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bibbusque(2347) vs. burnage(2138) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-02-06

hundirector(2288) whispers: gogogogo! ;)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: hi all
1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.f4 (0:03) Bc5 (0:02) 3.Nf3 (0:06) d6 (0:02) 4.Nc3 (0:37) Nf6 (0:04)
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: Hi all! Opi ;-)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: very bad lag today
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: Bibbusque's team has clinched, so ... why not the king's gambit?
5.Bc4 (0:34) O-O (0:04)
AdIsHaNkAr(1891) whispers: go gogog
hundirector(2288) whispers: i cant believe he just went f4
hundirector(2288) whispers: im in shock right now
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: not a std opening for him, eh?
AdIsHaNkAr(1891) whispers: huh what?
AdIsHaNkAr(1891) whispers: bibbu plays it all the time
hundirector(2288) whispers: ok then, i guess i just missed those games
Koff(2009) whispers: Nc3 & Bc4 looks oldfashioned :)
shropshire(2192) whispers: short and kasparov played it something like 10 years ago
shropshire(2192) whispers: it gets played at high levels occasionally
hundirector(2288) whispers: now it transposed to a line that i play
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: in a blitz/rapid or slow chess
shropshire(2192) whispers: it was slow
shropshire(2192) whispers: I think... let me find it
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: i know spassky still played it until the 80s
Opinel(2460) whispers: he's an expert on the Nf3 lines... my favorite player here on FICS =) ... i'm sure he'll win with style =) .... 6.d3 is of course the natural move here i wonder what he's thinking about =) ... he's very creative.. might play something else
shropshire(2192) whispers: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1070825
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: ok kool
shropshire(2192) whispers: that is morozevich-kasparov
StrokerAce(1924) whispers: moro figures, haha
6.d3 (6:00) Nc6 (0:05)
hundirector(2288) whispers: i must of had this exact position hundreds of times
Opinel(2460) whispers: hmm... i don't think that move is so good.. white can now play Na4 .... the normal c6 or a6 would have been better i think
7.f5 (1:24) Na5 (0:08) 8.Bg5 (0:14) Nxc4 (0:03) 9.dxc4 (0:04) Bb4 (0:05)
shropshire(2192) whispers: ok, the short-kasparov game was rapid, sorry. I thought it was a classical game. But still short won with the king's gambit in a rapid game against kasparov
Opinel(2460) whispers: very interesting!! black is completely tied up!! now Qd3 and white has better chances!! ... i love bibbu =) ha ha
10.O-O (4:51) Bxc3 (0:33) 11.bxc3 (0:00)
Aneirin(1855) whispers: tripled pawns :o
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: lol i have c1-c3 and c3, some weakness...but only if he arrives in the end-game
hundirector(2288) whispers: sort of hard for black to exploit that anytime soon
Aneirin(1855) whispers: I'd guess he doesn't have to immediately.. it could be a problem in the endgame.
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: tripled pawns on the c file...way to go Bibbu! ;-) I also do that occasionally but in the french defense. First time I ever see it in a Kg. Opinel, does it happen often here?
11...b6 (2:34)
hundirector(2288) whispers: this is a transposition to the vienna game, its pretty standard to have doubled or tripled c pawns
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: i wanted to try a new line in this game anyway he can t play natural coutrplay with c6-d5, or can but with some difficulties d5 is under my control
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: thx Hun...soooooooo long since I studied Open Openings...
Opinel(2460) whispers: well, this was a brave decision by bibbu! accepting the weaknes on the c-file knowing it can be a prob in the endgame but i don't think it's a smart choice because(like black just played!) b6 close up the b-file and c5 pushes... but white does get space and activity which in the hands of bibbu can be very dangerous!! =)
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: yes they are not weak for the forseeable future...however the kingside attack is very real!
12.Qe1 (2:35)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: and after Rd1 he never can play d5, so i ll start my attack on the Kside
12...Bb7 (1:01)
Opinel(2460) whispers: i think h6 was needed - dangerous as it may appear!
13.Rd1 (0:44)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: h3-g4-Bh4-g5 can be an aggressive idea
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Has anyone mentioned IPC?
drinkeh(1957) whispers: what's IPC ?
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: and now my humor is particularly aggressive
13...Qe7 (3:30)
Ludens(2312) whispers: h6 was necessary here
14.g4 (0:19)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: h3 lose a tempo, g4 its forced here
shropshire(2192) whispers: it can still be played
hundirector(2288) whispers: lol, bibbu and his humor.
AdIsHaNkAr(1891) whispers: Ludens is 2312!?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: the late GM Tony Miles: IPC = Irish Pawn Center; which I find humorous even with my Irish heritage.
Opinel(2460) whispers: Rd3 seems like the best choice here.... for me but g4 is interesting =)
shropshire(2192) whispers: is h6 forced here? it seems like it may be positionally
Opinel(2460) whispers: =)
Ludens(2312) whispers: black plays h6 now and says so what
Ludens(2312) whispers: yes, h6 looks -+ to me
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: I feel me optimist
drinkeh(1957) whispers: white's attack is certainly not decissive right here
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Caveman chess, some may think.
hundirector(2288) whispers: i disagree, bibbu definitely has good chances here
hundirector(2288) whispers: its just very easy for black to go wrong
Ludens(2312) whispers: h6 practically forces Bxf6
Ludens(2312) whispers: after which black has very good play
hundirector(2288) whispers: are we looking at the same position
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: if i go in the end-game i no have chance with my weakness, so i need to win before
Ludens(2312) whispers: h6 Bh4 g5 and then?
Ludens(2312) whispers: if you don't take black grabs e4
Ludens(2312) whispers: hm, Nxg5 might work
Opinel(2460) whispers: h6 is needed here yes... but g4 stoped further attacks from black... after h6 white might play something like h4? and so on... OR when Bxf6 ... g5 hits... Kh1 Rg1 Qg3/h4 and stuff along this line... but with accurate defence it seems that black should defend a winning endgame.
Ludens(2312) whispers: yes. this line needs repair
shropshire(2192) whispers: h6 bxh6 is fun
shropshire(2192) whispers: sorry ludens, I missed your comment earlier
Opinel(2460) whispers: an interesting attacking idea is 14...h6 15.Qh4!? hxg5 16.Nxg5! followed by Rd3-h3 ... this seems very strong to me
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: h6-B:f6; if Q:f6 i think Qe3 and h4-g5 if g:f6 i am thinking Qh4,Qe3 or Rd3 i don t know but seem i have chances for a good attack
Ludens(2312) whispers: black might have Rd8 and Qe8 after Nxg5
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: after h6 maybe Bh4 isn t so good because of he has Qe8! then i am forced to take on f6 with the same line of before but his queen its on e8 and not on e7, and its better for him!
pchesso(1688) whispers: why should black play h6 here?
14...h6 (13:46) 15.Bxf6 (0:11) Qxf6 (0:10)
Opinel(2460) whispers: Qe3 as bibbu mentioned is fine but i'm not sure white has much there honestly
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: oh Q:f6 , nice i feel better now
Ludens(2312) whispers: now good luck defending that endgame
16.Qe3 (1:01)
LightKnight(1592) whispers: *URGH* trilped pawns :-/
LightKnight(1592) whispers: *tripled
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: try h4 and g5 , an easy attack but seem not so bad :)
drinkeh(1957) whispers: tripled and isolated, which is a little worse
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: what was wrong with Bh4 Opinel...please enlighten moi.
LightKnight(1592) whispers: Heh :-/
Ludens(2312) whispers: black can probably play g5 here already
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: the day you have tripled not isolated pawns drink,...call me! ;-)
drinkeh(1957) whispers: that's pretty easy to do, i think i had more not isolated than isolated
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: his bishop is so weak, causa i blocked c6-d5
Koff(2009) whispers: g5!?
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: my plan seem easy, while i have difficultie to found a right plan with black, maybe because i dont like defend
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: think drink...what you just said does not make a whole lot of sense...please show me as I think your talking without a clue. That would mean 4 captures...come on!
hundirector(2288) whispers: g5 looks liek a good idea.. maybe h4 before would've been better for white, to stop that very idea
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: maybe g:f6 was correct move and try to defend with Rh8-Rg8 and Kf8, but was an other game
Koff(2009) whispers: yeah, think Riesling
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: yes I thought h4 for White to hun...followed by g5
Parkow(1959) whispers: h4 will come anyway followed by g5
LightKnight(1592) whispers: Well, a2xb3xc4 and b2xc3, if you still have the "d" pawn they're not isolated :-)
hundirector(2288) whispers: yea exactly
drinkeh(1957) whispers: the logic behind it is that one would rather avoid the isolated, and therefore not isolated occurs more often
piorgovici(1574) whispers: before an attack white must put his Rock on g2?
16...a5 (4:56)
Opinel(2460) whispers: 16...Qe7 to get out of there and then maybe Qd7 but bibbu's idea oh h4-g5 seems strong... hmmm.... among other things... Mal... umm it's not a question of what was wrong with it... but what is the point of Bh4? ,,, Bxf6 makes much more sense =)
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: tripled pawns...unisolated....you make no sense dude!"
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: wow, he want try to attack? why a5?he must defend his king!
shropshire(2192) whispers: does black have this time to waste?
hundirector(2288) whispers: k, a5 is totally weird
Parkow(1959) whispers: oknow h4
piorgovici(1574) whispers: Rf2
17.h4 (1:36)
Koff(2009) whispers: h4 asked..
shropshire(2192) whispers: other than g5, Kh8 might have been better
Opinel(2460) whispers: i also liked Rf2 here but h4 is great... i think white is just winning now... a5 was horrible!!
Koff(2009) whispers: well if / when white gets g5 in, it looks just lost for black in the lomg run
drinkeh(1957) whispers: white's position reaches new levels of pleasance
hundirector(2288) whispers: what did i say.. easy to go wrong with black. :)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: a5 maybe lose an important tempo, dont know. i see that my attack its very dangerous for him...maybe he s seeing a good defend
Pawnadian(1996) whispers: Rather than Kh8, maybe moving the f-rook and Kf8 is safer.
drinkeh(1957) whispers: aha, black freed a7 for his king!
Parkow(1959) whispers: only chance is f-R move and then b ringing K to the middle
Opinel(2460) whispers: yes i would have played Rf2-g2 ... and then maybe h4 isn't needed... but h4 also good
Pawnadian(1996) whispers: It looks like h-file and maybe g-file will soon be open. I would want to get his majesty the f out of there!
shropshire(2192) whispers: probably gotta move Qe7, in hopes of locking up the pawns temporarily
shropshire(2192) whispers: are there any other decent moves for black?
Ludens(2312) whispers: Qe7 and let white do the work
17...Ba6 (6:04)
shropshire(2192) whispers: ouch
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: ah h5! damn i missed it, h4 too early, Rf2 first was better. after h5 or i take, but he can play Qh6!= or i must play g5-Qd8 but i am not sure
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: he missed also
hundirector(2288) whispers: a5 makes even less sense now
18.g5 (0:56) hxg5 (0:03) 19.hxg5 (0:02) Qe7 (0:01)
shropshire(2192) whispers: black is focusing on the wrong flank
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: nice position
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: yup...was not needed for Ba6...also, what does h5 do for black...the attack must crash through after g5; opinion Opinel ;-)
drinkeh(1957) whispers: black will have to escape real fast now, white'll just kill on the h-file
pchesso(1688) whispers: Kf2 and white can double rooks on h-file
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: if Nd2-Rf2-Rh2 and Qh3? lol seem too easy :) but...i no have some choices
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: I agree it is much slowed...so h5!? seemed interesting indeed.
drinkeh(1957) whispers: h5, g5 g6 for instance was ok for black, i think
Opinel(2460) whispers: the only thing now instead of Rf2 is king up and Rh1 insyead
burnage(2138) whispers: whew refreshing to see him use some time too!
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: drink...I am still waiting for your "numerous" positions that you had the tripled pawns not isolated since it is less good ;-)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: my Nd2 defend all my weakness, that s cool
Parkow(1959) whispers: what can B do? after g6 follows f6, after f6 follows g6 everything is locked then double Rs on h-file
Opinel(2460) whispers: Kf2 / Rh1 / Qh3
drinkeh(1957) whispers: as i said the logic behind it is that one would rather avoid the isolated, and therefore not isolated occurs more often
20.Nd2 (4:46)
drinkeh(1957) whispers: not that i had 500 games with it,
shropshire(2192) whispers: parkow, one thought is to move Rfe8, to give black an escape square
hundirector(2288) whispers: i'd guess ppl try to avoid losign too. still you can see that happen fairly often, no? lol
Opinel(2460) whispers: Nd2 can come as attack and clearing move ....... i much prefer 20.Kf2!!
drinkeh(1957) whispers: that's a different kind of logic :p
Pawnadian(1996) whispers: Was it necessary to defend c4? Does black even have time to grab a pawn?
hundirector(2288) whispers: really:) seems the same to me
shropshire(2192) whispers: although that is two tempos at least to get that black king into the center
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: the illogic is that it makes no sense whatsover what you are saying...SO STOP saying a positional concept in a totally ridiculous statement like I would rather have not isolated tripled pawns!!!
shropshire(2192) whispers: I am not sure if he has that kind of time
crem(1529) whispers: drinkeh can you show any game with tripled not isolated pawns?
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: ah i can also play Kf2 and Rh1 idea Qh3; seem better because he don t have Q:g5+ nice
Parkow(1959) whispers: B needs 4 moves to bring K to 7th rank...(r-move and 3 K moves)
Zbigg(2141) whispers: maybe d5 now with idea Qc5
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: wow bibbu and opinel having the same thoughts...how "surprising" ! ;-)
shropshire(2192) whispers: that is interesting, Zbigg
20...Rfb8 (2:58)
Opinel(2460) whispers: NO!!! i'm thinking it before playing other moves ha ha ha ...
Koff(2009) whispers: preparing that d5?
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: hehe I think trying to bring the king to "safety"...praying is more like it! ;-)
burnage(2138) whispers: I feel like a can of sardines being opened at leisure for fine dinig
Parkow(1959) whispers: LOL even god cannot help here
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: lol idea Kf8.Ke8,
MALCOVICH(2074) whispers: as much praying as drinkeh can do to prove having unisolated tripled pawns in a normal chess game...in a fixed, I can achieve that too! ;-)
21.Kf2 (1:54)
shropshire(2192) whispers: d5 may have been best there
Opinel(2460) whispers: yes lf2
21...Kf8 (0:21)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: no problem
22.Ke2 (0:13)
Koff(2009) whispers: wow
22...Ke8 (0:14)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: fe next!
hundirector(2288) whispers: lol at burnage's comment
Opinel(2460) whispers: ahhh .... bibbu misse 22.Rh1!!
drinkeh(1957) whispers: check my position
hundirector(2288) whispers: Ke2? wth
drinkeh(1957) whispers: i had this sort of position once, not in this way, but very similar
23.f6 (1:09)
Opinel(2460) whispers: he wants to play f6... but Rh1 was winning
hundirector(2288) whispers: of thats what he wanted, yea
23...gxf6 (0:31) 24.Rxf6 (0:03)
shropshire(2192) whispers: maybe black can draw this.... it is going to be an uphill battle though
Opinel(2460) whispers: Rx
hundirector(2288) whispers: ok this probably is a good idea too
Pawnadian(1996) whispers: Bc8-e6?
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: damn maybe i can stay here, a problem at home
Parkow(1959) whispers: now K d7-c6-b7 walk possible
Koff(2009) whispers: what else :)
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: can t*
shropshire(2192) whispers: I think the bishop move is better than the king walk
Opinel(2460) whispers: hmmm... Bc8 nice idea!
hundirector(2288) whispers: yes, bc8-e6 very nice
shropshire(2192) whispers: the king walk, white gets some checks and tempos
shropshire(2192) whispers: the bishop manuever is more direct
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: i must offer draw, can t stay i think
Parkow(1959) whispers: and what vs double Rs on f-file and g6?
hundirector(2288) whispers: oh noes
Bibbusque(2347) whispers: fuck Bibbusque offers a draw. burnage accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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