malcovich(2103) vs. burnage(2143) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-12-09
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: let the fun begin! 1...d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:10) c6 (0:01) 3.Nf3 (0:03) Nf6 (0:02) 4.Nc3 (0:03) dxc4 (0:08) 5.a4 (0:30) Bf5 (0:24) 6.Ne5 (3:29) e6 (5:22) 7.f3 (2:38) Bb4 (0:03) 8.e4 (0:02) Bxe4 (0:18) 9.fxe4 (0:05) Nxe4 (0:00)
burnage(2143) whispers: :Pinging MALCOVICH :Ping failed
Pawnadian(1906) whispers: I cannot ping either player.
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: finger says idle 8 min 10.Bd2 (9:56)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i can't ping pawnadian either
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i think ping doesnt' work 10...Qxd4 (0:50) 11.Nxe4 (0:04)
Pawnadian(1906) whispers: I guess not. I can't even ping myself. 11...Qxe4+ (0:18) 12.Qe2 (0:09) Bxd2+ (0:05) 13.Kxd2 (0:04) Qd5+ (0:02) 14.Kc2 (5:18) Na6 (0:40) 15.Nxc4 (0:32) O-O (0:27)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: I used to study this as black; I gave up on it due to the jungle of theory, plus the bottom line seemed to favor white (at the top levels, at least); I look forward to how this game progresses.
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i guess they are still in book?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Black apparently is comfortable with the line.
cliang(2170) whispers: Just left book, actually.
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: 15... o-o is a new move ok
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Still book, via transposition.
cliang(2170) whispers: Sorry, whatever the next move is takes them out of book, does that clarify?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 16.Qe5 is main line (by my books, at least) :)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: !6. Qf3 is said to have been abandoned, according to Burgess.
cliang(2170) whispers: Oh, really? It's been a while since I studied the slav; I though Qf3 was still a fair option.
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Just what Burgess cites in his book on the Slav. I have given up on the Bishop sac line as black (or white for that matter.)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: the line given was... 16.Qe5 (9:34) Rfd8 (0:54)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: btw the deciding game of u1600 is tomorrow, right?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 16.Qf3, Qc5 17. Kb1, Nb4 18. Be2, Rad8 19. Rc1, Rd4 20. Ra3, Rfd8...with complications that are allegedly "equal"
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Correct; 1600 game at 1000 server time.
MALCOVICH(2103) whispers: 2 things here 1) I am trying to remember the theorical moves from studying this opening when learning with my Kramnik database. 2) trying to possibly find any and every possible variation that does not lead to a dead draw and thus a loss for my team...but here I have no choice exchanging queens seems best. 3) Well, DAMN HE IS PLAYING FAST...he must know all of this by heart!?!
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: and u1800 has a rematch next week, right? 17.Be2 (1:53)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: I believe so, SBC.
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yes i think so
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: just as well, that whole removal of boards thing is a really stupid way of deciding champions
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: agreed, though if the next round ends 2-2
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: they remove board 4, then 3 etc 17...Nb4+ (2:32)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: I believe in T35 and T36, the system was that instead of a semi-final and final round, there was a 3 round robin playoff between the top 4 teams
jaberwock(1930) whispers: this line purportedly goes 17.Be2 f6 18.Qd5, cd5 19.Na5! leading to a white edge
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: is that a recent book?
MALCOVICH(2103) whispers: I studied his games so far in teamleague and he made blatant opening inaccuracies (not blunders he is too strong for that; but inaccuracies oh yes!) in almost everyone, he is going to book me until move 23 or so...I guess he must of expected this variation though I still have not played it in serious play here on FICS!?!
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Burgess book is 2001 copyright
jaberwock(1930) whispers: He has no line for 18. ---Nb4+
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: looks quite logical
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: stick the knight in the 'hole' created by 5. a4
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: you said 'hole' heh heh uhh
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 18.Kb1
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: seemed the appropriate thing to say ;)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: :-P 18.Kc3 (4:52) Qxe5+ (0:03)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: trouble is, Kb1 Qxe5 Nxe5 Rd2
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: the hangman is approching... 19.Nxe5 (0:18) Nd5+ (0:01)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: it seems better to keep the king watching d2
jaberwock(1930) whispers: You are probably correct. 20.Kb3 (0:53) f6 (0:18)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: well, I might be ;)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: Nf4 and b5 were playable , too
jaberwock(1930) whispers: I am going to peek at more current database
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: burnage cant be in book anymore, so it looks like he's blitzing for psychological reasons
jaberwock(1930) whispers: white's position may be harder to play psychologically; those pawns may become dangerous
jaberwock(1930) whispers: plus, Malc is spotting his usual hour hour ;) 21.Nd3 (3:11) Ne3 (0:37) 22.g3 (0:58)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: hmm, no Nc5?
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: I guess its not in whites interests to trade pawns though
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: does anybody know how the statistics are in this sort of positions?
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: some sicilain lines are like this but i don't play them (except by accident) :-)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: checking... 2008 Big Database
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 17///Nb4+ played 1 out of 35 games...
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: yes, nb4 was new, f6 was still theory
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: f6 instead of nb4
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: but does the database say who wins more often, the piece- or the pawn-side?
sangalla(1977) whispers: i prefer black here
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 17....Nb4+ played in 1999, Finish Championship; one game...led to draw
jaberwock(1930) whispers: the 17...f6 line had been palyed 30 out of 35 games listed
jaberwock(1930) whispers: white scoring 57%
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: ok, thx
jaberwock(1930) whispers: black is finally burning some time
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: he's prolly just gone for a coffee or something ;) 22...Nf5 (9:53) 23.Kc3 (0:49) Nd4 (0:24)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: knight looks quite good on d4
cliang(2170) whispers: Good, this knight has gone all over the board, and probably needs a bit of rest by now. ;)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: it's a deathknight:)
sangalla(1977) whispers: black's dont want to let white exchange rooks on d file
cliang(2170) whispers: From Malcovich's earlier comment, is burnage playing for the draw or win?
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i hope he's just playing
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: but all team needs is a draw
cliang(2170) whispers: Just curious, thanks.
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i consider it a win-win. he wins, our team wins. Malc wins, we get another week and 4 more games :-)
sangalla(1977) whispers: if malco win, its 2-2?
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yup 24.Rhe1 (5:53)
sangalla(1977) whispers: so they win first board
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: boards dont count in the championship round
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: not unless its tied a second time
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yes
sangalla(1977) whispers: oh
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: though i'd rather have co-champs if tied twice
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: then a random tiebreaker
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: in the past, I think thats been the practice
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i mean if 8 games ends in a tie, good case for co-champs IMHO
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: yeah
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Co-Champs would be my choice; nothing wrong with more people happy after a long, even battle
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: agreed
sangalla(1977) whispers: IOC do not like co-chanp
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: IOC?
sangalla(1977) whispers: olympic committee
sangalla(1977) whispers: ;)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: hey we don't have drug testing either :-P
sangalla(1977) whispers: :))
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: does malc usually get into time trouble?
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: Ive never seen a game where he didnt use his time 24...e5 (3:50)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i can relate to that
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: it doesnt seem to bother him much
sangalla(1977) whispers: he love time trouble
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: well, ten minutes is plenty for this position, imho
jaberwock(1930) whispers: he almost thrives in time trouble
sangalla(1977) whispers: that the most interesting thing about chess for him
jaberwock(1930) whispers: and like Reshevsky did, he does well int it often
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: it's hard enough for me with extra time...!
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: sometimes any decsiion is better than debating for 20 min tho
jaberwock(1930) whispers: I get into time trouble in correspondence chess...
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: haha
cliang(2170) whispers: You're actually not alone there, jaberwock...
cliang(2170) whispers: You'd think a week would be enough to make a decision.
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: One can give a whole life for a good move
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: how do you play for a win here? 25.Nc5 (6:20) b6 (2:16) 26.Bc4+ (3:22) Kf8 (0:24) 27.Ne6+ (0:15) Nxe6 (0:03) 28.Bxe6 (0:00)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: ok, the super knight is gone, but how the hell does white get at the pawns?
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: dunno
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: maybe Malc willl figure it out in time trouble :-P 28...Rd6 (0:59)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: maybe best chance would be to trade the rooks off
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: thats what I was thinking
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: stick the bishop on e4 and penetrate with the king
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: so Bg4
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: anyone know if the position without rooks is a win for white? 29.Bc4 (3:07)
sangalla(1977) whispers: at least its white's best chance 29...Rad8 (0:36)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i would think that depends on pawn structure
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: if blacks pawns are connected
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: seems like he'd have the winning chances vs a b
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: unless white can sac it for 2 pawns
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: my feeling was that it was better for white, but I dunno
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yeah so then it depneds on where the pawns are and the K 30.a5 (1:22)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: but if white can break up blacks pawns
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: before the rooks come off.. 30...b5 (0:54)
sangalla(1977) whispers: 0-1 i think, now the pawns look terrible 31.Be2 (0:12) a6 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: i agree
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: b4 32.Rad1 (0:34)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: hmm a6 is stuck on a light square if the B can pick it off
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: I really think after b4 and rook trades, white can win
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: a passwer
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: but its important to prevent c5, imo
sangalla(1977) whispers: rd4
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: Rd4 risks losing a pawn, either on d4 or a6
cliang(2170) whispers: c5
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: yes I think c5 too
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: c5 is not good anymore, i think, maybe white can later sac it on b5...
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: if black's K gets stuck defending a6
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: c5 is safe, white cant force all the rooks off yet
sangalla(1977) whispers: right
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: and with a rook on the board, any b5 sac fails
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: in fact, even c5 Rxd6 Rxd6 Rd1 Ke7 looks ok to me
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: but that needs checking ;)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: i think white's better in that line 32...f5 (3:35)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: danger of a zugzwang of course
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: hmm, interesting!
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yup that's how white will win
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: lose tempos by shuffinng b
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: k has to leve defsne of a6
sangalla(1977) whispers: white best chance is on queenside. remember that his B is light square B 33.Rxd6 (1:20) Rxd6 (0:00)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: b4 for sure now 34.Rf1 (1:00)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: apparently not!
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: hmm 34...g6 (0:26)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: maybe he wants b4 to be open for the king
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: trying to force the pawn to f4 I guess, so the bish can control e4
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Malc marches to the beat of a different drummer...and at a fast pace with under a minute
FSFabbri(1654) whispers: He is in time trouble, he might not play the best moves 35.g4 (0:32)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: yup, thats the idea
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: apparently that's where he's at his best
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: he just saw more than I did, b4 can wait 35...f4 (0:33)
sangalla(1977) whispers: i know what he think.... he tried to keep pieces as much as possible.. to limit draw possibility. that's what i dislike from a team game :(
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: I think this is winnable now
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: bf3?
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: now b4, I think 36.g5 (0:43)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: unless black has c5
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: hmm, I think black did have c5 against b4
sangalla(1977) whispers: draw = lose for white, that's why he dont play best move 36...c5 (0:40)
FSFabbri(1654) whispers: I see 37.Rd1 (1:00)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Rd1; after rook trade, white has Bb5 sac om tap
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: yup
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: but are the e and f pawns too strong?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: and may be able to handle the e & f pawns if careful
sangalla(1977) whispers: and b-c!
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: RxR BxR e4 Be2 f3 and white doesnt have time for the b5 sac
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: a bishop on e4 can handle it
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: kf Ke7 here Rxd6 Kxd6 the sac doesn't work 37...Rc6 (1:04)
sangalla(1977) whispers: ouch! 38.Bf3 (0:16) Re6 (0:04)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: Im frankly amazed burnage didnt think about Rxd1
jaberwock(1930) whispers: He may be playing less perfect, but practical moves, based on time trouble by white 39.Bg4 (1:11)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: time!
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: yowza
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: thats an absurd thing to do in an endgame 39...Rc6 (0:16)
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: he takes his time:) 40.Re1 (0:25)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: Re1
jaberwock(1930) whispers: yup
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: the difference between moves at this stage is absolutely critical, so blitzing less than perfect moves is not good policy
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: so doesh6?
jaberwock(1930) whispers: I'm not advocating that strategy; I just guessing why he is selecting such moves.
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: right
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: now the black card house collapses 40...Rd6 (1:28) 41.Rxe5 (0:15) c4 (0:01)
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: none of the white pawns are targetable, for the moment
sangalla(1977) whispers: he still has some cards ;) 42.Re6 (1:08) Rd3+ (0:03)
StrokerAce(1928) whispers: anyone have an engine? tho they are pretty bad in these types of positoins 43.Kc2 (0:11)
jaberwock(1930) whispers: 42. Re4
Boobyslegacy(1955) whispers: Rf6+
smallblackcat(1963) whispers: I dont need an engine to tell you its winning for white
sangalla(1977) whispers: ofcourse white is better now, SA burnage resigns 1-0
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