cday(1913) vs. stonecastle(1956) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-11-13
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: carokann two knights. an opening full of traps! 3...Bg4 (0:31) 4.h3 (0:28) Bxf3 (0:09)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: for which side? 5.Qxf3 (0:07) Nf6 (0:07)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: for black. although SC knows what he's doing
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: for example, I recall that not taking that knight was a trap.
Plebusan(1807) whispers: by the way Ali, I am glad we dont meet this time. :) 6.e5 (3:15)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: :) I'm not. I enjoyed our game a lot!! :D
Plebusan(1807) whispers: yeah, you crushed me... 6...Nfd7 (0:58)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: e6 looks fun!
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: it wasn't like that. you played very well there. just one single oversight. although, I really thought that you shouldn't lose that tempo taking my knight with the queen. I remember that you were trying to defend your king side, although I had prepared for a queen side strike
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: e6 definitely looks fine to me! 7.d4 (3:47) e6 (0:08) 8.Bf4 (0:53)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: I would definitely sacrifice a pawn to take on f7 later, but people are different. I guess Cday enjoys a positional battle more.
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: hard to develope for black. needs to prepare c5 soon. Qb6 looks good to me 8...c5 (2:07)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: guess c5 worked without preparation 9.dxc5 (1:48) Bxc5 (0:11) 10.O-O-O (0:21)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: yeah seems so. 10...Nc6 (4:25) 11.Qg3 (0:08)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: now black has many plans. attacking the weak e5 pawn, Nc6 Rb8 and pawn storm on queen side, or Qb6 o-o and pressuring on f2
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Nc6 supports both plans A & B 11...Kf8 (3:10)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: slip?!
johnthegreat(0) whispers: i doubt it
johnthegreat(0) whispers: if o-o then bh6 and black's pos isnt good
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Hello everyone! Black looks safe^^
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: hi funkmaus. but H-rook is yet to be developed 12.Nxd5 (5:10)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: brave sac
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: but not good
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: there was no need for it
Twikki(2071) whispers: that sac falls way below my minimum cheapness threshhold
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: can you see a good continuation for white?
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: it isn't even cheap
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: just bad
Plebusan(1807) whispers: guess it was a "Tal-sacrifce"
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: okay. exN forced. Rxd5 Qe8 Bc4 with threats e6 and Rhd1. Looks not bad
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: my feeling says: defendable, but not easy
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: two pawn and bad king positon, maybe this was his intention
Twikki(2071) whispers: I could see some lines where e6 could generate some cheap play
Twikki(2071) whispers: but that knight was the only piece defending his king... way too risky 12...exd5 (7:00) 13.Rxd5 (0:01)
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: ex rx nb4 loses back another pawn 13...Nb4 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Btw. 7.e6!! was very good for white. It was Caro-Kann, and 5. Nf6 is a mistake. e6 there^^ 14.Rd1 (1:02)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Nxa2+ fails to Kb1 Nb4 c3 Nc6 Qg4
Plebusan(1807) whispers: tricky position
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: yes, probably balck should move the q away
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: black* 14...Qe7 (2:47) 15.Bc4 (4:54)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: wasn't Bb5 better?
Plebusan(1807) whispers: this defends a2
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Bb5 Nb6 a3
Twikki(2071) whispers: this is ok I guess, helps with the e6 push 15...Nb6 (3:29)
Twikki(2071) whispers: and Bg5 is also coming
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: bb3 a5 16.Bb3 (1:34)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Nc6-Na5 16...Nc6 (2:10)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: how about 17...Nd4 ?
Twikki(2071) whispers: white should probably play e6 here
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: after e6 no possible. e6 Nd4 Rxd4 Bxd4 Bd6 and 1-0 17.c3 (4:40)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Na5 possible on e6, thats why game-move!
Twikki(2071) whispers: c3 is not attacking chess :(
Plebusan(1807) whispers: 2nd time missed e6!
Plebusan(1807) whispers: it was good back on move 7 too probably
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: but what you do after 17.e6 Na5? where is attack
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: on move 7 very good
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Na5 now, and white may never be able to e6 again 17...a5 (3:43)
Twikki(2071) whispers: 17 e6 Na5 Rhe1 Nxb3 Qxb3
Twikki(2071) whispers: a4 18.Rhe1 (2:47)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: ;) right, twikki! no c3 needed!
Twikki(2071) whispers: a4 Rd8 Bg5 is funny :D
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: a4 Bc2 Nc4 with threat Ba3 is also funny now :D 18...a4 (1:32) 19.Bg5 (0:40)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: what the point let queen to c7? e6 Qxg3 19...Qc7 (1:07)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: tricky position. Nc4 Qb6 and black attacks, not white 20.Bc2 (2:36) Nc4 (2:55)
Twikki(2071) whispers: Nc4 Re4 N4xe5 Bf4 f6 Rxa4 Rxa4 Bxa4 21.Re4 (4:47) b5 (0:07) 22.Bf4 (1:28)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: I think CDay is planning e6
Plebusan(1807) whispers: :) 22...Qe7 (4:26)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: e6 go go go
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: 3rd time to go with it! :p
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: oh, f6 fails to Rd7. black has to take after e6 23.Bg5 (2:31) Qa7 (0:20)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: perhaps now e6? 24.Bf6 (0:35)
Twikki(2071) whispers: Bf6 :D
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: 4rd time. and now with win.
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: ha, whats that?
Twikki(2071) whispers: it's cute, if not good :D
Plebusan(1807) whispers: yeah, whats that?
CDay(1913) whispers: why sac one piece when you can sac 2
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: black could have been prevented e6 with Qe6 instead of Qa7...
Twikki(2071) whispers: the idea is gf ef and Qh4, but Rg8 seems fine here 24...gxf6 (1:23)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: whow, thats good! 25.exf6 (0:17) Rg8 (0:07)
Twikki(2071) whispers: that's risky as hell
Twikki(2071) whispers: Qh4 Rg6 Qxh7 looks winning
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: That killz 26.Qh4 (0:48)
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: 3:-O
Twikki(2071) whispers: if you can't play well, play cheap :P
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Boobys, we have to go thought this game - tommorow or someday - with others!
Twikki(2071) whispers: N4e5 26...Rg6 (3:32)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: m2 it looks like
Twikki(2071) whispers: a knight to e5 is forced soon
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: f4 is a killer if knight appears there
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: maybe it was really better to play it instead of Rg6
Twikki(2071) whispers: up 2 pieces, black can give one back
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: But attack stays, after Qxh7 there are already 4 pawns for a piece
Plebusan(1807) whispers: black has mate threats too, after a3
Twikki(2071) whispers: a3 b3 shouldn't be much for black
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: a3 b4; or Bb3. nothing threats there
Plebusan(1807) whispers: yeah, ok
Twikki(2071) whispers: Qxh7 looks forced
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: txg6?!
Plebusan(1807) whispers: I was thinking a3-axb2+ etc
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: qxh7 rxf6 qh8 27.Qxh7 (4:23)
Twikki(2071) whispers: he has to block the e file now
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: now Ne5 really forced.
johnthegreat(0) whispers: right 27...N6e5 (1:34)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: so f4
Twikki(2071) whispers: probably no difference between N4 and N6 to e5
bsdc(1579) whispers: f4 Be3+, then Bxf4.
Boobyslegacy(2028) whispers: the bravery of cday will pay off
Twikki(2071) whispers: oh... f4 Be3+ is cute
Plebusan(1807) whispers: well then just Kb1 and if Bxf4 Rxf4
Twikki(2071) whispers: was looking more at f4 Be3+ Kb1 Nd2+
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: why cute? f4 Be3+ Kb1 Bxf4 Rxf4 and Rg6 also hanging. Rg8 then, and Rfd4 killz
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: on Nd2+ C-Day gives the exchange :D
Twikki(2071) whispers: with the knight check line, fe and the B protects h6, and Rxe5 Bxf4 protects h6
Plebusan(1807) whispers: hehe, I was looking at that too, Nd2+ Rxd2
timmyab(1786) whispers: can anyone see a way through for white?
Twikki(2071) whispers: but there are lines where white intermezzos with Qh8+ Ke8 Qh6+ and Rxe5+
Plebusan(1807) whispers: its hard to calculate all the way to a win, but f4 should be possible to find
Twikki(2071) whispers: yeah, Re7+ at the end of that could be embarrassing
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: whow, yes twikki
Twikki(2071) whispers: ok, so I'm at f4 Be3+ Kb1 Nd2+ Rxd2 Bxd2 Qh8+ Rg8 Qh6+ Ke8 Rxe5+ Kd8 Qg8+ Kd7 Qxf7+ Kc6
Twikki(2071) whispers: and that's where my brain cries "No mas! No mas!"
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: no Qg8+ in your line, Queen is on h6
Twikki(2071) whispers: ok, so my brain gave up earlier than that :P
bsdc(1579) whispers: Qh8+ Rg8 Qh6+ Ke8, then f4?
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: i only see 4 pawns for the rook after Kd8. my brain gives that also up
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: they have to play something, the lines we calculate here are too long
freefal(1460) whispers: don't have an engine so this is probably way off, but is there a good refutation of Rh4?
johnthegreat(0) whispers: what does that threaten?
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Rh4 is easy. Rxf6 and looks all safe again
Twikki(2071) whispers: Rd5 might be good here
freefal(1460) whispers: @Funkmaus good point, thanks
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: no, Rd5 Rxf6
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: all where Rxf6 possible is safe
Twikki(2071) whispers: wait, what about Rxe5 Nxe5 Bxg6 fxg6
Plebusan(1807) whispers: he needs to play something soon
johnthegreat(0) whispers: i think cday needs his black bishop right now
Twikki(2071) whispers: at least a perpet there with Qh8+ & Qg7+
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: where Rxg6? I play Rxf6 at Rd5
Twikki(2071) whispers: different line... Rxe5 here
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: oh, my bad
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: yes 28.Rxe5 (14:21)
Twikki(2071) whispers: not fond of trading off pieces when I'm attacking though... I would probably play f4
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: but still: fxg6 opens up a defender Qh7!
johnthegreat(0) whispers: that was an interesting move
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: He goes with you... and sorry to say it, to me looks wrong
Twikki(2071) whispers: this is more likely to dissolve into a weird draw than the f4 line 28...Nxe5 (1:06) 29.Bxg6 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Nxg6 Re1 kills
johnthegreat(0) whispers: nx then re1 maybe?
johnthegreat(0) whispers: yeah thought so 29...fxg6 (1:01)
Twikki(2071) whispers: fg is forced unless he wants to try Be3+
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: nothing more.. Qh8 Kf7 Qg7+ Ke6 - all safe, no?
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: :(
Twikki(2071) whispers: Rd7 is so stupid I have to look at it :P
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: White had to win this game, not beeing attack like that
johnthegreat(0) whispers: black looks so screwed right now
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Again a tribute to defence, but nothing to be happy about
Twikki(2071) whispers: Qh6+ is more likely
Twikki(2071) whispers: sac the f pawn for open lines
johnthegreat(0) whispers: qh8 kf7 qg7 ke8 qg8 bf8 qe6+
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Qh6+ Kg8 Rd5 Bf8! 30.Rd8+ (2:08)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: oops 30...Rxd8 (0:22)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: wait was that a good move or bad move? 31.Qh8+ (0:01)
Twikki(2071) whispers: looks like a bad move
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: no, Queen was defended by B 31...Kf7 (0:09) 32.Qxd8 (0:01)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: oh thats not bad 32...Qd7 (0:12)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: but he's 2 pieces down not good
Twikki(2071) whispers: Qd7 finishes 33.Qh8 (0:13)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: white will have a tough time now 33...Bxf2 (0:22)
Plebusan(1807) whispers: great game, by both players
Twikki(2071) whispers: white will resign soon, just nothing left unless he can get all the pawns off the board
johnthegreat(0) whispers: doubt it down so much time too
Twikki(2071) whispers: and force the B&N vs K endgame
Plebusan(1807) whispers: but now the 2 pieces must be too much to handle :(
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: Great Game, WHITE!!!! I enjoyed that much, wanted to go 1 hour ago, and stayed here cause of you! 34.Qg7+ (1:11)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: oh
johnthegreat(0) whispers: its m1 now 34...Ke6 (0:13)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: err nvm
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: CDay! Good players are not afraid to attack! You are Great!
johnthegreat(0) whispers: yeah white is definately screwedunow 35.Qg8+ (1:05)
Twikki(2071) whispers: N@f8+ !!
Plebusan(1807) whispers: lol Funkmaus, just reading your note #5
johnthegreat(0) whispers: right.
Twikki(2071) whispers: white has a very playable bughouse position if he could get some pieces ;)
johnthegreat(0) whispers: white will probably resign after black moves 35...Nf7 (0:52)
Funkmaus(2236) whispers: haha, yes. I am afraid, and i win often like black did, cause opponents destroy themself. But its not chess
johnthegreat(0) whispers: queen trapped and black has very real mate threat 36.Qxg6 (0:26) Be3+ (0:07)
CDay(1913) whispers: :( oh well didnt work out but im sure there was something there CDay resigns 0-1
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