb3 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: not so easy now
Myob(1826) whispers: :((
milpat(1795) whispers: pheww, that release pressure, bad Q for dangerous Q , say tnx SkyD! 35.Bc2 (1:23)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Kh1 f3 and liberate my rook
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: f4
Myob(1826) whispers: lolpat
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Nd2 Rd1
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I don;t see any problems 35...Nd2 (1:00)
milpat(1795) whispers: Munch Your Own Banana, how r u man?!
Myob(1826) whispers: lo dude fine tx how you?
milpat(1795) whispers: (man??!!)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Rc1 is better than Rd1 here 36.Rc1 (2:02)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: yes, good one dread 36...Bb7 (0:17)
Myob(1826) whispers: come on dread you can do it 37.Bc3 (0:50) Nc4 (0:19) 38.Bb4 (0:17) a5 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: that isn't good
Myob(1826) whispers: ouch
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: poor pawn dies now
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: had to play a4 I think
milpat(1795) whispers: USE UR CLOCK SKYD!!
ExirK(1496) whispers: FFFFFF?!?!?!?!?!
ExirK(1496) whispers: OH SH
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: now i love blacks position :)
ExirK(1496) whispers: ..... 39.Be1 (0:27) Nxa3 (0:11)
milpat(1795) whispers: love is a great word
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yes 40.Bd3 (0:17)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: im using it way too often 40...b4 (0:09)
milpat(1795) whispers: hehe
Myob(1826) whispers: ok good time to go do something else
Myob(1826) whispers: later chaps
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: bd2
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Material vise Equal..
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Hope to pull myself out somehow !!
milpat(1795) whispers: not sure where N can go from there now
milpat(1795) whispers: do something about back rank could be an idea at some time 41.Bc4 (3:04) Bc5 (0:20) 42.Bb3 (0:07)
milpat(1795) whispers: ah!! closed file!! 42...Bc8 (0:08)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Sky should really take some time 43.Bd2 (1:02)
milpat(1795) whispers: YES!!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: he has a nice advantage here 43...Bd7 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: should think of how to convert it 44.Be3 (0:21)
milpat(1795) whispers: maybe he's nervous a bit...
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: g6 and a4 is a good plan
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Lost grip for a short while back there
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But have my concentration back now 44...Bxe3 (0:32) 45.fxe3 (0:14) h6 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: oh g6 or h6 seems necesary now
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: rc7 would have been better 46.Rc7 (0:27)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: a4 now 46...Bb5 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: he plays way too fast
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: just blitzing
milpat(1795) whispers: yep :(
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: rc8 47.Ra7 (0:37)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and he just let the advantage go
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: then rd8
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: now white has strong Ra7
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok, Bc4 maybe
milpat(1795) whispers: i think some discussion will be necessary ;)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: now white has the advantage again
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ill watch my kitties again 47...Bc4 (1:13)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Ba4 48.Ba4 (2:44)
milpat(1795) whispers: just rent it for another day Ismir :)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I'll keep a check tempo for re-filing the rook 48...b3 (0:41)
zzRFCzz(1742) whispers: rb7 49.Rb7 (2:19)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Needs accurate play, this
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I'm going to make a pot of tea
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Hope it doesn't break my concentration 49...Nb1 (4:25)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: nah, im watching on youtube
fernbap(1707) whispers: howdy fellas
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: good day, fernando
fernbap(1707) whispers: looks like white wins, with accurate play
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i fear so
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: He seems to take e4 50.Bxb3 (2:22) Bd3 (0:03) 51.Ba4 (2:26) Bxe4 (0:05) 52.Bc6 (0:13) Nc3 (0:14)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: I think white has misstepped slightly, d5 seems to fall now 53.Kf2 (1:07) f5 (0:18)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: trading that minor piece seems ok for white though
milpat(1795) whispers: seems black agree with u dm
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: That was really close :) 54.Ra7 (1:11) a4 (0:07)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: Bxa4 55.Bxa4 (0:35) Bxd5 (0:07)
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: As Patrick (Milpat) says.. "less time = more mistakes" hope that happens here.
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Be8
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: No Offence Robin (Dreadtower)
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: nothing wrong in hoping :p 56.Bc2 (2:04)
milpat(1795) whispers: i wish i could have ur clock over move 50, be sure i would use it!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: oh, now black is good again
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this really truns any 10 minutes
milpat(1795) whispers: Be4?
milpat(1795) whispers: and Ne4 become almighty 56...e4 (2:26)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Be4 and Ne4 both look good
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: tho Ne4 is rather drawish
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is strange
milpat(1795) whispers: mm
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: d6 falls
milpat(1795) whispers: i was figuring this suqare good for piece
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yes
GreatSachin(1750) whispers: yeah e4 was bad from any angle
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: he should have taken it with a piece
fernbap(1707) whispers: black had the draw, but this last move....
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nex Bxe4 Bxe4 Rd7 d5 was a clear draw
milpat(1795) whispers: for onve ha takes his time :)
milpat(1795) whispers: once*
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yea, thats good at least
GaraE(1490) whispers: For once? You say that to Dreadtower who has 4 mins left? :P
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: na, we are talking about black
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ah, ooh. 57.Ra6 (2:27)
milpat(1795) whispers: DT has use more clock, and is also better!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: e4 was the first move he spent a reasonable amount of time on
GaraE(1490) whispers: I see. And it had to be e4. :(
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok, b ack to kitties again :)
milpat(1795) whispers: meow
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: lets see who is better in 10 mins
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ;)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: lol
GaraE(1490) whispers: You won't get a hug that way Milpat.
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: His time never dropped below 37..interesting
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I give free hugs
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Zeitnot
GaraE(1490) whispers: !
milpat(1795) whispers: meeeeeowww
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: *hugs pat*
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I'm starting to feel the pressure now
derMandarin(2110) whispers: when in time trouble dont waste time whispering
derMandarin(2110) whispers: instead take that 20 seconds to open a window for fresh air or so
sxsonar(1706) whispers: He's got plenty of time
derMandarin(2110) whispers: actually, yes
milpat(1795) whispers: nan...talk to us DT... how was ur day?...kids r good?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bishop moves, pawn lost. Knight moves to guard it, Ba4 with threat of exchange wins pawn still. So Dreadtower should have a relatively brainless move next turn? 57...Nb5 (2:37)
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Ba4 quick 58.Ba4 (0:13) Nc3 (0:02) 59.Bc6 (0:06)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hmm. 59...Bc4 (0:10)
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Be8 with the threat of Bg6 60.Ra8+ (0:21)
milpat(1795) whispers: Nd1 was a move
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Be8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 60...Kh7 (0:03) 61.Rd8 (0:01)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: oh mann
GaraE(1490) whispers: e3 pawn lost.
sxsonar(1706) whispers: would've had a mating net
derMandarin(2110) whispers: why this shitty blitzing?
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: e3 drops
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: But I had to make some time
GaraE(1490) whispers: That's not all though
fernbap(1707) whispers: now dread can even lose
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah. :(
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: heh Ismir was right, its changed again
milpat(1795) whispers: lets hope 61...Nd1+ (0:57)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: went from += to -= 62.Kg3 (0:06) Nxe3 (0:03) 63.Rxd6 (0:02)
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Now Be8 AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Threatens mate in two
GaraE(1490) whispers: Won't succeed atm.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bg8.
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Nee
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Be8
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Be8 just g5
derMandarin(2110) whispers: yeah. e3 was an important pawn 63...g5 (1:05)
milpat(1795) whispers: black got some momentum
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Be8 to H5?
derMandarin(2110) whispers: I just dont understand the logic of willingly losing material to avoid losing material in time trouble ;) Looks to me that hanging on to the material is a better gamble as one just might end up not losing anything.
milpat(1795) whispers: :)...when we think to it
ExirK(1496) whispers: pragmatism not idealism
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: this is closer to drawn than anything else 64.Kf2 (1:51)
ErnestHemingway(1561) whispers: draw, hyper? 64...f4 (0:27)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Loses pawn right there.
derMandarin(2110) whispers: ooof 65.Rd7+ (0:10)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: Bxe4! 65...Kg6 (0:05) 66.Bxe4+ (0:01)
milpat(1795) whispers: hehe 66...Kh5 (0:13)
ErnestHemingway(1561) whispers: ths is starting to remind me a zulu game
milpat(1795) whispers: Rd6
ErnestHemingway(1561) whispers: the exchange..of blunders ;)
derMandarin(2110) whispers: hard to call these things blunders. It is not that easy to play this position.
ErnestHemingway(1561) whispers: well, black is done for now
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and now it's just won
GaraE(1490) whispers: Rd6 looks good, threatens Bf3+.
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Very Bad at endgames :(
milpat(1795) whispers: Rd6 threat Bg6
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: nothing against SkyD, but Dread deserved the win 67.Bf3+ (1:13) Kg6 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: SkyD didn't bother taking his time at all
ExirK(1496) whispers: hear! hear!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: WOW, now it looks drawn
milpat(1795) whispers: lets hope when he read comments, he see enough to REMEMBER FOR NEXT GAME to take more time to see best moves ;)!! 68.g4 (2:20)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: amazing
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bf1.. works?
evilcoyote(1955) whispers: yes
milpat(1795) whispers: yo Coyote man!! 68...Bf1 (2:15)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Seems like white can force a draw with repeat checks on d file after Be4+ Kf6, if black doesn't want to lose h6.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Be4+ and rd6+ seems good
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, that.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: then Kg7 Rg6+ Kh7 Rxg5+ is cleaning up
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, but then Kh7?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: ah Be4+ Kf6 Rd6+ Ke5 69.Be4+ (1:49)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: so it doesn't work
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ah, yeah. You're right. 69...Kf6 (0:10)
GaraE(1490) whispers: There was also Kh7 at the end of the other pattern too. 70.Rh7 (0:07)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Even though rook moving is discovered check, it moves nowhere good. 70...Bxh3 (0:06)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice, better. 71.Rxh6+ (0:03)
ExirK(1496) whispers: EPIC! 71...Ke5 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: still hard for white 72.Rxh3 (0:24)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: g-pawn will fall 72...Kxe4 (0:03)
fernbap(1707) whispers: draw
ExirK(1496) whispers: not
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, maybe both g-pawns fall though
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: probably a draw, yes
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nxg4 is with check though, hrm.
GaraE(1490) whispers: There's also Kf5 afterwards.
milpat(1795) whispers: hard to predict, from what i saw up to now :)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nxg4 Rh5 Kf5 yes
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: still not easy then
fernbap(1707) whispers: black can't lose, white canlose 73.Rh5 (1:07)
GaraE(1490) whispers: If I was black, I'd be pleased with this result, compared to earlier. 73...Nxg4+ (0:06)
milpat(1795) whispers: now black has chances?
GaraE(1490) whispers: If I was white, I'd be wondering where I went wrong.
derMandarin(2110) whispers: only black can win here
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hr.. Kg2 f3+ Kf1 Ke3 Rxg5 Nh2+ Ke1/g1 f2+ Kd1/h1 f1=Q+.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Just a possibility. :(
XJamesX(1400) whispers: white doesnt need to wonder where he knew the bad moves once he got the remifications of them
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Kf1 first then 74.Kf1 (2:43)
milpat(1795) whispers: now white definitely hates knights
milpat(1795) whispers: Ne3 and g4 74...Ne3+ (0:36)
xombie(1876) whispers: ugh, poor old dread is moribund
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Frankly speaking ..I thought this match was over the moment I lost the Rook to the knight.
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Win Or Lose.. I'm very happy :D
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: But I'd be more happy if i Win lol :D
XJamesX(1400) whispers: win or draw you mean
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: O M G
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yet another turn
milpat(1795) whispers: :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: I've been down a whole piece without compensation and still won. :P
GaraE(1490) whispers: But that wasn't an experience I'd like to repeat. 75.Kg1 (2:21)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: and slaso one u wont repeat often
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Kf2 was surely better there
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: still darwish 75...g4 (0:34)
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Damn stupid loss of g4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white can hac his rook for both pawns, i suppos
milpat(1795) whispers: can he?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or setup a stalemate
XJamesX(1400) whispers: yeh i would do that
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok, i take a shower, lets see how it will end ;9
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ;)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ismir is going to come back and find white checkmating black on a8. 76.Rh8 (1:51) g3 (0:07)
fernbap(1707) whispers: lots of stalemate possibilities
jaberwock(2082) whispers: I was going to ask that.
jaberwock(2082) whispers: More so if black was in time pressure. ;) 77.Re8+ (1:18)
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Time Running Out YAY!! 77...Kf3 (0:03)
fernbap(1707) whispers: so perhaps we will se a desperado rook ;)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Those are my favorites.
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Ra8 to be ready to check king or pin knight ?
milpat(1795) whispers: tik tak tik tak 78.Kh1 (1:15) g2+ (0:08)
milpat(1795) whispers: Kf2 79.Kg1 (0:11)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Kf2 may have finished things, yes 79...Ke2 (0:10)
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: Black blundered
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Kf2 was getting dangerously close to stalemate
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: Kf2 was decisive
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: but ok, nothing white could do
jaberwock(2082) whispers: I syill like Ra8
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: This is drawn 80.Rg8 (0:56) f3 (0:03)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ahh wanted Rf8.
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: Rf8 =
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Rf8 now
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Only Rf8
SkyDiploma(1635) whispers: Wow!! I think I can win this :D
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: Be interesting to see if he finds it.. 81.Rf8 (0:50)
SachinRavi(1598) whispers: Well done
GaraE(1490) whispers: Seems to be found.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Mmm draws.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Impossible to stop too.
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: I just can't think straight with so little time :(
milpat(1795) whispers: yep draw now
GaraE(1490) whispers: Black is forced to make a move, and if it's king, he moves away from pawn.
jaberwock(2082) whispers: should not be typing...
GaraE(1490) whispers: So knight move..
milpat(1795) whispers: :)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: then rook check
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nd1 Re8+ holds
milpat(1795) whispers: Ng4 Rxf3
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: And there was a dratted repetetive knight check I could have taken 81...Ng4 (1:14)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Rxf3, go go!
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: even Re8+ draws
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Rxf3
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Phew :) A draw 82.Rxf3 (0:32) Kxf3 (0:02) Game drawn by stalemate 1/2-1/2
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