burnage(2185) vs. opinel(2419) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-02-13
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: yeah, burnage, Alekhine forever! 5.f4 (0:02) g5 (0:09)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: err... i meant opinel!:)
burnage(2185) whispers: hmmm a strange gambit i've never heard of this one!
StrokerAce(1917) whispers: is opinel an IM? i know they have an IM on their board 2 as well...
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: oh, i know this move, i have analyzed it myself, in fact it is not very good, but can be, if you opponent does not know how to react
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: exd6!!
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: is the right move
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: Go,Opinel! 6.exd6 (2:46) cxd6 (1:22)
burnage(2185) whispers: cxd6 really? isn't the pawn just free now? hrmm
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: it is
ktmare(1827) whispers: no strings attached?
StrokerAce(1917) whispers: maybe he wants an open g-file and the W king is not safe? dunno
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: but maybe black can get some compensation
ktmare(1827) whispers: i think if he couldnt he wouldnt give the pawn
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: i really don't know, why he played this move, rather than one of the main lines, which are quite ok for black
burnage(2185) whispers: I guess I bite 7.fxg5 (3:14) Nc6 (0:04)
ktmare(1827) whispers: ive only seen this variation where white plays qh5 and its a mess 8.Nf3 (0:42) Bg7 (1:14) 9.d5 (4:03) Ne5 (2:22) 10.Nxe5 (0:16) Bxe5 (0:08) 11.Bd3 (3:19) Nd7 (1:16)
burnage(2185) whispers: hrm Qb6+ is problemmatisch... 0-0 Qb6+ Kh1 Bxb2 Bxb2 Qxb2 and on Nc3 then just Bxc3+ bxc3 Ne5 with a nice outposted night 12.Qe2 (7:56)
burnage(2185) whispers: Qb6 forced now or I 0-0 so then Nd2 with the trick being Bxb2? Rb1! so then swing Nb3 Be3 should leave me a nice plus 12...Bd4 (2:46)
fernbap(1803) whispers: 5..., g5! I had never seen that
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: I can't see any trick in Rb1... 13.Bxh7 (6:37) Qb6 (3:11) 14.g6 (0:49) fxg6 (0:02) 15.Bxg6+ (0:09) Kd8 (0:01) 16.Nd2 (2:36)
burnage(2185) whispers: man my clock is coming to haunt me 16...Ne5 (1:42) 17.Be4 (0:05)
rookcheck(1641) whispers: although i don't see any compensation....GO OPINEL! 17...Qa5 (2:55)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: very nice game
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: if black comes to cstle long he gets really big compensation
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: white is somewhat tied
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: such a strange opening... at such a level of play..
rookcheck(1641) whispers: Opinel likes odd lines
rookcheck(1641) whispers: To avoid all that theory 18.Kd1 (4:26)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: the problem is that them both avoided theory
OrganicChess(1989) whispers: ya think so ?
rookcheck(1641) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: white had no choice t avoid theory after g5:)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: can someone understand 18.Kd1?
fernbap(1803) whispers: anyway, the game is interesting :)
rookcheck(1641) whispers: He has some great lectures on the Checkhover and Rossolimo varaitions :D
NakedNous(1743) whispers: in preparation to 19.Nb3
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: yeah, 0-0 will not be possible, and on d1 king is safer
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Qa4..
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: then b3 is forced
arcticseal(2253) whispers: Qa4+: Bc2
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: noooo Nb3 Qa4 pinning
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: agreed
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: I don't see the point of Nb3... so I can't still understand Kd1 18...Kc7 (5:04) 19.Nb3 (1:09)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: you was right
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: black wants to copy the white, kc7!?
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Black wants to let Rooks communicate 19...Qa4 (0:56)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: i like this metaphor
frac(2149) whispers: What about Qc2 now?
rookcheck(1653) whispers: maybe white will play Bc2 :D
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Bg4+ Ke1 drawish 20.Be3 (1:05)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: now Black can free his Rooks
arcticseal(2253) whispers: Bg4 20...Bg4 (3:09)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Bg4 better than BxBe3 21.Bf3 (0:20) Bxf3 (0:10) 22.gxf3 (0:00) Bxe3 (0:02) 23.Qxe3 (0:06) Raf8 (0:03)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: perfect
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: now white can get in serious troubles if he habgs on the material
fernbap(1803) whispers: how did this happen? white was better a while ago
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: is Black going to lose e7?
sandholm(1984) whispers: what about the pawn on e7
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: e7 is for free
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: kb8 safe
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Kb8 is the only one... Kc8 and Black loses, Kb8 and Black wins
arcticseal(2253) whispers: white is losing a pawn
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: kc8 would be silly
burnage(2185) whispers: I do believe my goose is cooked thoroughly now =( 24.f4 (6:05)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: black got what he inteded to get with g5!?
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: it will be silly to those who understand the great difference between "c" and "b" :D 24...Nxc4 (0:24)
fernbap(1803) whispers: very different. I don't like bhess, for instance 25.Rc1 (0:22) Kb8 (0:56) 26.Qd4 (1:09)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: Rc8! and game is over
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: this is the point of Kb8 instead of Kc8 26...b5 (1:08)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: interesting
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: it covers the queen....
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: I don't like this move
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: why to play Kb8 if then he choses b5?! He could have played b5 before transposing the problem of e7... 27.h4 (2:59)
hashkinghash(2164) whispers: they like make the position complicated and jump from a logic to another...
sandholm(1984) whispers: a2 hanging
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: b5 makes sense, the rook can observe the f4 pawn meanwhile, while a2 hangs too
cbu(2120) whispers: weird game...
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: cbu, got message?
cbu(2120) whispers: yeah I did :) 27...Rhg8 (1:36)
arcticseal(2253) whispers: i'm lost
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: :( rather than:)
WilkBardzoZly(1965) whispers: imho b5 ok because Rf4 or R8h4
cbu(2120) whispers: yeah my bad, typed too fast
cbu(2120) whispers: I predict, Rhf1 Qxa2 28.Rh3 (1:24)
sandholm(1984) whispers: now f4 hangs
cbu(2120) whispers: yep, Rxf4
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: ke1!?, qxa2? ra1,qxb3 ,qxa7
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: dunno
arcticseal(2253) whispers: f4 for grabs
burnage(2185) whispers: I wanted to get the rook to f3 but I guess I had to go through f1 cause I think Rxf4 ends the game 28...Rxf4 (2:03)
burnage(2185) whispers: now it is all left to "technique" as they say I guess 29.Rxc4 (0:41) Qxc4 (0:24) burnage resigns 0-1
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