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funkmaus(2219) vs. dermandarin(2109) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-02

11.Qb3 (0:05) 11...Qd6 (6:32)
Twikki(2036) whispers: breaking the pin seems logical
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: does this answer question tho....Nxe4 Nxe4 BxN
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: yes, now black can breathe a little
Twikki(2036) whispers: but Bxe4 is interesting
milpat(1767) whispers: yes maybe Bxe4 better
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: hmmn....ic...yes...interesting...
Opinel(2485) whispers: Bxe4 is winning indeed
GaraE(1447) whispers: That gives the image of white pieces all converging on the center d and e squares. :p
gGrungean(1779) whispers: ya
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, picks off the Bg7 after all the trades
12.O-O-O (2:24)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: ok i see the Bxe4 dxe4 way but what is the answer to Nxe4?
Mekk(1846) whispers: c5, if fiesta then fiesta!
Opinel(2485) whispers: 0-0-0 is bad
gGrungean(1779) whispers: right, surprising white missed it
GaraE(1447) whispers: Be4 dxe4 Qf7+ Kd8 and? Qxg7?
Opinel(2485) whispers: she's giving him time to prepare 0-0-0
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: 0-0-0 is good for black then, so this is good
Opinel(2485) whispers: Na6 for instance
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: gara i mean Bxe4 Nxe4
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Bxe5 was why you want to take with the B first
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: yes,,,,twikki i saw the Bxe5....
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: the N puts pressure on Q.,..prevents that Bishop move
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: u smart cookie twikki,...:-)
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: i dont get Bxe5?
gGrungean(1779) whispers: Bxe4 zools
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: stops mate threat...and everthing is hanging
Myob(1813) whispers: almost as many obbers as we usually get for ono's games
gGrungean(1779) whispers: you see the check on f7
gGrungean(1779) whispers: ?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: sure
GaraE(1447) whispers: I don't see mate though
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: haaa yes gG :)
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: Sh*t, maybe Bxe4 was possible instead of 0-0-0
GaraE(1447) whispers: Before white castled, Bxe4 dxe4 Qf7+ Kd8 and it's a bishop grab?
RuReti(2184) whispers: blk is ok
GaraE(1447) whispers: Qxg7..
gGrungean(1779) whispers: not mate, but winning lota material, more than your pseudo sac
Twikki(2036) whispers: sometimes, shiva. sometimes. :P
12...Nc6 (3:54)
Mekk(1846) whispers: no c5, buuu
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: still as fun anyone ??
Twikki(2036) whispers: hanging the d pawn?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: gara bxe4 nxe4?
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: it is now or never
RuReti(2184) whispers: i like white here
Twikki(2036) whispers: bxf6 looks good
GaraE(1447) whispers: Bxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 ono, they were saying it works.
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: isnt shiva an indian god?, we have a vishnu here
RuReti(2184) whispers: no
RuReti(2184) whispers: y
RuReti(2184) whispers: Nb5 to start
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nb5 Qe7 and?
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: ok, cool mark is removing that threat on f7, if he takes knight, right?
milpat(1767) whispers: thee xxx after shiva saying the god still caught in physical vehicule :P
RuReti(2184) whispers: Bxf6 good also
Mekk(1846) whispers: Bxf6 and then Nxd5?
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bf6 Bf6 Qd5
RuReti(2184) whispers: but i would play Nb5
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: free pawn :p
GaraE(1447) whispers: Bxf6 Bxf6 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 O-O-O wins pawn
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: and Q-trade!
GaraE(1447) whispers: I think..
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: thats probably enough right there to head toward the bank
RuReti(2184) whispers: wht should win
GaraE(1447) whispers: Oh, Nf7.
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: thats great! e4 stays weak too, fork threat on c7 dont allow him eat e5
GaraE(1447) whispers: O-O-O gets a knight fork on rooks, boo.
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: triple fork
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: gonna calculate BxN BxB Qxd5 QxQ NxQ Bxe5 dxB
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: yes go on calculate, take you time :p
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: lol, ono
GaraE(1447) whispers: Oh if he did Bxe5
GaraE(1447) whispers: Then he can O-O-O right after maus's dxe5
13.Bxf6 (6:03)
Myob(1813) whispers: Qf6?
milpat(1767) whispers: no gara cux d threat B...right?
Twikki(2036) whispers: she's a greedy pawn grabber ;)
GaraE(1447) whispers: No, the B died already
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: qxf6 Nxd5 for fun
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: threat q...fork...release for mate
GaraE(1447) whispers: But that's after black loses center pawns so
GaraE(1447) whispers: Probably still good for white
milpat(1767) whispers: haha yea twik ... grab a pawn and win the endgame :) we know the plan
GaraE(1447) whispers: (white still has an e5 pawn at the end)
RuReti(2184) whispers: what is their to think about bxb
RuReti(2184) whispers: nothing else id good
13...Bxf6 (1:52) 14.Qxd5 (0:03)
Mekk(1846) whispers: Bxe5 ?
Twikki(2036) whispers: there was always Na5... it sucks, but you have to spend a few seconds on it :P
RuReti(2184) whispers: na5 is good
pgg(1666) whispers: O-O-O ?
gGrungean(1779) whispers: Na5, lol
milpat(1767) whispers: Na5 now? pfff Qf7+?
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: well....
gGrungean(1779) whispers: tough for black :(
14...O-O-O (2:57)
RuReti(2184) whispers: so
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: ouch
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: i hope my misstell on ch 177, didnt affect the game, sorry again if it did :(
RuReti(2184) whispers: it does nothing
milpat(1767) whispers: 0-0-0 the most reasonable
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: QxQ Nf7
Mekk(1846) whispers: QxQ Nf7
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: LOL
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: jinx
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: you owe me a coke
Twikki(2036) whispers: o-o-o drops an exchange
Mekk(1846) whispers: still, black keeps bishop pair and maybe thats a good direction?
milpat(1767) whispers: i see now
Twikki(2036) whispers: but I think someone mentioned that :P
15.Qxd6 (1:13) cxd6 (0:03)
Twikki(2036) whispers: losing the e pawn doesn't help things either
milpat(1767) whispers: Bh3 ? :)
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: :(
16.Nf7 (0:40) d5 (0:04)
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: game over
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: no
17.f3 (0:46)
Twikki(2036) whispers: the question is to take a rook or play f3
milpat(1767) whispers: that answer?
Twikki(2036) whispers: hehe
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i see no reason to rush rook capt
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: aint going anywhere yet
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: :-)
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: Re8
GaraE(1447) whispers: Rhe8 so Kd8 doesn't displace the rook
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: exf3
GaraE(1447) whispers: *Kxd8 rather
Twikki(2036) whispers: the only thing i don't like about it is that there are cheap things on the f file with lines like ef Bf3 Rhf8 Nd8 Bg5+ Kb1 Rf3
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: oh ok gara
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: its goin about material for initations, think its last hope fot play to get active now
GaraE(1447) whispers: I think that still loses the e pawn anyway though
Twikki(2036) whispers: not that that's dangerous, just more to calculate
GaraE(1447) whispers: Rhe8 Nxd8 Kxd8 fxe4 dxe4 Nxe4
GaraE(1447) whispers: And bishop is threatened, so Bxd4
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: any hope of pushing the e pawn?
GaraE(1447) whispers: Well I guess can't take it on after Nxd4 but then Nd4 is double-pinned.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Yeah, e3 go :)
17...Rdf8 (4:46)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Spartan charging with shield, spear, and a warcry. :P
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: spartacus
18.Nxh8 (0:26) exf3 (0:03)
pgg(1666) whispers: hmm
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: ha ha
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: i c, tactics with a check
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: dam good
Myob(1813) whispers: gooooooooooooo derMoooooooo...!
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: go mark
Opinel(2485) whispers: not much there anyway
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: ooops :( Misplayed
milpat(1767) whispers: Bh3 and Nxd5?
zulugodetia(1487) whispers: opi stop ruining our moment
Opinel(2485) whispers: Bxf3 Bg5+ Kb1 Rxf3 Rhf1! and forcing him to play Nxd4 where Nf7 will just be winning.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nice
Mekk(1846) whispers: what about Bh3+ and Nxd5 for mere mortals?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: thrilling
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: time can get a factor too in this one
GaraE(1447) whispers: Going to be neat if DM pulls out a win.
RuReti(2184) whispers: he will get a tempo
19.Bxf3 (6:25) Bg5+ (0:09) 20.Kb1 (0:02) Rxf3 (0:03) 21.Rhf1 (0:01)
RuReti(2184) whispers: oo;l blk
Mekk(1846) whispers: Nxd4 ?
RuReti(2184) whispers: yes
RuReti(2184) whispers: nad4 is the best move right now
RuReti(2184) whispers: NXd4
21...Nxd4 (1:14) 22.Rxf3 (0:20) Nxf3 (0:03)
RuReti(2184) whispers: blk looksd good
23.Nf7 (0:08)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: that could rescue a draw
GaraE(1447) whispers: He can't prevent rook penetration soon though
GaraE(1447) whispers: Which will cut his king off
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: Can the B pair not usually hold their own against R+N?
RuReti(2184) whispers: Bfyes
RuReti(2184) whispers: yes
RuReti(2184) whispers: blk is ok
RuReti(2184) whispers: can draw
GaraE(1447) whispers: Be7 or he loses a bishop
Opinel(2485) whispers: black is completely dead
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: d4?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: opinel?
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nxd5 claims the other bishop I see.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Doesn't seem like black can keep 2 bishops
GaraE(1447) whispers: All choices a bishop dies
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: explain it please but like you talk to a bunch of kids ;)
RuReti(2184) whispers: d4 is the best move
milpat(1767) whispers: d4 Nxg5
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, black's still dead lost after d4
pgg(1666) whispers: Bd2?
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: d4 Nxg5 dxc3 Nxf3 Be4+ Kc1 cxb2+ Kxb2 Bxf3 Rd3 Be4
RuReti(2184) whispers: op hi wnt to play
23...d4 (3:58)
milpat(1767) whispers: Kill the B!!!
Mekk(1846) whispers: wasn't it better to keep bishop pair?
RuReti(2184) whispers: nag5 its all but over
milpat(1767) whispers: my opinion too mekk
RuReti(2184) whispers: N@g5v
RuReti(2184) whispers: nxg5
RuReti(2184) whispers: later all its done im gone
pgg(1666) whispers: Nxg5 dc
pgg(1666) whispers: ?
milpat(1767) whispers: NxN
Funkmaus(2219) whispers: I have enough of calculating tactics in this game. A never ending story, annoying
Myob(1813) whispers: :))
castleden(1708) whispers: heheh
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bg5 dc Nf3 Be4+ Ka1 cb+ Kb2 Bf3
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: haha
pgg(1666) whispers: :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: thats i fight on another level than on the board
Twikki(2036) whispers: and the extra pawn on the kside makes the win pretty easy
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: he plays the tal way XD makes it complicated and pull a win from the hat XD
Mekk(1846) whispers: what about Nb5?
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: how are things around here?
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: another She Rocks victory:)?'
24.Nb5 (5:51)
Mekk(1846) whispers: looks like I am to see what about Nb5 ;-)
Twikki(2036) whispers: this is ok, just takes longer than the other simplification route
24...Be3 (1:27) 25.Nfd6+ (0:16) Kb8 (0:04) 26.Nxb7 (0:08) Kxb7 (0:02) 27.Nd6+ (0:17)
Mekk(1846) whispers: Kc2, Rf1..
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Kc6
27...Kc6 (0:46) 28.Nf5 (0:06)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Surprisingly seeing black in good shape, the passive rook needs to change his attitude soon.
milpat(1767) whispers: black king cant go d-file
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: well...threat now is....NxB then anything....
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: hehehe....
milpat(1767) whispers: Kc2 Kc5 Kd3?
GaraE(1447) whispers: Yeah, and that'd also be a true cutoff as well.
Mekk(1846) whispers: B has some chances atainst rook, N not that much
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: slow but steady....white will squish his dreams of queening d pawn....
milpat(1767) whispers: actually NxB good for black...
Twikki(2036) whispers: Kc5 Nxe3?? de=
GaraE(1447) whispers: AH because e1 is controlled
milpat(1767) whispers: Nxe3 dxe3 how u stop the pawn?
pgg(1666) whispers: anything wrong with Nd2+?
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nd2+ Kc2
pgg(1666) whispers: to buy the king some time to get into the fray?
Twikki(2036) whispers: Nd2 doesn't do anything... you have to move it right back to f3, otherwise Rxd2
GaraE(1447) whispers: Rxd2 Bxd2 Kxd2 might be winning for white.
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: the N stands good for winning a pawn
GaraE(1447) whispers: Yeah, Kd3 blockade then Nxd4
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: Rd3 then what
GaraE(1447) whispers: Then black king has to defend 2 sides vs king and knight
GaraE(1447) whispers: white king picks 1, knight picks other, gameover.
28...Kc5 (6:24)
milpat(1767) whispers: Kc2
29.Kc2 (0:34)
milpat(1767) whispers: cant go e
Mekk(1846) whispers: withdraw the bishop
29...Bg5 (1:03)
milpat(1767) whispers: and now K can stop e3 pawn after NxB
milpat(1767) whispers: ah
milpat(1767) whispers: h4
30.Kd3 (0:36)
Twikki(2036) whispers: h4 Bf6 Rf1
30...Bf6 (0:15)
Twikki(2036) whispers: or not :P
Koff(1944) whispers: h4 Bf6 Rf1 Nh2 possibly saved
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: well if nothing else...white can blockade and start putting pressure king side...
GaraE(1447) whispers: Continue the crusade with Ke4?
GaraE(1447) whispers: Drive the knight back.
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: maybe so..
milpat(1767) whispers: oh Gara, ur TL game comin...?
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: he cant be protected there...
31.Ke4 (2:28)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Yeah 10-40 mins from now or so
GaraE(1447) whispers: I'm eating in a moment so I'll probably not be around for the next 15 mins.
milpat(1767) whispers: good luck buddy
GaraE(1447) whispers: Thanks
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: go gara
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Nxh2?
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rc1+ is the threat
Myob(1813) whispers: and good luck with the eating too
Mekk(1846) whispers: Ng5 is a chec k
milpat(1767) whispers: but just bring the N away the action, no?
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: I'd go with Ng5
31...Ng5+ (1:41) 32.Kf4 (0:04)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: the rampaging liege takes no prisoners!!!!!!!!!
milpat(1767) whispers: :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Ne6 looks not bad
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: white king position much improved should make this a snap
pgg(1666) whispers: :)
32...Nh3+ (0:31) 33.Kf3 (0:11)
Twikki(2036) whispers: my cheapo alert went off for a second :P
milpat(1767) whispers: yes
castleden(1708) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1769) whispers: haha
Mekk(1846) whispers: lol
milpat(1767) whispers: Kg4 was blunder
Mekk(1846) whispers: Ng5 is again a check ;-)
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: this could be a draw maybe
33...Ng5+ (0:42) 34.Ke2 (0:06)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: <....in my best aundrey the giant voice....>.....the dread pirate roberts has come for your sou--------ls
Mekk(1846) whispers: white should probably push kingside pawns
deionsandersson(2012) whispers: lol. no way in hell this is a draw
deionsandersson(2012) whispers: just a frew more moves and the smoke will clear
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: its getting funny
DodgeBrother(1524) whispers: the white rook shld be other side other board
milpat(1767) whispers: so h4 was good after all...
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rc1-c7 is coming
Mekk(1846) whispers: 1. Put king on d3. 2. Activate rook. 3. Profit
34...a5 (1:17)
deionsandersson(2012) whispers: must have been ok
35.h4 (0:24)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: now were talking..
milpat(1767) whispers: i can hear her :" no more this..." :)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: LOL
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: or maybe...
Aneirin(1769) whispers: nimmer wieder!
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: I dont have to take his ____ here!
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: immer wieder
35...Ne6 (0:59)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: all in good fun der M...it has been quite a fun battle to watch...:-)
36.g4 (0:40)
milpat(1767) whispers: went very brave in strange line
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: no one could have prepared for 5 ...g5 ?!
milpat(1767) whispers: i see this often, but in blitz
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: got funk out of her book pretty early...for better or...lots worse...hehehe
36...b5 (1:25)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i must commend his fighting spirit tho....
37.Kf3 (0:16)
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: yeah, g5 does look strange
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i like to fight on too, make them prove it all the way ...;-)
milpat(1767) whispers: he paid for it, dont worry
Aneirin(1769) whispers: oh damn, I hadn't seen the opening yet
37...Kd5 (0:36)
Aneirin(1769) whispers: GO BLACK
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: go check it ani
milpat(1767) whispers: lol An
deionsandersson(2012) whispers: well, its understandable in a team tournament
Aneirin(1769) whispers: I was assuming it would have somehow been very boring, Funk being white
38.g5 (0:20)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: balls o steel you have to admit
Aneirin(1769) whispers: but I forgot she had an opponent :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: lol
38...Be5 (0:15)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: hee heee
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: never forget there is a opp
milpat(1767) whispers: just notice black throw k-side pawn and u fall in love, u so easy! :)
Aneirin(1769) whispers: hehe
milpat(1767) whispers: haha
39.Ne3+ (0:27)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: this is good time to tease her a little,. this far ahead...:)
deionsandersson(2012) whispers: 5 g5 was just played to early, i f black was closer to playing o-o-o. then g5 would have been very dangerous
39...Kd6 (0:26) 40.Ng4 (0:00) Bh8 (0:07)
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: they are playing fast now
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: good point deion...
milpat(1767) whispers: i can detect funk is tired to work now...
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: I think all the games in my database had 5.- Nf6 in the position
Aneirin(1769) whispers: that's not nearly as good fun.
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i had 2 with Bb4
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: he prepared it with his seconds perhaps:)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: but rest Nf6 for me too
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: burned the midnight oil...
41.Ke4 (1:05)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: he may want to withold some allowance this week
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: :-)
milpat(1767) whispers: An 10. Bxf6 and 11. Qh5+ could have ruin the party soon...
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: frivolous attempts like g5 often backfire, but they sure look nice when they succeed :)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: not to mention 12.Bxe4
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: winning always looks so damned brilliant!
milpat(1767) whispers: only white make progress now
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: Nf6 starting to look good....
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: Nc5 look good and bad at the same time XD
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: I agree with you now deionsandersson, I just didn't look at the position long enough to see that it is a clear win for white.
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: does white need to force a trade to advance...or can he keep the N and make progress... <?>
Twikki(2036) whispers: a trade makes things easier, but not necessary
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i suppose...N for N is be avoided...like the plague...
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: all that needs to be done is to get rid of the black bishop
Twikki(2036) whispers: black's h pawn is indefensible
41...a4 (4:59)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: good defender for white corner...
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: I'd play Nf6 here
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: well....Nf6 Nf8 maybe...but wow...that is in a corner
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: looks like king theodin in helm's deep, but alas, no wizard is riding in to save the day...:-)
42.Nf6 (1:47)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: K close enough now to cover g / f pawn so here we go
42...h6 (0:07)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: well..there you go
Twikki(2036) whispers: Kf5 is simple and good
43.Kf5 (0:54)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: hand it to derM...trying with tactics to annoy jenny
43...hxg5 (0:46)
milpat(1767) whispers: from there she can do it without the rook ;)
milpat(1767) whispers: ...almost :)
44.hxg5 (0:22) b4 (0:21)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Rh1 and Ne8+
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: tidy
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: Rh1
CrazyHunter(1877) whispers: Rh1 almost forces the knight to sac itself on the pawn doesn't it?
45.Ne4+ (0:58)
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: good moves for black are getting harder to find
Bombassa(1998) whispers: bet the orcs never saw that coming
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: altho...i would prob...not wanted to open up B for any reason...but...'when i check i fear no man' A.A., sure she loves that saying :-)
45...Kd5 (2:01) 46.Nf6+ (0:05)
Twikki(2036) whispers: hmm, repeating the position
milpat(1767) whispers: a.a. anonymus alcoholic?
46...Kd6 (0:31)
HyperMagnus(2136) whispers: most definitely
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: HA
47.Re1 (0:32)
castleden(1708) whispers: go Gara!
pgg(1666) whispers: :)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: wroing game castle
castleden(1708) whispers: oops
Twikki(2036) whispers: lol
47...Nxg5 (1:00)
onomatopeia(1425) whispers: but good spirit
Aneirin(1769) whispers: there we go
48.Kxg5 (0:10) b3 (0:26)
StrategyMaster(1816) whispers: a3 might be best
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: i hate to say it,..but by this time...aren't you say ...why won't you just die already ? LOL
49.axb3 (1:16)
LaurentiuI(1770) whispers: yippie k yay motherfucker lol
shivaroxxx(1693) whispers: HAHAHA
derMandarin lost connection; game adjourned *


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