volgjeneus(1936) vs. stonecastle(1955) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-10-30
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Ponziani 4.d4 (0:13)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: wow, one doesn't see this often 4...Nxe4 (0:11) 5.d5 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Ponziani name was right, boobys? 5...Ne7 (0:08)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes 6.Nxe5 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: This game will be interesting ;)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: this is stil book
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nxe5 ng6 main line 6...Ng6 (0:57)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: I have no clue about that, so tell, where book ends
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qd4 seems to be the most played move here
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: alternatives: qe2, bd3 and nd3
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: okay. can black f5 on Qd4? to threat Bc5?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: n0, nxg6 hxg6 be3 then 7.Nxg6 (2:12)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: and qd4 f5 nxg6 bc5? qxg7! 7...hxg6 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Yes ;) And 1-0... Thanks!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nxg6 also book
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but i think not the best move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qe2 qe7 and we have a further split
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Qd4 looked very dangerous to me...
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: for black you mean?
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Yes, for black.
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i think this nxe4 line is quite good for white generally 8.Qf3 (2:24)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Thats why i play 3 move d5! instead of Nf6. Other line, this is too open for me
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: experts argue which is the better one 8...Qe7 (1:08)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: be2 c6!? 00
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Let them do! Back here. Still book, boobys?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: no qe2 was last book move instead of qf3 9.Be3 (0:35)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: what is disturbing me in the nxg6-line is that black got a free open h-file 9...Nf6 (1:27)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: well, white propably intends to 000 anyway
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: But white has simply development, and blacks Knight had no chance to hold on e4
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: yes, 0-0-0 both sides 10.Nd2 (1:18)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nd2 qe5 bc4 b5!? looks interesting
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Nice idea ;) I would play d6 now, hoping black sees yours 10...Qe5 (2:09)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: This d5-pawn can also be attacked with Rh5. So maybe sac that and 0-0-0?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: if black doesn't play b5, then maybe d6 h3 bg4!? 11.Bc4 (2:15)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: white have not to play h3, its not difficult to see, that Bg4 cant be prevented
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Qe2 on d6, accepting the mistake. I remember, you told me, 8.Qe2 was book
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qe2 loses the d5-pawn
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: not loses, sac. it
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Nxd5 Nf3 followed by 0-0-0
Twikki(2016) whispers: d6 Bb5+
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h3 is probably neccessary nevertheless because bg4 threatens and 00 not possible because of qxh2
pchesso(1699) whispers: hi all
pchesso(1699) whispers: who is winning?
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Twikki, c6 on Bb5+
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yeah the sac is nice funk
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: hi pchesso
StoneCastle(1955) whispers: if there is a trap there.. I sure dont see it..
pchesso(1699) whispers: hey :) 11...Rxh2 (4:37)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Hey, he played move we all missed ;) 12.Rxh2 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Game over 12...Qxh2 (0:05) 13.O-O-O (0:03)
Twikki(2016) whispers: greedy pawn grabber 13...d6 (0:34)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: well, 000 was even better than rxh2 14.Bf4 (0:09)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now b has qh5 14...Qh5 (0:11)
Twikki(2016) whispers: very quick play 15.Qe3+ (0:09) Kd8 (0:17)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: yes boobys, 0-0-0. Impossible to follow, to quick
pchesso(1699) whispers: yeah
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Game over was a mistell, sorry 16.Re1 (0:19)
Twikki(2016) whispers: is there anything at stake in this game?
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: I dont know ;) But this one looks more interesting then the other one running now 16...Bd7 (1:08) 17.Bg5 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: if 0-0 were possible to other side, black would be more then fine
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: anyway they play too fast for my taste
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: i think, this Rxh2 was a very bad move
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: after Rxh2 all seemed to be forced 17...Kc8 (0:53) 18.Be2 (0:14)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bad move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nxd5!
Twikki(2016) whispers: boo, he didn't even look at sacrificing the queen 18...Nxd5 (1:11)
Twikki(2016) whispers: 18.Bxf6 gf Qe8+ Be8 Re8+ Kd7 Bb5+
Twikki(2016) whispers: doesn't work especially well, but I would have spent a minute or two on it
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes, in this line black has c6
pchesso(1699) whispers: made white think, that's a first? :) 19.Qg3 (1:14)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: lol, it fails again to c6, cause Queen is on 5-File. But to be honest, i would never have such idea, very nice ;) 19...Qh8 (0:33)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Bg4 now?
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: crap, f5
Twikki(2016) whispers: Bc4
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: but okay, make black play f5 is good for white
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bd5 c6 bx cx seems only playable move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bc4* 20.Bg4 (0:51)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: and bc6 instead of c6 loses to re8
Twikki(2016) whispers: f5 Bf3 Qg8
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: yes, Bh4 then - attacking g6
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: f5 weakens all pawns, but no other move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: f5 bf3 nb6 bf4 qh7
pchesso(1699) whispers: f6 perhaps? 20...f5 (2:42)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Well, we see 19...Qh8 was played too fast, Qh7 was much better
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: f6 was no option
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: f6 failed to Re8 Mate, pchesso
pchesso(1699) whispers: oh ...
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white is 2 pawns down but this is compensated by the fact that the black king is stuck somehow
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: look at their time!
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: I better dont look to the time, it makes me want to close this window!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: hehe
pchesso(1699) whispers: maybe they found nothing better
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: They can kill me after the game for such arrogant comments, but i hate people blitz througt Teamleague-Games or Standart-Games
Twikki(2016) whispers: white's team could use the point, black's team is probably out of it 21.Bf3 (3:04) Qg8 (0:06)
Twikki(2016) whispers: I like this move only for the Nxc3 cheapo potential 22.Nb3 (0:56)
Twikki(2016) whispers: a5 now :)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: a5 and black looks fine, twikki
Twikki(2016) whispers: I'm highly amused by this game
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bh4 was much better 22...Qf7 (1:07)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: he dont looked at Bh4 :(
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bh4 would have won the a pawn back
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: omg, if Bxd5 Qxd5 this move Qf7 was just a wasted tempo... 23.c4 (1:01)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: he has forgot he has a rook on a8, which also wants to play
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Yeah, Nb4 23...Nb4 (0:25)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: thanks for square d3, attack on c4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: "a rook in the corner is just dead wood"^^
Twikki(2016) whispers: I think white is in "anything wins" mode
Twikki(2016) whispers: or is just goofing around
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Kb1 Qxc4 Bxb7 Kxb7 Na5+ ;)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nb6 instead of nb4 was also good, the c4-pawn then would have been difficult to defend 24.Na5 (2:05)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: oh,yes nice tactic, funk!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: c6 or rb8 semm to be safe
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: seem*
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: More then safe!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: rb8 kb1 b6 nb3 qxc4 24...Rb8 (2:19)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white loses another pawn
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Rb8!! think best move. There was no need to open the diagonal for white B, no need to weaken pawns
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: either a2 or c4 25.Kb1 (1:29) b6 (0:34)
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: b6 Nb3 b5?!
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: if cxb5 Qxc4 26.Nb3 (0:51)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: nice idea 26...Qxc4 (0:32)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: black has some good moves here 27.Bd2 (0:08)
Twikki(2016) whispers: Qc4 Rc1 Qd3+ is amusing
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: no, crap. this much better 27...Qd3+ (0:18)
Twikki(2016) whispers: mate in 5 I think
tjradd(2041) whispers: 0-1 28.Ka1 (0:18)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yup
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: Game over, not a mistell 28...Nc2+ (0:10) 29.Kb1 (0:01)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: will we see the suffocation mate?
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: How this english word for this mate?!
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: suffocation! 29...Na3+ (0:17) 30.Ka1 (0:08) Nc2+ (0:12)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: lol, the time 31.Kb1 (0:05) Nxe1+ (0:04)
Twikki(2016) whispers: lol 32.Ka1 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: holy s...!
Funkmaus(2215) whispers: What is going on here?! 32...Nc2+ (0:16)
tjradd(2041) whispers: doesn't know smothered mate, or unsportsmanlike conduct? 33.Kb1 (0:03) Na3+ (0:05) 34.Ka1 (0:02) Qb1# (0:04) volgjeneus checkmated 0-1
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