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squib(2085) vs. opinel(2490) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2010-05-07

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:14) d5 (0:24) 3.exd5 (0:08) cxd5 (0:03) 4.c4 (0:47) Nf6 (0:19) 5.cxd5 (0:22) Nxd5 (0:26) 6.Be2 (0:34) Bf5 (2:08) 7.Qb3 (0:59) Nc6 (0:09) 8.Qxb7 (1:50) Ndb4 (0:05) 9.Bb5 (0:16) Be4 (0:58) 10.Nd4 (0:40)
Opinel(2490) whispers: my opponent fell for a known tricky line. at least he's creative ! i'm playing too many cheaters lately so i'm happy to play a real live creative player for once.
10...Rb8 (1:57) 11.Bxc6+ (0:21) Bxc6 (0:10) 12.Nxc6 (0:22) Rxb7 (0:22) 13.Nxd8 (0:39) Nc2+ (0:05) 14.Kd1 (1:05) Rc7 (0:04) 15.b3 (0:07) Kxd8 (0:26) 16.Bb2 (2:13) Nxa1 (2:30) 17.Bxa1 (0:18) f6 (0:04) 18.Nc3 (0:09) e5 (0:57) 19.f4 (5:16) exf4 (1:24) 20.Nd5 (0:27) Rc6 (0:52) 21.Nxf4 (0:29) Bb4 (0:29) 22.Re1 (2:20) Re8 (0:30) 23.Nd3 (2:37) Rxe1+ (0:28) 24.Nxe1 (0:14) Bd6 (0:34) 25.Nf3 (0:13) Ke7 (0:35) 26.Bd4 (0:25) Ke6 (0:50)
leroykendall(2042) whispers: After Bxa7 Ra6
27.Bxa7 (0:58) Ra6 (0:08) 28.Be3 (0:41) Rxa2 (0:15) squib resigns 0-1


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