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thalagor(2032) vs. bibbusque(2202) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-05-07

1.Nf3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:02) d5 (0:16) 3.g3 (0:03) Bg4 (0:55) 4.Bg2 (0:06) e6 (0:15) 5.O-O (0:02) Nf6 (0:03) 6.c4 (0:02) Bd6 (0:04) 7.Nc3 (2:42) O-O (2:12)
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: go bibbu go
8.cxd5 (1:43) Nxd5 (0:05) 9.h3 (3:04) Bh5 (0:07)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: 9. e4 looked more correct.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: ...with white playing not so much a typical Catalan line, as a reverse exchange Gruenfeld.
10.e4 (3:35) Nb6 (0:04)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: There's e4, and white is winning. :D
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: He boasts control of the center and a slight edge, due to his fianchettoed Catalan bishop.
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: first line here is b3 or Be3....now g4 is too soon
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: White may not intend g4 unless he can follow with Nh4 to exchange for the bishop pair. We'll see what he plans here.
11.Ne2 (3:11) f5 (1:12) 12.e5 (0:30)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: ...giving the light-squared bishop a potential escape route and making a play for center control.
12...Be7 (0:03) 13.Nf4 (0:33) Bf7 (0:53) 14.h4 (0:17)
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: wow....he is very good player
14...h6 (3:30)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Crafty's recommendation of Rb8 here is useful in that it unpins the knight, but still goes nowhere.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Perhaps 15. h5 here, threatening to plant a knight at g6?
15.h5 (4:42)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: What's strange is that Kh7 actually looks like a decent move here.
15...Nb4 (2:04)
lrzal(2004) whispers: the simple Qe8 intending Rd8 looked good to me
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Qe8 was not a terrible idea at all, and black could have maintained pressure on and prevent the advance of the backward d pawn with moves like Rd8 to follow.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: I liked Kh7 there, but I have a quirky style.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: It seems black is going to try to force some minor exchanges before white's kingside attack gets out of hand.
16.Nh2 (6:44) N4d5 (0:29) 17.Ng6 (0:52) Bxg6 (0:26) 18.hxg6 (0:03)
Horgo(1515) whispers: io con una catena di pedoni come quella del bianco mi sparerei..
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: If white can get in Qh5 here, then a bishop sac on h6 is a real possibility.
18...Qe8 (5:23)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Qe8 is too little, too late. Qh5 is practically crushing here.
19.Qh5 (0:56) f4 (0:17)
lrzal(2004) whispers: ng4?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Ng4 is just as dangerous, but now black can push back the attack with moves like Rf5. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: w inter!
Horgo(1515) whispers: he means intercourse with horse and bishop ...
lrzal(2004) whispers: ok so ng4 rf5 Nxh6 pxN Qxh6 and how does black defend?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: I want to point out that had black made my weirdo suggested move, Kh7, a long time ago, preventing the obvious Ng6, he wouldn't be in this trouble ;)
20.Qg4 (3:38)
Horgo(1515) whispers: can you speak italian, please ?
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: is greek not allowed?
Horgo(1515) whispers: but bibbusque is italian
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: If 20. Qg4, then 20...Bg5!
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: no not italian, from roma!
BoboVieri(2052) whispers: lol
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Excuse me, if 20. Ng4, then 20...Bg5.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Although Bg5 is just as good a move in this situation.
lrzal(2004) whispers: true
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: hello irzal, hoe gaan dit?
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: sorry lrzal, :)
lrzal(2004) whispers: hello zulu, nie so lekker nie in die winter hier nie :(
Horgo(1515) whispers: nie but nie
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: :))
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: dis koud mos!
lrzal(2004) whispers: hoe gaan dit innie gauteng?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Bg5, Bh3, fg
20...Bg5 (4:49)
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: slegs!, te veel gangsters
Horgo(1515) whispers: ssshhhh
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: eksies baas!
lrzal(2004) whispers: ok good to know zulu, lets go back to english before anyone complains hehe
Horgo(1515) whispers: right
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: avec moi ca va
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: :))
Horgo(1515) whispers: ngul'a soreta
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: |_|D
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: une geule?
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: :))
Horgo(1515) whispers: no, in gulo
21.Bh3 (2:42)
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: shhhhttt!, :-$
21...Kh8 (0:31) 22.Qxe6 (1:14) fxg3 (0:09)
lrzal(2004) whispers: hmmmm this might be crazy but can he sac the h2 knight?
derMandarin(2128) whispers: w bibbu!
23.fxg3 (0:56)
lrzal(2004) whispers: for example Bxg5 pxN+ kxN QxQ BxQ pxg5 Kg2
23...Rxf1+ (0:18)
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: my opps seem very strong
24.Nxf1 (0:46)
KiranY(1981) whispers: good position for white...
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: 39 Of course not. Obama's lead has only grown by 12 delegates. TWELVE, in a race where you need 2025 to win.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Oh sorry, wrong chat.
Horgo(1515) whispers: my grandma had cooked marronglasses
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: It's like demanding that one side resign in a stalemate situation.
24...Qa4 (5:46)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: So what does black do here? Queen to d8?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Ah, much better!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Queen to g4!
25.Bxg5 (3:13) hxg5 (0:21)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: or bishop takes was another option
lrzal(2004) whispers: qg4?
lrzal(2004) whispers: maybe black should have at least done Qxd4 before this
gkioumis(1827) whispers: yes
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: swop the white bishop and queen around
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I think so
26.Qg4 (1:15) Kg8 (0:31) 27.Qe6+ (0:25) Kh8 (0:07) 28.Qg4 (0:10) Kg8 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Qh5 looks near-winning
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Perhaps we have a draw here now
lrzal(2004) whispers: qh5 still ok i think
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: or Nd2 and Rf1
lrzal(2004) whispers: of course he could force a draw here, so need to think long and hard
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: why would white want a draw?
lrzal(2004) whispers: before giving up the d pawn
derMandarin(2128) whispers: why didtn black eat the d pawn with check?
lrzal(2004) whispers: ok what i mean is he can afford to spend more time looking for the win, since he shouldn't lose here
lrzal(2004) whispers: i.e. draw at worst
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Solid reasoning, Irzal.
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: He could have but preferred to exchange bishops instead
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: the check was certainly there
Horgo(1515) whispers: Qc2 ?
DGeek(1292) whispers: Nxc2
lrzal(2004) whispers: another option is Bg2 threatening Qe6--->h3
SimianChatter(1727) whispers: Qf3 maybe?
lrzal(2004) whispers: hmmmm that doesnt look too good though
gkioumis(1827) whispers: Nd2
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Q-e6 check and offer a draw
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: If K-h8 -then return to the same position
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: whisper Rd1.
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: I-)
29.Qxg5 (9:46)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Is b3 playable for white?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: White's weakest continuation, allowing Qxd4+.
29...Qxd4+ (0:22) 30.Kh1 (0:03)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Qxg5 still wins, it's just going to be harder for white.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: The threat here is Be6+.
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: They are treading into dangerous waters here
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Oh yes, it's a very complicated position.
30...Re8 (3:09)
kend(1959) whispers: I think the reason for white's Qxg5 is that now he can play Qh5 whithout loosing the e pawn
31.Re1 (0:17)
kend(1959) whispers: certainly after defending it with the rook
bash(2129) whispers: Be6+ was playable with Qd8#
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Good point
gkioumis(1827) whispers: yes
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Kend, that's the reason, but it's not exact play. Better was to support the d pawn (which was defending the e pawn) with the rook instead.
lrzal(2004) whispers: good spot bash
kend(1959) whispers: oops yes
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: wasn't Be6 winning?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Be6 how exactly? It was Qxd4+.
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: And then black parried the thread with Re8.
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: yeah bash spotted it too, it was kinda obvious
31...Qd3 (3:08)
kend(1959) whispers: Be6+ Kf8, and then?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Yes. Kf8 parries it easily.
kend(1959) whispers: now Qh5?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: In fact, white is barely even winning after Be6+ here.
GroundControl(1927) whispers: Bf7 and the pawn walks?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: The return to the h5 square is strong.
kend(1959) whispers: but Be6+ Kf8 Qf5+ Ke7 Qf7+ Kd8 Bxd5 and finally Qxg7 is good too
kend(1959) whispers: oh Qf5 wrong, black exch queens
32.Nd2 (5:24)
kend(1959) whispers: why Nd2?
gkioumis(1827) whispers: be6+ kf8 bf7 and then e6
kend(1959) whispers: now Nd7 wins the g pawn
Parkow(1959) whispers: because of threat be6 followed by rf1
kend(1959) whispers: oh ok
kend(1959) whispers: and Nd7 Be6
kend(1959) whispers: :)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Really preferred the return of the queen to h5, but this time with the bishop free along the h3 diagonal.
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: hard position, i must defend my bad
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: and play fast , the time is good for me
32...Nf6 (2:28)
Parkow(1959) whispers: kh2 with threat ef f7 and q c5 mate?
33.Rf1 (1:54) Qd5+ (0:17) 34.Nf3 (1:09)
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: re5?
34...Nfd7 (1:05) 35.Qh5 (0:10) Nf8 (0:13)
lrzal(2004) whispers: theres a zulu on my stoep :P
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: oh no chase him away
36.Kh2 (0:53)
Parkow(1959) whispers: too late M-)
36...Nbd7 (2:27)
lrzal(2004) whispers: oh shucks, im gatvol :P
kend(1959) whispers: Qf5
Parkow(1959) whispers: after n-move Qd2+ followed by Qh6 and i think b survives the attack
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: BxN
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: BxN QxB Ng5 Re5 Qh8+!!!!
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: why must I retire now?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: That's why black would probably just cover the mate with his queen instead.
kend(1959) whispers: yes its good
37.Bxd7 (4:07)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: After Ng5, black would play something like Qd3 or Qd2+, most likely.
37...Qxd7 (0:09) 38.Ng5 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: come on Bib
38...Qd2+ (0:27) 39.Kh3 (0:15)
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Rxe5!
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: I wanna see a combo :)
39...Qd3 (0:46)
lrzal(2004) whispers: nf7?
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Nxg6! holds
lrzal(2004) whispers: oh wait the rook
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Rxf8 I beleive
40.Rf2 (0:41)
lrzal(2004) whispers: and that
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Qxg6? Rxf8+
Thalagor(2032) whispers: The strain is killing me... I hope I've calculated this correctly, otherwise I'm screwed...
40...Qd5 (0:55)
gGrungean(1646) whispers: oh man, so dead :((
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: RxN?
Thalagor(2032) whispers: Bibbusque just keeps on defending. . .
Parkow(1959) whispers: rxn Kxr possible?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Never mind, the queen gets in the way with Qg8.
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: nf7 ?
Parkow(1959) whispers: but now Nf7
kend(1959) whispers: Nf7 Qe6+ and Nxg6
Parkow(1959) whispers: ,-)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Nf7, Qh1+, forcing an exchange of queens and killing the attack.
41.Kh2 (3:49) Qc5 (0:03)
GroundControl(1927) whispers: Qf3!
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: is that pawn at e5 sacred or what?
GroundControl(1927) whispers: hitting f7 wins?
gile(1748) whispers: no
squib(1932) whispers: the killer is killed
kend(1959) whispers: rooks hanging
GroundControl(1927) whispers: not if Qf3
kend(1959) whispers: Qf3 seems good
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Yeah, best move here.
KiranY(1981) whispers: rxf8?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Ah, is the sac playable now? Hmm...
gkioumis(1827) whispers: no
zulugodetia(1400) whispers: sac?
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: KxR still kills it convincingly.
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: ooooooooooooo i see it now
RFFISCHER(1639) whispers: what's wrong with RxN+
Parkow(1959) whispers: k escapes via f8, e7 and d8
KiranY(1981) whispers: qf6
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: Qf3 just wins
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: qf3 is the winning move
42.Qf3 (2:50)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: It is.
42...Rd8 (0:02)
GroundControl(1927) whispers: yay
43.Qf7+ (0:05) Kh8 (0:02)
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: unless he doesnt see the continuation then that would be sad
GroundControl(1927) whispers: Ne6
GroundControl(1927) whispers: no wait
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: qf5
GroundControl(1927) whispers: e6?
44.Rf4 (1:24)
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: darn he missed qf5
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: That should win too.
44...Qc2+ (0:30) 45.Kh3 (0:08) Nxg6 (0:07)
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: told ya time pressure would get to him its probaly still winning for white though
GroundControl(1927) whispers: Rd4 wins, hard to find in time trouble
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: I don't think he finds the line in time.
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: 46. Rd4 Ra8 47. Rd7 Rg8 48. Qf3 Nf4+ 49. Qxf4 Rb8 50. Qf7 Qh7+ 51. Nxh7 Rg8 52. Ng5 g6 53. Rxc7
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: You're right, it's a hard move.
kend(1959) whispers: now Rh4+ and Qh5+ Qf7+ check
kend(1959) whispers: draw
46.Rd4 (1:26)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: But surely he expected Nxg6 after moving Rf4?
GroundControl(1927) whispers: woah!
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: o wow
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: ohhhh
KiranY(1981) whispers: nice
GroundControl(1927) whispers: way to go
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: he saw also this move
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Technique.
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: not good
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: interesting
Thalagor(2032) whispers: Phew... Good thing I had that move... I missed my g-pawn hanging... But now it looks very good anyways, I can see no way out for him...
gGrungean(1646) whispers: rybka didn't find a forced mate before thalgor played Rd4
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: little minutes , and he play too good....incredible
northridgehawk(1789) whispers: now black has a bunch of things to deal with
squib(1932) whispers: thats awsome
46...Rb8 (1:41)
Chessopotamus(2100) whispers: Over.
47.Rd7 (0:36)
kend(1959) whispers: very nice
47...Rg8 (0:03)
CiccioScacchi(1665) whispers: Qf4 and game over
kend(1959) whispers: Qf3
Thalagor(2032) whispers: He looks utterly screwed. Woohoo! First win over 2200+ here on babas :)
48.Qf3 (0:47)
Bibbusque(2202) whispers: very congratz
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: suxxz
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: w Inter
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: nice game mate
gkioumis(1827) whispers: good game
48...Nf4+ (4:43) 49.Qxf4 (0:31)
HyperMagnus(2042) whispers: hmm what's bIB WAITING FOR
RFFISCHER(1639) whispers: a miracle? ;P
Plebusan(1742) whispers: difficult for black to find a good move here Hyper
Bibbusque resigns 1-0


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