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burnage(2213) vs. dzomba(2084) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-04-18

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:10) c6 (0:14) 3.c4 (0:05) e6 (0:11) 4.Nc3 (0:23) Nd7 (0:15) 5.e4 (2:34) dxe4 (0:44) 6.Nxe4 (0:12) Ngf6 (0:03) 7.Bd3 (2:18) Nxe4 (0:27) 8.Bxe4 (0:07) Nf6 (0:02) 9.Bc2 (0:50)
burnage(2213) whispers: what a strange opening from black
9...b5 (0:55)
botchvinik(1822) whispers: hehe
10.cxb5 (0:51) cxb5 (0:07) 11.O-O (0:09) Bb7 (0:07) 12.Bg5 (6:18) Be7 (1:32) 13.Ne5 (0:10) Qd5 (1:06) 14.f3 (0:21)
burnage(2213) whispers: Qd5 is weird too... more sense was 0-0 Re1 Rc8 Qd3 g6 Bb3! And white is still better cause I have Nxf7 threats
14...Qd6 (2:38) 15.Qd3 (0:36) a6 (1:04) 16.a4 (3:39) Nd5 (2:01) 17.Bxe7 (0:18) Kxe7 (0:10) 18.Qd2 (6:55) Rac8 (2:29) 19.axb5 (1:00) axb5 (0:50) 20.Be4 (1:19) f6 (3:37)
cytrus(1936) whispers: clsed french@
cytrus(1936) whispers: misstell :)
21.Nd3 (1:38) Rc7 (1:46) 22.Nc5 (2:34) Bc8 (0:41) 23.Rfe1 (0:50) Nf4 (2:04) 24.b4 (1:33) Rd8 (1:15) 25.Bxh7 (2:03) Qxd4+ (0:39) 26.Qxd4 (0:05) Rxd4 (0:00) 27.Re4 (0:01) e5 (1:27) 28.Rxd4 (8:48) Ne2+ (0:05) 29.Kf2 (0:08) Nxd4 (0:01) 30.Be4 (0:15) Bf5 (0:54) 31.Bxf5 (1:39) Nxf5 (0:00) burnage offers a draw. 32.Ra5 (0:23) dzomba declines the draw request. 32...Nd4 (0:18) 33.Ke3 (0:14) Nc2+ (0:43) 34.Ke4 (0:09) Nxb4 (0:17) 35.Rxb5 (0:06) Na2 (0:08) 36.Kd3 (0:39) Nc1+ (0:23) 37.Kc4 (1:27) Ne2 (0:48) 38.Rb7 (1:10) Rxb7 (0:25) 39.Nxb7 (0:00) Ke6 (0:27) 40.Nc5+ (0:02) Kf5 (0:08) 41.Nd3 (0:06)
burnage(2213) whispers: wonder why he wants to play this draw out. This is silly.
41...e4 (0:58) 42.g4+ (0:18) Kg5 (0:04)
pchesso(1710) whispers: his king is closer to the action than yours
43.fxe4 (0:20) Kxg4 (0:07) 44.e5 (0:25) fxe5 (2:44) 45.Nxe5+ (0:00) burnage offers a draw. dzomba declines the draw request. 45...Kh3 (0:36) burnage offers a draw. 46.Kd3 (0:12) dzomba declines the draw request. 46...Nf4+ (0:20) burnage offers a draw. 47.Ke4 (0:06)
pchesso(1710) whispers: offering draws all the time is considered abuse in tl
pchesso(1710) whispers: http://teamleague.org/stats10.php
botchvinik(1822) whispers: yeah but some stuff is obvious
botchvinik(1822) whispers: there should be a rule about blatant ignoring of simple truths
WilkBardzoZly(1672) whispers: in babaschess deactive : show other challenges in a popup window and you dont care about opp draw requests
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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