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flatman(1883) vs. funkmaus(2203) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-04-25

13...Bd6 (11:37) 14.Ne4 (0:08)
Opinel(2473) whispers: i have 0 understanding to why Ne4 became and still is a main line in any of the ck set ups
14...Nxe4 (0:28)
flatman(1883) whispers: I had analyzed Bd6 Ne4 while, unbeknownst to me, I was disconnected
Opinel(2473) whispers: Qe2 is much better
15.Qxe4 (0:15)
Twikki(2021) whispers: this line has a lot higher draw quotient than c5
Madmansreturn(2010) whispers: isn't exactly mainline is it? the pawn is on h4 instead of h5
15...Nf6 (0:09)
Opinel(2473) whispers: it's a sub line but still a main line of it as that
16.Qe2 (0:57)
Opinel(2473) whispers: too ban bryan isn't here, that is a CK master alright
Opinel(2473) whispers: bad*
flatman(1883) whispers: on e2 the Q looks to be out of reach of shifty N moves
16...c5 (0:47)
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: go funk
hugozver(1926) whispers: yes, go!
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: saw your game hugo
hugozver(1926) whispers: oh, you wouldn't have seen it
hugozver(1926) whispers: I played with my hand only
zota(1816) whispers: no brain?
hugozver(1926) whispers: lol, not today
hugozver(1926) whispers: that's because I haven't played lightnings for a wile
Twikki(2021) whispers: Bc3 seems to be the popular move here
zota(1816) whispers: !
Opinel(2473) whispers: YES
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: this is not book, is it?
17.Bc3 (3:40)
Madmansreturn(2010) whispers: must say it's slightly strange choice by Funkmaus to choose the Classical when she needs to win when she usually doesn't play the Classical :-?
Opinel(2473) whispers: i don't know what is going on today. these are all main line moves. and in the ck most of them are almost stand alone moves so i don't know why they're playing so slowly
flatman(1883) whispers: Bc3 looks to be very prophylactic, and prophylactic moves are the order of the day
17...Kb8 (0:35)
xombie(1904) whispers: what prophylaxis
Madmansreturn(2010) whispers: NN, my database is down to two games now. But I'm sure there are loads of games in this position with the pawn on h5
Conquerer(1440) whispers: this looks drawish..bad news
xombie(1904) whispers: no way
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: i never learned anything beyond ruy lopez
Koff(1957) whispers: right, Madmans
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: dxc5 Bxc5 Bxf6 gxf6 would be a very nice present for me^^ gxf6 in Caro always good :p Actually, my B is better then his n, who no squares in centre
Twikki(2021) whispers: I've got 20 games left in this line but only a couple have players I've heard of
zota(1816) whispers: hmm and R will stay on h8 protecting the poor h pawn?
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: move 17 and still in book lol
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: omg is dxc5 Bxc5 Be5 Bd6 Rxd6 RxR dangereous for me?
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: usually books end after 11 12
Opinel(2473) whispers: i don't like this K move
Twikki(2021) whispers: Kb8 killed off most of those games... down to Alekhine-Urban (1933) now. Rhe8 was the more common move
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: this position is holdable..g3 will be a good move for W..it prevents the B from controlling the ci-h6 diagonal.then W can double his rook on the d file
18.Rhe1 (5:02)
Opinel(2473) whispers: g3 is standard
flatman(1883) whispers: Rhe1 looks safe and sound. the R wasn't doing much on h1, so centralization brings it into play
Opinel(2473) whispers: well at least he didn't play dxc5
zota(1816) whispers: dxc5 was trhat good'...
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: Re1 dosent achieve anything
zota(1816) whispers: ?
Opinel(2473) whispers: she should probably capture before he does
flatman(1883) whispers: already it is possible to see why h5 (earlier) would have been so double-edged. My R would have been stuck on h1 defending it! Since it's on h4, my R is free to centralize.
Opinel(2473) whispers: i don't see any point for h4 without following with h5.
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: not really Most of the time the hrook is activated via h3
18...cxd4 (4:26)
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: Nxd4
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: giving him some chance to attack with Bd4 / Rd3-b3, a6 on Nxd4
Koff(1957) whispers: what is more boring than caro-kann?
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: english
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: actually he can play Bd4-c5 (as sac) and Ra3 too. Dangerous enough for me
Twikki(2021) whispers: the french
Koff(1957) whispers: (no, don't know the answer)
zota(1816) whispers: a weak coffee is boring!
Opinel(2473) whispers: i was trying to analyze lines where n;ack doesn't play an early 0-0-0 for these reasons
Opinel(2473) whispers: i don't find it boring at all
19.Nxd4 (2:49)
hugozver(1926) whispers: weak coffee is awful not boring
hugozver(1926) whispers: ie, undrinkable
Opinel(2473) whispers: well a6 is rather forced i believe
19...a6 (0:31)
flatman(1883) whispers: now black must do something about the threat of Nb5. Perhaps I will win a small concession here
zota(1816) whispers: dam you are right
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: i wonder if Bxd4 was better?
Opinel(2473) whispers: yes
20.Nf3 (1:50)
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: Nb3 with the idea of c5 will restrict b bishop..
flatman(1883) whispers: headed for e5
Twikki(2021) whispers: Ka8
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: now that Nf3 was bad
Koff(1957) whispers: why bad?
Twikki(2021) whispers: it's not that bad... prevents black's Rc8 idea for a moment
milijonas(1821) whispers: threat Rd6 ?
flatman(1883) whispers: also, Rxd6 Rxd6 Be5 could simplify with a small edge for white. Maybe
nearthink(1875) whispers: i really like the preasure on e5 are there sac ideas with Rxd6, etc?
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: well nf3 not reall that bad...he is aiming at f2..n the only piece defending it is Q.We all not q cant defend a pawn for long
Koff(1957) whispers: ok, I agree. in opening like caro-kann you play even backward moves
20...Qc6 (3:10)
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: dont see how the sac can help w...
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: not Ne5
Opinel(2473) whispers: this just welcomes Ne5
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: now
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: f2 is weak
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: f7 sorry
Opinel(2473) whispers: getting closer to a losing game Jenny.
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: f2??
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: f7
Twikki(2021) whispers: I'm not sure what plan black is trying to implement
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: Ne5 bxe5 bxe5+ Ka8 g3
GaraE(1462) whispers: No idea but, teamwise, black has to fight for a win.
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: funk should stop being afraid of playing challenging moves.
Twikki(2021) whispers: white's weakness is on c4, but she's not putting any pressure on it
Plebusan(1810) whispers: whats the rush
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: i dont think c4 can be called a weakness when u can play b3..but B is no position to take adv of the positional concession
Opinel(2473) whispers: i have to say that this looks losing to me at any variation i'm looking in to
GaraE(1462) whispers: For black?
Opinel(2473) whispers: yes
GaraE(1462) whispers: :(
Opinel(2473) whispers: yes
SAWelt(1883) whispers: g4 <- computer move
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: maybe Ne5 Qc7 is better for B
SAWelt(1883) whispers: it looks very strong though
Opinel(2473) whispers: don't know about g4 but Ne5 is just very strong
vipiu(2076) whispers: this looks for me very playable against an u2000 player
Twikki(2021) whispers: b3 the Bc3 is weakened... so black could try for a formation like Rc8/Rhd8/Ka8/b5 (not in that order) and at least try to attack
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: b5..u must be crazy
GaraE(1462) whispers: I actually don't see any weaknesses that black can strike at right now.. does white have any?
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: i'm trying to figurre out if white can sac for d6 yet
GaraE(1462) whispers: As far as unprotected areas go..
GaraE(1462) whispers: Like g2, h4
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: the last thing B need is an open K position
Twikki(2021) whispers: after b3 (which is incredibly weakening), b5 is positionally feasible
Valiantangel(1909) whispers: nope
21.Rxd6 (10:01)
GaraE(1462) whispers: Oh my :)
21...Rxd6 (0:14)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: yeah that doesnt work i dont think
Opinel(2473) whispers: Rubbish
flatman(1883) whispers: Rxd6 Rxd6 Be5 looks to simplify ok
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: RxB rubbish?
22.Be5 (0:17)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: ne8 ?i think
jaberwock(2015) whispers: I actually had this position in OTB game; we drew shortly afterwards
GaraE(1462) whispers: Ah.
Opinel(2473) whispers: yes, Rxd6 instead of the winning Ne5 is rubbish
hugozver(1926) whispers: no draws!
flatman(1883) whispers: if black tries too hard, complications might go my way
GaraE(1462) whispers: Hehe
Twikki(2021) whispers: this is why I wanted her to play Ka8 a few moves ago
GaraE(1462) whispers: If white draws, his team wins, so.. I can understand white looking for a draw rather than for wins.
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Seems he wants show me, Qc6 was a wasted tempo!
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: his teams wins what?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: At least rook pinned only with king, not with queen too
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: 1 move, and i can force him take exchange back
GaraE(1462) whispers: The team match.. his team is currently 2-1, if funk wins it's a tie at 2-2, if flatman draws it's a win for his team at 2.5-1.5
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: i dont think that matters at all at this point of the league
GaraE(1462) whispers: Oh?
GaraE(1462) whispers: Too early or too late or what else am I missing?
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: 6 more rounds to go
GaraE(1462) whispers: I do understand personal honors of winning though :)
GaraE(1462) whispers: So it'd be nicer if white went for and won.
SAWelt(1883) whispers: if was playing someone 300 pts higher rated I'd be looking at draws too
Koff(1957) whispers: ? why it woudn't matter?
Koff(1957) whispers: if you lose or draw the match
Koff(1957) whispers: crazy thinking
hugozver(1926) whispers: Koff, you are absofuckinglutelly roght!
Koff(1957) whispers: even once :)
Twikki(2021) whispers: such language from such a pristine... wait, never mind
jaberwock(2015) whispers: hugs, you are sounding like seb!
hugozver(1926) whispers: oh, I wish I was such good programer ...
pchesso(1710) whispers: is the pawn sac Rhd8 c5 Qxc5 Rc1 any good?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Too much trades now: Nd7 Bxd6+ Qxd6 Rd1 Qc7 Qd2 Nf6 Qd6 and welcome in a complete equal endgame!
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: you can program the chess board instead
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Is it abs equal?
Opinel(2473) whispers: Rhd8 would be my choice
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: i think rd8 is forced
Opinel(2473) whispers: no Nd7 is playable
flatman(1883) whispers: if I had been playing strenuously for a win, I would have chosen Ne5 Bxe5 Bxe5+ Ka8 with an unbalanced position. Then Bxf6 gxf6 g3 and the major piece endgame looks even, I suppose. But the line I chose gets more material off the board without conceding any weaknesses, so why not?
GaraE(1462) whispers: What about Bxd6+ Qxd6 Qe5? Is that still heading to equality?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Nd7 Nd4 Qc5 he s forced to BxR
GaraE(1462) whispers: Ah Nd7 I see.
SAWelt(1883) whispers: no reason that i see chris
squib(2073) whispers: if i lost to a women i would take up darts
jaberwock(2015) whispers: That would be yoru loss, squib.
GaraE(1462) whispers: Unless he wins major prizes in darts :)
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: darts is a lot harder than chess.
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: there s Bg3 too on Nd7! I wish to play king out of this pin, but for coming endgame its bad to have K@a8
squib(2073) whispers: lol
Koff(1957) whispers: darts? and losing to dobromyslova?
squib(2073) whispers: :-&
Koff(1957) whispers: :)
jaberwock(2015) whispers: I have always wondered about having darts in bars; think about it: alcohol & throwing pointed objects...
hugozver(1926) whispers: and football in background ....
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: most of those are for decoration lol
Koff(1957) whispers: true, it's already forbidden in control societies like Finland. you can use only rubber darts
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Wow! dobromyslova!!
hugozver(1926) whispers: what is dobromyslova?
squib(2073) whispers: well if you you cant beat a women chess player might as well get pissed and throw pointed objects around
Koff(1957) whispers: yeah, Anastasia herself
hugozver(1926) whispers: squib, you sound as an adult
GaraE(1462) whispers: Ask her out for a drink to console you instead of doing that. :P
squib(2073) whispers: lol good idea
jaberwock(2015) whispers: I would NEVER put sharp throwing objects in the hands of a woman
vipiu(2076) whispers: Rd8 is bad?
Koff(1957) whispers: c'mon jaber
SAWelt(1883) whispers: no
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: only kidz are allowed here
Twikki(2021) whispers: looks best here
squib(2073) whispers: lol @ jabber
flatman(1883) whispers: I don't see any dangerous moves for black. Rd8 Rd1 Kc7 Rxd6 Rxd6 Bxd6+ Qd6 Qe5 and nothing is left, pretty much
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Koff, you have not met my wife. ;)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: this is hilarious
22...Ka8 (11:56)
Koff(1957) whispers: i see
squib(2073) whispers: allo miss hyper
23.Bxd6 (0:10)
Opinel(2473) whispers: Jenny, you're tieing knots in your analysis, keep working your pieces in circles. you need to think about achieving the same ideas only with development rather than backward redeployment. If you'll see Petrosian he made his redeployment to better posts while developing not while trying to be passive and keep working the same piece. Rhd8 was better
23...Qxd6 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Safe is better then missing some tactics! I m scared
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: hello sailor
hugozver(1926) whispers: damn!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: lol
hugozver(1926) whispers: Jenny, it's only a game!!!
squib(2073) whispers: funk is scared come here ill give you a cuddle
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: safe is better than what?
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: this is the reality of female chess
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: than sorry
hugozver(1926) whispers: oh c'mon HM!
Opinel(2473) whispers: Ne5
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: you come on!
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: is this iraq? are we in middle of war?
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: safe?
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Careful, HM; Riga is not that far from Nis.
hugozver(1926) whispers: male players are bigger cowards
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: i see four tangos moving in the open; requesting permission to engage
squib(2073) whispers: ooooo sexist hugs
hugozver(1926) whispers: no, Im not
hugozver(1926) whispers: it;s true
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: Oh please don't let this degrade into "men-are-better-than-women-no-they-are-not"kind of discussion
jaberwock(2015) whispers: 300 comments in game 213; 32 of them actually about the game.
squib(2073) whispers: but we are lol
GaraE(1462) whispers: Let's call it as eternally-argued and leave it at that :)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: that's one reason I hate gender studies
hugozver(1926) whispers: you've started!
squib(2073) whispers: lol
hugozver(1926) whispers: but, I agree ... let's not
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: cause it's a bunch of feminists rambling about how men are pussies
squib(2073) whispers: oh lets
hugozver(1926) whispers: squib, go to sleep, it's too late for you!
hugozver(1926) whispers: :p
squib(2073) whispers: ok
pchesso(1710) whispers: please captains involved, could you give us HyperMagnus - Hugozver next week? :D
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: squib, you should grow pubic hair before engaging in these discussions anyway
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Now THAT might be a well attended game.
squib(2073) whispers: yes i would watch that
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: bushmaster element copy on the one eight.
hugozver(1926) whispers: it's not next week
pchesso(1710) whispers: u sure, hugo?
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Let's refocus on the game at hand...
hugozver(1926) whispers: right
GaraE(1462) whispers: What move is white supposed to play?
GaraE(1462) whispers: I was distracted and missed any moves talk.
hugozver(1926) whispers: Nd4
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: rook-somewhere
pchesso(1710) whispers: there was no moves talk, GaraE :)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: :) lol
GaraE(1462) whispers: Hehe Hugs, jinxer :P
NegativeNirvana(1787) whispers: Ra3!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: and no, I don't want to play hugo
Twikki(2021) whispers: Ne5 to put pressure on the weak f pawn
24.Ne5 (6:13)
Opinel(2473) whispers: i like Ne5 here, if Rd1 there is Qf4 which isn't possible in Ne5 first
squib(2073) whispers: ok women playing safe guy trying to get a feel
pchesso(1710) whispers: why not, Hyper?
jaberwock(2015) whispers: I think most would agree white has an edge; will grab d-file, misplaced Ka8, nice post e5 for white knight; is that enough?
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: well first of all I'd fear losing the game
flatman(1883) whispers: of course not Qe5? Qd3+.
hugozver(1926) whispers: Ha! I toldya!
pchesso(1710) whispers: :)
nearthink(1875) whispers: chirs you're perfectly reducing to a drawn position!!
hugozver(1926) whispers: Im not afraid
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: of course you're not
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: cause Im rated 200 points higher than you and Im a male
GaraE(1462) whispers: Sorry Jaber :( Had only meant it friendly-like.
squib(2073) whispers: women are never afraied
flatman(1883) whispers: didn't like the looks of Rd1 Qf4 Rd4 Qf5+. Ne5 posts the N to a nice square and keeps a small advantage, I think
pchesso(1710) whispers: :)
hugozver(1926) whispers: atm ;)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: so if I win, that is expected
24...Qc7 (1:51)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: 200 and 1
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: but if you win, it would be like an achievement of the whole femalekind
squib(2073) whispers: :))
Koff(1957) whispers: bullshit
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: but no, I won't let the suffragettes win
hugozver(1926) whispers: oh, you are flattering yourself!
squib(2073) whispers: go hyper
Koff(1957) whispers: oops
hugozver(1926) whispers: You are not Anand
hugozver(1926) whispers: or Topalov
fernbap(1686) whispers: there goes political correctness :D
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: oh well why don't you flatter me for a change then
squib(2073) whispers: women talk a good game is all
hugozver(1926) whispers: oh, ok, well, you are Kramnik
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: who, me?
hugozver(1926) whispers: si
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I have nothing in common with that ugly giraffe with chronic diarrhea
hugozver(1926) whispers: but he plays like you
squib(2073) whispers: you talking about me
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: No
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Is Rc1, c4-c5 an idea worth considering?
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I haven't seen a single game of his where any of his pieces would go beyond the 3rd rank
Koff(1957) whispers: this makes for a wonderful wb file
25.Rd1 (3:07)
Twikki(2021) whispers: I wouldn't give up the d5 square so readily
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I think Rc8 here
flatman(1883) whispers: bc/ black has to prevent Rd7, Rd1 does the most to prevent counterplay
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: but don't see how black can achieve much here
Koff(1957) whispers: actually I think Kb8 to prepare for the pawn-ending is smart
GaraE(1462) whispers: But.. if he plays Kb8 now, doesn't Rd7 win a pawn and worsen the situation for black?
GaraE(1462) whispers: Oh wait, silly me.
Koff(1957) whispers: more active king, you know
Opinel(2473) whispers: Rd8 is forced
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: o lol.
GaraE(1462) whispers: Ignore what I said, I'm just trying to help Funkmaus win, subconsciously.
hugozver(1926) whispers: thankyou Gara :)
Albido(2294) whispers: I would agree with you Opinel
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: doesn't look like a good move to me at all
Koff(1957) whispers: but.. seriously, and hypothetically - if blacks tries to win this, what she should do?
GaraE(1462) whispers: I'm unsure really.. any "weak points" white has, is swiftly defensible.
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: go back to move one and NOT play the Caro
GaraE(1462) whispers: a2? King. b2? King, f2? Queen, rook. g2? Rook, g3. h4? g3..
Twikki(2021) whispers: Rd8 Rd8 Qd8 Nf7 Qd4
GaraE(1462) whispers: And any attacks from black weakens herself maybe
Eclectico(1935) whispers: black's only chances lie in his queenside majority. he would have to find a way to get those pawns rolling.
Koff(1957) whispers: well, I think I'm already bashed enough CK so that's not an option
vipiu(2076) whispers: black is not losing this ?
hugozver(1926) whispers: of course not
Koff(1957) whispers: match is 2-1 for white side
GaraE(1462) whispers: Vipiu, draw loses for team (final match, and is a must-win for her team to exit the team battle with a tie result).
25...Rd8 (5:22)
GaraE(1462) whispers: Rxd8+ Qxd8 Nxf7?
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: RxR QxR Nxf7 Qd4 followed by Ne4. Have to risk something here, in other case his pieces to active
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: ok I don't like this but since black has to win (which I didn't know) that's the best practical chance
vipiu(2076) whispers: this position is something between += and +- in my opinion
Albido(2294) whispers: rxd8 Qxd8 Nxf7 Qd4 seems like the course of action
Koff(1957) whispers: hardly +- ?
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: no it is a bit +-
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: the e6 will be very weak too
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: but then it's an unbalanced position and it's what black needs
flatman(1883) whispers: the f pawn is hanging! black may be hoping for a cheap trick with mate on d1 if my Q runs free, but I don't have to dance tothat tune
Koff(1957) whispers: what the... so rx qx nxf7 doesn't lose a pwan?
Koff(1957) whispers: i guess I'm blind now
squib(2073) whispers: i would rather play white here
Twikki(2021) whispers: it does, but black gets improved piece play
Koff(1957) whispers: getting h4?
GaraE(1462) whispers: And tying white's queen up a bit due to Qd1# if say Qe5
GaraE(1462) whispers: (not suggesting Qe5 is any good, just as an example)
26.Rxd8+ (4:07) Qxd8 (0:02)
GaraE(1462) whispers: But I like white too here..
flatman(1883) whispers: black is planning Qd4 after the exchange,but I can calmly defend to gain the half point
squib(2073) whispers: horsey x f7
27.Nxf7 (1:47) Qd4 (0:10)
Opinel(2473) whispers: this may be risky for white as well
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Qxe6 >:)
Opinel(2473) whispers: exactly
hugozver(1926) whispers: lol
Koff(1957) whispers: speaking about winning chances
Koff(1957) whispers: g3
Opinel(2473) whispers: the white king is slightly more in the open the the black one. so white will have to bring the knight home safely.
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: g3 Ne4
Twikki(2021) whispers: g3 looks really bad
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: white lost another pawn
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: i mean not another pawn but "has to give it back"
28.Ne5 (3:48) Qxh4 (0:39)
Twikki(2021) whispers: i liked Ne4 a little better than this
Koff(1957) whispers: at least some unbalance
flatman(1883) whispers: ok now I see the plan Qe4+ Qe4 Nxe4 with gain of pawn
Koff(1957) whispers: hypotethically (where did I lear the word) outside passeer and all...
Twikki(2021) whispers: wait, ne4 nf3 sucked for black... nvm
29.f3 (2:14) flatman offers a draw. Funkmaus declines the draw request.
schulle(1975) whispers: ha, draw?!
crazyblue(2031) whispers: looks drawish indeed
Koff(1957) whispers: not yet
schulle(1975) whispers: this is not over yet
CrazyHunter(1886) whispers: i like c5-c6
Aneirin(1769) whispers: small psychological advantage to Funk now :)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: i think the worst way to play for a draw is to have that mind set whilst playing the game
schulle(1975) whispers: offering draw here is a shame IMO
crazyblue(2031) whispers: +0.1 for white says rybka
hugozver(1926) whispers: +0.06 says robbolito ;)
crazyblue(2031) whispers: i think if both had same rating, black would have accepted draw ;)
29...Qg3 (3:20)
Twikki(2021) whispers: Qd4 just on priniciple
CrazyHunter(1886) whispers: i have both and they won't work on fics!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: what does mini say?
Twikki(2021) whispers: black needs a win to draw the match
crazyblue(2031) whispers: ahh okay
fernbap(1686) whispers: i have both and they work on fics :)
hugozver(1926) whispers: wow! You're rich!!
crazyblue(2031) whispers: then white shouldnt offer draw indeed
30.Nd3 (1:37)
flatman(1883) whispers: black wanted to bring the N to f4
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Qe6, Qg2 Qc8+ should at least draw
30...Qd6 (1:14) 31.Kc2 (1:16) Nd7 (1:05)
Twikki(2021) whispers: potential cheap shot of <pass> Qd4 Qxe6 Qxd3+
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: I guess the only chance to win this for me is to blitz it out - but here +45 each move
32.Nf2 (2:43)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: this is the worst position if you have to win
Albido(2294) whispers: I think b4 was better
jaberwock(2015) whispers: Ne5-c6-d4
jaberwock(2015) whispers: cemented by e5
Twikki(2021) whispers: white is playing passively... won't be surprised if black wins this
Opinel(2473) whispers: Jenny, vielleicht sollten sie die auslosung getroffen haben. mit diesen drei bauern inseln (vor allem, weil die Bauern isoliert ist) wird es fuer sie jetzt eine harte verteidigung. die ritter sind besser fuer weiss, wenn sie einen bischof dann koenntest du vielleicht besser
Opinel(2473) whispers: verteidigen, aber jetzt gibt es eine gute chance, dass sie in diesem technischen ablauf spiel verlieren werden musste. entschuldigen sie mein deutsch, ich bin du wissen, dass es sehr schlecht
Ivanuk(1711) whispers: just what I was about to say
fernbap(1686) whispers: funny, that comment was so elevated that i don't understand it
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: Gott ist tot
flatman(1883) whispers: have to be wary of black's h pawn if the pieces get traded
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: cghtddkx mfxm hd !
fernbap(1686) whispers: right!
32...Qd4 (3:38)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: aber Opinel, ich glaube sie hoert dich nicht :)
fernbap(1686) whispers: me spreche no deutch....
33.Ne4 (0:42)
hugozver(1926) whispers: ich schprehe!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: zwei bier Heidi
Opinel(2473) whispers: Es war eine private nachricht fuer sie so mir nichts aus
33...Ne5 (0:23)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: google translator o how i thank thee :P
34.b3 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Whoaa! Maybe now its won (Qa1)
Opinel(2473) whispers: couldn't do it without it. my german is very very bad
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: na ja, ich wollte nur eine kleine witze machen ;)
hugozver(1926) whispers: but .. Nc3 then?
schulle(1975) whispers: yes
schulle(1975) whispers: don't get it either
Albido(2294) whispers: que paso, estamos hablando en cualquier idioma?
flatman(1883) whispers: Qa1 Nc3
fernbap(1686) whispers: Parece que sim
hugozver(1926) whispers: Vamos Jenny! Vamos Ronnie!
Twikki(2021) whispers: Nc6 Qd2 Qa1 Nc3 Nb4+
34...Qa1 (1:42)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: boa noite senhores
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: Qa1 Nc3 Nc6
hugozver(1926) whispers: ah!
hugozver(1926) whispers: ;)
crazyblue(2031) whispers: thats it
35.Nc3 (0:42)
Twikki(2021) whispers: free e pawn at the end of that line :P
fernbap(1686) whispers: cosmic unbalance has hit FICS!
Opinel(2473) whispers: of course white can also play these moves so what i sad doesn't matter Jen
35...Nc6 (0:25)
schulle(1975) whispers: ok I see
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: Over
crazyblue(2031) whispers: too bad, i was cheering for the underdog hehe
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: great game by white but I guess the rating pressure just got to him
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: kd3?
Twikki(2021) whispers: tried too hard to draw instead of playing the board
pchesso(1710) whispers: Qd1 ?
Opinel(2473) whispers: Nb4+
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: un Jenny, varbuut tiesham, kad vajaag speleet uz uzvaru, tomeer nevajaag speelet Karo :)
Albido(2294) whispers: flatman did a very good job of holding together to this point.
crazyblue(2031) whispers: Qd2 would be a nice helpmate now
Twikki(2021) whispers: Kd3 Nb4+ Kd4 e5+ is cute
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: this is my remark for Jen. With that, I bid you good night you fine gentlemen
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: and ladies
hugozver(1926) whispers: :)
fernbap(1686) whispers: and me
Opinel(2473) whispers: unfortunatelly these things happen.
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Nb4+ and Nd4+ threatened, then Qb2+, I dont see a way for him to save Nc3! Qd2 fails to Nb4 Mate!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: yes and weird animals like fernbap
fernbap(1686) whispers: I love you too :P
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: he should have played Qd2 instead of Nc3, then I had to watchout for Perpetual Check (Qd8/Qd4+) after grabing pawns....
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Sorry, I had to play it out
36.Qe3 (3:47)
Albido(2294) whispers: good on Funkmaus for not losing her cool
Opinel(2473) whispers: Nb4
flatman(1883) whispers: b3 wasn't such a good move, eh?
36...Nb4+ (0:18) 37.Kd2 (0:08) Qb2+ (0:04) 38.Kd1 (0:29)
Opinel(2473) whispers: the knight is gone
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Kd1 Qc2+. then Nd3+ and Qxc3!!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: yes
38...Qc2+ (0:33) 39.Ke1 (0:06)
northridgehawk(1893) whispers: grr
schulle(1975) whispers: haha, adding two exclamation marks for capturing a piece is... special
fernbap(1686) whispers: lol
39...Nd3+ (0:26)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I think it expresses utter joy
Twikki(2021) whispers: I think she's excited about winning the piece :P
flatman(1883) whispers: Nd3 and my goose is deep fat fried
40.Kf1 (0:19) Qxc3 (0:13)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: ladies and gentlemen we have a Beijing duck
Twikki(2021) whispers: mmm... fried goose...
Opinel(2473) whispers: Beijing duck, what is that?
Twikki(2021) whispers: still can't win the e pawn since Qc1+ and Nf4+ is embarassing
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: it's a renowned Chinese dish
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: tasty
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: maybe it's second only to Buddha Jumps Over the Wall
Albido(2294) whispers: or just plain and simply "Toast"
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: in terms of taste and recognition
41.Ke2 (2:17)
Koff(1957) whispers: wow
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: Nc1
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: and winwin
Koff(1957) whispers: something has happened here
fernbap(1686) whispers: nc1 game over
flatman(1883) whispers: my onlyhope is for a really gross oversight or mouse fehler by my opponent. Oh well, I learned something anyway
41...Qc2+ (1:01)
Opinel(2473) whispers: Qc2+ Qd2 Nf4+ / Nxg2+
Conquerer(1440) whispers: Go Jenny!
42.Qd2 (0:23) Qxd2+ (0:02) 43.Kxd2 (0:03) Nf4 (0:08) 44.g3 (0:12)
schulle(1975) whispers: sloppily played by black :)
Koff(1957) whispers: maus, i think...
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I think we all learned something today
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: But what was it, I don't know.
Twikki(2021) whispers: don't play the ck for w win?
Koff(1957) whispers: as white, yeah
44...Ng6 (1:57)
flatman(1883) whispers: I look forward to seeing the comments of my TL friedns
45.Ke3 (0:31) Kb8 (0:04)
Koff(1957) whispers: heh
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: well, we have wrote you a novel in comments :)
46.Ke4 (0:10)
Twikki(2021) whispers: so are we supposed to point and laugh at him now?
46...Kc7 (0:03) 47.f4 (0:03)
Twikki(2021) whispers: social mores confuse me
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: no actually compliments to flatman
Koff(1957) whispers: course not
47...Kd6 (0:10)
Koff(1957) whispers: missing the point
48.f5 (0:48) exf5+ (0:08)
Twikki(2021) whispers: he played well most of the game... just tried too hard to draw instead of taking advantage of the positional edges he got
49.Kxf5 (0:04)
Koff(1957) whispers: we don't ridiculous any player here
49...Ne7+ (0:13) 50.Ke4 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: but we might adopt a new tradition
Koff(1957) whispers: if thats's the right word, I don't know
50...Ke6 (0:13)
Twikki(2021) whispers: I reserve the right to ridicule players over 2000 if they blunder :P
51.b4 (0:27)
schulle(1975) whispers: hehe
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: I'll be watching for blunders in your game from now on, Twik :)
Twikki(2021) whispers: you won't have to look too hard :D
Koff(1957) whispers: yes yes :)
schulle(1975) whispers: I'll be sure to keep my rating just below 2000 for this :)
51...h5 (1:04)
flatman(1883) whispers: may as well try to sweepthe board of pawns. Not that my chances are very good
hugozver(1926) whispers: you will have to face one passer on K side first
schulle(1975) whispers: that's a fairly accurate description of his prospecives
Twikki(2021) whispers: I would guess the bots have him at -12 or so
52.a4 (1:31)
Koff(1957) whispers: even Nf5xg3 should win
52...g5 (0:22) 53.a5 (0:08)
Twikki(2021) whispers: kd6 looks efficient
flatman(1883) whispers: Nc5 and the Christmas goose is served
hugozver(1926) whispers: well, Nc6 ist gut
Koff(1957) whispers: viele gut
hugozver(1926) whispers: ;)
53...Nc6 (1:37)
flatman(1883) whispers: h4 gxh4 gxh4 b5 and white is still alive...but gasping for breath!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: a Christmas goose with a glass of Koff
hugozver(1926) whispers: cold Koff!
HyperMagnus(2127) whispers: something I wouldn't decline
Koff(1957) whispers: the goose could have a worse glass, yes
hugozver(1926) whispers: me neiter!
Twikki(2021) whispers: with a shot of whiskey in it
Koff(1957) whispers: umm
flatman resigns 0-1


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