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rebelyelll(2149) vs. opinel(2472) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-04-22

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:07)
Opinel(2472) whispers: Alekhine's Revenge game
2...Nc6 (0:39) 3.Bb5 (0:08)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: but no alekhines defence
3...g6 (0:15)
Plebusan(1810) whispers: yeah, shouldnt Opinel have played Nf6
4.O-O (0:07) Bg7 (0:11) 5.Re1 (0:09) d6 (1:00) 6.d4 (0:29) cxd4 (0:20) 7.Nxd4 (0:03)
Opinel(2472) whispers: interesting
7...Bd7 (0:15)
Opinel(2472) whispers: my opponent told me a few times that he plans to crush me
8.Be3 (0:32)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: well its cold at the top
Opinel(2472) whispers: so far he's playing rather harmless positional moves
8...Nf6 (1:00) 9.Nc3 (0:26)
stevelco(1716) whispers: harmless positional crushing moves
Opinel(2472) whispers: in this type of set ups white usually plays f3
Opinel(2472) whispers: instead he played Nc3 and rather quiclly i should mention
Opinel(2472) whispers: i suppose he's thinking of playing f4
Opinel(2472) whispers: i'm considering Ng4 at the moment
Opinel(2472) whispers: a6 BxN bxc6 will be good for me as well
Opinel(2472) whispers: the problem with Ng4 is Nxc6
Opinel(2472) whispers: i'm not eagered to exchange Qs
Opinel(2472) whispers: and it's not the bad for white since bxc6 is met by Bxc6!
vipiu(2076) whispers: damn, I have to go...it was nice to stay to see a GM analysing
Opinel(2472) whispers: i think it's better to play a6 first and then if he still allows Ng4 to play it
9...a6 (8:05) 10.Be2 (1:17)
Opinel(2472) whispers: Ng4 Nxc6 bxc6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Qxg4 Rb8 Rb1 Rxb2! RxR Bxc3 wouls be ok i think but was complicated for no reason
Opinel(2472) whispers: anyway he stopped Ng4
10...O-O (2:09)
vipiu(2076) whispers: why he wants Ng4 ? isn't it better just to develop and to attack on c file and on queen's side like in sicilian ?
Opinel(2472) whispers: either way i have a very comfortable Sicilian set up now!
11.f4 (0:56)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: i think kasparov said that white bishop belongs on c4 in dragon sicilian
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: does that apply to the Classical Dragon as well (which this resembles) ?
Bombassa(1998) whispers: i have no idea
Bombassa(1998) whispers: in the match with anand he chose dragon because he thought anand would put bishop on e2 instead of c4 and kasparov thought Bc4 was essential or something like that
Opinel(2472) whispers: Re8 seems nice
Opinel(2472) whispers: e6 is slightly passive
Opinel(2472) whispers: but i think e5 should work just fine
Opinel(2472) whispers: imbalance the position a bit
11...e5 (3:37) 12.Nb3 (0:41)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: i miss kasparov - he should join teamleague
milpat(1784) whispers: in u3000?
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
milpat(1784) whispers: yo Steve
Bombassa(1998) whispers: can we write him?
Opinel(2472) whispers: Be6 seems like the right move, stopping Nd5. but i'm also considering Qe7 to develop
stevelco(1716) whispers: yo Pat
Opinel(2472) whispers: i also have b5 later, so he might need to play a4 which will be weakening
12...Be6 (4:30) 13.Bf3 (0:13)
Opinel(2472) whispers: this is a nice move because it stops me from playing b5 but it's also a bit slow
13...exf4 (1:52) 14.Bxf4 (0:09) Ne5 (0:16)
Opinel(2472) whispers: Nd5 looks like the move but the more i look at it i like it less
Opinel(2472) whispers: either way after Nd5 NxN is forced in view of c4
15.Nd5 (6:54) Nxd5 (0:10) 16.exd5 (0:08) Bf5 (0:02)
vipiu(2076) whispers: Nc4 is annoying
vipiu(2076) whispers: oops, now I realize, RebelYelll is from my team...go RebelYelll !!!
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
milpat(1784) whispers: lol
shivaroxxx(1657) whispers: funny sheet man
shivaroxxx(1657) whispers: GO GO GO .err.....dude !
vipiu(2076) whispers: I will be back in 1,5 hours,I hope it will be just in time for a nice ending
Opinel(2472) whispers: in the next few days i will publish an extensive analysis of this game in my forum! come and see
17.Be2 (6:32)
milpat(1784) whispers: link?
stevelco(1716) whispers: Yeah ... I'd like to see that
Bombassa(1998) whispers: look at his finger notes
milpat(1784) whispers: his note 4
Opinel(2472) whispers: this looks like a very bad way to play c4
Bombassa(1998) whispers: i love you milpat
stevelco(1716) whispers: I note that Opinel hasn't got his favorite 2 B's yet.
milpat(1784) whispers: uh? :)
stevelco(1716) whispers: He likes to get the 2 bishops. :-)
Opinel(2472) whispers: Qb6+ looks obvious but i don't know if i should block myself from playing b5, on the other hand if i play b5 there will be an annoying weakness on c6
Opinel(2472) whispers: no i think Qb6 is ok
17...Qb6+ (5:12) 18.Kh1 (0:11)
milpat(1784) whispers: Rc8?, c- file looks like a highway actually...
18...Be4 (1:33)
Opinel(2472) whispers: this is a strong move. he has serious issues with development now. i'm definitelly better now
19.Bf1 (1:34) f5 (0:43) 20.Be3 (2:14)
Opinel(2472) whispers: i can't really attack on the q side in view of Nd4 and c3 so d8 seems better since the queen can go to h4
20...Qd8 (1:38) 21.Qd2 (0:45)
Opinel(2472) whispers: seems like he missed Ng4 / Qh4. unless i missed something
Opinel(2472) whispers: Qh4 Bg5 Qh5 seems safe since Be2 Ng4 is good for black
21...Qh4 (5:48)
Opinel(2472) whispers: perhaps i should of just developped one of the rooks. but that is behind us now ;)
Mekk(1851) whispers: if only white could play g3...
22.Bf4 (2:32) Ng4 (1:21)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: well, one piece can go to g3. :p
Mekk(1851) whispers: Be5 on the table probably (black Be5 of course)
23.Kg1 (2:46)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: that doesn't seem right
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: he wanted to cover f2, but instead of using bishop, used king. there's a free pawn sitting elsewhere, though
23...Bxb2 (0:58)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: oh, i guess not free
24.h3 (0:28)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: but then dpawn falls, i think
Mekk(1851) whispers: black applies simple solutions
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: with rook and bishop attacking
Opinel(2472) whispers: ??
Aneirin(1783) whispers: sacs exchange?
stevelco(1716) whispers: exchange sacks?
Mekk(1851) whispers: this bishop is a monster, maybe it's reasonable
Mekk(1851) whispers: white is worse after all, so why not complicate things
GaraE(1484) whispers: wouldn't that trouble white as play continues though?
GaraE(1484) whispers: With open files it'd be fairly easy for black to exert the might of 2 rooks vs 1.
24...Ne5 (2:08)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: hmmm
Aneirin(1783) whispers: he won't have any of it :)
25.Rab1 (0:09)
Mekk(1851) whispers: white is not that far from mounting on logn diagonal. Well, black does not take, as we can see
25...Bc3 (0:23)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: hmm
Aneirin(1783) whispers: ah yes :)
GaraE(1484) whispers: Yeah, Qxf4
Aneirin(1783) whispers: I felt a tad stupid there for a second
Bombassa(1998) whispers: perhaps kasparov was right
stevelco(1716) whispers: How's that Bombassa?
Opinel(2472) whispers: maybe Bxa1 was better
Bombassa(1998) whispers: that the bishop should be at c4 :o)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: huh?
Bombassa(1998) whispers: in the opening. long story
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: JoshuaR, check the position after 10.Be2. Often in dragon formations white posts the bishop on c4. Having the bishop on e2 is "normal" in dragon positions where white castles short though
26.Qe3 (2:36)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: he insists on sac'ing a R :)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: :p
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
Opinel(2472) whispers: he just wants me to capure a rook i think
26...Bxe1 (0:42) 27.Rxe1 (0:00)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: I'm kinda liking this RebelYelll
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: k, what now? c file rooks or e file?
stevelco(1716) whispers: I wonder if Opinel likes 2 R's better than 2 B's.
GaraE(1484) whispers: e file ! :)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: Bg5 looks a threat
GaraE(1484) whispers: Rae8
Opinel(2472) whispers: Nf3+ is my saviour
27...Rae8 (1:26)
GaraE(1484) whispers: Savior?
GaraE(1484) whispers: I guess I missed a white threat that Nf3+ stops.
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: me too
Opinel(2472) whispers: so much for crushing me B-)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: lol
hoizi(1873) whispers: if Bg5 Nf3 is the savior I guess
GaraE(1484) whispers: Ah, I see now.
28.Rc1 (2:45)
Opinel(2472) whispers: Bg5 is met by Nf3+ and white loses immediately
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: oh, thanks opinel
GaraE(1484) whispers: Yeah, it's Bg5 Nf3+ gxf3 Qg3+ Kh1 Bxf3+
28...Bxd5 (1:20)
GaraE(1484) whispers: At this point white's queen is threatened.
GaraE(1484) whispers: His options are limited to allowing Rxe3 or doing Qxf3 and letting black QxQ.
29.Qd2 (0:40)
GaraE(1484) whispers: Avoiding the gxf3 would mean he plain loses a piece.
Mekk(1851) whispers: Nc4, hmm?
Mekk(1851) whispers: ohh, no
29...Be4 (0:35)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: white really needs a lucky punch now
30.c4 (0:28) Nf7 (1:27)
Opinel(2472) whispers: time is running low and bothering about Bg5 is time consuming. b6 stopping the pawn as well as just Qf6 seemed ok as well but i would rather keep it at h4 if possible
31.c5 (1:32) dxc5 (0:20) 32.Nxc5 (0:13) Rd8 (0:17) 33.Qe3 (0:03) Rfe8 (0:17) 34.Bc7 (3:57) Bxg2 (1:00) 35.Bxd8 (0:54) Qxd8 (0:00) 36.Qc3 (3:22) Bxh3 (1:56) 37.Bxh3 (0:18) Qg5+ (0:10)
Opinel(2472) whispers: game over
KevinLyHHHS(2061) whispers: Opinel delivering the instructive beatdown!
Bombassa(1998) whispers: the only titled player i ever met was an fm on the 'other' server. im a bit envious
38.Kf2 (2:00) Qf4+ (0:30) 39.Kg1 (0:49) Re2 (0:22) 40.Nd3 (0:26) Qg3+ (0:19) 41.Kf1 (0:03) Rh2 (0:03)
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: i feel like there's a mate, but i'm not 100% sure. sigh... i suck at chess
GaraE(1484) whispers: No immediate mate, but strong threats.. it'll eventually resolve into mate or significant advantage.
Mekk(1851) whispers: it is safe bet opinel calculated it to the end quite a few moves ago
mindlin(2033) whispers: Qf3 and Qh1 mate is threatened
GaraE(1484) whispers: Right now the sacced bishop is regained.
42.Qd4 (3:25) Qf3+ (0:17)
GaraE(1484) whispers: Ah, over now huh.
43.Nf2 (0:15)
xivarmy(1959) whispers: white didn't have any way to meet all the threats
JoshuaR(1545) whispers: mate
43...Rh1# (0:09) RebelYelll checkmated 0-1


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