1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:10)e6(0:02) 3.d3(0:12)a6(0:09) 4.g3(0:13)b5(0:06) 5.Bg2(0:39)Bb7(0:05) 6.c3(1:29)d5(1:10) 7.exd5(1:08)Bxd5(0:23) 8.O-O(0:03)Nf6(0:07) 9.a4(0:29)
deionsandersson(2098) whispers: trying to open everything up deionsandersson(2098) whispers: black is underdevelopped a little Diboss(2035) whispers: yeah, at least 2 moves for him to castle
9...Nbd7(4:31) 10.Na3(1:50)
Diboss(2035) whispers: so Be7 seems good here Diboss(2035) whispers: we have an interesting pawn structure, but black would have a fairly solid position
Diboss(2035) whispers: weird move...the bishop is undefended for one, doing something uncessary as well Diboss(2035) whispers: 3 of his 10 moves with his bishop too
Diboss(2035) whispers: maybe clearing the way for Nd5 at some point Funkmaus(2260) whispers: maybe he wants xa4 and play against b2
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: yes, and after that b5 covered cytrus(1962) whispers: go deion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12.Bf4(0:39)Be7(0:58) 13.d4(1:16)O-O(0:16)
Diboss(2035) whispers: hey Funkmaus :)
Diboss(2035) whispers: hhm, is he threatening to win a pawn here? Diboss(2035) whispers: Rb8 Ne5 Diboss(2035) whispers: no, the knight can go to d5
14...Nd5(5:23) 15.Nxb5(2:45)Nxf4(0:36) 16.gxf4(0:03)Qb6(0:45)
deionsandersson(2098) whispers: I dont see how black can put any pressure on f4 pawn deionsandersson(2098) whispers: c4 or Na3? Diboss(2035) whispers: Na3 Diboss(2035) whispers: c4 looks like a lot of responsibility
Diboss(2035) whispers: the question now is whether black will give up his 2 bishops to get the doubled pawns
Diboss(2035) whispers: I like Ne5 here Diboss(2035) whispers: or dxc5 then Ne5 cytrus(1962) whispers: Nc3 Qxb2 QxQ Rxb2 d5 and Ra7 Diboss(2035) whispers: better cytrus(1962) whispers: but Nc3 cxd4 Diboss(2035) whispers: Ne5 didnt' really work Diboss(2035) whispers: then how about d5 first
Diboss(2035) whispers: bam!!! son! :) Diboss(2035) whispers: nice move Diboss(2035) whispers: good eye cytrus Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Whow! That s deions Style!! Diboss(2035) whispers: this could get messy if black's not careful Diboss(2035) whispers: Bxb5 for sure Diboss(2035) whispers: and cxb5 looks forced for white Diboss(2035) whispers: then Qxb5 Qxb5 Rxb5 dxe6 dxe6 cytrus(1962) whispers: f4 weaknes then Diboss. Diboss(2035) whispers: white has 2 pawns hanging cytrus(1962) whispers: but Bh3 possible then Diboss(2035) whispers: and Ng5 cytrus(1962) whispers: pretty complicated. Diboss(2035) whispers: yeah cytrus(1962) whispers: not that bad that d5 :)
18...Bxb5(4:27) 19.cxb5(0:03)Bf6(0:03)
deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Bxd5 or Bxb5 lead to the exact same position
cytrus(1962) whispers: de6 fe6 Ra6 cytrus(1962) whispers: geez I almost forgot! my game is comming :) Diboss(2035) whispers: Qxe6 Diboss(2035) whispers: lol
cytrus(1962) whispers: Ra6! Diboss(2035) whispers: I used to think deion and I had similar styles, but I've noticed that in his TL games he goes for really messy positions :) cytrus(1962) whispers: used to :P cytrus(1962) whispers: since he meet a ballerina he has changed :) Diboss(2035) whispers: Ra6 here really is brutal Diboss(2035) whispers: lol cytrus(1962) whispers: he is not a virgin anymore :P deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Ra6 Qzb5 Qxe6+ Kh8 gives me good activity Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Ra6 Qxb5 Qxe6+ Kh8 and black getz b2 cytrus(1962) whispers: Ra6 Qxb5 Qxe6 Kh8 Ra7 Diboss(2035) whispers: yeah, then Ne5 threatening a lot of things cytrus(1962) whispers: even Ng5 possible! deionsandersson(2098) whispers: or Ng5 putting pressure on e6 and Bxg5 fxg5 sovling my strucutural problems Diboss(2035) whispers: yeah, same ideas deionsandersson(2098) whispers: and activating the Bg2 cytrus(1962) whispers: I think deion has an +/- advantage Diboss(2035) whispers: and Bc6 also threatened Diboss(2035) whispers: winning the knight Diboss(2035) whispers: no, not true Diboss(2035) whispers: because the rook would be cut off, but later deionsandersson(2098) whispers: or Ne5 since Nxe5 fxe5 Bmove Bc6 looks not bad deionsandersson(2098) whispers: wide open position and I have the bishop pair Funkmaus(2260) whispers: maybe Rfd8 on Ra7 followed by Nf8 could defend against Funkmaus(2260) whispers: I think here about Rad1 or Bh3. Want take e6 with check only after Qxb5, to go Ra7 in one move
cytrus(1962) whispers: why not Ra6 1st ?
brigadoon(2086) whispers: lol cytrus(1962) whispers: why lol ? deionsandersson(2098) whispers: well, Nxe6 and I can just push f5 to defend it
23.Nxe6(2:38)Nf8(0:35) 24.f5(1:56)Kh8(1:43)
deionsandersson(2098) whispers: would Ra6 trap the queen? deionsandersson(2098) whispers: but my queen is hanging on e2,,
deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Bxb2 Ra6 1-0..
25...Nxe6(4:23) 26.fxe6(0:11)Bd4(0:01) 27.Ra6(0:27)Qc7(0:03) 28.Rfa1(1:25)g6(1:06)
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: maybe rook needet to defend f2. white is ignoring Qf4 Be5, Rf8 deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Ra8 and then how to avoid Rxa8 Qxa8 Ra8 1-0? deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Ra8 Kg7 Rab8 Qxb8 Ra8 Qf4 deionsandersson(2098) whispers: or perhaps Ra7 now, queen for 2 rooks in this position may be strong deionsandersson(2098) whispers: b4 looks ok too Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Ra8 RxR RxR+ Kg7 and how to avoid Qf4, Qxf2+, Qg1 mate without losing pawn e6? Funkmaus(2260) whispers: cause if Queen c4 goes to e2, Rxe6 possible deionsandersson(2098) whispers: but b4 Bxa1 lol deionsandersson(2098) whispers: yeah, swapping 2 rooks for the queen must be good in this position
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Qf4 now!! Rxe7? Bxf2+ 0-1 deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Qxa7 Rxa7 Rxa7 Qd5 threatens b6! Rxb6?? Qd8+ Kg7 Qxb6
Aneirin(1836) whispers: nice deionsandersson(2098) whispers: ok I see deionsandersson(2098) whispers: Rxe7 Bzf2+ .. cute
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: RxR RxR Rf8 is also cute deionsandersson(2098) whispers: only Qe2 defends b2, e6 and f2 deionsandersson(2098) whispers: now Rxa7 seem to be the only move to me Haldowan(1558) whispers: hi Funkmaus(2260) whispers: hi NakedNous(1711) whispers: Hi all NakedNous(1711) whispers: both players have nice Bishops! Haldowan(1558) whispers: hi NakedNous(1711) whispers: actually I prefer black's NakedNous(1711) whispers: :)
Twikki(2079) whispers: Rf8 looks cheap enough for my liking
cytrus(1962) whispers: Rf8 Ra8 Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Looks like the Idea was RxR RxR Qc1+ Kg2 Qg5 with perp or Rf8 for more
31...Rxa7(2:16) 32.Rxa7(0:05)Qc1+(0:08) 33.Kg2(0:04)
cytrus(1962) whispers: consider e7
Twikki(2079) whispers: black looks busted Funkmaus(2260) whispers: oh, yes good eye citrus! Are you not playing yourself now :p Aneirin(1836) whispers: hehe cytrus(1962) whispers: yes cytrus(1962) whispers: e7 now Kisch(1319) whispers: Ra8 Funkmaus(2260) whispers: e7 now leads to perp. no way to escape it with Kf1, Qe1 after Qc1+, cause Rxf2 killz there! Twikki(2079) whispers: rf7 Haldowan(1558) whispers: that's what i would play too Haldowan(1558) whispers: white's queen is liike... okay octopus time today she is holding 5 pawns Haldowan(1558) whispers: oh no 4 Aneirin(1836) whispers: quadropus o/ Haldowan(1558) whispers: (lol) deionsandersson(2098) whispers: hrmmm Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Rf7 is also perp or Q-trade and Rook-trade, where e6 pawn goes and it comes to diff.colours B endings Aneirin(1836) whispers: Bf3 then..? doesn't look so grand. Funkmaus(2260) whispers: uch, there is a B on c6 :D Twikki(2079) whispers: how does the e pawn fall? brigadoon(2086) whispers: I hope jones is playing his game better than I play mine... Funkmaus(2260) whispers: like that: Rf7 and after Qg5+ if escape perp. check Kf1 Qc1+ Qe1 Qxe1+ Kxe1 Rxf7 exf7+ Kxf7 Twikki(2079) whispers: k is on h8, ef isn't w/ check
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: haha, yes - lol! exf7+ Kg7 at the end, doesnt fall Funkmaus(2260) whispers: exf7+ again ;) Funkmaus(2260) whispers: lol
34...Qg5+(1:47) 35.Kf1(0:09)
Twikki(2079) whispers: this looks drawish... the opposite B endgame had winning chances
Kisch(1319) whispers: e6 e7 Kisch(1319) whispers: RXR +e6 e7
spendius(1813) whispers: crazy position :0 Twikki(2079) whispers: e7 looks winning spendius(1813) whispers: i think you are right ! Funkmaus(2260) whispers: perp is threatened. Qc1-Qg5, on Qe1 Rxf2
spendius(1813) whispers: Qd1 i guess
spendius(1813) whispers: or Kg7 ?!
38...Qg5+(0:08) 39.Kh1(0:02)
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: Sweet escape! :D
39...Qf4(3:02) 40.e7(1:24)Re8(0:04)
spendius(1813) whispers: Ra8 I think Twikki(2079) whispers: Bd5+ Kg7 Bc6 Be5 f3 Twikki(2079) whispers: bah, that drops the e pawn
spendius(1813) whispers: isn't Ra8 any good :-) spendius(1813) whispers: obviously not ! spendius(1813) whispers: bbut now maybe ..if Black runs out of checks
41...Qc1+(1:35) 42.Kg2(0:05)Qg5+(0:02) 43.Kh3(0:59)Kg7(0:39) 44.b6(0:14)Be5(1:29) 45.Qe3(1:37)
spendius(1813) whispers: this is so crazy :O someone tells me White is winning, my brain is suffering from overclocking ! Twikki(2079) whispers: Qxe3 fe Kf6 looks pretty drawish
45...Bf4(3:41) 46.Qc3+(0:10)Kf7(0:44) 47.Qc4+(0:43)Kf6(0:09)
Funkmaus(2260) whispers: oh dear, what a crazy position now! Was not following for a while. Both kings in danger whow!
48.Qc3+(1:40)Kf7(0:11) 49.Rd7(0:15)Qh6+(0:42) 50.Kg2(0:05)
Aneirin(1836) whispers: hm oops Aneirin(1836) whispers: the R falls? Fischeur(1936) whispers: over Funkmaus(2260) whispers: oh, yes Aneirin(1836) whispers: Qxh2+ Kf1 Qh3+
50...Qxh2+(0:49) 51.Kf1(0:05)Qh3+(0:02) 52.Ke2(0:36)Qxd7(0:37) 53.Qc4+(0:05)
spendius(1813) whispers: :-( NakedNous(1711) whispers: Bishop also falls :) Aneirin(1836) whispers: hehe
Aneirin(1836) whispers: doesn't :)deionsandersson resigns 0-1
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