brigadoon(1879) vs. cytrus(1939) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-06-22
Diboss(2034) whispers: hey team
Diboss(2034) whispers: go cytrus! 2...e5 (1:09)
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: g3 d4 and a reverse sicilian?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: i wanna have Nf3 e4 ng5 b5!?
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: a
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: bellon gambit
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: jo
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: thats a cool line
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: its unsound
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: completley 3.Nf3 (1:53)
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: after b5 d3 an all that crap 3...Nc6 (0:18)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: yeah d3 is the hardest but practically playable
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: g3 Bb4 is the modern variation 4.g3 (2:00)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: very interesting 4...Bb4 (0:26)
outAtime(1913) whispers: go cytrus!
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: yes!
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: (thats for the variation - I dont care who wins) ;)
brigadoon(1879) whispers: I betted on e6 rather than e5, and now I'm out of preparation :-(
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: sort of a nimzo? 5.Bg2 (1:04) O-O (0:28) 6.O-O (0:06)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: anyone familiar with this line? 6...Re8 (0:51)
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: no
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: the plan seems like a3+b4 and if take then dxc3
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: i guess d3, rb1, a3-b4 stuff for white here
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: the usual idea for black is Bxc3 and e4
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: and sometimes e3! later
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: but thats usually after 6...Bxc3, Re8 is different
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: what about d3, e4, ng5, b5 the delayed bellon;)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: I would say a3 is not a good idea here, but d3 looks ok
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: black will probably come up with d5 , so maybe e4+d3 setup is playable
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: well d3 looks good and flexible
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: cos e4 is otherwise quite effective for black
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: i was gonna say d3 but e4 anyway 7.d3 (4:06) Bxc3 (0:36) 8.bxc3 (0:04)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: bxc3, bxc3, d5 seems the normal path 8...e4 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: yes e4 now looks good
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: nd4
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: but in this line, black wont have the option of e3 later
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: ng5 b5!?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: hehe, just kidding
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: the e4-e3 push is what gives the 6..Bxc3 line its punch
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: mh, now that i look at it, ng5! b5!
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: no way
Koff(1964) whispers: this looks interesting 9.Nd4 (3:02)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: what does b5 do apart from ruining black's pawn structure, opening the diagonal for white's bishop and drop a pawn?
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: ?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: it gives a heap of fun
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: I dont see any fun in doing what I just described
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: maybe you have no humor:)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: I like my serious and cynical humor
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: Ne5 looks good here
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: ng5 was indeed playable but not b5 9...h6 (3:25)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: damn that e4 pawn is annoying for white
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: its not so bad I think 10.dxe4 (4:01)
Koff(1964) whispers: dxe4 could give a good piece-play - ah, he made it
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: well its gone now, but I dunno about this 10...Nxe4 (0:28) 11.Qc2 (0:03) d5 (0:04)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: I think white could have played Nxc6 dxc6 d4
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: i just looked it up, dxe4 is playable
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: sure it was
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: playable for sure, but maybe not best
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: it is the main move here, with qc2 second most played
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: lol
Koff(1964) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: that doesnt alter my opinion ;)
Koff(1964) whispers: I'm sure quite many of us know they are still in theory
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: undoubling the pawns now.. 12.cxd5 (2:43) Qxd5 (0:42)
KiranY(2093) whispers: is this good for black?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: at leas it is not bad
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: its the English, so its prolly just equal ;)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: both sides seem to hold
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: white seems out of book
Koff(1964) whispers: they're still following one Kasparov-Karpov game from Seville, where white played... but that's another story :)
trobi(1990) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: I thought Karpov favoured the 5..Bxc3 line
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: maybe you wanna tell us the whole story:)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: *6..Bxc3
Koff(1964) whispers: possibly, and possibly it was just an move-order chance, I don't know
Koff(1964) whispers: don't know how many games did they play this, another one was of course that famous ..e3 push
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: that is what I referred to earlier 13.Rd1 (5:19)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: fascinating line, though this is not uninteresting either
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: forgive my needless double-negatives
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: theory goes till the 17. here 13...Bf5 (1:56)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: at least the one i have access to
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: blunder?
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: ah Nxg3
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: crafty wants f3 Nf2 here
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: crazy stuff, might even be theoretical
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: ok...
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: qb2,nxd4,cxd4,qd7, lf4 is the line
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: f3 Nf2.. Id bet a few dollars the game will not go in that direction
Kastro(1864) whispers: Bf4 lokks logical
Koff(1964) whispers: heh. yeah, I believe even crafty could refute a line from the old book I'm reading
Kastro(1864) whispers: or Nxf5
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: nxf5 bxf5 Bf4?! Nxg3!
trobi(1990) whispers: dont know there seem to be a lot of good lines
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: Nxf5 Qxf5 and the rook goes back to f1
trobi(1990) whispers: seemingly good
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: Nxg3! still sbc
trobi(1990) whispers: Nf5 Qf5 then f3 Queen trade and e4
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: where? 14.Qb2 (2:45)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: ng3 is still betteer for white
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: oh I see now
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: after Rf1
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: so Nxf5 is no good then
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: Nxf3 Qxf5 Be3 looked ok to me
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: qxf5, nxf5, rb1! is good only for white 14...Nxd4 (0:56)
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: once again Nxg3 there
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: right 15.cxd4 (0:18)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: ng3 is not good in any of these lines
trobi(1990) whispers: hm
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: no?
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: surprising
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: not really
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: well anyway, the queen on b2 avoids all this stuff
Koff(1964) whispers: but if Cytrus finds Salovs next, 15..Qd7, I'll get curious :)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: c5?
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: well, Qd7 is intuitive
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: b6 is bad due f3+e4
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: an intuitive gambit
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: c5 Bf4 c4 push the queenside!?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: c5? f3!
Koff(1964) whispers: yes, and who actually knows if these 'theory' moves are good or bad
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: well, these are among the sharpest lines of the English
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: q has to leave the pin
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: I tend to avoid them myself
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: whats the point of playing 1.c4 if you have to learn lots of theory?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: qd7 bf4 c6 a4
Koff(1964) whispers: true, f3+e4 coming
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: there ends my book
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: but maybe cytrus finds a new move
Koff(1964) whispers: I've 1 move pair more... maybe anewer edition :)
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: Qd7 Qxb7?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: qxb7 nc3! re1 qxd4 15...Qd7 (5:05)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: so b7 is safe for the moment 16.Bf4 (0:53) c6 (0:20)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: but qxb7, nc3, rd2,ne4 is a drawing line
trobi(1990) whispers: f3 - e4 yawn
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: but Qxd7 Nc3 Rd2 Nxe2+.. anyway
deionsandersson(1969) whispers: oh no nevermind. stupid line
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: hehe, yes, ra8 hangs in this line
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: apparently we are still in 'theory'
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: a4 is my last book move
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: Karpov cites a4 here
MPU(2080) whispers: karpov who, the former WC Karpov?
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: following Portisch-Salov (probably the same game as Koff cited) 17.a4 (5:49)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: they must know the game
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: Karpov seems not to trust this line for black
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: incidentally, he also cited 14. f3 Nf2 as possible
MPU(2080) whispers: is this still opening theory?
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: it has just ended
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: thats debatable 17...g5 (3:13)
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: so let's begin to think here
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: NOW it has ended for sure
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: no longer following Portisch-Salov
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: cytrus found a new move in 17. move
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: :D
Koff(1964) whispers: aha! :)
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: bc1 seems ok
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: black remains active anyway
Boobyslegacy(1959) whispers: i can forsee a battery on the long dark diagonal 18.Be3 (6:17)
AdIsHaNkAr(1857) whispers: f3 bf2 e4 plan? 18...Nf6 (2:29) 19.Bd2 (0:19)
cytrus(1939) whispers: is there any reaon I can`t catch that pawn ? 19...Rxe2 (1:36)
Kastro(1864) whispers: mouseslip i guess.... Bc1 was the move 20.Qa3 (2:02)
Kastro(1864) whispers: disaster now
Kastro(1864) whispers: Qa3?? 20...Bc2 (1:27)
Kastro(1864) whispers: :(
Kastro(1864) whispers: this is what i call a bad day
Diboss(2034) whispers: well, this looks good
smallblackcat(2001) whispers: just like that, it looks over cytrus lost connection; game adjourned *
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