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shakazahn(2000) vs. jetix(1949) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-01-15

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:04) 3.Bc4 (0:04) Bc5 (0:02) 4.b4 (0:01) Bxb4 (0:03) 5.c3 (0:01) Bc5 (0:00)
xombie(1940) whispers: the complicator vs the kid
CarlosKerber(1625) whispers: hello friends...
6.d4 (0:27)
xombie(1940) whispers: seems that people have stopped playing the ruy
milpat(1772) whispers: hey!
xombie(1940) whispers: hullo
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: hi carlos :)
milijonas(1835) whispers: hi everyone
milpat(1772) whispers: that is promising to be good fight! :)
CarlosKerber(1625) whispers: William :)
milpat(1772) whispers: go SHAK!
xombie(1940) whispers: with shaka we are sure to expect an interesting game
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: shaka king of the zulus
Calabrese(2077) whispers: exd4 , think in what?
milijonas(1835) whispers: why is he thinking here ?
xombie(1940) whispers: do you guys keep bonobos?
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: whats a bonobo?
6...Bd6 (3:04)
xombie(1940) whispers: it is a monkey that makes love, not war
milpat(1772) whispers: lol
xombie(1940) whispers: sorry i couldnt resist that :)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: :))
Calabrese(2077) whispers: ??
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: so what is it?
xombie(1940) whispers: nm
milijonas(1835) whispers: he already told you
Calabrese(2077) whispers: dxe5 Bxe5 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qd5 and you can imagin the rest
xombie(1940) whispers: might get ugly if we digress into monkey business
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: yes, im sure thats what a nonobos is
xombie(1940) whispers: hah
xombie(1940) whispers: whats this
milpat(1772) whispers: good line Cal
7.O-O (2:16)
xombie(1940) whispers: why do people play Bd6?
milijonas(1835) whispers: to keep whites pawns from the center play
Calabrese(2077) whispers: thanks pat , but ... isn't he attacker ? 0-0
xombie(1940) whispers: why not d6 then
xombie(1940) whispers: where does the QB go
7...Nf6 (0:58)
milpat(1772) whispers: he missed Bxf7 sac after dxe
8.Re1 (0:19)
milpat(1772) whispers: ..and Qd5! the cherry
xombie(1940) whispers: oops yeah
8...h6 (0:36)
milpat(1772) whispers: still possible?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: no
Calabrese(2077) whispers: no Qd5 anymore
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bd5 now
xombie(1940) whispers: or PxP
xombie(1940) whispers: there has to be something for white here
Calabrese(2077) whispers: dxe5 Bxe5 and black position improved
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bd5 attack the knight at c6 and allow the fork dxe5
xombie(1940) whispers: he'd kill but for the Nf6
Calabrese(2077) whispers: if Bd5 Nxd5 then exd5 follow by dxe5 and black's center gone
xombie(1940) whispers: so two choices here
xombie(1940) whispers: neednt take
xombie(1940) whispers: though ...
xombie(1940) whispers: one plan is Nh4-f5
xombie(1940) whispers: with sac chances on h6
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes better is Bd5 Nh7
xombie(1940) whispers: yes
xombie(1940) whispers: no then NxP
xombie(1940) whispers: PxP NxP NxN BxN Qh5
xombie(1940) whispers: wonder if it amounts to anything
ShakaZahn(2000) whispers: this is 1 tempo ahead of book because the bishop didn't move to d6 right away, but I don't see any immediate ways to take advantage
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: Shaka sure likes his gambits
xombie(1940) whispers: but perhaps black has to be very careful making non developing moves
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Nh4 0-0 Nf5 Be7 Qf3 d6
xombie(1940) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: Bd6 is an interesting idea
xombie(1940) whispers: and then maybe Bxh6
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: protects the a3-f8 diagonal as well as e5
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: but its a bit awkward
Calabrese(2077) whispers: still say Bd5
xombie(1940) whispers: i d be licking my lips as white
xombie(1940) whispers: another idea is f4
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: I dunno...
xombie(1940) whispers: because black cant take on f4
xombie(1940) whispers: or even Nxe5 here
xombie(1940) whispers: Nxe5 NxN BxN f4
xombie(1940) whispers: then maybe Bxf4 Bxf4 d6 or 0-0
milijonas(1835) whispers: he would take with bishop after Nxe5
9.Na3 (11:41)
xombie(1940) whispers: h6 looks rather inviting
xombie(1940) whispers: after 0-0
milijonas(1835) whispers: now black could trade bishop for a knight and get developed
xombie(1940) whispers: BxN BxB d6?
milijonas(1835) whispers: but i dont think that would be good
xombie(1940) whispers: white has the e5 break
xombie(1940) whispers: he can maximize its effect
9...a6 (1:35)
xombie(1940) whispers: say, BxN BxB d6 Qb3 0-0 Rd1
Calabrese(2077) whispers: better to castle
xombie(1940) whispers: another non-developing move
xombie(1940) whispers: white has to strike soon
Calabrese(2077) whispers: the center will be destroy any time and king must be save
milijonas(1835) whispers: h6 a6 i dont know why :)
10.Bd3 (0:43)
xombie(1940) whispers: whats this
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bd5 !!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: i think your friend is positional not attacker
xombie(1940) whispers: black is in trouble
xombie(1940) whispers: eh
Calabrese(2077) whispers: b5 by black now
xombie(1940) whispers: yes
xombie(1940) whispers: b5 c4 Bb7 c4
xombie(1940) whispers: c5*
10...O-O (2:09) 11.Nc4 (0:14)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: b5 c4 Bb4 !
Calabrese(2077) whispers: not Bb7
xombie(1940) whispers: pawn gain?
xombie(1940) whispers: fork
xombie(1940) whispers: b5 now maybe
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: the desireable qe7 fails to nh4!
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: white has already good compensation for the pawn
xombie(1940) whispers: nice :)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: b5 is bad too
xombie(1940) whispers: may have been okay previous move
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: maybe re8 only move
xombie(1940) whispers: Nh4 even now
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: black is to move
xombie(1940) whispers: or NxP PxN Nh4
xombie(1940) whispers: after Re8
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re8 first
xombie(1940) whispers: Re8 NxP PxN d5 Na5 Nh4 closes center and preps further
Calabrese(2077) whispers: white attack the e5 pawn not the bishop
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: re8 nx cx d5!?
sangalla(1912) whispers: i think white has full compensation
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: why not Qe7 instead of Re8?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: qe7 nh4!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: after d5 Ne7
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: hmm, good point
xombie(1940) whispers: yes
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: idea of re8 is that nh4 can be aswered by bf8!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: yeah seems prudent
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Be7 also playable
sangalla(1912) whispers: yes, Be7
xombie(1940) whispers: at least it guards h4
Calabrese(2077) whispers: black will sac a pawn to improve his position
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: well, he is a pawn up
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: so maybe the right approach
xombie(1940) whispers: but after Be7 d5 Na7 Nxe5 tehres nothing
Calabrese(2077) whispers: but still say Re8 :)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: noo
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Be7 Nfxe5 Nxe5 dxe5 Nh7
Calabrese(2077) whispers: and imagin the rest :)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: does anybody know, if this bd6 is book?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: bd6 out off book
milijonas(1835) whispers: this one, no, but it is a book move
xombie(1940) whispers: i ve seen Bd3 from the white side
sangalla(1912) whispers: hehe
Calabrese(2077) whispers: book moves are exd4 or Bb6
milijonas(1835) whispers: in this game it was played one move later
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: maybe it is a modern treatment of the position
xombie(1940) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: this gambit has been in vogue lately
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: similar to the scotch
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: so maybe someone found this Bd6
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: i think there exists also a line with bd6
pchesso(1754) whispers: can black play b7-b5 here?
pchesso(1754) whispers: b5 Nxd6 cxd6 and c3 is weak
Calabrese(2077) whispers: noo
milijonas(1835) whispers: i play it, compiuter showed me how to defend from b4 :D
xombie(1940) whispers: haha
Calabrese(2077) whispers: b5 Ncxe5
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: white gets f5 there
milijonas(1835) whispers: *computer
Calabrese(2077) whispers: hey , white attack the e5 pawn not the bishop
xombie(1940) whispers: he could go either way
Calabrese(2077) whispers: this is the weak point in black camp
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: haha, I hadn't noticed that either
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: lol u guys are good
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: b5 ncxe5! bxe5 (forced) Nxe5 bb7 nxc6! bxc6 e5! nd5 qg4! and black faces a menacing k-side attack
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: i am also as good as my rating ;)
CarlosKerber(1625) whispers: i am overrated
Calabrese(2077) whispers: sure Sachin
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: rybka yeling for re8
Calabrese(2077) whispers: heheh and carlos too :p
CarlosKerber(1625) whispers: :)
milijonas(1835) whispers: i am overrated for some time :D
Calabrese(2077) whispers: my brain relay Re8 too :)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: jetix unleashed bd6 quite fast
xombie(1940) whispers: i find fruit a lot easier to understand than rybka
xombie(1940) whispers: always gives sound advice
xombie(1940) whispers: though rybka is always right :)
11...exd4 (14:46) 12.Nxd6 (0:05)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: you are talking to fruits? :D
milijonas(1835) whispers: why not e5 ?
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: lets have a tl where everyone has to play same initial 10 moves ;) then we can analyze
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: atm i will send pjs and rybkas
12...cxd6 (0:26)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: this better than e5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: cxd4 now
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: no e5 was betetr actually
13.cxd4 (0:29)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: or Ba3 !!
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: wow what was that pawn wall
sangalla(1912) whispers: triple pawn
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Ba3 first
sangalla(1912) whispers: funny
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: whiteis far better
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: e5! would have won a piece
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Ba3 dxc3 Bxd6 Re8 e5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: and black must find way to improve
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: although black would have gotten 3 pawns for it
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: d5 coming?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: b5 not d5
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: lol d5 is bad
Calabrese(2077) whispers: the bishop must come
pchesso(1754) whispers: i still like b5, Bb7 for black
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: probably d5 is black's best move
milpat(1772) whispers: does white have enough for the pawn sac here?
sangalla(1912) whispers: concur pchesso
Calabrese(2077) whispers: d5 then e5
sangalla(1912) whispers: yes milpat
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: d5!? e5 ne4 qb3! qa5! bxe4
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: d5 for white hehe
sangalla(1912) whispers: pair bishop plus better pawn structure
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: black cant play d5 :P
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: well, he can
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: d5 help blk with nice pawns
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: where does c bishop goes then
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: well the extra pawn is almost worthless, so its like white has the bishop-pair for nothing
Calabrese(2077) whispers: b5 help black with secure queen side that he can develop the rest of his army
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: d5 ! e5 ne4 qb3 qa5 bxe4
sangalla(1912) whispers: b5 d5?! ne5 is not too bad for black
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: ok so i am right when i asked d5 for white ?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: not Bxe4 in your variation
Calabrese(2077) whispers: what about Bf4 ??
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: b5?! qb3! is much better for white
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: maybe sachin, but knight at e5 seems cool for black
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: only move for black is d5!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: d5 ! e5 ne4 qb3 qa5 Bf4!
sangalla(1912) whispers: GS, i like the d4 e4 duo. why want to change it and give black a post for his N in the cneter?
sangalla(1912) whispers: (imho)
13...b5 (5:54)
pchesso(1754) whispers: Ne7 also makes sense
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yess b5 !!
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: now qb3 and black is glued down
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Qb3 Qb6!
14.Bb2 (0:56)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: or Bb7
pchesso(1754) whispers: black should consolidate after Bb7, Ne7-g6
sangalla(1912) whispers: white has a dangerous attack now
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re8 here and where is the attack ?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: d5! again
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: now d5 is scary
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: I would rather say that white has long-term compensation
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: bishops are good, blacks extra pawn is crippled
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: re8 d5! ne5 nd4! is better for white
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: and bb7 doesn't work now
14...Nb4 (2:58)
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: better not let that bishop be traded
smallblackcat(1951) whispers: so Bb1
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: d5!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bb1
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: by white now
Calabrese(2077) whispers: hehehe every move is d5 ??
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: d5 nxd3 qxd3 is much better for white
pchesso(1754) whispers: or Bf1 and later a4 ?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: is bad for white
xombie(1940) whispers: hmm
Calabrese(2077) whispers: white bishop is strong
Calabrese(2077) whispers: and hold the center
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: jp u watching this?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: and it aim at the king for attack
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bb1
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: the b-squared bishop will remain on the board and he wil be strong after d5
15.Bf1 (1:51)
pgg(1572) whispers: Black d5?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: well, bb1 or f1 are also ok
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re8
Calabrese(2077) whispers: black must stop the e5 advance
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: now d5 is bad
Calabrese(2077) whispers: that supported by the bishop
xombie(1940) whispers: the light diagonal is open
xombie(1940) whispers: he had Bb1
xombie(1940) whispers: and a3
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: ...d5 e5! ne4 qb3! winning
xombie(1940) whispers: followed by e5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re8 again
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bb7 less effect
milijonas(1835) whispers: what about Ba3 for white in the next move ?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bb7 d5 and the diag closed
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: re8 d5! (threat a3) a5 a3 na6
xombie(1940) whispers: right
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: bb2
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: bb7 is bad
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: b7 i mean, sorrty bb7
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: bb7 d5! and black must face a3
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re8 d5 a5 a3 Na6 Qc2 Rb8
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: following nd4 nc5 nf5
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: with a big plus for white
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: ok boobs, my move was not good
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: :))
Calabrese(2077) whispers: :) can we play after the game the same opening Boobys
Calabrese(2077) whispers: liked your ideas
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: no, i dont' play evans
xombie(1940) whispers: boobs is a pure dutch guy
Calabrese(2077) whispers: ok any opening you choose in a 45 45 game ok ?
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: re8? whats his case?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: i am going to play later a tl-game
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: what time boobs?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: aha ok Sorry Boobys
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: 13.30 st
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: thats 11.30pm 4 me
milijonas(1835) whispers: me too
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: also for me ^^
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: why so late?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: or is it 10.30?
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: zulu which, timezone are you living in?
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: ROFL i am not alone
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: allien time zone
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: 1 or 2?
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: +10 in your winter
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: lol
15...Bb7 (9:04)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: zulu is living in another space-time-continuum
16.d5 (0:50)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: well, now white wins a pawn at least
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: huh? im 1 hour ahead of you boobs, i think
16...Re8 (0:33)
pchesso(1754) whispers: now white has already threat Qb3
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: a3!
pchesso(1754) whispers: Qb3 a5 Bxb5
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: u r in shermany right boobs :D
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: a3 wins a piece
pchesso(1754) whispers: oh yes, a3 even simpler
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: yes, zulu
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: :)) i know lol
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: 8-)>
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: you're are linving to my feet
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: what?, u got gout? too
Calabrese(2077) whispers: i will go Qb1
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: a3!!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Qb1!!!
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: white wins a piece!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Qb1 attack the f6 knight and discover attack the b4 knight
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Qb1 and black thread Bxf6
milijonas(1835) whispers: Qb1 is also good
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: qb1 a5! no piece win
Timelesss(1823) whispers: if a5 why not Bxb5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Qb1 a5 then Nd4
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: it is better for white stil, but why not eat the piece for free
milijonas(1835) whispers: he is saying that no piece win :)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: yes eat, thats my moto, eat, eat
Calabrese(2077) whispers: :) after Nd4 imagin the position mili
17.Bxf6 (4:34) Qxf6 (0:26)
milijonas(1835) whispers: they are tired probably
18.a3 (0:02)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: maybe he feared nxd5
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: obviously he did
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: but it is still winning
pchesso(1754) whispers: Bxd5 axb3 Bxe4 and at least black has a bit of the center
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Nxd5
milijonas(1835) whispers: Nc6
sangalla(1912) whispers: why not Nxd exd Rxe Qxe Bxd
Calabrese(2077) whispers: also playable
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: bxd5?! exd5!
18...Qc3 (2:29)
milijonas(1835) whispers: he would take with the knight
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re3
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: yes, re3!
Calabrese(2077) whispers: first time we agree :)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: black wanted to get a pawn
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: mmmm black getting deeper in the %@$!!!
milijonas(1835) whispers: Re3 qb2
milijonas(1835) whispers: oh
milijonas(1835) whispers: sorry
milijonas(1835) whispers: it doesnt work
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: come on jet, go go go
pgg(1572) whispers: re3 qc2?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re3 Qc2 axb4
pgg(1572) whispers: yep. hmm
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: jetix has always funny finger notes
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: not as funny as zulu's but nearly
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes zulu last note is funny :)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: ha ha, its like a self help diary, at least it usefull, i will copy his style
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: :)
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: zulu, what happend to your fingers?! :D
milpat(1772) whispers: lol zulu note 10
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: what?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: choped off?
pgg(1572) whispers: no he scoffed them
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: what u talking about boobs?
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: lol, i mada a big mistake "i typed f zulu" !
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: there is another zulu out there!
19.axb4 (7:01)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: seriously, im getting a little bald spot from playing and obseving chess, its become a bad habit, my wife and son are complaining, lol
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: hehe good one bL
19...Qxb4 (0:23)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: lol boobs
20.Qd4 (0:41)
pchesso(1754) whispers: there is only 1 Zulu God Etia out there
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: this other zulu wants to mock you !
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: godetia, a flower found in the high california mountains, and in eu
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: zinnia family
20...Qxd4 (2:57)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: wow thgank goodness the other zulu has gone,, he was a bit better than me
21.Nxd4 (0:02) g6 (0:14)
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: go shark go!
Boobyslegacy(2002) whispers: egregious!
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: black bishop must get on the page!
22.Nb3 (4:54) Rac8 (0:49) 23.Rac1 (0:48)
Leader(2006) whispers: this looks like a mistake
23...Rxc1 (1:02)
milpat(1772) whispers: yea RxR must retake with N
milijonas(1835) whispers: yes
milijonas(1835) whispers: loses a pawn
milpat(1772) whispers: oh take with N not good sorry
milijonas(1835) whispers: maybe white will recapture
milpat(1772) whispers: Nxc1 Bxd5
milijonas(1835) whispers: he will take with rook
WilkBardzoZly(1688) whispers: probably white should 22 f3 avoid this mess
realcoolhead(2002) whispers: Rac1 instead of Nb3 would be much better ...
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: wow, good move jet
Leader(2006) whispers: now maybe black can draw this
milijonas(1835) whispers: no
24.Nxc1 (1:35) Bxd5 (0:08)
milijonas(1835) whispers: now he can :D
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: wow again!
milpat(1772) whispers: Rac1 played fast
milijonas(1835) whispers: Rc1 was much better
25.Rd1 (0:45)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: GO JET go go goooooo >---->
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: mach 3
Leader(2006) whispers: he will have 3 pawns for the piece
25...Bxe4 (0:23)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: not Rd1
26.Rxd6 (0:17)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: better f3 or Bd3
26...Bc6 (0:45)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bc6 and they are equal now
Calabrese(2077) whispers: after white have the won
27.Nb3 (0:46)
NBZ(2048) whispers: white has a real fight if he is to win this
27...Kf8 (0:34)
Leader(2006) whispers: wasnt Re1 possible
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Re1 first
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes i think better
realcoolhead(2002) whispers: at least now it becomes an interesting end game :-)
realcoolhead(2002) whispers: Na5?
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: then Re6?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Na5 Ke7
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Rd1 i will go here
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: isn't f3 possible for white? Then the king can come in to play
Calabrese(2077) whispers: f3 Re5 Kf2 Ke7
Calabrese(2077) whispers: equal
WilkBardzoZly(1688) whispers: of coz f3 or Na5 (d4,c5) possible
realcoolhead(2002) whispers: f3 also limits bishop
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: although i have to admit rybka suggests Rd1 like Calabrese proposed
Calabrese(2077) whispers: f3 Re1 ! Kf2 Rb1
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yesss
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Rd1 first
Calabrese(2077) whispers: to stop Re1
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: Na5 then Re6?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Na5 then Ke7 attack the rook
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: well this is dangerous for white
28.Rd1 (6:34)
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: oh yes stupid me ;)
GreatSachin(1665) whispers: go shark go
realcoolhead(2002) whispers: I said Na5 first :-(
Calabrese(2077) whispers: no sugguest for black ?
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: activiting the rook
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: activating
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes but where
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: like Re5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: i like Rc8 or Ra8
Calabrese(2077) whispers: putting the rook behind the pawns
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: true, Ra8 is superior
Calabrese(2077) whispers: and allow the d pawn to advance
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: strong thinking Calabrese
Calabrese(2077) whispers: it's Tarrasch not me :) put the rook behind the passed pawn
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: interesting position
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: the thing that worries me with Ra8 is Na5
Calabrese(2077) whispers: why ? black simply replay Ke7
28...Re5 (6:18)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: exchange the knight for the bishop help black to make 3 connected pawns
Calabrese(2077) whispers: baby queens as milpat name them
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: haha
wmahan(1909) whispers: haha
Aneirin(1799) whispers: that's such a good name.
29.Ra1 (1:37) Bb7 (0:15)
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: why not Ke7?
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: would have been a little stronger I think
milpat(1772) whispers: even a6 was attacked?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes Ke7 i like it
30.f4 (1:07)
milpat(1772) whispers: Re3?
Aneirin(1799) whispers: Re3 Nc5 ?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: yes
milpat(1772) whispers: oh
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Rf5 or Rd5
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: Rook to d5 i prefer
30...Rd5 (1:32) 31.Be2 (0:09)
WilkBardzoZly(1688) whispers: after rd5 g3 seems strong
31...Rd6 (0:06)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: after Rd5 Na5 Ba8 Rc1
32.Nc5 (2:18) Bc8 (0:08)
WilkBardzoZly(1688) whispers: Bb5 works?
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Bf3 now
Calabrese(2077) whispers: tack the control of the diagonal back
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: then black shoud play Rb6 i suggest
WilkBardzoZly(1688) whispers: bf3 prevent rc6 so probably best
33.Kf2 (3:57)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: too passive
Calabrese(2077) whispers: Rc6 now
milpat(1772) whispers: oh, hello Torwak man!
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: here Rc6 is indeed very strong
Chessstyles(1869) whispers: in the case of Bf3 instead of Kf2 i would have played Rb6
33...Ke7 (2:04)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: again Bf3 black didn't accept the gift :)
zulugodetia(1542) whispers: go jet go go gooooo
34.Bf3 (1:51) f5 (0:43) 35.Ke3 (1:17) Kf6 (2:23)
Calabrese(2077) whispers: the king must go to queen side not king side
36.g3 (1:56) Rb6 (0:20) 37.Kd4 (1:44) d6 (1:00) 38.Nd3 (0:10) b4 (0:33) 39.Bd5 (0:53) Be6 (2:06) 40.Bxe6 (1:52) Kxe6 (0:02) 41.Kc4 (0:01) b3 (1:14) 42.Re1+ (0:04) Kd7 (0:09) 43.Rb1 (0:51) Ke6 (0:56) 44.Nc1 (1:13) Rc6+ (1:40)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: cool
Aneirin(1799) whispers: jetix displaying some creativity here :)
onomatopeia(1323) whispers: yes that was a good one
45.Kd3 (0:44)
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: why not Kxb3?
Aneirin(1799) whispers: I think white doesn't want the rooks traded
xombie(1940) whispers: hello all
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: it seems ok for white
Aneirin(1799) whispers: that might give black time to eat all the Kside pawns whilst white is chasing after the baby queens
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: hehe
45...b2 (1:20)
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: baby queens :D aneirin is also creative
Aneirin(1799) whispers: stole it shamelessly.
46.Nb3 (0:41)
xombie(1940) whispers: just a matter of now
onomatopeia(1323) whispers: why not Rxc1?
Aneirin(1799) whispers: N was hanging
xombie(1940) whispers: pawns are blockaded and will fall like loose teeth
46...Rb6 (0:33)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: oh
47.Rxb2 (0:08) Kf6 (0:04) 48.Kc3 (0:44) Rc6+ (0:21) 49.Kd4 (0:21) Rb6 (0:32)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: nice plan by black here
Aneirin(1799) whispers: at least I think it's nice
xombie(1940) whispers: he can labor on
50.Kd5 (0:56)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: a5 now, I guess
xombie(1940) whispers: this is not very nice by white though
xombie(1940) whispers: whats the point
50...g5 (0:25)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: or that
51.Rb1 (0:13)
xombie(1940) whispers: okay this
51...gxf4 (0:07) 52.gxf4 (0:02)
xombie(1940) whispers: blockade with h5
xombie(1940) whispers: h4
xombie(1940) whispers: and trade
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: still white wins , black has to trade all the pawns to get draw :)
52...Rxb3 (0:17)
Aneirin(1799) whispers: wow, what
53.Rxb3 (0:07)
muwwatalli(1882) whispers: O.O
Aneirin(1799) whispers: now it seems over
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: no,before this funny exchange was 0.9
xombie(1940) whispers: thats good enough
Aneirin(1799) whispers: I know, I thought black still had odds to hold
Aneirin(1799) whispers: now he doesn't.
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: surely he had
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: he just had to trade all the pawns
Aneirin(1799) whispers: yeah, I thought so too
DisasterMaster(1951) whispers: knight cant win, can only lose
Aneirin(1799) whispers: but trading them was easier said than done :)
jetix resigns 1-0


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