drinkeh(2046) vs. funkmaus(2222) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-03-04
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: ooops, surprise!
milpat(1790) whispers: not by u ;) 2...d5 (0:22)
hugozver(1917) whispers: ouch! 3.Nf3 (0:08)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: two knights variation isn't exactly critical
xombie(1908) whispers: how is moving the knight to c3 a surprise?
HyperMagnus(2000) whispers: this is going to be interesting
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: though it avoids maus' favourite line ;)
caga(1564) whispers: yeah
HyperMagnus(2000) whispers: go drinkeh! go Funkmaus!
xombie(1908) whispers: the doubled pawn variation?
caga(1564) whispers: yeah
Opinel(2474) whispers: it's a good opening
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: you're very excited, hyper
xombie(1908) whispers: el magnifico
HyperMagnus(2000) whispers: let's not talk about excitement here
HyperMagnus(2000) whispers: Or I might get hyperexcited
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Okay, it can transpose to my exf6-line with 1 difference - he not played d4
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: thats an interesting point
xombie(1908) whispers: why does she like the doubled pawn variation so much?
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: If I knew he plays it, I d go for Bg4 now :( 3...dxe4 (2:06)
HyperMagnus(2000) whispers: eco 381 Eco for game 381 ("drinkeh vs. Funkmaus"): ECO( 5): B10.22 NIC( 2): CK.01.1 LONG( 5): Boring defense: Two Knights Variation
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: cos its quite solid 4.Nxe4 (0:16) Nf6 (0:01)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: we'll see if white can profit from this move-order
Opinel(2474) whispers: it's a bad opening for black but it's very difficult technically to win against it non the less
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: go go funk...my fav line too!!
milpat(1790) whispers: :) 5.Ng3 (2:17)
muwwatalli(1899) whispers: if nxf6 maybe gxf6 to spice things up? or is it exf6
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: exf6 is the older line....gxf6 now and play for the full point !
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 Ng3 - here I play h5, hmm, have to think now if it okay now with 1 tempo less as he can create counter-play vs. f7
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: ;-)
pchesso(1774) whispers: no more reason to wait with Bg4 ?
Opinel(2474) whispers: good choice by white. not going into what black knows well
milpat(1790) whispers: same teams on #36
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: oh, Lisicas game started!
xombie(1908) whispers: blitz par excellence
Opinel(2474) whispers: h5 now has to be best 5...h5 (3:16)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: so now I guess blacks would like to push his e - pawn to create problems on the kingside while white tries to advance its queenside pawn majority ?
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: or crete kingside trouble that way
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Bc4 h4 Ne2 Bf5 followed by e4, and after Bf5 he has to d3/d4, so it transposes
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: *create
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: the strange sac. on f7 was in other line :p
Opinel(2474) whispers: no h5 is played for a different reason. trying to force h4 so when Bg4 white doesn't have h3
xombie(1908) whispers: ah nice :)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: thanks
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: I never played Teamleague and observed another game in same time. But its like a team-match real live, must be okay!
hugozver(1917) whispers: must ;)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: " trouble on the kingside" is quite vague.. I wasnt too far off 6.Bc4 (2:06) h4 (0:22)
Opinel(2474) whispers: this is silly, black is already better!
GaraE(1425) whispers: Neat, knight has no place to go but f1?
xombie(1908) whispers: why is the f7 sac strange? 7.Ne2 (0:57)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Oops, e2 was also available. :P
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: it doesnt look ready
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: h3 now?
Opinel(2474) whispers: seems like it yes
Opinel(2474) whispers: b5 is also in the wind 7...Bf5 (1:41)
Opinel(2474) whispers: bad move
Madmansreturn(2000) whispers: what's wrong with Bg4?
GaraE(1425) whispers: I liked the mentioned h3 and b5 more. 8.h3 (0:33)
Opinel(2474) whispers: allowing white to play h3 himself
GaraE(1425) whispers: Yeah. 8...e6 (0:31) 9.d3 (0:33)
Opinel(2474) whispers: Nde4, white is not doing so bad anymore 9...Nbd7 (0:22)
Opinel(2474) whispers: that's awful, black had it and gave it up
Opinel(2474) whispers: they're playing too fast 10.O-O (0:30)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: whats the name of opening for 1.c6?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i mean black 1...c6
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: caro-kann
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: ok
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: he can use square d4 for his knights manouvring. I keep option of castling-side open 10...Nb6 (0:57) 11.Bb3 (0:06)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: maybe black can castle long and play g5-g4 somehow
GaraE(1425) whispers: Unless they were plain misses, I can only assume Funkmaus wanted h3 to happen and didn't want to potentially compromise queenside castling with b5?
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Qd7 Ne5 (no good now) Qc7 Bf4 Bd6 - and he has to d4, as Ne5 cant hold im centre 11...Qd7 (1:16)
Opinel(2474) whispers: that's a reallt bad move
Opinel(2474) whispers: Ned4
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: bah, in a TLgame vs. Technika I forgot that h4 is hanging and moved rook away (or castled short), dunno now. Was about to make same mistake again
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: why not Qc7 right away ?
GaraE(1425) whispers: That almost sounds like she wanted h4 to stay h4.
Madmansreturn(2000) whispers: pawn-grabbing with Bg5 is a bit premature yet for white?
pchesso(1774) whispers: the h-pawn would be doubled-edged to grab
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i like black here more
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: how about Ned4 first, then Bg5! and perhas dont take the pawn untill it could be defended
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: drinkeh lost the tempo
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Ned4 Bg6 Nxe6! fxe6 Ne5! 1-0
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: well... 1 -0 is a bit harsh
Opinel(2474) whispers: pretty much
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: but it wins a pawn and ties and leaves black with a crippled position with the knight on g6
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Ned4 Bh7, after Bg6 its Nxe6 which kills me. 1 time lost like that, remember whole life - fxe6 Ne5, and fork! and, it can also be important to be able to cover e6 with Bg8
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: after Ne5, the queen has no square to go to that defends the bishop on g6 wich is unguarded after fxe6
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: hehe,...apparently the fork is themantic,...;-)
Opinel(2474) whispers: Bh7 Re1 white is going to win either way
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: well what if Bh7? 12.Ned4 (7:29) Bh7 (0:03)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: ok 13.Re1 (0:29)
GaraE(1425) whispers: :(
XJamesX(1253) whispers: how much will drinkeh's rating go up if he wins this?
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: 12 points apparently
XJamesX(1253) whispers: nawt bad
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i would never play Nd4
muwwatalli(1899) whispers: if it was whites move now would take on e6 with bishop or N or would something else be played?
tjradd(2192) whispers: white, maybe Ne5 and Nxf7
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: what about the Bronstein move, Bg8? ;)
Opinel(2474) whispers: Nbd5 seems like the move, either way Nxe6 is coming or Ne5. Jenny's view of the opening is wrong it's completely losing.
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: against higher opposition
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: its amusing for me to watch two lower rateds missing moves without even taking notice. must be the case for you now
GaraE(1425) whispers: Not if he wanted Funkmaus to be winning. :P
tjradd(2192) whispers: is it safe for white to pick up h pawn with bg5
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: c5 saves the day 13...Nbd5 (9:46)
Opinel(2474) whispers: Ne5 14.Bg5 (1:04)
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: this Nxe6 is really nasty in many lines. if he wants get it again into play, he has to play c4, which weakens d3 and closes B-diagonal for a move
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: if Nxh4 Bxd3 i assume
tjradd(2192) whispers: o-o-o while you can!
Opinel(2474) whispers: Nxh4 is a bad move, gives black chances and at the moment the pawn is irrelevent
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: 0-0-0 is weak isnt it? 14...Bc5 (2:06)
lrzal(1901) whispers: the playoffs for u2000?
tjradd(2192) whispers: yes lrzal
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: they are not under 2000?
lrzal(1901) whispers: team average must be < 2000
tjradd(2192) whispers: sum of four teammates <8000
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i see
Opinel(2474) whispers: Qd2 will be my choice now
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: hehe,,,negative,,,are you new?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: yes
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: no one recruits me 15.Bxh4 (1:30)
lrzal(1901) whispers: look at teams that only have 4 or 5 players and talk to the captain about joining their team 15...O-O-O (0:39)
lrzal(1901) whispers: also you should add your name to the interested player's page
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i will wait for someone who is looking
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i have
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Greedy pawn grabber :p 16.Bg3 (1:08)
hugozver(1917) whispers: lol
hugozver(1917) whispers: Vamos Jenny!
paire(1900) whispers: :)
lrzal(1901) whispers: when is your game hugozver?
hugozver(1917) whispers: saturday 09
Opinel(2474) whispers: it's time to play g5!
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Yeah, I play safe... Considering lines with g5
lrzal(1901) whispers: it seems strange to me that thefourhorsemenu2000b played in the a section and similarly their a team played in the b section
tjradd(2192) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: yes, it was a source of confusion for us as well :)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: that was my fault, I set the sections ;)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: hehe
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: after g5 comes Ne5, and then?
Chessstyles(1910) whispers: yep as teammember of thefourhorse... i was even confused:)
pchesso(1774) whispers: it drastically violates every sense of order :)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: I'm the captain of this team :)
hugozver(1917) whispers: I don't mind as long as horses are not form the same stable
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: sorry, I didn't notice till after they were set ;) 16...Rdg8 (6:00)
Chessstyles(1910) whispers: hehe no prob smallblackcat, in a way it was funny;)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: the comedycat.
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: hehe
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: so open section teams are the strongest ha?
Opinel(2474) whispers: i don't like this much because if white is smart he will play c3 now. why showing him what she'll do next move. g5 was better right away with out giving white time for prep
pchesso(1774) whispers: yes, nirvana
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: g5 Be5 g4 BxN NxB and Nxe6 worked for him again.
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: means I cant play g5 while Be5 is possible
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: after Qe7 g5 isn t any longer possible due to Qe5 with the idea of c4! 17.Ne5 (3:14) Qe8 (0:19)
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: now square e5 is occuped, that what I hoped for
GaraE(1425) whispers: I'm pretty lost now. :P
GaraE(1425) whispers: Guess white has to resolve his hanging knight now.
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Ndf3, what else?! I dont think he wants move his active piece away...
Opinel(2474) whispers: i prefer Qe7 and white still has c3 now
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: c3 would weaken d3
Opinel(2474) whispers: nope
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: what does c3 do?
GaraE(1425) whispers: I get that d3 would now only be guarded by queen, but I don't see black putting additional pressure on it soon.
Opinel(2474) whispers: peotects the d knight
GaraE(1425) whispers: (after c3)
lrzal(1901) whispers: c3 protects the white knight, it weakens d3 but black cannot take advantage of that right now 18.c3 (3:17)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: you mention c3 before Ne5
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: mentioned
lrzal(1901) whispers: ne5 has not changed the reason why c3 was played
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: oh, I missed the point of Bxd5 Nxd4 Qa4 by the move c3
GaraE(1425) whispers: I guess she might think about Nb4? Is that any good?
Opinel(2474) whispers: in memory of Tal i will remind you something... if your opponent can't take advantage of it it is not a weakness =)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Nb4 would possibly be the only think even remotely to taking advantage of the weaker d3.
GaraE(1425) whispers: *only thing
Opinel(2474) whispers: black should play g5, there is nothing else for her to do other then waiting for a losing endgame
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: anyway, I also get f6 Q-somewhere kingsside into play if he plays it. But maybe there he is faster to kill me with Nxc6-sac.
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: too many pawns on board give me headache
GaraE(1425) whispers: :( Noo. Funk shall win.
pchesso(1774) whispers: should black trade one of the white knights?
Opinel(2474) whispers: Nb4?? cxb4 BxN Nxf7!!
GaraE(1425) whispers: Ah :( Thanks Opinel. Was wondering where that'd lead.. meh.
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: g5/Nf4, this diagonal to dangerous 18...g5 (3:51)
Ivanuk(1746) whispers: if I were black I'd play Bxd4 cxd4 to let white with ugly doubled pawns, why you high rated guys wouldn't do it?
Ivanuk(1746) whispers: share your wisdom
Ivanuk(1746) whispers: with us patzers
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Resume: blundered a pawn, moved all pieces away from defence. Last 2 months I play really bad...
Opinel(2474) whispers: i'm sorry to say it but black has to be losing now
Aneirin(1783) whispers: I wouldn't like opening the c-file, personally
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: you've basically been saying that all game
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: why be sorry now? ;)
Opinel(2474) whispers: yes, i'm upset
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: carro-kahn(?) sucks
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: winning positions still need to be converted 19.a4 (1:42)
Opinel(2474) whispers: before it seemed like an advantage now it's just losing that's why
Opinel(2474) whispers: i liked Bc4 with b4 but this is just as good
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: a4 was a waste
Aneirin(1783) whispers: not sure if it's a waste.. a5-6 comes fast
Opinel(2474) whispers: no, a5/a6 breaks down the position
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Nf4 BxN gxB Nxf7 1-0
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: lol
Aneirin(1783) whispers: oh right :o
GaraE(1425) whispers: Yeah, that d5 knight is actually protecting against a Nxh8 because for queen to retake on f7 exposes to Bxe6+ forking king and queen while being guarded by rook.
GaraE(1425) whispers: That's what ruined the Nb4 I mentioned earlier. :(
pchesso(1774) whispers: perhaps Rf8, Nd7 for black and trade 1 pair of Ns ?
Opinel(2474) whispers: i think Rg7
pchesso(1774) whispers: Rg8 had threats, but now that they seem blunted i would go back Rf8
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Nb4? Nxf7
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: what about a6?
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: Rg7 Bg8 Rgh7 and g4 might be a long-term plan
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: whats dep.captain?
pchesso(1774) whispers: after Rg7, white can clear the e5-square for the bishop?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: dep.cap
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: deputy captain
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: the deputy to the captain
Opinel(2474) whispers: that will be me in my future team =)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: and why captain dont play in their own teams?
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: sometimes they do
Aneirin(1783) whispers: I don't play for this team to give them a betterr chance of winning.
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: some captains organise several teams
pchesso(1774) whispers: defense! funkmaus must be loving this :) 19...Bg6 (7:33)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: hard to believe that ;)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: it's true. she loves defending :) attacking makes her annoyed.
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Bh5/g4 if not to slow, cant comment here much 20.a5 (1:30)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Downside is that ignored white's a pawn advancement.. 20...Bh5 (1:02)
muwwatalli(1899) whispers: how can she hate attacking if the best defense is attack
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: Qd2
Aneirin(1783) whispers: she redefines the best defense as being.. defense.
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: f3 noq?
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: f3 now?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: f3 is bad
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: why?
GaraE(1425) whispers: The knight on d4 would then become pinned.
pchesso(1774) whispers: Qb1 ?
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: f3 seems to prevent any attempt of an attack by black for a while
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: because of discovered check and also opens kings pawns
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: what dicovered check?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: not good for endgame i guess
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: its good for endgame, Dark bishop, pawns on light squares 21.Qd2 (2:58)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: i dont like it
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: the knight on d4 is already pinned
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: if3 f3 is kinda of a weird move 21...a6 (0:44)
lrzal(1901) whispers: Bc4
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: I liked f3, then Bf2 and Ng4 idea
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: now black can play g4 and try to open some lines
tjradd(2192) whispers: g4 h4 maybe?
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: to allow a6 for him = death!
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: for sure
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: g4 met ny h4
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: have to watchout for Nc4/b6 now
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: what is after Ba4?
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: how abt Bc4!
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: interesting, Ba4 and Nxc6 plan
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: c pawn is weak
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: bishop sac on A pawn and black is dead
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Ndxc6 right away in interesting
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Bc4 and b4...
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: after Ba4 black Q moves to e7, the Nxc6!
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: with all the ideas of Nxc6, Bxa6 etc staying in the air
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Bxd4 is possible
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: b5 axb6
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: maybe Ndxc6 right now
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: how do you notate en passant? lol
GaraE(1425) whispers: Just capturing will do.
lrzal(1901) whispers: pxp e.p.
GaraE(1425) whispers: Ah.
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: you dont notate anything
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: b5 axb6
GaraE(1425) whispers: I guess there is an actual notation, but I had thought it was just assumed to be a legal move, needing no special mark.
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: maybe e.p.
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: yea its e.p 22.Bxd5 (6:32) Nxd5 (0:00)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: premover!
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: hmm
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: I dont get this one
GaraE(1425) whispers: I blinked and missed it. :P
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: ok I see
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: perhaps the idea is c4 and b4
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: wants to play b4 with tempo
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: b4 doesnt work though
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: or not, cos c4 Nb4
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: yes 23.Nc4 (0:56)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: or for that matter Bb4
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: ah, here's the idea
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: BxN was wrong
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: well, Bxd4 is out of question for now
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: oh, Nf5 with Nd6 is threatening... ;-)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Neat.
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: so Qd7 to defend?
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: then maybe b4 works
Albido(2358) whispers: if black pushes the pawn to g4 it gets very ugly fast for white
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: b4 now loses queen...
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: b4 b6 e.p. Rxa6...
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: sorry... b5 i meant... 23...Qd7 (7:25)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: b4!
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Nf5/Nd6+ was a real threat
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: Re5!
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: no, Im imagining thinks 24.Nb3 (0:54) Be7 (0:34)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: white queen worths less than a pawn 25.d4 (1:11)
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: thats harsh man...;-|
shivaroxxx(1641) whispers: really 'less than'....<...shiva chuckles.....>
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: that queen somehow must arrive on B8 25...g4 (2:31) 26.h4 (1:22)
NegativeNirvana(1744) whispers: thats one lost pawn 26...f6 (1:44) 27.Rad1 (3:44) Bf7 (2:00) 28.Nc5 (0:38) Bxc5 (0:16) 29.dxc5 (0:00)
smallblackcat(1929) whispers: d6 square is huge now
Opinel(2474) whispers: ok i'm off, no way in hell for black to defend in this position. white is on a sure win. ciao
muwwatalli(1899) whispers: ciao then
onomatopeia(1341) whispers: ciao
GaraE(1425) whispers: :( ciao 29...e5 (2:30)
onomatopeia(1341) whispers: to play only defense with not much attack isnt good too
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: I am dead
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: Qxd5!
GaraE(1425) whispers: :( Funkmaus seems to know.
NakedNous(1768) whispers: Bxe5?
GaraE(1425) whispers: Not sure if Qxd5 now leads to a clear advantage?
GaraE(1425) whispers: Oh.
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: not really, it looks inteligent though
GaraE(1425) whispers: Maybe not, since the bishop would block the rook from assisting a Nb6+ then Nxd7.. however, after Kxd7 could do c4 to claim the bishop.
Madmansreturn(2013) whispers: Nd6+ followed by c4 looks worth looking up at least 30.Qc2 (2:00)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Yeah.
GaraE(1425) whispers: So at least a piece up advantage if he had gone the Qxd4 route, and the other route of Nd6+ with c4 also seems to be a piece up at least. 30...Qe7 (2:52)
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: no garae, just a pawn up, black gets the knight back
GaraE(1425) whispers: Ah.
deionsandersson(2095) whispers: its just a witty trade off
GaraE(1425) whispers: Actually, bishop would be pinned to king
GaraE(1425) whispers: c4 would threaten bishop and it has no way of evading it
GaraE(1425) whispers: I'm less sure about Nd6+ being a piece up now though, but still a scary position overall. 31.Nd6+ (1:35) Kb8 (0:06)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Well, unless black did Qxd5 in response to Qxd5 I guess. 32.c4 (1:55)
GaraE(1425) whispers: You're right :( 32...Nc7 (0:06) 33.b4 (0:17) Be8 (0:31)
GaraE(1425) whispers: Was too distracted thinking black responding with Bxd5 was the only response.
GaraE(1425) whispers: I think I'd be long since dead in this game. :P Going to hope Funkmaus manages to prove Opinel wrong. 34.Nf5 (1:36) Qh7 (0:18) 35.Rd6 (1:03)
tjradd(2192) whispers: what is the line after Bg6
JustinBarr(1594) whispers: Proves him wrong about what?
GaraE(1425) whispers: Opinel essentially declared black as good as dead.
GaraE(1425) whispers: Just a matter of white not blundering from that point on.
tjradd(2192) whispers: eg Bg6 Rf6 Rf8 Rf8 Rf8 Re5 hmm
GaraE(1425) whispers: So Funkmaus pretty much has to hope for a white goofup.
JustinBarr(1594) whispers: yeah he has a much better position
tjradd(2192) whispers: that's no good
tjradd(2192) whispers: so, how does white fend off Bg6 35...Rf8 (2:36)
Firefly(2020) whispers: rxf6 rxg6 rxe5 from white should win after re7? ka8 might have saved the knight but it must be horrible
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: Lisica won :D Yeah!!!
Firefly(2020) whispers: I mean if black had gone bg6
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: would be nice to survive here, somehow^^
Funkmaus(2222) whispers: calculated on Bg6 for now, there after Rxf6 Rf8 seems like he had to give exchange, but3 pawns for it, and Bxe5 leaded into a terrible pin 36.Ne3 (2:09) Bg6 (0:56)
tjradd(2192) whispers: qd2 looks awfully annoying:)
Twikki(2020) whispers: I would have traded off the queens
xombie(1900) whispers: pawn loss now? 37.Qd2 (1:25) Bf5 (0:20) 38.Rd1 (1:44)
tjradd(2192) whispers: Be6 keeps the bishop 38...Bc8 (0:57)
tjradd(2192) whispers: when does b5 come? :) 39.b5 (0:42)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: hehe!
GaraE(1425) whispers: :(
JustinBarr(1594) whispers: lol good question
Madmansreturn(2013) whispers: you didn't have to wait long!
Twikki(2020) whispers: hmm... ab cb Nb5 Rf6 39...axb5 (2:04) 40.cxb5 (0:12) cxb5 (0:03)
thekenfliege(2146) whispers: Rb6 41.c6 (0:49)
Aneirin(1783) whispers: a6 looked funny too
Twikki(2020) whispers: maybe black can get some counterplay along the long diagonal with bc rc6 bb7 qe4
tjradd(2192) whispers: qe4 help first?
GaraE(1425) whispers: Even if queen races over to that side in time to assist with the fighting, kingside gets wrecked :( 41...Qe4 (2:32)
xombie(1900) whispers: any chances to slime for madam funk?
Twikki(2020) whispers: f5-f4 is kinda sleazy
xombie(1900) whispers: ah, and theres also Bb7 if Pxb7
GaraE(1425) whispers: b6 a tasty rook outpost after bb7 :( 42.Rc1 (2:38)
tjradd(2192) whispers: wow
xombie(1900) whispers: yeah Pxb7 was a patzer move :)
GaraE(1425) whispers: :O
milpat(1790) whispers: clock 42...bxc6 (1:37)
xombie(1900) whispers: hope her mouse doesnt malfunction now 43.Rdxc6 (0:24) Rf7 (0:17)
tjradd(2192) whispers: qd6 is hard 44.Qd6 (0:25)
GaraE(1425) whispers: :(
tjradd(2192) whispers: now if black defends N, white can sneak qc5-and in
Twikki(2020) whispers: looks like the piece is gone
JustinBarr(1594) whispers: :-s Funkmaus forfeits on time 1-0
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