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burnage(2238) vs. volgjeneus(1845) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-07

1.d4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.d5 (0:07) Nf6 (0:05) 3.c4 (0:07) e6 (0:02) 4.Nc3 (0:07) exd5 (0:04) 5.cxd5 (0:00) d6 (0:02) 6.e4 (0:20) g6 (0:01) 7.Nf3 (0:33) Bg7 (0:04) 8.h3 (0:14) O-O (0:03) 9.Bd3 (0:06) a6 (0:02) 10.a4 (0:04) Re8 (0:02) 11.O-O (0:12) Nbd7 (0:08) 12.Be3 (3:52)
burnage(2238) whispers: nothing better than a benoni white starts off with + over - for no effort
12...Ne5 (2:32) 13.Nxe5 (1:16) Rxe5 (0:03) 14.a5 (0:02) Re8 (0:20) 15.Qc2 (1:30) Nd7 (0:06) 16.Rad1 (0:06) Qxa5 (0:44)
burnage(2238) whispers: god what was I thinking... should have moved the other rook
17.f4 (2:15) b5 (0:46) 18.e5 (10:11) dxe5 (1:06) 19.f5 (0:06) c4 (0:22) 20.fxg6 (0:33) fxg6 (0:19)
burnage(2238) whispers: this doesn't make sense but I think Bxg6 is good... queen offside... this can't be right.
burnage(2238) whispers: Bxg6 hxg6 Qxg6 Rf8 Bh6 runs into Qb6+ but d6 first stops Qb6+ so now both Nd5 and Bh6 are threats....
21.Bxg6 (10:44) hxg6 (0:44) 22.Qxg6 (0:00)
burnage(2238) whispers: if I don't see a defense after 10 minutes then he's gonna have to find it for me.
22...Nf8 (1:17)
burnage(2238) whispers: LOL Rf8 was only move dude... rook is hanging bro. resign.
23.Qxe8 (0:37) Qb4 (0:42) 24.d6 (0:32) Qxb2 (0:30) 25.Qf7+ (0:06) Kh8 (0:04) 26.Qh5+ (0:11) Kg8 (0:04) 27.Nd5 (0:13)
burnage(2238) whispers: a delicious even if undeserved point... god 16. Rad1???????
27...Nh7 (2:07) 28.Ne7+ (0:10) Kh8 (0:03) 29.Qe8+ (0:11) Nf8 (0:11) 30.Rxf8+ (0:01) Bxf8 (0:02) 31.Qxf8+ (0:02) Kh7 (0:02) 32.Qh6# (0:05) volgjeneus checkmated 1-0


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