sixsplits(1653) vs. introspection(1548) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-03
Introspection(1548) whispers: This must be a trap but I can't see it
pgg(1676) whispers: Qxe4 Bxf7?
GaraE(1457) whispers: e4?
GaraE(1457) whispers: It's e5 now, meant that?
pgg(1676) whispers: e5*
hundirector(2288) whispers: just take it and we'll find out 7...Qxe5 (10:05) 8.Bxf7+ (0:04)
GaraE(1457) whispers: He'll be fine.
pgg(1676) whispers: maybe think a little longer might be an idea also ;)
GaraE(1457) whispers: First impressions indicate white has made his attack while too undeveloped.
hundirector(2288) whispers: real men dont think
pgg(1676) whispers: you sound like a Budwieser advert hun :)) 8...Kxf7 (1:42) 9.d4 (0:04)
pgg(1676) whispers: real men of genious, have you seen them? ( the adverts)
hundirector(2288) whispers: nope
Introspection(1548) whispers: This is crazy what am I missing
pgg(1676) whispers: ah ok
pgg(1676) whispers: forget it then ;)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Tactically, white has Nc3, Bxf4, f/h pawn moves, Q moves to h5 or d5 for checks.
hundirector(2288) whispers: real men dont watch tv :P
GaraE(1457) whispers: The king is on a light square, the bishop is dark square.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Possible return of material with Bc5 for black.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Not sure if it should be tried though.
GaraE(1457) whispers: If queen moves she has to cover h5 and d5 probably for safety.
pgg(1676) whispers: well it looks like to me the black king is looking down the barrel of a very strong attack once the queen has been distracted, not sure I like this
GaraE(1457) whispers: f5 is a bad square due to g4
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qg5 has tempo after Bxf4
GaraE(1457) whispers: Okay I'd try Bc5 if I was black, given the situation.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Forces tempo sacrifice if white plays dxc5
GaraE(1457) whispers: Otherwise after Bxf4 there is Bxd4+
GaraE(1457) whispers: And then even if queen moves, Bf6 is possible.
GaraE(1457) whispers: With Ng8 guarding f6 too this works out 9...Qxd4+ (4:36) 10.Be3 (0:02)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Hmm.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Nevermind.
GaraE(1457) whispers: I saw ghosts, Qxd4+ is best :P
Introspection(1548) whispers: Tht's the forst move I've expected
GaraE(1457) whispers: Oh pinned pawn so heh.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Maybe the ghosts were real then :P
GaraE(1457) whispers: Guard f6 directly then
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qf6 10...Qf6 (2:35)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: nice, this insane KG variation :)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Yeah I'm testing my prior suggested moves in a duplicate board now to see how they'd pan out according to engine.
GaraE(1457) whispers: So far Bc5 was bad according to engine, loses a lot of black's advantage.
GaraE(1457) whispers: And Qxd4+ is arguably one of the good moves.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Checking the rest only after the moves have passed by - to see if I can figure it out before I have to resort to that. 11.Nc3 (2:58)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: my database is down to one game now :)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: white has thrown a lot of wood into the fire
pgg(1676) whispers: yes 11...d6 (1:24)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Nd5 or Ne4 were pretty obvious.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Mainly Nd5.
GaraE(1457) whispers: But also the f4 pawn needed support
GaraE(1457) whispers: if Nd5 or Ne4 were ignorable, then I'd have preferred Bh6 or Bd6
GaraE(1457) whispers: Bd6 if rather have it be supported by a pawn than the less stable h6
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: Nd5 looks rather obvious here I reckon
GaraE(1457) whispers: That way a move like Rxf4+ later on would be less palatable due to Bxf4.
pgg(1676) whispers: Rae1, stop the retreat back to e8 for king perhaps?
GaraE(1457) whispers: Though Bd6 does hem in the d pawn, black can become too busy moving other pieces anyway.
GaraE(1457) whispers: (and this still had the consequence of hemming in Bf8)
Introspection(1548) whispers: If I can get in Be6 should be ok
Introspection(1548) whispers: Hope all those KG games with X52 wil help now
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: X52 = xaosfiftytwo?
pgg(1676) whispers: yep
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: white has stopped blitzing moves now
pgg(1676) whispers: think he has to get this move correct as you said spent a lot of wood so far
Introspection(1548) whispers: But then there is Qxb7...
pgg(1676) whispers: Nd5 looks pretty obvious though no ?
GaraE(1457) whispers: There's also Nxc7
GaraE(1457) whispers: So I'm fairly uncertain as to what moves I'd make as black. Well, queen move is first presumably after Nd5. 12.Bxf4 (14:28)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Oh?
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Ke7 Bg5 pins queen.. Qh5+ Qg6 Bxd6+ hmmm.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Ke6 also leads to a pinned queen through more herding checks.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Kg7 leads to dead queen or checkmate.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Kg7 Bh6+ Qxh6 Qf7#
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Kg7 Bh6+ Nxh6 Rxf6 Kxf6 Rf1+.. some chances maybe.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Since black still has a lot of pieces, but undeveloped, so this is fairly uncertain unless you can mentally calculate the black king's safety in that situation being queenless. 12...Nc6 (7:30)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Probably better to figure out if Qh5+ Qg6 is viable, and consider Kg7 as a last resort.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: wow much material but a long way to get on the save side with it for black
pgg(1676) whispers: Rae8, looks bad
GaraE(1457) whispers: Looks like Ke6 also works though it does allow white to quickly array his troops in an attacking manner against an eventual Kd8.
Introspection(1548) whispers: Maybe h5 is idea
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Ne4
GaraE(1457) whispers: Nc6 could be okay, plan might be to close file with Ne5 later.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Ne4 Qf5 Bxd6 Qxf3 Rxf3+
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qh5+ Qg6 Bxd6+ Nf6 should work out
GaraE(1457) whispers: Though that stops working out if he does Qh5+ Qg6 Be5+ instead.
GaraE(1457) whispers: But in that case e file is safer
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Qh5+ is tricky if intro tries to get the king out
GaraE(1457) whispers: So Ke8 or Ke7.. probably Ke8 despite pin on own queen, due to Ne7 if needed 13.Qh5+ (5:02)
JoshuaR(1553) whispers: Well this was a hyper-aggressive opening. I usually prefer moderately hyper.
pgg(1676) whispers: Qh5+ Qg6 Bxd6+ Ke1 Rae8+
GaraE(1457) whispers: Rather than move rook, move knight to f6 pgg.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Since Bxd6+ doesn't cover or f6
GaraE(1457) whispers: *cover or threaten f6 with bishop
GaraE(1457) whispers: Queen is hung so that needs addressing first, and it frees Rh8 to move later.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Kg7 is russian roulette play
GaraE(1457) whispers: So white can't continue attacking king without moving queen next I think
pgg(1676) whispers: :)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Qg6 do it !
GaraE(1457) whispers: Don't really like the other options. 13...Qg6 (2:01)
Introspection(1548) whispers: Prob needed h5 last move...
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Be5+
GaraE(1457) whispers: Be5+ Ke8 taking refuge in the temporarily closed e8 file (due to bishop being on it)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: yeah but queenexchange with rook win
GaraE(1457) whispers: Yea
GaraE(1457) whispers: Shouldn't be a worse-off scenario for black hopefully
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: and its forced
GaraE(1457) whispers: :( Guess white is looking better and better after those exchanges.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: no score would be by -1.5-2
GaraE(1457) whispers: Hm, can't see how.. but must be things I can't perceive. :P
GaraE(1457) whispers: Black would have 2 bishops, 2 knights, 1 rook.
GaraE(1457) whispers: 5 pawns.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: hmm on material point more and two pieces for one
GaraE(1457) whispers: White would have 5 pawns, 1 knight, 1 bishop, 2 rooks.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Hmmm.
GaraE(1457) whispers: You're right, miscalculated there.. 4 pieces vs 5.
GaraE(1457) whispers: I guess something hid from me :P
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: from me too
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: ok but two knights and two bishop really cant be very bad
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: and the white field bishop can go to a power bishop
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: or ghost bishop
GaraE(1457) whispers: Well, might say it's close enough for a blunder on either side to matter.
GaraE(1457) whispers: After the exchanges if white chooses the route.
GaraE(1457) whispers: *for a small blunder
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: always
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: everytime in everygame a small blunder can kill you 14.Be5+ (11:55)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: here we go
pgg(1676) whispers: well looked like Kev survived so good
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: he only must get back initation
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: onomatopeia, do you know whether/why the FICS Standard Chess Ladder website is down?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: no i dont know, but they have website and bot porblem since the started 14...Ke8 (3:50) 15.Qxg6+ (1:40) hxg6 (0:04) 16.Bxh8 (0:00)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Bf5 for power bishop 16...Bf5 (1:27) 17.Rae1+ (2:02) Be7 (0:58) 18.Bg7 (0:03)
GaraE(1457) whispers: How about Kd7?
GaraE(1457) whispers: Oh Kf7 works as well and threatens the bishop. 18...Kf7 (1:36)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Just mainly want backrank more accessible to black's rook.
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: is g4 good for white here?
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: or Nd5 maybe
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: nah, I'm still stupid (thought it had passed after my disastrous TL game)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: g4 19.g4 (3:21) Kxg7 (0:31) 20.gxf5 (0:03) gxf5 (0:35) 21.Rxf5 (0:02)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: looks not bad for black 21...Rf8 (1:22) 22.Rb5 (2:10)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: omg go Nd4 ND4!!!
pgg(1676) whispers: :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Nd4 Rxb7 Nf3+ 22...b6 (0:57)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: T_T
derMandarin(2091) whispers: b6 is better
derMandarin(2091) whispers: he needs some pawns
derMandarin(2091) whispers: otherwise it is hard to checkmate with a clusterf*** of minorpieces without pawns left ;)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I wouldn't mind getting a lesson on how to checkmate with a bishop and a knight ;)
GaraE(1457) whispers: :P I took those lessons with endgamebot.
GaraE(1457) whispers: It's surprisingly easy.. except on two accounts.
GaraE(1457) whispers: One: You need at least plenty of times. Doing it with 1m left on clock? Yeah right.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Two: You probably need to at least have seen it done and tried it a few times (and complete it) to more easily visualize the process. 23.Nd5 (2:24)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Though I did hear of some people figuring it out without any practice, despite difficulty.
derMandarin(2091) whispers: Nd4
derMandarin(2091) whispers: NOW
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: YEAH!!!
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: gogogo
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: but he will lose a pawn mark, do you really know what you are saying ;) 23...Bh4 (4:46)
Introspection(1548) whispers: Bet that's the first time I crossed the center line...
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: argh not crossing center Nd4 for fork intro than you had crossed the center with power
Introspection(1548) whispers: No I had Qxd4 i openi ng
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: wth o.O
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: oh he means he had crossed the center before XD 24.Re2 (2:17)
castleden(1708) whispers: ooh
castleden(1708) whispers: nah
castleden(1708) whispers: i'll shut up :)
derMandarin(2091) whispers: NOW ND4
castleden(1708) whispers: but Rg2+ ?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: doesnt matter
derMandarin(2091) whispers: doesnt matter
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: Nd4 is always the move :D
derMandarin(2091) whispers: not looking for a fork here
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: lol
derMandarin(2091) whispers: but for Nd4 Ne2 and mate :p
castleden(1708) whispers: wow, in stereo :)) 24...Nd4 (2:37) 25.Rg2+ (0:04)
pgg(1676) whispers: go Intro !!
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: but now he must see it or feel it or wth he is doing there
derMandarin(2091) whispers: "feel it" :))
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: oh yeah baby 25...Kh8 (0:38)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: put out your mojo introdillic 26.Rb4 (0:26)
derMandarin(2091) whispers: Ne2+!!!
derMandarin(2091) whispers: ;)
derMandarin(2091) whispers: tactical sac
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: c5 to save a precious pawn as well ;)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: dont know if he feel this 26...Bf6 (1:09)
castleden(1708) whispers: wow i must be stupid, can't see it :(
derMandarin(2091) whispers: nah, loses
derMandarin(2091) whispers: must play the check or 1-0
castleden(1708) whispers: after Rxe2 where's the mate? 27.Nxf6 (0:33)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: Nxf6 Nf3+ Rxf6 is fine for black
derMandarin(2091) whispers: Nf3+
pgg(1676) whispers: yes
castleden(1708) whispers: how Nf3+ when rook just ate it?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: intro mus cover the h4# field
derMandarin(2091) whispers: well this is getting from easy win to win to hard to win or even lost now 27...Nf3+ (1:33)
derMandarin(2091) whispers: at least it is still "hard to win" ;)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: Nxf6 should be fine here as well
Introspection(1548) whispers: that would have proteced h4...
Introspection(1548) whispers: Protected
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: lol
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: mark are you sure there was a mate with Ne2+ sac?
CrazyHunter(1877) whispers: what a nuts game
derMandarin(2091) whispers: I was joking ,damn
derMandarin(2091) whispers: :))
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: hate you
derMandarin(2091) whispers: !BCS->(kiss)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: awwww 28.Kh1 (5:59)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: go kev go go goooo 28...Rxf6 (3:09) 29.Rf2 (3:14)
oistrakh(1582) whispers: strange game
pgg(1676) whispers: very
oistrakh(1582) whispers: looks like a blitz
oistrakh(1582) whispers: both players don't like tactics
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: oistrakh 1-5-8-2 wow 29...Ne5 (3:10)
piorgovici(1568) whispers: go Intro 30.Rh4+ (2:05) Rh6 (1:23) 31.Rxh6+ (0:08) Nxh6 (0:07) 32.Rf8+ (0:02)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: wuhu double knight action 32...Kg7 (0:27) 33.Rc8 (0:03)
Koff(1944) whispers: pretty unclear to me 33...c5 (1:00) 34.Rc7+ (0:14)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: a pawn bye bye
CrazyHunter(1877) whispers: still winning kev! 34...Kf6 (0:34) 35.Rxa7 (0:02)
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: still winning now? 35...Nf5 (1:09)
CrazyHunter(1877) whispers: aw that drops another pawn 36.Rb7 (0:44)
Koff(1944) whispers: sacs ;)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: lol 36...Nc4 (0:42) 37.b3 (0:03)
Koff(1944) whispers: white c-pawn is abotu to go in the trade and then d runs
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Na3
Koff(1944) whispers: c4 anyway 37...Nce3 (1:22)
Koff(1944) whispers: B would need a 3rd knight to mate wK 38.Rxb6 (0:59)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: a 3 knight mate would be so cool 38...Nxc2 (0:19) 39.a4 (0:03)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: i would vote this to game of the round
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: get king out of pin
CrazyHunter(1877) whispers: aw kevs gonna flag
Koff(1944) whispers: umm, Ke5, a5 Nb4, Rxb4 looks +- 39...Ke6 (1:45)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: ups misstype? 40.a5 (0:44)
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: b4 come on 40...Ne7 (0:53)
Koff(1944) whispers: he found the only move
Koff(1944) whispers: imo
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: wow, go kev :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: yep
pgg(1676) whispers: yes but his time is very bad
pgg(1676) whispers: :(
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: yep 41.h4 (1:27)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: now Nb4
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: oh?, didnt even know there was a pawn over there?, 41...Kd7 (1:08)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: dont realized it too
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: :-B 42.a6 (1:00)
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: ono 1=4=2=5 wow, just dont pass me okay
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Nc8
pgg(1676) whispers: Nc8, but there is a run away pawn on the h file :( 42...Nc8 (1:07) 43.Rb7+ (0:27)
Koff(1944) whispers: the horse on c2 needs long legs
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: lol 43...Kc6 (0:27) 44.h5 (0:02)
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: i wonder if thats why hes called spits?
Koff(1944) whispers: spits?
pgg(1676) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: i mean splits
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: soit in his eye yes
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: spit
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: this fong kong keyboard, im sure the keys are wrongly marked?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: lol 44...Nd4 (2:04) 45.h6 (0:11)
Koff(1944) whispers: heh 45...Nf5 (0:49)
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: poor kev, i can hear hes brain from here 46.h7 (0:09) d5 (0:36) 47.h8=Q (0:08)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: yeah go on kev 47...d4 (0:06) Introspection resigns 1-0
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