1.d4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.c4(0:29)c6(0:03) 3.Nf3(0:12)e6(0:23) 4.e3(0:14)Nf6(0:34) 5.b3(0:11)Nbd7(0:15) 6.Bb2(0:05)Bd6(0:12) 7.Bd3(0:06)O-O(0:10) 8.O-O(0:06)b6(0:20) 9.Nbd2(0:19)Bb7(0:04)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: Go,cbu! ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: aye--cbu ftw
10.Ne5(0:59)Qc7(0:03) 11.f4(0:13)c5(0:45) 12.Rc1(0:20)Rac8(0:15) 13.Qe2(0:41)Rfe8(2:06) 14.cxd5(0:13)exd5(0:39) 15.Rf3(0:03)g6(1:51) 16.Rh3(0:35)Bf8(0:55) 17.dxc5(2:15)bxc5(0:23) 18.Nxd7(0:10)Nxd7(0:17)
cbu(2127) whispers: nice attacking chances, imo
Aneirin(1849) whispers: very good ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: yikes -- really going for it Aneirin(1849) whispers: clear win, no? Aneirin(1849) whispers: not according to crafty :) StrokerAce(1917) whispers: Qh5+ bh6 then what Aneirin(1849) whispers: overlooked Bh6 Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: g4
20.Qh5+(1:00)Bh6(0:04) 21.Nf3(0:22)
ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: playing very quickly (*worry*)
StrokerAce(1917) whispers: white just needs a draw right? Aneirin(1849) whispers: he's not playing like that :) burnage(2155) whispers: whew g4 was very unpleasant I think i'm just winning now attack will die out quick Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: ng5,kg7,nxf7!? ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: loses the queen doesn't it? Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: errr.right Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: he musn't lose Aneirin(1849) whispers: :) Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: come on, cbu, fight! Aneirin(1849) whispers: crafty is at -4 almost StrokerAce(1917) whispers: i thought white was better before the rook sac StrokerAce(1917) whispers: += ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: cbu is outthinking crafty! Aneirin(1849) whispers: he might have overlooked Bh6 as well ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: yeah, it looked very pleasant for white Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: he played too fast
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: this is so bad:(
StrokerAce(1917) whispers: maybe i'm missing something but nf6 or bxg5 and black is just up material
23...Bxg5(1:01) 24.fxg5(0:02)
Aneirin(1849) whispers: yeah Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: cbu is getting better, only -3... Aneirin(1849) whispers: crafty still equally pessimistic with -4.3 Aneirin(1849) whispers: ah, well, I was about that range in my game as well, didn't stop me from enjoying. :) StrokerAce(1917) whispers: still tricky, though, a bad move and white could get right back in it Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: yes, those white bishops look dangerous Aneirin(1849) whispers: Crafty suggests Qe5. I was looking at Rh8 Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: rh8 forces q-trade,or? StrokerAce(1917) whispers: oh right looks that way h2 weak Aneirin(1849) whispers: I'd guess so. that can only be good for black ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: what about Bxd4 after Rh8 ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: gets very complicated botchvinik(1842) whispers: hi guys StrokerAce(1917) whispers: maybe qe5 then to get out of the pin and guard the diag Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: qe5, bxe5:) ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: think he meant instead of rh8 ;) StrokerAce(1917) whispers: yes qe5 now instead of rh8 ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: but we can always hope for that variation :) Aneirin(1849) whispers: crafty also suggests Rh8 Rxc5 at 'only' -3 StrokerAce(1917) whispers: ha ha Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: qe5,qh6,kg8,bxg6!? Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: no, he has qg7 StrokerAce(1917) whispers: y, fxg6 qxg6+ qg7
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: now, fire! Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: rxc5 looks nice Aneirin(1849) whispers: wonder if he'll find it Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: then qxh2 StrokerAce(1917) whispers: rxc5 stronger than bxd4 ? Aneirin(1849) whispers: Bxd4 cxd4 Rxd7 Rxh3 etc.. -4 burnage(2155) whispers: Bxd4+ cxd4 Rxc7 Rxh3 Rxc8 Bxc8 gxh3 leaves me a full piece up in a simple ending. otheriwse Qg3 Qxg3 hxg3 a full rook up in a simple ending. Only chance for complication is Rxc5 Qxc5 Qxd7 still forcing Q trades with Qd5 Qxd5 Bxd5 Bxd4+ Kh7 Bxh8 Kxh8 a full rook up in a simple ending. Aneirin(1849) whispers: whoa Aneirin(1849) whispers: superb analysis StrokerAce(1917) whispers: agreed Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: rxc5, qxh2! winning
25.Rxc5(5:00)Qxc5(0:07) 26.Qxd7(0:09)Qd5(0:08) 27.Qg4(0:08)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: why not bxd4+ first StrokerAce(1917) whispers: rc3 Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: 27.Bxd4+ Aneirin(1849) whispers: Bxd4 was better
27...Rh4(2:38) 28.Qg3(0:47)
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: rc1 is a cheapo
28...Kg8(1:59) 29.exd4(0:30)Rxd4(0:28)
ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: hardly any attacking prospects left :( Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: with a plus-piece you can sac randomly ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: seems the match will be a tie
Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: qh4, rxf1!
ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: qh4 qxg2 mate ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: bish is tied down Boobyslegacy(2008) whispers: lol, right ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: qh3 was a try ShakaZahn(1906) whispers: can see it a mile away -- but it was a try Aneirin(1849) whispers: he has a forced mate now
31...Rxf1+(1:47) 32.Kxf1(0:02)Qd1+(0:03) 33.Kf2(0:01)Rc2+(0:04) 34.Ke3(0:02)Qd2#(0:02)cbu checkmated 0-1
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