kyuuketsuki(2240) vs. funkmaus(2181) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-09
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hi folks 1...d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02)
Myob(1838) whispers: lo ismir
Myob(1838) whispers: go kyu yu monkey yu! :(|)
CrazyHunter(1903) whispers: go Kyu go!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: go jenny :)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: this is gonna get Funky
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: go Jen
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yes
Conquerer(1496) whispers: Woohoo!! Go JeNnY!!!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: im so excited
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Damn, I forgot to set on whisper and used say and told that I am going to play Cambridge-Springs
Conquerer(1496) whispers: wow, she is up against a very strong Opp here..
Comaladama(1287) whispers: is it a kind of tourn? 2...c6 (1:35) 3.Nf3 (0:02) Nf6 (0:03) 4.e3 (0:01)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is TeamLeague
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: no CS today
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Kyuuketsuki(378) says: ...that would be a bad thing to prepare against me Kyuuketsuki(378) says: I don't play into it...
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: if you're excited you might want to go to the bathroom :)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: And he we go, he playes QG slow - e3 line
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i dont need no bathroom
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Jen is really a show stealer
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: OK, shall I go (as usual) with e6 here - safest way - or Bf5/Bg4...
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: now, either e6, g6, a6, Bf5, Bg4...this line has too many variations :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: why that, HM?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well before Funkmaus-era my games were the most observed 4...e6 (1:49) 5.b3 (0:04)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: :D
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hehe
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: now with Funk you are 3 moves into the game and you have like 50 guys hovering all over the board
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: u cant win against a beuatiful lady in fan count
Comaladama(1287) whispers: whick is funkmaus team? who are her buddies? 5...Nbd7 (0:22)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: me me me 6.Bb2 (0:06)
Myob(1838) whispers: kyu for the win!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this reminds me of a 5 0 game in which i recently crushed her
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: b6-Bb7 is normal here 6...Bd6 (0:43)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: Bb4+ is possible but not very good in my opinion, sometimes with a Stonewall type setup 7.Bd3 (0:18)
hugozver(1894) whispers: Vamos Jenny!! 7...O-O (0:06)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: in this particular variation the move Ne5 is usually critical 8.O-O (0:20)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: might as well avoid Bb4+ since she didn't play Qe7 there to prepare e5, after which I planned Ne5
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: well blitz tempi
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: great, we get a chance to learn something new :) 8...b6 (0:42)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: b6 here will transpose back to mainline, if qe7 Ne5! 9.Nbd2 (0:14) Bb7 (0:12) 10.Ne5 (0:04)
Comaladama(1287) whispers: is she good standard player? 10...c5 (0:18)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: as u see, obviously she is
AcuWill(1708) whispers: Go Monkey. :(|)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: I will be taking on d5, just considering the possible recaptures
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: exd5 is the normal move, I have studied several Sargissian games that follow this line, if Nxd5 Ndc4 is supposed to be good for white 11.cxd5 (1:05)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: and exd5 is met by f4
Sorsi(0) whispers: i though noone plays standard online :d
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm quite an authority on the white side
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: yep
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: cxd4 Nxf7 (maybe)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: of course there are three possible recaptures...I've never seen Bxd5, it doesn't make much sense
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: cxd4 Nxd7 is strong too
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: Nxf7 looks interesting to me in sphere of crazy chess
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: and the response Kxf7 is even more crazy
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Nxd4 Ne4 BxN dxe5 and Nd6 coming
Conquerer(1496) whispers: nxd5 maybe?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: one thing is really a pity
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: maybe Bxd5 will be the first novelty
Comaladama(1287) whispers: the fact is this n cant stand there..
Conquerer(1496) whispers: Ismir, is this still opening theory?
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: hi guys
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i guess so
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Bxd5 e4 Bb7 Nxd7 NxN e5 Be7 must be okay, since p@e5 closes Bb2 for now
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: match on the top? :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I dont play this varaition
Comaladama(1287) whispers: if dog barks at door bang him!!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well unfortuantely jenny will be playing Magnus in U2000 so I cannot trash talk with him during that game
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: but this Nxf7.. have lost once in blitz with cxd4 Nxf7 Kxf7 dxe4+ Kxe6 Bc4+ Ke7
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: we can trash talk somewhere else now :)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: any time you want :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: even during oyour gam
Albido(2319) whispers: Go Funkmaus Go 11...Bxd5 (7:15)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: when she is to move
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i'm a bit confused
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: and certainly no longer in book :)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Well people! One thing I wanted say here: I really appreciate commenting on my games. But please: I dont want read 500+ comments again where only 10% of them about chess
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I don't have much chance against Jenny so I migh as well chat
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: you heard her people?
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: Ndc4 still looks pretty good
Conquerer(1496) whispers: this position looks = eh?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: ok so we need about 60 consecutive comments about chess and then we can talk about sex again :)
Myob(1838) whispers: :))
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: :D
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: fuck, thats one high barrier
stevelco(1700) whispers: hyper ... you suggesting we should talk about everything other than chess?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok, lets start 12.Ndc4 (2:11)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I think exd5 was the theory move, Kyu seems to agree 12...Be7 (0:14)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Bxd5 was certainly interesting
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Now white is just better and we get anice positional smash
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: are there any FIDE Master(s) at the Team League?
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: actually I think even cxd4 is probably better than Bxd5 on move 11 for black
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: do his comments count, too? 13.Qe2 (0:34)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: keeping more piece pressure on the central white squares
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Blacks wishes to have her queen on g5 now
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe we can elaborate a combination
AcuWill(1708) whispers: A/s/l HM
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: what about exchange pair of knights and Rc8 then 13...Rc8 (1:38)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: 21/m/GER
AcuWill(1708) whispers: 24./m/florida
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: I guess she has a b5 idea?
Comaladama(1287) whispers: well .if players are hearing whiperings, I will not suggest a good move for black..
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Acu, some time ago you wanted to be my gay pal
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: they dont hear whispers
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: adding a4 to my candidate move list because it seems to leave Black planless...
AcuWill(1708) whispers: hmmm, can't seem to recal that, are yo sure not dermandarin?
AcuWill(1708) whispers: :P
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and now you ask me for my personal info
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: sheesh
Comaladama(1287) whispers: it is simple for one login twice, one as guest..
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: read my vars, note f9
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i guess cxd4 is fine after a4, so I won't play it most likely
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: maybe b5 has been better: b5 Nxd7 NxN Nd2 a6 e4 Bb7 - for counter-play Q-side there
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: instead of Rc8
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Kyu is often here as guest
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: anyway 23/m/E. Europe and HOT 14.Rfd1 (2:04)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: this discourages b5....I think
AcuWill(1708) whispers: OOHHHH
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok now lets compare I/Q
AcuWill(1708) whispers: LOLOLOL, omg, I do remember now
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: we need a bot that would make random chess comments, cause I can only talk about non-chess stuff
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its too late to tlak sensible stuff
AcuWill(1708) whispers: But HM, it's with yor internet pernsona that I find attractive, I am sure in real life you would knock me straight
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: it's easy to make a calculation mistake after b5 so I will have to think a lot but I think White is doing well after Nd2, Nxd7 may also be good
hugozver(1894) whispers: Kyuuketsuki is a vampire
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: how do u know?
hugozver(1894) whispers: I googled him
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: btw he is like a bot generating random comments
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: lol
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: oh, maybe I should do that, too
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: ok. lets see if he wants Isolated pawn or gives me Nc5 with control of square e4 14...cxd4 (2:24)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: vampires eh
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: btw, Im gonna go see Eclipse tomorrow
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: well Funkmaus would play Bxd4 I guess... 15.exd4 (0:38)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: not only vamire but also chauvinist, i fear ...
hugozver(1894) whispers: total eclipse?
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: hello guys
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: no, the 3rd Twilight movie
hugozver(1894) whispers: v bibbu :)
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: :) hi hugo
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I'm a huge Robert Pattinson fan
Comaladama(1287) whispers: if u fear to play with an isolated pawn, u have to abbandon chess (tarrasch)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: after just about any legal move I will play Rac1
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: comaladamo here
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: hey coma no bug tonight?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm, eclipse
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: maybe I have to abondon chess then
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: to complete the development, then try to use my pieces through center and kingside. i think i have better piece coordination here but black is pretty solid as well
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: abandon*
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: this was probably better than the b5 lines I spent most of her time analyzing
Comaladama(1287) whispers: learning a bit with tha Girl master
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: LADY master
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or mistress to be precise
stevelco(1700) whispers: lol Ismir
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Mastress
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: go kyuu
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: is she (funkmaus) Woman Fide Master?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: it's a portmanteau of Master and Mistress
nemotyro(1747) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: whats so funny about that, im just being a smartass
Comaladama(1287) whispers: she is far better than a fide master.. she was prepared to be GM
nemotyro(1747) whispers: I mean a FIDE Master
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I believe Funk is closer to WIM in strength
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: prepared?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: maybe even WGM
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: in fact she has 2100 FIDE, so she is indeed WFM
Comaladama(1287) whispers: yes read her history at her site
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: what site?
Comaladama(1287) whispers: fi funkmaus
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: TL or club?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok, TL then 15...Ba8 (4:06)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: nooo please don't share the bikini pics 16.Rac1 (0:08) Nd5 (0:03)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: what else?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: they are private
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: magnus
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: oh...I have been missing something, oops
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: he plays it pretty fast
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: might have to snap on d7 here
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: n:d7 q:d7 Nw5 maybe
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: he really did want Rc1 after any legal move. that was almost instantaneous
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: she is quite strong
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: i start to think white is better here
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nxd7 Qxd7 Ne5 Qb7 maybe
Comaladama(1287) whispers: c6 square asks for help now
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: Bxh7+
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: and most of us will be fighting to take out 1/2 from a game with her ;)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: the threats on c3 exist on a lot of lines now
Comaladama(1287) whispers: a strategically defined game now
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: also nb4 ideas although that's just met by Bb1 b5 idea again
hugozver(1894) whispers: white shouldn't allow Nf4
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: here a4 is just bad on account of nf4 though
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its too early for Bxh7+ here
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: sure
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: come to think of it, maybe g3 is the move
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: although the long diagonal weakness isn't comfortable 17.Nxd7 (2:19)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: even after exchanges
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i don't want to play it so i won't
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: have to watchout for Qg4 in some NxN QxN Ne5 Qd8 lines 17...Qxd7 (0:12)
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: Ne5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm Qb7 still looks snesible
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: rather than Qd8 18.Ne5 (0:50)
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: white is ok
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: Qb7 Be4 Nf4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white is pretty good
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: of course Qb7 is the strongest with the battery on the a8-h1 diagonal
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: how did I miss the ideas of Nd5 besides the obvious (blockading)? I'm not thinking clearly
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Qb7
Comaladama(1287) whispers: + -
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: nah 18...Qd8 (1:13)
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: just little better white coma
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: qd8 nice
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its not yet over even tho white has a strong position
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: r:c8 now
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: and rc1
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: of course
hugozver(1894) whispers: yeah :-&
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: then Qg4
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: comon
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: go kyu!
hugozver(1894) whispers: bibbu, you no gentleman!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: what about Rxc8 Qxc8 Rc1 Nf4 Qg4 Qb7 to confuse things a bit
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: this chat is moving faster than even channel 1, or 50, or, dare i say it, 24
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: qg4 is interesting, because after a move type Nf4 white can play d5 idea to pen Bb2---> pg7
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ch 24 is nevermore what it used to be
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: its only an idea, anyway later, now r:c8 and Rc1 19.Qg4 (2:11)
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: oh
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: he wanted to steer clear of Nf4 i guess
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nf6 and Qd5 look intriguing
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: knew that. and then RxR Bxc1 for him
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: what about f5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: f5 is positional suicide
Comaladama(1287) whispers: she tries to exploit the delayed pawn in the semi opened column...
Comaladama(1287) whispers: she is strong
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: why Rxc1?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I see no reason not to recapture with the rook
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: other problem is Q has to defend R@c8, as Qd6 fails to Rxc8 RxR Bxh7 KxB Qh5+
Comaladama(1287) whispers: maybe a wrong plan for white was qg4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe Nf6 is indeed foced
Comaladama(1287) whispers: better would be force against the long diag to gain control over c6
Comaladama(1287) whispers: now funk wins it
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Well i can play Nf6, which maybe gives him chance to sac d4 and open all up...
Comaladama(1287) whispers: linking her rooks
Comaladama(1287) whispers: .whit good chances against the isolated pawn
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: nf6 is bad funk, after Qh3 black is blocked
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: coma, this is basically an enormous attacking position for white
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nf6 Qh3 Be4
Comaladama(1287) whispers: a position is not only for glance... it is for work... whow me a good attack, pls
Comaladama(1287) whispers: show
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I will reserve this honour for kyu, if he finds one
Comaladama(1287) whispers: lol
Comaladama(1287) whispers: nf6 and qd5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its too late for me to make sense of this
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I think she should play Nf6
Comaladama(1287) whispers: qg4 seemd for me a mistake
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its not a mistake 19...Bb7 (9:49)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: just waiting for him to catch me :p
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is too passive
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: bb7 yes, a lost of time
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nf6 Qd5 wasnt that bad
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: I don't understand this move....
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: me too
Bibbusque(2432) whispers: r:c8 do it
AcuWill(1708) whispers: This seems like a ?! move to me.
hugozver(1894) whispers: she is just waiting for him to catch her :p
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: problem is, he will if she just waits
AcuWill(1708) whispers: could this be her tyring to provoke him into an unsound attack?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: of course it is, but it is extremely risky on her part 20.Rc4 (2:20)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe she should tll play NF6 20...Nf6 (3:28)
Comaladama(1287) whispers: she waited the mistake...
Comaladama(1287) whispers: now the b cant go to c4 21.Qh3 (0:40)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Ok Be4 now 21...Bd5 (0:17)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I dont see any good alternative
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: the cute Ng4 doesn't actually do anything after h6 probably
hugozver(1894) whispers: Bg4 now?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: NG4 looks very dangerous
hugozver(1894) whispers: ah, yes, h6, sehr gut
Comaladama(1287) whispers: she is a specialist in defense
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: thats why I believe Be4 was stronger
hugozver(1894) whispers: yes, to trade pieces as much possible
Comaladama(1287) whispers: bb7 was only waiting oppies mistake
Conquerer(1496) whispers: Jenny Is holding strong 22.Rcc1 (2:23)
Comaladama(1287) whispers: lol
Comaladama(1287) whispers: assuming the error
hugozver(1894) whispers: it's not late for Be4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well I slow arrive atr the point, where i lose all comprehension of this game
Comaladama(1287) whispers: the point is that white wants an inexistant attack, and black wait patiently his mistake 22...Rxc1 (1:49) 23.Bxc1 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Bg5 looks unpleasant 23...Be4 (1:05) 24.Bg5 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: there we are
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: maybe white is just a bit better, but black is holding anyhow? 24...Bxd3 (0:11) 25.Qxd3 (0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I think black can hold now with accurate play
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white sill has some nasty ideas
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: black can try to win it because of this d4
hugozver(1894) whispers: this d4 will soon be pushed to d5
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: for my eyes the position is quite equal
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: maybe d4 pawn will be weakness
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: what move do you suggest for black? 25...Qe8 (2:00)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: worried about nc6? my knight is not going to be traded for that bishop
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: hmm I prefered Qd5 26.Bxf6 (0:35)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Qd5 Rc1 wasnt appealing 26...Bxf6 (0:05) 27.Ng4 (0:04)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: then Rd8 eventually
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe Qe7 Rd8 is still ok, but i dont feel too well about it
hugozver(1894) whispers: is Kyuu trying to trade that N for B?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: oh I see drastic changes here 27...Be7 (2:01)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: thats too passive 28.d5 (0:07)
jaberwock(2058) whispers: What do you see, Hyp?
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: of course once I dissolve this weakness I cannot lose 28...exd5 (0:09) 29.Qxd5 (0:10)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: even a rook endgame with doubled pawns should have been ok
Conquerer(1496) whispers: bc5?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I see trees of green and red roses too 29...Qd8 (0:26)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: hmm now looks drawn
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: thats deceiving 30.g3 (0:23)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Qd7
Conquerer(1496) whispers: I think she would be OK with a draw
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white still has a dangerous initiative
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok noq after Q trade
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: it seems like Kyuu would be pretty happy with the draw 30...Qxd5 (0:34)
keremyunus(1812) whispers: white doesn't have anything 31.Rxd5 (0:05) Rd8 (0:02) 32.Rxd8+ (0:01)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: with precise play I think no problems 32...Bxd8 (0:03) 33.Ne5 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Bc7
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: are you sure?
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: istn't B better than N?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: still looks dangerous
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: i like the knight better 33...a6 (0:35)
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: just because of fork? ;) 34.f4 (0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: f6 Kf7
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: Muller says the king should be activated before the knight...but there were tactical reasons for Ne5
jaberwock(2058) whispers: White is moving fast; perhaps he is comfortable with general considerations of the position.
hugozver(1894) whispers: who is Muller?
keremyunus(1812) whispers: german gm
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: the knight can switch colors :p
keremyunus(1812) whispers: endgame expert
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Muller is co author of one of the most popular endgame books
hugozver(1894) whispers: ah!
keremyunus(1812) whispers: this is drawn if not winning for black 34...Bf6 (1:18)
jaberwock(2058) whispers: Excellent book.
hugozver(1894) whispers: yes, I have some of his videos
keremyunus(1812) whispers: has an interesting accent
keremyunus(1812) whispers: and intonation 35.Nc6 (0:15)
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I love the way he says zugzwaaaaaaang
hugozver(1894) whispers: yeah, amuzing guy 35...Kf8 (0:13) 36.Kf2 (0:01)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I still have my doubts about blacks position 36...Ke8 (0:09) 37.Ke3 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white is still mor active
hugozver(1894) whispers: but it's a draw
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Black has problems
keremyunus(1812) whispers: pfff
keremyunus(1812) whispers: what problems?
jaberwock(2058) whispers: Maybe I should check this on my 14-piece tablebase
keremyunus(1812) whispers: give
keremyunus(1812) whispers: concrete variations
keremyunus(1812) whispers: stop small talk
keremyunus(1812) whispers: what problems? 37...h5 (0:45)
AcuWill(1708) whispers: To me it looks like with best play white is the only one with winning chances, am I missing tsomething?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: and he can keep thios supreme activity 38.Ke4 (0:22)
hugozver(1894) whispers: a5 and Kd7
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: if black stays so passive white my promote his King!
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Black's King can't easily help queen side pawns...
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: ;)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: question of calculation for both sides
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i'm still sorta hoping for kd7 but it's not going to happen
keremyunus(1812) whispers: Kd7 Nb8 +
keremyunus(1812) whispers: picking up a6
keremyunus(1812) whispers: and she probably doesn't want to put her a6 pawn to a5
keremyunus(1812) whispers: but why not.
hugozver(1894) whispers: yea, that's why a5 was better than h5
nemotyro(1747) whispers: ...but white has toput his k-side pawns on white squares
keremyunus(1812) whispers: a5 followed by Kd7 and maybe Bc3-b4 would be OK for black
keremyunus(1812) whispers: nobody is winning this probably
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: looks won fr white
keremyunus(1812) whispers: let's see what rybka rthinks.
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: 38. ... Bc3 39. Ne5 Be1 40. Nd3 Bd2 41. Kd5 Be3 42. Kc6 a5 43. Ne5 Bg1 44. h3 Ke7 45. Nc4
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: I think that
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: is quite good :)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: damn, I should have played ...f5 move 35 :(
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: f5 is impossible on move 35
stevelco(1700) whispers: 34
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: that's REAL chess and with much efforts from both sides
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers:, is this a win for me?
hugozver(1894) whispers: NO!
keremyunus(1812) whispers: you have serious chances
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: it actually might be, but would be extremely difficult to convert
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: no
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: yes Kuy, you have won position
keremyunus(1812) whispers: rybka thinks it's won
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: yes - it's won
hugozver(1894) whispers: no you don't
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: looked at h4 for a while but i think it loses
keremyunus(1812) whispers: but I wouldn't disagree with 1900 experts(!) here
keremyunus(1812) whispers: :)
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: white King is too active
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: that's why it should be won for white
jaberwock(2058) whispers: Is a5 for black bad now?
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: Bishop should compensate activity of king
nemotyro(1747) whispers: a3
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: My opponent is bored enough talking in CH 1 - sure, i totally misplayed this ending
nemotyro(1747) whispers: I mean h3
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: I still believe that black can't lost this with precise play
nemotyro(1747) whispers: h3 g4
keremyunus(1812) whispers: rybka won this for against itself for black in a shoot-out.. maybe it's not very clear
DodgeBrother(1616) whispers: draw
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: that would be some like miracle
keremyunus(1812) whispers: ok now drew...
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: if white won't win it
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I'll give you a statistical sample ;)
hugozver(1894) whispers: vampire is not rybka
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: what black won this?
keremyunus(1812) whispers: it is possible
keremyunus(1812) whispers: it's not clearly won for white, even for an engine
keremyunus(1812) whispers: against an engine of course.. 38...Bc3 (9:48) 39.Kd5 (0:03)
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: engines can't play endings
keremyunus(1812) whispers: oh yeah
keremyunus(1812) whispers: they can
keremyunus(1812) whispers: better than you
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: looks really bad for black and i dont really see a good move for black
Comaladama(1287) whispers: trying to tramp the n
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: better than me for sure but not better than masters 39...Be1 (0:38)
keremyunus(1812) whispers: bettter than masters also these days
keremyunus(1812) whispers: given a time control!
nemotyro(1747) whispers: If BFunkmaus has the edge now
Comaladama(1287) whispers: ohoh
Comaladama(1287) whispers: h5 seems clear now
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: i think if the computers find a win for white, then white will win :)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: ok so nb8 a5 kc6 bf2 nd7 bg1 h3 bh2 nxb6 bxg3 nd5
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: she probably draws with f5 kd6 g5...
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i can also play g4 after bh2...
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: after g4 there are two moves to consider, hxg4 and Bxf4, Bxf4 gxh5 is probablygood for me, hxg4 hxgg4 Bxf4 Nxb6 is hard to play
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: but because she definitely has a draw if i dont play g4, i will play uit and see 40.Nb8 (3:09)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Nb8 a5 Kc6 Bf2 Bg1 h2 Bh2 Nxb6 Bxg3... I am tooslow
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: YES, sure 40...a5 (0:43) 41.Kc6 (0:02) Bf2 (0:09) 42.Nd7 (0:01)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: obviously Kyuu wants to finish with more than one hour on the clock
keremyunus(1812) whispers: engine precision! KUDOS to you!
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: lol 42...Bg1 (0:40) 43.h3 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: maybe he thinks that unused time gets added for your next game
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: ha ha ha
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: my opp did the same earlier today, over an hour left
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: keremyunus you really believe engines play perfect chess?
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: No choice :( How stupid I am playing, trading all pieces for a draw. That all would be ok, if I wont be so bad in simple endgames.
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I really believe that they play better than you, and they kibitz better than you, so...
keremyunus(1812) whispers: no thank you
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: it depends how complex the position is
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: What works vs. under 2000 rated fails here
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: if you wonder why i am playing fast, i have to be somewhere in 50 minutes
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: <-- takes notes
StiliDimitrov(1984) whispers: heh no argue that they are better than me :)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: the time funkmaus selected was near the end of the time i said i would be available but i gave a range of times i would be available, not meaning them to be times to start the game
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: yeah we were wondering
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well, good luck on your date Kyuu :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Is she hot??
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: she have to be ;)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I believe we're gonna find it out in our next game
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or rather called a vampire chick
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: cold
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: arent the players not supposed to read whispers?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: correction, Kyu's next game
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: ah, so it is best to take the opps latest offered time in the hope they will play faster? i see i see
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: they can read them after the game
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: yeah well it seems like one of them can read them now :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: no matter :)
stevelco(1700) whispers: *seems* ... it's an illusion
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i think it's a draw, becuse once she brings her king to the queenside to stop the passed pawn i create, which will be a b-pawn, we will get into a drawn ending where she has two pawns to my one on the kingside,i win the pawns but she has time to draw, i think
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: at least in the line i am calculating now she has time to draw
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: ? well if one of them can, and the other cant and they are both whispering ideas, that might be a bit of a disadvatage
hugozver(1894) whispers: well, why not just offer a draw then?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: who cares now, I'd have a date to worry about if I were Kyuu
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well I d be quite confident, but I know Jenny hates long calculations
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: if*
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: <-- takes more notes
nemotyro(1747) whispers: funkmaus will be happey with a draw
hugozver(1894) whispers: players can't read whispers!
Myob(1838) whispers: did kyu just play the magic monkey move - !BCS->(h3) ?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: note to myself: ask urself if its a good idea to play a TL game 2 hours before dating a hot chick
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: f5 Nxb6 Bh2 Kd5 Bxg3 Ke5 - changes nothing
Myob(1838) whispers: and she'll be so thrilled to hear all about it
keremyunus(1812) whispers: there's only one reasonable line for black here
hugozver(1894) whispers: or before sucking a blood of a human?
keremyunus(1812) whispers: which funkmaus already gave
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Ismir, care telling me more about Funk's style of play?
keremyunus(1812) whispers: f5
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: so kyuuk just happend to know people where asking why he played so fast and he just happen to throw that info out :)
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: makes sense
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: she is spending a lot of time on this move...the only move i considered here was Bh2
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I believe Sportsmen doesn't believe in coincidences
Myob(1838) whispers: coincidences like that happen frequently
hugozver(1894) whispers: sportsman, don't be paranoid
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Bh2 is thge only choice i think
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: every tempo counts
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: hehe
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: it is critical position
KiranY(1949) whispers: infact it happens a lot of times
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: i thought f5 to prevent g4
keremyunus(1812) whispers: no f5 43...Bh2 (7:49) 44.g4 (0:01)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: according to hs speed that chick must be astonishing 44...hxg4 (0:39) 45.hxg4 (0:06) Bxf4 (0:01) 46.Nxb6 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: sticking to that kind of logic 46...Kd8 (0:23)
Myob(1838) whispers: lol ismir
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: one might assume that Kyuu will resign soon 47.Nc4 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: sorry, i am simple minded 47...Bc7 (0:19)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: now the pawn ending is won after bc7 nd6 if she trades 48.Nd6 (0:02)
keremyunus(1812) whispers: great move 48...f6 (0:28) 49.Ne4 (0:15)
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: soon an hour
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: what if Bxd6 Kxd6 a4?
hugozver(1894) whispers: b4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: u dont get rid of that g pawn
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: ah yeah
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: the position is still very complicated
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Be5 49...Kc8 (1:41) 50.Nd6+ (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yea Be5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or repeat once
hugozver(1894) whispers: damn
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: why damn?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: back to d8
hugozver(1894) whispers: oh
hugozver(1894) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe she can trade now
keremyunus(1812) whispers: back to d8 and miraculously draws
keremyunus(1812) whispers: no trading loses
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: i have one more try then will offer a draw
Ismarck(1900) whispers: instead of Nd6+, what about a3, and then b4?
keremyunus(1812) whispers: immediately
hugozver(1894) whispers: yes Kyuu
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: interesting
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: right, pawn ending is 1-0 50...Kd8 (1:19) 51.Nf5 (0:02)
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: g5 here loses, I think
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: but g6 should draw
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: yes, g6
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: g6 is much mor logical than g5
hugozver(1894) whispers: yea, g6 and f5
jaberwock(2058) whispers: g5 would be insane
AcuWill(1708) whispers: g6 draw? how?
jaberwock(2058) whispers: even for me
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: this gets into the pawn ending i calculated out earlier
keremyunus(1812) whispers: wow
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: g6 nh4 g5 nf5
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: Kyu should win this with easy, but his date is coming late ;)
KiranY(1949) whispers: who know jen might play g5, avoidfing nh4 :)
keremyunus(1812) whispers: Nh4 doesn't make any sense
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: yes it does
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: if g6, attacks pawn
keremyunus(1812) whispers: Bf4
keremyunus(1812) whispers: and black stands better
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: Nxg6
nemotyro(1747) whispers: if Nh4 then Bishop can double his duties
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: holy thats a time bonus
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Evening all
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I dunno
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I lost thread
hugozver(1894) whispers: Evening Dread
keremyunus(1812) whispers: I would lose this with either side :)
xombie(1834) whispers: i think black is expiring
xombie(1834) whispers: Nd6, c4 and its all over
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: not so fast :)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: I dont know what I am here thinking about. Just dont want to move. I have to play g6 and then he forces me to g5 :(
KiranY(1949) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: If it would not be a team-game, I would resign this here
KiranY(1949) whispers: so g5 anyway
keremyunus(1812) whispers: well g6 seems forced.. otherwsie I see that a3 goes a long way for white
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Come on Kyu
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: let him show
nemotyro(1747) whispers: Hang in ther Funkmaus
AcuWill(1708) whispers: Time to get Monkey rally caps.
hugozver(1894) whispers: yes Kyuu, time for your date!
keremyunus(1812) whispers: am I making ay sense?
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: Funk is not so good at defending tough endgames
leandrowind(1814) whispers: I can draw this with Black
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Excuse me Funk but I'm a Monkey after all
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: or is she depressed?
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: shes depressed she doesn't have a date like kyu
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: maybe Funk needs a hot date, too ;)
CrazyHunter(1922) whispers: XD 51...g6 (5:34) 52.Nh4 (0:02) g5 (0:07)
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: t minus two minutes 53.Nf5 (0:01)
KiranY(1949) whispers: no draw kyuu play on!
xombie(1834) whispers: leandri, would you care to elaborate your drawing strategy?
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: almost there
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: she doesnt want a hot date 53...Be5 (0:12)
nemotyro(1747) whispers: yes 54.a3 (0:07)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: how about just a regular date?
hugozver(1894) whispers: she has a bf ;)
xombie(1834) whispers: the donut referred to something called the bishop's pants
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Bc3
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: Kuy wants to have 1hour added to his next game? :D
keremyunus(1812) whispers: hmmm if a3 now, Bc3
keremyunus(1812) whispers: nice fortress idea
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: Bf3!? 54...Bc3 (1:11) 55.Kc5 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Kf3! :D
Ismarck(1900) whispers: 1-0 55...Kc7 (0:10) 56.b4 (0:02)
nemotyro(1747) whispers: king king
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: he really wants to go on that date 56...axb4 (0:05) 57.axb4 (0:01)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yea im wondering
Ismarck(1900) whispers: And Kyuu's hit the hour mark!:) Kyuuketsuki offers a draw.
nemotyro(1747) whispers: bishop back
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Be1
KiranY(1949) whispers: nooooooooooooo
keremyunus(1812) whispers: drawn
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: What???
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: she survives!
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: what?
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: wow
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: accept!
hugozver(1894) whispers: lol
AcuWill(1708) whispers: Most sime i have ever seen in a TL game
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: draw?
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: he's gotta go
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: acc
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: acccccc
AcuWill(1708) whispers: even more than dstrout
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: accccc
Kyuuketsuki(2240) whispers: there is no point in playing this out, she would have to blunder horribly to lose this
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: when ya gotta go ya gotta go
Ismarck(1900) whispers: draw offer?
Funkmaus(2181) whispers: Shall I just accept draw or ask him if it is a mistake-offer?!
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: kudos to Kyuu
xombie(1834) whispers: how is this drawn?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hope she is hot
keremyunus(1812) whispers: funkmaus
keremyunus(1812) whispers: rest assured
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: really hot
keremyunus(1812) whispers: this is a draw
KiranY(1949) whispers: mistake offer :))
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I hope this gentleman is getting laid tonight
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: me too :D
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: cause he really deserved it
onomatopeia(1526) whispers: is it a draw?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: jenny take the draw
Dreadtower(1585) whispers: No bananas tonight :(
hugozver(1894) whispers: you guyz really can;t help it!
NokiaTwenty(1961) whispers: I don't think how it is a draw
Ismarck(1900) whispers: if its not drawm, then i would at least play on as white
KiranY(1949) whispers: yes
jaberwock(2058) whispers: I am amazed she is hesitating.
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: come on, we're cheering Kyu
Ismarck(1900) whispers: since there is nothing to lose
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: me too
keremyunus(1812) whispers: she's a classy player
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: she has no winning chances of her own
KiranY(1949) whispers: a date to lose maybe
stevelco(1700) whispers: I would accept the draw in under 5 seconds
hugozver(1894) whispers: Jenny, let him go!
Ismarck(1900) whispers: as black id take it anyday
keremyunus(1812) whispers: she checks this objectively
keremyunus(1812) whispers: not simple mindedly
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yea Funkmaus accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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