xframe(1962) vs. draghetto(1975) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-11-23
KiranY(2062) whispers: oh no
KiranY(2062) whispers: go X 8...Be6 (0:47)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: come on XFrame!!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: enterprising sac
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah said he prepared this line..we'll see how it goes 9.Bxb7 (0:57)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: the halloween in a league match 9...Rb8 (0:04)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: prep is probably over since some moves ;)
KiranY(2062) whispers: but i wouldnt recommend it in a playoff match :)
KiranY(2062) whispers: anyway he has enough compensation by now..
derMandarin(2114) whispers: well three pawns. hmm. he needs a bit more than that
XFrame(1962) whispers: he deviated from what i studied already, with be6, so this must be better for me than what i studied, but im on myself too already
KiranY(2062) whispers: see?
KiranY(2062) whispers: nice centre so its ok..
crazyblue(1929) whispers: wow he really tried that opening :D go xframe!
KiranY(2062) whispers: ryb says its about equal.. 10.Bc6+ (3:42) Bd7 (0:03) 11.Be4 (0:01) Bb4 (2:36) 12.O-O (1:57) Bxc3 (0:16) 13.bxc3 (0:02) N8e7 (0:01) 14.f4 (2:38)
XFrame(1962) whispers: f4 0-0 f5 nh4 f6 is appealing for me...
XFrame(1962) whispers: so maybe this prevents him from castling now
derMandarin(2114) whispers: he will put something on f5 of course otherwise white would have a good position
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yes 0-0 would be a mistake here
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: castling into a firestorm
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but neither Nf5 nor Bf5 works, so maybe Qc8
XFrame(1962) whispers: nh4 might be interesting for him now. controling f5, and if g3 nf5
Vanh(2050) whispers: g4 then, seems decisive...
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yes, Nh4 fails for the same reason that Nf5 does
KiranY(2062) whispers: why not nf5 or bf5 cat?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Nf5 g4, Bf5 Bxf5 Nxf5 g4
Vanh(2050) whispers: nf5 fails to g4; bf5 bxb nxb and g4 again.
KiranY(2062) whispers: ok
KiranY(2062) whispers: ok
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Qc8 looks decent though
KiranY(2062) whispers: qc8 ba3?
Vanh(2050) whispers: qc8 f5!
Vanh(2050) whispers: Bxf5!
Vanh(2050) whispers: Qf3!
KiranY(2062) whispers: bx qxf7 kd8..
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Be6
Vanh(2050) whispers: I mean qc8... bxf5, bxf5, nxf5 and qf3
GMChessy(2096) whispers: is 4.Nxe5 theory?
KiranY(2062) whispers: nh4?
KiranY(2062) whispers: yes
Vanh(2050) whispers: be6 fails to the same reason f5!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: its certainly not pleasant
Vanh(2050) whispers: nh4 wastes time, cause of g3, nf5, g4.
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Qc8 f5 Bxf5 Bxf5 Nxf5 Qf3 Ngh4 might just work though
KiranY(2062) whispers: why not bc6 14...Bc6 (12:06)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: black gains a crucial tempo
KiranY(2062) whispers: hehe :)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: king gets stuck in the centre for a while now, but he may end up being safer there anyway
KiranY(2062) whispers: qf3 maybe
KiranY(2062) whispers: then bxb qxb 0-0 f5
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: maybe Qf3 Nh4
KiranY(2062) whispers: bc6 +
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: oh right, of course
Vanh(2050) whispers: bxc6 and f5.
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: thats the trouble with having the king in the centre ;)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: could also try Qd5
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah
KiranY(2062) whispers: then qd3
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but then black might try 0-0, and if f5 then Nh4 threatening both f4 and g2
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: *f5 and g2
KiranY(2062) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: it looks plausible, at least
crazyblue(1929) whispers: can anyone see why rybka wants Bxc6 Nxc6 f5 and then Ngxe5 for black? there must be something in the position that requires re-sac
Vanh(2050) whispers: how does black queen get to D5?
KiranY(2062) whispers: yes crazy
KiranY(2062) whispers: those knights are not of much help anyway
Vanh(2050) whispers: cause I night moves then d5! is decisive!
Vanh(2050) whispers: *if
Vanh(2050) whispers: *knight
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah thats better..bxc6 nx f5
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Vanh, Qf3 Bxe4 Qxe4 Qd5 Qd3 0-0 f5 Nh4 was the line I was talking about
XFrame(1962) whispers: bx nx f5, and not sure what he does... nh4 loses to g3. ne7 makes f6 stronger... nf8??
Vanh(2050) whispers: but why not BxB straight away..
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah go X! 15.Bxc6+ (5:59) Nxc6 (0:04) 16.f5 (0:01)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: hm, how about returning the piece for two pawns?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well, its either that, or play Nf8
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Nge7 looks terrible
KiranY(2062) whispers: nf8 lol
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: exactly, so Ngxe5 looks best
crazyblue(1929) whispers: yeah i agree
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: extra pawn is doubled, so its not too bad
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: of greater concern is the bishop vs knight
KiranY(2062) whispers: then bf4
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yes, probably
KiranY(2062) whispers: but f6 re1 rb5
KiranY(2062) whispers: so pretty much equal there..only a slight edge..
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: black might consider Nc4 Bxc7 Rb2, but two pawns down...
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Id hardly call that equal, Kiran ;)
KiranY(2062) whispers: thats risky..
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: blacks would otherwise be under total pressure, and be a pawn down 16...Nf8 (8:03)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: namaste kiran, :)
KiranY(2062) whispers: :)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: go frame!
KiranY(2062) whispers: black doesnt want to let go of that extra piece..
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well, the position we were considering was pretty awful too
KiranY(2062) whispers: qg4?
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: c3 frame
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: so it might be wiser to keep the extra piece, if only to keep things relatively complicated
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: rook e1?
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: j'adoube?
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah but rook is doing fine of f file zulu..
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: f f fine
XFrame(1962) whispers: ba3 seems good now... qg4 too... gotta use my time
KiranY(2062) whispers: what about e6?
XFrame(1962) whispers: even qh5 thretening e6
KiranY(2062) whispers: :)
Vanh(2050) whispers: Qf3 is better...
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: I would suggest that Qg4 g6 and then e6 is better
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah alos bg5
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: since its then hard for black to blockade with f6
Vanh(2050) whispers: i think that qf3 and then Ba3 is better.
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: what about sacing the e5 pawn, by pushing pawn to d5 ?, pinning knight?
Vanh(2050) whispers: senseless!
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: oh ok,
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: where?
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: q to h5?
Vanh(2050) whispers: to f3 is more convincing! 17.Qh5 (9:44)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ha ha
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: i win
crazyblue(1929) whispers: ;)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: g6 perhaps
Vanh(2050) whispers: Qd5 perhaps
derMandarin(2114) whispers: and zulu predicted the move!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yeah Qd5 looks good too
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: though Qd5 e6 is a bit difficult to meet
Vanh(2050) whispers: qd5 e6 g6.
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: ah yeah, the pin on f5
KiranY(2062) whispers: qd5 e6 g6 exf7 kx fxg6
KiranY(2062) whispers: ah ok qxf7 17...Qd5 (6:31)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well Qd5 e6 g6 exf7 Qxf7 fxg6 is tricky
KiranY(2062) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: ah no, missing the knight on c6
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: I thought Qe5+ was possible
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: its still pretty rough though, but I dunno, looks like a possible defence
XFrame(1962) whispers: hm did he overlooked e6?
XFrame(1962) whispers: oh!! nx e6 and pawn is pinned
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: funny, we all missed that too
KiranY(2062) whispers: no i was replying to van's g6..
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: oh hang on, e6 Nxe6 Qe2 and its still lost
derMandarin(2114) whispers: from one pin to another. 18.Qg4 (3:51)
XFrame(1962) whispers: im talking too much and he's defending with strong moves. 17.qh5 looks silly now
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: silly, because i predicted it!, dont make me look bad frame!
derMandarin(2114) whispers: :))
KiranY(2062) whispers: g6? 18...g6 (7:45)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Im wondering if theres much difference between this position and 17. Qg4 g6
KiranY(2062) whispers: so now e6?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: it seems to me that having the black queen on d5 doesnt really change anything
XFrame(1962) whispers: e6 fxe6 fxe6 nxe6 looks tempting... re1 next...
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yes, I think e6
XFrame(1962) whispers: maybe thats too optimistic, i should develop my bishop somewhere first 19.Bh6 (7:00)
KiranY(2062) whispers: gx qx rg8
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: or even Qe6 19...Ne7 (3:16)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: this is surely a tricky position....2.5 moves ago rybka said +1.8 for white....now 0.00
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: frame, u wasted 1 tempo,
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: that bishop should have moved before the queen
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: I suspect Bh6 was not the most accurate
KiranY(2062) whispers: yeah
KiranY(2062) whispers: e6 was much better
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: oh, sorry, ignore, i missed some moves, apologies
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: black is defending well though
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: so simple take the knight
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: that could simply give up the advantage though ;)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Bxf8 Kxf8 and black is looking reasonably safe to me
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: and fxg6 hxg6 Qxg6 is answered by Rg8!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: though white has Qh6+ I guess..
KiranY(2062) whispers: huh?
XFrame(1962) whispers: f6 nf5, the attack is frozen... and i dont really believe in the 3 pawns as being as strong as his night
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: i win again
Vanh(2050) whispers: draw?
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: watch 20.e6 (7:33)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: huh?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: I second the huh?
Plebusan(1840) whispers: Nxf5
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: this was good a few moves ago, but now its ?!
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: oh i see, he wants queen to h5, if g pawn x f5
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: yeah, but black will most likely play Nxf5 here
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: yip, its a duff
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: a really wacko idea here is Nxf5 Bg7!!??
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: idea being Nxg7 exf7+ forcing the king out 20...gxf5 (5:19) 21.exf7+ (0:03) Qxf7 (0:08) 22.Qe2 (0:30)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: i wonder what black would have played on 21. Qg7 22...Rg8 (0:24)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: most probably Qxe6 sacking the exchange
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: seems like black would've been ok then
crazyblue(1929) whispers: 21. Qg7 Qxe6 Rae1 ...i dont know, its too confusing for me right now, im brain lazy ;)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well, Rg8 there I think 23.Rae1 (3:08)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but Im not sure if that worked, and Im too lazy too ;)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: :)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: knight g6
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: kd8 now that bg5 is not possible...what an unclear game!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: quite a mess for sure
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ie
OrganicChess(1983) whispers: Xframe is a tricky player 23...Kd8 (6:16)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: 1 point for malco 24.Bf4 (0:23)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: grande Stefano...don't let his monkeying around fool u, you are back in control of this game!
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: I still prefer white, no offence Mal ;) 24...Nfg6 (0:32)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: though it looks a tiny bit like xframe has lost his way.. 25.Bg5 (0:55)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: or was this just a subtle maneouvre to get the B to g5?
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: maybe...but, Black has got to activate his forces with tempo also...still very unclear.
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: rook ge, then its like a 1300 game 25...Re8 (2:06)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: g8
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ha ha
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well, its a good move even if its a 1300 move ;)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: suppose
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: align the rook with the white queen, and prepare Kc8 to give the king some (relative) security 26.Qd3 (1:30) Kc8 (0:38) 27.Qa6+ (0:13)
KiranY(2062) whispers: good pressure 27...Rb7 (0:32)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: wheres the pressure?
derMandarin(2114) whispers: Rfb1 would be great now if possible ;) 28.Rb1 (2:50) Qd5 (0:06) 29.Rxb7 (0:03) Qxb7 (0:12) 30.Qe6+ (0:03)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: doesnt this trade just help black?
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: wow did White screw that one up...go Ste!!! 30...Kb8 (1:10)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: queen exchange and white pawns are strong?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: not strong enough
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: oh ok
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: no passers here, and only one potential passer really (the d-pawn), so the extra piece should win for black
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ok
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: but it will be 4 linked pawns vs 2 seperated black pawns?
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: oh I see, after Qb3
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: well, I still think my argument holds
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ok 31.Re1 (2:47) Qc8 (0:38)
KiranY(2062) whispers: should have played rb3
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: ha ha, thats it, hes got him
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: rook b1
KiranY(2062) whispers: not yet zulu rb1 ka8..
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: oh dam, queen cant check 32.Qf7 (1:55)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: whatever the final result I want to congratulate Draghetto AND Xframe a amazing, fair and entertaining game. This epitimizes what Teamleague (especially playoffs!) was meant to be! :-)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: cool go malco :)
GMChessy(2096) whispers: can you translate epitimizes for me pls? 32...Qd7 (1:34)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: endless deep pit, duh? 33.Qxh7 (0:40)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: represents in it's best nature...
KiranY(2062) whispers: hmm going for pawns uh?
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: also, goodluck in your side of the playofffs gm ;-) Maybe we will meet again; who knows! 33...Qd6 (1:14)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: he wants to get to h3 kiran, then f3
GMChessy(2096) whispers: sure looking forward to a kia against your french :)
KiranY(2062) whispers: hehe dont be so sure GM..he can surprise you with e4 e5 !
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: hehe or d5 ;-)
GMChessy(2096) whispers: oh that's even better :) 34.Qf7 (2:07)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: hey I had a good position...are you insinuating you missed an edge in that game :-( 34...Rf8 (0:56)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Qe6 now
KiranY(2062) whispers: thought i was having that edge :)
GMChessy(2096) whispers: well my fritz said I had +1 evaluation when we agreed draw :)
KiranY(2062) whispers: was but yeah couldnt make use of it
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: oh, maybe not
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: was thinking Qe6 Qxe6 Rxe6 was crushing, but just Re8 is fine
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Bxe7 is also possible
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but that just trades
KiranY(2062) whispers: bxn rxq bxq cxd6 re6
KiranY(2062) whispers: and good chance for white
XFrame(1962) whispers: bxe7 rxf7 bxd6 cxd6 re6... i might win a pawn...
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: ok, wins a pawn
KiranY(2062) whispers: hehe :)
XFrame(1962) whispers: but i would be fighting hard to draw there
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: actually it doesnt, since Nf4 and Ne2+ gets the pawn back
KiranY(2062) whispers: gets rid of doubled.... 35.Qb3+ (2:57) Ka8 (0:04)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but of course white then has three passers
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: well, your drunk GM if you think White even had the slightest speck of an advantage in the final position...I have 2 pieces for rook and pawn and your king can not penetrate.
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: if anything, his Fritz is drunk 36.h4 (0:40)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: on the whole I'd have gone for the mass trade here, since blacks extra piece is worth less with fewer supporting pieces
GMChessy(2096) whispers: i accepted your draw offer, but really I am the only one having winning chances
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: in fact, it would be R+N vs R and a lot of pawns, which would be virtually unwinnable for black 36...Rb8 (1:23)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: white will win this, i have a good feeling about it :>
GMChessy(2096) whispers: worst that could happen is we trade all kingside pawns and I loose my extra pawn, which is still a drawn ending :) 37.Qe6 (1:02)
KiranY(2062) whispers: qf7 again
KiranY(2062) whispers: ah ok
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: now we're here again
XFrame(1962) whispers: now i have h5 if he trades
KiranY(2062) whispers: yup 37...Qxe6 (0:32) 38.Rxe6 (0:02) Rb6 (0:00)
KiranY(2062) whispers: h5 anyway :)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: oh dear
KiranY(2062) whispers: after rxr
Vanh(2050) whispers: Rxr h5!
KiranY(2062) whispers: !BCS->(explosion)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: funny way to end 39.Rxb6 (0:29)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: thats some intuition you had, crazy ;)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: he could have taken both knights?
crazyblue(1929) whispers: :D 39...axb6 (1:23) 40.h5 (0:06) Kb7 (0:02) 41.hxg6 (0:04) Nxg6 (0:01)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: wow 42.Kf2 (0:19) Kc6 (0:01)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: its not won yet though 43.Ke3 (0:15)
AdIsHaNkAr(1714) whispers: go go go!
AdIsHaNkAr(1714) whispers: beat this Italian CM 43...Kb5 (0:25)
AdIsHaNkAr(1714) whispers: i feel so proud of 1714
AdIsHaNkAr(1714) whispers: only 1000 points from Svilder
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: haha
GMChessy(2096) whispers: :)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: that's some shameless self promotion
KiranY(2062) whispers: haha 44.Kd3 (1:19)
MALCOVICH(2078) whispers: if I lose to another monkey team...I think I am going to shoot myself! 44...c6 (0:15)
KiranY(2062) whispers: prepare yourself for that then..
xaosfiftytwo(1579) whispers: if ucant beat them.. 45.c4+ (0:26) Kb4 (0:06)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: malco, u will lose, but its not that bad, remember the spirit thing 46.Bc1 (0:02)
KiranY(2062) whispers: nice
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: sorry, didnt want to sound flippant, apologies, didnt come out right, sorry malco
AdIsHaNkAr(1714) whispers: go X
OrganicChess(1991) whispers: game is lost 46...c5 (2:23)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: what happens if its 2:2 in our playoff game?
KiranY(2062) whispers: passer !
KiranY(2062) whispers: think of 4-0 crazy :)
crazyblue(1929) whispers: :>
crazyblue(1929) whispers: afe has no playing time yet....im always worried we get another def loss....wouldnt be the first one :p
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: you ought to worry about your own game surely ;) 47.c3+ (2:18) Ka4 (0:44) 48.d5 (0:14) Ne5+ (0:05)
XFrame(1962) whispers: ne5+ is not so strong now i think 49.Ke3 (0:09) Nxc4+ (0:03) 50.Kf4 (0:02)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: clever X, this is an easier win now
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Nd6 Ke5 50...Kb5 (1:09) 51.Kxf5 (0:23) Ka6 (0:28) 52.Ke6 (0:28) Kb7 (0:05) 53.Ke7 (0:15)
derMandarin(2114) whispers: push g for victory and virgins
derMandarin(2114) whispers: *g pawn 53...Ne5 (0:43) 54.d6 (0:19) Kc6 (0:04)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: Bf4 would be an amusing move
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: give black a ray of hope before dashing it ;) 55.Ke6 (1:58)
smallblackcat(1973) whispers: but no, that would be too cruel 55...Nd7 (0:27)
gGrungean(1654) whispers: over
crazyblue(1929) whispers: pushing the g-pawn to the g8-spot will turn him into a woman....is that what you meant mandarin? ;) 56.Bh6 (0:51) c4 (0:08) 57.g4 (0:36)
zulugodetia(1356) whispers: does frame know its a done deal? draghetto resigns 1-0
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