1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:52)e6(0:07) 3.Nc3(0:16)c5(0:04) 4.d5(3:32)exd5(0:06) 5.cxd5(0:19)d6(0:05) 6.e4(0:17)g6(0:27) 7.f4(0:26)Bg7(0:07) 8.Bb5+(1:17)
brigadoon(2020) whispers: It seems my opponent has prepared for me. Shall I play now the normal Nfd7, or the irrational complicated Nbd7?
8...Nfd7(3:58) 9.a4(0:55)O-O(1:04) 10.Nf3(3:00)Na6(1:48) 11.O-O(3:18)Nb4(0:11)
brigadoon(2020) whispers: If he has prepared the four pawn attack against me, than he can't be out of book. I tink this is the main line...
12.Re1(1:28)a6(0:17) 13.Bf1(1:00)Re8(0:33) 14.Nd2(7:25)
brigadoon(2020) whispers: that is a surprise for me
14...Nf6(4:08) 15.Nc4(3:57)Ng4(5:00) 16.h3(3:53)Bd4+(0:58) 17.Ne3(0:34)Nf6(4:18) 18.Bd3(2:48)Nxd3(0:23) 19.Qxd3(0:11)Nxe4(4:32) 20.Nxe4(1:42)Bf5(0:04) 21.Kh1(0:06)Bxe4(0:04) 22.Qf1(0:21)Qh4(1:56) 23.Kh2(1:50)Bxd5(4:27) 24.g3(1:31)Qh5(0:23) 25.Ra3(3:50)Bc6(1:01) 26.g4(1:03)Qh6(3:00) 27.f5(1:24)
AcuWill(1728) whispers: Qg7 and doubling on e file looks very strong
27...Qh4(0:57) 28.Rd1(2:59)Be5+(2:02) 29.Kg1(0:39)Qg3+(0:12) 30.Ng2(0:03)Qh2+(0:01) 31.Kf2(0:01)Bg3+(0:01) 32.Rxg3(0:03)
brigadoon(2020) whispers: god, what have I seen there???? tjradd(2017) whispers: Sorry brigadoon, you needed to spend a few seconds double-checking :) tjradd(2017) whispers: still, worth playing out tjradd(2017) whispers: up two pawns, and white's king has air conditioning
32...Bxa4(1:30) 33.Qg1(4:08)Qxg1+(1:34) 34.Rxg1(0:22)d5(1:24) 35.Bh6(2:15)Bc6(0:17) 36.Rc1(1:22)b6(0:16) 37.b4(2:06)c4(0:08) 38.Be3(0:18)a5(0:15) 39.bxa5(0:28)bxa5(0:11) 40.Bc5(1:17)a4(5:34) 41.f6(1:15)Re6(4:41) 42.g5(0:36)Rb8(0:17) 43.Ne3(1:43)h6(0:45) 44.h4(0:27)Rb2+(1:59) 45.Rc2(1:24)Rb5(0:24) 46.Be7(0:37)d4(4:38) 47.Nxc4(1:45)
brigadoon(2020) whispers: ?
47...Rf5+(0:16) 48.Rf3(1:17)
fernbap(1819) whispers: what?
48...Rxf3+(0:22) 49.Kg1(0:01)
tjradd(2017) whispers: exchange of rooks with Re1+ should win easily brigadoon(2020) whispers: this time I'll try not to move too fast
49...Re1+(1:46) 50.Kh2(0:09)Rb3(0:30) 51.Ne3(0:16)Rh1+(0:24) 52.Kg3(0:02)Rxe3+(0:16)nham resigns 0-1
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