1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:03)e6(0:05) 3.Nc3(0:03)Bb4(0:10) 4.Nf3(0:09)d6(0:16) 5.Qc2(0:02)Qe7(0:09) 6.Bg5(0:06)Nbd7(0:06) 7.e4(0:05)e5(1:09) 8.Be2(0:24)O-O(0:22) 9.h4(0:08)h6(0:08) 10.Bxf6(0:39)Qxf6(0:58) 11.d5(0:04)Bxc3+(0:04) 12.Qxc3(0:10)a5(0:16) 13.Qe3(0:12)Nc5(0:21) 14.Nd2(0:17)Qg6(1:13) 15.h5(0:36)
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: Qxg2 looks rather unwise here Doubleletter(1909) whispers: Qh7 would be a riot right ?
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: g4 smallblackcat(1985) whispers: yeah good move smallblackcat(1985) whispers: white created a weakness with h5, so just move back and think up a new plan Doubleletter(1909) whispers: wasted move, should have played Qe7 instead of Qg6 smallblackcat(1985) whispers: Bd7 also looked ok
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: if 0-0-0 then Qxe3 fxe3 is quite good for white smallblackcat(1985) whispers: doubled pawns stop the black knight from coming in, and the f-file is useful
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: I love awkward pawn structures Doubleletter(1909) whispers: really :) smallblackcat(1985) whispers: well this one looks quite good for black smallblackcat(1985) whispers: knight goes to e5 and has a lovely view
18.O-O-O(1:33)Re8(0:24) 19.f3(0:22)
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: its amazing how hard it is for white to attack f4 here
19...f6(1:10) 20.Kc2(0:41)Bd7(2:00) 21.a3(1:24)Reb8(0:41) 22.b3(1:40)
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: Be8, Nd7-e5
22...a4(1:35) 23.b4(0:20)Nb3(0:06)
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: oh clever
smallblackcat(1985) whispers: hard to make progress now though
24...Kf7(2:17) 25.Rb1(1:45)Nxd2(2:22) 26.Kxd2(0:03)b6(3:30) 27.Rhc1(0:28)Ke7(0:53)
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: bring it on
28.Kd3(0:38)Ra7(0:32) 29.Kd4(1:06)Be8(0:46) 30.c5(1:12)bxc5+(0:06) 31.bxc5(0:02)dxc5+(0:21) 32.Kxc5(0:08)Ra5+(0:08) 33.Kd4(0:14)c5+(3:15) 34.dxc6(4:13)Rd8+(0:07) 35.Kc4(0:10)Bxc6(0:03) 36.Kb4(0:12)Ra7(0:48)
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: RxB Rb8+
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: oh Doubleletter(1909) whispers: I made a mistake smallblackcat(1985) whispers: indeed smallblackcat(1985) whispers: had to be Re5 last move
37...Rd2(2:48) 38.Bb5(0:42)Rb7(0:15) 39.Kxa4(1:23)Rf2(0:25) 40.Rb3(0:40)Kd7(0:23) 41.Rc2+(0:17)
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: last trick
41...Rxb5(0:05) 42.Rxf2(0:01)Doubleletter resigns 1-0
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