chessway(2032) vs. opinel(2464) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2010-04-16
Opinel(2464) whispers: i should of played d4 earlier 15.Rb1 (2:50)
xombie(1931) whispers: the endgame seems winning for white
xombie(1931) whispers: sorry, black 15...Bxb2 (0:46) 16.Rxb2 (0:14)
xombie(1931) whispers: trade DSBs, and infiltrate on dark squares
xombie(1931) whispers: not to mention, of course, removing the a pawn of of protection 16...Ne5 (1:08)
Madmansreturn(2013) whispers: Are my game windows wrong or does xombie continually comment in the wrong gamechat window? :-/
xombie(1931) whispers: i think i am right this time! 17.Be2 (1:42)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: lol i didnt hear the whole chat
Jiyann(2011) whispers: nc4 looks like a shot
xombie(1931) whispers: anyway, enough gaffe. i am not talking anymore
Jiyann(2011) whispers: lol at gaffe, are you from guyana? 17...Bxf3 (0:55)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: nc4 coming 18.Bxf3 (0:24) Rc8 (0:07)
Tysonx(1223) whispers: hi
xombie(1931) whispers: is it good to capture on f3?
xombie(1931) whispers: or just Nc4
xombie(1931) whispers: NxB QxB Qc5
Jiyann(2011) whispers: Qc5 ciykd ve net vt
Jiyann(2011) whispers: could be met by*
Jiyann(2011) whispers: nd4
xombie(1931) whispers: lol
Jiyann(2011) whispers: or rookf b1
Jiyann(2011) whispers: Rfb1
Jiyann(2011) whispers: with idea >> rb7
Jiyann(2011) whispers: Rc8 is good
Jiyann(2011) whispers: keeping the pressure on f3 is enough to send him mad anyways
Jiyann(2011) whispers: white queen "limited" to e2
Jiyann(2011) whispers: white pawn limited to a3
Jiyann(2011) whispers: knight limited to b5 19.Rb3 (6:03)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: tough to find a good play for white?
xombie(1931) whispers: slide down slowly
Tysonx(1237) whispers: yeah
Jiyann(2011) whispers: an idea would be to get the bishop from f3 to e2
Jiyann(2011) whispers: and double on the b-file 19...h6 (1:08)
xombie(1931) whispers: any way to attack d5?
Jiyann(2011) whispers: maybe be2 qd4 rb1
Jiyann(2011) whispers: of course with h3 to defend the week back rank
Jiyann(2011) whispers: but thats the idea
Jiyann(2011) whispers: all about timing
Jiyann(2011) whispers: i think be2 firt is a good shot
Jiyann(2011) whispers: first*
Jiyann(2011) whispers: I want opinel go down since he's overrated :p
Jiyann(2011) whispers: jokes lol 20.h3 (1:56)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: ok h3 first
Jiyann(2011) whispers: just as good
Jiyann(2011) whispers: hmm
Jiyann(2011) whispers: rc5 looks like a shot in some line 20...Nxf3+ (1:18)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: nf3 and ne4 also 21.Qxf3 (0:20) Ne4 (0:02)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: now black can go
Jiyann(2011) whispers: rb5 if qe2
Jiyann(2011) whispers: white need to defend the d2 square properly 22.Rb2 (0:54)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: "adequately"
Jiyann(2011) whispers: rc5!?
Jiyann(2011) whispers: in the earlier variation rc5 wouldnt work because the rook on c5 would be blocking the double attack on the a3 pawn
Jiyann(2011) whispers: but now rc5 and a sack seems inevitable
Jiyann(2011) whispers: rb1 rb5
Jiyann(2011) whispers: rb5 nd2 22...Rc4 (1:47)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: yawn* this looks like old men's chess :)
Jiyann(2011) whispers: unless of course rc5 i met by nd4 ?!
Jiyann(2011) whispers: with idea nd5 qf6? rb7 23.Rfb1 (4:31) Qc5 (1:12) 24.Qd1 (1:03) Ra6 (2:11) 25.Qe1 (0:39) Rb6 (1:28) 26.Kh2 (2:24) Rc2 (0:34) 27.Rxc2 (1:30) Qxc2 (0:00) 28.Rc1 (0:40) Qxf2 (0:19) 29.Qxf2 (0:14) Nxf2 (0:00) 30.Rc8+ (0:14) Kh7 (0:09) 31.Nc3 (0:11) Rc6 (0:35) 32.Rxc6 (0:14) bxc6 (0:00) 33.a4 (0:09) Nd3 (0:07) 34.a5 (0:08) Nb4 (0:15) 35.Kg3 (0:07) Kg6 (1:06) 36.Na4 (0:12) Na6 (0:14) 37.Kf4 (0:07) Kf6 (0:25) 38.Nb6 (0:10) Ke6 (0:14) 39.h4 (0:08) h5 (1:55) 40.Na4 (0:12) c5 (0:18) 41.Nc3 (0:10) Nc7 (0:36) 42.Ne2 (0:09) g6 (1:09) 43.Nc1 (0:10) Na6 (0:10) 44.Ne2 (0:09) Kd6 (0:09) 45.g3 (0:08) Nc7 (0:16) 46.Kg5 (0:10) Ke5 (0:12) 47.Nc3 (0:09)
Tysonx(1237) whispers: whoo 47...c4 (0:37) 48.Na2 (0:10) Ke4 (0:17) 49.Kf6 (0:07) Kxe3 (0:06) 50.Ke7 (0:11) d4 (0:07) 51.Kd6 (0:07) Na6 (0:09) 52.Kd5 (0:09) c3 (0:12) 53.Kc4 (0:07) c2 (0:12) 54.Kb3 (0:08) d3 (0:06) ChessWay forfeits on time 0-1
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