gegitor(2221) vs. fesfw(2057) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-01-27
milpat(1771) whispers: c5 15.a4 (2:21) Rab8 (1:22) 16.a5 (11:04)
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: a5 bxa5 Qa4?
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: oh tahts it :D
eastorwest(1848) whispers: Why Qa4 ? 16...b5 (1:40) 17.c5 (0:32)
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: to get this pawn and it would also destroy black's pawn structure
eastorwest(1848) whispers: bxa5 Qa4 was better for black than b5 c5 17...a6 (1:57)
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: why?
eastorwest(1848) whispers: Now black bishop is closed by black pawns.
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: but then pawns on a7 and c6 wouldn;t be good i think..but maybe I'm wrong 18.Nd6 (2:10)
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: black didnt take this pawn so it would wok
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: work* 18...Nf6 (1:31) 19.Re1 (3:31)
eastorwest(1848) whispers: ...Ne8 next?
eastorwest(1848) whispers: Dont think so. May be Rd8 ... Rxd6. 19...Ne8 (4:30) 20.Ne4 (0:14)
eastorwest(1848) whispers: It is answer. There is no Nf6 now. 20...Qd7 (3:26) 21.Nd2 (1:20) Nc7 (0:35)
Gegitor(2221) whispers: I'm on the brink of winning and yet I can't find a way 22.Nf3 (0:50) f6 (5:29) 23.Re2 (1:37) Rbe8 (0:23) 24.Rae1 (0:10) Re7 (0:03) 25.Nd2 (2:11) Bc8 (3:03) 26.h4 (3:05) g6 (2:31) 27.Nb1 (0:49) Kg7 (1:52) 28.Na3 (0:33)
Gegitor(2221) whispers: The knight on b4 might be just the thing I need 28...Rfe8 (3:35) 29.Nc2 (0:33) Bb7 (2:09) 30.f4 (3:48) h5 (4:14) 31.Nb4 (1:00) Nd5 (0:19) 32.Nd3 (4:16) Qd8 (0:49) 33.Qa3 (0:19) Nc7 (2:22) 34.Qa1 (0:46) Nd5 (0:45) 35.Kh2 (0:48) Qc7 (0:10) 36.Be4 (1:40) f5 (1:32) 37.Bg2 (3:52) Nf6 (0:09) 38.Bf3 (0:46)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: does white have enough towin here? 38...Kh6 (0:50) 39.Kg1 (0:17)
hugozver(1923) whispers: enough time at least ;) 39...Kh7 (1:02)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: hey
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: sorry about the way I played last game..
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: pretty pathetic
hugozver(1923) whispers: oh, no worries! it's only a game! :) 40.Bg2 (0:52)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: shit happened... my head was somewhere else 40...Ng4 (0:09) 41.Bh3 (0:11) Nf6 (0:03)
BlindRobot(2176) whispers: knight can goto g5 42.Ne5 (0:18)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: you talk about game against boobys, deion?
hugozver(1923) whispers: yea, happens ... and byw, it's good that you have some other places for your head B-)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: right, kngiht goes to g5, triple on e-file with Q on e1... looks good 42...Kg7 (0:47)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: yes funk
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: oh well. Saw begin... It was really not your best day. Happens, forget and see forward! 43.Bg2 (0:36)
hugozver(1923) whispers: esactly!
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: I did have my best day in the first round though 43...Ng4 (1:35) 44.Nf3 (0:35)
hugozver(1923) whispers: yeah, that was something 44...Nf6 (0:27)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: I would trade the Bg2 for the Ng4
Jammes(1899) whispers: without c5 white does go nowhere i think 45.Ng5 (0:09) Bc8 (0:03)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: black's bishop is awful
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: but it defend BOTH weaknesses - e6 and c6. Position closed, survivable!
Jammes(1899) whispers: yes, but looks like fortress
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: too only problem is the queen has to defend a5
Jammes(1899) whispers: c5 might break it
hugozver(1923) whispers: yea, should be possible to open it
hugozver(1923) whispers: somehow
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: well, playing c4 is the only break move left
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: white can use a rook to defence a5, and use queen somewhere else.. only where...
Jammes(1899) whispers: c4 i ment
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: yeah, abandon the pressure on the e-file, the f4-d4 wedge is doing that job
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: strive to push c4 somehow 46.Qa2 (2:19)
Jammes(1899) whispers: ok, perhaps he trades white bishop against knight
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: you definatly want to trade bishop for knight if you are white
Jammes(1899) whispers: but still very nice blocked 46...Nd5 (1:09) 47.Qa3 (0:09)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: but not on d5.. 47...Nf6 (0:38) 48.Qa1 (2:10)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: hrm not so sure that was the best move...takes the queen out of play, maybe Qa2??
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Q was on a2 just 2 moves ago.
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: in that kind of position, there is not really a best move
cobwebs(1715) whispers: which in my opinion is the best place for it
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: more about finding a plan
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i agree with that 48...Nd5 (2:18)
fernbap(1682) whispers: this is the perfect example that a single vulnerability is not enough to win a game
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: with Q on a2 Nf3-e5, play c4, if bxc Qxc4 sac. a pawn Qxa5 for open B-file for rooks, like Rb2-b6...
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: of no bxc then cxb axb allows pushing a pawn (maybe), and cxb is just weak cause d5-square underminated
cobwebs(1715) whispers: thats what i had in mind
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: anyway, I dont see any other way to make progress with white. And this can be risky... 49.Rc2 (3:54) Bd7 (0:37) 50.Ra2 (0:32)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: :( such wasteful moves imo
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: chess is risky... but since white has the good bishop, there shoulf be a good way to openthe positionwith c4
fernbap(1682) whispers: he's trying to bore his opponent to defeat :P
BlindRobot(2176) whispers: planting a rook on b6 looks good 50...Kf8 (1:18)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Well cobwebs... I guess, he is changing a defender for a5 and goes with Q to d3, pushing c4. This is manouvring, and black is low on time.
fernbap(1682) whispers: anyway, the c4 plan could have been played more than 20 moves ago... 51.Rf2 (0:39) Kg7 (0:15) 52.Bf1 (0:07)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: yes, then where is a draw offer?!
cobwebs(1715) whispers: without the +45 i ca see this as a good option to force black to run out of time or create a bad position in bad time, but since he gains 45 seconds with each move its hard to lose much on time
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: you cant bore FESfW by playing positional! He likes to defend 52...Nf6 (0:38) 53.Bd3 (0:24)
fernbap(1682) whispers: too bad for white then :P 53...Bc8 (0:18) 54.Rfe2 (0:12)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i like how black has 2 great knight outposts :)
Jammes(1899) whispers: white has to win if the want to draw the match. thats why i think its enough if i look back in 4 hours to see the final moves :). have to go. cya 54...Kh6 (2:07) 55.Bc2 (0:23)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: arg wonder why he didnt play Nf3?
fernbap(1682) whispers: not sure. Soon the 50 moves rule will apply 55...Nd5 (0:46) 56.Re5 (0:40)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: since move 36...+50 = 86 still long run
cobwebs(1715) whispers: at 423 moves so far 56...Qd8 (0:17)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: er 43 no? 57.Bb3 (0:23) Kg7 (0:33)
brigadoon(2110) whispers: now c4?
Gegitor(2221) whispers: eh, I had 57. R:e6 (unless it was bad :-) ) 58.R1e2 (1:00) Kf6 (0:31)
ForGameNotMoney(1838) whispers: draw.
hugozver(1923) whispers: no draw!
cobwebs(1715) whispers: c4! finally...if im not mistaken thats a won endgame
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: huch, 57. Rxe6? 3 times attacked, 3 times covered. What do I miss?!
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: ha, got it! Nf7 fork! 59.Ra2 (1:26)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: noooo why not c4!!! 59...Kg7 (1:10) 60.Qe1 (0:29)
Diboss(2074) whispers: c4 does make d4 extremely weak
Diboss(2074) whispers: so white would have to worry about both d4 and a5 60...Qd7 (1:01)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: thats true 61.Rae2 (0:37)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: but then with the knight on f3 how can black attack d4?
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: from c6 or e6 with the knight...
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: and black 's bishop is very bad
cobwebs(1715) whispers: blacks bishop might as well be a pawn :) 61...Nc7 (1:09)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Is this 50-moves rule automatically or has to be claimed pressing draw button like in case of repetion?
Diboss(2074) whispers: claimed
gaelleg(2131) whispers: no automatic
Diboss(2074) whispers: I think black has accepted that his position is all just about waiting
cobwebs(1715) whispers: sure about that? ive played a few where it was auto
Diboss(2074) whispers: it is?
Diboss(2074) whispers: ohh
Diboss(2074) whispers: never had it happen in my games...sooo
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: I would think you have to claim it
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i would love to play this position as white, i think its a wont game
Diboss(2074) whispers: that's a nicely protected pawn
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: the other guy must have claimed it
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: nvm, FESfW playing since T34 or much early... he knows what to do :p 62.Kh2 (1:33)
Diboss(2074) whispers: this may be winnable, but seems like it'll take a lot of work to prove it 62...Nd5 (0:29)
Diboss(2074) whispers: I think gegitor is probably just waiting for fewfw to either run out of time or make a mistake
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i disagree after the c4 pawn push the rest should come easily
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: how about making a Queen + Bishop battery and sac on h5 ? 63.Bxd5 (0:23) cxd5 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: !!!
cobwebs(1715) whispers: fesfw wont run out of time..its VERY hard to run out of time in +45 esp if your opponent is making poor moves hoping you run out of time!
Diboss(2074) whispers: as I said...just waiting for the mistake
cobwebs(1715) whispers: ouch...
Diboss(2074) whispers: but now c4 isn't happening
cobwebs(1715) whispers: nope, not at all now
Diboss(2074) whispers: white has to come up with a new plan 64.Ra2 (0:58)
Diboss(2074) whispers: Qc6
Diboss(2074) whispers: protects everything
cobwebs(1715) whispers: how about Re3? staying on the file
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: this is dead draw now I guess
brigadoon(2110) whispers: only thing, the 50 moves have started anew...:D
Diboss(2074) whispers: and heading where?
Diboss(2074) whispers: white can get his knight on e5, but even that's not attacking anything
cobwebs(1715) whispers: pawn pushes are 1 of the first things i was taught! heh
Diboss(2074) whispers: hhm 64...Kf6 (1:16)
Diboss(2074) whispers: if this was a fast time control game, I'd recommend white to still play for c4 65.Ree2 (0:15)
Aneirin(1813) whispers: oh, great, now -everything covers e6
Diboss(2074) whispers: opening either the b or d files 65...Qc7 (0:19)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: yeah
Diboss(2074) whispers: but that's a 15 0 risky business idea :)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: making any progress will require a panw sac now 66.Nf3 (0:19)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i feel the game is a draw
Aneirin(1813) whispers: there goes the N to e5 66...Bd7 (0:29)
Diboss(2074) whispers: I think Pa5 kind of makes it drawish
fernbap(1682) whispers: pity you can't place 2 pieces in the same square
Diboss(2074) whispers: because white has to leave a piece to watch it 67.Reb2 (0:52)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: I think you should be allowed to capture your own pieces if its to your advantage
Diboss(2074) whispers: here he goes
Diboss(2074) whispers: I'm guessing maybe Rb1 and c4 67...Rb8 (0:31)
Diboss(2074) whispers: and stopped :)
fernbap(1682) whispers: i think you should be able to promote a pawn to king 68.Rb4 (0:21) Bc6 (0:10)
fernbap(1682) whispers: chess would be much more interesting
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: for instance, right now, white would very much like to get rid of the a5 pawn
Diboss(2074) whispers: queen trade
Diboss(2074) whispers: ??
Diboss(2074) whispers: has to be better for white
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i was thinking a queen trade but that doesnt leave white with much of a position 69.Qa1 (0:40)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: further securing a draw position for balck
cobwebs(1715) whispers: black
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: alright, lets see if rybka finds anything cool 69...Kg7 (0:35)
Diboss(2074) whispers: I think the knight can crush the bishop...if white is willing to sac stuff 70.Rab2 (0:16)
Diboss(2074) whispers: probably require at least a paw for it to work
Diboss(2074) whispers: hhm 70...Rbe8 (0:27)
Diboss(2074) whispers: surprised he didn't play c4 there 71.Rb1 (0:07)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: perhaps but white has already show he/she isnt in favor of sacing pieces no matter how small
Diboss(2074) whispers: didn't work...
Diboss(2074) whispers: c4 and d5 threatened here
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: to sac... Ne1-c2-a3 followed by Nxb5 and hope to promote A-pawn. just a joke 71...Kh6 (0:29)
milpat(1760) whispers: i just came back move 71! wow 72.R4b2 (0:53)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i see no progress here pawn pushes on either side
Diboss(2074) whispers: i really can't see anything either 72...Rd8 (0:13) 73.Ra2 (0:07)
Diboss(2074) whispers: and time isn't a factor anymore 73...Rde8 (0:04) 74.Qb2 (0:15)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: nope like i said earlier...with this time control if you waste moves you let the opponent gain time on the clock
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i forsee the 50 move rule coming into play at 113 i believe 74...Rd8 (1:38) 75.Ne5 (0:05) Rg8 (0:40)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: rybka finds some Nxg6 ideas in some lines
Aneirin(1813) whispers: as did FES :_) 76.Re1 (0:28)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: but nothing forced, +1 right now, but it doesnt seem to find anyhting concrete
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: choses random moves... human is better in that type of position
Aneirin(1813) whispers: yeah, been +1 ever since I started watching. 76...Rd8 (0:38) 77.Nd3 (0:12)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: what a sad bishop
fernbap(1682) whispers: what a sad game :P
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: it wants the queen on e2 77...Kg7 (1:43) 78.Nb4 (0:12) Qc8 (0:06) 79.Qe2 (0:13)
Diboss(2074) whispers: queen going to e5
Diboss(2074) whispers: but to do what 79...Kf7 (0:23)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: in some lines, Nxg6 80.Qe5 (0:21)
Aneirin(1813) whispers: he's had every piece on e5 now at some point :)
Diboss(2074) whispers: but how can the knight get to attack g6 if the queen's on e5
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: its just the square that give the queen the most room to play I guess 80...Bb7 (0:25)
Diboss(2074) whispers: and if the queen leaves e5, then black just claims it again 81.Rae2 (0:32)
Diboss(2074) whispers: I hope this doesn't turn into one of those 7 hour marathon games
Diboss(2074) whispers: does anyone know what the longest a TL game has gone on for? in terms of moves and/or time
fernbap(1682) whispers: hmm... c6 may become possible
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: here is an idea
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: ive seen TL games too long... almost 4 hours
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: King goes to b4 to defend a5,
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: 45 inc is too big
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: so other pieces can find other tasks 81...Bc6 (1:47)
gaelleg(2131) whispers: does w has to win for drawing the match?
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: lots of moves though,,, 50 move 82.Kg2 (0:35)
Aneirin(1813) whispers: 8 moves required to get there, he has to start moving a pawn to stay under the 50's soon :)
Gegitor(2221) whispers: now let's prepare g4 82...Bb7 (0:16)
Aneirin(1813) whispers: oh wait, there was a move only as little as about 20 moves ago.
Aneirin(1813) whispers: *pawn
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: yes, I mean if white was to play my idea of sending the king to b4
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Countdown runs: at move 113 game over! 83.Re3 (1:14)
Tohbie(1899) whispers: :)>-
milpat(1760) whispers: 61 half-moves until draw, it is right? 83...Bc6 (0:18)
Aneirin(1813) whispers: it's too boring for me, I'm out. cya. :)
DonCid(2214) whispers: what a boring game 84.R1e2 (0:12)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: I love these type of games
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Well, boring.. White needs a win to draw the match. So game running 84...Bb7 (0:29) 85.Nd3 (0:11)
Gegitor(2221) whispers: or something less drastic first
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: on move 112 he sacs c5 for square N and .... next hours
cobwebs(1715) whispers: pretty soon white is going to have 45 min on the clock!
salero(2025) whispers: Wow, the game is still in progress. After the opening i thought "This will be a short! one" Very well defended by FESfw! :) 85...Bc6 (1:23) 86.Ne1 (0:17)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: oh no, he cant even sac at c5 now
fernbap(1682) whispers: 27 moves to go
DonCid(2214) whispers: 86 moves
milpat(1760) whispers: Ng5... almost a plan?
DonCid(2214) whispers: what a boring game
DonCid(2214) whispers: this is a draw
Gegitor(2221) whispers: Qb8 seemed more accurate
DonCid(2214) whispers: a boring draw
matthiasg(2123) whispers: Nf3-Ng5 seems to be a serious threat
fernbap(1682) whispers: this was always a draw
Gegitor(2221) whispers: now I should be winning, finally
fernbap(1682) whispers: even if the engines say +1
Gegitor(2221) whispers: not that I didn't have that thought before :-)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: Qc7 forces a queentrade?
Plebusan(1832) whispers: or drops the a-pawn
cobwebs(1715) whispers: 86. ... Rdd7 87. Nf3 Qf8 88. Ng5+ Kg8 89. Nxe6 Qf7 90. Re1 Re8 91. Kh2 Qh7 92. R3e2 Qh8 93. Kg1 Qxe5 94. Rxe5
DonCid(2214) whispers: yes it forces
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: computer lines are irrlevant here
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Qc7 drops e-pawn for black after trading. but Qb8 works with same Idea!
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: unless it finds a sac somewhere
cobwebs(1715) whispers: not exactly....
matthiasg(2123) whispers: Qb8 Nf3
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: the advanatge did grow here
cobwebs(1715) whispers: 1.87 +- .20 across all nodes
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: 1.75 now
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: 2.4 here
cobwebs(1715) whispers: oh no time!! 86...Bd7 (3:58)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Rf8 Nf3 Kg8 Qd6 Rd7 Qxe6!
salero(2025) whispers: after Qb8, what about Nf3?
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Nf3
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: +2.5 87.Nf3 (0:23)
fernbap(1682) whispers: black should have played qc7 or b8
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Kg8 Qd6 +2.73
fernbap(1682) whispers: now he's late 87...Rf8 (0:39)
Diboss(2074) whispers: ahh
Diboss(2074) whispers: he was doing so well
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: yes, no re-coordinations of pieces. also understimated Nf3-threat.
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: :(
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Qd6
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: 2.85...
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: Hi all. What number's are this? Rybka evals?
Plebusan(1832) whispers: lol @ the guys who just left because the game was to boring :) 88.Qd6 (1:29)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: eval is at +3.1 now
fernbap(1682) whispers: the gamew was boring. But black blundered
cobwebs(1715) whispers: 88. ... Rfe8 89. c6 Bxc6 90. Qxc6 Qxc6 91. Ne5+ Kf6 92. Nxc6 Rd7 93. Ne5 Rc7 94. Kf3 Kg7
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: I still dont quite see why though
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: You don't need Rybka here I hope. ;) 88...Rd8 (0:52)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: compounded bad moves heh
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Ng5..
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: +5
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: +6
cobwebs(1715) whispers: black did such a good job defending the position then gave it away..should have accepted it was a draw position and held firm
Plebusan(1832) whispers: d5 is falling
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: It's easy talking about bad moves in a bad position under time pressure.
Plebusan(1832) whispers: I mean e6 is falling
cobwebs(1715) whispers: he wasnt under time pressure when the game was at a drawn position...
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: Just went through the game. A hard battle. Good fight from black, even if he loses.
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: alrioght I see
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Ng5 Kf8 then c6! and if Qxc6 Nxe6 and if Bxc6 then Nxe6 too
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: c6 is the point 89.Ne5+ (3:36) Kf6 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Nxg6
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Nxg6 here... +3
cobwebs(1715) whispers: yes!
cobwebs(1715) whispers: i sure hope he sees it!
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: he did miss the most crushing path though
fernbap(1682) whispers: at this point he must be seeing all kinds of ghosts
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Nxg6 is simple enough
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: if Kxg6 Qxe7..
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: But where is the mistake from black? In the part of game after 63.Bxd5... Dont know!
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: allowing the queen to enter d6 I guess
cobwebs(1715) whispers: more like Nxg6 Rg7
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: but then h5 will be weak cob
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: Hi Funkmaus - I feell this was a lost position with the night against the bishop.
cobwebs(1715) whispers: its a free pawn for sure
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: 1 free pawn and also ruins pawn structure
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: he is just making sure thee is nothing better I guess
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Yeah, same feeling here! @ deion: was no way to avoid Q enter there, even was possible to trade Q on e5, where different recaptures give N squares for a promising position! 90.Nxd7+ (4:10)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: !!!!! WHAT!!
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: well thats another way to get a pawn
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Well... xa6 also good enough 90...Qxd7 (0:42) 91.Qxa6 (0:05)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: what a bad move compared to the other 91...Rb8 (0:32)
salero(2025) whispers: its not bad
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: a simple way to win is always better then a quicker complicated way to win for humans
cobwebs(1715) whispers: compared to the Nxg6? was his rooks have an easier time gaining play..of course black is still technically lost if white plays sharp
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: the real crushing maneuver was Ng5 instead of Ne5 and then pushing c6
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Gamestart: 10:00 Servertime. Now we have 13:38. And you want white to find all right moves?! And black not to blunder in difficult position..
salero(2025) whispers: the postion is still won and the task for black still dificult
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: Everyone complaining - using no engine aid: What is the line after 90.Nxg6 Be8? Think it out and test it against the engine - after working.
cobwebs(1715) whispers: task for white is complicated also
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Qxe7 Hap
Leader(2004) whispers: i would just put both white rooks on the bfile and it should be relatively easy win 92.c6 (4:43)
LeifPetersen(1457) whispers: looks to me like white's queen might get trapped 92...Qc7 (0:36) 93.Rb2 (0:13) Qa7 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: not trapped, but traded! All rook endings are drawn ;)
salero(2025) whispers: and still a good fight by fesfw! :)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: my comp sees Rxe6! But thats not easy to spot I guess
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: No - all rook endings with an uneven plus of pawns are drawn. ;)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: Rxe6 Kxe6 and c7+
cobwebs(1715) whispers: question for hapero, what was the point of Nxg6 Be8? that leads to mate for black... 94.Rxe6+ (2:04)
gaelleg(2131) whispers: i learned that at your own games, funkmaus, i expect double rook ending are drawing easier
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: ok 1-0
Plebusan(1832) whispers: nice, he found it 94...Kxe6 (0:49) 95.c7+ (0:12) Qxa6 (0:02) 96.cxb8=Q (0:01)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: if you mean my last game against technika - the draw there was very lucky. Analyzed ending, he had 4 times easy win 96...Kf7 (0:15)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: time to trade queens
Plebusan(1832) whispers: perhaps not over yet
salero(2025) whispers: was instead kxe6 kf7 not better, with the idea Rxe7 Qxe7 and some threats on e4 for black? 97.Qxb5 (1:37)
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: why not over?! QXP QxQ RxQ 2 pawns up, active rook. and Rc7 Rc5.... 97...Qe6 (0:27)
Plebusan(1832) whispers: trading queens would be over 98.Kh2 (0:14)
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: @ cobwebs: think so too.
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: woooo, look: Safety first! dont wanted be checked!
cobwebs(1715) whispers: yes, it is made under the moves you suggested...
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: its over in any case here
cobwebs(1715) whispers: yep yep its a wrap
Gegitor(2221) whispers: and here we go again...
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: Still drawing chances.
fernbap(1682) whispers: i would have played kf2 preparing qe2 or re2
fernbap(1682) whispers: or perhaps not
cobwebs(1715) whispers: hapero how do you figure? this is a win
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: drawing hope... but chances? a-pawn push makes black pieces stay passive
HaPeRo(2163) whispers: yes - but white must be careful still. 98...Kg7 (3:23)
salero(2025) whispers: but where is an active idea for white?
salero(2025) whispers: *black, sry
fernbap(1682) whispers: a6 abd even qb7 99.a6 (0:52)
deionsandersson(2022) whispers: Qe1 maybe
cobwebs(1715) whispers: hapero: 91. Qxe7+ Kxg6 92. Rxe6+ Qxe6 93. Rxe6# no way around it....
salero(2025) whispers: the point e2 is safe 99...Qc8 (0:55)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: qc5! 100.Qc5 (1:03)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: yes!
salero(2025) whispers: qe8
fernbap(1682) whispers: nice. qc5 rc7 qxr 100...Rc7 (0:15)
Gegitor(2221) whispers: Rc7 pleeeeease
Gegitor(2221) whispers: :-)
fernbap(1682) whispers: :)
cobwebs(1715) whispers: no
muwwatalli(1914) whispers: qxc7
Plebusan(1832) whispers: oh, QxR! very good
cobwebs(1715) whispers: qxc7!
BlindRobot(2176) whispers: wow these guys still playing
cobwebs(1715) whispers: haha blunder!
Funkmaus(2238) whispers: Good Game! 101.Rb7 (0:32) FESfW resigns 1-0
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cobwebs (2010-01-27): entertaining game! better yet 101. Qxc7+, not like it matters both moves are a win!