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burnage(2247) vs. tjradd(2235) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-24

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.b4 (0:02) cxb4 (0:07) 3.a3 (0:02) e6 (0:03) 4.axb4 (0:06)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: Wing Gambit!?
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: wow
4...Bxb4 (0:36) 5.c3 (0:02) Be7 (0:07) 6.d4 (0:02)
milpat(1809) whispers: yeah wing gambit, ! brave warrior! deserves to win :)
FDog(2030) whispers: if you know the line, you can bust this almost totally
6...Nf6 (0:32)
FDog(2030) whispers: not like the french wing gambit :)
7.Bd3 (0:20) Nc6 (0:10)
muwwatalli(1911) whispers: i disagree, i haven't seen any lines that give black a convincing edge in the sicilian wing gambit either
muwwatalli(1911) whispers: or even a clear edge at all
8.f4 (1:52)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: imho.....there are more pressing to attack the sicilian...and black can get decent game...i think 'bust' is not the word..but...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i had to face it several times ...and book up to hold my own....if you have not studied it,,.,,good surprise weapon i think
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: again...in my very humble opine
milpat(1809) whispers: it works well at my level, but nice see it by 2200+ players
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: bronstien v benko '49....that is pretty high level even if a few years ago,....draw btw...
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: some people use it occasionally with good preparation
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: the good point is that you limit your need of preparation a bit
milpat(1809) whispers: funkmaus told me than at her level, black defends too well to use it
8...d5 (4:24)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: but she uses it occasionally with success, nevertheless
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: see her game vs darkiest
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well that was french but no matter
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now this is french too
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i agree in principle...if black has chance to book up against it.....he has good chances...but....fun stuff down here in the trenches....
milpat(1809) whispers: only in blitz and rapid, she said
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i have to wonder is this is in burnage's history...:-)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: or this out of the blue...?
FDog(2030) whispers: french is much better--black's counterplay is gone for a long time in most lines
FDog(2030) whispers: main line of sicilian is a different story
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well i dont see much of a difference, at least in this position we got
FDog(2030) whispers: no, this isn't the best line for black
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: i think f4 was a little too optimistic
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: 3. ...d5!
9.e5 (2:55)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: 3....d5 yes,...that is the way to instant equality for black i think
9...Ne4 (0:18)
FDog(2030) whispers: yes, the main line
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i believe it gets Black an edge
10.Nf3 (0:15)
FDog(2030) whispers: I agree
10...O-O (0:10) 11.O-O (0:09)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now after 0-0 i had liked h4
FDog(2030) whispers: I liked Ba3
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: no, im always trying to mak Bxh7+ sac work
FDog(2030) whispers: trade white's bad for black's good
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: white sacked a pawn
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: gotta show more than Ba3
FDog(2030) whispers: and then white often has Nxa3-b5-d6
FDog(2030) whispers: white gets persistent initiative here
11...f6 (2:09)
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: well here Ba3 Bxa3 Nxa3 Nxc3
FDog(2030) whispers: it's not necessary to shot instant return
FDog(2030) whispers: true sbc, here Rxa3 unfortunately
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: I assume thats why tj played Ne4
FDog(2030) whispers: then play for c4 and slide rook along 3rd rank
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: white can confus things with Qe2
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: white basically can't part with the Bd3 in this line
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: or Qc2 and Nd2
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: well black can follow with f6-f5 later on, if white doesn't take now
FDog(2030) whispers: I was thinking BxN is almost necessary at some point, to get the pawn back
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: if black plays f5 that sesnt work
FDog(2030) whispers: otherwise the diagonal is blocked off permanently
FDog(2030) whispers: that seems to be tj's point here :)
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: so black just looks good here
FDog(2030) whispers: and after exf, the f4 pawn is really ugly
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: white is going to have to make some sort of concession
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i dont like this kind of position for white
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: but thats subjective
FDog(2030) whispers: well, f4 makes it different from the usual
FDog(2030) whispers: blocks white's pieces and puts him behind in development to boot
milpat(1809) whispers: exchange dsb's and put a N on d6 is thematic...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: all humble class player opinion, but i do not see the compensation for white....and i usually dont in this line....
12.exf6 (4:32) gxf6 (0:05) 13.Qc2 (0:05) f5 (0:11) 14.Ba3 (0:02)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: now that is a solid N
14...Kh8 (0:11)
FDog(2030) whispers: right now there isn't much
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: wrong opening choice by white, i fear
FDog(2030) whispers: but it was inexactly played by white--he needed to switch gears immediately after black's e6
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: he should haye prevented Ne4
15.Bxe7 (1:07) Qxe7 (0:00)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: how is white supposed to continue after 3.- e6?
16.Nbd2 (0:02)
FDog(2030) whispers: Nf3
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: 8. Nd2
FDog(2030) whispers: then Ba3
FDog(2030) whispers: e6 marks black's bishops as good and bad
16...Rg8 (1:11)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: he can stell remark with d6 and e5
FDog(2030) whispers: just my humble opinion, based on many games of experience :)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: i wonder if a good long-term plan is to snake the lsb out to h5?
FDog(2030) whispers: d6 and e5 consumes a lot of time
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: sure
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now black is basically much better
FDog(2030) whispers: at this point, white's best is to play for the e5 outpost
FDog(2030) whispers: so trade for the knights
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Bb5?
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: its like a stonewall formation now
FDog(2030) whispers: Bb5
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: yeah
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: i used to play stonewalls with white...
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Bb5 can be answered by Nd8
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: maybe c4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: c4 Bd7
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: just out curiousity against the e6 line....before 7 .... Nc6.....they were following Haub, T (2365 ) -- Chuchelov, V (2592) 1993.....which is 0-1
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: yerah look at thier ratings
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: excellent point :-)
FDog(2030) whispers: yes, but at least white's bishop has some play then
17.Kh1 (4:51)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now Rg1 Nfs mate
FDog(2030) whispers: I guess the other choice is Rfb1, which seems optimistic looking at black's kingside play
FDog(2030) whispers: if Bb5 then NxN next
17...Bd7 (0:46) 18.Nb3 (1:09)
FDog(2030) whispers: what's the idea here, Na5?
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: that practically invites black to start rolling his a-pawn
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i dont understand that move
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: but i dont know what to do as white here anyway
18...b6 (1:48)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: black might consider Rg4
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: i think a5 was better
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: tj is playing pretty fast
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: Rg4 looks very pesky.....
FDog(2030) whispers: well, white is very limited in his ideas, so I can see why tj isn't that troubled
19.Ra6 (2:26) Qg7 (0:34)
FDog(2030) whispers: Rc8 coming next, I think
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: do you think there might be a little psychology behind this as well?
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: "I'm going to play fast cause you don't have anything?"
FDog(2030) whispers: you'd have to ask tj :)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: Qh6 after g3 and white is forced to give up the bishop
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: which wasn't doing anything anyways so... might as well
RoniChessman(1899) whispers: -.9 for as per rybka 3
FDog(2030) whispers: well, right now it's preventing the Bb5 skewer
RoniChessman(1899) whispers: make that -1.0
FDog(2030) whispers: or fork rather
RoniChessman(1899) whispers: g3 looks weak to me
FDog(2030) whispers: immediate threat is Nxc3, that needs to be answered
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Qh6 looks mean
FDog(2030) whispers: yes it does
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: BxN does not exactly help things either
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: c3..even with out rook at c8 is practically undefendable
FDog(2030) whispers: crafty suggests Ne1, and I think I agree
FDog(2030) whispers: also gives black -2.1, and I agree there too
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: maybe white has to settle for Bxe4
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: robbolito is a little more conservative
FDog(2030) whispers: BxN fxN Ne1 Rc8 then?
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: -1.2 but also suggests Ne1
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: BxN fxN Ne5
FDog(2030) whispers: so sac another pawn then
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: its no sac
FDog(2030) whispers: somehow I doubt black is only ahead .2 in non-material compensation
tjradd(2235) whispers: looking at g3 Qh6 lines, looks like BxN may be forced
FDog(2030) whispers: you're right
tjradd(2235) whispers: Kg2 feels really weird:)
FDog(2030) whispers: hmm, maybe BxN dxe then
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: gosh, im so blind
FDog(2030) whispers: oh wait, BxN fxe Ne5 NxN fxN Bb5
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: yes, exactly
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: thats what i saw right yet
FDog(2030) whispers: Ra6 is a strange move
20.Ra2 (11:35) Qh6 (0:28)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: hmm Qh6 anyway
FDog(2030) whispers: forcing the trade
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: forces BxN
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: nice...
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: Ng3 looks like fun fun in the sun
21.Bxe4 (0:37) fxe4 (0:08)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Ng5
FDog(2030) whispers: now Ne5 NxN
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: only chance
StrategyMaster(1800) whispers: 2200 in u2000?
22.Ng5 (1:15) Raf8 (0:16)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: possible if there are U1800 players on the team
StrategyMaster(1800) whispers: I guess, but still strange
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: hehe...strategy...board on on every team is usually well over the mark....part of team building,..
FDog(2030) whispers: tj is 206x for this competition
FDog(2030) whispers: he'll be much higher for the next one
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: then u will have to replace him
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: ahh yes...the tl rating vs the fics rating too...forgot about that
FDog(2030) whispers: or me :)
23.Qe2 (2:06)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: or add a bigger patzer at the bottom like me...:-)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i think for next season ill get TL rating of 18xx, interesting situation
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: no you won't ;)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: why are u sutre, its a mean, isnt it?
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: what is it, then?
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: its based on an average of your rating over several log-ins
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well easy enuff
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: question is, over which period of time
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: i wondered myself ...as they set mine up a bit for TL....
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: and in any case, we have the right to adjust ratings we consider to be grossly out of proportion
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: yeah understandably
FDog(2030) whispers: your rating is 1613 ismir :p
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: so you just raise mine hi enuff
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well it was some weeks ago
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: well they get re-set automatically after each tourney, yours will probably become more realistic
FDog(2030) whispers: makes sense
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: im not sure, what would be realistic
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: nor am I, but our bot will hazard a guess ;)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: LOL
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: there you go...
burnage(2247) whispers: his first think of the game hah
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: this will certainly calm my conscience
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: we had several people wanting us to raise their TL ratings last time
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i dont watn mine to be raised
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: id like to stay eligible for playing in U2000
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: you could probably squeeze in as a board 1
23...Qg6 (5:58)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well with 20xx im not way off
FDog(2030) whispers: sure, you'll be able to play u2000 regardless
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: yeah
FDog(2030) whispers: I'd like to see black activate his pieces here
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: we have several 2200+ players in u2000
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: like these two
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: its possible to play open and U2000 for different teams, right?
smallblackcat(1996) whispers: yes
24.Nd2 (1:21)
FDog(2030) whispers: yes
24...h6 (0:12) 25.Nh3 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: maybe ill do this
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: guess i wont play often in open
tjradd(2235) whispers: Nd4 work?
FDog(2030) whispers: two pieces for R+P anyway
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: im thinking about e5
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: e5 fxe5 Bxh3
tjradd(2235) whispers: also get e3 in
tjradd(2235) whispers: Nd4 cd4 Bb5 Qf2 e3
FDog(2030) whispers: Bxh3 gxh3 Rxf4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: no pwan on f4
FDog(2030) whispers: well, e5 dxe I think
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: but tj already found the right line
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Nd4 cxd4 Bb5 Qf2 e3
tjradd(2235) whispers: Nx px Bb5 Qf2 e3 Qf3 Bf1 Nf1
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Qf3 exd2 in his line
tjradd(2235) whispers: not amazing, but possible
FDog(2030) whispers: exd2 Rd1
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: then bd3
FDog(2030) whispers: just a fancy trade then
25...Nxd4 (5:20)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: lets see
tjradd(2235) whispers: think ed2 may be better than Bf1
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: good boy!
26.cxd4 (2:20) Bb5 (0:03) 27.Qf2 (0:09) e3 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: Hello here!
FDog(2030) whispers: hi funk!
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: Looks worse for white, must have been an interesting game
FDog(2030) whispers: misplayed opening
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: good demonstration by black
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: Oh, well... 2.b4 means misplayed, no need to look further :p
FDog(2030) whispers: lol
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: the great mistake was 8. f4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: 8. Nd2 is till playable
28.Qg1 (4:59) exd2 (0:25) 29.Rd1 (0:04)
FDog(2030) whispers: not sure why this is preferable to Qf3
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now i like Bd3
FDog(2030) whispers: I like a5/Bc4/b5/a4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: ok, yes white lacks counterplay
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: so this little combination succeded in reducing material further
29...Rc8 (2:36)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: which is good for black
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: hmm Raxd2 Rc2
FDog(2030) whispers: seems like that's the idea
30.Raxd2 (2:31)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: and its pretty forced
30...Rc3 (0:19)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: hmm doubling rooks?
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i thought the other one should stay on g8
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: The endgame after Rxh3 gxh3 QxQ+ RxQ RxR+ KxR - with B@c4 p@b5, a4 might be easy won for black
FDog(2030) whispers: Bd3 now maybe
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: black threatens Rxh3 gxhe Qe4+
31.Nf2 (2:15)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: lets see what he had in mind
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: Still like Bc4...
FDog(2030) whispers: me too
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i stell like Rc2
31...Bc4 (2:05)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well, he chose yours
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: which cant be right then!
32.Ra1 (0:28)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: it can
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: lol
32...Rg7 (0:12)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: just a matter of taste, IMO
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: IMHO, if u want
33.g3 (1:15)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: b5
33...b5 (0:21)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: LOL
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: oub (your partner) tells you: u rule - from Burnagefinger, notes, Ismir....
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: LOL how can anyone put this OUB into the notes....
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i got you in my notes
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: not him
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: he sais, u rule!
34.Rb2 (1:38)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now Rb7
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: now Qh5 - to go with Qf3 or Rxg3
34...Qh5 (2:22)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Qd1 forced?
FDog(2030) whispers: I guess g4 is possible, but it's not wise
hugozver(1920) whispers: Kg2 is less wiser
35.Qd1 (3:40) Qxd1+ (0:11) 36.Nxd1 (0:03) Rd3 (0:14)
shivaroxxx(1660) whispers: ouch
37.Nf2 (0:41) Rxd4 (0:07) 38.Re1 (0:02) a5 (0:21) 39.Rxe6 (0:15) Kh7 (0:02)
FDog(2030) whispers: that was slightly impatient :)
40.Ra6 (0:14) a4 (0:06) 41.Ra5 (0:25) Re7 (0:13) 42.Kg2 (0:12)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: Re2
42...Be2 (1:34)
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: same square, another piece ;)
43.f5 (3:00) Kg7 (0:09) 44.Nh3 (0:47) Bd3 (0:29) 45.Nf4 (0:25)
FDog(2030) whispers: hmm, starting to get interesting now
45...Bxf5 (0:39) 46.Raxb5 (0:21) Be4+ (0:19) 47.Kf2 (0:16) Rd1 (0:07)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Ra7
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now white has Ra5
48.Ra5 (0:22) Rh1 (0:25) 49.Ke3 (0:02)
burnage(2247) whispers: everything on darksquares... love it
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: :) and some counter-play for white now!
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Bg2+ Kd4 Re4+
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: hmm, what happened here? white was pretty much dead and buried last time I looked
49...Rd1 (1:23)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: White should try Kf2!?
50.Kf2 (2:50) Rh1 (0:16) 51.Ke3 (0:03) Bc2+ (0:12)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: repetition, anyone ;) ?
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Kd4 now
52.Kd4 (2:07) Rd1+ (0:41) 53.Kc5 (0:19) Bb3 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Kd6!
54.Kd6 (0:14)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: white gets mating attack :)
54...Rf7 (0:43)
Funkmaus(2186) whispers: or white king getz mated on d6 :D
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: yes, thats the main alternative
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Rf2 and Ne6+ look interesting
55.Ne6+ (2:43) Kg6 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: here i like Ra8
56.Nc5 (0:29)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Nc5 threatening Nxb3?
56...d4 (0:25)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: all rook endings are drawn!
57.Nxb3 (0:55) axb3 (0:00) 58.Rxb3 (0:00) Rf6+ (0:24) 59.Kc5 (1:04) Rf5+ (0:04) 60.Kb4 (0:00) Rxa5 (0:01) 61.Kxa5 (0:00)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: h e should have kept all rooks on the board
61...d3 (0:26) 62.Kb4 (0:03) Kf5 (0:15) 63.Kc3 (0:18) Ke4 (0:03) 64.Rb5 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i think d3 was a mistake, now white is fast enuff with checks from behind
64...Rc1+ (0:16) 65.Kd2 (0:02) Rc2+ (0:01) 66.Kd1 (0:01) Rxh2 (0:01) 67.g4 (0:17)
FDog(2030) whispers: Kc4 was not good IMO
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: He really should have kept the other pair of rooks
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: now Rg2 looks ugly
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: or rather Rh4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: hmm, not that easy
tjradd(2235) whispers: if he plays g5, then hg will give my king inside track to promo square
FDog(2030) whispers: why not Kf4?
67...Rh4 (4:25)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Kf4 Rh5!! was drawn
tjradd(2235) whispers: will try to trade h-->g for d-pawn and winning race to promo square with K
FDog(2030) whispers: don't think so
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: i calculated it through
FDog(2030) whispers: RxR PxR Kg4 Kd2 Kxh5 Kxd3 Kg4
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: KF2 draw
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: oh, not possible
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: well, wrong variation
68.Rh5 (1:50)
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: Kg4 Ke2 works out well for white
tjradd(2235) whispers: ugh
Ismirdochegal(2091) whispers: LOL
tjradd(2235) whispers: le sigh :p
FDog(2030) whispers: Ke4 is too far away here tjradd offers a draw. burnage accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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