1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:03)Nc6(0:03) 3.Bc4(0:01)Nf6(0:02) 4.Ng5(0:02)d5(0:02) 5.exd5(0:00)Na5(0:01) 6.Bb5+(0:01)c6(0:01) 7.dxc6(0:01)bxc6(0:01) 8.Qf3(0:02)Qc7(1:09) 9.Bd3(0:13)
burnage(2132) whispers: a little early to be out book if you're playing this theoretical line..
9...Bg4(3:03) 10.Qg3(1:11)h5(1:09)
NatIN(1839) whispers: complicated variation
11.Nc3(3:19)h4(1:00) 12.Qe3(0:03)
burnage(2132) whispers: I play this system routinely as black and Bg4 is not book... I don't understand black's plan. where is the compensation for the pawn?
12...Be7(2:11) 13.h3(0:25)Bh5(0:25) 14.O-O(0:51)
NatIN(1839) whispers: blacks position looks like a total mess
14...Nd7(1:29) 15.Nf3(2:18)O-O(0:47) 16.b4(0:49)Nb7(0:06) 17.Bb2(2:19)f5(0:57) 18.Na4(1:40)Rae8(0:50)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: black looks awkward but i don't see a way to expliot it off hand StrokerAce(1915) whispers: isng5 safe? if ng5 f4? qe4
19.Bc4+(9:34)Kh8(0:05) 20.Nxe5(6:05)Bf6(0:24) 21.f4(4:55)Nd6(1:57) 22.Be2(2:08)Bf7(2:21) 23.Bf3(3:58)Bxe5(4:04) 24.fxe5(0:39)Nc4(0:28) 25.Qg5(0:34)Nxb2(0:33) 26.Qxh4+(0:02)Kg8(0:04) 27.Nxb2(0:23)Nxe5(3:02) 28.Kh1(3:13)Nxf3(0:45) 29.Rxf3(0:02)Bd5(0:30) 30.Rf2(0:19)Re4(1:21) 31.Qg5(0:48)Qe5(0:13) 32.c3(0:58)Re1+(0:51) 33.Rf1(0:02)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: wow just got back... black is looking OK or better now Plebusan(1840) whispers: what is black threatening here, I just see white being 2 pawns up
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: white can't really move
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: f4 g3 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: f4 f3 f2 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: after Q moves StrokerAce(1915) whispers: has some play for the pawns StrokerAce(1915) whispers: Qe2 here? KiranY(2062) whispers: not much
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: sounds like everyone perfers white StrokerAce(1915) whispers: can't really disagree Plebusan(1840) whispers: well, I like material to much StrokerAce(1915) whispers: i get into trouble for the other reason (pawns)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: he has to trade b for N be4 d3 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: returning a pawn StrokerAce(1915) whispers: i'd take here to isolate them StrokerAce(1915) whispers: could be drawish now Plebusan(1840) whispers: Be4 d3 Qxb2 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: yup StrokerAce(1915) whispers: then dxd4 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: dxe4 Plebusan(1840) whispers: no, the rook hangs
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: ah right StrokerAce(1915) whispers: super cautions Rg1 here to free the Q too
Plebusan(1840) whispers: good call
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: yup the f pawn plan StrokerAce(1915) whispers: time to kck the bishop
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: fxg2 is a blank shot w/o the bishop, if file opens Qxg7#
Plebusan(1840) whispers: what about dxe f2 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: dxe4 f2... KiranY(2062) whispers: nice StrokerAce(1915) whispers: maybe Qg4 here StrokerAce(1915) whispers: pin the pawn StrokerAce(1915) whispers: not sure that works StrokerAce(1915) whispers: nd1 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: hmm
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: wow StrokerAce(1915) whispers: f2 wins? StrokerAce(1915) whispers: no perpetual StrokerAce(1915) whispers: be4 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: what can white do if f2 here he loses a rook? StrokerAce(1915) whispers: an exchange
38...f2(3:24) 39.dxe4(0:10)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: oh StrokerAce(1915) whispers: no time
39...fxg1=Q+(0:23) 40.Kxg1(0:00)
Plebusan(1840) whispers: no time? he has 20 min Plebusan(1840) whispers: but I guess he solved it to a draw StrokerAce(1915) whispers: oh i meant to take the bishop Plebusan(1840) whispers: taking teh bishop gives him the perp I guess StrokerAce(1915) whispers: hmm StrokerAce(1915) whispers: say rf2 no checks after kh7 Plebusan(1840) whispers: ah StrokerAce(1915) whispers: Qe2 guards h5! StrokerAce(1915) whispers: rf2 and it's over StrokerAce(1915) whispers: Rf2 guards f5+ Plebusan(1840) whispers: he should have used his 20 minutes before he went for this StrokerAce(1915) whispers: i guess ithat's happened to both our teams today
40...Rf1+(2:42) 41.Kh2(0:02)Rf2(0:17)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: that's it StrokerAce(1915) whispers: i suppose the moral is think again when you say "i think i see a perpetual" StrokerAce(1915) whispers: but again even if Qg4 before i think black is better
42.Qg5(4:28)Qxb2(0:28) 43.b5(0:02)
mrundersun(2017) whispers: too bad yokke trusted his opponent StrokerAce(1915) whispers: it all came down to that game as it turned out Plebusan(1840) whispers: ? Plebusan(1840) whispers: trusted the opponent, what does that mean? StrokerAce(1915) whispers: match StrokerAce(1915) whispers: after this game it will be 2.5 to 1.5 mrundersun(2017) whispers: bobhill made a combination starting with Bxd5 StrokerAce(1915) whispers: looked good at 1st sight StrokerAce(1915) whispers: but black had great compensation mrundersun(2017) whispers: yokke should have grabbed the sac StrokerAce(1915) whispers: down the exchange but he may be better due to white's bad king and very weak light sqaures mrundersun(2017) whispers: in the end he is up on material StrokerAce(1915) whispers: wow so it was really a blunder for white StrokerAce(1915) whispers: boards 2 and 4 split games StrokerAce(1915) whispers: or board 1 and 4
43...Qf6(5:34) 44.Qg3(0:31)c5(0:45) 45.a4(1:04)Qf4(1:34)
StrokerAce(1915) whispers: good comeback by frac Shazbat(1676) whispers: I think they backed up a few moves, as White was down to just a rook and a king earlier bobhill(1912) whispers: not sure I blundered, will take more detailed analysis, but taking the sac was better for blackburnage resigns 0-1
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