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alexborz(1656) vs. milpat(1792) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-06-06

smallblackcat(2018) whispers: the final game!
GaraE(1490) whispers: woohoo :)
1.e4 (0:00)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: go pat!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: and pat needs the win
wmahan(1935) whispers: pat!!!
danijelo(1919) whispers: this will be fun :)
milpat(1792) whispers: hello all!
Boedi(2007) whispers: go milpat :)
1...c5 (0:00)
Iqmaster(1831) whispers: omg
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: a decent turnout
Iqmaster(1831) whispers: An original opening!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: of course
GaraE(1490) whispers: Wow, two games in a row where white's the underdog in ratings.
Aneirin(1726) whispers: still in milpat's prep!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: this is unmissable
2.Nf3 (0:30)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: oh
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: no f4:)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: out if pat's prep :)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: *of
wmahan(1935) whispers: wow, we were prepared for f4 :(
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: haha
2...Nc6 (0:27)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: but this is good
Aneirin(1726) whispers: now he can play the dragon.
bvrus(1776) whispers: Go brother! :)
danijelo(1919) whispers: hate when that happens.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: does this mean that pat isn't a regular sicilianist?
fernbap(1669) whispers: nc6 looks like an engine move :P
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: well, it was expectable
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: lol
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: we play sic plenty :-)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to a certain amount
wmahan(1935) whispers: pat said he felt comfortable here, we just didn't look over it
Aneirin(1726) whispers: pat plays a dragon-style position quite well, actially.
3.Nc3 (0:26)
Frigateland(1779) whispers: Go Polar Bear!
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I think he'll go for that
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Polar Bears should have white in every game
Aneirin(1726) whispers: only if the actually play the Polar Bear opening, then
StrategyMaster(1841) whispers: what happens if there is a draw?
fernbap(1669) whispers: polar bears are white
wmahan(1935) whispers: only if they play 1.f4 ;)
Frigateland(1779) whispers: Co-champions
GaraE(1490) whispers: Alex's team is the Polar Bears? I'm now going to cheer for alex. ;)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: they would be colour-coordinated
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I never saw a Polar Bear play the Polar Bear. :)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yeah he has even danced over my usuually reliable 150 attack recently
Iqmaster(1831) whispers: thats unfortunate
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: is this Nc3 just transpositional or aims for some closed-type Sicilian?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: both possible, I reckon.
3...g6 (1:34)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: unusual isnt it ?
Frigateland(1779) whispers: It doesn't aim for anything, as we are not much in the openings. It is just a move.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: the c3 here
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: N
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: not really
danijelo(1919) whispers: just diffrent order of moves
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I think it's ok. it might indeed go for closed sicilian and still keep Open available as well
danijelo(1919) whispers: everything can transpose now..
wmahan(1935) whispers: by the way, congrats to the polar bears for securing a share of the championship already
danijelo(1919) whispers: in lot of variation
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: quite a lot of GMs play this, to see what black is doing
Frigateland(1779) whispers: thankw
Frigateland(1779) whispers: wmahan, it was a good game yesterday
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd like to oppose any fianchetto attempts, so I'd be thinking about b3 and Bb2, but the c5 pawn is making me hesitate. :P
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'm a terrible Sicilian player.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: the only downside is in a couple of lines where white might want c2-c4
Aneirin(1726) whispers: d4 :')
wmahan(1935) whispers: yes great game, I know you must have been annoyed yourself for letting it slip away
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: like the maroczy ag acc dragon
wmahan(1935) whispers: with yourself*
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: right
Frigateland(1779) whispers: Yeah, it was like winning at some point
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: that's off the table now
Bombassa(1998) whispers: levenfish did something nice against the dragon but i forget what it was
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: but many people happily play Nc3 against the accel. dragon anyway
wmahan(1935) whispers: definitely
Frigateland(1779) whispers: But then itmeans you have been more persistent this time
Aneirin(1726) whispers: levenfish is something with f4 in it, but it's not too great when black knows it well.
4.Bb5 (1:58)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: oh.. this one :) that's why I don't play Nc6 myself
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: last night's game was great to watch
Bombassa(1998) whispers: i liked the levenfish because it was unusual
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yeah it was
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: great game
Frigateland(1779) whispers: 380 comments, 5 glasses drunk
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: haha
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: ok, back to this game
Aneirin(1726) whispers: better that than the other way around, really.
GaraE(1490) whispers: d6?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I would suggest just Bg7, and if Bxc6 then dxc6 to clamp down on d4
wmahan(1935) whispers: haha ani
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: with d6 played tho...isn't the B move a little...lacking in traction :-)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i mean without d6
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I've seen Qc7 in such positions as well
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I think its quite respectable
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I see this kind of thing in reverse quite a lot, from 1. c4 openings
GaraE(1490) whispers: I remember having Bb5 played against me in this similar position as black, before I had even tried d6.
Aneirin(1726) whispers: ah but there is Nd4 here against that
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: and there, Bb4 (the mirror of this move) is black's strongest try
GaraE(1490) whispers: I tried e6 or a6, they didn't go well.
4...Bg7 (3:05)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i guess its just the old rossolimi tho isnt ..so cant be to bad for white either
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I sometimes play this Bb5 move in a GP attack
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: what's the point of d6 here - can't you wait in case you might want to play d5?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Sure, and there's also the matter of the unfinished fianchetto (now finished).
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: in the analogous English lines Nd4 (or in that case Nd5) is a bit drawish
Aneirin(1726) whispers: Montana needs a win, right?
GaraE(1490) whispers: The aim of d6 would be to avoid a cramped Bc8 though.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: the fighting way to play is to allow the doubled pawns, and look for dynamic compensation
wmahan(1935) whispers: yep
5.O-O (1:11)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: montana?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: milpat's girl's name.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: funny euphenism...
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: his pornstar name, you mean
wmahan(1935) whispers: milpat->miley->miley cyrus->hannah montana wasn't it?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: this is a family server, smallblackcat!!
Aneirin(1726) whispers: yes, that was my reasoning, wmahan. :)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well...i think whites best shot has quietly slipped by imho...
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: how come?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: 0-0 is better than the immediate Bxc6
Aneirin(1726) whispers: still looks ok to me. but this look a bit like a GP attack without f4
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: really?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: might as well make black commit to something
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: better clearly?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: so it's probably the rossolimo :)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: marginally better, I think
Boedi(2007) whispers: if black does not play a6 white plays Re1 and Bf1
Boedi(2007) whispers: standard idea in this opening
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i think e5 here looks good
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: it's kinda ugly
Boedi(2007) whispers: dunno I would play e6 nge7 d5 ideas
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: e5 is a bit inflexible, but the usual idea is to control d4
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: e6 looks more to the point yes
wmahan(1935) whispers: I remember from yesterday how frustrating it was to have so many choices out of the opening, without the benefit of preparation
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: e6 Bxc6 leaves black with an interesting choice of recapture
5...e6 (4:16)
StrategyMaster(1841) whispers: how about a6 here?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: in my humblest of opines...e5 now takes control of d4..and threatens fav transition to hedgehog type set up...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: and then if plays Bxn
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: hedgehog?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: black has iron grip...
Aneirin(1726) whispers: your humblest of opinels? :)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: on center
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: that on the first 3 ranks shiva
6.Re1 (1:35)
xombie(1909) whispers: ughly opening
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: perhaps you mean maroczy or svesh structure?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Head too muddled, too many options. :P
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: hmm, I'd have gone for Bxc6 there...
6...Nge7 (0:24)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i mean the triangle...e5 d6 c5
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: more a matter of taste than anything
7.d3 (0:28)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: small inaccuracy i'd say
wmahan(1935) whispers: to me both sides seem ok so far
Aneirin(1726) whispers: no more Bf1 ideas now :)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: not playing Bxc6
fernbap(1669) whispers: you don't play e6 when you fianchetto :P
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: before Nge7
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: you do sometimes
Aneirin(1726) whispers: this looks a bit.. unconfrontational.
fernbap(1669) whispers: that's positionally wrong
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: in order to play Nge7 instead of Nf6, blokcing the bishop
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: there are many lines in the grunfeld with an eventual e6
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: fernbap you are thinking too stereotypically
Boedi(2007) whispers: black already has a good game here
fernbap(1669) whispers: too many black square weaknesses
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: one stratwgy against closed could be schvenigen center too
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: just as an example
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: it weakens the dark squares a bit, but there are swings and roundabouts
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: you'll hve to forgive me,..my 11 month old helping me typwe
fernbap(1669) whispers: however, he must be counting on white's willingness to draw
Aneirin(1726) whispers: that much stuff eh, shiva.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: as fischer said, you gotta give squares to get squares
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: you've gotta give action to get action...
Aneirin(1726) whispers: O-O and then d5 ?
xombie(1909) whispers: the least stressful are the quiet ones
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: so a reach a round policy??
wmahan(1935) whispers: white might be thinking of Bg5 next?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: a6 b5 Na4 going for the 2 bishops?
xombie(1909) whispers: like drinking fine wine
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :))
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: sort of, shiva ;)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: also Bb7 coming
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: looks like a decent option
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Na5 i mean
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: that is if white doesn't take
7...a6 (3:37)
xombie(1909) whispers: black better here then?
8.Bxc6 (0:13)
wmahan(1935) whispers: you should be a fortune-teller laur
8...Nxc6 (0:04)
xombie(1909) whispers: ugh
xombie(1909) whispers: why not PxB?
xombie(1909) whispers: happens often in the english
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: why would you play pxb
xombie(1909) whispers: and is usually to white's advantage there
xombie(1909) whispers: to follow up with e5
wmahan(1935) whispers: Nxc6 looks fine to me
xombie(1909) whispers: d6 and e5 i mean
Boedi(2007) whispers: black has some minor advantages now I think
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: well, in those cases the option of Nx is not usually available
9.Be3 (0:48)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: after each recapture you have a hard time developing the bishop
wmahan(1935) whispers: the B pair if nothing else
wmahan(1935) whispers: hmm, doesn't this invite Nd4?
xombie(1909) whispers: yes it does
xombie(1909) whispers: its basically a reversed english now
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hehehe...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i guess so...
xombie(1909) whispers: moves such as b5, Nd4 etc
wmahan(1935) whispers: that's such a depressing comment
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: kings english reversed...wait..isnt that a sicilian LOL
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nd4 is a solid idea
xombie(1909) whispers: in the normal english white's Nd5 is often very good
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: i think black must play nd4 now
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: maybe not the best way to play for a win though
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: as any other move allows d4 which leads to simplifications in white's favor imo
wmahan(1935) whispers: I suppose O-O isn't so bad either
9...Nd4 (2:17)
xombie(1909) whispers: this should be excellent for black i think
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: isn't the pawn hanging wil?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: after O-O
wmahan(1935) whispers: yes, I'm dumb laur, thanks
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: usually tho...in the closed sic..the N is not at f3 is it...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: <?>
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: d6 was the alternative
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: no
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: f4 is played in the closed sicilian
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: before Nf3
Aneirin(1726) whispers: that would make it a GP, no?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: dunno, this reminds me a lot of a Kamsky game, where white was just playing for a draw (and got it)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I think the real closed sicilian is the one with g3 etc
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i guess my thought earlier...and perhaps u can tell me where i was crazy...was that with N at c3...he cant match the ..i guess is it really the botvinnik pawn formation ..the triangle???
xombie(1909) whispers: this wont be a draw, cat :)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: probably not
xombie(1909) whispers: black seems very comfortable already and lots of pieces on the board
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: the drawing ratio in tl is less than 10% I think
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: perhaps even lower
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I'm liking milpat's game so far.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: higher
fernbap(1669) whispers: white just did nothing so far
Aneirin(1726) whispers: yeah, and milpat has to win, so he won't easily succumb to a draw, he'll rather lose.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: it's higher than 10%?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: my own drawing ratio is at least 30%
xombie(1909) whispers: besides, as black one doesn't expect to get a winning advantage right away
Aneirin(1726) whispers: even I am over 10% draw, I think
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: so you say Xombie...LOL
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i do !!!!!!!!
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :-)
wmahan(1935) whispers: there have been several must-win games in the tl playoffs
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I say TL only
wmahan(1935) whispers: in all the games I saw, the side that needed the win got it
xombie(1909) whispers: how does one check that
xombie(1909) whispers: i mean the commandd
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: TL has a higher drawing ratio than ordinary FICS games, for the most part
xombie(1909) whispers: ah tl fi
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: yes
Aneirin(1726) whispers: 16% draw in TL I have
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i guess that prob true way, way up there,.,,seems opposite down here in trenches...:-)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: hm, around 15% drawing ratio in standard for me
wmahan(1935) whispers: I don't think pat will settle for a draw anyway
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: ok mine is actually 26 %
wmahan(1935) whispers: he'd probably rather throw all his pieces away going for an attack
Aneirin(1726) whispers: yeah, I'm supposed to be 'un-drawish'
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: u're a real leko sbc:))
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: mine is exactly 10%
xombie(1909) whispers: lol
nubie(1595) whispers: funny, I have the same draw ratio as Laur and Aneirin. Conspiracy?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: "tell teamleague fi zalik", he's the real Leko of TL ;)
10.h3 (6:19)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: oh definitely consipiracvy
xombie(1909) whispers: indeed!
wmahan(1935) whispers: haha
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: a very fine player though
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: nice perf rating tho..LOL
xombie(1909) whispers: there's something very noble about draws
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: lol
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I'm close to 60% loss percentage, though :')
fernbap(1669) whispers: lol
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: 14/19 draws
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: 14/8 2 draws
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: that would make even leko burn with envy
10...O-O (1:09)
wmahan(1935) whispers: so what now, O-O?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: my drawing ratio has been shot by 17 consecutive non-draws ;)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: called it
wmahan(1935) whispers: oops too late
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: isn't h3 a bit redundant here?
11.Nh2 (0:16)
fernbap(1669) whispers: i find kramnik more boring than leko
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: how is that possible to have that many draws :-?
xombie(1909) whispers: haha
Aneirin(1726) whispers: well, that has to be the point of h3
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I mean not having a clear purpose
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: a pity, cos I was closing in on the all-time record for draws, which I believe is still held by hugz
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: well there's the idea:)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i mean are they forced...agreed to at move 9,...or ....8-|
Aneirin(1726) whispers: she's a woman, doesn't count.
fernbap(1669) whispers: who is a woman?
xombie(1909) whispers: hmm, we seem to have quite a few drawmeisters
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: say that to her face, ane ;)
stevelco(1738) whispers: lol
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I'm saying it precisely because she isn't here. :)
stevelco(1738) whispers: Aneirin is very sensitive on this point
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: she can read the comments:)
stevelco(1738) whispers: "Who are you calling a woman?"
Aneirin(1726) whispers: that's alright, I will go in sufficient hiding.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yeah she's our sensitivity trainer....:))
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: scripta manent, thanks to WatchBot:)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: hehe
fernbap(1669) whispers: i bet she uses crystals to get the correct balance :P
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: u mean you dont fernbap ?? :O
fernbap(1669) whispers: no, i prefer the chakras :P
stevelco(1738) whispers: Nh2 is interesting. The idea to go to g4?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: ahhh...a mantra man then..:-)
xombie(1909) whispers: btw, is alexborz a subtle reference to Lois Griffin?
Frigateland(1779) whispers: We gotta get active
Aneirin(1726) whispers: he might also prepare f4
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: is this just to clear for f4 <?>
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nh2 f4 Ng5 f5-f6 maybe
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: *Ng4
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: of course black will have his views on that idea too
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I must admit I kind of like this idea, even though he should just have gone with f4 in the very beginning then :)
xombie(1909) whispers: looks like an opportune moment to play d5 here
stevelco(1738) whispers: Seems like a reasonable plan though
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: plans always look better when they don't include the opponents moves
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: d5 looks good now
stevelco(1738) whispers: lol
wmahan(1935) whispers: well pat was prepared for 2.f4. I'm not sure if there was a big advantage for white to playing Nf3-h2 first
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: lol..how true
Aneirin(1726) whispers: well, 2. f4 is a bit rubbish because of 2. .. d5. but 2. Nc3 and 3. f4 would be a normal GP attack
xombie(1909) whispers: but black wants to open up the center
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i like idea of b5 tho...
xombie(1909) whispers: if d5 then e5
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: queenside action for black...
wmahan(1935) whispers: good point ani
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: currently Q is trapped covering c2...and if b5--b4...open diag after N moves
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: and make spot for B at b7
fernbap(1669) whispers: b5 is thematic here
xombie(1909) whispers: wasn't this mentioned in an earlier game with opinel commenting?
fernbap(1669) whispers: what? that b5 is thematic?
11...b5 (6:07)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Would a3 defend against b5-b4?
xombie(1909) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I think we should start a drinking game
wmahan(1935) whispers: nice pat
fernbap(1669) whispers: you don't have to be opinel to know that :P
Aneirin(1726) whispers: you always think that, rat.
xombie(1909) whispers: it might be worthwhile to postpone d5 until whtie undertakes action himself
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: good move
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: every time someone mentions Opinel, they should be obliged to have a drink
wmahan(1935) whispers: haha
12.Rb1 (0:39)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: LOL
xombie(1909) whispers: lol
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Bb7 before d5 maybe next
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: of neat moonshine
Aneirin(1726) whispers: so, there goes a first for you, sbc. :)
stevelco(1738) whispers: opinel
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: mine was typo tho...dont count
wmahan(1935) whispers: sorry shiva, rules are rules :)
12...Bb7 (0:21)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: ok..<..slurp..>
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hate to twist a guys arm :-)
xombie(1909) whispers: this is a rather amusing discussion
fernbap(1669) whispers: i miss malcovich, though
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: ok, I'm off to have my drink, as per the rules
GaraE(1490) whispers: smalldrunkcat :P
Aneirin(1726) whispers: suspiciously feeble defense from shiva there.
fernbap(1669) whispers: he would make a fine pair with opinel
stevelco(1738) whispers: Bring your drinks to the board
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: b4 looks ok now
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I miss Malcovich's extended whispers, the one's that took up several lines on the screen
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: quick,...cannonball !!!!!!
13.Ne2 (1:15)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: l
xombie(1909) whispers: he will laugh at all of us
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: k
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: e
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: t
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: h
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: s
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: ?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: one drink and he's drunk.
Aneirin(1726) whispers: way to go.
wmahan(1935) whispers: maybe d5 now? or does that just open the e-file for white?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Doesn't necessarily open it to a sufficient degree.
GaraE(1490) whispers: d5 exd5 Bxd5 seems okay.
wmahan(1935) whispers: yeah shiva, going for the comments record!
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: there are already 2 pieces there
xombie(1909) whispers: i wonder though what if e5
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: my sensation is that white's pieces are a little bit awkward nw
Aneirin(1726) whispers: it would be funny if they filter out all non-chess related stuff before including it in the top-comments hall of fame. :)
xombie(1909) whispers: too much decentralization
Aneirin(1726) whispers: the record would be like '10 comments'.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i think Bl's fortune is queenside...so,..what can we do to improve over there
wmahan(1935) whispers: it seems moving the N back is not an option since c5 hangs
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: in pat's last game the comments were very to the point
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: mabye...Rc8
Aneirin(1726) whispers: yeah, I wasn't there. :)
fernbap(1669) whispers: well, white did nothing so far, allowing black to play at will. It's starting to show
GaraE(1490) whispers: b4 doesn't bode well either, due to c3 bxc3 bxc3 threatening knight and bishop simultaneously.
13...Rc8 (2:41)
wmahan(1935) whispers: good call shiva
GaraE(1490) whispers: At least black would have Nxe2+ with check.
14.c3 (0:19)
Frigateland(1779) whispers: White's gotta get active!
14...Nxe2+ (0:04)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: hm, more wood of the board
Koff(1991) whispers: white's just luring black into empty feel of safety
Aneirin(1726) whispers: black has two good bishops still, though
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: true
15.Rxe2 (1:01)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: what's the danger to black, Koff?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: white N is looking great....8-|
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: ..not
GaraE(1490) whispers: c4 also seems to force the issue with dxc4 or cxd3 or d4 Bxe4?
15...d5 (0:21)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i say start thinking about ripping it open ...
Aneirin(1726) whispers: white will probably go f4 sooner or later
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yeah baby !
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: go go go!
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: N out of play...if it opens...he could be missed
fernbap(1669) whispers: too late for white to play agressively :P
wmahan(1935) whispers: with the B pair it makes sense to open things up
Aneirin(1726) whispers: black must be considerably better already
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: not often black has space adv :D
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: good game by pat so far
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: rc8 made all this possible...:-)
wmahan(1935) whispers: agreed
Aneirin(1726) whispers: pat's a clever gal alright
tseltzer(1872) whispers: i agree with Lauren
stevelco(1738) whispers: lol aneirin
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: lol
16.f3 (1:17)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: for those without a web cam..Ane shirt in big red letters says...INSITGATOR...
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: a sad move to make
Aneirin(1726) whispers: :o
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: f3
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: F3 ??
GaraE(1490) whispers: I want a pawn to die soon!
Aneirin(1726) whispers: f3 looks shabby
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: oops..sorry...f3 ? anyone ?
fernbap(1669) whispers: white is dominating his own knight :P
Aneirin(1726) whispers: hehe fernbap
stevelco(1738) whispers: lol fern
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: auto-flaggelistic
stevelco(1738) whispers: g4 and Qf1 will make the domination complete
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: LOL
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: LMAO
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: a5-a4-a3
GaraE(1490) whispers: So mean to that knight. Give him a break. ;)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: i was looking at a dubious maneuover Bd4-c7
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: d5
tseltzer(1872) whispers: how about Qa5, then Rfd8
wmahan(1935) whispers: if I were black I would be wondering where to put the Q
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yes...goos ?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: *good.
xombie(1909) whispers: postpone decision for now
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: but it doesn't seem to work due to exd exd Bxc5!
wmahan(1935) whispers: I like that idea tim...he might be wary of taking the queen's eye off the kingside though
xombie(1909) whispers: Qh4 seems very inviting
tseltzer(1872) whispers: coz Black's pawn chain points to q-side
GaraE(1490) whispers: Don't much like Qh4, seems easily repelled with Bf2 aiding white's Re2 in removing an obstacle.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well...d4 i say then
xombie(1909) whispers: how about f5 now
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: he cat pass..
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: *cant
xombie(1909) whispers: grab some kingside space too
wmahan(1935) whispers: certainly no lack of choices
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: so he has to play cxd cxd and get rook flying
xombie(1909) whispers: or b4
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: might be nice to move Q first..get rook on d file too..then start all this shit
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :-)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: i guess another view is that White has just severly weakened the dark squares around his King
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think I'd like advancing black's a-pawn, someone mentioned that move. b2 seems to be a weak point for the moment and queenside is certainly very far from Nh2.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Qc7 maybe
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: an eye in both worlds...
GaraE(1490) whispers: Maybe c4 first to lock up a b3 attempt?
16...d4 (6:25)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yeah baby
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: pop it !@!
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ah, this seems better.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: ok..reatke B or pawn...B maybe better
wmahan(1935) whispers: forces cxd?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: that's gross, shiva :)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: forces
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: omg
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: ane
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I don't know
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :-&
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to me this seems to allow exchanges on the c file
wmahan(1935) whispers: ani has become our moral police...we are doomed
Aneirin(1726) whispers: hehe
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: say cxd cxd Bd2 with Rc1 coming
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I don't like the looks of it
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I'm not so hot on d4 either
Aneirin(1726) whispers: but I don't see a real downside, nevertheless
GaraE(1490) whispers: Be5 is still possible at least.
GaraE(1490) whispers: So black may yet avoid a locked up Bg7.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well..he may be thinking..cxd Bxd Bxd (forced i think) QxB+ with a strong center presence
17.cxd4 (3:37)
Aneirin(1726) whispers: I wouldn't give up the B-pair yet, personally
Aneirin(1726) whispers: but you make a good point
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: the dsb only good piece for WH
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: after that..
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: he screwed
wmahan(1935) whispers: I agree ani...cxd and the d3 pawn looks weak
Aneirin(1726) whispers: looks weaker after shiva's line, though :)
wmahan(1935) whispers: true...maybe Rd2 would defend
17...Bxd4 (2:06)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: go go go pat...
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: yeah that cxd does not look like an option
wmahan(1935) whispers: we shall see
Aneirin(1726) whispers: it probably would, but black has all the fun then
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: I don't like black b7 bishop still looks passive
18.Qd2 (0:19)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: good move i think..saves free tempo
Ezdi(1904) whispers: PRIVET GOSPODA OFICERI
Aneirin(1726) whispers: we need a secret language as well, guys.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: probably wise to retreat the bishop now
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: simply Bg7?
Bombassa(1998) whispers: you just have to read it from behind
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: hmm you know bulgarian?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: oh, Bh6
Aneirin(1726) whispers: no, Stili :')
Aneirin(1726) whispers: not Bh6, then I think d3 falls
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: I mean Ezdi
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: so Bg7 is sound
18...Qd6 (1:44)
stevelco(1738) whispers: Do Bulgarian comments count on watchbot?
Aneirin(1726) whispers: but Bg7 Rd1 to prepare it, maybe
wmahan(1935) whispers: pat doesn't like to retreat
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: :D
19.Ng4 (0:23)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: o--m--g--
Aneirin(1726) whispers: the N is BACK
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: it is the N's glorious return to the field
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: now Bg7 Bh6 does work:)
wmahan(1935) whispers: this is starting to look good for white
19...Rfd8 (1:05)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: nah!
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: this looks a bit risky
Aneirin(1726) whispers: black just has to mind the dark squares around his K, otherwise he's fine
GaraE(1490) whispers: Black's position seems more favorable, white is more of the passive defender.
wmahan(1935) whispers: ok I hope you guys are right :)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: makes sense, all the games so far have been come-from-behind affairs
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe he can go h5 next move
Aneirin(1726) whispers: that's also gross.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to kick the knight back
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: omfg
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: LOL
wmahan(1935) whispers: don't encourage him shiva :)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i feel like i am at a physical examination...
Aneirin(1726) whispers: hehe
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: h5-h4 perhaps
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to put some pressure
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: why, is someone asking you to take your trousers down?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :))
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: all the time my friend, all the time.....
wmahan(1935) whispers: pat is going to love these comments
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i'll have to turn off the McGruff software to read this later...:-)
GaraE(1490) whispers: e5 seems okay enough?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Qd5 is Nf6+, Qd7 is also Nf6+, and Bxe3 is merely Rxe3.
Aneirin(1726) whispers: Bxe5 needs to be looked at, though
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: whites move in any case
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh I see, sorry
GaraE(1490) whispers: There's Bxe5 Nxe5 Qxe5 Bg5 possibly.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: you were talking about e4-e5
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yea
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: e5 Bxe5 Nxe5 Qxe5 Bg5 Qd4+ hmm
Aneirin(1726) whispers: yeah, there are some tactics indeed, GaraE. but Bg5 Qd4+ in that line
Tysonx(1205) whispers: not ad
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: throw in Kh1 first, and that works
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yea, hm.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: except Kh1 Bxe3 and d3 is falling
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: well, unless Rxe3, which looks ugly
tseltzer(1872) whispers: also c4 potential in that line
20.Rd1 (6:43)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: h5
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and the knight is out of squares
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i think so
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: h5 now..before he can play e5 which looks strong to me
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: altho...that is some air around the k...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: the dsb cannot be allowed to leave e3
20...h5 (3:04)
wmahan(1935) whispers: again laur's crystal ball is correct
GaraE(1490) whispers: :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Wonder if the knight will run back to h2. :P
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: and now i think after this...maybe it will be time to play BxB thoughts?
21.Nf2 (1:40)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: BxB QxB c4 is the move right?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well..hmmn..now the R is covered...hmmnnnn
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: c4 d4
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I don't know
wmahan(1935) whispers: that kinda trows a wrench in your idea shiva
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: black gets good maj then ...
wmahan(1935) whispers: or spanner as sbc would say
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: yeah but white gets a nice centre:)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Maybe press on with kingside pawns?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: true,,center will be quicker as it is supported fully
GaraE(1490) whispers: Looking like it'd take multiple moves for white to reposition enough to threaten black king.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well its now...or the B flies to h6 !
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: so i say take it..
GaraE(1490) whispers: So f5 and work on freeing up the diagonal for Bb7?
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think Bh6 is probably answerable with Rc7 after f5.
wmahan(1935) whispers: is Bh6 so bad? then the N is pinned
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: is qg3 an option?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Qg3 Bf4 seems to force Qh4, then Bg5 forcing Qg3..?
wmahan(1935) whispers: does Qg3 Bf4 Qh4 Bg5 force a repetition?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i dont think so...Bf4
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: yeah
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: how can we get lsb into the battle...<?>
GaraE(1490) whispers: Was thinking f5 for that one.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: tough decision
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I can't find any clear plan
wmahan(1935) whispers: black seems to have the positional advantage but white is annoyingly solid
GaraE(1490) whispers: Could maybe just play Rc7 rather than commmit to anything (Bf4 defended with Be5 maybe)
fernbap(1669) whispers: solid is not enough in the long run
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: with tt aproaching solid might be enough
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: black have to find a way to create another weakness except this in d3
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: time trouble is cathartic
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I'm thinking maybe e5!?
21...Qc6 (6:56)
fernbap(1669) whispers: time trouble is just in your head :P
wmahan(1935) whispers: well said stili
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: this gives some bite to c4...
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: idea being e5.. Qe6 to force some weakness on the qside
GaraE(1490) whispers: Not sure I like it overall though, seems to be threatening defended locations.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and anchoring the bishop
wmahan(1935) whispers: also prevents Q trade after Bxd4 and Qe3...makes sense to me
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: maybe BxB Rd4 and Rcd1
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: Rcd8*
wmahan(1935) whispers: makes sense stili
GaraE(1490) whispers: Thinking just Rc1 and the pawn is not capturing in any direction.
wmahan(1935) whispers: pat has played well so far...I'm hoping time doesn't become a big factor
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: yep Rc1 is a little unpleasant it is a question of calculating imo
22.Rc1 (4:08)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: hi folks
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I think Bxd3 and Rd4 is good now
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: maybe Qb6 was better instead of Qc6
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to prevent a b4
wmahan(1935) whispers: b4 might be a threat now?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and try to triple on the d file
wmahan(1935) whispers: hi Ismir
GaraE(1490) whispers: I like that Qb6 Stili, even supports the diagonal the white king and black's piece and pawn are on.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: hi wil
wmahan(1935) whispers: as you might know, it's a must-win situation for black
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: Qb6 with the idea of X-ray pinning knight
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: i know
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: i saw your brilliancy yesterday
wmahan(1935) whispers: thanks for the comments :)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Hey here! Just for the record Mil, I was here and I cheer you! You make it 2-2 :))
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: stay a while jenny
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: relax :)
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: I dont comment i only follow
wmahan(1935) whispers: oh hi Jenny...with support from strong players like you and Ismir I couldn't lose :)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: i only saw the conclusion
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: so shes your lucky one
GaraE(1490) whispers: Seems like as black I'd be concerned that white can move his bishop if I make any non-Bxe3 move.
wmahan(1935) whispers: I'm not sure what it was but luck was on my side...let's hope pat has some too
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: shiva pull out yor voodoo doll and make alexborz blitz to the end of the game:)
22...e5 (4:05)
GaraE(1490) whispers: That seems to keep the Be3 badly positioned.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: potential weaknesses around the king though
GaraE(1490) whispers: Also not really a fan of how it seems to commit Bb7 to having locked diagonals.
GaraE(1490) whispers: White will probably never have a reason to initiate Bxd4.
wmahan(1935) whispers: what happens if b4 now?
Amaterasu(2139) whispers: i guess c4
wmahan(1935) whispers: b4 c4 dxe looks tricky to me
GaraE(1490) whispers: dxe seems to be the tricky part? :P
23.a3 (5:03)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: free move ?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: that was not needed was it ?
GaraE(1490) whispers: I don't like a3 here.
wmahan(1935) whispers: yeah I don't see why that was necessary
GaraE(1490) whispers: Was thinking about b3 though.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe not but it doesn't hurt anything
23...Qe6 (0:50)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe Qd6 was a tad better?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to keep an eye on b4
wmahan(1935) whispers: now if b4 cxb might be possible
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, don't like Qxb4 with leaving Rc1 guarded by a threatened bishop.
GaraE(1490) whispers: So b4 cxb4 seems to force axb4?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or at least Bxd4.
wmahan(1935) whispers: I'm not sure but axb4 looks ok to me
24.Rc2 (4:00)
xombie(1909) whispers: nice position isn't this, for black
xombie(1909) whispers: would be good to see 'and the rest was just technique'
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yep, white still in passive defense mode.
xombie(1909) whispers: he's getting squashed
wmahan(1935) whispers: oh you were right, b4 cxb Qxb4? Bxe3 Rxc8 Bxf2+
tseltzer(1872) whispers: anyone else feel like White is just playing not to lose so far?
wmahan(1935) whispers: yeah, it's understandable though
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: he plays for the clock also
StrategyMaster(1841) whispers: alex is both less rated and has no pressure to win from his team I believe, a draw should be fine for alex
GaraE(1490) whispers: No idea how much experience white has against Sicilian, but when I check the previous moves in this game it seems like he had trouble dealing with Nd4.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Qb3!? might put some pressure
24...c4 (2:09)
xombie(1909) whispers: this looks like a maroczy bind sicilian
xombie(1909) whispers: eh
xombie(1909) whispers: more prep needed?
xombie(1909) whispers: no, is good
xombie(1909) whispers: white's knight is very restricted
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: this is also cool
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: white must have a decent think here
xombie(1909) whispers: well, now the threat is Bxb2 Rxb2 c3
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: bl seems to be managing his clock wisely too...good sign
wmahan(1935) whispers: nice shot xomb
25.dxc4 (1:58)
wmahan(1935) whispers: the d3 weakness is gone...pat needs to get some compensation
xombie(1909) whispers: ty
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yes..and quick !
GaraE(1490) whispers: Not happy with dxc4 though.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Virtually made Qd2 vulnerable to the Rd8.
CarlosKerber(1653) whispers: hi all
CarlosKerber(1653) whispers: go go go pat!!
wmahan(1935) whispers: hey carlos
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well..what about...Bxb2 now
CarlosKerber(1653) whispers: just for 1 minute
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: i think black should have preparred c4 with Qb6 Rc7 , Bc8-e6, Kg7
GaraE(1490) whispers: I wonder if white hastily picked dxc4 hoping for more time pressure.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: Bxb2,,,queen move Bxa3 creates a long term threat6
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: 25...Bxb2 26 Qb4 now?
25...Rxc4 (2:29)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Bxb2 Qb4!
GaraE(1490) whispers: There's still Bxb2 Qb4 though.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ugh too slow. :P
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hehehe,.yes...Qb4 does look strong
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: pretty hard getting something out of this position
GaraE(1490) whispers: Still, the fact queen is on the same file won't change unless either the rook or queen moves, going to be a constant danger.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: black should have rearranged his pieces before rushing in
GaraE(1490) whispers: But not much of one now with Qxd8+ heh.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: white can trade quite a lot here
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: unfortunately
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hi julia
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: congrats again on your win :-)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: you're still on speakign terms I can't believe it:P
GaraE(1490) whispers: If the bishop is pinned, what about Rc3?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Could attempt to maneuver the rook onto d3.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well threat is RxR QxR BxB so...he has to move something
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: oh wait i guess that is not exactly much threat..LOL
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though I see Bb6 makes it not much of a pin.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: how's that a threat?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hehehe....
26.Rxc4 (4:29)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Rc3 Bb6 Qc1 should be okay.
26...Qxc4 (0:07)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: of course..we could be seeing a BvN ending quick with all the trades....
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i think black if for white choice here,...
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bg5 or Qa5 seems to have possibilities, and c1 is guarded either way.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably not Qa5.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hangs Re2.
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bg5 Bxf2+ -+
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, ah yes.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Poor queen :P
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: the big problem for black is the lsb
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: go pat...as far as i can tell...which aint much...he is wringing as much out of this as he can & keeping some options open...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: the lsb
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: has to get in game..
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I can't see how he does that
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: f5 or the slow...a5---Ba6...b4....
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe c8-e6-c5
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably best immediate option is Bc8
GaraE(1490) whispers: And do kingside pawn moves
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: white my try Bxd4 Rxd4 Qc2
27.Bxd4 (3:29)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: but that's slow
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well..rook seems clear choice ?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: maybe pawn...create passer
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: no
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Nd3
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: but white blockade is swift
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and the passer is a sitting duck
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nd3 certainly looking sexy after that.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: if he wants to win he must ply exd4 i fear
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: unfortunately
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: maybe so...
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think black has chances against a Nd3 at least.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Could start a5 after Nd3 happens.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: that surely is what he is weighing..
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: that Qc2 does seem to force a q exchange
GaraE(1490) whispers: With an eventual b4 and then Ba6.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: exd does encourage white to push pawns...might help lsb
CarlosKerber(1653) whispers: gotta run.... bye
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: but he wont tho...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: he has laid back so far at every turn really
27...Rxd4 (2:32) 28.Qc2 (0:34)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well,...we dont wanna trade do we ...
GaraE(1490) whispers: Does Qe6 avoid the queen exchange without problems?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: perhaps Qe6
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and bc8 if Qc7
28...Qe6 (0:29)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: but it's a bit iffy
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: good solid quick..ideal for here..:-)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: qc7 bc6
Twikki(2036) whispers: I don't like the last few moves for black
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: he could have hardly played anything else
Twikki(2036) whispers: probably all a conseuence of rushing c4
29.Qc7 (1:15)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: c4 was too early
29...Rd7 (0:04)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: all options have their downsides
30.Qc5 (0:23)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: both minor pieces are fairly bad
Funkmaus(2173) whispers: Fight till the Kings are Naked Mil - goooooooo!
GaraE(1490) whispers: a5 perhaps working? Qxb5 Ba6 at least, any other moves by white?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: unfortunately the knight is more easily improvable
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: yes it has better long-term prospects
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Ne1-d3 in the future
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: unless black can play f5 at some point, and Jedi mind-trick his opponent into taking on f5 ;)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Vishy ain't teaching that one
GaraE(1490) whispers: Better to jedi mind-trick a resign :P
30...Kg7 (2:20) 31.Qe3 (0:10)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: hm, hard to get any play going
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rd4
Twikki(2036) whispers: I don't understand what either side is doing
tseltzer(1872) whispers: take the c-file
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: this is a bit passive
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: queeb was very ok there
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: is he trying to clock him :-)
31...f6 (0:51) 32.Nd3 (0:14)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Eh that opened a plausible Qa7 in the future.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: i don't get this f6
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: f6 was necessary to protect e5
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nd3 looks bad
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: how come?
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qb3 looks good
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qc4 and white gets sat on
stevelco(1738) whispers: How's black looking here?
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: more wood coming off the board
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Nc5
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rd4
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: hmm
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: maybe is not so black for black to exchange bishop for knight
32...Qc6 (1:59) 33.Nc5 (0:31)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: now if Nb5...Rd1+ Re1 RxR wins N
33...Rd1+ (0:02) 34.Kf2 (0:10)
Twikki(2036) whispers: white's moving too fast
bvrus(1776) whispers: Go, Lesha, Go! :)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: he's trying to clock him
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well Bc8 seems looks good finally
34...Bc8 (0:32)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rc2
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Rc2 qd6?
tseltzer(1872) whispers: how about b4 making c5 into an outpost
35.b4 (0:47)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Liking b4.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Symmetrical pawn formation though, or nearly.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: Be6
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qd6 now
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: try and get him in or trade annoying N
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: black has a very bad bishop
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Be6 yes
35...Rd4 (0:47)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: i would play that
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: though the ending is drawisdh
36.Rc2 (0:17)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: black wants to keep BvN
Twikki(2036) whispers: qd6 looked much better than Be6
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: only caance
36...Qb6 (0:16)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: why not Rd2 for white
37.Nb3 (0:29)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: I agree with Twikki White is playing too fast, especially since he only needs draw - should focus on not making a mistake
GaraE(1490) whispers: Uhoh.
bvrus(1776) whispers: oops
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: this wins the exchange
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Be6 only move
37...Be6 (0:45)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Be6-c4 may preserve some chances
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: well, this unbalances things a bit
xombie(1909) whispers: which might be good for black!
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Bc4 is blacks main idea
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: d-pawn might give some chances
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: he wins back tzhe excahnge but loses a apwn
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: it's on a dark square
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: then he can play with his passed d pawn
milpat(1792) whispers: :) rock on!
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: so it will be lost
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: we will rock you, pat !!
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nxd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 exd4 Rd2 ... yeah.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: after say Qd3 blockading
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: good trick by Pat :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: no queen trade, garae
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nd4 ed
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hrm
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: with queen's off it's dead lost
GaraE(1490) whispers: What was wrong with Rd6 instead of be6?
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Nxd4 exd4 Qd3 Bc4 Rxc4 bxc4 Qxc4 d3+ and Qe3
GaraE(1490) whispers: I guess queen trade was bad overall still.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: we'll need the mother of all swindles here:)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: well..lsb bishop finally at the party...better late than never ehh :-)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: same as yesterday
Twikki(2036) whispers: black needs the cheap shots with the queen to draw, otherwise white sacs the rook for the b&p for a pawn up k&p endgame
tseltzer(1872) whispers: wmahan showed us a nice comeback yesterday, let's hope for another!
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :O
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :))
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh, black needs a win though. :(
wmahan(1935) whispers: :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though draw certainly seemed likelier with Q exchange.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: white can alway take a perpetual, thats bad nesw
tseltzer(1872) whispers: long think here for White, anyone see alternative to Nxd4?
wmahan(1935) whispers: I'm much more nervous for this game...it's hard not having any control over the game
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Nc5 is an alzternative, of course
Frigateland(1779) whispers: Well, let's go for the line given by Ismir, seems the only one and not bad at that
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: he doesn't like that the game finally becomes unbalanced:))
38.Rc5 (4:59)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: wow
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: lol
GaraE(1490) whispers: Dang. :P
Twikki(2036) whispers: if white has draw odds, Rd2 was reasonable
Frigateland(1779) whispers: If the rook retreats, Rc7 + ?
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: BxN QxB and Rc4 !
tseltzer(1872) whispers: as we said yesterday, ANYTHING can happen
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Rd1
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Bxb3
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: to make some mate threats
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: in conjuction with Bc4
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: maybe Bxb3 Qxbe Qd6!?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: or Rd2+ there
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: pat you must punish that
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: maybe Qd6 is more effective
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: in Ismir's line there is Re5!?
bvrus(1776) whispers: Alexey not want to win today... only draw! :)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: which solves the problems for white
38...Rd7 (1:50)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: he keeps the tension, a wise decision
39.Na5 (0:24)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: hmmn
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Qd8
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: such an annoying knight
GaraE(1490) whispers: Rc8 Rd2+ would be anguishing.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Rd1
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: again:)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: Qd8...making Rd2 rather annoying
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: funny is Bc4 Nxc4 bxc4 Rxc4 Rd2
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: yes, lol, i saw it, too
39...Qd8 (1:34)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: black seems to have improved very much the position in the last moves
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: is white playing to fork pawn and B...
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: seems odd...
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Rc3 to stop Rd3
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rc6 looks more energetic
40.Rc6 (2:37)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Wow white's passive defense is gone.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: rejecting the exchange was one of the most surprising decisions i've seen in a tl game
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: Rc6 Rd2+ Kg1 Bc4 and give white the pawn if he wants it
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: problem is white has Nxc4
40...Bf7 (1:08)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and he gets the c pawn
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rd2+ Kg3 and Qa7+ is a threat
41.Rxa6 (1:50)
Frigateland(1779) whispers: Qc3 ? and if check Kg3
Frigateland(1779) whispers: and if h4+ then Kh2
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: i'd say h4
41...h4 (0:48)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: nice...
fernbap(1669) whispers: wow! I can't turn my back without black losing a pawn!
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: go for broke
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe Rd1
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: cutting the black k
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and hoping for some swindle
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: if he doesn't play Kg1 that is
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: though Kg1 seems to solve all problems once and for all
GaraE(1490) whispers: What about Rd2+ K? Ra2 threatening Qd1+, and if Qe1 there's potential for Qd4 followed by Ra1.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Same with Qc1 I guess.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: the problem is Qb6
42.Nc6 (2:46)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ke2 Rd1 Rc6 looks like a decent active defense
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Rd2 now
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think Qb6 would result in white being mated maybe.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Nc6 is risky
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh nvm it was white to move.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and Qd6
42...Rd2+ (0:35)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: next
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Qd6 Nb8
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Nc6 was a bit adventurous
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Ke1 Rd1+ Ke2 Bc4+ Kf2 Rf1 mate :D
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh R will be on d1 by then, nvm
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Qc8 also is dangerous after Rd1+
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice Ismir
43.Kg1 (1:00) Rd1+ (0:07)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: wow, I think Qd6 really saves the day for white
44.Kh2 (0:08)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: not this
44...Qc8 (0:05) 45.Qb6 (0:17)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Qd6 was winning I think, the knight was trapped
45...Qd7 (0:20)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Qd6 was also answered by Qb6
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nxe5 deserves a look
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: hmm, could've gone to d7 straight away
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: I think you mate him in that line
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Nb8
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: after rd1+ Qd2
46.Qe3 (0:55)
fernbap(1669) whispers: ra7 looked good
Twikki(2036) whispers: almost certain Nxe5 was winning there
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: ra1 strong
bvrus(1776) whispers: oh no
fernbap(1669) whispers: kh2
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i was worried about Nxe5 fxe Qf6+ then checks at h4...or with rook if king steps back...
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Ra1 is the best ry
fernbap(1669) whispers: *kh7
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: some perpetual
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: going for mate
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Ra1 wins
46...Ra1 (1:05)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: go go pat
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: go Pat :)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: wow
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: nah Qe2 now
tseltzer(1872) whispers: then just Qb7
tseltzer(1872) whispers: simple right?
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: ugh!!
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: so the archbishops will now become the saints
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: two wonders in two days, thats incredible
Twikki(2036) whispers: maybe Qf2
GaraE(1490) whispers: Qc3 defends perhaps
tseltzer(1872) whispers: no defense works
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: both met by Qd1
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qf2 Qd1 Qxh4 Qh1+ Kg3 Qe1+ Kg4 Be6+!
GaraE(1490) whispers: mm.
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qf2 Qd1 Qxh4
tseltzer(1872) whispers: h4 was brilliant!
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ouchies.
fernbap(1669) whispers: looks like qe2 forced
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: let's hope pat sees Qb7
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Be6 mate sorry
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: white low on time finally:)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: pat has used his time judiciously
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, looks like white has to give up the knight
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: black can play Qd1 on almost anything except Qe2
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: and perhaps more importantly, some time:))
47.Qe2 (3:12)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Qf2 Qd1 Qh1+ Kg3 Qd1+ picking up Q later
47...Ra2 (0:06)
milpat(1792) whispers: i dont know for u, but me: i call this "action"! :)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: :(
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: blunder?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Qxb5 Qd2 Qf1 seems to be holding
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: yeah, over
GaraE(1490) whispers: :(
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: hmm
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Qxa2!!
tseltzer(1872) whispers: Qxa2!
GaraE(1490) whispers: What about Qd2 threatening Qf4+?
tseltzer(1872) whispers: then Ra7
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: yep Qxa2 Bxa2 Ra7
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: yeah he missed it :(
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qb7
48.Qe1 (1:22)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: one move
48...Qb7 (0:05)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: wow
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: yes !
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: it stll works
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh man, Qxa2 was beautiful
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: this is a thriller
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: i did not see the Qxa2 at first..
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: was Qxb5 ok too?
tseltzer(1872) whispers: milpat's got this
Frigateland(1779) whispers: And wood be good for white
GaraE(1490) whispers: Me neither, would've been great to see it happen
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: ok now after double incorrect moves we return to previous
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qxb5 was ok, i quess
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: whew,..he saw it the 2nd look...:-)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ra7 was playable too
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I'm struggling to see the refutation there
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Qxb5 looked dubious on account of Qd1!?
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qxb5 Qd1 and Qxf3
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably the clock is refuting their efforts to concentrate.
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: maybe a forced mate
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: quite a battle between these two down the stretch in time crunch!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: ah, yes
GaraE(1490) whispers: There goes Alex..
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: courageous play by my captain !!!
49.Nxe5 (1:39)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: go Pat!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: maybe Nxe5 there, its tricky
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: take the rook:)
49...Qxa6 (0:16) 50.Nxf7 (0:02) Kxf7 (0:02) 51.Qxh4 (0:00)
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: o-v-e-r-
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Kg7!
GaraE(1490) whispers: Brutal :(
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: :-)
tseltzer(1872) whispers: take your time, Pat and it is over
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: don't speak too soon
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: not that easy
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: Kg7
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: cmon
StrategyMaster(1841) whispers: Qd6
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: or Qd6+ and Kg7
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: even better
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Qd6+ seems to force the queen trade
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh f4, nvm
Twikki(2036) whispers: as long as he sees qh7+ ke6 qg8+ he's safe :P
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: no f4 is possible
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: in my defence, its really really late ;)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: qd6 Kg7 is almost curtains
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: he can try to swindle with qg3 aND E% BUT THERES NOT MUCH TO IT
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hoping milpat isn't too overexcited.
51...Qd6+ (2:42)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: okay, here we go
52.f4 (0:12) Kg7 (0:05)
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: nice
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: YES!!
StiliDimitrov(1932) whispers: Laur you must play lottery :)
53.Qg4 (0:27)
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rxa3 is safe
stevelco(1738) whispers: Good game, Pat
GaraE(1490) whispers: g5 while pawn's pinned too maybe.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Threatens Qxf4+
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: or g5, even simpler
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: even Rf2
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though I wonder about g5 e5
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: hmm
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rxa3 looks good
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: plenty of good moves
53...Rxa3 (1:46) 54.h4 (0:04) Ra8 (0:17)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm uhoh if he intends on Rh8.
shivaroxxx(1647) whispers: forunately, pat is much better closer than my sorry ass...:-)
55.Kh3 (0:18)
GaraE(1490) whispers: h5 Rh8 Qxg6+ Kf8.. guess out of checks.
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Rh8 now
GaraE(1490) whispers: Seems Qd3+ also working.
55...Qd3+ (0:59) 56.g3 (0:05)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Kicking white while white's down. :(
56...Qf1+ (0:09)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: mate in two
Ismirdochegal(2089) whispers: Qf1 curtains
LaurentiuI(1765) whispers: mate
xombie(1917) whispers: yay
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: sorry three
alexborz resigns 0-1


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