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madmansreturn(2002) vs. sweetarianna(2049) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-03

HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: gl, enemies
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: hehe! Gooo Sweetie!!
1.c4 (0:00) e6 (0:00)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: Good luck and good chess!
milpat(1776) whispers: e6 on c4 funk?
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Yeah, to transpose to QGD after e4, why not
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: after d4, omg
2.Nf3 (1:10)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: or nimzo?
2...d5 (0:16)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: guess that rules nimzo out though
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Its up to white to choose a flexible english-set-up with d3, g3, Bg2, 0-0 or play d4-opening
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: I'm clueless against pure c4 openings
3.d4 (1:11)
milpat(1776) whispers: good Laur! :)
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: hehe, now its not c4-opening anymore! 1-0 for Sweetie :p
3...dxc4 (0:23)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: this is a qga transposed iosn't it?
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Now I am a bit clueless, I never accept QG here
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Yeah, it is
4.e3 (0:48)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: the normal move order would imply 3. Nf3 e6
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: is e6 played here?
milpat(1776) whispers: why not 4.e4!?
4...Nf6 (0:45)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: at least I managed my main aim to avoid the Slav, can't say I know this line of QG though
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: it's possible, but a bit risky
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: I play 3. e4 against QGA
milpat(1776) whispers: appears more agressive to me :)
5.Nc3 (0:40)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: but here with Nf3 in it might be a better version for white
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Oh damn :( I just got message from Mila on my phone that she has no Internet now and cant come online
5...a6 (0:34)
SachinRavi(1687) whispers: Magnus Carlsen
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Well, I text her back when we won this
milpat(1776) whispers: haha
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: don't hold your breath:)
6.Bxc4 (1:00) b5 (0:10) 7.Bd3 (1:06)
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: is this Merano?
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: no, a sort of qga
7...Bb7 (0:46)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: but resembles a meran too come to think about it
8.O-O (0:41) c5 (0:22)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: what's the score in the match?
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: 2-0 for SheRocks!!!
9.dxc5 (2:00)
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Nbd7/Bd6/0-0/Qb8 for black here. If I am not mistaken, Qc7 is wrong in this lines
9...Bxc5 (0:10)
spendius(1790) whispers: Qe2 I guess .. this kind of game seems to play by itself
10.Qc2 (1:12)
spendius(1790) whispers: :0 me said nothing
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: oh-oh, you said something! Qe2 was better
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: dont take this N!!!
10...O-O (0:46)
spendius(1790) whispers: isn't the Queen exposed on on open c file ?
milpat(1776) whispers: Nc6 heading b4, and put rook on c8
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Nc6 a3, Nbd7 is a bit safer. White is going to set-up e4, activate Bc1 and go attack. Sometimes is Nf8 useful defender
11.Rd1 (1:47) Nbd7 (1:37)
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: go go arianna :-)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: a tl?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: hello all
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: and hello arianna
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: It would be madmans style to play a4 now :p
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: hello funk
spendius(1790) whispers: Ne5 does not quite work ..
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: hey Bibbu! Cool!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: ne5 is one move, try to found a good plan for white
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: what Ne5?! Ne5 is a good move, a best one white can find :p
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: trying to find an alternative to Ne4 which I don't like
GaraE(1457) whispers: Nc3 + Nf3 + d4 + d3 looks like some sort of QGA.
GaraE(1457) whispers: *e3 not d3.
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: Rd1 was a bit premature imho
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Na, Ne4 NxN BxN BxB QxB Nf6 Qc2 Qb6 - very drawish
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: white must look for something else, thats true
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: you may want a rook on e1 in the near future
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: in this opening white control the center and black has to wait for defense, the fight well be very harsh :)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: i hate defense opening
GaraE(1457) whispers: Yeah it does feel somewhat boring doesn't it.
GaraE(1457) whispers: Maneuver and maneuver and maneuver then clash. :p
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: In this match-situation white has to play for a win, so a defence opening is not the worse choice!!!
12.Ng5 (8:48)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: ah interesting
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: idea to play Ne4
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Here we go! We all missed that or was it mentioned here?
GaraE(1457) whispers: Nah, but its effectiveness is in question.
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: i like Ng5 here
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: I came late, and assumed this was so obvious that it had been mentioned already ;)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: then Ne4
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: hmm. h6 Nh7 maybe?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: nono ne4
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: n:e4 B:e4
RxR(1680) whispers: how about h6 nce4
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: h6 Ne4 Be7?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: white is better
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: tipical....now I can play h6 or g6
GaraE(1457) whispers: I'd go with g6 yeah.
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes g6 its better
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: h6 Ne4 Qe7 Nxc5 Nxc5 followed by Rac8/Rfd8 is safe. And white has still bad Bc1
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: avoid chek in h7
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: dark squares are already a bit weak from e6 though
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: and you're leaving that nice knight on g5 after g6
12...h6 (2:45)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: was just about to write why I dismissed Ng5 because black didn't need to defend h7 at all and found a flaw in my refutation of it. Hopefully Ng5 is playable
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: g6 only move, oh no!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: lol zulu here
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: g6 is bibbu's move, so probably best, but I still like h6 ;)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: hi milan going to win bayern?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: also h6 is possibile
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: not milan, but inter
GaraE(1457) whispers: I didn't like Ng5 because it seemed easily denied by black, could use the moves on the bishop instead.
GaraE(1457) whispers: *on freeing the bishop
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: I expected g6 to avoid all future cheapos potential with Bh7 with discovered attacks. h6 gives black a better pawn structure though
13.Nge4 (1:30)
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: ok I prefer to attack
BackJolton(1491) whispers: Ng5 forces h6 or g6, weakening the castled position
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: I don't see a serious problem after Be7 here
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: what....attackers on funk's team <?> :-)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: ehehe i see somethinga
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: be7 is dangerous
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: N:f6
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: Be7
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: then b:f6-Be4
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: and white is cleary better
13...Qc7 (1:22)
smallblackcat(1965) whispers: mmm, I guess so
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: What is she considering here?! sweetarianna(2049): ok I prefer to attack
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: lol
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: ^^
spendius(1790) whispers: considering Ng4 at some point maybe
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: She s in my h6-line, but where is here any attack?! Let him attack you, pleaaaase!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: qc7 is a solid move
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: that doesn't look right to me
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: was Qe7 not a bit better?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: if white don t develop his Bc1 and Ra1 quicly, black its better then Rd8 and Rc8
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: NxN
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: zulu has an idea
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: :))
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: i think NxB
spendius(1790) whispers: perhaps Bd2
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: N:N is good for black zulu
14.Nxc5 (3:49)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: because black delete his passive Nd7 on f6
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: N:c5 now
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: oh ok
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: be2 then seem forced
14...Nxc5 (0:59)
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: change
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: be2-Rf-d8 then
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: for me it looks good for white. i don't see how black is so much better even with better development. seems equal, white can play slowly and have the 2 bishops. what does black have?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: black has no problem here
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: maybe, but how white develp his pieces?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: maybe are 3 tempos
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: are much
spendius(1790) whispers: is b3 best ?
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Having 2 Bish. is a long-term advantage. Sweetie has 1 Bs, which is best piece atm.
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: already equalized!
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: white got bad bishop
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: ok go to play bug maybe
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: you play bug again?!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: zulu lets play
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: I thought its chess-time for you!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes i am back
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Why you were out?
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: Bf1
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: for chess
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: causa chess
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Playing chess and bug together is bad, Bibbu?!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: i had to study for a strong tourney
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes i think
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: i prefer black here
BackJolton(1491) whispers: if Be2 then black plays B4, only move is Nc1?
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: i see, black is better yes. blck has Ng4 with attack and white has to ruin his pawn structure to block it
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: white is shooting blanks
BackJolton(1491) whispers: I think Bf1 is best
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: i was also thinking Bf1 but Ng4 is good
spendius(1790) whispers: cmon, Madman, play b3
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: b3 is not correct
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: b3-N:d3
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: cmon, madman, play it!!!
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: lol
15.Ne2 (5:20)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: oh no
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: Rac8 i guess is good
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Rac8, this plays itself
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: weird, Rc8 and hen what?
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: Nxd3
15...Rac8 (0:57)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: I mean for white:)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: silly move
spendius(1790) whispers: uh ..Qc1 ?
SolidStrike(2097) whispers: maybe Nd4
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: B:g2 nos is an idea
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: BIBBU
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: best for white Be2 not N
spendius(1790) whispers: i mean Qb1
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: that really cures his develop(ment issues:)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: white has some problems
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: HYPER
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: vamos a madriiiiiid
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: siempre
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: i go there
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: really?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: can you bring my eyes with you?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: lol
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: :))
BackJolton(1491) whispers: what about B4 here?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: lose
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: go to eat
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: see u later guys
16.Bd2 (3:58)
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: eat>wacht
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: rf-d8
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: black is winning
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: rd8 wins material!?
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: yes
Bibbusque(2425) whispers: bye
16...Rfd8 (1:02)
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Ng4 is a threat in some lines!
17.Rac1 (2:13)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: Qc6
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: bye bye bishop
17...Qc6 (1:15)
RxR(1680) whispers: doesn't this just lose the bishop?
milpat(1776) whispers: hello, i'm just back..so, does she really rocks? :)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: yeah, she does
BackJolton(1491) whispers: maybe im just blind but whats wrong with 17.. RxB
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: hehehe...pat...
milpat(1776) whispers: :)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: knight is pinned
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Whoa ;)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: you lose the queen
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: SheROcks
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: after white secures, N x d3
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: game over
milpat(1776) whispers: mate on g2
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: Nf4 e5 or g5
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Hell, I must say, I never expected this! I thougt sweetie loses clearly her. For the record: I AM SORRY
18.f3 (1:46)
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Nxd3 goooooooo!!!
milpat(1776) whispers: Nxd3 ok?
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: I dont see why its not okay. Its free piece :p
milpat(1776) whispers: yes, looks free piece
18...Nxd3 (2:04)
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: The point is, it attacks rook and white cant go with queen somewhere
19.Qxc6 (0:10)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: lol
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: this is even worse than my game vs HyperMagnus. bleh :p
19...Bxc6 (0:48)
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: you go girl !!
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: lol @ Rb2 Nb4! Sweet Escape!!!
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: sexist remark
20.Rxc6 (1:21)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: ha ha
sweetarianna(2049) whispers: :-/
20...Rxc6 (0:28) 21.Nd4 (0:06) Rcd6 (0:28)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: shiva, i was joking
Funkmaus(2230) whispers: Stay careful till the end, he is on TILT!
22.Ba5 (0:23)
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: yes, one slight move, and its tilt!
milpat(1776) whispers: Nxb2
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: Doesn't tilt mean a really really bad streak, at least in poker?
22...Nxb2 (1:06)
hundirector(2288) whispers: lol pokertalk
23.Rb1 (0:11)
BackJolton(1491) whispers: tilt means youre playing agressively bad
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: no reason to be worried about full tilt chess:P
23...Nc4 (0:27) 24.Bxd8 (0:04) Rxd8 (0:02)
milpat(1776) whispers: still good enough for sweet lady
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: tilt, is a pinball term, we used to put bottle tops under the table legs, so ball would move slower, and get lots of free games, then remove botle caps, and shop keeper thought we wete champions
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: wow,....good tip
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: lol nice story
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: bottecap...
Aneirin(1769) whispers: cheating belgian. :)
shivaroxxx(1679) whispers: too bad it wont work on my wii pinball
BackJolton(1491) whispers: lol
hundirector(2288) whispers: im looking for a similar strategy in poker if you have ideas zulu
GaraE(1457) whispers: shiva
GaraE(1457) whispers: You can try to tilt your house for wii pinball :P
zulugodetia(1504) whispers: ha ha hun
Madmansreturn resigns 0-1


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