gmchessy(2059) vs. loucke(2117) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-10-03
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: pls no defeatism still very complicated position Akis ;)
Implications(1742) whispers: After gf black has compensation.
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: someone was saying black is lost here?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: d4 was better for Knight...
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: hi wilk, nope at this level even I can claim a win...and I aint as good as GMChessy
CyrusX(1614) whispers: :))
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Big mouth!
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: e4 you meant Cyrus
CyrusX(1614) whispers: e4.. sorry
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: you can claim win but i not surely you are better player ;)
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: Greeks :D
CyrusX(1614) whispers: :))
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: hi Akis :)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: I am not a good player, not yet but if you want to find out I play in two teams in the monkeys :) play me:) lol
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: hi Carlito:)
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: :)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Carlito's way
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: hi HM
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: hi
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: greetings HM:)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: this seems to refute the sac...that was a good movie hey Hm
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I like how Malc merges many thoughts in one sentence
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: hmm 22...gxf5 (3:54)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: hi Akis
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Akis means "hook" in Latvian 23.Rd3 (0:14)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: I am polyvalent Hm ;-)...should see how merge many girls in one night! ;-)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: nice:) I have hooked some over 1900 players :) he he he till now in my journal
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: yes, I know, you're a true renaissance man
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: lol
GMChessy(2059) whispers: poopoo nothing is ever easy
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: too many talents to list them all
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: pooping is not easy
CyrusX(1614) whispers: It depends on your stomach HM. 23...Re8 (1:59)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: maybe b5 here? 24.Re1 (0:24) b5 (1:03)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: the problem facing black is the bishop is worth technically it is just a strong passed pawn for rook and that ain't good! ;-)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: + two pawns...
Cruxo(1957) whispers: the bishop will come into the game soon I think
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: b4 coming up
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: hi cat 25.Qf4 (1:41) Qg6 (0:39)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: exchange game over
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: hmm
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Loucke blundered
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: hmm
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rdxe3 if the3re is not a trap white wins 26.Rdxe3 (3:51)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Rdxe3 is not good.. I suggest Rexe3 26...Rxe3 (0:15)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: its called doubling rooks in rank Cyrus lol basic training lessons
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: QxR 27.Qxe3 (1:31)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: No no no it is against Akis' idea:)) 27...Bf6 (0:10)
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: Ne6 x 28.h4 (0:36)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: h4
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: lol
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: sry 28...Nxg5 (0:37) 29.hxg5 (1:02) Nf7 (0:03)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: i think it is obvious nice who wins even for you Curys?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Basic spelling lessons are offered lately at FICS so you had no chance to take part.
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Kf2
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: and a nice end trap for the queen and king
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I think we all could use slepping lessons
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: yep
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: how old is loucke, 13, 14, 15?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: 16
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: his notes indicate that he's 8
pchesso(1664) whispers: is Qe8+ Kg7 Qxb5 safe for white?
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: oh, he is getting so old, thanks 30.Qe8+ (2:30)
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Blaz is 5 30...Kg7 (0:03) 31.Kf2 (0:04)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: loucke is a very prommising player;0
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: speaking of promising players, how are you doing Akis 31...Nxg5 (0:26)
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Re7
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: i played him, 10 months ago, he was a 1300, he cleaned me up
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: have you beaten any GMs yet? 32.Qd7+ (0:58)
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: yes aki, beats GM's them regurlarly
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: life hit me HM < no time for chess study yet waiting for winter time
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: not yet HM , in good time I will e-mail you when I do do not worry:)
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: qf7 only
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: have patience hm?
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: la vie suce
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: la vie suce, mais l'echecs gaz 32...Qf7 (3:24) 33.Qxf5 (0:22)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: with hard work and study chess knowledge is obtainable as any other science or craft
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: white has just lost his queen
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: no
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Bd4
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: no
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Nxd4
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: ah good was worried tha Curys would party in insults against me lol 33...b4 (1:26)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: I do not insult you Akis. All of us can mis-calculate sometimes.
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: maybe Ng5?? ;)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: l'echecs bof...
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Re5 is strong isnt it?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: I do not insult you Akis. All of us can mis-calculate sometimes.
DodgeBrother(1581) whispers: if cxb white queen lost
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: Re5 Nxf3?
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rg1 game over
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: :)), he he, the cunning linguist, what a nice word, "bof"
HotDonut(2021) whispers: mmm
DodgeBrother(1581) whispers: hahah
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: yea i like Rg1 as well
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: yes Rg1 looks better
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Rg1 h6 34.cxb4 (2:40)
DodgeBrother(1581) whispers: gasp
DodgeBrother(1581) whispers: go loucke!!!
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: dont go there hm
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: Bd4+ does nothing
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Go go go Loucke:D
HotDonut(2021) whispers: black hangs in there in every line that I see
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: just Nx
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: go where
HotDonut(2021) whispers: well it loses
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: right
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: I understand loucke we greeks also fight till we die
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: :) 34...cxb4 (1:14)
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: to the street, its dangerous, the traffic and 'ol 35.b3 (0:13)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Now Rd1 looks like a problem
CyrusX(1614) whispers: We will see Akis. We will see!
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: no eat the horse and then go for the kill 35...Nxf3 (0:36)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: too late now 36.Kxf3 (0:17)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: bye bye all 36...Qb7+ (1:12)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: I am at home on a clients mobile connection
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: got to go to work
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: bye 37.Qe4 (0:25) Qf7 (0:15)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: tricky for white
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: c ya and have fun: loucke win the rest of your games :) I am one of your fans:)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: tricky aint the half of it
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: ciao aki
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rg1
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: think black should have traded queens there?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: I don't think so.
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: probably more drawing chances with the queens on
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Trade favors white for sure. 38.Rg1+ (1:05)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: mm not really
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: maybe black could stick 38...Kh8 (0:11) 39.Ke2 (0:05)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: even without the queens its a very tough win
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Did white miss Qa8+?
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: qa8 bd8
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Bd8+
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: still it was best imo
Cruxo(1957) whispers: it would be hard to defend both pawns on the queenside without queens on the board 39...Qf8 (0:44)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: nope it was wrong curys
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Qe6 wins 40.Qe6 (1:07)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: I believe white must bring his king closer to the center before exchange or closer to the h pawn
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: it now looks like black shouldve traded queens
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: yep
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Trading queens is not a moral act!:)) 40...Bc3 (1:09)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Rd1 41.Rf1 (0:35)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: finit, cher ami
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: err Rf1 41...Qd8 (0:13) 42.Rd1 (0:10) Qa8 (0:14)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Qd5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: how about Rd5?
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: wow this game is being played at an extremely high level...I am in tough :-(((
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Qd5 forces exchange
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Both long diagonals now invaded...
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: qd5 qe8
Implications(1742) whispers: How do you tell what level it's played at?
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: you can do better Malc
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Rd5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: yes I believe I said that
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: thx Hm,,.,but I am impressed both these players are very talented.
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: almost a zugswang for black
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: whats that mal, you thought you'd be up against a bunch of saps on board 1?
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: there was always the hope ;-)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: ;) 43.Rf1 (2:58) Qd8 (0:21) 44.Rd1 (0:09)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I thought Rd7 didnt allow anything but a few checks 44...Qa8 (0:11)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: just repeating for time I guess
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I guess Qd5 probably trades and wins 45.Rd5 (0:13)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: this is best I think
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I liked Rd5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: black has no moves, and white can haul his king to safety
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I think it's as safe as it's going to get, actually
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: haul his king over to the h pawn in my humble opinion
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I would have perferred Qd5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: never mind the h-pawn, white can mate here if he can avoid a perp 45...Bg7 (2:24) 46.Qd7 (0:08)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: the trade should win simply
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Qf7
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: not d7 46...Bf6 (0:41)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: see?
bLAZinFiRe(1962) whispers: Qd6
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: now Q7
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Qf7
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: f7 prepare for mate
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I rather like taking the king over to the a-file here 47.Qe6 (1:16) Bg7 (0:18) 48.Qd6 (0:04)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: best simple solution lol 48...Qe8+ (0:16) 49.Kd3 (0:17) Qf7 (0:29)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Qb8?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: yep
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: white is trying to screw up the game 50.Qd8+ (0:57)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I think he's trying to win without trading queens 50...Bf8 (0:07)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Allowing Qf3 is a funny way of trying to win
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: well, I agree this is wrong
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: it might even have thrown the win away
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: he can prolly tuck the king at a4 though
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Kc4
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: bring everything close for the kill
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: ah no, doesnt work with the pieces positioned like this
HotDonut(2021) whispers: You have to think more concretely in this kind of position akis 51.Rd4 (3:03)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: yes that is why I sat a move to be refuted by you big guys:) and learn
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Qf3 Kc4 Qc6 and the king cant get to a4, or anywhere else safe
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: right
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: Qf1 here
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: DRAW ALERT
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Well I mean, the plan may be "bring everything close to the kill" but you have to give a long line of moves to justify that in a queen ending
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: this plan is nice too chop everything that can be choped ...
HotDonut(2021) whispers: a problem is
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: that sentence was almost as incoherent as mine Akis...don,t give up your getting there! ;-) 51...a6 (4:06)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: The queen can take d4 if the king goes to g2 or a1
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rbe
HotDonut(2021) whispers: b2
HotDonut(2021) whispers: weird
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rb4 52.Re4 (0:27) Qf3+ (0:12)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Lost
HotDonut(2021) whispers: black wins
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: wow!!!
Ohzoso(1635) whispers: ok Loucke
HotDonut(2021) whispers: no he can play Kd2
HotDonut(2021) whispers: and Qxe4 is not playable
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: yes of course...what a move!
GMChessy(2059) whispers: i think i chose wrong plan :/
HotDonut(2021) whispers: yeah we agree
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: this wins?
HotDonut(2021) whispers: it seems to me that Kd2 should still draw
Implications(1742) whispers: Kd2 retains everything. 53.Kd2 (1:41) Qg2+ (0:26) 54.Re2 (0:07)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: now he can block
HotDonut(2021) whispers: i thought Qc3 54...Qg7 (0:19) 55.Re8 (0:28)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Re8 best chance
HotDonut(2021) whispers: useless 55...Qb2+ (0:21)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Kg8 and white has no threats
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: R e5 was the best move 56.Ke3 (0:26)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: ok...does black have perp here... 56...Qc1+ (0:08)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: your guess is as good as any
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: btw, isnt your game meant to be on?
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Qd2
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: Qd2...Qg1+ Qf2 wins...
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: in a couple... 57.Qd2 (1:02)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: you sure?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: ok, now the queens must come off 57...Qg1+ (0:17) 58.Qf2 (0:13)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: or perhaps not
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: and the king is closer to the h pawn:)
Implications(1742) whispers: Qc1.
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: lol 58...Qc1+ (0:15)
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: yeah...I wonder how White found Re4!! and did Black miss Qf3 or Qf1 check...a great game to analyse 59.Qd2 (0:25)
Implications(1742) whispers: Qg1 draw?
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: why not Kf3?
MALCOVICH(2085) whispers: hmm, will White take it Loucke offers a draw. GMChessy declines the draw request.
Implications(1742) whispers: Rook hangs.
Implications(1742) whispers: Namely, Qc6.
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Oops! 59...Qg1+ (1:12) 60.Kf3 (0:31) Qf1+ (0:12)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: good man gm
Implications(1742) whispers: Still drawish.
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Ke4
Cruxo(1957) whispers: tough fight 61.Ke4 (0:55)
crazyblue(1917) whispers: i think Kg3 gets white out of checks, but what to do then?
Implications(1742) whispers: It's a draw. They're just playing hoping somebody stuffs up. 61...Qh1+ (0:34)
SachinRavi(1503) whispers: 78 or gets flagged
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Kf5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I think if I were playing this game Id have started crying by now
HotDonut(2021) whispers: noone will get flagged 62.Kd4 (0:38)
SachinRavi(1503) whispers: why??
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: cool 62...Qg1+ (0:15)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: its too much work
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: you need to ask?
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: black is nearly daed
SachinRavi(1503) whispers: hmmmmmmmm??
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I have given up trying to predict moves or make plans ;)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Black is doing well till something unexpected happens.
Implications(1742) whispers: White's plan is easy.
HotDonut(2021) whispers: White may be winning
Implications(1742) whispers: Qe3 and hope to play Qe5+ someday. 63.Kd3 (1:00)
Implications(1742) whispers: Black's plan is to make sure that never happens.
SachinRavi(1503) whispers: With the move, yes but Black has the move
HotDonut(2021) whispers: thats not really a plan
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: lol 63...Qg6+ (0:14)
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: Qg6+ 64.Re4 (0:02)
Implications(1742) whispers: Qe3 part was possibly immediately.
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: that doesnt really help
Implications(1742) whispers: Perhaps black can queen his h-pawn.
HotDonut(2021) whispers: it seems that Qe3 was much stronger, to me, but pure intuition
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: they are blitzing I see no plan now
Implications(1742) whispers: h5! starts it on the road to greatness. 64...h5 (1:03)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I think I'll devote my attention to malcovich's game instead
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: I hope loucke draws or wins 65.Qe3 (0:27)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: yes black has a plan :) at last
CyrusX(1614) whispers: That's much better Akis.:)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: sounds good cat 65...Bg7 (0:13)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: CANHASPLAN?
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: VISIBLE = YES
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: yess
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: AWSUMTHX
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: Re8+ Kh7 Qe4
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: totally winning
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: except the rook is pinned
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: ?
crazyblue(1917) whispers: lol
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: lol
CyrusX(1614) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: lol
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: ops
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: :P
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: oopsie-daisy!
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: lol
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: :))
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: lucky i'm not playing
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: i better to slepp
ChessTsar(1969) whispers: my game starts in 7 hours
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: so... gm is not that good at endgame, noted down for future reference lol
crazyblue(1917) whispers: kicking the rook to e8 by moving Qe4 now, that would do the trick ;) 66.Qc5 (2:03)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: rook + queen vs bishop + queen Kalinin basic chess endings revised edition 2006 66...Qg3+ (2:19)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Everyone has a bible in home Akis. Where are the morals? 67.Kc2 (0:33) Qg2+ (0:21)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: work to be read by all and forced reading for people wanting to advance in chess 68.Kd3 (0:12) Qg3+ (0:01) 69.Re3 (0:05) Qg6+ (0:31) 70.Ke2 (0:10)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: They are waiting for other one's blunder I guess. 70...Qg2+ (0:15)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: it is like a dance to win the endgame one wrong step and you are dead 71.Kd3 (0:06) Qg6+ (0:07) 72.Kc4 (0:03) Qg4+ (0:45)
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: a dance of death aki? 73.Kd5 (0:05) Qd7+ (0:20)
pchesso(1664) whispers: Qg5!!
pchesso(1664) whispers: why not Qg5 74.Qd6 (0:13) Qb5+ (0:02)
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: in greece if u step on a womans foot when dancing, its certain death? 75.Ke4 (0:22)
zulugodetia(1374) whispers: only if she has hairy feet, lol
gGrungean(1664) whispers: oh all ready draw by 50 move rule
Implications(1742) whispers: ?
Implications(1742) whispers: They've got a long way yet for the 50-move rule.
shivaroxxx(1754) whispers: no pawn moves or captures in 50?
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: nope in argentinian tango it is though and this is a tango if you have not noticed
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: cant be, pawn moved just recently 75...Kh7 (2:09)
gGrungean(1664) whispers: pawn cant move?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: pawn moves restart the count
gGrungean(1664) whispers: oh ok, thanks
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Averbah should be read also comprehensive chess endings by convekta 76.Qd5 (1:22)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: hello captain:) 76...Qe8+ (0:29) 77.Kd3 (0:23) Qg6+ (0:48)
Cruxo(1957) whispers: does anybody see a winning plan for white?
crazyblue(1917) whispers: is white getting winning chances again? 78.Qe4 (0:15)
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: queen trade? 78...Qxe4+ (0:01)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: fascinating but exchange now forced
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: finally
Cruxo(1957) whispers: oh ^^
GMChessy(2059) whispers: yay this should be winning
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: ZOMFGBBQLOL
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: with king move the rook over to h
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: still work to do 79.Rxe4 (0:38) a5 (0:20) 80.Re6 (0:07) h4 (0:10) 81.Ke2 (0:11)
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: win a pawn , white king block h pawn , rook on ra4 and a3 imho win
crazyblue(1917) whispers: that Re6 was good
tseltzer(1846) whispers: fi
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: Kc4 was better no?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: no, king has to block the h-pawn
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: then the rook grabs a5
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Kc4 is theory this is real life chess lol
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: (in theory Gm say cut with the King and keep him in the center is what i mean)
CyrusX(1614) whispers: 41 years later...
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: king is the best blockader of a passed pawn 81...Kg8 (2:24)
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: i would have gone Kc4 pick off the pawns and start marching a and b pawns sacing the rook for pawn if needed think it might work 82.Re7 (0:23)
Cruxo(1957) whispers: it might work :) or not :)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I think that was less easy 82...Kf8 (0:14) 83.Ra7 (0:05)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: this wins cleanly
jordanvictor(1723) whispers: prolly y i liek it
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: as wilk said, Rxa5->a4 and a3
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: nothing black can do to stop that 83...h3 (0:41) 84.Kf3 (0:17)
Cruxo(1957) whispers: last trap 84...h2 (0:03) 85.Kg2 (0:03)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: phew, just as well white has a check on a8 85...Be5 (0:01)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: no traps
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: never mind, it doesnt matter ;)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: rxa5
Cruxo(1957) whispers: Kf2 :-)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Ra6
MorphySwede(1927) whispers: why didn't he take on a5? then move rook over to h5?
CyrusX(1614) whispers: axf8 is better Cruxo:)) 86.Rxa5 (2:16) Bd6 (0:02) 87.Ra7 (0:08) Ke8 (0:09)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rook gets the pawn then exchange with another pawn and a bishop white kings move to protect the ab pawns game over
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: R h7
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: ah its not quite so easy
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: it is
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: see it
crazyblue(1917) whispers: i doubt that akis
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: it's much more a draw than a win
HotDonut(2021) whispers: seems winning
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: go Loucke!!!
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: i miiss Bd6 idea ;)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: Rh5 was better
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: now black king is half way to the middle
whitecharger(1951) whispers: go Loucke!!!!!!
shivaroxxx(1754) whispers: go loucke!!!!!!!!!!!!
pchesso(1664) whispers: Rb7 Kd8 Rxb4 Bxb4 Kxh2 - would this work?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: no
DodgeBrother(1581) whispers: Go Loucke !!!
HotDonut(2021) whispers: he can play Rh7 and bring the king over
MorphySwede(1927) whispers: just a R on a5 and problems are gone
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Go Loucke!
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: king and bishop just block the pawns
CyrusX(1614) whispers: Go Veins!
CarlosKerber(1667) whispers: :)
Cruxo(1957) whispers: yes, Rh7, king to center is the plan
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: ah yes, Rh7 and K->->d5
AdIsHaNkAr(1550) whispers: is this drawn?
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: simple
HotDonut(2021) whispers: I believe that my plan works
HotDonut(2021) whispers: the king comes over to threaten mate, with an h7 rook
HotDonut(2021) whispers: they force the bishop to guard the back rank
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: rook and2 pawns vs bishop and pawn comprehensive chess endings :D 88.Rh7 (3:26)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: and then Rxh2
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: yep 88...Be5 (1:10)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: maybe he can just play Rxh2
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: yes Rh2 win
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Kf3 Kf8 89.Rxh2 (0:48)
HotDonut(2021) whispers: unsure
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: with chess only and moblie internet you need only 250 mb per month and can play chess all day he he he 15 euro per month I am getting it tuesday 89...Bxh2 (0:26) 90.Kxh2 (0:04) Ke7 (0:01)
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: 7mbpd d/l 3.3 mbpd u/l
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I assume white calculated this precisely
crazyblue(1917) whispers: seems so
CyrusX(1614) whispers: I'm not sure...
HotDonut(2021) whispers: it looks like its a draw to me
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: I cant really be bothered
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: only e4 square white king must have
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: its win
Cruxo(1957) whispers: he played so fast without calculating?
tseltzer(1846) whispers: win 4 white according to Namilove tables
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: there we go then
HotDonut(2021) whispers: please do not consult nalimove
HotDonut(2021) whispers: nalimov
HotDonut(2021) whispers: and tell us
tseltzer(1846) whispers: only on Kg3, tho :-|
AkisGanis(1552) whispers: another must study and learn namilov tables ... I got a lot of hard work ahead...
tseltzer(1846) whispers: y not, i'm not playing?
HotDonut(2021) whispers: dont study and learn the nalimov
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Because we want to figure it out 91.Kg3 (1:43)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: quit chess
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: and forget fics
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: Kg3 Ke6 Kf4 Kd5 only Kf5 Kd4 Ke6 Kc3 Kd5 e.g
tseltzer(1846) whispers: of course, i wont
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: i don't quite see how this is won
HotDonut(2021) whispers: yeah he sneaks behind
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I offer Kd6
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Kf4
tseltzer(1846) whispers: white gets his K to the 4th
tseltzer(1846) whispers: yup
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Kd5
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Kf5
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: does it actually win?
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: ok guess it does
HotDonut(2021) whispers: looks to me
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Kf5 Kd4
tseltzer(1846) whispers: yes, only Kf5 wins
HotDonut(2021) whispers: after kd4 Ke6
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Ke4
HotDonut(2021) whispers: Kd6
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: ah ok 91...Ke6 (2:40)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: yeah black is one square short
HotDonut(2021) whispers: yeah
HotDonut(2021) whispers: one tempo in all ideas
HotDonut(2021) whispers: well done chessy
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: what a marathon!
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: bad game
HotDonut(2021) whispers: endings of this sort are difficult
crazyblue(1917) whispers: according to my calculator this game lasted about 3 hours 30 so far 92.Kf4 (2:29) Kd5 (0:31) 93.Kf5 (0:04)
pchesso(1664) whispers: why not simply Ke3
tseltzer(1846) whispers: coz that draws!
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: Ke3 Ke5 draw ;)
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: Ke3 Ke5 Kd3 Kd4
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: *Kd5
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: no way to make progress
smallblackcat(1952) whispers: and if theres a trade on a3, then its a draw cos white cant control the squares in front of his b-pawn 93...Kd6 (2:00) 94.Ke4 (0:18)
tseltzer(1846) whispers: now even I might be able to win this for white
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: 91 Kg3 if i remember correctly black king should be on d6 e6 do draw (averbakh rule ;)
WilkBardzoZly(1762) whispers: but unfortunately king was on e7 :( 94...Kc5 (3:09) 95.Ke5 (0:04) Kc6 (0:20) 96.Kd4 (0:05) Kb5 (0:08) 97.Kd5 (0:03) Kb6 (0:42) 98.Kc4 (0:04) Ka5 (0:26) 99.Kc5 (0:03) Ka6 (0:36) 100.Kxb4 (0:03) Kb6 (0:08) 101.Kc4 (0:15) Kc6 (0:42) 102.b4 (0:11) Kb6 (0:08) 103.b5 (0:04) Loucke resigns 1-0
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