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milpat(1816) vs. stevelco(1720) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-30

LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Go Pat!
1.c4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:02)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: white's team goes through if milpat wins?
wmahan(1959) whispers: you're the man pat
2...Nf6 (0:07)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yes
fernbap(1669) whispers: GO STEVE!
GaraE(1490) whispers: GO MILPAT!
3.g3 (0:15) d5 (0:04) 4.cxd5 (0:03)
fernbap(1669) whispers: na :P
GaraE(1490) whispers: ;)
Boedi(1993) whispers: white has to win right?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yes
Boedi(1993) whispers: well good luck then milpat ;-)
fernbap(1669) whispers: yes, he certainly needs luck playing against steve ;)
wmahan(1959) whispers: should be a good battle...I know pat is full of energy
GaraE(1490) whispers: I prefer Nxd5 here compared to cxd5, don't like the opened diagonal.
GaraE(1490) whispers: And if Nxd5, Qxd5 should be pretty good for black due to g3.
GaraE(1490) whispers: So that Nxd5 won't happen.. I think.
GaraE(1490) whispers: (from white I mean)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I assume black will play cxd though
4...cxd5 (2:57)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: and pat is probably gonna go d4
5.d4 (0:40)
wmahan(1959) whispers: good call
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: what's the next move, Laurentiu?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, and I suppose the primary benefit of cxd5 is that an e6 closes the diagonal for Bg2.
fernbap(1669) whispers: this suits black. a symetrical structure, very equal
wmahan(1959) whispers: my guess is Nc6
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I will go with e6:)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: I would think the primary benefit (with cxd5) is some central control, not to mention c6 looks meaningless if not cxd5
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: just to make it fun
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh.
wmahan(1959) whispers: true, this is very drawish at top levels
5...e6 (1:29)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Laurentiu gonna win the prediction contest with a landslide :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, I guess I'm less interested in central control being a factor then, though it does matter sufficiently to be wary of.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Let's see,,, Bg2:)
wmahan(1959) whispers: yeah stop showing off Laur :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: And take off that cheating mindreading cap.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I'm a chess wisperer:P
wmahan(1959) whispers: haha
wmahan(1959) whispers: technically we are all whisperers
wmahan(1959) whispers: I expect Bg2 as well
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this structure is a bit unusual though
GaraE(1490) whispers: Maybe he'll change plans and instead go with an e pawn move.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: is the Catalan setup effective here? I thought cxd5 was to be avoided as white?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: its pretty harmless, yeah
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd say the Catalan setup without having a c4 existing versus d5 and e6 is weak for white.
6.Nf3 (3:28)
GaraE(1490) whispers: The bishop ends up being penned in with no pressure from c4.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: we'll see
wmahan(1959) whispers: it seems I'm better at guessing wrong than laur is at being right
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: you probably jinxed Laurentiu, wmahan ;)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I was going for Nf3 next, but pat chose to transpose:)
6...Nc6 (1:47)
GaraE(1490) whispers: I thin in retrospect perhaps g3 was to be avoided when facing the potential for d5 (after c6).
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah, strategically I don't fancy this as white
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: It's the exchange slav structure + a fianchetto
GaraE(1490) whispers: Since normally d5 taking on c4 is threatened by the Bf1 after an e-pawn move.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: not when playing for a win at least
GaraE(1490) whispers: And in the Catalan, c6 isn't used to support the d5 pawn, I think.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably because it diverges from being a Catalan once white sees the c6.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: In the exch slav, which isn't exactly the pinnacle of sharpness, the little pull that white has is based on piece play and the extra tempo
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh, then the g3 is currently representing loss of that extra tempo.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I would not say loss
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: but the setup is a bit innefective, you can put pressure on d5 only through e4 which has it's own set of problems
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: well, if this would be milpat's biggest "mistake" of the game, he'll have good chances to win
nubie(1595) whispers: but now that white has played g3, it makes perfect sense to play Bg2 and then prep e4, which black cannot prevent easily I think. And it's not like Bc8 is so much better at the moment than the white counterpart
7.Bg2 (4:53)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Like always, we dissect the opening but the result of the game will probably be determined by who's more tactically alert
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah. True enough.
wmahan(1959) whispers: not to disagree with anything you guys say, but I don't think the opening will decide the game
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: probably because we like to think we actually know something in the opening :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Well, an effective opening can do well to provide opportunities in the midgame, whereas an ineffective opening causes you to feel like opportunity-deprived while your opponent gets the pick of the attacks.
7...Be7 (1:29)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though that itself doesn't mean losing or winning, just means you have choices.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Yeah, but the play will be quiet for a while, we'll see who's better at shuffling pieces around
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: in my TWIC database, white scores surprisingly awful in this position, only 2 wins and 4 draws in 20 games :O
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: (... They call that maneuvering...)
GaraE(1490) whispers: That's brutal Madman. :(
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: amateurish me would evaluate this position as equal though
GaraE(1490) whispers: One.. of the things I frequently encounter and hate is the lack of effectiveness from a fianchetto bishop. It may look cool snuggled in, but ends up never doing anything.. and the knights become trapped in their duties.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: 42.5% for white our of 126 games in my db
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: But then again... some positions are more equal than others
GaraE(1490) whispers: The worst setup is if Nf3 becomes unable to move at all for fear of losing a pawn.
8.O-O (3:30) O-O (0:06) 9.Bf4 (0:18)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: up to 30% in 33 games now :)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: 42% in 69 games
wmahan(1959) whispers: at our level anything can happen imo
tseltzer(1899) whispers: in these lines, how does Black normally develop his c8 Bishop, e.g. via a6-b5-Bb7?
tseltzer(1899) whispers: and it usually does!
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this looks like the most natural alternative, yeah
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yea Tseltzer, would prefer to oppose the fianchetto.
tseltzer(1899) whispers: wmahan, Laur, what u think?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I would go with b6 as black
GaraE(1490) whispers: The catch is after b5 is the c5 hole.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: As I want to keep control over c5
wmahan(1959) whispers: makes sense, or maybe just b6-Bb7
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: b6, Bb7
GaraE(1490) whispers: Even b6 has a downside of its own, that being Nb5 - but it's already possible to begin with so...
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: can't Nb5 be annoying after b6?
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think it's fairly normal to have a6 + b6 though.
wmahan(1959) whispers: when preparing pat and I were expecting Bf5 before e6, so black might be wondering what to do with the bishop as well
tseltzer(1899) whispers: mabye Black can then play Ba6 and offer to trade his bad Bishop for the Knight
9...a6 (5:01)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Guess he's either going for b5 or just doesn't want to deal with Nb5.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I hate playing these symetrical positions with both colours
tseltzer(1899) whispers: White's gotta win, so I would think he should try to break the symmetry
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: very dry, few opportunities for both sides
GaraE(1490) whispers: Qc2's a start maybe, could threaten Ng5 to force g6.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah, but black is in a bit of predicament
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Playing for a draw is damn hard
tseltzer(1899) whispers: even if it means getting an isolated d-pawn and opening the diagnonal for a Bishop on B7
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: not easy here with no clearcut plan to follow
tseltzer(1899) whispers: given time, I would imagine Black could catch up on development
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah, e4 looks like the best option to drum up some play
GaraE(1490) whispers: Controlling c file's a plan, supporting the e4 square's another, aiming at h7 is yet another, looking to take advantage of e5 is one more.
tseltzer(1899) whispers: that's what i was thinking, too, Laur :)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Those aren't really plans, but ideas:)
GaraE(1490) whispers: And just realized Qc2 has some problems with Nb4.
tseltzer(1899) whispers: Qd3 e4 Rad1 Rfe1 and then reassess
GaraE(1490) whispers: Might have to play a3 first
10.Rc1 (4:35)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or pick a move that doesn't involve putting queen on c2 or d3.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: well, the idea was that the q should support e4
GaraE(1490) whispers: I guess then it'd work to Qd3 Nb4 Qb1
GaraE(1490) whispers: And the knight ends up retreating anyway.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Maybe try to go Ng5 Qc2 to force h6
tseltzer(1899) whispers: in some Alapin lines they criticize siimilar Rc1 moves as being too prone to result in exchanges on the c-file
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: induce a little weakness
10...Bd6 (1:58)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Be5 maybe?
GaraE(1490) whispers: I kind of would like an e5 pawn if he takes it on.
GaraE(1490) whispers: And Qc7 to support diagonal is risky.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Good news... white has 100% out of this position:))
RxR(1682) whispers: or Ne5 and e4 next?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: In 2 games:P
GaraE(1490) whispers: :P
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what's the move, Laur?
11.Ne5 (1:59)
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think the downside with Be7-Bd6 is that the Be7 is pretty effective at protection.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I swear I was gonna say Ne5
tseltzer(1899) whispers: another downside is moving the same piece twice when behind on development
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: it forces a little imbalance
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: lot of symmetry....
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: It's going to change in a couple of moves
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I'd say this maneuver was not in black's favour
GaraE(1490) whispers: Surely not, and also Bg5 now has some pressure.
11...Bd7 (3:38)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: wow
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: blunder
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: isn't Nxf7 winning a pawn for white?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nxf7 is good
wmahan(1959) whispers: I just hope pat sees it...
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: A pawn and a beautiful bishop
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nxf7 Kxf7 Bxd6, yep.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nf7 threatens queen, so can't just ignore it and perform Bxf4.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: It's easy to miss though
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Rarely seen pattern
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, I didn't even realize it was a threat until you mentioned it. Seems it could have been recognized as a danger, after white played Ne5.
GaraE(1490) whispers: The key point is probably the interposition of the bishop.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: the problem when you play yourself is you get a bit blindfolded, not keeping an open mind, but think the opponent will play a certain move, at least I suffer from that
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bd7 prevented Qxd6.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah, "Egoism"
12.Nxd7 (3:37)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: one of the "7 Deadly Chess Sins" apud Jonathan Rowson
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nooo.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nxd7 was exactly what black was hoping for, I'm sure everyone knew. :P
tseltzer(1899) whispers: is that a good book, Laur?
12...Qxd7 (0:27)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Yeah
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: the importance of the game must weigh on the players, I doubt both would miss it usually
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I recommend it, it's a nice read
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: All of Rowson's books actually
tseltzer(1899) whispers: thanks, will pick it up!
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: exchanges, more exchanges
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what else of his u recommend?
13.Bg5 (0:57)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: well, he has "Chess for zebras" and "Understanding the grunfeld"
wmahan(1959) whispers: :(
RxR(1682) whispers: even if white missed Nxf7 I cant see the need for Nxd7
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Me neither, even e4 was a better option
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: keeping some tension in the position
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: ic...Nxf2 RxN BxB
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: a bit more unbalanced now at least, with white having the bishop pair
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: it is, but in order to benefit from that imbalance white would have to play e4 and take on d5
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: and if black plants a knight on d5 I'd say he's rock solid
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I'm guessing Be7 and then perhaps Na4-c5
13...Be7 (3:49)
RxR(1682) whispers: that na4 is a bit of a problem, perhaps black should have developed instead of Be7?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: How?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably could have afforded b5, to deter Na4, but he had concerns over Bxf6 gxf6 at the moment.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Allowing Bxf6 is a mistake imo
GaraE(1490) whispers: Right.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Allowing Bxf6 is a mistake when only needing a draw at least
GaraE(1490) whispers: Na4 also, can't really secure a capture - it threatens a fork that is eliminated by a rook move.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well..i think its clear...white needs to play e4 and rip open center....but maybe some prep is in order...
RxR(1682) whispers: Na4 and settle a N on c5 looks like great prep
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah, Na4 looks good, at least it forces black to take some decisions
GaraE(1490) whispers: Na4 Ra7 Nc5 Qc7 Bf4, hmm.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bd6 and should be fine for black.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: Ra7....doubt that very much
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: I expect Na4 Qc7
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I think Na4 Qd8
14.Na4 (3:41)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i think d8 is better too...
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: as c7 is both on the c file and the f4-b8 siag
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Nc5 threatens b7 pawn then
GaraE(1490) whispers: Well, seems to be okay for black (Ra7 that is) but the other moves do look significantly more comfortable.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Idea is eventually black would like to drive out the knight with b6, yes?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Qd8 Nc5 Qb6!? looks adequate
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: lets hope...that will be nice,...if diag is wide open after the cetner opens up
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, that's nice Laurent
14...Qd8 (2:09)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: but that allows Bxf6 gxf6
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: yeah nice q move follow up
GaraE(1490) whispers: Wait, isn't there a fork after Qb6?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: after Bxf6 Bxf6 there's a fork on d7
RxR(1682) whispers: Qd8 Nc5 Qb6 is a qustionable after Bxf6 Bxf6 Nd7
GaraE(1490) whispers: With Nd7 after the Bxf6 you mentioned. :(
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah.. seems you caught it faster than me. :))
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: well, there is always Nc5 Bxc5
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'm expecting b6 if he plays Nc5 though.
evilcoyote(1900) whispers: be careful of c6 knight
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, you're right.
evilcoyote(1900) whispers: b7 is only defender at the moment
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nc5 b6 Nxe6 or something like that.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Now that would hurt.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nc5 Bxc5 would be a good scenario for white
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: why not Nc5 Bxc5 dxc5 and then h6 to get rid of the pin
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehehe...
RxR(1682) whispers: problem is Nc5 Bxc5 gives white 2 Bs vs 2 Ns
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: at least he has the endgame to look forward too
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: obviously the 3 to 2 q-side majority is no fun for black, but alternatives are looking worse
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: and a clean maj...
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: 2 bs and the majority
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i would think already +/=
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i like the sound of bishops versus knights...:-)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: My advice for pat would be to play a bit faster
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: I just got here. Milpat went for a Slav Exchange structure in a must win situation?
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehe...i am trying to take you advice to heart too...manage clock lil better
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this looks highly endgamable, and u don't want to be short on the clock there
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehe....saucy...it is his good book he knows well...he is well aware of drawish tendencies...
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: that's advanced psychology, play a drawish opening which is a bit passive for black, and hope black will be too passive
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or be too reckless where he shouldn't be.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Yeah, black should use reverse reverse psychology:))
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: advanced psychology, I see. That's why it was beyond me.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: at least..in these lines...still some firepower on the board so thats good....
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: He's taking too long, Nc5 looks like a logical followup after Na4
GaraE(1490) whispers: Might be worried about b6 but missed the possible idea of Nxe6 fxe6 Rxc6 like I did.
15.e3 (7:58)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I don't get this
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: I prefer plan with not rushing a3,b4, Nc5
GaraE(1490) whispers: Probably decided b6 made Nc5 moot.
GaraE(1490) whispers: And missed the advantages. :(
GaraE(1490) whispers: Would be a continuation of missing the Nxf7 earlier.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: maybe...he wants to shore up d4 so the queen is free...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: free to what ?
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: Qb3 maybe....
fernbap(1669) whispers: hmm... i would consider b6
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: yes this is not bad now h6 is unpleasant
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: another wild idea...might be to trade X here ....leaving the queenside pawns in a lurch for minority attack.......RxN and then the N can sit at c5 all day after BxN
GaraE(1490) whispers: But wouldn't the black dsB be able to challenge the Nc5?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Not as though Bf6 is useful, it'd probably be moved back to Be7.
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Bg2 must be activated
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well...if he wants to trade out B...and leave Q or rook on c5...
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: maybe on b1-h7 diagonal
GaraE(1490) whispers: Should be okay probably, black can focus on b-file and maneuver his rooks onto it.
GaraE(1490) whispers: (in shiva's line), but seems playable.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well..jsut opining...e3 would be predicate to dumping B
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: after Qa5 Rfg1 and Bf1....he will be all in queenside ...but...hard to say if that will be effective ,....
GaraE(1490) whispers: If I was black I'd probably now go with Stili's h6.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Force the white dsB to die.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well..if his plan is to trade...not doing any favors with h6
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nd7 amounts to the same thing
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: and i think e3 locking it in...he saying...i will dump for N...
15...h6 (8:49)
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'm thinking of white's two bishops, white's dsB is the superior one for both short and long-term (until e3 happened that is).
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: hmm h6 Bf4 g5 weakening pawn structure and king protection
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: I preferred Laurentiu's Nd7
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: he may be thinking...opp bishops
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: that is good reason to play h6 right there
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Bxf6 and Qb3 maybe
tseltzer(1899) whispers: it is his "bad" Bishop, but on the other hand he loses Bishop pair after trade
16.Bxf6 (1:22) Bxf6 (0:05)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i only put forth my plan...as ...white has to create winning chances...and altho risky...(RxN) on the surface it at least tries to answer draw question.
GaraE(1490) whispers: White probably had decent winning chances with Nc5 though, and the missed Nxf7.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: quit living in the past!
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: we are talking about NOW
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: :))
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: j/k gara
GaraE(1490) whispers: Just saying a better plan is to seize the chances as they arrive ;)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Than to try to force it
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what about Nc5 and then recapturing with d-pawn to create 3 on 2 q-side majority to create some winning chances
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: in a perfect world my friend, no one would ever miss a move...:-)
GaraE(1490) whispers: :)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: and every game would draw !!!!!!!!!!
17.Nc5 (2:57)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: shiva, my perfect world is not everyone playing better than Rybka against me ;)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: LMAO
Myob(1776) whispers: lol mad
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: nice bind
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i could crush rybkka.....if it was running on commodre 64
GaraE(1490) whispers: For some reason positions similar to this all have the Nc6 prove to be a liability.
17...Rb8 (2:12)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: hmm
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or at least an annoyance black needs to reposition or eliminate.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Nxb7 wins a pawn?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nxa6
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: Nxb7
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes
GaraE(1490) whispers: And not eliminate favorably for white. :P
CarlosKerber(1650) whispers: go go go Pat... brb
tseltzer(1899) whispers: hmm, what b2
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: a6 is hanging too after Rc6
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what about the b2 pawn, i mean
tseltzer(1899) whispers: oic
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nxb7 (or I think Nxa6) Rxb7 Rxc6 Rxb2 Rxa6
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Nxb7 Rxb7 Rxc6 Rxb2 Rxa6
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: :)
milpat(1816) whispers: Nxa6 bxa6 Rxc6 Rxb2 Rxa6 wins a pawn?
GaraE(1490) whispers: That looks great for white.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Nxa6 bxa6 Rxc6 Rxb2 Qa4 looks interesting
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I'm not so sure
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nxa6 has the possibility of Ra8 though
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: i think white shouldnt open the position here just to grab a pawn
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: f eekarf
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: white might win a pawn, but I reckon the position is still drawish
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nxa6 Ra8 Nc5 Rxa2? Nxb7 Qc8 Qb3
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: mistell sry
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Qe2 is an alternative
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: there is also simply Rxa6 at the end of the Rxb2 line
18.Nxa6 (4:27)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice blackcat, guess all that's left to do is hope milpat doesn't miss this type of tactic for the third time in a row.
nubie(1595) whispers: yes! go pat!
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: third time?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, I suppose second time is correct.
18...Ra8 (0:41)
GaraE(1490) whispers: The third must have been in some variation he never entered. ;)
fernbap(1669) whispers: what's happening here?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: white is grabbing a pawn
19.Nc5 (1:09)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: 2 maybe.....:-)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: same tactic still applies to b pawn...LOL
fernbap(1669) whispers: rxa2 nxb7 qb6, perhaps
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: well Rxa2 Qbe Ra7
nubie(1595) whispers: actually maybe Rxa2 Qb3 straight away?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: b3 i mean
19...Rxa2 (0:56)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hmmn...qb3 here that is improvement
wmahan(1959) whispers: practically speaking I don't mind him grabbing a pawn
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: and then white can play Ra1! to fight for the a-file
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Qb3 Ra7 Nxb7
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: or Nxb7 first
wmahan(1959) whispers: I mean with time pressure and match pressure on black I don't think he'll play to a perfect draw
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: well, you have to hope ;)
20.Qb3 (1:11)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Qb3 Ra7 Nxb7 Qb8! Rxc6 Rxb7
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh I am :)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: this is a position which cant be lost by white
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I agree that in these situations, the guy who needs only the draw is under more pressure
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: saucy & i had a near 100 move draw yesterday,...:-)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: longest game of my entire life...
20...Ra7 (0:49)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this looks okay too
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i could have won risk twice !
wmahan(1959) whispers: white must win though
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: whita has chances to win, black has none, i think
tseltzer(1899) whispers: any merit in Ra1 here?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: it's a good alternative
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Ra1 looks very good
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: to Nxb7
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: better than Nxb7
wmahan(1959) whispers: draw = victory for black of course
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Ra1 Qa8
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ra1 Qa8 Rxa7 Qxa7 Nd7 could eliminate black's opposing bishop.
21.Ra1 (1:46)
wmahan(1959) whispers: nice gara
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: yep so good move then ;)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: but.,..it aint doing anything
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: N is on fire
nubie(1595) whispers: why not Ra1 Qa8 Rxa7 Qxa7 Qxb7?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Rb8
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: white might need to win a pawn too
21...Na5 (0:53)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: if white wanted to win a pawn he would have had to play Nxb7
GaraE(1490) whispers: That does seem nicer nubie.
GaraE(1490) whispers: But this Na5 threw a lot of this out the window. :P What now.
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Qb5
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: even Nxb7 does not win pawn .....
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: clearly...as i think black still gets a pawn back
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Qc3
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Qb5
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: !
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Forward!
22.Qb5 (1:16)
evilcoyote(1900) whispers: b4 will be a nice follow up
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: b6 now maybe for black
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice, and Nd7 is also threatened.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Good options for white.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: b6 Nd3
GaraE(1490) whispers: Best one seems to be b4 though.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: there is a nice shot after b6
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nxe6 followed by b4
pchesso(1737) whispers: Qa8 perhaps?
22...b6 (1:30)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: hope he sees it
fernbap(1669) whispers: urgh
wmahan(1959) whispers: crucial moment
GaraE(1490) whispers: Even just Nd7 seems to work too.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Nd7 Rxd7 and loss of piece
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Nxe6 fxe6 b4 Nc6 or
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh oops.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: :O
GaraE(1490) whispers: Silly, forgot the pawn move revealed the rook's horizontal grasp. :)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Nxe6 fxe6 b4 Qb8 maybe
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: b4 ??
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: is that the consensus
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nxe6 is the consense:)
23.Nd3 (2:06)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: yes...of course...
wmahan(1959) whispers: that doesn't win a pawn, does it?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: this is a good move whatsoever
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: oh but it does
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Rfc1 coming
wmahan(1959) whispers: bah
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: the probem is the impending Nc4
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Nc4 can always be answered by b3
fernbap(1669) whispers: ra8, perhaps
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah but then he goes Nd6 and the position is almost completely symetricxal
wmahan(1959) whispers: Qa8 sems ok for black
pchesso(1737) whispers: Qa8 Qxb6 Rb8 Qc5 Be7 with play for the pawn?
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh never mind
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: after Rfc1 white has good control of the position
23...Qb8 (3:21)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: I think either Qa8 or Ra8 was met by e4
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, Nxe6 would've made b4 strong, but here b4 isn't working out.
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd go with the Rfc1.
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Rfc1 Nc4 Rxa7 Qxa7 b3 Nd6 Qb4 and Rc6 eventually
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: why not play Rc7 against Rfc1?
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Rfc1 Rc7 Rxc7 Qxc7 Rc1
24.Ra4 (3:34)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: looks unclear to me
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: maybe this is better
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: entering via the c-file was certainly very difficult
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Rc8 to take control of the c-file?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Rc8 looks good
GaraE(1490) whispers: Seeing possible Rc8-Rc4
tseltzer(1899) whispers: can't Black just play Nc4 now?
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Nc4 Rfa1
evilcoyote(1900) whispers: maybe he want to play e4
24...Rc8 (1:29)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, earlier e4 could've had Bxd4 happen.
25.Rfa1 (0:25)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: now b4 looks dangerous for black
tseltzer(1899) whispers: Rac7, which he could have done b4
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Qac7
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: but no Nc6 simply
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Rac7 sorry
GaraE(1490) whispers: Liking Nc6 as well.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Should keep e4 from being played with strength.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Rac7 e4 looks strong
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I think Nc6 is worth considering
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: exchanging some more pieces
tseltzer(1899) whispers: milpat has two orders of magnitude more blitz games than stevelco
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: lol, it has come to that:)?
25...Nc6 (4:13)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: not yet, just one factor that might relevant in the "end"
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: hmm maybe Ra6
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, somehow the board has managed to kept its relative balance even 'til now.
GaraE(1490) whispers: *keep.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: oh Ra6 is really nasty
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what the follow-up after Ra6 Qc7, Ismir?
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Ra6 Bd8
GaraE(1490) whispers: Bishop to the rescue heh.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: black must Bd8, either at once or after trading rooks
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: blitz skills for pat unfortunately from now on
26.Ra6 (3:16)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Ra6 Rb7
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd say go for the trade then Bd8.
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Ra8Qc7
GaraE(1490) whispers: Black's defensive, he needs to simplify the forces.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Ra6 Rb7 Ra8!!
tseltzer(1899) whispers: I still like Qc7
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what is White's follow-up after Qc7, Ismir?
pchesso(1737) whispers: Bd8 ?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah Rb7 Ra8 looks unpleasant at least
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Rxc8 Qxc8 Rc1 Rc7 Qxb6
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hmm.. yeah the threats against b6 have not quite materialized yet.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Just realized Qxb6 Qxb6 Rxb6 Rxa1+
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: but after a move like Ra3 they become real
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: must be quite a thrill for both players to play this under time pressure:)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: ... or not:P
wmahan(1959) whispers: I can't watch, I'm too nervous for pat :)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Bf1 and Rxb6 Qxb6 Qxb6 Rxa1 looks crazy I'm sure they won't play this way
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: it might be a good idea
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: he kicked my ass in blitz lately, let's hope he's in good shape:)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: in time and must-win pressure, anything can happen (with respect to wmahan)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Someone mentioned Rb7 Ra8, does that work out for white?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Ra3 looks like the most reasonable follow up
GaraE(1490) whispers: What about Rb7 Ra8 Qc7?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yes, it works
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: i already posted how it works out
26...Rb7 (3:56)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ah. Scrolling up then.
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Rxc8 Qxc8 Rc1
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this is his shot
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Ra8 finally wins the pawn?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah
wmahan(1959) whispers: so true tim
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: this is hos chance to finally win the pawn
tseltzer(1899) whispers: Qc7 was much better
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: and leaves black quite cramped
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: we can only hope he sees it
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: you have to show more confidence in your buddy
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I had this kind of time pressure last tl game
GaraE(1490) whispers: I see now, yeah. Rc1 pins the knight.
27.Ra8 (1:35)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Very nice
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I thought, with 45 seconds each move time pressure was impossible, I was wrong
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: black must be in a bit of a shock now:)
nubie(1595) whispers: go pat!
GaraE(1490) whispers: Maybe not yet, could be thinking Qc7 is fine.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Like I did for a while there. :(
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: let's hope he spends some time:)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: the critical position arises after Qc7 Rxc8 Qxc8 Rc1 Rc7 Qxb6 Bd8
pchesso(1737) whispers: Ra7 ?
27...Qc7 (1:36) 28.Rxc8+ (0:18) Qxc8 (0:02)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Ra7 ran into R1xa7 I reckon
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes
GaraE(1490) whispers: Ra7 is just Rxa7 and essentially winning. Yeah.
29.Rc1 (0:14)
pchesso(1737) whispers: yes, it lost
GaraE(1490) whispers: Too bad Nxd4 doesn't work, darn checks.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: after Rc7 Qxb6 Bd8 Black creates the threat Nxd4
wmahan(1959) whispers: good play by both sides under the circumstances
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: only a pawn
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd say a significant pawn considering it leaves b2 as the passer.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: true, it wont be easy to convert this material advantage into a win
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: at least he has some leeway for pushing
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: given the presence of OCBs
wmahan(1959) whispers: what can he be thinking about other than Rc7?
Jammes(1866) whispers: knight is lost isnt it rc7 qxb6 and now? knight cant move
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Bd8
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Bd8 only move
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh thanks
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: he might be calculating this line to the end
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: seems to me Rc7 is the only move
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: yep this looks forced I can't see anythnig else
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I mean not seeing Bd8
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: it is missable
wmahan(1959) whispers: I missed it but that means nothing
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: black has an alternative to Rc7
Jammes(1866) whispers: yes didnt see your chat. difficult to calculate. but since rc7 is simply lost lets try it :)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: milpat has time to calculate the line
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: what is the alternative?
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: get him pat !
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: shaking hands
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: none right now other than Rc7
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: he has to try Rc7 Bd8
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: times now equalise
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: it is a teamleage game steve should play till the end
29...Rc7 (4:58)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: but if you don't see Bd8 at the end of the line you may want to start looking for desperados
30.Qxb6 (0:07)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: after bd8 white has two strong moves IMO, Qb3 and Nc5
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: if not Bd8 black can lost something more
wmahan(1959) whispers: good job pat, think of the clock
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I don't think he's seen Bd8
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: he will
30...Bd8 (1:48)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: usually its to find forced moves
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: its much harder to find good m oves, when u have a wide choice
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nc5, Qb5?
pchesso(1737) whispers: Rb1 ?
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: I like Nc5 Bg2-f1-a6
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: when you are used to taking several minutes on each move it is so hard to adjust to moving quickly
wmahan(1959) whispers: it's a cliche but it comes down to nerves now
31.Qb5 (2:31)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: There are very rare instances of TL games not finishing in time pressure
fernbap(1669) whispers: nxd4....
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Nxd4 Rxc7
fernbap(1669) whispers: ne2+
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: lol...no sheet huh...every game goes to the wire at least for one side....
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: kf1!
tseltzer(1899) whispers: what do u mean Laur?
wmahan(1959) whispers: Nxd4 Qe8 not possible?
tseltzer(1899) whispers: why wouldnt they finish?
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh you're right stili, Rxc7
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: sloppy english: I mean most of TL games finish with time trouble
tseltzer(1899) whispers: sloppy understanding on my, sorry
31...Qb8 (2:24)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: bad strategy
fernbap(1669) whispers: don't like this
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: steve needs complications not simplifications
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: dunno about that, this endgame doesn't look easy to convery
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: *convert
wmahan(1959) whispers: bad strategy by whom?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: perhaps he's thinking that the drawing margin increases in time trouble
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: yep I think like sbc
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: also it forces pat to make a decision
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Q trade followed by R trade makes it tough to win
wmahan(1959) whispers: I thought simplifying would be good for steve
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: black can blockade the b-pawn on a dark square
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: exactly
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: maybe Qa4 Qb6 b4
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: opp bish looms like a shadow...
tseltzer(1899) whispers: heckuva game today!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: maybe Qxb8 Nxb8 Rb1
wmahan(1959) whispers: I wouldn't trade if I were pat...keep the pressure on
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehehe...yeah....hard fought by both sides.
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: or actually Nc5
32.Qxb8 (2:11) Nxb8 (0:04) 33.Rxc7 (0:02) Bxc7 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: he tries
34.Nc5 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: surely was better to keep the rooks on
tseltzer(1899) whispers: we're gonna be here awhile, i guess ==~
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well...NB vNB is not quite like B v B opps
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes, ==~
34...Kf8 (0:22)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: well in my defense now black has less chance of winning
spendius(1806) whispers: is this passer enough for winning chances ?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: chances, yes
35.Bf1 (0:20)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: well, it's enough to push for a win at least
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: yup, but the size of them is another matter
CarlosKerber(1650) whispers: black plays for the draw
CarlosKerber(1650) whispers: whit must fight to win
tseltzer(1899) whispers: suppose Black can trade the Ns, then it should be easy draw, right?
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Bb5 cuting the knight looks good
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: black has the drop on the sqr...and...its black...so...it will have be enough to lure the pieces there and then seek an inroad elsewhere...perhaps ?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: hmm after Bb5 and King march to c3 white has good chances
35...Ba5 (0:41)
wmahan(1959) whispers: time seems less of an issue now
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: ok now black is lost
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Bb5 looks unpleasant
36.Bb5 (0:15)
Jammes(1866) whispers: kbb5 and knight is traped
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: dominating the knight
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: BAM
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: ;-)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: they are still playing at their previous pace, tho
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes knight trapped won position for white
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: hmm Nc6 was a must there...
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes
wmahan(1959) whispers: wow
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: still can play Ke7-d6 and Nc6
tseltzer(1899) whispers: less than 45 seconds taken on ech of last few moves
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: 16 seconds is all he thought about that ...LOL
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: but still blacks king is faster than whites
36...Ke7 (1:06)
wmahan(1959) whispers: I'm very impressed pat found that so fast
Jammes(1866) whispers: kd6 nc6 it can come out es too late :)
37.Kf1 (0:06)
fernbap(1669) whispers: kd6 runs into nb7
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Kd6 must be prepared with Bb4 though
Jammes(1866) whispers: but kd6 isnt a good move now :)
Jammes(1866) whispers: too late again
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: hmm yes I missed the fork :)
37...Bd2 (0:48)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh, still going?
38.Ke2 (0:08)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: hmm Kd6 Nb7+ Kc7 Nxa5 Kb6
38...Bb4 (0:06)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: that lost a tempo
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: it appears so far....it is black who blinked...lets see if white can make it stick
39.Kd3 (0:10)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yes
fernbap(1669) whispers: people miss forks, but they never miss knifes and spoons
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: :D
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: and steak knifes ??
GaraE(1490) whispers: And either are good for stabbing :P
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: forget about it !
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: who needs knives and spoons, anyway ;)ss
39...Be1 (0:29)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: wait i meant
40.f3 (0:08)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: fugetaboutit
tseltzer(1899) whispers: i wish they would both slow down!!!!
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: plenty of time now to catch breath
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: but you know...
wmahan(1959) whispers: yeah, take your time now
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: i think it's ok that pat played a bit quickly
Jammes(1866) whispers: dont understand be1. just force white to do what he wanted anyway
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: black should start to try and trade pawns, maybe milpat doesn't know how to win with a bishop and knight against king
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: my money is pat is so excited ...his hand is getting a bit shakey...:-)
40...Bb4 (0:48)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: that fight or flight is a bitch...:-)
41.e4 (0:06)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: knowing how to win with N + B is easy, performing it is another matter altogether :)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: if black can get rid of 4 white pawns, then he/she can sac the knight and bishop for the last two
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: that's a bit of a long shot
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i read, that in blood tests....top chess players had more adrenalin in system during big games than pro football players on the field....
GaraE(1490) whispers: N+B win is surprisingly easy.. if you can easily see the patterning of the cage. Seeing it is the hard part. :(
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: but if he knows mate with N+B then very bad strategy
41...Be1 (2:19)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: its hard but not impossible....
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: I'm sure he knows it
wmahan(1959) whispers: haha shiva
wmahan(1959) whispers: I bet pat could take down a running back right now
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I'm not sure whether it's better to go for e5 or dxe
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I know I don't know how to win with just a knight and bishop, I've never gotten to that ending so I see no need to know it.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i told pat to be prepared for hard game that went to the endgame to force win !!!
spendius(1806) whispers: Na4 maybe .. idea to play Nc6
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: and here it is...:-)
GaraE(1490) whispers: It's a cage, StrategyMaster.. a little complicated to explain.
spendius(1806) whispers: hmm, Nc3
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Na4 Bb4 doesn't achieve much
GaraE(1490) whispers: It is possible to position the bishop, knight, and king such that the enemy king is forced by means of zugzwang and checks to be driven toward the bishop's square in a corner.
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: and I've played thousands of games, so I know it is a rare situation
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, very rare.
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: i recently did this N+B mate in a 15 0 game without having learned it before, its not that difficult
Jammes(1866) whispers: why not kc2 and slowly moving to help free pawn. the bishop whitout support is no danger
spendius(1806) whispers: hey, you have to bet on your opp inaccuracies sometimes !
GaraE(1490) whispers: Almost an useless and pointless knowledge hehe.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: however, gara...those studies...which are good...often on open board...this will be very different,..
wmahan(1959) whispers: I'm not convinced this will come down to KNBK
Jammes(1866) whispers: ok d4 hangs :)
GaraE(1490) whispers: For example Nb7 from white
GaraE(1490) whispers: It seals off black king
GaraE(1490) whispers: He can't enter queenside
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: exd and then attack d pawn
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: an interesting idea might be Ke2, e5 and Kd3-f4 going to the kside
GaraE(1490) whispers: So Kd6 just won't work.
GaraE(1490) whispers: As it sealed the square that is
GaraE(1490) whispers: But if he plays Kd6 now he has a chance of getting to his own knight
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: hmm, i like Ke3 Nd3-e5 to force morw weaknesses on the kingside
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i agree..now is the time to open second front !
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: u have to
tseltzer(1899) whispers: glad milpat is formulating a plan at this point
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Ke2 first
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: id rather play Ke3
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: to misplace the bishop
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: and after that Ke3
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: its already badly placed on e1
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: it's not that bad
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: prevents h4
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: well...blakc cant play Kd6 anyways...
wmahan(1959) whispers: hope pat didn't fall asleep
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i say ...lure him over a bit...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: :-)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: say you want to advance on the kside
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: you must play g4 first but after that he even has the option of Bh4
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: I guess it's a matter of taste
Jammes(1866) whispers: steves strategy seems not to bad. just keeping knight there wich virtualy binds two white peaces
42.e5 (6:18)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Nf4 Be8 forces f6
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: hmm
Twikki(2036) whispers: that looks too committal
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: i dint like this move
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I like it
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: now he lost all presure on d5
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: the idea is probably to put the knight on d6
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: and then f4-f5
tseltzer(1899) whispers: planning Ke3 Bd3 f4-f5?
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah but Bf2 ties the black king to the pawn
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: but I don't see that working
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: it keeps out black's king though
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: after Nb7 bb4! both knights are trapped
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: white king
tseltzer(1899) whispers: lol, Ismir!
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: well, its true, isnt it
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice corral :P
42...Bb4 (2:04)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: in some cases white might be prepared to sac a pawn in order to trade knight for bishop
tseltzer(1899) whispers: yes, it is, just funny position, never seen it b4
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: pat cracks the bullwhip at the black monarch !!
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: ah, they're back at having almost no time
43.Kc2 (0:08)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: they should have moved faster before :-|
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: f6 here?
pchesso(1737) whispers: g5 ?
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: problem is whites king cant go any further than b3 because d4 is weak
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: yeah
43...Be1 (1:30) 44.Nd3 (0:03)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nd3 solves the problems
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: he's seen it!
44...Ba5 (0:10) 45.b4 (0:06)
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes niw the bishop is forced to go home
Twikki(2036) whispers: that didn't solve anything
45...Bb6 (0:17) 46.Nc5 (0:15)
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Bishop went to the jail
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: After Nc5 i'd say white has made progress
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: now black with N...and vacate b5 .
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: now it gets interesting
46...Ba7 (0:30)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i mean back to c5 with N and then get the king going
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: black should play f6
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: and now Nb7-b6
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: *d6
fernbap(1669) whispers: black's king needs to get to b6
xombie(1881) whispers: isn't this like totally won for white?
47.Kc3 (0:42)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: looks like it will be zugswang soon
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: white shuld try go enter with his king
GaraE(1490) whispers: Have seen "totally won"s turn into losses.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or draws.
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: bah
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: Kb3-a4-a5
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: gara...X-(
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: Nc5-b7-d6
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: i think it would be better to head to the kside
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehehe...
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yes Shiva knows it well :)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: as with the bishop on b6 you cannnot penetrate
47...Kd8 (0:58)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: the question xombie is saying...quietly presumes no huge errors...
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: the promotion square is dark and whites bishop is light
fernbap(1669) whispers: and penetration is all that matters :P
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehehhheehehe...he said penetration
xombie(1881) whispers: well what stops Kb3-a4-a5
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: im so glad, no women are here
tseltzer(1899) whispers: penetration always happens in the end
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hi funk !
fernbap(1669) whispers: lol
wmahan(1959) whispers: haha
48.Nb7+ (0:49)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: O:)
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: yeah
xombie(1881) whispers: nah funk wont care
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: Nb7-d6
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: she isntz here
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: she plays bughouse
48...Ke7 (0:21)
xombie(1881) whispers: and lightning
Jammes(1866) whispers: looks wining to me what do you think now?
wmahan(1959) whispers: pat, remember I said you might have to win an endgame? :)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: these two moves I don't understand
49.Nd6 (0:22)
xombie(1881) whispers: imagine the level of debauchery in those
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: this is almost won
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: hmm Ke7 was very dubious
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: oh, now the bishop is lost
xombie(1881) whispers: needs Bb6
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: the f pawn
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nc8+ is certainly sexy.
xombie(1881) whispers: or Ka5
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: f6!!!!!!
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: ok this ends the day abruptly
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: game over
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: he loses either the bishop or the f pawn
49...Kf8 (0:47)
xombie(1881) whispers: eh, why not move the king then
saucyorbunk(1830) whispers: does Nc8 net the bishop with or without check?
xombie(1881) whispers: and Bb6 after that
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: it does
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah there was Nxf7 or Nc8
50.Nc8 (0:18)
tseltzer(1899) whispers: congrats, milpat
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: yes, congrats
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: gg pat
wmahan(1959) whispers: beautiful!
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: woooo hoooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: didn't see that move coming
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: smoothly played
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: well played game
xombie(1881) whispers: nice
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: 1-0
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: *I
Jammes(1866) whispers: well done endgame. i think e5 was very strong
CarlosKerber(1650) whispers: yessssssss
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: <...the chant begins to murmor from the crowd.....>
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: sir pat !!
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: sir pat !!
StiliDimitrov(1926) whispers: good play by Pat :)
pchesso(1737) whispers: yes, impressive!
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: Bxd4
Ismirdochegal(2096) whispers: time to shake hands
GaraE(1490) whispers: Well, given the circumstances of this match..
GaraE(1490) whispers: Will black continue on to try for a stalemate or swindled draw?
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: <...shiva queues theme from the darkside something something....>
LaurentiuI(1775) whispers: nice game, well played bu both
GaraE(1490) whispers: Piece down is certainly not optimistic, but still a large number of pawns around.
stevelco resigns 1-0


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