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opinel(2454) vs. kriegerdeslichts(2050) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-02-05


opinel (2009-02-06): I went over the game today (was played yesterday) and found out something very interesting. Many players commented my game (including myself!) and not one (I count myself in there as well) truly understood what the losing move was! Luckily for me my tactical drive “pushed” me into playing the right moves but I think that if I was playing against a stronger player I might have missed it thinking it’s too risky when in fact strategically speaking – it ended the game! Yes. Obviously black mishandled the opening stage and then blundered with Qxa3 but all this could be avoided. For one cannot prepare himself for the tactics, that part sort of arises from the position but I found it interesting that many players thought that 9…g6 was a good move when strategically speaking it lost the game! That move is the pillar of the tactical burst that was unfolding! I “blame” the success of 11.b4 and 21.g4 by saying that it was 9…g6 that allowed them to work so well. Furthermore, it seems to me that after 11.b4 white already won the game, the rest was simply technique. Therefore, despite black’s mishandled opening play, I believe that he could have mustered enough resources to conjure up a draw – maybe. But as far as I’m concerned it was g6 that destroyed and chances black had. I found it interesting that many players thought it was a good move when it was the very move that lost the game. I myself didn’t realize how strategically flawed it truly was. Thanks! I learned something from that game! In the end that’s the best thing isn’t it? To learn something from your games… good game

malcovich (2009-02-06): Thank you for your wonderful, honest and "human" (in the way that it comes from you, it is emotional yet logical and is not a bot!) analysis...very interesting. You bring a breath of fresh air to teamleague...I hope all the players here appreciate your invaluable input. Great game! As for me, the move Re3!! will forever be sketched in my mind...AMAZING amigo!

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