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beuki(1828) vs. kastro(1880) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-06-11

1.Nc3 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: surprise opening?
1...Nf6 (0:00)
Jammes(2038) whispers: wich suprise?
Jammes(2038) whispers: hi all
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: well Kastro thought for a while after Nc3, so I thought it was a surprise
Jammes(2038) whispers: beuki ever plays nc3
2.e4 (1:33)
Jammes(2038) whispers: that was he said to me at least
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: kastro normally doesn't play 1.e4 e5 but here white is commited to vienna so maybe he will
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: hmm, d5 is an Alekhine line, e5 a Vienna, and e6 may lead to a French
brigadoon(1961) whispers: after d5 he can play an Aljechin
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: yes d5 is the most aggressive option
Jammes(2038) whispers: d5 is aljechin? i thought aljechin is e4 Sf6 e5 sd5. normaly later d6 will follow
2...d6 (5:00)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: yes but 1.e4 Nf6 2.Nc3 is often met with 2...d5
3.g3 (0:18)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: GO KASTRO GO
3...g6 (3:23) 4.Bg2 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: Pirc fianchetto now
brigadoon(1961) whispers: heading for a KIA?
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: I assume white will play d4 soon
4...Bg7 (0:48) 5.d3 (0:11)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: apparently not
Kastro(1880) whispers: this is a pseudo PIRC
brigadoon(1961) whispers: d3 is more in the KIA theme
Jammes(2038) whispers: looks like the usual Kia Sizilian c5 might follow
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: dunno if a KIA works against d6 though
Kastro(1880) whispers: d4 was more common
5...O-O (2:46) 6.f4 (0:11) c6 (3:23) 7.Nf3 (0:08) Bg4 (3:27) 8.h3 (0:59)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: hi... GO MOTLEYCREW GO
8...Bd7 (2:23) 9.g4 (0:24)
KiranY(2072) whispers: this more like closed sic that KIA
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: but black has c6 instead of c5
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: dunno if thats good or bad though
KiranY(2072) whispers: the only diff yeah
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: well the Nb8 has no natural development square
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: so maybe this little detail favours white slightly
KiranY(2072) whispers: yup
jaberwock(2050) whispers: Bg4-d7 is provacative.
Jammes(2038) whispers: i hope so ;). Go Schachkiste Go
KiranY(2072) whispers: in closed sic by this time there would have been a good q side attack for black
jaberwock(2050) whispers: sbc, a6 is a natural sqaure for a knight. :)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: I would call that an unnatural square ;)
cytrus(1939) whispers: brave attack.
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: I tend to agree with Kiran, black is behind in the attack here
9...Na6 (3:49)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: a8 would be an unnatural sqaure...except for Nimzo fans.
cytrus(1939) whispers: behind but king is not in the middle
Jammes(2038) whispers: what do you think? shall white think about a long castle, or is this nonsense
10.O-O (0:20)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: aha! a6!!
Quarterblue(0) whispers: wow
Jammes(2038) whispers: ok ;)
KiranY(2072) whispers: king is not in the middle ;)
cytrus(1939) whispers: now not. long castle should be also considered, with good chances I think for white.
jaberwock(2050) whispers: as white, I'd prefer the knight on g3.
cytrus(1939) whispers: g4 seems now useless
10...Rb8 (1:08)
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: I think white is overextended a little
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: white can still attack on the kingside
jaberwock(2050) whispers: maybe Nc3-e2-g3
Quarterblue(0) whispers: why Rb8?
cytrus(1939) whispers: but the attack for white looks better when: Be3 Qd2 0-0-0
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: blacks queenside attack is also more threatening after 0-0-0
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: I think he wants to do b5 without having to worry about thje lsb, but seems slow
cytrus(1939) whispers: I think white would be faster
KiranY(2072) whispers: f5 maybe
KiranY(2072) whispers: qe1-qh4
KiranY(2072) whispers: but bd3 first i think
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: why?
KiranY(2072) whispers: a7
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: oh yeah :P
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: little detail
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: another reason why c6 looks inferior to c5
11.Be3 (3:50)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Nc5 maybe?
11...c5 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: or b6 then Nc5
12.Ne2 (0:18)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: but maybe b6 d4 was good
KiranY(2072) whispers: a4 was also possible
Quarterblue(0) whispers: now black can play c4 or something like that
cytrus(1939) whispers: moving knight to g3. Qd2 and attack is prepared :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: yes
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: then we shall see who is right, and who is dead
brigadoon(1961) whispers: the coordination of black's pieces is horrible, but let's see, if beuki can use that...
12...Bc6 (1:53)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: preparing c4 i think
13.Ng3 (0:34) Nc7 (1:41)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: or not
cytrus(1939) whispers: black will try to move d pawn forward I guess but is it good ?
Quarterblue(0) whispers: he should play e5 before moving the d pawn
Quarterblue(0) whispers: maybe Qe8
cytrus(1939) whispers: he cannot because of Re8 --> e5 f5 --> g5 --> f6
cytrus(1939) whispers: e7 pawn is the place for that pawn and defence I think
Quarterblue(0) whispers: but he can't move the d pawn or else whit plays e5
cytrus(1939) whispers: yes. and cannot move e pawn because of f5 :)
14.c3 (4:53)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: now c4 looks good i think
brigadoon(1961) whispers: I would have liked Qc1 more, intending f5 in the next move
14...a5 (0:43)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: probably preparing c4 now
cytrus(1939) whispers: it seems black plays without any plan
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: looks like he intends b5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: maybe c4 - it wasn't possible before because of Bxa7
Quarterblue(0) whispers: don't you like this move?
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: it would seem to be the only aggressive try
15.Rc1 (4:21)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: c4 now
brigadoon(1961) whispers: I thiink c4 could be answered with g5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: maybe b5 then c4
15...Nd7 (4:42)
pollock(2106) whispers: yes maybe :)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: bugger me, its pollock!
pollock(2106) whispers: where? :O
pollock(2106) whispers: hi smallblackcat
pollock(2106) whispers: dont get why black did all this stuff before b5
pollock(2106) whispers: id have played it long ago :)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: well maybe black wants to prove white to be overextended
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: he'll have a job though
pollock(2106) whispers: could be doing that :)
pollock(2106) whispers: could also just be messing around
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: i bet on Kastro
brigadoon(1961) whispers: white should attack, but he is dillydallying
pollock(2106) whispers: hmmm
pollock(2106) whispers: i bet on beuki :)
pollock(2106) whispers: just to make it interesting
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i bet on the TD ;)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: to make it interesting
16.Qd2 (4:50)
pollock(2106) whispers: hehe :)
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: a lot of degenerate gamblers here, apparently ;)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: i bet on myself
Quarterblue(0) whispers: to make it interesting
Quarterblue(0) whispers: :)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: we may be gamblers but we aint degenerate!
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: speak for yourself
smallblackcat(2015) whispers: minor distinction ;)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i will play b5 and d5 as black - and quickly
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: Kastro neutralized the whites impetus.. now he has to do the slight manouvering .. i bet on him... GO CAPTAIN
KiranY(2072) whispers: neutralized? white hasnt even started yet lol
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: LETS SEE...
gaelleg(1699) whispers: d5 d5 d5 goooooooooooooo
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: hi kiran andtkc
Quarterblue(0) whispers: well 16... d5 17. e5 and then what?
16...h6 (3:34)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: hi BALA
pollock(2106) whispers: d5 e5 and d4 to come :O
pollock(2106) whispers: f5 f5 f5 f5 :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: f5 now or never
Quarterblue(0) whispers: h6 wasn't good i think
gaelleg(1699) whispers: d5 and d4
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i cant understand why kastro is so scared of g5 is doesnt do anyhting
pollock(2106) whispers: f5 kh7 ios idea i guess :)
pollock(2106) whispers: but cant be right :)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: f5 now and black has no choice but to play g5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: or Kh7
pollock(2106) whispers: f5 g5 nh5 possibly
pollock(2106) whispers: just want to sac on g55 really :)
pollock(2106) whispers: but doesnt work at first
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: g5 looks way ugly
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 Bxg5?
pollock(2106) whispers: g5 ugly
pollock(2106) whispers: might work mpu but id like a building move first
gaelleg(1699) whispers: f5and a move of k casue of c takes g5 to begin an attack
KiranY(2072) whispers: bxg5 hxg5 qxg5 ne6
pollock(2106) whispers: like nh5 or h4 or something
KiranY(2072) whispers: g5 h4
MPU(2099) whispers: Nh5 prepares Bxg
pollock(2106) whispers: f5 g5 h4 f6 is horrid for bg7 probably isnt an option :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: yup
17.f5 (3:26)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: arg
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Kh7 is better than g5 i think
KiranY(2072) whispers: atlast white opens up :P
gaelleg(1699) whispers: all is better than g5
17...Kh7 (0:52)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: g5.. and all is calm
pollock(2106) whispers: kh7 g5 :S
Quarterblue(0) whispers: g5 h5
pollock(2106) whispers: i want to sac :)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: g5.. h5 f6
gaelleg(1699) whispers: g5 and C takes g5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: g5 h5 f6 and black wins a pawn
pollock(2106) whispers: g5 h5 nxh5 and if could get qxh5 id be kinda happy
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 h5 Nh4, Qe2
pollock(2106) whispers: yes mpu :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: yeah
pollock(2106) whispers: nice
pollock(2106) whispers: prepare sac :)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: black was too slow
Quarterblue(0) whispers: especially with Bg4-d7, he lost 2 moves
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: Kastro is a warrior... i bet on him
Quarterblue(0) whispers: I know kastro is awesome at problems
pollock(2106) whispers: kastro goner lose :)
Kastro(1880) whispers: Why not open up the game? The spectators might be bored.
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 Ne5
pollock(2106) whispers: mpus line is near a forced lose in my opinion :)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: one bad move for the withe and all is to do... K must fight
pollock(2106) whispers: the g5 h5 nh4 ... qe2 one :)
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 ne5 gxh nxf rxf Be5
gaelleg(1699) whispers: h5 or hxg ?
18.d4 (6:48)
MPU(2099) whispers: the king can try to sit it out
pollock(2106) whispers: hxg5 goner be painful for sure :)
pollock(2106) whispers: maybe was possible
pollock(2106) whispers: play in centre never that bad idea :)
pollock(2106) whispers: but 6 minutes :S
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: play in the center & flank is the onus of black i think.. white must focus on what he started - a K side attack
gaelleg(1699) whispers: you can t play either east and center
gaelleg(1699) whispers: sorry captain i never be disagree with you again
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: i bet beuki always went for asia in risk
MPU(2099) whispers: hard to suggest anything for B here
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: sbc and deons started!
gaelleg(1699) whispers: b5 would be bad ?
beuki(1828) whispers: well, to be honest i made a finger fault and used the f8 key instead of f9 which was a shortcut for d4
18...cxd4 (5:21)
beuki(1828) whispers: but d4 doesn't look that bad, hehe
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: lol
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: we need a few more of those :)
MPU(2099) whispers: i think it was better to play g5 before opening the center
xombie(1910) whispers: this is not a TL game is it?
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: hi xombie! it is
philk(1577) whispers: it is a TL game
19.cxd4 (4:04)
MPU(2099) whispers: how about e5?
gaelleg(1699) whispers: with e5 with can block center and attack east
brigadoon(1961) whispers: e5 d5 and the bishop on g7 is dead for the rest of the game
19...Nf6 (3:37)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: it s calling g5
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 nxe4
gaelleg(1699) whispers: if g5 nxe4 nxe4
MPU(2099) whispers: g5 nxe4 nxe4 Bxe4 gxh6 bf6
20.g5 (2:15)
MPU(2099) whispers: nxe4 nxe4 Bxe4 gxh6 bf6 ng5+ bxg5 bxe4 as far as i can see
20...hxg5 (1:39)
MPU(2099) whispers: um
pollock(2106) whispers: cat amongst pigeons :)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: looks like a bad move to me
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: the N stays on g5
pollock(2106) whispers: kings pretty hard to mate :)
pollock(2106) whispers: oh but
pollock(2106) whispers: d5 can come sometime
KiranY(2072) whispers: i see something
pollock(2106) whispers: kirany genius :)
MPU(2099) whispers: nxf7 at some point?
pollock(2106) whispers: nah
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: fg fg Ng5?
KiranY(2072) whispers: nxg5 kg8 fxg6 fxg6 d5 b somewhere rxc7 qxc7 ne6 :)
pollock(2106) whispers: bd7
pollock(2106) whispers: i was looking at that kirany :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: b somewhere except d7 :P
pollock(2106) whispers: but the bloody bishop defends e6 :(
21.Nxg5+ (3:01)
pollock(2106) whispers: think bb5 would be niaive
21...Kg8 (0:13)
pollock(2106) whispers: there is just qxa5
MPU(2099) whispers: fxg fxg e5
pollock(2106) whispers: id probably just take on a5 after sometghing or other :)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: fxg fxg d5
pollock(2106) whispers: threatens c7 kind of with d5 so eat pawn yum
MPU(2099) whispers: fxg fxg e5 dxe bxc6 bxc6 rxc6 looks dangerous for black
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: i bet on Kastro
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: what doesnt look dangerous for black?
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: since the beggining i still bet on Kastro
MPU(2099) whispers: how abt d5 Bd7 Bb6
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i admire your loyalty to your captains tkc :)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: last TL i had great fun watching TL games and commenting away with abandon - this TL half the games are my team :(
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: no fun .. and no rest for the wicked
22.d5 (6:50)
pollock(2106) whispers: yes bb6 looks nice :)
MPU(2099) whispers: yep, he's going for it
pollock(2106) whispers: comp wont get it but not getting out of that pin @_
MPU(2099) whispers: Bb6 Rc8 Qxa5
xombie(1910) whispers: looks like a ?? to me d5
22...Bb5 (0:45)
xombie(1910) whispers: absolute shocker
23.fxg6 (0:20)
pollock(2106) whispers: oh didnt expect that :)
pollock(2106) whispers: think white can sac f1 and win something else
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: crushing
KiranY(2072) whispers: you can still do it bala :)
MPU(2099) whispers: after fxg Bb6
MPU(2099) whispers: followed by ne6
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: do what kiran? comment? ok i am doing it :)
xombie(1910) whispers: lots of monkey business here
pollock(2106) whispers: fxg6 seems forced :)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: no... there is menacing of Rxc7 and Ne6
pollock(2106) whispers: think thats not so menacing
Quarterblue(0) whispers: but this is useless
pollock(2106) whispers: its a powerful piece but its not game over
Quarterblue(0) whispers: you sack a quality to get it back
Quarterblue(0) whispers: what's your point?
MPU(2099) whispers: bb6 first
pollock(2106) whispers: yes bb6 i like pin em up :)
pollock(2106) whispers: and clear way for qg5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: oh wait
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: Bxf1
Quarterblue(0) whispers: black can take the rook
KiranY(2072) whispers: haha
Quarterblue(0) whispers: i've been afk till now
pollock(2106) whispers: nah bxf1 aint nothing :)
MPU(2099) whispers: Bb6 Bxf1 Bxc7
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: Bxf1 Nxf7?
23...Bxf1 (4:08) 24.gxf7+ (0:06)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Kh8
pollock(2106) whispers: nope
xombie(1910) whispers: Rxf7 seems forced
pollock(2106) whispers: no way way kh8 :)
MPU(2099) whispers: Kh8 Qf2!
24...Rxf7 (0:29)
pollock(2106) whispers: cant leave pawns like that f7 pawn with king in corner
pollock(2106) whispers: get eaten :)
25.Nxf7 (0:28) Kxf7 (0:09)
KiranY(2072) whispers: hmm
pollock(2106) whispers: kxf1 is attractive :S
KiranY(2072) whispers: bxf1 is more practical :)
pollock(2106) whispers: probably is reason rxf1 is useful on f file
pollock(2106) whispers: but dont see it immediately :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: maybe
pollock(2106) whispers: all good moves i think :)
MPU(2099) whispers: why kxf1?
pollock(2106) whispers: didnt want to move the rook or bishop hehe
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: rxf1 just forget about the bb6 idea
pollock(2106) whispers: rxf1 does seem good :)
pollock(2106) whispers: all pieces for king attack
pollock(2106) whispers: blacks busted then :)
26.Bxf1 (2:13)
pollock(2106) whispers: e4 isnt over defended here :S
26...Nce8 (0:29)
KiranY(2072) whispers: nf5?
KiranY(2072) whispers: oh nvm
pollock(2106) whispers: hehehe
MPU(2099) whispers: Bd3 and Qg2
pollock(2106) whispers: its like i know what talking about kirany ;)
27.Qf2 (2:37) Qd7 (0:22)
pollock(2106) whispers: can play nf5 if want
pollock(2106) whispers: nf5 nxe4 nh6++ is mate :)
MPU(2099) whispers: no Kg6
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: i bet on Kastro
KiranY(2072) whispers: we know :)
pollock(2106) whispers: oherm qf7+ kh7 qg8+ just perpectual :S
xombie(1910) whispers: defense is generally harder to play than attack
pollock(2106) whispers: kh2 is a sly move
pollock(2106) whispers: kh2 rc8 bb5 wins the rook
28.Bg2 (2:04)
Kastro(1880) whispers: :)
MPU(2099) whispers: Kh2, Bd3 and Nf5 was better
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: e6
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: no rc8
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: better
MPU(2099) whispers: cant believe white is only a pawn up
gaelleg(1699) whispers: if r c8 is exchange good ?
MPU(2099) whispers: yes, because c file is taken from white
KiranY(2072) whispers: rc8 rf1?
28...Rc8 (4:58) 29.Rf1 (0:03) Bf8 (0:12)
pollock(2106) whispers: what the hell
pollock(2106) whispers: mouseslip :)
xombie(1910) whispers: whoops
xombie(1910) whispers: what abt e5 now?
Kastro(1880) whispers: What about hidding :P
KiranY(2072) whispers: lol
MPU(2099) whispers: Nh5
pollock(2106) whispers: nf5
30.Nf5 (1:10)
KiranY(2072) whispers: both are ok
pollock(2106) whispers: nfh5 nf4?
pollock(2106) whispers: just go to e6 maybe :)
pollock(2106) whispers: h4 and bh3 insteresitng ideas
pollock(2106) whispers: plan ng7 ke8?
30...Rc4 (0:57)
pollock(2106) whispers: isnt threating e4
KiranY(2072) whispers: qh4
KiranY(2072) whispers: threatening mate
pollock(2106) whispers: yeah can do :)
xombie(1910) whispers: i somehow feel that black's position will be blown apart if any of those pieces move
MPU(2099) whispers: is winning
xombie(1910) whispers: the N cant move
31.Bd4 (1:22)
xombie(1910) whispers: e5 will lead to more opening up
pollock(2106) whispers: slow move bbd4 :S
KiranY(2072) whispers: yeah
31...Qc7 (0:29)
pollock(2106) whispers: not bad tho i dont think :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: he can try nh4 now maybe
MPU(2099) whispers: bxf6 nxf6 e5
pollock(2106) whispers: hmmm
pollock(2106) whispers: how did this get tricky :S
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: bb6
KiranY(2072) whispers: dxe5
32.Re1 (1:13)
pollock(2106) whispers: it looked easy a few moves ago :)
xombie(1910) whispers: i still like e5
pollock(2106) whispers: what!
MPU(2099) whispers: dxe5 d6
32...Rc1 (0:21)
KiranY(2072) whispers: white a lost a few tempi
pollock(2106) whispers: yeah pratting around
Kastro(1880) whispers: some checks won;t hurt him
33.e5 (0:25)
xombie(1910) whispers: finally
pollock(2106) whispers: ok e5
xombie(1910) whispers: may be a bit late in the day
pollock(2106) whispers: not pratting around :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: hehe
33...dxe5 (0:30) 34.Bxe5 (0:14)
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: EQUAL
pollock(2106) whispers: nah
pollock(2106) whispers: cant be equal :)
MPU(2099) whispers: d6! was better
34...Rxe1+ (0:37) 35.Qxe1 (0:00)
xombie(1910) whispers: whisper no!
pollock(2106) whispers: qc5+ bd4 :)
pollock(2106) whispers: didnt see that at first
MPU(2099) whispers: qd7
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: EQUAL
pollock(2106) whispers: its not equal!
KiranY(2072) whispers: wishful thinking :)
35...Qc4 (1:07)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: just what i was going to say kiran
KiranY(2072) whispers: bxn is good?
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: qd7 was better
pollock(2106) whispers: its hard to work out bxn
36.Bxf6 (1:15)
KiranY(2072) whispers: white has to act fast
36...Nxf6 (0:10)
MPU(2099) whispers: shouldve kept the bishop pair
37.Qe6+ (0:12)
KiranY(2072) whispers: still better
Kastro(1880) whispers: shit... haven;t see that
pollock(2106) whispers: ke8 is funny :)
xombie(1910) whispers: its crushing
37...Kg6 (0:31)
MPU(2099) whispers: Kg6 Nxe Bxe Qxe Qc1
MPU(2099) whispers: perpetual?
KiranY(2072) whispers: ah
KiranY(2072) whispers: kf2 bf3 etc
Kastro(1880) whispers: Nxe7 .. maybe :P
KiranY(2072) whispers: kf2 surely
KiranY(2072) whispers: coz qe2
pollock(2106) whispers: dont know about nxe7 :)
Kastro(1880) whispers: maybe i have perpetual
DodgeBrother(1559) whispers: no
KiranY(2072) whispers: nxe7 yes
Kastro(1880) whispers: maybe not...
Kastro(1880) whispers: maybe i should quit chess after this awfull game
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: CONCENTRTION
xombie(1910) whispers: its hard to play with mobile pawn formations
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: The players can see what we whiper?
xombie(1910) whispers: no
pollock(2106) whispers: ng3 or ne3 ?
MPU(2099) whispers: i was considering ne3
KiranY(2072) whispers: why did he start to concentrate ? :P
pollock(2106) whispers: i dont like ne7
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: tnhx
pollock(2106) whispers: as white just want save king and be a bit better
xombie(1910) whispers: still not over this
pollock(2106) whispers: got a bind now
xombie(1910) whispers: how abt h4?
MPU(2099) whispers: Ne3 Qc1 Kh2 Qxb2
38.b3 (3:43)
KiranY(2072) whispers: oh no
38...Qc1+ (0:27)
pollock(2106) whispers: comp likes b3 :)
MPU(2099) whispers: black should try to draw
39.Kh2 (0:04)
xombie(1910) whispers: ha
KiranY(2072) whispers: win ?
39...Qf4+ (0:11)
KiranY(2072) whispers: oh
40.Ng3 (0:06)
KiranY(2072) whispers: bh6
xombie(1910) whispers: Kg5-h4!
MPU(2099) whispers: Bh6 Be4+
cytrus(1939) whispers: Bh6 Be4
MPU(2099) whispers: :D
cliang(2250) whispers: I like the Kg5-h4 plan.
Kastro(1880) whispers: now... Kg5 :P or it s too risky... let s see what if not Kg5
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: wow, nutso
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: kxh4
xombie(1910) whispers: not any worse than now
xombie(1910) whispers: it solves some problems too
cliang(2250) whispers: Or Kg5, Nh5.
Kastro(1880) whispers: jejeje
40...Kg5 (1:55)
pollock(2106) whispers: :O
Kastro(1880) whispers: how to stop Kh4 ?
xombie(1910) whispers: quite a game
pollock(2106) whispers: :O
KiranY(2072) whispers: d6? or qe1
MPU(2099) whispers: WOAH
Kastro(1880) whispers: should i offer draw?
KiranY(2072) whispers: d6 kh4 qc4 :)
KiranY(2072) whispers: and ryb does say 0.00 :P so offer draw
Kastro(1880) whispers: Qe1 then Nh5
xombie(1910) whispers: that would be mate
xombie(1910) whispers: no not quite
KiranY(2072) whispers: but it is tough to find d6..
MPU(2099) whispers: d6 exd Qxf6!! was tempting, but alas knight is pinned
KiranY(2072) whispers: haha
Kastro(1880) whispers: h4+ Kxh4 Qh3 maybe also
xombie(1910) whispers: these guys have been color blind
Quarterblue(0) whispers: so Kg5
Kastro(1880) whispers: with alot of troubles fo rme
xombie(1910) whispers: so far it was white dominating the light squares and now its the other way round
KiranY(2072) whispers: tkc's thoughts are becoming a reality now :P
xombie(1910) whispers: yay
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: betting still open? :D
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i bet on TD as usua
41.Qe2 (4:32)
xombie(1910) whispers: and now ... for the exciting conclusion of this game
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: the B's are opp colored and the extra pawn is a rook pawn so exchangin queens will draw i think
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: Kh4 and its over
xombie(1910) whispers: i dont think so
41...Kh4 (0:43)
KiranY(2072) whispers: qf3
MPU(2099) whispers: Qc4
42.Qf3 (0:11)
xombie(1910) whispers: auch
xombie(1910) whispers: Qc4 seemed good
KiranY(2072) whispers: yes qc4 was better ofcourse
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: Bh6!
cliang(2250) whispers: For both cases.
xombie(1910) whispers: whites still better cuz his B is not great
gaelleg(1699) whispers: Fh6
xombie(1910) whispers: but of course B has a good king now
Kastro(1880) whispers: Bh6 is the only one
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: Bh6
MPU(2099) whispers: yeah Bh6 wins for black?
brigadoon(1961) whispers: Nxd5
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: BH6 ENDS THE DEBAT
KiranY(2072) whispers: well black has to just wait
Kastro(1880) whispers: if Nh5 i lose the attack
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: i bet on Kastro
Kastro(1880) whispers: Bh6 and then he can;t take
Kastro(1880) whispers: and then i can play Nh5
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: YES
MPU(2099) whispers: Bh6 with threat Qxf3
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Bh6 Qd3
42...Bh6 (1:52)
xombie(1910) whispers: Nh5 Qxf4
xombie(1910) whispers: no mate
Killaganthu(0) whispers: Nh5 Qxh5++
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: kastro will henceforth be called the sorcerer
Kastro(1880) whispers: he is dead
Quarterblue(0) whispers: why not Qe3?
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: white is losing a piece
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: i bet on Kastro
xombie(1910) whispers: now don't play Nf5
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: where did i put those gold coins? hmmm
Kastro(1880) whispers: well if i don;t blunder.. i was dead first
xombie(1910) whispers: Nh5
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: since the beggining i still bet on Kastro
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Qe3
cytrus(1939) whispers: Qe3 QxQ Nf5 Kh5 NxQ BxN
xombie(1910) whispers: TKC's has jinxed beuki
43.Bh1 (1:56)
Kastro(1880) whispers: ok let s see
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: a little Brasilian voodoo
MPU(2099) whispers: Qxf3
Quarterblue(0) whispers: QxQ BxQ Bf4 0-1
cytrus(1939) whispers: that doesn`t change anything QxQ BxQ Bf4 0-1
gaelleg(1699) whispers: lost his piece
43...Qxf3 (0:40)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: yes
xombie(1910) whispers: yay
xombie(1910) whispers: how the mighty have fallen
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: cytrus 1-0 pls
Quarterblue(0) whispers: if only there was a square on i2
gaelleg(1699) whispers: he wanted to offer draw
KiranY(2072) whispers: haha
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: sorry my bad
KiranY(2072) whispers: yes i2 would be useful
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: since the beggining i ALWAYS bet on Kastro
cytrus(1939) whispers: well Kastro still can lost on time :P
xombie(1910) whispers: i saw a game in road to chess mastery by euwe like this
thekillerchickens(2140) whispers: :)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: great game
44.Bxf3 (1:02) Bf4 (0:07) 45.Kg2 (0:08)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: wtf?
45...Bxg3 (0:03) 46.d6 (0:01)
KiranY(2072) whispers: well d6 now
Quarterblue(0) whispers: he will try to draw this?
KiranY(2072) whispers: why not?
46...Bxd6 (0:14) 47.Bxb7 (0:02)
KiranY(2072) whispers: he still can try ;)
47...Nh5 (0:11)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: maybe trade the a pawn, sack his bishop on the e pawn and see if kastro can mate with N+B
MPU(2099) whispers: and he would have got away with it, if it werent for those meddling pawns
xombie(1910) whispers: lol
48.Kf3 (0:38)
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: black just eats all the pawns
cytrus(1939) whispers: first of all you should learn how to mate with NB :)
48...Kxh3 (0:15) 49.Ke3 (0:01)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: white has to eat the a pawn
pollock(2106) whispers: bullcrap
xombie(1910) whispers: alright good afternoon guys, it has been a good lunch break
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: ok buddy
49...e5 (0:35) 50.Kd3 (0:03)
KiranY(2072) whispers: kb5 bb4 a3
50...Kg3 (0:51) 51.Kc4 (0:03)
KiranY(2072) whispers: yeah so he has to know how mate with BK
Jammes(2038) whispers: if black wins this, its clearly a stolen victory ;/
MPU(2099) whispers: no such thing
51...Kf4 (0:25) 52.Kb5 (0:05)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: haha warned you
MPU(2099) whispers: white will do nothing with an extra pawn
52...Bb4 (0:56) 53.a3 (0:12)
KiranY(2072) whispers: there is some chance
53...Bxa3 (0:10) 54.Kxa5 (0:02) e4 (0:06) 55.Bxe4 (0:03) Kxe4 (0:03) 56.b4 (0:15)
MPU(2099) whispers: King will reach b8
56...Kd5 (0:11)
MPU(2099) whispers: and all is over
57.b5 (0:03) Bd6 (0:13) 58.Kb6 (0:07)
pollock(2106) whispers: kind of bad for white to have a pawn :)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: well i hope he knows it! would be tough to figure out from scratch
MPU(2099) whispers: Nf6 Nd7
KiranY(2072) whispers: 50 moves start from now?
pollock(2106) whispers: no
pollock(2106) whispers: when pawns captured
MPU(2099) whispers: after wp is taken
Quarterblue(0) whispers: there is still the pawn
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: wehn the p is gone
KiranY(2072) whispers: i see
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: capture or pawn move
MPU(2099) whispers: lol
pollock(2106) whispers: thats the problem with having a pawn :)
cytrus(1939) whispers: Nf6 Nd7
58...Nf6 (1:21) 59.Kb7 (0:13)
KiranY(2072) whispers: right corner though
59...Nd7 (0:16)
cytrus(1939) whispers: agree. right corner
KiranY(2072) whispers: maybe he is trying forstal with the pawn
KiranY(2072) whispers: for stale*
60.Kc8 (0:42) Nb6+ (0:20) 61.Kb7 (0:09) Kc5 (0:05) 62.Ka6 (0:01) Be5 (0:11)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Ka7
63.Ka5 (0:22) Bc3+ (0:03) 64.Ka6 (0:01) Bd2 (0:05) 65.Ka7 (0:06) Kxb5 (0:00) 66.Kb8 (0:04)
KiranY(2072) whispers: game starts now :)
MPU(2099) whispers: now all that matters is whether black knows about the corner thing
MPU(2099) whispers: Bf4+ means he doesnt :)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: with the W method all will be right for K
Kastro(1880) whispers: ok... i have never done this in a serious game... let s hope i don;t screw it
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: hoo boy
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: Kc6 and Nd5-c7 a good start
Kastro(1880) whispers: the trick is to take him to a dark corner
66...Kc6 (1:57) 67.Ka7 (0:13) Bf4 (0:03) 68.Ka6 (0:04)
brigadoon(1961) whispers: Kc6 Bf4 Bb8
68...Bb8 (0:05) 69.Ka5 (0:05)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Nd5
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: there is your answer cytrus - he knows :)
69...Kc5 (0:07) 70.Ka6 (0:01) Kc6 (0:05) 71.Ka5 (0:01)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Nd5
Kastro(1880) whispers: lol
Kastro(1880) whispers: i hate this
MPU(2099) whispers: i played this endgame with fritz n times until i got the hang of it
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Nd5 is the right move, isn't it?
71...Kb7 (1:09)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: ewww
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: this is the tough sequence Nd5 Ka4 Kc5 Kb3 Nb4
MPU(2099) whispers: ?
brigadoon(1961) whispers: noooo
72.Kb4 (0:22)
KiranY(2072) whispers: be5
Quarterblue(0) whispers: now white has to run to h1
KiranY(2072) whispers: i think its ok
72...Be5 (0:26)
MPU(2099) whispers: Be5 Kc5
73.Kc5 (0:05)
KiranY(2072) whispers: kc7
73...Kc7 (0:06) 74.Kb5 (0:05)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: 38 moves left
Quarterblue(0) whispers: Bd6
KiranY(2072) whispers: bd6
74...Kb7 (0:18) 75.Kc5 (0:02)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: wtf
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: madness
MPU(2099) whispers: lol
KiranY(2072) whispers: or bd4
Kastro(1880) whispers: this is embarrasing
KiranY(2072) whispers: its kastro i dont know it too :)
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: me neither
brigadoon(1961) whispers: Kc7 and then Bd4
75...Ka6 (0:46)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: wtf
76.Kc6 (0:09)
KiranY(2072) whispers: lol
KiranY(2072) whispers: but atleast i have a vague idea :P
Quarterblue(0) whispers: come on kastro
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: after this game i'm learning this ending...ive been scared straight
Quarterblue(0) whispers: you're awesome at problems but you can't mate this
Quarterblue(0) whispers: ?
pollock(2106) whispers: so how does white mate now?:)
MPU(2099) whispers: he should push king back to an edge
KiranY(2072) whispers: this has happened on more than couple of occasions in tl
Quarterblue(0) whispers: 40 moves left
76...Bf4 (1:04)
MPU(2099) whispers: more than enough
77.Kc5 (0:08)
pollock(2106) whispers: if know what doing :)
77...Kb7 (0:03)
pollock(2106) whispers: i wouldnt
tseltzer(1854) whispers: how many moves should it take?
78.Kd4 (0:02)
KiranY(2072) whispers: 32 i think
MPU(2099) whispers: 20 with best play
KiranY(2072) whispers: i mean 32 left
78...Kc6 (0:17)
philk(1577) whispers: perfect playing would be a mate in 18
Quarterblue(0) whispers: 36 with the king at the center and the pieces at the corners
79.Ke4 (0:01)
brigadoon(1961) whispers: it's really embarrassing. He started with the ideal knight position and now that...
79...Bc7 (0:19)
pollock(2106) whispers: i cant do this brigadoon :)
80.Kd4 (0:03) Kd6 (0:10) 81.Ke4 (0:02) Ke6 (0:02) 82.Kd4 (0:01)
pollock(2106) whispers: dont think need to be able to at 1800 or 1900 or even 2100 :)
82...Bd6 (0:05) 83.Ke4 (0:03)
MPU(2099) whispers: bc5
83...Be5 (0:15) 84.Kf3 (0:06) Kd5 (0:11)
MPU(2099) whispers: kd5 nc4
85.Kg4 (0:02) Ke4 (0:05)
MPU(2099) whispers: ke4
86.Kh3 (0:02)
brigadoon(1961) whispers: I think Kastro thinks otherwise now pollock
86...Kf3 (0:05)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: i saw a gm do it last month to gain the open
87.Kh4 (0:02) Bf4 (0:06) 88.Kh3 (0:03)
pollock(2106) whispers: hehe :)
Kastro(1880) whispers: now we are happy
MPU(2099) whispers: at last whites back on an edge
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: ok back on track...how many moves?
KiranY(2072) whispers: 20 left
88...Nd5 (0:28) 89.Kh4 (0:01)
KiranY(2072) whispers: it started on 58..
cliang(2250) whispers: More than, last capture was on 65.
89...Nf6 (0:33) 90.Kh3 (0:01)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: bad kroner
tseltzer(1854) whispers: so 115 is last move then?
Quarterblue(0) whispers: corner*
philk(1577) whispers: type "ginfo 12" then you see it
KiranY(2072) whispers: oh yeah from 66
MPU(2099) whispers: Ng4, Ne5 starts a w
KiranY(2072) whispers: nice commang philk
KiranY(2072) whispers: d*
pollock(2106) whispers: bg3 :)
MPU(2099) whispers: well he's gt 20 mts, he should use it
brigadoon(1961) whispers: Nd5
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: sigh, I think it is gonna be a tie ...
brigadoon(1961) whispers: sorry e4
tseltzer(1854) whispers: namilov says win in 15 after Ne4, as brigadoon suggests
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: Kastro has to checkmate before move 117
Whis(1600) whispers: wow a b and n endin
Whis(1600) whispers: i had to come watch
philk(1577) whispers: or he must resign before this move :)
Whis(1600) whispers: Bg5 right?
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: Ne4 Kh4 Be3 Kh5 Kf4
90...Ng4 (3:55)
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: never got to N B ending in a real game in my entire life :-)
Whis(1600) whispers: ah yeah i was thinking wrong corner
MPU(2099) whispers: saw an 8 year old kid do it
Whis(1600) whispers: he has to force king to h8
MPU(2099) whispers: against a guy rated 2200
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: ive seen gms do this purely on premove
brigadoon(1961) whispers: he doesn't know the W manoeuvre
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: what is to think for white?
91.Kh4 (1:24)
cytrus(1939) whispers: Nf6 Kh3 Bg5
gaelleg(1699) whispers: Nf2
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: would it be considered cheating if Kastro reads a textbook? :-p
Quarterblue(0) whispers: or even using a tablebase
tseltzer(1854) whispers: yeah, that would be big time cheating
tseltzer(1854) whispers: no consulting ANYTHING outside during the game
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: i believe you can consult magic 8 ball but that's it
realcoolhead(1959) whispers: lol
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: should i play Ne5? ask again later
Quarterblue(0) whispers: but how would you find out
Quarterblue(0) whispers: he can do anything behind his screen
KiranY(2072) whispers: we see that too quarter
91...Bg3+ (4:44)
Quarterblue(0) whispers: lol you are spying him with a webcam?
92.Kg5 (0:54)
Whis(1600) whispers: i think white will draw now
greatestguns(1650) whispers: Fifty move count started at halfmove 130 (47 halfmoves until a draw).
92...Ne3 (0:42)
tseltzer(1854) whispers: so, W can claim a draw at move 116 (if I'm counting right)
93.Kf6 (1:39)
tseltzer(1854) whispers: ....since moves 66 thru 115 are 50 moves
93...Ke4 (0:31) 94.Ke6 (0:08)
pollock(2106) whispers: guess everyone loses bets if its a draw :(
pollock(2106) whispers: house doing well
94...Kd4 (1:00) 95.Kd7 (0:15) Kc5 (0:21) 96.Ke6 (0:06)
tseltzer(1854) whispers: namilov still gives mate in 18, so still possible - theoretcially
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: :)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: unfortunately kastro has shown he doesn't know i don't blame him sort of a waste of time to learn i think
96...Bf4 (2:38) 97.Kd7 (0:08)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: actually he could have looked at the option of hiding the B diagnol with his N and moving the p
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: not really...its gotta be good for calculation and confidence
tseltzer(1854) whispers: I agree with RiceFarmer's plan :)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: instead of rapidly rushing it
97...Nc4 (0:38)
gaelleg(1699) whispers: isn t it good to improve to play the piece together ?
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: if the choices are learn K+N+B vs. K or watch TV then sure, learn it. but better to spend the time on tactics
98.Kc8 (0:15) Na5 (0:14) 99.Kd7 (0:05) Kd5 (0:05) 100.Kc8 (0:19)
Whis(1600) whispers: i remember the pattern, but always forget which corner to go to
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: i guess...but this is something systematic, worth exercising i think
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: that's simple mate in the corner same color as B
100...Ke6 (0:53) 101.Kd8 (0:07)
Whis(1600) whispers: there is a useful video on this mate at chessvideos.tv
tseltzer(1854) whispers: watch TV and learn it at at the same time!
Whis(1600) whispers: exactly
Whis(1600) whispers: LOL
pacpac(1338) whispers: :D
Whis(1600) whispers: but seirawans book was easier for me to learn than a video
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: yes haha you've got me there :)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: still... he did good to draw white had great middlegame position
tseltzer(1854) whispers: unfortunately the hard part for old guys like me is to remember it
Aeroszepelin(1893) whispers: what has he got like 14 moves?
cliang(2250) whispers: Yup.
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: actually kastro should be glad with a draw he was beatne badly in the opening
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: yes exactly
tseltzer(1854) whispers: just coz u learn it doesnt mean you can do it 15 months later when you need it
tseltzer(1854) whispers: unless you practice it regularly
tseltzer(1854) whispers: which is part of xixxixxixxix'x point, I believe
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: yes
101...Nb3 (3:11)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: the total hours required to learn and remember it would be better used for tactics or something else surely
102.Kc8 (0:07)
brigadoon(1961) whispers: Tim I could have done it, and I practiced it two years ago with Fritz, and then never again
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: unfortunately we have too many geniuses in the motleycrew :)
Jammes(2038) whispers: anybody here with a tablebase? what is the fastest possible mate here
102...Nc5 (0:10) 103.Kd8 (0:05)
tseltzer(1854) whispers: 21
tseltzer(1854) whispers: not enuf moves left :(
cliang(2250) whispers: You can always hope for computer glitches that don't allow the 50-move draw. :)
tseltzer(1854) whispers: I really am getting old, coz my memory is going
Whis(1600) whispers: 21 moves assumes optimal play by both sides
Whis(1600) whispers: if white makes inferior moves it could be less
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: white doesnt seem to make inferioir moves
tseltzer(1854) whispers: We must give Kastro a lot of credit for continuing to try and find the mate, quite a fighting spirit in that fellow
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: agreed
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: agreed
greatestguns(1650) whispers: credit goes to beuki as well for not giving up after the blunder :)
Jammes(2038) whispers: yeah, i think draw is a fair result after all in this game ;). black has no idea how to win this ending. i hopefully never get in the position to do it myself ;)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: a fun game to watch
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: i think beuki showed great sagacity and strategy in handling the ending
tseltzer(1854) whispers: resourcefulness, too :)
Jammes(2038) whispers: riceFarmer, i think its very simple to handle for white ;)
Jammes(2038) whispers: only keep in the near of the white corner
tseltzer(1854) whispers: beuki could have given up after losing the piece and he didn't - kudos there as well
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: jammes to go for a B N ending as a strategy and eat all black pawns was good
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: very good in fact
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: all in all a fair result
greatestguns(1650) whispers: true
brigadoon(1961) whispers: it was the only reasonable strategy, but kastro could have ended it fast, if he knew, how to play this endgame
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: true
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: but i dont know either
pollock(2106) whispers: draw draw :)
DodgeBrother(1559) whispers: hey Bala :D
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: hey Doug howdy mate
103...Kd6 (8:59)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: the great thing now is .. kastro cant lose on time!
104.Kc8 (0:24) Kc6 (0:08) 105.Kd8 (0:03)
eendavid(1457) whispers: anyone want to explain how you push him to the dark corner?
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: its complicated (read : i dont know )
pacpac(1338) whispers: eendavid, i think the know well that it is impossible but make fun of us because we have lower ratings
105...Na4 (3:25) 106.Ke7 (0:13)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: eendavid i meant i dont know - not you - sorry
106...Bc7 (0:24) 107.Ke6 (0:06) Nb6 (0:04) 108.Kf5 (0:03) Kd5 (0:08)
eendavid(1457) whispers: I don't see why I would be offended :)
109.Kg4 (0:02) Ke4 (0:05) 110.Kh3 (0:01) Kf3 (0:06) 111.Kh4 (0:01) Bf4 (0:08)
pacpac(1338) whispers: so, does anybody know?
112.Kh3 (0:09)
pacpac(1338) whispers: :)
112...Nc8 (0:03)
RiceFarmer(1882) whispers: wrt gaelleg's comment
113.Kh4 (0:03) Ne7 (0:06) 114.Kh3 (0:12)
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: look at variation 69...Nd5 70.Ka4 Kc5 71.Kb3 Nb4 72.Kc3 Bf4
xixxixxixxix(2011) whispers: that should work
philk(1577) whispers: 3 halfmoves until a draw
DodgeBrother(1559) whispers: no idea
KiranY(2072) whispers: nf5 would be nice
pacpac(1338) whispers: :)
DodgeBrother(1559) whispers: rather offer draw to save myself the agony
DodgeBrother(1559) whispers: :p
eendavid(1457) whispers: ty, I'll check that out
Pitigrilli(2041) whispers: put the knigh on c5 and the bishop on c7, than you can push the white king with your king in the black corner
114...Ng6 (0:55) Game drawn by stalemate 1/2-1/2


kastro (2009-06-12): Game 4500 - schachkiste - beuki vs Kastro - MotleyCrewU2000B

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