deionsandersson(1911) vs. funkmaus(2203) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-11
cytrus(1957) whispers: go deion !! woo!
hugozver(1920) whispers: WOO! Go Jenny !!
cytrus(1957) whispers: no Jenny! 1.e4 (0:00)
cytrus(1957) whispers: woohoo! deion!
hugozver(1920) whispers: :p
cytrus(1957) whispers: deion!
cytrus(1957) whispers: deion!
Twikki(2036) whispers: I told Funk she should "accidentally" slip and play a prepared ...c5 line
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I totally ruined my rating in the last couple days
cytrus(1957) whispers: e4! yes!! :) 1...c6 (0:00)
hugozver(1920) whispers: c6! Yess!!
cytrus(1957) whispers: I see your ruined rating :) rating do not play at chessboard :)
brigadoon(2110) whispers: good luck Funkmaus
Twikki(2036) whispers: shows how much attention she pays to my advice ;)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I hope it wont mean anything
cytrus(1957) whispers: c6?? she play for draw? shee needs a win
cytrus(1957) whispers: what advice?
hugozver(1920) whispers: deion needs it too
Twikki(2036) whispers: I told Funk she should "accidentally" slip and play a prepared ...c5 line
fernbap(1709) whispers: urgh, a karo 2.d3 (0:52)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: I repeated d3, fantasy, panow, advanced lines- and prepared gxf6 instead of exf6!
spendius(1777) whispers: you can win with c6 if it is your best defence
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Twikki, I like that advice :)
cytrus(1957) whispers: Kings-Indian attack
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: ok, d3 - we had a game once with that
hugozver(1920) whispers: and you won!!
cytrus(1957) whispers: go Spendius!
hugozver(1920) whispers: and finally - Vamos Rafa!! 2...e5 (0:54)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Surprise, deion!!
spendius(1777) whispers: the funny thing is that a draw eliminates both our team :z
Twikki(2036) whispers: lol
spendius(1777) whispers: our teams ..
hugozver(1920) whispers: well, no draw!
cytrus(1957) whispers: yes. when Intrepids wins Kings advancing!
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: alright 3.g3 (1:01)
Twikki(2036) whispers: transposes into a weird Philidor unless he plays f4 3...d5 (0:31)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I did not play like a moron and ruined my rating in the last couple days... I went through a learning experience! 4.Nd2 (0:24) Nf6 (0:08)
Twikki(2036) whispers: f5 would have been amusing
hugozver(1920) whispers: there are many moves which would be amuzing ;) 5.Bg2 (2:08)
fernbap(1709) whispers: i really don't get he KIA
spendius(1777) whispers: KIA is a thing from outer space 5...Bc5 (1:10)
fernbap(1709) whispers: probably. Or perhaps it's a trojan horse from aliens
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: shirt sponsor of the best football team in the world ;)
fernbap(1709) whispers: see? That's their plan for world domination 6.Qe2 (1:02)
Aneirin(1734) whispers: whilst the KID is probably only going to be sponsored by the vatian national eleven.
Aneirin(1734) whispers: *c
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: gotta be careful
spendius(1777) whispers: it is like a giant computer had analysed chess for years and decided White better create a fortress first and then only expand on the other half of the chess board
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Nf3 here fell to Bxf2
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: there actually exists a football league in the Vatican :)
Aneirin(1734) whispers: I know :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: i think he's hallucinating already
fernbap(1709) whispers: the pope is passing through my street, btw :P 6...O-O (1:49)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: you're in Lisbon then, fernbap?
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: or not in that line
fernbap(1709) whispers: yes
Twikki(2036) whispers: free pawn with de and Qxe5 :P
Twikki(2036) whispers: er, ed 7.Ngf3 (0:59)
fernbap(1709) whispers: re8 :P
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: drawing this game is still less painful for me than for her 7...Re8 (1:19)
hugozver(1920) whispers: yea, very less
spendius(1777) whispers: the poker player is speaking his mind
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: cxd5 cxd5 0-0 e4 is good for me 8.O-O (1:25)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: yes!
Myob(1780) whispers: KIA?
hugozver(1920) whispers: how cd5? 8...a5 (1:25)
Twikki(2036) whispers: she must have meant ed cd o-o e4
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Till my B on diagonal he cant cxd5 cx and Nxe5 cause of Bd4/Nbd7 using pin. a5 is to kick Nb3 later with a4, or make him play a4 himself if he wants have N@b3
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Thats actually all what I know about this!
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: considering Re1, Rd1 and a4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: her plan is boviously to play b6 and Ba6 then trade on e4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: and h3
Twikki(2036) whispers: Re1 or Rd1, Ng4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Nh4
Twikki(2036) whispers: boviously sounds cow-related 9.a4 (3:50)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: too many possibilities
cytrus(1957) whispers: go deion!!
hugozver(1920) whispers: lemon, relax!
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: a4 looks logical to me, it evens things out on the queenside
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: lemon?
hugozver(1920) whispers: cytrus 9...Bb6 (2:33)
Twikki(2036) whispers: lol
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: ahhh
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: interesting
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: oops, I'm apparently very slow this evening :p
fernbap(1709) whispers: oops sorry
cytrus(1957) whispers: I heard not only this evening :P
mindlin(2033) whispers: I'm curious as to the best strategy against the KIA
fernbap(1709) whispers: kill it?
spendius(1777) whispers: it is anti KIA 10.h3 (2:23)
hugozver(1920) whispers: boring? What do you mean by that?
fernbap(1709) whispers: i mean both players defending :P
Twikki(2036) whispers: nah, white just created a weakness... Funk will eventually attack :P
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: this is kinda like a reversed breyer variation of the ruy lopez where black would be a few tempo up
spendius(1777) whispers: when you play the anti KIA defense of the King indian Attack, you need some aspirin first
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: isn't the d3, Nd2 setup vs the Caro-Kann called Breyer Variation as well :)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I can play b3 and Bb2
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: and then go back to a kingside attack if I can force d4 10...h6 (2:51)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: ok h6 was somewhat expected
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: now she should play Be6 and Qc8
Twikki(2036) whispers: I'm apparently on a different wavelength than both of them today
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: or Qd7 and Na6
Twikki(2036) whispers: because the last 5 moves have surprised me
mindlin(2033) whispers: white has played pretty standard moves in the KIA, no?
Twikki(2036) whispers: a4 and h3 are both weird
Albido(2322) whispers: I thought it was just me Twikki 11.Re1 (2:48) Qc7 (0:32)
Twikki(2036) whispers: white doesn't seem to have much in the way of attacking chances in this line
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Trying to figure out, if I can allow Na6 or have to go with Nbd7. Na6 cxd5 Nb4 (threaten fork) then Nbxd5. Maybe he can eat e5 in that lines, and Nbd7 is safe
tijean(1595) whispers: the white have a better position here 12.b3 (4:13)
Twikki(2036) whispers: wow, white's pawn structure really sucks now
tijean(1595) whispers: ok if you say!
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: interesting! he wants put full pressure on e5 or make me close with d4!
tijean(1595) whispers: really interesting
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: if I close, Nd2-c4, nice square. good, but.. Bc5 and then b5 possible
cytrus(1957) whispers: the position is equal to me.
Twikki(2036) whispers: I'd rather have black after Be6 Bb2 d4
tijean(1595) whispers: its a good idea
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: b3 does weaken my pawn structure, but I think I can allow it since black lost a few tempos in that game
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I even have plans for the future in this position
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Bb2 next
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I dont want to play Nf1 too soon in case I can force d4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: in wich case I would want to play Nc4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: so after Bb2 I will probably play Nh4
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Qf1 is another possibilty for the future
GaraE(1468) whispers: Big audience.
brigadoon(2110) whispers: I don*t know the KIA well, but I don't like this plan with Bb2 and Nc4. It deflects two pieces from the kingside, where he wants to attack
GaraE(1468) whispers: KIA's known to shift to queenside combat if needed. 12...d4 (12:57)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Mainly if kingside strikes seem to be running into a wall when calculated.
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nc4 after d4 is pretty normal, but white usually plays c3 instead of b3
fernbap(1709) whispers: this is good for white, i think
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: hmmm, she did not want to make that concession... she knows Im happy now
Opinel(2495) whispers: i liked Na6-b4
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Its a way too complicated to work on Be6 and calculate every move if he can win e5 pawn! Afraid to miss something there... Well, 1-0 for him, I lost patience first closing centre
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: it's an important game for the final standings, Gara. Each of the three results gives a different winner of the division if I'm not mistaken :)
cytrus(1957) whispers: Nc4
brigadoon(2110) whispers: but blacks plan with Bc5-b5 seems to give enough counterplay
GaraE(1468) whispers: Dang, nice :)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Thanks Madman
fernbap(1709) whispers: in short, white has to win
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: this isn't lost for black, what's funk thinking?
spendius(1777) whispers: but Black too :P
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: black can hold this
fernbap(1709) whispers: nh2
cytrus(1957) whispers: nc4 nbd7 seems forced
spendius(1777) whispers: Nc4 Ba7 looks fine ?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: the rook for the 2 knights seems fine in a closed position
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nc4 Bb4 is fine 13.Nc4 (3:16) Bc5 (0:10)
Twikki(2036) whispers: heh. meant Nc4 Bc5-b4
fernbap(1709) whispers: knight are valuable in these position, i wouldn' trade them 2
fernbap(1709) whispers: someone is eating my esses
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: does b5!? work?
DodgeBrother(1506) whispers: bd2 kinda forced
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: for black
spendius(1777) whispers: Nxe5 !
outAtime(1725) whispers: Go Deion!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Rxe5
spendius(1777) whispers: then Bf4
Pawnadian(1980) whispers: Nfxe5 Rxe5 Bf4
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nxe5 is just losing
Opinel(2495) whispers: Bd2
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: have to watchout for: ...b5 axb axb5 Nxe5 RxN NxR Qxe5 f5 Q-any e5! winning Nf6 or Ra8 double attacked
cytrus(1957) whispers: Nfxe5 Rxe5 Bf4 Bd6 Bxe5 Bxe5 f4
spendius(1777) whispers: i can imagine :-)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: nooo funk
Twikki(2036) whispers: Not Bd6... Nbd7
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: after e5, Nd5!
Twikki(2036) whispers: no Nd5 after b5 ab cb, CH 14.Rf1 (4:27)
spendius(1777) whispers: cytrus line is crashing my poor cell brains
Opinel(2495) whispers: if he had played Bd2 b5 isn't possible
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Bb4 seems fine here
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: gosh! with R@f1 exN will be no threat, Qe2 is pinned!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Rf1?
hugozver(1920) whispers: que?
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: exN? :-/
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: gives black an edge...
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: free tempo
Twikki(2036) whispers: preemptively taking the sting out of Bb4
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: was there a sting? after Bd2 (which seems forced after Bb4)
brigadoon(2110) whispers: but b5 is now possible as funkmaus mentioned
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: 14. Bd2 looked better
hugozver(1920) whispers: Rf1 was mouseslip?
Twikki(2036) whispers: the Bd2 is his good bishop, probably averse to trading it
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i don't think 4 min on that move can be qualified a mouse slip?
spendius(1777) whispers: i guess no ... it had to do with Bb4
brigadoon(2110) whispers: the rook had only 2 legal squares. How could that be a mouseslip?
GaraE(1468) whispers: And e file probably wasn't going to open.
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: what's so terrible with Rf1?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: hee hee 14...b5 (5:40)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: ahh my idea huh?
hugozver(1920) whispers: perhaps he wants Nh4, Nf5, f4
spendius(1777) whispers: still believing in the Nxe5 sac line
GaraE(1468) whispers: Is that even a sac now? Nc4-Nxe5?
GaraE(1468) whispers: What am I missing?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: its an exchange sac...
spendius(1777) whispers: it is complicate .. Nxe5 Rxe5 Bf4
outAtime(1725) whispers: ab cb Nc4xe5 Rx Nx Qx f4 Qmoves e5
spendius(1777) whispers: yes, usually bad
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: ahh and now Nd5 is no longer available..
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: hmm
mindlin(2033) whispers: why did she play into it?
Myob(1780) whispers: yes i was thinking outatime's line
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: is white exchanging on b5 before Ncxe5 advantageous for white or black?
Twikki(2036) whispers: the e pawn is pinned, so exf6 isn't a threat
brigadoon(2110) whispers: queen moves to e8 e5 Ra7, knight is safe because white*s queen is hanging
outAtime(1725) whispers: white
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: damn, i missed an in-between-move Bf4 first :(
spendius(1777) whispers: why wait ? if it is good, play it now
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: any worse?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Nxe Rxe5 Bf4 Nbd7 hmm
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: alright, it IS a must win situation
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nb4 Nbd7 isn't really any different 15.axb5 (4:19)
spendius(1777) whispers: yay :z 15...cxb5 (0:09)
spendius(1777) whispers: go deion -_- 16.Ncxe5 (0:06)
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: it was either that or Nb2
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: material is technically even although its usually better to have the 2 minor pieces
spendius(1777) whispers: that bishop was looking pretty bad anyway
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: lets go throught it... 16...Rxe5 (1:00)
brigadoon(2110) whispers: i think black is now a lot better :) 17.Nxe5 (0:04)
GaraE(1468) whispers: He must be thinking Nxe5..
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: but I think this ne is an except tion 17...Qxe5 (0:03)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Gah :(
GaraE(1468) whispers: I new it.
GaraE(1468) whispers: or knew rather.
outAtime(1725) whispers: f4! 18.f4 (0:05)
spendius(1777) whispers: :0
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Qe6 only move
spendius(1777) whispers: not the Bf4 line .. okie
GaraE(1468) whispers: Yeah, he missed Bf4.. or saw better stuff in this one.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Funkmaus should be happy, she was scared of Bf4 and it didn't show.
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Qe6 f5 Qd7 e5 Nd5 f6
spendius(1777) whispers: wow
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: then I dont know what black does
outAtime(1725) whispers: pawn forks next and the g2 Bishop hits a8
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: but it looks promising for me'
GaraE(1468) whispers: Hm, nice.
brigadoon(2110) whispers: nonsense, every queen move on the e file is possible
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: I got the bishop pair and the momentum
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Qh5 wiil come
Twikki(2036) whispers: any move on the e file is ok
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: after f6
outAtime(1725) whispers: Qe7 e5
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Qe7 e5 Ra6!?
Twikki(2036) whispers: he's ignoring that the e pawn is pinned
GaraE(1468) whispers: :( So two misses for Deion.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Well, one yet to come.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and if Qe7 f5 Ra6 again maybe?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: getting rook out of the dangerous diagonal 18...Qe7 (3:08)
cytrus(1957) whispers: Qe7 e5 Ra7 the pawn is pinned wit Qe2 19.e5 (0:25)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Wondered about Ra6 instead of Ra7.
hugozver(1920) whispers: that's why Rf1 was a mouseslip
GaraE(1468) whispers: hah :P Perhaps 19...Ra7 (0:27)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Though to be fair white had better results with Bf4 than this so 20.Rf2 (0:23)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nfd7 and a4 looks strong for black
leroykendall(2042) whispers: White is looking for Qg4 and g5
leroykendall(2042) whispers: *f5
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Nfd7 now
DodgeBrother(1506) whispers: yes
DodgeBrother(1506) whispers: only place for it 20...Ne8 (4:20)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Wonder if there's enough paranoia to play Nh7
GaraE(1468) whispers: Or Ne8 for that matter heh.
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: creating a passer with a4 might me a winner in endgame.. but first... survive the attack! :p
outAtime(1725) whispers: hard to see what to do with Bc1
spendius(1777) whispers: Bd2 I guess
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: if nothing works, sac a N on f6 for this 2 pawns for a Q-trade!
Twikki(2036) whispers: don't like that as much as Nfd7... no pressure on the e pawn
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: i mean, f5 makes sence for him now
GaraE(1468) whispers: It has its advantages - such as keeping Bc8's diagonal clear, and still allowing the Nb8 to at least move to d7 if needed.
spendius(1777) whispers: hmm .. Funk is right, f5 makes sense :0
outAtime(1725) whispers: Black N coming to e3 or c3 21.f5 (1:49)
fernbap(1709) whispers: f5 and f6 make a lot of sense
outAtime(1725) whispers: this is good!
spendius(1777) whispers: allowing also Bf4 maybe
mindlin(2033) whispers: wasn't Nfd7 better to prevent f5?
Twikki(2036) whispers: doesn't look like much of anything to me 21...Nd7 (1:11)
spendius(1777) whispers: twikki you are a pessimist !
BMK(1950) whispers: e6?
GaraE(1468) whispers: Maus probably considered it and rejected it due to developmental issues.
Twikki(2036) whispers: a4 f6 gf Bxh6 Qxe5 and white's attack isn't anything special
GaraE(1468) whispers: Or I should say perceived developmental issues rather, since maybe it was just ghosts.
Twikki(2036) whispers: well, there were some loose knight issues after Qxe5 Bf4 in some lines... probably just avoiding that
outAtime(1725) whispers: Bd5
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bf4 or f6 look more likely
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: e6.. Ndf6 exf7+ Qxf7 what then for him
spendius(1777) whispers: there is an issue with e5 right now
outAtime(1725) whispers: Bd5 Bb7 Bxf6ch 22.Bf4 (2:33)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bd5 Qxe5
outAtime(1725) whispers: oh yeah, fantasy variation ;)
BMK(1950) whispers: e6 Ndf6 exf exf g4?
BMK(1950) whispers: white have rook for 2 knights, shouldn't they open files?
outAtime(1725) whispers: White Q on g4 might be nice
brigadoon(2110) whispers: she should go for counterplay on the other side with a4 now...
Twikki(2036) whispers: or Ra6 for lateral support
outAtime(1725) whispers: eventually
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: a4!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: counterplay on queenside
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Bb4 Ra2 Bb7 Bxb7 Rxb7 22...Nf8 (4:27)
GaraE(1468) whispers: What about things such as Bb4 f6?
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: aand funk has a good position
GaraE(1468) whispers: the f6 being something dangerous.
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: f6 to come.. this to prevent Qg4, as I can play Ng6 on it
spendius(1777) whispers: so typical of Funkmaus hehe
outAtime(1725) whispers: does this help?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: hope f6 gxf Bxh6 Ng6 defends too
spendius(1777) whispers: Bd5 looks okay
outAtime(1725) whispers: loses f5?
outAtime(1725) whispers: oh, maybe not
spendius(1777) whispers: i said "looks okay"
outAtime(1725) whispers: hmm
BMK(1950) whispers: whisp Qg4 Bxg4, no?
spendius(1777) whispers: Qh5 ?
outAtime(1725) whispers: maybe Qg4 now?
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qg4 Ng6 looks good for black 23.Qh5 (3:35)
outAtime(1725) whispers: this looks good
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes,very good
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: defense is looking harder to find..
GaraE(1468) whispers: Ng6 does? I'm unable to compute that into a plus for black.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Isn't there fxg6?
Twikki(2036) whispers: pawn is pinned to the q
spendius(1777) whispers: we are in fukmaus territory here :P defending is her world !
GaraE(1468) whispers: I'm totally missing something then. I'll hope for maus to play it then.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Can't see the pin.
Twikki(2036) whispers: only works in the Qg4 line, Garae
GaraE(1468) whispers: Oh.
outAtime(1725) whispers: the pawns are menacing
GaraE(1468) whispers: Oops then :)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: well, it was a standoff from the start, and deion finally fell for the temptation to attack ;)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: FNK has squandered the advantage she had with NF1 ...
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ra6 looks ok
outAtime(1725) whispers: f pawn maybe is lusting forward
GaraE(1468) whispers: :P
outAtime(1725) whispers: or just simple Raf1
spendius(1777) whispers: so many defenders ..
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: is there something wrong with a4? I thought it looked like a good attempt for counterplay?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: thats what i said earlier madman
spendius(1777) whispers: g6 must be okay i imagine
brigadoon(2110) whispers: it still is
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes a4 looks good now
GaraE(1468) whispers: Funkmaus saw a4 too Madman, but decided to concentrate on survival first.
GaraE(1468) whispers: No idea what criteria Funkmaus is going to use to determine that she's survived.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Maybe Q trade. :P
brigadoon(2110) whispers: one way too survive is to bind the opponents pieces to my own threats
fernbap(1709) whispers: best way to survive is delivering a mate :P
brigadoon(2110) whispers: there are some games played by Lasker, who did that very well...
GaraE(1468) whispers: nice :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: maybe Bb4 before a4 23...a4 (5:36)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: ok
GaraE(1468) whispers: Guess she decided she's survived :))
outAtime(1725) whispers: hmmm
outAtime(1725) whispers: trying to keep the rook on a file
outAtime(1725) whispers: as well
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: as my friend would say "It's a runner!"
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Its getting hot at here!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: hee hee
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: :))
leroykendall(2042) whispers: White may attack on b5 pawn by Bc6
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: can white somehow take advantage of Bd7 after Bc6?
marcusi(1781) whispers: what is the purpose of a4?
leroykendall(2042) whispers: to promote pawn :-)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: create a passed pawn, tie a rook down to defence
marcusi(1781) whispers: ok :)
BMK(1950) whispers: Bc6 - Ra6, no?
outAtime(1725) whispers: maybe f6 now?
outAtime(1725) whispers: or gotta trade pawns forced?
spendius(1777) whispers: i like Bc6 ..
BMK(1950) whispers: and Bxb5, hehe )
leroykendall(2042) whispers: After Bc6 black should safe pawn like Bd7
outAtime(1725) whispers: f6 g6 fxd7
spendius(1777) whispers: hmm Bd5 too looks okie
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bc6 first to interrupt communication between the q & r
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: maybe Be4 for white
spendius(1777) whispers: Bd5 axb Rxa7 Bxa7 Bxb3
hugozver(1920) whispers: Bd5 a3
outAtime(1725) whispers: Bd5 axb Rxa7 b2!?
BMK(1950) whispers: +1 for b2
leroykendall(2042) whispers: axb is not good. a3 is much better
outAtime(1725) whispers: Rxe7 Qch
outAtime(1725) whispers: thnaks 24.Bd5 (7:59)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qd7
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: a3 or Ne7
spendius(1777) whispers: go deion =)
Opinel(2495) whispers: Qd7
spendius(1777) whispers: indeed ..
spendius(1777) whispers: Qd7 Be4 forced
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: yes 24...Qd7 (3:23)
marcusi(1781) whispers: white should have pushed the f pawn earlier 25.Be4 (1:02)
vipiu(2085) whispers: what if e6 now ?
hugozver(1920) whispers: I need a drink!
spendius(1777) whispers: mpaybe White has time to push g pawn
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: time to get rid of white squared bishop...
Perkl(1343) whispers: i think the a rook stops all attacks after e6 qxb
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: white light squared bishop 25...Bb7 (0:46)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: yesssss!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: funky agrees!
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes yes yes :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: the a pawn should be enough to win
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: sure
outAtime(1725) whispers: bishop trade forced i think
spendius(1777) whispers: f6 ?!
tijean(1595) whispers: e6 maybe
marcusi(1781) whispers: yea i would have captured
outAtime(1725) whispers: f6 is interresting
hugozver(1920) whispers: f6 Be4 26.Bxb7 (3:16)
outAtime(1725) whispers: xQ 26...Qxb7 (0:03)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: f6 is a bad move becuase Bxe4
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: ops 27.f6 (0:28)
marcusi(1781) whispers: finally f push
leroykendall(2042) whispers: now f6 is playable move :-)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes :)
outAtime(1725) whispers: Bxe4 e6xd7
outAtime(1725) whispers: oh, I was thinking about e6
outAtime(1725) whispers: you were looking at f6
outAtime(1725) whispers: e6 was interesting
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: this is survivable
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Ra6 to defense h6 now
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: once the attack fizzles out blacks a pawn will win
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: keep throwing water on the fire jenny!
leroykendall(2042) whispers: e6 may be just ignored by black by a3
Aneirin(1730) whispers: nevertheless my heart is with white. he's the man.
spendius(1777) whispers: lol
GaraE(1468) whispers: *switches one of the buckets of water with a bucket of alcohol*
hugozver(1920) whispers: Go Jenny! Go girl!! 27...Ng6 (2:26)
fernbap(1709) whispers: *turns a glass of water into wine*
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: ooo
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: mmm
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Ra6 was the only move..
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes
outAtime(1725) whispers: Go Deion!
GaraE(1468) whispers: Must have been wanting the bishop dead and figured Ne8 is an adequate guardian.
Twikki(2036) whispers: this is fine
spendius(1777) whispers: thinking fxg :z i am frozen
spendius(1777) whispers: what else anyway ..
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: after fx Nx is forced
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: bxa
fernbap(1709) whispers: fg nx qxh6
Litovec(1730) whispers: e6 pawn push ?
leroykendall(2042) whispers: fx Nx and Qxh6 is good for white 28.bxa4 (2:14)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: bxa 28...bxa4 (0:16)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: go funkkkkk
spendius(1777) whispers: goooo deion -_-
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: goooo Jenny!
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: rook needed on 7 to defend... no trade vs. rook who not attack me
outAtime(1725) whispers: e6 is interesting
spendius(1777) whispers: lol any Rainbow Warrior around ?
outAtime(1725) whispers: mmm maybe not
fernbap(1709) whispers: go Jenny! Show them you're the man!
marcusi(1781) whispers: e6 looks daring
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: lol
Twikki(2036) whispers: e6 looks losing
xombie(1897) whispers: funk must be enjoying every second of this
outAtime(1725) whispers: i think it fails to nxp
leroykendall(2042) whispers: e6 is not good because of Nxf6
spendius(1777) whispers: gxf ..what else ?
outAtime(1725) whispers: yeah
marcusi(1781) whispers: but then bxh3?
marcusi(1781) whispers: after e6 nxf6 i mean
Twikki(2036) whispers: e6 Nxf4
outAtime(1725) whispers: hmmm
spendius(1777) whispers: i like gxf Nxf4 gxf 29.fxg7 (3:08)
outAtime(1725) whispers: e6 Nxf3 pxch qx qxBc5
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Nx!
spendius(1777) whispers: Nx what :P
leroykendall(2042) whispers: Kx is losing
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Nxg7
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: g7 :))
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and then defend with Bf8!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: just like funky jenny 29...Nxg7 (1:12)
mindlin(2033) whispers: Nxg7 Qxh6 and white loses
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: go jennyyyy
marcusi(1781) whispers: oh the knight threatens the queen if e6 nxf6 duh!
spendius(1777) whispers: cmon !
Twikki(2036) whispers: white's attack is done... now a3-a2 finishes
spendius(1777) whispers: Vive le Quebec libre !
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: wow
leroykendall(2042) whispers: Qxh6 no other ways.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: way to go Jenny 30.Qxh6 (1:21) Bf8 (0:03)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Bf1
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yes
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: << called it 31.Qg5 (0:13)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: a3!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: "It's a runner!"
GaraE(1468) whispers: March pawn, march!
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Qb2 first
spendius(1777) whispers: the pawn can't promote this easy ..
spendius(1777) whispers: with two rooks on the 1st rank
GaraE(1468) whispers: Is Qb2 first required? 31...a3 (1:29)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: first or after is equal :)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Currently the advancing pawn threatens an eventual obvious a2 + Qb1+ or some such idea. a1 is a dark square. The greatest threat white faces is that Bf8 adjusting to Bc3.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Eventually.
GaraE(1468) whispers: until then though, it's probably true that 2 white rooks on rank1 will hold off the pawn.
spendius(1777) whispers: Bc1 maybe
Twikki(2036) whispers: with both rooks on the first, Qxc2 and Ne6-c5-b3 is also possible
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Bc1 looks to be blunder
GaraE(1468) whispers: yum
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: a2 and Qb1
hugozver(1920) whispers: tik - tak, tik - tak, tik - tak, tik - tak ....
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: :) 32.Bc1 (3:58)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: O_O 32...Qe7 (0:53)
GaraE(1468) whispers: There might be a2 Rf1 Qb1 Ba3 etc ideas so maybe not as blunderous as thought. 33.Re2 (0:34) Qxg5 (0:46) 34.Bxg5 (0:03) Ne6 (0:06) 35.Bf6 (0:06) Ne7 (0:25)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Bb4 Bc3
GaraE(1468) whispers: Re4 here from white?
spendius(1777) whispers: Re4 to Rh4 :P
marcusi(1781) whispers: white is not that bad off right now? he still has more pawns and rooks 36.Kf2 (0:44) Nd5 (0:13)
spendius(1777) whispers: Whirte is i think with better hope without Queens on board
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: 2 minors for the rook
GaraE(1468) whispers: Main threat is a Nc3 (seems to be that way at least) with a2 + Rb7-Rb1.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i'd take that over 2 rooks 37.Re4 (0:38)
marcusi(1781) whispers: yeah, maybe, the white pawns are on the wrong side too
GaraE(1468) whispers: Nxf6 pretty encouraged here?
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: a2 go pawn go
spendius(1777) whispers: Mister Andersson ..your name is Neo
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Kh7 looks to be an active defense
leroykendall(2042) whispers: yes... Rh4 looks dangerous
Twikki(2036) whispers: the checks are meaningless... black's k goes to f5
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: if Rh4 Nxf6
GaraE(1468) whispers: Right 37...Bh6 (2:22)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Not bad, intends on Be3+ and Nxf6 if Rh4.
outAtime(1725) whispers: blunder?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Bh6? no way
GaraE(1468) whispers: Looks fine to me.
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: good move jenny 38.h4 (1:01)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: a2!
GaraE(1468) whispers: Be3+ plus Nxf6 really should take the steam out of white.
outAtime(1725) whispers: ugh
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bd2
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: a4 then Bd2
outAtime(1725) whispers: I might have tried Rb1
leroykendall(2042) whispers: Bd2 and Bc3
Aneirin(1730) whispers: or a2 and Bc1 ?
mindlin(2033) whispers: or Ne3?
Aneirin(1730) whispers: well, that's the same idea, yah
GaraE(1468) whispers: Looks like there are a few good moves.
Aneirin(1730) whispers: but less good :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: however black wants to do it... white doesn't have much of anything here
outAtime(1725) whispers: Rb1 a2 Rb8ch Kh7 Rh8ch etcc 38...Be3+ (2:00)
outAtime(1725) whispers: I didnt understand h4 taking a square away from Re4
GaraE(1468) whispers: Saw that his threats on black king failed
outAtime(1725) whispers: R could have gone to h4 maybe threaten mate
GaraE(1468) whispers: So tried to advance pawns to help
GaraE(1468) whispers: Yea Rh4 failed
outAtime(1725) whispers: help hinder
Twikki(2036) whispers: just a time pressure move 39.Kf3 (1:33)
marcusi(1781) whispers: maybe he wants a new queen with the h pawn
marcusi(1781) whispers: :)
outAtime(1725) whispers: yeah, time pressure is thing 39...a2 (0:27)
outAtime(1725) whispers: q is possible
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yesss
outAtime(1725) whispers: gee wish Rh4 was still on
Aneirin(1730) whispers: black always had NxB
Twikki(2036) whispers: white has been dead for a while 40.h5 (1:31)
Twikki(2036) whispers: this is zombie deion finishing the game
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Bd2 come on jenny
leroykendall(2042) whispers: Bd2 and Bc3
GaraE(1468) whispers: Zombies win in some movies though !
outAtime(1725) whispers: Go Deion!
spendius(1777) whispers: this h pawn could become dangerous :-)
Madmansreturn(1991) whispers: Nb4 looks easy enough too
outAtime(1725) whispers: thats the spirit spendius! woot!
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nxf6 ef Ng5+ is good too
spendius(1777) whispers: yay =)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Yeah!! Fork! :D and trades pieces!
GaraE(1468) whispers: Yep, forko time.
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: come on!! 40...Nxf6 (1:42)
hugozver(1920) whispers: yesssss!!!
GaraE(1468) whispers: And an imminent resign perhaps
outAtime(1725) whispers: uh oh
milpat(1786) whispers: oh Ng5!
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: very good , we won again :)
marcusi(1781) whispers: maus is doing it the slow and safe way
Aneirin(1730) whispers: who would have expected anything else :) 41.exf6 (0:37) Ng5+ (0:02) 42.Ke2 (0:01)
milpat(1786) whispers: untrustable jumping creatures... 42...Nxe4 (0:06)
hugozver(1920) whispers: Jenny the heroine!
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: lol
Twikki(2036) whispers: jenny's on heroin?
milpat(1786) whispers: haha
Aneirin(1730) whispers: makes her funky.
hugozver(1920) whispers: |_|D 43.dxe4 (0:30)
outAtime(1725) whispers: this was a really good game by deion though, he went for it, cool 43...Kh7 (0:05)
GaraE(1468) whispers: cheese-flavored heroine. 44.e5 (0:03)
spendius(1777) whispers: it is not that simple -_-
outAtime(1725) whispers: still chances!!!
GaraE(1468) whispers: Like Bg5? :P 44...Kh6 (0:44)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: ahahah
milpat(1786) whispers: Bc1 was a move? 45.Kd3 (0:34)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Yeah but she didn't take the time to calculate it I suppose
GaraE(1468) whispers: making the easy moves to regain clock cushion
milpat(1786) whispers: Bc2-->b2, but not sure anymore 45...Kxh5 (0:38) 46.c3 (0:11)
spendius(1777) whispers: now c3 ..
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ra3
LightKnight(1634) kibitzes: wow, I turn my face for a moment an now tables have turned.
LightKnight(1634) kibitzes: ooops, sorry
LightKnight(1634) whispers: erm
GaraE(1468) whispers: Ra3 :P
outAtime(1725) whispers: tables turn! tables turn! squack!
GaraE(1468) whispers: And there's Bh6 which guards f8 after fxe6
GaraE(1468) whispers: Black king makes easy pickings of it
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: dxc and if KxB c2 c1Q Rxc1 a1Q Rxa1 Rxa1 and over
Aneirin(1730) whispers: black plays twice? :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: dc Ke3 c2 Kd2
outAtime(1725) whispers: not so easy
GaraE(1468) whispers: Ra3 and c3 is pinned.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Ra3 e6 fxe6 f7 Bh6
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ra3 is pretty easy... Ra3 Ke4 Kg6 cd Bd2-c3 46...Ra3 (3:01)
GaraE(1468) whispers: Or could go with Rxc3+ first actually before those moves, forcing Ke2 or Ke4 yeah.
GaraE(1468) whispers: Didn't look too far into that but is an option if it calculates out well 47.Ke4 (0:18)
milpat(1786) whispers: Bc1 again?
GaraE(1468) whispers: Oh he elects to move king first hrm. 47...Kg6 (0:41)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Kg6
Twikki(2036) whispers: just nice and safe
xombie(1905) whispers: and over?
xombie(1905) whispers: was white winning at any point?
Twikki(2036) whispers: nobody would fault white for resigning here
outAtime(1725) whispers: px
Aneirin(1730) whispers: only topalov :) 48.cxd4 (1:33)
xombie(1905) whispers: i guess with players like deion and funk the games are bound to get interesting
milpat(1786) whispers: mmm
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, but he's naturally argumentative
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: Bd2 Bc3 !
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bd2 48...Bd2 (0:22)
outAtime(1725) whispers: d pawn will queen now 49.d5 (0:11)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: yesss over
deionsandersson(1911) whispers: Im lost..
milpat(1786) whispers: good job Jen! ;) 49...Bc3 (0:18)
fernbap(1709) whispers: Jenny is da man!
marcusi(1781) whispers: if chuck norris was playing white he would've mated black in 2 moves - with the king! 50.Rxa2 (0:10)
sweetarianna(2067) whispers: :) 50...Rxa2 (0:03) deionsandersson resigns 0-1
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