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luckytiger(2279) vs. funkmaus(2269) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-10-12

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:02)
Oppermann(1693) whispers: set sexism 0
Oppermann(1693) whispers: damn wrong window
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: I hope i get my exf6 line here ;)
KiranY(2073) whispers: caro again :)
2...d5 (0:17) 3.Nc3 (0:01) dxe4 (0:01) 4.Nxe4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:01) 5.Nxf6+ (0:11) exf6 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Here we go!
6.c3 (0:37)
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: I know this line is not so good like gxf6, but i play it OTB with success.
castleden(1589) whispers: senyor funk
6...Bd6 (0:36)
Oppermann(1693) whispers: funkyzeit with bruno !
7.Bd3 (0:10) O-O (0:09)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: a very solid opening. white gets pawn advantage at the queen side but black has an easy development
8.Qc2 (0:32) Re8+ (0:05) 9.Ne2 (0:04)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Go Valeriy!
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: black should weaken its pawn cover
derMandarin(2142) whispers: go Funkmaus!
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: g7g6 will be met with h2h4h5
Kastro(1908) whispers: GO MotleyCrew!!!!!!!!!!!
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: queen knight can go to f8 to defense on g6
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i'm going to develop the bishop on e3 and to make a long castle after g7g6
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i think my opponent doesnt like a structure after h7h6
Diboss(2066) whispers: wow, big game
9...Kh8 (6:17)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: an interesting decision
10.Be3 (1:34)
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Usually i played h6 here, but wanna try this one, not to weaken king-side. Hoping he play it with 0-0-0, where black usually gets also attack on kingside
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: at first i would like to finish development
pchesso(1733) whispers: :(
pchesso(1733) whispers: mistell
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: she has to worry about some sac's after Bxh7-g7g6 Bxg6
10...Nd7 (1:01)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: the problem of pawn h7 is resolved partly i guess
Kastro(1908) whispers: hey thatgirl!
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Bxh7 g6 Bxg6 exg6 Qxg6 Qe7.. 3 Pawns for a Piece
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: so she doesnt wanna to change a structure
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: knight goes to f8...
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: common, 0-0-0 :D
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i have to choose the side for castling
thatgirl(1711) whispers: Bh7 g6 Bg6 fg Qg6 Qe7 can that pawn be taken?????
Kastro(1908) whispers: 0-0 is not bad for sure
Jammes(1940) whispers: i have the impresion they can read each other :)
Opinel(2453) whispers: i would go with 0-0
cynick(2169) whispers: strange to try a pawn storm against blacks 4 pawns on the kingside
cynick(2169) whispers: a new form of minority attack perhaps?
thatgirl(1711) whispers: hello captain kastro am here to cheer formotley crew
onomatopeia(1116) whispers: i hope the cant read each other, otherside this would be a little bit strange
Kastro(1908) whispers: Hey! ThatGirl!
brigadoon(1996) whispers: hello thatgirl and kastro
Kastro(1908) whispers: Hey Brigadoon!
Kastro(1908) whispers: Many Motleys are here
Kastro(1908) whispers: I am proud of the this team
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
Jammes(1940) whispers: Hello Brigadoon Thatgirl and Kastro
Kastro(1908) whispers: Current open champs :)
brigadoon(1996) whispers: also hello to gaelleg ;)
thatgirl(1711) whispers: :) hi brigadoon too
Kastro(1908) whispers: hey Jammes! Friend of the team
Opinel(2453) whispers: he's actually wrong, the knight doesn't have to go to f8 in this opening
onomatopeia(1116) whispers: monkeys GO!
brigadoon(1996) whispers: hi jammes ;)
KiranY(2073) whispers: !BCS->(cough)
thatgirl(1711) whispers: hi jammes
Opinel(2453) whispers: if he castles short she can also go with g6 f5
KiranY(2073) whispers: would like to see 0-0-0
11.O-O-O (7:28)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Nd7 was a perfect choice according to my DB
Opinel(2453) whispers: then Nf8 is main line... but i studied this, she can do b5
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Wow, nice to be still in preparation! Nf8, Be6 and pawn attack a5. b5, a4 if allowed then b4.
11...Nf8 (0:40)
Opinel(2453) whispers: b5 / Nb6... she doesnt have to play the old Nf8 line
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: I didnt want to play 0-0 because after Nf8, Qc7, Be6, Ng6 I don't see any good plan for me
Kastro(1908) whispers: Nf8 played by 2600+ players
12.Kb1 (0:10)
Kastro(1908) whispers: the most played move
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: defensing on a2
Kastro(1908) whispers: as per the DB unique move
Opinel(2453) whispers: so far it's book moves
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: well, Be6 Nf4, have first to stop it
12...Qc7 (0:58)
Opinel(2453) whispers: actuallt Be6 Ng3 =) but i don't know this Qc7 she played, need to think
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: my guess is she prevents some Nf4 moves (after Be6)... so probable next move is Be6
Aneirin(1851) whispers: hehe cool
Kastro(1908) whispers: h3 or Ng3 playable
Diboss(2066) whispers: I would like g3 and Nf4, but g3 allows Bg4
Opinel(2453) whispers: h4 is aggressive
thatgirl(1711) whispers: i want to see h4
Opinel(2453) whispers: yes, definitelly h4-h5-h6 and ideas involving B sacs. would not want to be black here
Kastro(1908) whispers: Opinel? Waht is your evalautionof c4?
Jammes(1940) whispers: an old rule says with knight on f8 there is no mate. Follwing that h4 doest course worries ;)
thatgirl(1711) whispers: i think he will go h3
Opinel(2453) whispers: don't see the point of c4
Opinel(2453) whispers: i like c3 in positions like this.
13.c4 (5:17)
thatgirl(1711) whispers: Rg1
Kastro(1908) whispers: opi, c4? What do you think?
thatgirl(1711) whispers: ah captain kastro
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i don't see any perspective plan at the king side; that's why I start central actions...maybe I will get some dividends there :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: i am a witch
Opinel(2453) whispers: anyway, after h4 b5 is probab;y best. counter attack. but she's not a good attacker that's her problem. well, he was obviouslly too scared of b5. that's why c4 maybe. but i would still play c5!
thatgirl(1711) whispers: wizard u mean wink wink
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: jejej
Jammes(1940) whispers: she just likes to play carefull. i play teamgames with here and there where a lot of wining attacks :)
brigadoon(1996) whispers: I think, there will be no teamgame today ;)
cynick(2169) whispers: even in positions with opposite castling its important to pay attention to all factors and not just go for all out attack on the opponents king
thatgirl(1711) whispers: b6 then
Opinel(2453) whispers: Bg4
Kastro(1908) whispers: or Be6 no?
13...Be6 (6:38)
Kastro(1908) whispers: I should play lotto
Kastro(1908) whispers: today
Opinel(2453) whispers: i think Bg4 was best
14.Nc3 (0:24)
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: He dont wanted me to attack there. fighting for square f4 with c5
Kastro(1908) whispers: bg3 f3 ?
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: my guess was right :)
Opinel(2453) whispers: there is no f3 and h3 only helps black
thatgirl(1711) whispers: gosh captain i shd see u touch 2200 soon
Opinel(2453) whispers: nm... she played e6
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: now i have some d4d5 ideas
Kastro(1908) whispers: jejejej
Kastro(1908) whispers: i have to work a lot
Kastro(1908) whispers: to be 2200 TG! But thank you for the comment
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: this move was missed by me. i can forgot the attack there
Opinel(2453) whispers: i would go with h4 =) but Nc3 is good for sure
14...Rad8 (3:07)
Kastro(1908) whispers: d5!
Kastro(1908) whispers: go Valeriy!
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: d4d5 was unstoppable right away. but now I have to check it out if it's fine with me
Opinel(2453) whispers: actually, if d5 Bg4
Jammes(1940) whispers: hmm what will be blacks plan in this position. i cant see it
Jammes(1940) whispers: looks a bit passive
Jammes(1940) whispers: :(
thatgirl(1711) whispers: g3 then d5
15.d5 (2:26)
Opinel(2453) whispers: no he had to play d5 now
15...cxd5 (0:24)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i think i have to do this; trying to get a passed pawn and some new open lines
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: otherwise I would play c4c5 and d5d6
Opinel(2453) whispers: if he spends time to prevent Bg4 black can develop
16.cxd5 (0:25)
Kastro(1908) whispers: +/= ?
Diboss(2066) whispers: I think so
magicmaster(1475) whispers: bg4
thatgirl(1711) whispers: huh true
cynick(2169) whispers: black needs to make some kind of use of his majority on the king side, but not easy to see how
Opinel(2453) whispers: no Bd7 now. Bg4 Rc1 is good for white now that the c file is open
Koff(1962) whispers: could Rd2 be better?
16...Bg4 (3:06)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: c1 or e1 ?
Diboss(2066) whispers: yep, c1 here
Diboss(2066) whispers: the rook on the h-file should be brought to e or d
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Bg4 wins one tempo. safer looked bd7. now rook has to move and i win time to a6
Diboss(2066) whispers: makes sense
Opinel(2453) whispers: not really =)
Kastro(1908) whispers: I salute DMjJMD our youngest MotleyCrew payer but one of the mightiest
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: lol thx u
KiranY(2073) whispers: :))
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: :D
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: or maybe d2 :)
magicmaster(1475) whispers: whats the comp say
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: or to play all the pieces after Be2...
Diboss(2066) whispers: the comp says don't look at the comp :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: to change *
Opinel(2453) whispers: he is weird. Rc1 is really basic here
Diboss(2066) whispers: lol
Diboss(2066) whispers: I think he's wondering if he can launch some attack on the kingside
Opinel(2453) whispers: Bg4 now only helps to bring the rook to c1 and a6 is not good because of Qa4 with too many threats for white
Diboss(2066) whispers: via the earlier h4-h5 ideas
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: opinel y r u leaving FICS
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: also i can play Ne2 to leave light sqarued bishops at the board... oh my God ... too much to think about...
Diboss(2066) whispers: we hope he doesn't, we need people of his calibre here
Diboss(2066) whispers: don't like Ne2 at all
Opinel(2453) whispers: i don't understand Ne2. f3 isn't possible so it's just going into a pin
magicmaster(1475) whispers: maybe shes thinking deeper than that
Diboss(2066) whispers: yeah, and black will be able to grab the c-file for herself
Koff(1962) whispers: maybe he likes endgames
magicmaster(1475) whispers: she
Koff(1962) whispers: white
Koff(1962) whispers: :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Hey Ray! What do you think?
magicmaster(1475) whispers: i think thear both girls
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: o yea Luck is a GM
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: i forgot lol
Diboss(2066) whispers: lucky is a guy I think, from his website
magicmaster(1475) whispers: ok
Kastro(1908) whispers: LT is a guy
Kastro(1908) whispers: a nice one
Kastro(1908) whispers: Lawyer
Kastro(1908) whispers: and GM in his spare times
magicmaster(1475) whispers: thats pretty good
DMjJMD(1914) whispers: do u read minds too :))
17.Rc1 (9:43)
thatgirl(1711) whispers: he is a gut-wrenching tiger for motley crew
17...a6 (0:05)
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: yeah! TG
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: finally this one... after Ne2 I was afraid of Qa5
Opinel(2453) whispers: after Rc1 i think black must play Qa5 to get out of the c file. then probably best is Qb3 to protect the q side but there are some tactics with either Be5 or Bb4.... nah a6 is bad!
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Be2 - Bxe2; Qxe2 a7a6 then N goes to d7 c5 (e5)... and nothing special
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Re1 - Bb4 with attacking of pawn d5
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: now my plan was...
Opinel(2453) whispers: Qa4 now
cynick(2169) whispers: opinel, you are dead certain about what is the best move all the time, do you always see the right way so clearly?
Kastro(1908) whispers: Rhe1 before launching the assault?
magicmaster(1475) whispers: puting the question to bishop
Opinel(2453) whispers: no, i lose games as well. just lost a few games in under 20 moves
Opinel(2453) whispers: but i'm good with strategy, i have theories that help me find the move
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hello
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i need to create some pressure at the queen side but don't see how
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: interesting
Diboss(2066) whispers: Hey Opinel, after Qa4 Bd7, then what?
Diboss(2066) whispers: Qh4 one idea
Diboss(2066) whispers: but I see black with more activity on the queenside
Opinel(2453) whispers: Qb3, threatning both Bb6 and N-move
Diboss(2066) whispers: ahh, nice
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: but black seem to be solid
Diboss(2066) whispers: oh, after Qb3 Qb8
Opinel(2453) whispers: well bib, this is why i was infavor of h4-h5-h6 instead of c4 on move 13
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: yes probably was better
Opinel(2453) whispers: for us, i don't know if for everyone
18.h3 (9:15)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: yes i like h4 h5 h6
Opinel(2453) whispers: i saw his real games, he is a good calculater otb
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i know
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Ne4-Qxc2; Rxc2 Be5! (Bf5? Nxd6 and Nxf7) and p d5 is in troubles
pchesso(1733) whispers: will we get a bibbu pawn formation with pawns on f6, f7, g6, g7 ? :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Qb3 would be met with a cold Qd7
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: and then Bf5
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: ahahah maybe
Kastro(1908) whispers: true
Kastro(1908) whispers: he is right
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: so i want to spot the place of Bg4
Opinel(2453) whispers: he is making her calculate now
Opinel(2453) whispers: ok i have it
jaberwock(1900) whispers: the ef6 line is so seldom seen
Opinel(2453) whispers: Bh5 is forced
Opinel(2453) whispers: Bd7 Ne4 QxQ RxQ Be5 Bb6 Rc8 Nc5!
Opinel(2453) whispers: so Bh5 now
18...Bh5 (4:52)
pchesso(1733) whispers: Bh5 g4 Bg6 Bxg6 hxg6 and bibbu pawns, my bet.
Kastro(1908) whispers: Bh5 but let s notice that Qa4 is now possible
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: btw my pawn h2 went away to the defensed square
Kastro(1908) whispers: and Qa4 is sexy, white already controls the center and a flank attack my force too much black position
Koff(1962) whispers: so essentially w is playing to use c5 point?
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: after g4 want exchange her attacking Bishop on d3 with Bg6 , hope he can t so easy open files to my king against pawn f6.
Opinel(2453) whispers: he can
Opinel(2453) whispers: g4 Bg6 h4 Bxd3 Qxd3 g5
Opinel(2453) whispers: ideas like that
thatgirl(1711) whispers: Qb3?
Opinel(2453) whispers: he will play Ne4 because that was his plan
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: Ne4 Qb8
19.Ne4 (5:59)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: it seems if I want to calculate till the mate...
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: 15 minutes down ... i have to be more fast now
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: very long variations were calculated but I'm not sure if I see everything
derMandarin(2142) whispers: go Funkmaus!
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Qxc2 seems the best decision... at least I would save this bishop... but maybe I'm wrong... Black still is very solid
Opinel(2453) whispers: no i think Qa5 is better
brigadoon(1996) whispers: why not qa5? It is what crafty advises and makes sense, doesn't it?
Opinel(2453) whispers: yes it does
Opinel(2453) whispers: but i would go with QxQ
Opinel(2453) whispers: because he doesn't have much time
jaberwock(1900) whispers: pseudo-revenge
Opinel(2453) whispers: so it's better to play technical for her
jaberwock(1900) whispers: wrong window, of course
uragano(1577) whispers: Qa5?
Opinel(2453) whispers: it's only move 19, amazing
brigadoon(1996) whispers: doesn't win Qa5 the pawn on d5?
Opinel(2453) whispers: she has a nice position after QxQ / Bb8 / Bg6
19...Qxc2+ (5:56)
Opinel(2453) whispers: everything is under control
Opinel(2453) whispers: right bib?
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: right
20.Bxc2 (0:27)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i was seeing Qa5 line
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: just 10 minutes down...
Kastro(1908) whispers: 10 m down now is managable
20...Bb8 (0:44)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i saw Qa5.Nc5-B:N Q:N and R:d5 then Q:a5 R:a5 and Rc7
Treekiller(1796) whispers: should white just push them pawns queen side? try to get at blacks king?
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Hmm, after exchanging Queens his pawn d5 can be agressiv-dangerous. Wanted to save my Bd6, he protect c7
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: black is solid
uragano(1577) whispers: are you sure Bibb?
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: Nc3 seem forced
magicmaster(1475) whispers: what blacks knight supposed to be doing
21.Nc3 (1:07) Bg6 (0:03)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: queens are changed
Kastro(1908) whispers: Nc3+Rhe1 and w will have a plan and b will have to defend
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: pawn is on the board.
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: but black is very solid :(
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i told
Opinel(2453) whispers: but bibbu, Nc5 is bad for white... g4 is better in Qa5 line
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: yes i saw
22.Rhd1 (0:57)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: my hope is pawn d5
22...Bxc2+ (0:24) 23.Rxc2 (0:06) Nd7 (0:19)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hmm black is playing too fast
24.a4 (0:20)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: tyring to restrict black pieces
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i knew a4 a4 and Na4
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: trying *
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: a4 a5 and Na4
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i think black has some problems...
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i think same now
magicmaster(1475) whispers: b6
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: b6 its weak
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: every change brings closer the losing endings because of pawn d
pchesso(1733) whispers: maybe exchange sac? Rxe3 fxe3 Nc5
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: naah
24...Ne5 (2:01) 25.b3 (0:35)
Opinel(2453) whispers: ok i'm off this is a draw
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: against Nc4
cynick(2169) whispers: opinel= leko? :)
KiranY(2073) whispers: f5?
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: and King can come closer to the center now (b2)
magicmaster(1475) whispers: who knows :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: one day :)
25...Ng6 (1:19)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: black has found some active idea - to put someone on f4
cynick(2169) whispers: maybe the n should have gone to g6 directly from f8
pchesso(1733) whispers: g3
Kastro(1908) whispers: Bc5, to push the pawn
cynick(2169) whispers: finally black starts utilizing the extra pawn on the king side
26.Bb6 (1:14) Rd7 (0:16)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: g2g3 - Bb8xg3; Bb6-Rd6; Bc7 with some compensation
27.g3 (0:26)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: but i wanted to avoid such variation and to play g2g3 safety
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: just restricted one more square - f4
Jammes(1940) whispers: is bc7 a good move here?
brigadoon(1996) whispers: but gave targets too: h5 - h4
Jammes(1940) whispers: but after bc7 maybe thats even nice for white. bxb rxb a5 and knight wnets to b6
27...f5 (4:26)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: f2f4 seems possible but very risky...
28.f4 (1:54)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Bc5 was better imho
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: lets go to restrict everything
Kastro(1908) whispers: now bd6 get a draw for b imho
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: all the squares on the line "e" are protected...
cynick(2169) whispers: I like f4, cant see the risky part though
Kastro(1908) whispers: the risk is g3 no?
Koff(1962) whispers: now Be5 is prevented, so Re2 could be considered next
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: just 5,5 min between us
cynick(2169) whispers: maybe, but I cant see how black gets to g3, h5 is just answered by h4 I assume
28...Bd6 (2:53) 29.a5 (0:34)
cynick(2169) whispers: given the huge rating difference otb, black has played great so far
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: knight goes to a4
Kastro(1908) whispers: a5 with the idea of Na4->Nc5
Kastro(1908) whispers: jejej
Kastro(1908) whispers: i typed slow
29...Ne7 (1:07)
Kastro(1908) whispers: great
Kastro(1908) whispers: na4 :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: go Val!
30.Na4 (1:07)
Kastro(1908) whispers: 40 users observing not bad
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i hope don't lose my hope :)
pchesso(1733) whispers: Nc8 ?
30...Nc8 (0:37)
pchesso(1733) whispers: Nc8 Nc5 Ncb6
Kastro(1908) whispers: Bf2 i think Nc8? better was Bb4
31.Bf2 (2:34)
cynick(2169) whispers: yes this looks too passive
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: again i have to say that black is pretty solid
31...h6 (1:47)
cynick(2169) whispers: h6 looks useful, both to avoid being mated and to play g5
32.Rdc1 (4:33) Rdd8 (0:47) 33.Nb6 (0:54)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Bd6 is the key pieces of black's defense
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: piece *
pchesso(1733) whispers: Na7-b5 ?
Treekiller(1796) whispers: i was thinking that too pchesso
cynick(2169) whispers: anything wrong with the more centralizzing Ne7?
33...Nxb6 (3:52) 34.axb6 (0:02)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i was thinking about Na7 with interesting position...then Nb5, Bb4..
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: seems like Black is about ok...
KiranY(2073) whispers: she seems to be super stubborn :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: after Na7; Nc4-Nb5; Nxd6-Rxd6 black is definitely good
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: i would play probably Re1 after Na7
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: 4,5 minutes behind ...
Leucky(1797) whispers: she's great!
Leucky(1797) whispers: go funkmaus!
cynick(2169) whispers: time to bring Kh8 closer to the action?
cynick(2169) whispers: or g5 maybe?
34...Ba3 (2:51) 35.Rd1 (0:09) Bd6 (0:02)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: the only move
36.Rdc1 (0:16) Ba3 (0:04)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: some time is always good :)
37.Rd1 (0:04) Bd6 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Winning time or really draw???
Jammes(1940) whispers: go funkmaus, i see a lot of pawn weeknesses in white position :)
38.Rc7 (0:47)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Rc7 +-
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: it was the idea of a5xb6...
Jammes(1940) whispers: hui
Jammes(1940) whispers: ^^
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: just 3,5 min
Kastro(1908) whispers: jejejej
brigadoon(1996) whispers: simply re7 rdc1 rdd7 =
Treekiller(1796) whispers: re7?
brigadoon(1996) whispers: black can play re7 and the pawn on b7 is safe
cynick(2169) whispers: maybe re7 rc1 rdd7 bc5?
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: almost even by time :)
Treekiller(1796) whispers: re7 rdc1 rdd7 rc8+ kh7? looks better for white? isnt it
Jammes(1940) whispers: strong psychologic shock wich white gives black who thought draw agreed :)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: she has something to think about :)
Treekiller(1796) whispers: umm hows about just re2 here?
Kastro(1908) whispers: Re7 Rxe7 Rc1 and then repeat operation
cynick(2169) whispers: it is a pity the black king is so far away from the action
Treekiller(1796) whispers: id play re2 and also try to bring bishop to a3
38...Re7 (8:10)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Rxe7 Bxe7 Rc1
cynick(2169) whispers: thhat does look promising
39.Rdc1 (1:10)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: she has found the only move as for me
Treekiller(1796) whispers: hangs d5 pawn>?
KiranY(2073) whispers: red7
Kastro(1908) whispers: :(
KiranY(2073) whispers: if rxr bxr rc1 was good
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: now i want to take on e7 and to play Rc7 with winning on b7
cynick(2169) whispers: I still like Rdd7 Bc5, but it is messy
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: of b7*
39...Red7 (1:46)
KiranY(2073) whispers: :)
40.Rxd7 (2:11) Rxd7 (0:00) 41.Rc8+ (0:01) Kh7 (0:02)
cynick(2169) whispers: funkmaus translated = wireless mouse?
42.Kc2 (0:15)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: king goes to c4... there is a sufficient difference between our kings
42...Kg6 (0:20)
KiranY(2073) whispers: yes
43.Kd3 (0:05)
pchesso(1733) whispers: yes, and also a play with words
Kastro(1908) whispers: +-
derMandarin(2142) whispers: yes, cynick
pchesso(1733) whispers: funkhaus is from where they broadcast
43...f6 (0:30)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: a good maneouver for the king
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: f7e7
Kastro(1908) whispers: Kc4 Kf7 Bc5 :)
44.Kc4 (1:35)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: Re7 seems undangerous
Kastro(1908) whispers: B can not capture if Kf7
BlindRobot(2151) whispers: nice technique
44...Kf7 (0:25)
Koff(1962) whispers: looks lost
Kastro(1908) whispers: Bc5 Cxc5?? Rc7!!
maeck(2004) whispers: black will be in zugzwang soon
Diboss(2066) whispers: br and Bc5
Diboss(2066) whispers: b4
Diboss(2066) whispers: i guess the direct Bc5 works too
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: the pawn endigns can be draw...
45.b4 (0:51)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: now Bc5 is coming
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: position of black seems losing but I don't wanna state this for 100%
KiranY(2073) whispers: still some hope after be7 bc5 bd8 b5 axb5
Kastro(1908) whispers: but if be7 Rc7!
cynick(2169) whispers: why not try g5?
KiranY(2073) whispers: rc7 ke8
Treekiller(1796) whispers: yeah thats what id do. g5 bc5 ke7?
Jammes(1940) whispers: strong ending by white :(
Kastro(1908) whispers: let me rephrase that
Kastro(1908) whispers: Strong ending for white :)
Jammes(1940) whispers: didnt thought that rc7 is possible that fast. and not even now what black did wrong
Jammes(1940) whispers: ok kastro tx, for beeing my english teacher ;)
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
Kastro(1908) whispers: you are welcome
Boobyslegacy(1958) whispers: c'mon Funkmaus,fight!
Kastro(1908) whispers: (the happy face was the change :( )
Jammes(1940) whispers: you did forget to correct know btw
45...Bf8 (5:28)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: g7g5 was the only as for me
46.Bc5 (0:20) Be7 (0:03) 47.h4 (0:19) h5 (0:10)
Kastro(1908) whispers: Rc7 won automatically
48.Kd4 (0:25)
Treekiller(1796) whispers: rc7 ke8?
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: not too many possible moves...something like cugcvang is coming...
48...Bd8 (2:20)
maeck(2004) whispers: d6
maeck(2004) whispers: and then Rc7
Kastro(1908) whispers: d6?? Bxb6
Treekiller(1796) whispers: d6 bxb6 bxb6 rxd6+?
maeck(2004) whispers: then Kc5
Kastro(1908) whispers: :p
Treekiller(1796) whispers: aw nice :)
49.d6 (2:39) Ke6 (0:05)
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: bishop is trapped...
50.Rc7 (0:16)
maeck(2004) whispers: and over
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: finally my king will come to e6
LuckyTiger(2279) whispers: black has no waiting moves except of moving pawn g7 to g4
Kastro(1908) whispers: :)
Jammes(1940) whispers: does rf7 help in any way? no the king marches in :( gg
Leucky(1797) whispers: rf7 rxf7 kxf7 kd5 looks good for white
spendius(1807) whispers: Rxd6 maybe
Diboss(2066) whispers: g5
Funkmaus(2269) whispers: Game over! Very nice he done this Rc7. "Zugzwang"
Funkmaus resigns 1-0


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