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florinc(2165) vs. elery(2311) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-04-18

1.g3 (0:00) f5 (0:00) 2.Bg2 (0:28) Nf6 (0:05) 3.b3 (0:09) e6 (1:19) 4.Bb2 (0:14) d5 (0:07) 5.Nc3 (0:10) c6 (0:16) 6.Nf3 (0:07) Bd6 (0:04) 7.h4 (0:08) Nbd7 (0:17) 8.h5 (0:08)
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: florin shows us the refutation of the stonewall - h4-h5!
8...Qe7 (0:13) 9.h6 (0:05) g6 (0:04) 10.a4 (0:08)
KiranY(2050) whispers: lol
fernbap(1866) whispers: Mila, are you watching?
hugozver(1901) whispers: si
ktmare(1823) whispers: a torrent pawn!
10...Rf8 (0:30)
shropshire(2194) whispers: go florin!
shropshire(2194) whispers: you rock
Plebusan(1837) whispers: a5-a6 here I guess
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: that would be consistent yes
hugozver(1901) whispers: I propose a draw here ;)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: blitz pace
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: however, its bad here cos after b6 or b5, the a6 pawn would be a target and blacks Bc8 would have something useful to do
11.a5 (2:13) a6 (0:15)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: the center is overrated, of course.
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: hmm, shows what I know
ktmare(1823) whispers: seems to me black has the advantage in the center
12.d4 (2:06)
fernbap(1866) whispers: seems to me black is darker than white
12...Ne4 (1:32)
shropshire(2194) whispers: it would appear since Florin is taking so much time that he is out of the book
fernbap(1866) whispers: book? what book?
shropshire(2194) whispers: opening theory
13.Na4 (2:54)
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: g5-g4 perhaps
jaberwock(2050) whispers: this looked like a Duncan Suttles game until white overreached with d4
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: Bb4+ looks pretty risky
shropshire(2194) whispers: nf6, f4 both look good
shropshire(2194) whispers: NdF6, sorry
afegasta(2121) whispers: hi
13...Qd8 (9:51)
shropshire(2194) whispers: awww man, you can't be passive in a position like this
hugozver(1901) whispers: vamos florin!!
14.Nc3 (3:05)
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: Qc7 and Bxg3, simple ;)
fernbap(1866) whispers: Arriba florin!
jaberwock(2050) whispers: How poisonous is the a5 pawn after Bb4 now?
shropshire(2194) whispers: alcaramos solo Florin, por que Florin ganara
14...Bb4 (3:42)
shropshire(2194) whispers: *aclamaramos
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: its the kind of chance black needs to take I suppose
15.Qd3 (0:35) e5 (0:25)
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: whats the idea here?
shropshire(2194) whispers: doesn't seem to make much sense, presumably Qd8 was to take the pawn on a6
shropshire(2194) whispers: 15. ...Bxa6 makes much more sense with the previous moves than e5, in my opinion
afegasta(2121) whispers: Ba6?
afegasta(2121) whispers: lol
ktmare(1823) whispers: maybe dxe5 nc5
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: or dxe5 Bc5
ktmare(1823) whispers: yes
afegasta(2121) whispers: are You watching diffrent game?
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: he meant Bxa5 afe
fernbap(1866) whispers: just checked it, rybka is actually giving white a small advantage
afegasta(2121) whispers: I know
afegasta(2121) whispers: :P
shropshire(2194) whispers: dxe
shropshire(2194) whispers: why not?
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: hmm dxe d4 might be interesting
jaberwock(2050) whispers: what does Rybka say for white response here, fb?
afegasta(2121) whispers: Ba6 is imposible
afegasta(2121) whispers: maybe Qa6
afegasta(2121) whispers: but this is a blunder
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: if then Nxd4 Nxe5 is nice, and if Qxd4 Bc5
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think dxe is the best
afegasta(2121) whispers: :)
fernbap(1866) whispers: i think it was de, but not sure, wasn't really looking
shropshire(2194) whispers: and I think d5 was a blunder
shropshire(2194) whispers: e5 sorry
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: what about my line, shrop?
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: or lines
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: seems like black has something there
16.dxe5 (5:09)
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: oh my mistake - d4 Qxd4 Bc5 simply Nxe4
shropshire(2194) whispers: in the bxa5 line?
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: nvm, Ive seen the error in my line
shropshire(2194) whispers: I am confused ;(
shropshire(2194) whispers: good thing i am not playing
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: I thought d4 here was good, but it prolly isnt
shropshire(2194) whispers: no, d4 here simply loses more material
tseltzer(1815) whispers: so then Bxa5 instead?
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: evidently Im too tired - my line is giving up whites queen ;)
shropshire(2194) whispers: well I tink bxa5 is too slow... maybe some others disagree with me
smallblackcat(1976) whispers: Bxa5 here makes no sense
fernbap(1866) whispers: queens are overrated ;)
amitb(2190) whispers: Nc5
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think g5, and f5 are better
shropshire(2194) whispers: the king is in the center, and black isn't going k side anyway
16...Ndc5 (3:48)
amitb(2190) whispers: Ha+
17.Qd4 (0:29)
shropshire(2194) whispers: draw?
shropshire(2194) whispers: lol
17...Qe7 (11:48)
shropshire(2194) whispers: are you going to make this insanely compliated Florin?
jaberwock(2050) whispers: Can white get 3 pieces for queen on Qb4?
KiranY(2050) whispers: 0-0-0 now?
KiranY(2050) whispers: 0-0
shropshire(2194) whispers: qxb4 nd3+ exd qxb4 dxe4
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think
KiranY(2050) whispers: fxe4
shropshire(2194) whispers: yes, then fxe4
KiranY(2050) whispers: not worth it
shropshire(2194) whispers: then it is just crazy complicated
jaberwock(2050) whispers: crazy is the word
rsekhar(1690) whispers: This is the finals of open TL :)
KiranY(2050) whispers: it would be better for black coz f file is opened and also c8 bishop gets life
hugozver(1901) whispers: florin likes positions with material imbalance
jaberwock(2050) whispers: 0-0 looks calmer
KiranY(2050) whispers: yup
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: for you's who doubt...shrop's comp is saying Qxb4
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: pretty obvious no!?
hugozver(1901) whispers: pity Opinel isn't here
hugozver(1901) whispers: Malcom, shut up!
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: yes it is Mila...this title would be already over if he was!
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: wow, i arrived just in time, go hugs :D
XFrame(1992) whispers: isnt blacking thretening ne6? cause then qd3 qc5 and the c3 night is gone
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: blacking?, has in making more black?
XFrame(1992) whispers: :)) sorry black
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: as
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: :))
rsekhar(1690) whispers: is 3 minor pieces enough for a Q?
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: no!
hugozver(1901) whispers: we'll see soon
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: trust me, i know these things
ktmare(1823) whispers: all other things being equal 3 minor pieces are usually better than a queen in the middlegame
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: there are so many thibgs we will see soon indeed...
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: yes so many thibgs, its so complicated
rsekhar(1690) whispers: If FlorinC loses this game, it would be such an heart-break for K-R's
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: zulu get within competent level in chess and then you can start laughing at my typos ok! ;-)
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: oh so sorry, thats an impossibility
shropshire(2194) whispers: depends on the situation, and honestly I don't know about this situation
shropshire(2194) whispers: that is why it is so complicated
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: the competency issue, lol
18.O-O (14:22)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: probably the sanest approach
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: malco, what did u have for breakfast?
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: I didn't...
jaberwock(2050) whispers: gentlemen, please keep the comments civil and based on the game
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: oh you poor chap, give your address, ill see to it that you get some food in you
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: nah, this is my last one...if they annoy me I will bite back...AND HARD
gegitor(2298) whispers: another of malco's quarrels, I guess?
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: nice game the other day Geg...was Kg2 hard to find ;`-)
18...Ne6 (2:58) 19.Qd3 (0:04)
shropshire(2194) whispers: everyone who beats malcovich is a cheater
gegitor(2298) whispers: don't be a sore loser
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: well since we WILL WIN...I won't be...
shropshire(2194) whispers: can't someone muzzle him?
shropshire(2194) whispers: he is getting ridiculous
SimianChatter(1840) whispers: no! don't muzzle malco! who would i laugh at then?
shropshire(2194) whispers: hi
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: actually I have never accused anyone who beat me...and Shrop go f*** yourself...you should have been muzzled long time ago I have said nothiong wrong.
StiliDimitrov(2015) whispers: lol
fernbap(1866) whispers: i guess i will have to uncensor him in order to be able to opy/paste his tells to abuse
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: just enjoy the game...
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: hey fern,..f*** u too.
19...Bxc3 (2:41)
shropshire(2194) whispers: check on watchbot after the game
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: why don,t you do your job...finding cheaters and leave me alone
fernbap(1866) whispers: hey, that's a good idea!
20.Bxc3 (0:16)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: Malcovich, You have now been served with 2nd yellow card.
20...f4 (0:11)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: cause you suck royally at it!...Unless of course it is a team that is ahead of yours
gegitor(2298) whispers: go flo and draw!
shropshire(2194) whispers: come on florin win the game
shropshire(2194) whispers: no mercy
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: it's fine chief td...I told you I would not take thier sh** today
hugozver(1901) whispers: Their?
rsekhar(1690) whispers: florinc needs only a draw, why overstretch?
gegitor(2298) whispers: because it's florin, I'm afraid
gegitor(2298) whispers: He is THE overstrecher
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: ths for correcting Mila, it is their
NBZ(2155) whispers: looks in good shape though
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think f4 is too late
shropshire(2194) whispers: should have looked at the kingside attack earlier
hugozver(1901) whispers: I am the captain of theirs
amitb(2190) whispers: if white takes the f4 pawn
fernbap(1866) whispers: look how my baby is doing!
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: my comp agrees with yours shrop...thank you for the insight
amitb(2190) whispers: open f file for the black rook, of free up the LS bishop by Nxf4?
NBZ(2155) whispers: that's why i think white can't take on f4, he must control g3 with a pawn
21.Kh2 (5:04)
gegitor(2298) whispers: that looks dangerous...
amitb(2190) whispers: go elery go!
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think elery would be winning if he still had the dark colored bishop
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: go flow go go go GO! --->
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: SHUTUP!!!
shropshire(2194) whispers: just positionally speaking
hugozver(1901) whispers: Malcom, relax! It's only a game!
NBZ(2155) whispers: yeah now black has potential dark-square problems
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: Shrop...we don't give a f*** og what you think...he's a IM; you're a frieken non-playing otb patzer!!! Quit it!
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: let me enjoy my last game!!!
amitb(2190) whispers: ...Ng5 line anyone?
NBZ(2155) whispers: although the knights do a reasonable job of covering the dark squares for now
hugozver(1901) whispers: and for your info Malcom, the atmosphere was very pleasant until you came
shropshire(2194) whispers: Ne6g5
rsekhar(1690) whispers: lol
shropshire(2194) whispers: I don't know what ideas black has in mind after Ne6g5
amitb(2190) whispers: yes.. n6g5
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: yeah of course Mila...it was one happy Florin gangbang...well I wasn't going to let any intimidation. Oh no, not even in watchbot,
shropshire(2194) whispers: with sacrificing the knight?
shropshire(2194) whispers: nxf2 at some point?
NBZ(2155) whispers: Ng5 looks logical, with ideas of Bf5
21...g5 (5:17)
SimianChatter(1840) whispers: actually malco, there was an interesting non-partisan discussion of the game until you arrived and reminded us that we have to meet your standards to express an opinion
22.Bb2 (0:25)
rsekhar(1690) whispers: i got it wrong, FlorinC needs a win here
fernbap(1866) whispers: wrong again
22...Qf7 (0:41)
rsekhar(1690) whispers: y?
fernbap(1866) whispers: we are winning 2-1
rsekhar(1690) whispers: hmmm yeah
rsekhar(1690) whispers: yeah, just a draw is enough
gegitor(2298) whispers: What I really don't understand is why no TD or anyone else from FICS doesn't gag malco's filthy mouth - all the quarrels are with him
shropshire(2194) whispers: I asked about a muzzle earlir
shropshire(2194) whispers: earlier
jaberwock(2050) whispers: this will be reported by me; let it go.
NBZ(2155) whispers: g4 Nec5 isn't very good i suppose
shropshire(2194) whispers: okay, well let's see this line
NBZ(2155) whispers: in fact i can't really think of a white move
KiranY(2050) whispers: cool
shropshire(2194) whispers: Re1 Qh5 Kg1 Nxf2
shropshire(2194) whispers: that looks interesting
shropshire(2194) whispers: I think Kg1 is best
23.g4 (3:55)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: I was just saying that the Qxb4 line was a comp line...then I got told to shut up and and bothered...please reread before putting all the blame solely on me!
shropshire(2194) whispers: but no matter what I think that knight sac will be there
NBZ(2155) whispers: hmm he is willing to sac a pawn to delay Qh5
23...N6c5 (0:42)
NBZ(2155) whispers: maybe the idea is Nec5 e6
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: oh yes yes yes!!!
NBZ(2155) whispers: e6 Bxe6 Qd4 Bxg4 Qe5+ for example is very unclear
NBZ(2155) whispers: or after Qd4 Bxg4 Rh1 is also possible now that f2 is protected
24.Qd4 (2:40) Bxg4 (0:29)
amitb(2190) whispers: Qxc5
amitb(2190) whispers: ...Qh5+ to watch out for
NBZ(2155) whispers: well Rh1 doesn't work because of Ne6
25.Kg1 (3:41)
NBZ(2155) whispers: and i probably shouldn't be fixated with one idea :)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: yes!...so was mine
gegitor(2298) whispers: does white have any counterplay?
gegitor(2298) whispers: I mean, if black plays it cool and just withdraws the bishop and go for g4
amitb(2190) whispers: anybody checked the Ng3 sac?
25...Ne6 (2:59)
NBZ(2155) whispers: you mean Ng3 after Kg1?
26.Qb6 (0:23)
amitb(2190) whispers: yo
KiranY(2050) whispers: bf5 c4?
NBZ(2155) whispers: i think it may not work, say 25. ... Ng3 fxg3 hxg3 Nxg5 Qh5 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Qxc5+
amitb(2190) whispers: Nd8 now?
26...Bxf3 (3:17)
shropshire(2194) whispers: I wonder what the thinking was on that
NBZ(2155) whispers: if Bxf3 Nd2?
shropshire(2194) whispers: it just alleviates the k side pressure as far as I can tell
KiranY(2050) whispers: ex
shropshire(2194) whispers: yes, but bxf3 exf3
NBZ(2155) whispers: but exf3 looks good
NBZ(2155) whispers: maybe he wants to sac the knight, exf3 Qh5
KiranY(2050) whispers: and?
NBZ(2155) whispers: just speculating
NBZ(2155) whispers: because otherwise exf3 Nc5 Ba3 and white has improved his position quite a bit
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: black wants to advance g pawn
27.Bxf3 (4:19) g4 (0:02) 28.Bxg4 (0:05)
amitb(2190) whispers: Rg8!
shropshire(2194) whispers: wow
28...Rg8 (0:23) 29.f3 (0:03)
amitb(2190) whispers: qh5!
NBZ(2155) whispers: so much for our analysis
NBZ(2155) whispers: Qh5 Rf2 defends, if temporarily
amitb(2190) whispers: then qh4 and qg3...
NBZ(2155) whispers: oh then the rook goes to g2
29...Qh5 (2:24)
NBZ(2155) whispers: actually fxe4 should also be analysed
fernbap(1866) whispers: this is getting dangerous
NBZ(2155) whispers: but i think there's a mate there after Rxg4 Kf2 Qh4
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: just getting fern ;-)
gegitor(2298) whispers: Qxb7 perhaps?
gegitor(2298) whispers: fe4 loses to Qxg4, sadly
amitb(2190) whispers: qb7 is a wasted tempo
30.Qxb7 (2:52)
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: :)
30...Rxg4+ (0:19)
amitb(2190) whispers: rg4 check and proceed
31.fxg4 (0:02) Qxg4+ (0:02)
gegitor(2298) whispers: tempo that gives a little chaos
shropshire(2194) whispers: draw?
32.Kh1 (0:12)
KiranY(2050) whispers: :)
NBZ(2155) whispers: well i did think Rf2 might be able to defend, but black doesn't have immediate mate here
amitb(2190) whispers: get the other Kt in position
jaberwock(2050) whispers: This amazing struggle, no matter the outcome, has been a fitting conclusion to the open section; please keep comments in whispers and ch 101 appropriate to not detract from the great game. thanks.
KiranY(2050) whispers: might not have time for that
amitb(2190) whispers: Ng3 fork work?
NBZ(2155) whispers: Ng3 Kh2
afegasta(2121) whispers: fork in pl = widelec
hugozver(1901) whispers: omg
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: just bring it home now Andrey...you can do it maestro!
NBZ(2155) whispers: i am thinking black might be able to sac the rook, then the king can go to f7-g6-h5-h4
NBZ(2155) whispers: say Ng3+ Kh2 Ng5
NBZ(2155) whispers: ok ignore that just realized that Ng3+ Kg2 Nxe2+ Kf2 allows the king to escape
32...Qh3+ (5:00)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: but Nf5+ does not! ;-)
33.Kg1 (0:10) Qe3+ (0:08) 34.Kh1 (0:08)
fernbap(1866) whispers: rybka says draw by repetition, btw
NBZ(2155) whispers: yes but Nf5+ doesn't really help the attack
amitb(2190) whispers: qg3
34...Qh3+ (1:21) 35.Kg1 (0:07) Qg4+ (0:01) 36.Kh1 (0:12) Qh5+ (0:03) 37.Kg1 (0:21) Qg6+ (0:03)
gegitor(2298) whispers: clever
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: Qh3+ is just twice...then Qg4+ and Ng3|!!! come on Andrey!
38.Kh1 (0:11) Qxh6+ (0:01) 39.Kg1 (0:00) Qg5+ (0:07) 40.Kh1 (0:14) Qh4+ (0:05) 41.Kg1 (0:05)
NBZ(2155) whispers: haha while you're thinking it doesn't hurt to grab a pawn
amitb(2190) whispers: ha ha !
afegasta(2121) whispers: maybe Qe3 Ra7
41...Qg4+ (0:36)
afegasta(2121) whispers: -->Rg7
42.Kh1 (0:05)
fernbap(1866) whispers: General Patton used to say that the point is not sacking my pawns, but making my opponent sack his
NBZ(2155) whispers: after Ra7 Qb8+ and Qb6 when the rook can't get to g7
amitb(2190) whispers: move the black rook from a8. or this is repetitive... or move the h7 pawn :-)
afegasta(2121) whispers: Qb8 Nd8
fernbap(1866) whispers: yea, but now qxh7 defends the h file
fernbap(1866) whispers: so taking that pawn might have not been a good idea
afegasta(2121) whispers: Hh3 He3 Ra7
afegasta(2121) whispers: and?
KiranY(2050) whispers: qb8 nd8 e6?
NBZ(2155) whispers: maybe ra7 Qc8+ Nd8 Rg1?
NBZ(2155) whispers: or Rf3 also possible
afegasta(2121) whispers: ouch yes Qh3 imposible
KiranY(2050) whispers: rg1 qh3
afegasta(2121) whispers: Qc8-h3
afegasta(2121) whispers: defend-->
KiranY(2050) whispers: oh
afegasta(2121) whispers: lol :D
NBZ(2155) whispers: no kirany i am talking about the Qh3+ Kg1 Qe3+ Kh1 Ra7 line suggested by afegasta
afegasta(2121) whispers: h7 pawn defend white
afegasta(2121) whispers: cool :)
NBZ(2155) whispers: hehe
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: I-)
afegasta(2121) whispers: maybe he could Rxh7
amitb(2190) whispers: rd8
KiranY(2050) whispers: or just kxc6?
afegasta(2121) whispers: sac own pawn
KiranY(2050) whispers: i mean qxc6
afegasta(2121) whispers: ?lol
fernbap(1866) whispers: this game is giving me a headacke :P
42...Ng3+ (5:58) 43.Kh2 (0:04)
hugozver(1901) whispers: Vamos Florin!!
fernbap(1866) whispers: anyway, rybka still saying draw by repetition
hugozver(1901) whispers: I like that!
afegasta(2121) whispers: stupid rybka:/
hugozver(1901) whispers: :D
NBZ(2155) whispers: i think it's pretty clear black won't go for the draw
fernbap(1866) whispers: stupid? how can you call stupid to something that has no inteleigence at all?
afegasta(2121) whispers: rybka is from another galaxy
KiranY(2050) whispers: ok its artificially stupid
afegasta(2121) whispers: Im sure about this
fernbap(1866) whispers: better
jaberwock(2050) whispers: wait; let's not forget who wrote the program/algorithms for Rybka
fernbap(1866) whispers: me?
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: ok its artificially stupid :))
afegasta(2121) whispers: vasik said it on rybkas forum
NBZ(2155) whispers: Qxe2 doesn't seem to help black either, after Kg1 Qe3+ Rf2
jaberwock(2050) whispers: this position is needing postal analysis, not the under 3 minutes that Elery has
shropshire(2194) whispers: you can do it florin!
afegasta(2121) whispers: that rybka is even better in bed than Iweta
shropshire(2194) whispers: hang in there
afegasta(2121) whispers: his wife
afegasta(2121) whispers: really
43...Rd8 (4:31)
fernbap(1866) whispers: i think he has his sexuality a little messed up :P
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: yes!...play to win even if you lose...
ktmare(1823) whispers: is he still married?
afegasta(2121) whispers: yes
afegasta(2121) whispers: with Iweta from Poland
NBZ(2155) whispers: well it gets interesting now
ktmare(1823) whispers: hes lucky then
jaberwock(2050) whispers: Rf3
fernbap(1866) whispers: iweta rajlich?
afegasta(2121) whispers: again vasik : death on women is beutyfull but still death
afegasta(2121) whispers: fully Iweta Radziewicz-Rajlich
NBZ(2155) whispers: i would play Qh7 if only you could do that without capturing the pawn :)
fernbap(1866) whispers: hmm... skinny
afegasta(2121) whispers: Ba3 stalemate
afegasta(2121) whispers: draw :)
shropshire(2194) whispers: I said draw on move 8 or so :)
NBZ(2155) whispers: that's because you wanted a draw to occur right ;)
44.Rf3 (4:54)
fernbap(1866) whispers: florin going for the win!
shropshire(2194) whispers: a draw is great in this game
afegasta(2121) whispers: if he has enough cigarrets he could won it
KiranY(2050) whispers: hehe
afegasta(2121) whispers: but I dont know
fernbap(1866) whispers: don't forget cups of coffee
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: :)
afegasta(2121) whispers: :D
Plebusan(1837) whispers: isnt FlorinC instructed to play for a draw? :)
fernbap(1866) whispers: he knows the draw is enough
44...Rd7 (1:32)
shropshire(2194) whispers: he has a mind of his own
KiranY(2050) whispers: his pieces instruct him ;)
shropshire(2194) whispers: lol
fernbap(1866) whispers: chess for him is a cosmic experience
NBZ(2155) whispers: this is the point at which the entire black army is cursing the unfortunate pawn on h7
zulugodetia(1452) whispers: lol
amitb(2190) whispers: how what defence does white have against rg7?
afegasta(2121) whispers: and again this saboteur pawn h7
afegasta(2121) whispers: :/
NBZ(2155) whispers: maybe Qc8+ Nd8 e6!
45.Qxc6 (1:43)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: whatever h appens...you have been amazing Andrey! Thx for this!
45...Nxe2 (0:19)
gegitor(2298) whispers: double the rooks and it's cool
NBZ(2155) whispers: yeah that seems to work fine
NBZ(2155) whispers: if Qh4+ Rh3
gegitor(2298) whispers: unless Ng5 is dangerous
NBZ(2155) whispers: maybe e6 then?
amitb(2190) whispers: nd4 forking the queen and rook ... does not matter the bxn, as nxb again
46.Qxa6 (2:32)
gegitor(2298) whispers: hm
gegitor(2298) whispers: and double hm
afegasta(2121) whispers: mess
amitb(2190) whispers: too bad... he moved the Q
KiranY(2050) whispers: mess is the right word
gegitor(2298) whispers: doesn't he care about our nerves at all???
NBZ(2155) whispers: well Qxf3 Qxe6+
KiranY(2050) whispers: and rb7 qxe2 and safe
46...Ng5 (1:16)
afegasta(2121) whispers: Rg7
afegasta(2121) whispers: Kirany
KiranY(2050) whispers: ah yes
vipiu(2092) whispers: Qc8 Ke7 Ba3 ?
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: fight aNDREY!!!
jaberwock(2050) whispers: what a tightrope
47.Qc8+ (1:54) Kf7 (0:04) 48.Raf1 (0:06)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: what a sendoff!...proud of you boyz!
NBZ(2155) whispers: just about holds on
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: might not!
48...Nxf3+ (1:22)
NBZ(2155) whispers: Ke6 here?
49.Rxf3 (0:15)
drinkeh(2073) whispers: black has at least a draw now
NBZ(2155) whispers: oh right better to tak the rook first
KiranY(2050) whispers: oh ryb is no longer showing 0.00
49...Qg1+ (0:36)
vipiu(2092) whispers: no mate here ?
50.Kh3 (0:05) Qh1+ (0:08)
afegasta(2121) whispers: ?
51.Kg4 (0:07)
KiranY(2050) whispers: kg6 was preferred
51...Qg2+ (0:19) 52.Kh4 (0:10)
KiranY(2050) whispers: now +1 lol
afegasta(2121) whispers: black was winning?
KiranY(2050) whispers: wow its swinging wildly here
afegasta(2121) whispers: :)
afegasta(2121) whispers: normally it is fish
amitb(2190) whispers: Kg6 :-)
ktmare(1823) whispers: little fish
Drribo(0) whispers: fish
52...Re7 (1:43)
afegasta(2121) whispers: btw
afegasta(2121) whispers: in pl slang
afegasta(2121) whispers: rybka
afegasta(2121) whispers: means pipe
afegasta(2121) whispers: :)
fernbap(1866) whispers: tobaco pipe or water pipe?
afegasta(2121) whispers: if You know what I mind
vipiu(2092) whispers: Qf5 and Qg5 ?
NBZ(2155) whispers: think white can force a draw or a favourable ending here
afegasta(2121) whispers: american pipe
afegasta(2121) whispers: do you know this movie
vipiu(2092) whispers: Qf5 and Qg5+ to trade Qs?
tseltzer(1815) whispers: e6
vipiu(2092) whispers: I think white has draw now
afegasta(2121) whispers: that is rybka
fernbap(1866) whispers: no
vipiu(2092) whispers: who said e6 ? Rybka ?
gegitor(2298) whispers: we all do
Drribo(0) whispers: Rybka: +1.75
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: who else
tseltzer(1815) whispers: crafty said e6
Frigateland(1864) whispers: Looks liek Black has to and is trying to win or die?
AlefZero(2206) whispers: Qf5 seems an easy draw, but I guess white will play for more
fernbap(1866) whispers: black has to
vipiu(2092) whispers: in his place I would go for Qf5+ with easy perpetuum
NBZ(2155) whispers: well more entertainment for all of us hehe
Frigateland(1864) whispers: Qf5+ Kg8 Qc8+ Kg7 where is the draw?
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: yes, Black is a real team player...bless his heart. Oh damn, why can't I hire more cheaters like the rest of them...I have been in this league and in the finals every single year...yet to win! Disgusting
vipiu(2092) whispers: if they get the draw, MALCO will have to bring next time Kramnik and Topalov in his team to get some winning chances....
KiranY(2050) whispers: hahaha
hugozver(1901) whispers: more cheaters? How many cheaters do you have?
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: even there Vip...they would lose to cheaters too
afegasta(2121) whispers: deep kramnik
gegitor(2298) whispers: because it's soooo impossible to beat you, right?
jaberwock(2050) whispers: let us focus on the game
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: funny Mila...funny!
vipiu(2092) whispers: FlorinC is no cheater
hugozver(1901) whispers: well, you said Malcom
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: I did not accuse Florin....
KiranY(2050) whispers: so you agree you did accuse someone
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: why don,t you look in your backcourt Mila...
Drribo(0) whispers: Rybka: +1.93
NBZ(2155) whispers: frigateland if Kg8 Qg4+ trades queens
fernbap(1866) whispers: that's not a nice thing to say to a lady
hugozver(1901) whispers: Im glad you will not play or be captain again in TL Malcom
ktmare(1823) whispers: and not the first thing that fits that category
hugozver(1901) whispers: sad, but true
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: me too... I don't cheat enough to win title here in internet league.
hugozver(1901) whispers: well, I don't cheat at all!
fernbap(1866) whispers: funny, according to malco, only the team that wins has cheaters
KiranY(2050) whispers: :)
53.e6+ (6:46)
MALCOVICH(2115) whispers: OR be the captain of a team AND the one who checks for cheaters...very fair!
KiranY(2050) whispers: ok more entertaiment
ktmare(1823) whispers: well i dont think the rocks cheat at all
KiranY(2050) whispers: back to chess
KiranY(2050) whispers: thx for the commercial break malc
shropshire(2194) whispers: how about an admin muzzles malco
shropshire(2194) whispers: they did it to rey
Drribo(0) whispers: this game is amazing
shropshire(2194) whispers: and rey wasn't even accusing anyone of cheating
53...Rxe6 (0:35)
fernbap(1866) whispers: hmm... i had forgotten why i had censored him, but he was so kind to remind me
54.Qd7+ (0:04)
ktmare(1823) whispers: yes this is a great game
54...Re7 (0:15) 55.Qxd5+ (0:01)
vipiu(2092) whispers: cool, FlorinC did not take the easy draw, he must have seen the winning line...
55...Ke8 (0:09)
fernbap(1866) whispers: florin rocks
Drribo(0) whispers: i have just taken a look at the whole game
NBZ(2155) whispers: Qh5+?
Drribo(0) whispers: great one
vipiu(2092) whispers: I still can't see any win
tseltzer(1815) whispers: Qc6+ says Crafty +3.48
ktmare(1823) whispers: well there is one
KiranY(2050) whispers: yeah
hugozver(1901) whispers: Florin has a bishop too!
56.Qh5+ (1:45)
AlefZero(2206) whispers: in fact, although I love TL, I strongly consider not playing anymore - public accusations of cheating without any strong proofs are something disgusting for me
NBZ(2155) whispers: or Qc6+ Kf7 Qf6+ Ke8 Qh8+ Kd7 Rd3+
fernbap(1866) whispers: i think it's time to simplify...
Drribo(0) whispers: queen trade then win the endgame
gegitor(2298) whispers: too bad florinc doesn't just finish the league with a perp
KiranY(2050) whispers: we agree Alef
northridgehawk(1865) whispers: me tooo :)
NBZ(2155) whispers: i think i see the idea, Kf8 Ba3
ktmare(1823) whispers: yes but maybe that is about to change
ktmare(1823) whispers: hopefully
fernbap(1866) whispers: alef, that is, as you know, against fics and TL policies, but there will be always reyferoz alikes
56...Kf8 (2:01) 57.Ba3 (0:02)
shropshire(2194) whispers: the beginning of the end
57...Qh2+ (0:17) 58.Kg5 (0:06) Qg2+ (0:10) 59.Qg4 (0:05)
Plebusan(1837) whispers: whats wrong with Rg7+ here
Drribo(0) whispers: why not h6+
tseltzer(1815) whispers: pinned
NBZ(2155) whispers: rook is pinned
Plebusan(1837) whispers: oh, the rook is pinned
afegasta(2121) whispers: lol guys :)
AlefZero(2206) whispers: there always be some frustrated people, but the problem starts if reasonable people like Malcovich start accusing like that
fernbap(1866) whispers: define reasonable ;)
ktmare(1823) whispers: LOL
59...h6+ (1:37)
Drribo(0) whispers: last hope
shropshire(2194) whispers: you missed what was said earlier in the game before you came Alefzero
60.Kh5 (0:19)
shropshire(2194) whispers: this has been happening the entire game
vipiu(2092) whispers: what was said ?
60...Ng3+ (0:15)
fernbap(1866) whispers: this has been happening the entire tourney
61.Kxh6 (0:05)
gegitor(2298) whispers: ROCKON CAMPEON!!!
shropshire(2194) whispers: I agree fernbap
tseltzer(1815) whispers: actually, even before the tourney started
afegasta(2121) whispers: congrats !!!
fernbap(1866) whispers: right, tseltzer
jaberwock(2050) whispers: let's focus on the game, please
afegasta(2121) whispers: see You next tl
KiranY(2050) whispers: congrats guys
NBZ(2155) whispers: still Qh2+ Kg5 Ne4+ left in the bag
gegitor(2298) whispers: Ok, there's still room for a blunder
61...Qh2+ (1:10)
gegitor(2298) whispers: Kg6 instead of grabbing the pawn ended immediately
62.Kg5 (0:03) Ne4+ (0:06)
NBZ(2155) whispers: Kg6 Qxc2+
63.Kf5 (0:06)
jaberwock(2050) whispers: I applaud Elery's fighting efforts.
KiranY(2050) whispers: yes
vipiu(2092) whispers: Qh7+ Kxf4 ?
KiranY(2050) whispers: great show by both
63...Ng3+ (1:00)
ktmare(1823) whispers: yes this has been a great game
shropshire(2194) whispers: great game
shropshire(2194) whispers: it was fun watching them play without any real opening theory
AlefZero(2206) whispers: both players are to be applauded for the fighting spirit
64.Kxf4 (0:47)
ktmare(1823) whispers: absolutely
vipiu(2092) whispers: it is nice that IMs can be beaten with such strange plans...h4 h5 h6...a4 a5...
amitb(2190) whispers: this will go into the records books - highest number of comments in a TL !
jaberwock(2050) whispers: cajones
northridgehawk(1865) whispers: chess @ its finest
gegitor(2298) whispers: not for the fainthearted :-)
hugozver(1901) whispers: was it FR game?
fernbap(1866) whispers: almost FR :P
64...Ne4+ (1:20)
NBZ(2155) whispers: now Ke3 with check
KiranY(2050) whispers: ke3 would be funny
Drribo(0) whispers: Ke3+, Nf6+
65.Ke3+ (0:28)
gegitor(2298) whispers: and good
Drribo(0) whispers: 3 consecutives checks
jaberwock(2050) whispers: amazing
65...Ke8 (0:15)
Frigateland(1864) whispers: 4 in fact, including Rxf6+
fernbap(1866) whispers: mate
NBZ(2155) whispers: mate?
66.Qc8# (0:11) Elery checkmated 1-0


dmjjmd (2009-07-28): is the most beautiful game ever

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