1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:03)Nc6(0:38) 3.d4(0:05)cxd4(0:02) 4.Nxd4(0:02)Nf6(0:01) 5.Nc3(0:03)e5(0:02) 6.Ndb5(0:05)d6(0:02) 7.Nd5(0:04)Nxd5(0:02) 8.exd5(0:02)Nb8(0:02) 9.c4(0:22)Be7(0:04) 10.Bd3(1:52)O-O(0:46) 11.O-O(0:10)a6(0:11) 12.Nc3(0:03)f5(0:22) 13.f3(1:11)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: i've been playing the pelikan/shevnikov since about 2004 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: in my first tourney game i was surprised by this line, iplayed a6?? before caslnng and lost quicly with Qa4!
13...Bg5(1:11) 14.Qe2(0:56)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: the variation sometimes goes quickly into an endgame or can be a complex middle game. depends on white's mood
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: qe2 knocked me out of theory tho so I'm on my own StrokerAce(1905) whispers: never thought about it but it's kind of benoni-like without the fianchetto
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: hmm bc5 gets a B for N but... i can see how that woudl also enable him to get his q-side pawns moving eventually StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Nc5 i mean StrokerAce(1905) whispers: but i don't like f4 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Bxc1 Rxc1 qf6 or qg5 maybe ... StrokerAce(1905) whispers: still his f4 or maybe even g4 to undermine my center is the threat i think StrokerAce(1905) whispers: either way play is on the g-file so make sure K is not on it StrokerAce(1905) whispers: and e6 blockeed by N
15...Kh8(9:52) 16.b4(2:26)b6(1:26)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: can't allow b5 to open Q-side. looks like N is stuck on d7 now. maybe bb7
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: i want to play Rb8 but is it too slow. Rb8 a5 bxa5 bxxc1 Rxc1 bxa5 i get b-file double edged. StrokerAce(1905) whispers: a5 Nb5 juck StrokerAce(1905) whispers: rb8 seems right- nothing hanging??? no ok
17...Rb8(5:34) 18.Be3(8:42)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: no one wins the game of bishop chicken, we meet in the middle
18...Bxe3(1:02) 19.Qxe3(0:02)Qf6(1:11) 20.Be2(3:09)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: my pieces are still poorly coordinated. Rb8 enabled the N to move but it has nowhere to move. Rb8 also blocks bb7 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: ok defneding c3 ... anything else? f4 e4 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: a5 myself seems interesting Nc5 woudl solve a lot of problems... hmm StrokerAce(1905) whispers: pretty commital though StrokerAce(1905) whispers: if not he'lll play rb8 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: sees backwards, black is supposed to play on k-side StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Qh4 with idea of Rf3 to h6 or rb7-f7 but... bc8/nd7 keeps things uncoordianted StrokerAce(1905) whispers: a5 hurts as much as it helps
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: screw it
21.bxa5(0:48)bxa5(0:05) 22.Rab1(2:20)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: i see no way to keep the file
22...Rxb1(5:22) 23.Rxb1(0:09)Nc5(0:08) 24.Rb6(3:24)
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Qxc5 is not a threat so i suppose he wants Rc6 burnage(2138) whispers: looks like he just wants to own the bfile and maybe snipe the a pawn
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Nb5 and he has the makings of a dangerous set of pawns
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: we both have dangerous pawns burnage(2138) whispers: Bxb5 axb5 and a4 burnage(2138) whispers: you have a permanent advantage then StrokerAce(1905) whispers: hmm
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: no choice StrokerAce(1905) whispers: very very unclear burnage(2138) whispers: not really he has a bad bishop against a good knight StrokerAce(1905) whispers: axb5 and Nc5 is a great blocakader but... who knows
burnage(2138) whispers: Nxa4 maybe burnage(2138) whispers: Nxa4 Rxa5 Nc5 but this maybe lets his bishop out via Bd1 Ba4 KiranY(2062) whispers: but then e4 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: Nxa4 rxa5 Nc5 can he do an exchange sac StrokerAce(1905) whispers: ra8 first is an optoin, so is e4 hmm StrokerAce(1905) whispers: no more whispers time too critical
26...Nxa4(7:09) 27.Rxa5(0:36)Nc5(0:25) 28.h3(0:24)e4(0:58)
burnage(2138) whispers: why e4? I want to keep that bishop bad... so maybe f4! burnage(2138) whispers: seems both f4 and fxe5 are good for white. gives him back his piece. MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: is Rxc5 feasible... KiranY(2062) whispers: with bishop being bad..no i dont think so.. MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: yeah, the pawns aree not supported enough to become real threats
29.Qa3(4:48)h6(3:08) 30.Qa1(0:12)
burnage(2138) whispers: Qxa1 Rxa1 e3 should be easy win burnage(2138) whispers: wait nm white plays f4 lol
30...Qh4(1:21) 31.Ra7(1:19)Qg3(1:28) 32.Kg1(0:21)e3(2:11)
MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: well, I still believe RXC5!? WAS BETTER THAN THIS! At least Black had some counterplay to worry about as for now he should be cruising home with the victory :-(
burnage(2138) whispers: Rb8 burnage(2138) whispers: time to activate last piece burnage(2138) whispers: otherwise f4 and solidify the pawns KiranY(2062) whispers: or nb3 nd4?
burnage(2138) whispers: hmmm yes that too:) didn't see that bobhill(1871) whispers: Re8 may have been better with threat to push pawn burnage(2138) whispers: yes I think so bob, not real sure Rf6 was the best way to activeate the rook. I prefer Re8 or Rb8 StrokerAce(1905) whispers: damn i thought that hung the rook for rec
MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: what's that!!!?!?!6116 KiranY(2062) whispers: umm over MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: Qb2 was still holding on the short term ouazzani(1794) whispers: takeback
MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: they are playing like 1500 tseltzer(1793) whispers: they're playing like me
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: not sure if it was safe to play Qf2+ and take of f1 i may get mated
MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: MUCH WORSE... friend
tseltzer(1793) whispers: you havent seen me in time trouble :-s
KiranY(2062) whispers: what ? mate where? MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: HOW COULD HE NOT PLAY BD3!!!!! I must have the wrong f***in relay at my house.,..this is ridiculous!!! burnage(2138) whispers: he keeps missing Qf2+ ending the game
Scylax(1673) whispers: they're just trying to keep it interesting... MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: I am going to be sick!... burnage(2138) whispers: nah they are just freaking out about the clock no biggie burnage(2138) whispers: please malcovich..
KiranY(2062) whispers: not everyone can handle the clock like you malc ;) tseltzer(1793) whispers: no one can handle the clock like you, malco :)
MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: sorry guys, but we are talking about 2 very good players and they are missing quite evident moves...I mean :-(((((( burnage(2138) whispers: they aren't as evident as you think with so little time to think burnage(2138) whispers: they are evident to a spectator that has no pressure and to someone who has 10 minutes to kill Scylax(1673) whispers: black has been tentative the whole game-- psyching himself out, I think MALCOVICH(2105) whispers: yeah maybe...well I am off to see Juventus vs Milan as I suspect Draghetto (a huge Milan fan while I am Juventino!) will be shortly after....bye all. KiranY(2062) whispers: especially at the end
StrokerAce offers a draw.
KiranY(2062) whispers: wtf? burnage(2138) whispers: now that makes no bleeping sense... white is barely surviving why offer a draw! just don't flag! KiranY(2062) whispers: is stroker nuts? bobhill(1871) whispers: I think the N maneuver to still wins, ouch
draghetto declines the draw request.
StrokerAce(1905) whispers: ok KiranY(2062) whispers: lol StrokerAce(1905) whispers: ok KiranY(2062) whispers: draghetto declines now that will make malco crazy ! burnage(2138) whispers: well he doesn't even have to answer til stroker moves! and he's gonna flag! KiranY(2062) whispers: :)) burnage(2138) whispers: man dude black HAS to be winning this KiranY(2062) whispers: stroker jus play something ! burnage(2138) whispers: h5? e2? Qb2? Nd7? KiranY(2062) whispers: rf6 or g3 something lol
38...h5(3:42) 39.Qe1(0:04)
KiranY(2062) whispers: exchanging is better now.. burnage(2138) whispers: lol white is stupid not to take that draw. he must be thinkign he'll win on time.
39...Qxe1(0:16) 40.Rxe1(0:03)h4(0:01)
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah
burnage(2138) whispers: world's worst bishop burnage(2138) whispers: Rf6
KiranY(2062) whispers: or k to e5 burnage(2138) whispers: return the rook to the world of play
burnage(2138) whispers: interesting hadn't considered Kh6... I gues s why not black has all the timei nthe world here
42...Rf6(0:09) 43.Be2(0:21)Kg5(1:04)
burnage(2138) whispers: yes march king to e5... Kg5 Kf5
burnage(2138) whispers: this is lights out.
45.Bd1(0:40)Ke5(0:35) 46.Be2(0:14)
draghetto offers a draw.
StrokerAce declines the draw request.
46...Rf7(0:48) 47.Ke1(1:44)Rb7(0:30) 48.Rxb7(0:33)Nxb7(0:06) 49.Kd1(0:20)Kd4(0:02) 50.Kc2(0:01)Na5(0:12)draghetto resigns 0-1
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