1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:05)Nc6(0:18) 3.Bb5(0:15)a6(0:02) 4.Ba4(0:03)b5(0:04) 5.Bb3(0:16)Nf6(0:12) 6.O-O(1:02)Be7(0:14) 7.Re1(0:21)O-O(0:46) 8.c3(0:32)Re8(0:53) 9.d4(1:48)d6(0:50) 10.h3(0:47)Bb7(1:16) 11.d5(1:06)Na5(0:14) 12.Bc2(0:05)c6(0:26) 13.dxc6(3:25)Bxc6(0:34) 14.Bg5(1:05)Rc8(1:56) 15.Nbd2(1:14)Bb7(1:59) 16.a4(5:07)Bc6(2:05) 17.b4(3:58)Nb7(1:23) 18.a5(1:27)Nd7(3:01) 19.Bxe7(1:36)Qxe7(0:12) 20.Rc1(0:12)Nf6(1:32) 21.Nf1(0:34)Rcd8(1:49) 22.Qe2(5:28)d5(2:05) 23.Ng3(0:48)d4(1:57) 24.cxd4(3:43)
bigwienke(1829) whispers: i think white has some advantage here xombie(1867) whispers: what is this, a KP opening?
xombie(1867) whispers: okay time to go home bigwienke(1829) whispers: its a ruy bigwienke(1829) whispers: NxP i guess now xombie(1867) whispers: it appears that the lost pawn is not wholly of any consequence
xombie(1867) whispers: i like Pd5 bigwienke(1829) whispers: i dunno, blacks queenside pawsn could become a pain now bigwienke(1829) whispers: since whites central pawns arent mobile xombie(1867) whispers: immobile and blockaded xombie(1867) whispers: Nd6 say
xombie(1867) whispers: maytbe you were right bigwienke(1829) whispers: ha so why did you prefer d5 bigwienke(1829) whispers: NxP NxP NxB NxN is what i though bigwienke(1829) whispers: t xombie(1867) whispers: dunno thought it reduces black's mobility bigwienke(1829) whispers: well maybe its not bad for white, i just would have preferred NxP bigwienke(1829) whispers: it all depends on if black can make his pawns useful or not xombie(1867) whispers: white doesnt have any kingside attack either xombie(1867) whispers: the only move i can see is Nf5 which is not all that great bigwienke(1829) whispers: no the bishop is blocked xombie(1867) whispers: yeah bigwienke(1829) whispers: well it makes sense to consider Ra1 too bigwienke(1829) whispers: i think that if Ral NxP Reb1 the knight could be in trouble
bigwienke(1829) whispers: but actaully white cant play Rb3 there so maybe its ok xombie(1867) whispers: what now ? xombie(1867) whispers: QxQ NxQ NxP Ra1 bigwienke(1829) whispers: no this is fine too i think xombie(1867) whispers: i mean if QxP bigwienke(1829) whispers: ah yes xombie(1867) whispers: black is two pawns up on queenside xombie(1867) whispers: with no real compensation for white bigwienke(1829) whispers: no QxP QxQ NxQ Ra1 bigwienke(1829) whispers: gets teh pawn bac bigwienke(1829) whispers: k xombie(1867) whispers: ah same bigwienke(1829) whispers: and maybe b pawn becuase weak bigwienke(1829) whispers: its always hard to judge ahead fo time, but easy after the game :) xombie(1867) whispers: lol bigwienke(1829) whispers: especially those isolated passers bigwienke(1829) whispers: they can be strong or weak gaelleg(2018) whispers: hum, blacks can exchange now and take the a5 pawn xombie(1867) whispers: maybe simply now QxQ NxQ Nd6
26...Qxa5(2:19) 27.Qxa5(0:06)
gaelleg(2018) whispers: N x a5 xombie(1867) whispers: actually this seems fine too for black xombie(1867) whispers: hello gael
27...Nxa5(0:23) 28.Ra1(0:03)
gaelleg(2018) whispers: hi xombie xombie(1867) whispers: after Nc4 gaelleg(2018) whispers: it s not the same gaelleg(2018) whispers: and the trait has changed xombie(1867) whispers: you mean the postiion
gaelleg(2018) whispers: the player who had to play gaelleg(2018) whispers: Rook has to take , if not the two pawns together are too strong
gaelleg(2018) whispers: for black rooks in b above the pawn and c and a N to block the pawn gaelleg(2018) whispers: seems this move give the way to a good move for the w, the rook has nothing to do here now xombie(1867) whispers: agreed xombie(1867) whispers: white's rook has improved considerably over the last three moves xombie(1867) whispers: not the same with black
bigwienke(1829) whispers: i wonder if Ra8 makes sense bigwienke(1829) whispers: i think it would have been stronger xombie(1867) whispers: that might invite rook exchantge bigwienke(1829) whispers: but tahts no problem i dont think xombie(1867) whispers: well black has Bb7 evern now gaelleg(2018) whispers: this rook would be better with the other xombie(1867) whispers: yes xombie(1867) whispers: Ra8 Bb7 xombie(1867) whispers: but Ra7 looked fine too gaelleg(2018) whispers: not in b7 because it cut the line for the rook, in d7 is better i think
gaelleg(2018) whispers: if Bb7 then Rc5 and w are well
gaelleg(2018) whispers: back to a6 gaelleg(2018) whispers: in c7 seems to be good but lonely
gaelleg(2018) whispers: rook in b1 against the pawn gaelleg(2018) whispers: bt black can take also the open column a
YLN(1541) whispers: Oh! Hello everybody !
32...Rb8(1:46) 33.Rb1(1:51)Kf8(3:02) 34.Nd2(2:17)Rec8(2:16) 35.Rxc8+(3:04)Nxc8(1:17) 36.Nf3(2:21)b4(2:41) 37.Nxe5(0:28)Ba4(2:23) 38.Bc4(1:39)Nd6(1:07) 39.Bb3(0:34)Bb5(2:10) 40.f3(1:15)Rb7(1:32) 41.Rc1(1:13)Ra7(2:57) 42.Rb1(1:27)Rb7(0:20)
bigwienke(1829) whispers: Nc6 here i think to get those pawns moving
43.Nf1(1:25)Nfe8(2:07) 44.Ne3(0:34)Rc7(1:03) 45.Kh2(0:56)Re7(0:31) 46.N5c4(1:07)Ra7(1:17) 47.Nxd6(1:07)Nxd6(0:35) 48.Nc2(0:17)Bd3(1:00) 49.Rb2(0:32)
xombie(1856) whispers: go YLN!
gaelleg(2018) whispers: N x b4 and it s over
50.Nxb4(1:27)Bb5(1:57) 51.Rc2(1:10)
gaelleg(2018) whispers: e5....
51...Rb7(0:38) 52.Rb2(1:51)Ke8(2:18) 53.Ba2(1:33)Ba4(0:57)
bigwienke(1829) whispers: when is YLN going to play e5 and d6
bigwienke(1829) whispers: he seems to intent on trying to trade pieces gaelleg(2018) whispers: e5 d6 or Nf6 with a pawn to push xombie(1856) whispers: thats not a bad thing in gen
xombie(1856) whispers: as long as his pawns are good he's not losing xombie(1856) whispers: BxN?
gaelleg(2018) whispers: Rb4 and nothing more for b
gaelleg(2018) whispers: but b4 was good for N to go to c6
56...Rb6(0:36) 57.Rb4(0:59)Ke7(1:27) 58.Bd3(0:36)
gaelleg(2018) whispers: yes!
58...Nd6(0:31) 59.Bxb5(0:11)
gaelleg(2018) whispers: Kd6 was interesting for b
bigwienke(1829) whispers: i thought it traded off all the pieces
bigwienke(1829) whispers: though hes lost in either case
60...Kd8(1:13) 61.f4(0:43)Kc7(0:47) 62.Na4(0:56)Rb8(0:27) 63.d6+(0:19)Kc6(1:07)
bigwienke(1829) whispers: Nc3 now wins immediatley
64.Rb1(1:24)Ra8(0:59) 65.Rc1+(0:45)Kb7(2:01) 66.Nc5+(0:05)Kb6(1:57) 67.f5(1:50)Nd4(0:39) 68.e6(1:43)Nxf5(2:54) 69.exf7(0:04)Nxd6(0:07) 70.f8=Q(0:05)Rxf8(1:07) 71.Nd7+(0:03)Kb7(0:07) 72.Nxf8(0:02)h6(0:17) 73.g4(0:13)Nf7(0:10) 74.Ne6(0:16)g6(0:06) 75.h4(0:05)Ne5(0:06) 76.Kg3(0:30)Nd3(0:41) 77.Rc3(0:33)Ne5(0:39) 78.Nf4(0:12)Kb6(0:30) 79.Ne6(0:57)Nf7(0:51) 80.Kf4(0:24)Nd6(0:32) 81.Ke5(0:20)Nb5(1:02) 82.Rc1(0:36)Ka5(0:55) 83.Kf6(0:09)Nd6(0:20) 84.Kxg6(0:12)Berkshires resigns 1-0
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