1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nc3(0:49)a6(0:08) 3.d3(1:45)b5(0:30) 4.g3(0:09)Bb7(0:03) 5.Bg2(0:09)e6(0:02) 6.a3(1:56)
xombie(1880) whispers: is this a sicilian or st georges? Technika(1995) whispers: looks like my opponent has prepared a line for my Closed Sicilian, so maybe I need to look at Q-side activity a bit more closely today :) eastorwest(1790) whispers: what is st georges? xombie(1880) whispers: jin's been giving me constipation xombie(1880) whispers: oops mistell Technika(1995) whispers: question is whether he is going to play d5 now, or develop Nf6 first
Technika(1995) whispers: hmm, gone early! xombie(1880) whispers: brigadoon's in great form lately
xombie(1880) whispers: what say abt Nxd5 or exd5 xombie(1880) whispers: well Qf3 is possible now xombie(1880) whispers: nope
8.Nf3(1:40)Nxd5(0:13) 9.Ne4(0:13)
Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: st george= ...a6 ....b5 xombie(1880) whispers: why not exd5? eastorwest(1790) whispers: e4 a6 or d4 a6 ? xombie(1880) whispers: yeah st george's gives rise to sicilian formations at times smallblackcat(2047) whispers: e4 a6 smallblackcat(2047) whispers: though I suppose d4 a6 is much the same Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: st george is also called baker defence Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: has this line in the sicilian a name? Technika(1995) whispers: now if I can tempt f5, the e6 square will be a little weak - although I doubt my opp will play this - Be7 looks to be blacks best move here xombie(1880) whispers: KIA xombie(1880) whispers: this looks like a reversed english in some ways xombie(1880) whispers: the great snake stuff
xombie(1880) whispers: wonder if there's any way to exploit d6 xombie(1880) whispers: its not weak yet Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: it is funny to see all the minors lines up in the centre diagonal Technika(1995) whispers: well it's either Bg5 or 0-0 tbh...... xombie(1880) whispers: haha xombie(1880) whispers: black can attempt Nd4 Technika(1995) whispers: c4 looks nice, but only if Black were to play bxc4 - which he is not :) xombie(1880) whispers: if NxN then cxd4 would be a def advantage for black Technika(1995) whispers: well might as well develop the bishop .....
xombie(1880) whispers: f6 is plausible xombie(1880) whispers: the e6 weakness may not be so bad here xombie(1880) whispers: as is Be7 xombie(1880) whispers: and the Q guards d6 adequately Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: be7 nxc5!? xombie(1880) whispers: ha
xombie(1880) whispers: neither side has castled xombie(1880) whispers: we'll see soon :) cynick(2169) whispers: to me c7 felt like a better square for the Q
cynick(2169) whispers: maybe c4 was good after Qc7
12.Bd2(1:45)Be7(0:06) 13.Re1(0:50)O-O(0:12) 14.Rc1(1:31)Nf6(2:28)
xombie(1880) whispers: i don't understand whats going on xombie(1880) whispers: seems like white is losing ground a bit xombie(1880) whispers: black is probably clearing the way for Nd4 cynick(2169) whispers: rc1 looks strange xombie(1880) whispers: he might be anticipating Nd4 NxN cxd4 and the c file opens up xombie(1880) whispers: ah sorry cynick(2169) whispers: rc1 does make some sense after Nd4
xombie(1880) whispers: so is Bc3 to provoke b4?
xombie(1880) whispers: ha xombie(1880) whispers: dont get this xombie(1880) whispers: why not Nd4 xombie(1880) whispers: that gains ground and cramps white xombie(1880) whispers: after which c2 becomes weak
xombie(1880) whispers: and d6 is guarded by Be7 there xombie(1880) whispers: now it seems pretty even xombie(1880) whispers: or is it?
16...Qc7(0:59) 17.e5(0:20)Rad8(0:09) 18.Qe2(0:07)Rd7(0:06)
xombie(1880) whispers: methinks an d4 should be occupied
xombie(1880) whispers: either Nd4 or Rd4 sometime
cynick(2169) whispers: nd4 lead to mass exchanges, maybe black wants to keep pieces on the table xombie(1880) whispers: which may or may not be good cynick(2169) whispers: seems this leads to mass exchanges aswell xombie(1880) whispers: yep xombie(1880) whispers: the DSBs seem to be guarding e5 and c5 xombie(1880) whispers: if white exchanges rooks he loses the d file xombie(1880) whispers: so he'll probably do something else xombie(1880) whispers: but regarding the DSBs since e5 is vulnerable, b4 might help in undermining e5 further xombie(1880) whispers: Bc3 invites b4, but black can delay it xombie(1880) whispers: so my guess is that the mass exchanges should favor black cynick(2169) whispers: unless white manages to move Nf3 and get in f4
Technika(1995) whispers: need to keep my bishop on this diagonal, otherwise I lose the pawn on e5..... xombie(1880) whispers: okay now b4 becomes even better xombie(1880) whispers: two weaknesses, e5 and c2 Technika(1995) whispers: looking better for Black at this stage, so I think I need to hang in and see what develops cynick(2169) whispers: maybe nd4 now that a3 will hang xombie(1880) whispers: that loses a pawn by force xombie(1880) whispers: almost xombie(1880) whispers: Nd4 Qe3 Nxc2 xombie(1880) whispers: Nd4 Qd3 Nxf3+ xombie(1880) whispers: Nd4 Qf1 Nxc2 xombie(1880) whispers: so NxN seems forced cynick(2169) whispers: so white must play Nd4 Nxd4 xombie(1880) whispers: yeah Nd4 has also been hanging for a while now xombie(1880) whispers: now is the time xombie(1880) whispers: very nice play by black in not cashing it too early
xombie(1880) whispers: Nd4 was more incisive
erusin(1889) whispers: Rybka likes b4 xombie(1880) whispers: but this looks good too
21...cxb4(0:09) 22.Bb2(0:05)
xombie(1880) whispers: thing is, black's Be7 cant be undermined xombie(1880) whispers: and now white's Bb2 is safe but he has created a weakness at c2 Technika(1995) whispers: now I am going to have a lot of trouble on c2 unless I get the Rooks off the board..... cynick(2169) whispers: bc5 now to activate be7? xombie(1880) whispers: i think he should retire the bishop xombie(1880) whispers: its guarding b4 xombie(1880) whispers: but then again, Bc5-Qb6 looks theratening cynick(2169) whispers: yes! Bc5, Qb6, a5 Ba6 - nice plan
xombie(1880) whispers: one aspect of Bc5-Qb6 is that the rooks might be obliged to move to f1 or e2 xombie(1880) whispers: now he aims Nb4-c3 xombie(1880) whispers: aims for xombie(1880) whispers: does Nd4 work? cynick(2169) whispers: I think so cynick(2169) whispers: useful for white to exchange some pieces now xombie(1880) whispers: a master would say that black has 'decentralized' :) cynick(2169) whispers: true, still Na7 has its points
xombie(1880) whispers: Nd4 Bxg2 Kxg2 Qb7+ Kg1 Nb5 xombie(1880) whispers: okay one pair of rooks gone
xombie(1880) whispers: now Nd4 might work xombie(1880) whispers: if white manages to exchange off the LSBs a6 might becoem weak xombie(1880) whispers: so Nd4 is indicated xombie(1880) whispers: together with Ra1 maybe cynick(2169) whispers: or c3 to get rid of that weak pawn
Diboss(2037) whispers: how about Bc5 now Technika(1995) whispers: need to get some pieces off, so ws bishops should come off now.... xombie(1880) whispers: Bc5 Bxb7 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Technika(1995) whispers: but I think I am playing for a draw here, can't see many winning chances in this position from White, unless a big error from Black xombie(1880) whispers: or Bc5 Bxb7 Qxb7 simply Diboss(2037) whispers: yeah, black has the initiative at that point Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: better is first bxb kxb then bc5!
Technika(1995) whispers: need to re-examine this line later, will have to see what GM Davies has to say about this setup - I am sure I played it wrong :) Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: nf3 is forced then , then nb5 Diboss(2037) whispers: maybe, get the king on an open diagonal xombie(1880) whispers: how abt BxN for black? xombie(1880) whispers: followed by Nb5 xombie(1880) whispers: nope Nf3 now Diboss(2037) whispers: don't like it Diboss(2037) whispers: why give up the bishop? xombie(1880) whispers: its not useful
25.Bxb7(1:42)Qxb7(0:05) 26.Nf3(0:04)
xombie(1880) whispers: IMHO Diboss(2037) whispers: Qb6 and Nb5 now xombie(1880) whispers: maybe Rd2 sometime xombie(1880) whispers: first improe knight
xombie(1880) whispers: or stop Nd4 permanently :)
Technika(1995) whispers: at least get out of the way of any checks later :) xombie(1880) whispers: something went wrog for white in the last few moves myob(1720) whispers: Diboss TL game jus started ob 364 xombie(1880) whispers: improve knight and look for tactical shots Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: nd4 was not a good try Technika(1995) whispers: need to re-route my Knight somehow, to get it more into the game - black's bishop is doing a better job than mine :( xombie(1880) whispers: now black has moved on Technika(1995) whispers: and to make matters worse for me - Torres has just scored for Liverpool :( xombie(1880) whispers: it was e5 initially and now its f2 smallblackcat(2047) whispers: Man U fan, eh? ;) xombie(1880) whispers: we dont have fans in america smallblackcat(2047) whispers: was referring to Technika's comment
xombie(1880) whispers: yeah :) xombie(1880) whispers: i was referring to ceiling fans
xombie(1880) whispers: perhaps also indicative of the state of soccer in america :) xombie(1880) whispers: they have spanish commentry though on GOLTV smallblackcat(2047) whispers: Spanish commentary is fun, they get quite excited ;)
xombie(1880) whispers: our game here is exciting too smallblackcat(2047) whispers: I havent been paying much attention :P xombie(1880) whispers: sorry my fault :(
xombie(1880) whispers: very hard to play these sort of games xombie(1880) whispers: small advantages and all
xombie(1880) whispers: and if you slip its drawn smallblackcat(2047) whispers: indeed xombie(1880) whispers: seems like Rc3 could be a threat xombie(1880) whispers: was* xombie(1880) whispers: maybe going for Na3 and Bb6/a7 xombie(1880) whispers: there's another threat in Na3, Nxc2 Qxc2 Qxf3+ xombie(1880) whispers: but instead he could just take on c2 directly if it comes to it
xombie(1880) whispers: or Nd4 xombie(1880) whispers: simple threat
xombie(1880) whispers: it must be hard for black to come up with a plan xombie(1880) whispers: there are so many xombie(1880) whispers: but he's switched targets a few times already
xombie(1880) whispers: from e5 to c4 to f3 xombie(1880) whispers: and now all three xombie(1880) whispers: Na3 looks right now xombie(1880) whispers: Na3 Qd7 Qxd7 Rxd7 Nxc2 xombie(1880) whispers: well cynick(2169) whispers: maybe na3 kf1 cynick(2169) whispers: hmm na3 kf1 nxc2
xombie(1880) whispers: Rd2 guads xombie(1880) whispers: guards xombie(1880) whispers: well again Na3 xombie(1880) whispers: however, Rd7 may be worth considering cynick(2169) whispers: or rd2 rd8 qe2 bd4 cynick(2169) whispers: the pin on nf3 may kill white in the end xombie(1880) whispers: or if Qd7 Qxc2 Qxb5 Qxf2+ xombie(1880) whispers: followed by Rc2
Technika(1995) whispers: sob - Liverpool are winning, and Vidic has been sent off for the 3rd match in a row against Liverpool - and I am losing this game, so bad day all round :) cynick(2169) whispers: the position in this game is not that bad yet
xombie(1880) whispers: you think it can be defended? xombie(1880) whispers: looks very depressing for white
cynick(2169) whispers: its depressing but not totally lost yet xombie(1880) whispers: white can perhaps hope for some initiative after the queens go off xombie(1880) whispers: with a pawn less cynick(2169) whispers: and now a liverpool player got sent off too, so things are looking up smallblackcat(2047) whispers: 5 mins into injury time though... xombie(1880) whispers: it is remarkable that the fortunes of man-utd seem to be tied with technika
xombie(1880) whispers: oops smallblackcat(2047) whispers: and 2-0 xombie(1880) whispers: lol xombie(1880) whispers: i am sure black is watching the soccer too Technika(1995) whispers: so the c pawn finally falls - and that will be game I think with 2v1 on the qside queens need to come off so I can get this knight into the game but I also have to watch out for Rook on c2 lined up against f2
34.Qxc6(3:16)Rxc6(0:04) 35.Rd7(0:05)
cynick(2169) whispers: game over now after someone called ngog scored the 2nd goal xombie(1880) whispers: okay new phase xombie(1880) whispers: new dude right? xombie(1880) whispers: sounds like van gogh xombie(1880) whispers: dont think white has much now either because black's pawns have moved from the second rank xombie(1880) whispers: but king activation may be difficult cynick(2169) whispers: I thought white was going to play Rd6
35...Bc7(3:42) 36.Kf1(1:22)Kf8(0:24) 37.Rd1(1:42)Ke7(1:04)
eastorwest(1790) whispers: Nd2 ?
38.Rc1(1:23)Kd7(0:57) 39.Rd1+(0:06)Kc8(0:01) 40.Ke2(0:38)Bb6(0:46)
cynick(2169) whispers: I agree with eastorwest, white needs to move Nf3 and play f4 eastorwest(1790) whispers: Also Nc4 will be possible
xombie(1880) whispers: good game guys, sadly there are chores to do
42.Rc1(1:11)Na3(0:05) 43.Nd4(0:17)
Technika(1995) whispers: wonder if I can hang on here - looks ominous.....
43...Kb7(2:34) 44.Rxc7+(0:53)Bxc7(0:03) 45.f4(0:04)h5(0:56) 46.Nf3(2:33)Bd8(0:37)
Technika(1995) whispers: OK people - first rule! do not put you pawns on same colour as your bishop - big no-no in endgames - oh dear I am in trouble :)
Technika(1995) whispers: I would like to get my knight into d6 - but I think that looks too obvious
47...Kc6(2:00) 48.Nd2(1:58)Kd5(1:22)
Technika(1995) whispers: getting close to be in zuz-zwang - h5 was a good move by Black stops the g-pawn in its tracks so I just have to sit and suffer :(
49.Bf2(1:12)Bc7(0:12) 50.Bg1(0:14)
Technika(1995) whispers: can't move my knight into c4 until black moves his knight - otherwise the passer win the game Technika(1995) whispers: black has not given me a sniff - certainly met my match today :)
50...f6(1:46) 51.exf6(1:11)gxf6(0:02) 52.Ne4(0:41)Bd8(0:56) 53.Bd4(2:19)e5(0:33) 54.fxe5(0:06)fxe5(0:01) 55.Bb2(0:06)Be7(1:45)
eastorwest(1790) whispers: Nd2 ? Technika(1995) whispers: OK, last throw of the dice !
56.g4(2:54)hxg4(0:04) 57.h5(0:03)Ke6(1:12) 58.h6(0:12)Bf8(0:16) 59.h7(0:05)Bg7(0:04) 60.Bc1(0:21)Kf5(1:11)
Technika(1995) whispers: hmm, have I time to go for the a5 and b4 pawns via Bd3-->Bb6....... Technika(1995) whispers: black needs to keep his king nr my h-pawn so I might gain a move to get to b6 but not sure where knight goes.....
61.Be3(2:30)Kg6(0:13) 62.Bb6(0:20)
Technika(1995) whispers: don't think it works - can black play a4? xombie(1880) whispers: the king move to g6 seems like an overreaction xombie(1880) whispers: a4 may have been useful xombie(1880) whispers: if K was at f5 xombie(1880) whispers: ah but then he had Ng3+ xombie(1880) whispers: very good fightback by white
xombie(1880) whispers: now trying a5 i think xombie(1880) whispers: a4 xombie(1880) whispers: in connection with e4 xombie(1880) whispers: say Nxg3 a4 bxa4 e4+ Nxe4 b3 xombie(1880) whispers: highly interesting Technika(1995) whispers: looks like I am forced to take - otherwise pawn will queen - then i guess a4 is coming then...... xombie(1880) whispers: it comes anyway tjradd(2028) whispers: Ng3 a4 Bc5 erusin(1889) whispers: Don't go to blitz, Technika!
tseltzer(1877) whispers: what if Ng3 a4 Bc5 axb3?
Technika(1995) whispers: ah neat...... xombie(1880) whispers: e4+ was necessary xombie(1880) whispers: was that winning? xombie(1880) whispers: yeah Technika(1995) whispers: Kc3 b2 Kb2 Kc4 wins the bishop.... xombie(1880) whispers: haha yeah xombie(1880) whispers: a neat shot tjradd(2028) whispers: better to give N for it
tseltzer(1877) whispers: computer prefers 64..b3, tho at depth 15 ply, interesting
65...b2(0:04) 66.Kxb2(0:02)Nc4+(0:01) 67.Kb3(0:02)Nxb6(0:02) 68.a5(0:04)
erusin(1889) whispers: Defended! xombie(1880) whispers: we all know how lame knights are in the ending xombie(1880) whispers: here it is incapacitated by the P Technika(1995) whispers: now can I win his pawn and see if he knows his B&N&K v K checkmate :)
68...Nc8(1:05) 69.Kc4(0:28)Kxh7(0:09) 70.Nf5(0:13)Kg6(0:23)
xombie(1880) whispers: white cannot take the B, of course xombie(1880) whispers: he will be zugged by knight moves Kastro(1871) whispers: this is -+ ? matthiasg(2123) whispers: When you know how to mate with B+N then it is -+, otherwise it is = :) Kastro(1871) whispers: jejeje evilcoyote(1868) whispers: it takes around 32 33 moves from the center Kastro(1871) whispers: I coldn't do that last TL Kastro(1871) whispers: sad memory for me xombie(1880) whispers: is the pawn gone in the first place?
xombie(1880) whispers: argh tjradd(2028) whispers: best chance was N-back Kastro(1871) whispers: ok, now -+ for sure tjradd(2028) whispers: this is over immediately erusin(1889) whispers: :( Kastro(1871) whispers: good Kastro(1871) whispers: Another MotleyCrew victory!
71...Kxg7(0:37) 72.Kd5(0:05)Kf6(0:06) 73.a6(0:06)Kf5(0:05)
xombie(1880) whispers: dont know Technika(1995) whispers: four squares for Black to queen Baggins(2220) whispers: black should still win, 4 moves to promote, takes white 5 to eat N and promote matthiasg(2123) whispers: Kc6 e4 Kc7 and then? brigadoon(2039) whispers: stupid, I should have played Nh2 :-( danijelo(1864) whispers: black doesnt have to promote danijelo(1864) whispers: draw danijelo(1864) whispers: white i mean Technika(1995) whispers: I have two to take knight and two to queen - but black queens first Baggins(2220) whispers: move the N to a7 and make K block pawn brigadoon(2039) whispers: Na7 of course erusin(1889) whispers: Thriller game :) Technika(1995) whispers: Kc6 e4 Kc7 Na7 Kb7 evilcoyote(1868) whispers: kb7 not kc7 matthiasg(2123) whispers: Kc6 e4 Kc7 Na7 Kb7 e3 Kxa7 e2 Kb7 e1Q a7 and I think that the king on f5 is too far away tjradd(2028) whispers: Kc6 Ke6 Kc7 Nd6
evilcoyote(1868) whispers: if e4 kb7 tseltzer(1877) whispers: draw Baggins(2220) whispers: on Kb7 Nd6 evilcoyote(1868) whispers: then kc6 tseltzer(1877) whispers: draw according to Namilov tables Baggins(2220) whispers: then e3 matthiasg(2123) whispers: not Kb7 but Kc7, because otherwise there is Nd6 evilcoyote(1868) whispers: a7 matthiasg(2123) whispers: and White looses a tempo
Technika(1995) whispers: I do believe I have got out of jail here - as my pawn is further foward .....
Baggins(2220) whispers: ok now Na7 must win evilcoyote(1868) whispers: yea tseltzer(1877) whispers: nope draw, Baggins tseltzer(1877) whispers: either Kb7 or Kb6 draws
75...Na7(0:57) 76.Kb7(0:17)
Kastro(1871) whispers: e3 directly
76...e3(0:13) 77.Kxa7(0:08)e2(0:03)
tseltzer(1877) whispers: W just has to play a7 eastorwest(1790) whispers: tseltzer What will be now? tseltzer(1877) whispers: draw tseltzer(1877) whispers: K is too far away brigadoon(2039) whispers: If I could only remember, if the king is in the zone to help mate... eastorwest(1790) whispers: Draw with any move? brigadoon(2039) whispers: else it is draw tseltzer(1877) whispers: any move by black, yeah tseltzer(1877) whispers: and proper play by W tseltzer(1877) whispers: i.e. Kb7 and a7 xombie(1880) whispers: just hide on a8
Boobyslegacy(2013) whispers: this is lost for w
xombie(1880) whispers: and if Q on 7 th then stalemate tjradd(2028) whispers: this is drawn:) tseltzer(1877) whispers: no, it is a draw according to Namilov
tjradd(2028) whispers: r-p on 7th with K are drawn against Q unless king can interfere on knight-file Kastro(1871) whispers: Qb4+ This is basic endgame xombie(1880) whispers: or if black can engineer Qc8 xombie(1880) whispers: which wont happen
tjradd(2028) whispers: Ka8 to threaten stalemate tjradd(2028) whispers: king can never move in
tseltzer(1877) whispers: it was a theoretical draw after 71. Nxf7 xombie(1880) whispers: well quite a game and slither xombie(1880) whispers: technika must feel good xombie(1880) whispers: notwithstanding man-utd's loss xombie(1880) whispers: very dour defense brigadoon(2039) whispers: I think it is one move to far away. It would have to go to e2 or e3 in 1 move... tjradd(2028) whispers: the try is to block Q-checks with K
erusin(1889) whispers: Yeah, he fought hard and he succeeded. brigadoon(2039) whispers: Sorry guys. I should have taken a moment longer for my 73rd move. Maybe there was a win :( Technika(1995) whispers: well, all I have to do is stay next to the pawn, and this is drawn......
tseltzer(1877) whispers: Still a draw no matter what at that point, brigadoon
xombie(1880) whispers: darn we wont make the playoffs
xombie(1880) whispers: most likely Technika(1995) whispers: Ka8 would have led to an embarrasing mate :) erusin(1889) whispers: We won't definitely.
82...Qb5+(0:58) 83.Kc8(0:58)
brigadoon(2039) whispers: Ok, He is too good to loose that now
83...Qc6+(1:14) 84.Kb8(0:10)Qb6+(0:01) 85.Ka8(0:20)Qc7(0:07)Game drawn by stalemate 1/2-1/2
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