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thegalopatator(2390) vs. jytke(2404) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-04-26

1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:20)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: never before two so high rated opponents faced each other on FICS
jaberwock(1987) whispers: e4! e4!
jaberwock(1987) whispers: dang.
2...Bb4+ (0:06) 3.Nc3 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Keres defense!
3...f5 (0:03)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: yay
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: I was hopping for a Nimzo.
pchesso(1695) whispers: hopping or hoping? :)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: the game has already become phychological
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: smth like e3 nf6 nf3 b6 bd3 bb7 and normal nimzo
4.Qc2 (1:38) Nf6 (0:18) 5.e3 (3:47)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: there is no f5 in normal Nimzo
5...O-O (0:19) 6.Bd2 (0:40)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: when knight go from f6 to e4 and e.g after Qc2 black play f5 its nimzo
6...Bxc3 (0:56) 7.Bxc3 (0:15)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: seems like white has decided to play a safe defensive game
7...Ne4 (0:03)
pchesso(1695) whispers: that is not a very defensive setup
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Wilk, learn your openings
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: that is Bogo-Indian then
Evilthunder(0) whispers: white had the chance to build a more aggresive setup
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: ok maybe bogo whats the difference ;)
pchesso(1695) whispers: for example 0-0-0 and action on the kingside; that is not defensive
8.Bd3 (1:42) Nxc3 (0:04) 9.Qxc3 (0:05)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: wbat ist he point of taking the knight with the black bishop in this general opening?
9...Qf6 (1:15)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: looking for pawn strom on black kingside?yes that plan is aggresive
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: closed pawn structure knights better than bishop is point imho ;)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: The exchange strategy of white might have included to have a "good" bishop while black has a "bad" bishop.
10.Ne2 (0:55) Nc6 (0:18)
jaberwock(1987) whispers: f4
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: I love black's setup
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: and Magnakai, black's bishop is not bad after b6 and Bb7
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: black might choose to play e5 on the next move though
Magnakai(1629) whispers: My money is on white here.
Evilthunder(0) whispers: 11. O-O b6 12. Nf4 Bb7 13. f3 Ne7 14. Rae1
Evilthunder(0) whispers: its the suggestion of rubka
Evilthunder(0) whispers: *rybka
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: go jytke!
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: imho white choose 0-0-0 ;)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: f4/00/000 all looks good to me
Evilthunder(0) whispers: hard to say which one is the best here
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: 0-0-0 is a bit awkward
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: considering that c pawn is on c4
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: black would undoubtedly shatter it with a6 and b5
11.O-O (6:56)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: yay
Evilthunder(0) whispers: personally i dont like 000 in this position,but i have seen many masters to play this move without any doubt
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: I think like a 2400
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: My opponent is probably too strong for 0-0-0
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: ok maybe 0-0 better but 0-0-0 more fun
pchesso(1695) whispers: still lots of fun in this game to come, i am sure
Kokesh(1920) whispers: 4 date
pollock(2056) whispers: wow!
pollock(2056) whispers: chess monsters!
Kokesh(1920) whispers: oops
pollock(2056) whispers: cant miss this :)
11...d6 (1:26)
pollock(2056) whispers: these two must be approaching IM strength
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Is there some kind of "vague guess" table to compute FICS ratings to FIDE or USCF ratings?
pollock(2056) whispers: yes
pollock(2056) whispers: finger surveybot
Magnakai(1629) whispers: thanks!
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Hey good game there Pollock, I got to watch a little of the beginning and end. Well done :)
12.c5 (2:10)
pollock(2056) whispers: i played like a patzer at times :)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: wow pollock won a game, impossible
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Is this one of the highest rated games on teamleague so far? I don't recall seeing two players rated this high in a teamleague game before (although I admit I've only watched 3 tournaments).
pollock(2056) whispers: yeah pretty much
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: BoK it is the highest rated game in recent TL history
pollock(2056) whispers: had florinc vs the galopator before that was hbest 1 vs 2
pollock(2056) whispers: but apparent jyltke is stronger :)
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: impressive.
12...e5 (2:32)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: the Galopatator is a FM?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: SurveyBot(TD) tells you: Your estimated FIDE rating is 1864. << isn't that a bit too high based on my standard rating of ~1620 here?
pchesso(1695) whispers: surveybot is a bad joke
TheGrizz(2245) whispers: surverybot only gives a guess at rating
pchesso(1695) whispers: you cannot really compare those ratings
Magnakai(1629) whispers: ok, thanks
pollock(2056) whispers: arent all ratings just guess anyway?
pchesso(1695) whispers: exactly
pollock(2056) whispers: its a bigger guess :)
pollock(2056) whispers: for sure
pollock(2056) whispers: put pawns on darksquares if have light bishop
pollock(2056) whispers: simple
pollock(2056) whispers: now must be 2300+ FM cause know that :)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: the difference of time is too much
pollock(2056) whispers: have faith in thegalopatator
13.Qb3+ (6:47)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: deeeep Galopatator
13...Kh8 (0:07) 14.d5 (0:24)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: anyone have any idea about thw galos fide elo?
Evilthunder(0) whispers: *the
pchesso(1695) whispers: oh come on, let's not care about ratings here, it's boring
14...Ne7 (0:51)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: i feel f4 g5 ng6 and white have problem ?
Evilthunder(0) whispers: if i know who he exactly is,ii would feel more exitement
pollock(2056) whispers: the galopator is an enigma :)
pchesso(1695) whispers: some reveal their identity in their notes, some don't
Evilthunder(0) whispers: he must be fide2300+ he is playing most of all rybka moves
15.Rac1 (2:19)
Maras(2233) whispers: who?
Evilthunder(0) whispers: tg
hugozver(1899) whispers: Evith, you are boring
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: anyone know what opening was played?
Evilthunder(0) whispers: no evils are exiting...
Evilthunder(0) whispers: B-)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: for me nimzo but for HM its Bogo Indian ;)
pollock(2056) whispers: some kind of nimzo indian dutch hybrid :)
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: is it dutch?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i c
plums(1876) whispers: good players and accusations of computer above go together like strawberry's and cream :)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i love nizmo
pollock(2056) whispers: just go bla bla bla hybrid and youll probably be right :)
UiR(2020) whispers: dutch bogo-indian;)
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Yeah something like that Pollock :)
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: Eco for game 5 ("TheGalopatator vs. jytke"): Queen's Pawn: Keres Defence
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: thxc
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: thx*
AcuWill(1743) whispers: that is clearly rybka's first choice vs. Queen pawn
AcuWill(1743) whispers: ;)
15...f4 (8:40) 16.Be4 (0:43)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i think jyke is in a bit of trouble
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: kk
16...b6 (0:33)
Evilthunder(0) whispers: agreed,i love the white setu
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Really? Why do you think so DMjJD?
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: i love black setup
Magnakai(1629) whispers: jyke has a better pawn chain now, and that even on the right color for the bishop.
17.cxd6 (0:16) cxd6 (0:02)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Rc7
Magnakai(1629) whispers: My impression is that the last few moves were an improvement for black.
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: double on c?
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Rc7 is a noob move
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: then rook fc1
KiranY(1973) whispers: :)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: i think black's setup is like like a primed grenade
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Rc7 Ba6
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Ba6 is Rc7 I think
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Yeah
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: yep
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: hehe agrees now?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: mabey exf4 exf4 Qf3?
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: you guys will be surprised at how well you can play when you stop making automatic moves
Evilthunder(0) whispers: no Ba6 will comefor sure
Evilthunder(0) whispers: that only looks good thats all
KiranY(1973) whispers: or even bg4
18.Qd3 (2:35)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: aye
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Ba6 is stopped
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: oh....................
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: now rc7 is a real threat
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: then again Bf5
AcuWill(1743) whispers: what about Bg4
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i like Bf5
AcuWill(1743) whispers: bt Bg4 renews f3
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: yes...
Magnakai(1629) whispers: white would trade bishops then, not good for black.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: ok
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Ba6 looked strong.
KiranY(1973) whispers: maybe qg5
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: I think moves like Ng6, Qg5, or g5 might be better options for black here
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: well afrter ...Bf5 Bxf5 nxf5 gives pressure to e3
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Has anyone looked at Qh6/g5 yet? Any opinions on it?
AcuWill(1743) whispers: what would reply be to Bg4? I don't think things like h3/g3 look good
pchesso(1695) whispers: a5 Bxh7? Ba6 Qb1 Nf5
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: g5 lose to bxh7?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: at looks good
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: a5*
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: it weakens b5 though
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: a5 nc3 imho
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Maybe Bf5, exf4 Bxe4, Qxe4 exf5, Rc7
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: for ex ...a5 Qb5 Ba6 Qd7!?! and good light sqaures
Magnakai(1629) whispers: imo he will play h6. Typical after such a long thought period :-)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: let me modify my ex
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Well a pawn storm may not be that bad of an idea for black here either, but, we'll see what jytke decides.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: mabey g5!?!
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: with g5 g4 g3
AcuWill(1743) whispers: ok, is Bg4 so aweful?
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Black may have tp try a5 to renew Ba6.
18...a5 (2:24)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: a5 nc3 ba6 nb5 maybe ra7? ;)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: wow, they tapped into the same wavelengths
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: my verdict on Bg4 is f3 Bd7 exf4 exf4
pollock(2056) whispers: go galapatator!
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Qb3
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: all i got
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Maybe I can win a P
19.exf4 (2:29)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: no wait exf4 exf4 Qd4
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Ba6
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: yep
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: intermezzo
bigwienke(1510) whispers: finger hypermagnus
SimianChatter(1876) whispers: i wouldn't, you you don't know where he's been
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: If black trades the light B for my N perhaps I can play on the light squares.
19...Ba6 (2:44)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Qh3 h6, etc
Magnakai(1629) whispers: black won't do that. This endgame will have two critical areas with a huge distance, and the bishop is better then.
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Simian was that directed to me?
SimianChatter(1876) whispers: no! bigwienke :)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Or I could try to win a P with Qd2
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: Simian, how often do you have fanasies involving HyperMagnus and the act of fingering? :)
SimianChatter(1876) whispers: what this week, or in general?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Qh3 ... fxe5
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: general
Magnakai(1629) whispers: that wins the tempo back and a pawn
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: if fxe5 then Qxh7#?
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: decisions, decisions, :-?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: fxe5 is a white move, then it is black's move.
20.Qh3 (4:38)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Now black does anything, then fxe5
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Ah right, my bad.
20...h6 (0:23)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: qh3 and later qd7 maybe
21.Rfe1 (0:36)
BlackofKnight(2006) whispers: Well good luck to both, interesting game, I gotta go.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Coward.
21...Bxe2 (1:03) 22.Rxe2 (0:02) Qxf4 (0:31)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Wasn't my move better, winning a pawn and keeping the tempo?
23.Rc7 (1:30)
bash(2133) whispers: no because of fxe Qxf2+
bash(2133) whispers: Rc8 but which one?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: After Qxf2+ Rxf2. The rook was still there.
celingM(1537) whispers: rc8, mAYBE
23...Nf5 (2:35)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: 21 fe5 de5 d6 maybe ok magnakai i dont know
24.Qh5 (1:52)
NakedNous(1755) whispers: Hello, who is winning?
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: dont know ;) qg6 seems thread
Magnakai(1629) whispers: How about Ra7?
plums(1876) whispers: Ra7 allows g3 and the rook is hanging after the queen exchange
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: ra7 g3 imho
pollock(2056) whispers: go galopatator!
Magnakai(1629) whispers: yes, you are right
24...Qh4 (6:05)
pollock(2056) whispers: white gotta be decent bit better
pollock(2056) whispers: bishop vs knight which is on h4 more active rook on c7 and can get c file if want
25.Qxh4 (0:56)
pollock(2056) whispers: doing well :)
25...Nxh4 (0:03)
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: hmm if Galop wins he hits 2400 exact
NakedNous(1755) whispers: perhaps g3 now?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Either that and then exchange, or directly fork the pawns with the rook.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I'd keep the bishop.
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: rc2 or f3 looks normal moves imho
26.Rd7 (3:27)
raipeldo(0) whispers: f3 ain't normal =)
pchesso(1695) whispers: why not Rc6 here?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I agree with Rc6.
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Rc2 ... Rcc7 etc
NakedNous(1755) whispers: Rc6 Rc8
26...Rac8 (1:35)
pollock(2056) whispers: guess trading a pair of rooks is quite good for white
Magnakai(1629) whispers: After Rc8 he could have doubled up.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: It's a draw if black can exchange minors in time.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Now he lost the open file for quite a couple of moves.
pollock(2056) whispers: yes but a pawn is a pawn :)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Rc6 may have been better ...
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Anyway, now g3, then Rxd6 later.
celingM(1537) whispers: Rc2
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: It was. I like black's pawn structure better, too.
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Well, g3 is bad ...
pollock(2056) whispers: lol
Magnakai(1629) whispers: oh right, lol
Magnakai(1629) whispers: that was stupid
27.f3 (1:42)
pollock(2056) whispers: g3 :)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Activating his king.
pollock(2056) whispers: galloping galopatator
KiranY(1973) whispers: isnt black losing?
pollock(2056) whispers: quite a bit worse :)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I see black only a little behind.
pollock(2056) whispers: losing is such a strong word
plums(1876) whispers: pollock are you theG's manager :)
pollock(2056) whispers: no i cheer leader :)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Agree,d the knight is misplaced, but black is not so bad here.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: leader of what? are you not a monkey?
pollock(2056) whispers: our captain said i can support who i like :)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Advantage of black is the c file, although that has no short term advantage. Bad for black is the almost passed-pawn of white, which is hard to avoid now.
pchesso(1695) whispers: and as pointed out yesterday: blindpollock is heavily flirting with the rainbowwarriors
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Also the bishop is better than the knight here, even when the placing is not considered.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: by the way if there are any monkeys here could u ask ur captain if i could join
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Rf6, Rc2 Rb8, Rcc7
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: e5 would be a nice place to post that knight if white refuses to take on f5. Once the bishop is gone, black has an easy plan with moves like Rc5, putting pressure on the isolated queen pawn.
27...Nf5 (3:51)
pollock(2056) whispers: ask dermandarin yourself dmjjmd
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: ok
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i didnt know his name
pollock(2056) whispers: heading for d4
pollock(2056) whispers: chop eat :)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yes, d4 I mean.
28.Bxf5 (1:13)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I remember when it was all just PQ5 ;)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Can't let the N get to d4. Winning d6 may be enough.
28...Rc1+ (0:18) 29.Kf2 (0:03) Rxf5 (0:02)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: black should resign
NakedNous(1755) whispers: galo is really optimistic
30.Rxd6 (0:26)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: too many hung pawns
pollock(2056) whispers: yummy pawn
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: yeah rd6 probably enough but knight on h4 all time g3 thread trap knight so nf5 was imho forced
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: here i like Rd1
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black can get the queen pawn back, and moves like an eventual e4 loom on the horizon if white leaves his king on the f-file.
30...Rd1 (1:09)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: see
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: he liked it too
pchesso(1695) whispers: Ke3
31.Ke3 (0:20)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: well seen, pchesso
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Does white wan to take the e5 pawn or force a rook exchange?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Rd4
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: b5 here, or else a king move.
TheGrizz(2245) whispers: force a rook exchange if possible
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i like rd4
sylva(2406) whispers: B might get have got a little more counterplay maybe after ..Rxf5 instead of ..Rc1+.Then Rxd6 e4, and if Rxe4 rc2
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Rd4 Rd2 Rb4
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I see no defence against the passed pawn here for black. Black can't keep the rook behind it forever.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I now join those who see the game clearly lost for black.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: it is
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black needs to move his king towards the queening square to hold on for the draw.
TheGrizz(2245) whispers: if rd4 then rd2 followed by rd8+ and get the rook out of the way of the pawn and push the pawn forward
31...Rf4 (3:17)
TheGrizz(2245) whispers: that would be the basic idea
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rd2?
TheGrizz(2245) whispers: i would follow what i just said and see what happens
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i think Kg8 was needed
32.Rxb6 (1:45)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: After Rd8 Kf7-e7
32...Rxd5 (0:09)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: that was a surprise to me
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black is trying to cut off the white king and connect his rooks. I like Rd2 to force the exchange or else reenforce the passed pawn.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: ooooooooo interesting
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Not sure why I play ke3
33.Re6 (0:09)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: imo Ke3 was correct to force a rook exchange with Rd2
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yeah ke3...rd2 is the sequence, but white didn't follow through.
33...Rb4 (1:01)
NakedNous(1755) whispers: now it seems drawable
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: yep
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Oh yes, very much so.
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: yeah rb4 rb5 a4 maybe draw
Magnakai(1629) whispers: After that the passed pawn would always bind resources of black.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: with no passer looks ok for black
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: i bet white is now slapping himself on the head
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: White exchanged his passed pawn for a backward b-pawn that was a goner anyway.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: If that is an indicator that white is particularly weak in the endgame and black has his skills evenly distributed, then black might even win.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: now white needs a plan
34.Rc2 (3:11)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I like b3 to limit the scope of the black rook, but there is probably something stronger
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Back to the 7th
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Rc2 was suggested by Crafty
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I still like prepping that move with b3 ;)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: now i like Rd4
KiranY(1973) whispers: b3 a4?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: X out Rd4
plums(1876) whispers: black ain't gonna win this - he's still fighting for the draw from what i can see
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: duh
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Even Kg1 if he thinks he has time.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Kg8, I mean.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: black needs his king but has to handle him with care
pchesso(1695) whispers: Rbd4 Rxe5
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: rdb5 looks normal move imho
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: Rdb5 b3 Rd5 looks drawish
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: unless white gets a rook to c4
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: Rdb5 b3 and Rb7 (or a4)
sylva(2406) whispers: Rdb5,b3 a4
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: What about back row mischief against the black king, in conjunction with a move like h4...h5?
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: oo
34...a4 (4:16)
plums(1876) whispers: back row mischief - careful there :)
35.Re7 (0:27)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Hehe ;) Darnit Crafty...see why white could have played b3? :(
35...Rb6 (1:18)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: white is playing to wiiiiin
AcuWill(1743) whispers: hmmm, getting the black king out
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Ke4
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Nothing wins better than a good old-fashioned mating threat. I like pushing the h-pawn in conjunction with joined rooks on the seventh and eigth ranks.
36.Ra7 (1:22)
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: hmmmm
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: It's over.
DMjJMD(1669) whispers: black has 2 weaknesses
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Versus white's zero weaknesses.
sylva(2406) whispers: so has white.b2 and g2.Rdb5
AcuWill(1743) whispers: sylva has the spirit and something good to think about
36...Rdb5 (2:37)
sylva(2406) whispers: but B is obviously struggling
37.Rxa4 (0:15)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: By weaknesses, he means isolated pawns. White's pawn structure, on the other hand, is perfect.
37...Rxb2 (0:01) 38.Kd3 (0:03) Rb1 (0:31)
sylva(2406) whispers: then he just lost a perfect pawnfor an isolated one
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: This is exactly the kind of thing that Crafty misses. If white had just played b3 earlier, he would have won a pawn instead of trading for one that was weak.
pchesso(1695) whispers: why Rb1??
sylva(2406) whispers: but now W has another passer
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Instead, it's programmed to "seize the open file hur hur hur" without any kind of strategic nuance.
pchesso(1695) whispers: why not Rd6+ here?
pchesso(1695) whispers: 38. ... Rd6+ Kc3 Rc6+ won a rook, no?
AcuWill(1743) whispers: sylva Hey, you play Fide?
plums(1876) whispers: lets be honest it's gonna be a cold day in hell before crafty takes any advice from us patzers!
bash(2133) whispers: no because the black rook was on b2
pchesso(1695) whispers: yes, my bad... sorry
sylva(2406) whispers: postal,retired
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yeah, white just captures a different rook
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Does black here want to go behind the passed pawn of white or attack the king or the right pawns? Or setup a position to do all three at the right time?
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I don't understand Rb1, since white's kingside is easily defended with pawn pushes.
39.Re2 (4:10)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: He might have thought of the "rook behind passed pawns" (own and opponent) rule here.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Hmm, R6b2?
pchesso(1695) whispers: Rd1+ Kc2 Rd5
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: R1b2, Rae4 RxR, RxR should win I believe.
39...Rg1 (3:29)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Passed rook pawns aren't exactly the greatest. I like attempting to check the white king on e2 to drive it back to the f1 square.
40.Ke4 (0:35)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: There might have even been a perpetual there, or else black regains his pawn. Now that's out the window and black's rook is badly mispplaced.
NakedNous(1755) whispers: again seems winnable for white to me ;-)
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: White king headed tog6
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yeah NOW it is. Rg1 was absolutely pointless.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Trying to exchange off the rook guarding the seventh rank looked like black's best chance.
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: If I could do this over again I would play 26. Rc6.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: That's what I suggested.
40...Rg6 (2:17)
pchesso(1695) whispers: and i have been first to spot 26. Rc6, scroll back ! :)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: But didn't we have a good move for black there?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: No way, pchesso :-)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: This fails to g3.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: (just kidding, might be)
41.g3 (0:34)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Right, the g3 argument.
pchesso(1695) whispers: not important, anyway :)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black is in big trouble.
plums(1876) whispers: e5 is dead in the water . . .
bash(2133) whispers: Rf6
sylva(2406) whispers: ..Rf6, trying to swap another imperfect for perfect
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: True, sylva, white has been willing to oblige black by swapping his good pawns for black's bad ones. But I'm still baffled as to why black's king has sat on h8 the entire endgame.
NakedNous(1755) whispers: if Rf6 f4 at some point I mean after taking e5
41...Rf6 (2:33)
sylva(2406) whispers: he has to use all his tempi by annoying with the R's
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Ra3 and nothing has changed at all.
42.Ra5 (0:53)
KiranY(1973) whispers: then how does white progress after ra3..
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Kxe5
sylva(2406) whispers: if Ra3 Rf1
42...Rf1 (0:22) 43.Re3 (0:28)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Wrong rook!
43...Rf2 (0:25)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Now Rf2
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Oops, white. Oops.
44.h4 (0:21)
KiranY(1973) whispers: rg2 g4 h5 g5 rf4 kxe5 rxh4 kf5
44...Kh7 (2:12)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: A king move!
NakedNous(1755) whispers: a4?
45.a4 (0:33)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: yes, push the passed pawn!
Magnakai(1629) whispers: and free the a5 rook at the same time
NakedNous(1755) whispers: it is not passed yet ;-)
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: exciting endgame
sylva(2406) whispers: now ..Rg2
45...Rg2 (1:11)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: If Ra2 black is basically giving up.
46.g4 (0:07)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I didn't go through the Rg2 lines, but could it be that white could just keep pushing the passed pawn then and black would have his rooks too far away from stopping it?
NakedNous(1755) whispers: Rga3?
NakedNous(1755) whispers: I meant Rg3
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Magnakai, the black rook on f6 can still stop it. Black is still intent on busting up white's pawn structure in the meantime.
46...h5 (1:32)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I meant with (at some time) Ra3, then keep pushing
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I love h5 there.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I'd do Rxe5 anyway.
47.gxh5 (1:43)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Giving black a passer looked bad.
47...Rh2 (0:55)
ScrwLoose(1079) whispers: What's a passer if you don't mind me asking?
sylva(2406) whispers: it is a very fighting defense.There is much to be gained by sitting down and analyzing a good game like this after it is over
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Both h pawns are gone eventually, but this is a complicated position. Anybody have ideas?
UiR(2020) whispers: superb games, yes
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: ScrwLoose: He means a passed pawn (i.e. a pawn that can queen unimpeded by the enemy's pawns.)
KiranY(1973) whispers: very instructive ending..
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: it was wise decision by jytke avoid exch rook
UiR(2020) whispers: yes!
48.Kxe5 (1:45)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: White went wrong moving that rook off of his 2nd rank. I liked defending the f-pawn with his other rook a whole lot more. White may still win, but he's given black a nice window with counterplay against the kingside pawns.
48...Rxh4 (0:06)
UiR(2020) whispers: double rook endings are terrible for the 'better'
UiR(2020) whispers: very dynamic
49.Ra7 (0:33)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Now the h pawn is taken with check. White is self-destructing here.
plums(1876) whispers: h5 was fantastic defence
UiR(2020) whispers: rh2 even more :)
49...Rxh5+ (0:51) 50.Kd4 (0:05)
sylva(2406) whispers: no perfect pawns now.B has a hope for draw
NakedNous(1755) whispers: lol
UiR(2020) whispers: rf4?
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rhf5
50...Rf4+ (0:41)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Now Rf4+, then double up, then take the pawn!
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Ah never mind, same idea but he made a better move to do it.
KiranY(1973) whispers: nice
51.Kd3 (0:24)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: That's nice technique.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Ok, the pawn can still be saved.
bash(2133) whispers: R5h4
KiranY(1973) whispers: rh3
UiR(2020) whispers: i vote for draw
NakedNous(1755) whispers: Rd5+?
51...Rh2 (0:52)
KiranY(1973) whispers: ah even better..
52.a5 (0:15)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Very nice move. Now the king can't defend it.
UiR(2020) whispers: rooksqueezing or sumfin
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: This is why I'm not a 2400....
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: ra2 very active black rooks ;)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: this may have been the best FICS played ending that i have seen
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rh2 was a master move.
KiranY(1973) whispers: yes
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: This is almost equal again.
UiR(2020) whispers: yes rh2
UiR(2020) whispers: rf4 was so 'natural'
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: my money on black now
UiR(2020) whispers: lol
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: :)
plums(1876) whispers: maybe for a draw nothing more
sylva(2406) whispers: he must put a R behind the a pawn soon
AcuWill(1743) whispers: no seriously though, if anyone has chances wouldn't it be black? the fact that the extra pawn is a rook pawn is killer
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Why not now? Rf2.
52...Ra2 (2:28)
UiR(2020) whispers: passed pawn is very strong then
AcuWill(1743) whispers: or the f pawn is so lame
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black is holding off on winning the f-pawn? He still has time to catch the pawn even after a rook exchange.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I too find Rh2 hard to see. I'm currently trying to find a principle in it to apply it some other time myself, but what would that be?
UiR(2020) whispers: the white king is not far from the queenside
UiR(2020) whispers: dunno
AcuWill(1743) whispers: lock the enemy king onto 1 file, lol
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: It's kind of a sideways blockade. White's own rook gets in his way.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I guess thematically, it's more like a pin, if you really want to label it.
UiR(2020) whispers: why give that up for a pawn? ;)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Hm. Damn hard to see.
UiR(2020) whispers: he cant avoid rfa4 anyway
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black looks like he's planning rfa4, yes.
plums(1876) whispers: whites rook on e3 looks a bit daft now :)
UiR(2020) whispers: ah maybe its not good
UiR(2020) whispers: fra4
UiR(2020) whispers: rfa4
AcuWill(1743) whispers: effectively the a rook is now lame also with the Ra2 move as well as white's 3rd rank pieces, this move seems more constricting
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Did taking on f3 and chasing down the pawn really look losing?
UiR(2020) whispers: dunno
KiranY(1973) whispers: dont think so
sylva(2406) whispers: B can harass the a pawn laterally with the R on the f file also.To defend it with the e3R drops the f pawn
53.Ree7 (4:19) Rxf3+ (0:06)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: A blunder.
54.Kc4 (0:04)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Dead even.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I like it.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rg3.
UiR(2020) whispers: the passed pawn is still strong
bash(2133) whispers: all the pawns are passed
KiranY(1973) whispers: rg3 looks ok
UiR(2020) whispers: the black pawn is slow
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I wouldn't passivate the rook if I were black. Kh6.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Is there something better than rg3?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: argh, forget that
UiR(2020) whispers: maybe sidechecks
UiR(2020) whispers: if wk goes to the 7th row, rf5 again
UiR(2020) whispers: a6 rf6
54...Rg3 (3:29)
Magnakai(1629) whispers: then Kb5
KiranY(1973) whispers: re6
plums(1876) whispers: re6
hugozver(1899) whispers: smells like draw
55.Re5 (2:03) Kh6 (0:27)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black's endgame technique is superb.
UiR(2020) whispers: agreed
sylva(2406) whispers: yes,wonderful
hugozver(1899) whispers: that's jytke! ;)
FINLANDIA(0) whispers: agree
AcuWill(1743) whispers: like i said before, best endgame I have seen played on FICS
KiranY(1973) whispers: i think one of them can offer a draw at this stage...
56.Re6+ (4:13)
FINLANDIA(0) whispers: maybe jytke lightnings him down :))
56...Kh5 (0:38) 57.a6 (0:08) g5 (0:06) 58.Rh7+ (0:15) Kg4 (0:03) 59.a7 (0:15) Rga3 (0:06) 60.Ree7 (0:12) TheGalopatator offers a draw.
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: wow......what is the verdict now? I was away
KiranY(1973) whispers: well played
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Haha, too late Galopat. Black is winning now.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: doesn't it seem like black has play here?
UiR(2020) whispers: hehe
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: They always conveniently offer a draw when they're actually on the brink of losing.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: rook pawn worth < 1
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black can push his own passed pawn with impunity.
KiranY(1973) whispers: how?
UiR(2020) whispers: kg3
AcuWill(1743) whispers: Kg3
KiranY(1973) whispers: rg7
UiR(2020) whispers: funny how weak a8 is...
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: No, the funny thing is how weak any rook move for white is.
UiR(2020) whispers: and the king can never help
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black has been playing brilliantly.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: then g4
AcuWill(1743) whispers: and check on 4th rank jytke declines the draw request.
60...Kg3 (2:57)
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Only a good player knows how badly he plays - Tartakower
AcuWill(1743) whispers: and rinse and repeat
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Rf7, results in an extreme slowdown.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: White's best chance might be trying to force the issue with his king.
61.Rhg7 (0:39)
UiR(2020) whispers: how?
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Then slowly move the white king to one of the crisis areas.
61...g4 (0:13)
UiR(2020) whispers: k cant go to b7
KiranY(1973) whispers: hmm maybe jytke sees a win
UiR(2020) whispers: and the whiite king is terribly wrong to hold the pawn
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Nice little king check here if white tries to get cute with Re4.
62.Kc5 (0:39) Kh3 (0:25)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: Ra6 to keep king from pawn?
KiranY(1973) whispers: oh right
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Rh7
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Textbook.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: seriously, this game has been really sick.
63.Kd4 (0:45) g3 (0:08)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: -/+
AcuWill(1743) whispers: +notify jytke
KiranY(1973) whispers: :))
64.Re3 (0:43)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: hmmmmmmmm
sylva(2406) whispers: I can't see a win for either
AcuWill(1743) whispers: that was just slipped right in there
64...Rxe3 (0:55)
sylva(2406) whispers: but this is four beers down the line :)
65.Kxe3 (0:06)
hugozver(1899) whispers: 4 |_|D ?
sylva(2406) whispers: Chimay,from Belgium
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: kg2?
Gildo(1899) whispers: g2 Kf3 ?
bash(2133) whispers: chimay? that's 8% strength?
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yeah, we're all looking at the same thing. I think it has to be kg2 now.
AcuWill(1743) whispers: could this be getting to a zugzweng? or however you spell it
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Then a rook check to drive the white king away.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: Zugzwang
65...Kg2 (1:57)
sylva(2406) whispers: yep,so it's a good excuse for missing a winning line;)
UiR(2020) whispers: i think white can always give his pawn for the other
UiR(2020) whispers: kf4
66.Rb7 (0:50)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: That's a good observation, AcuWill, but white can always check the black king if he needs a waiting move.
66...Ra3+ (0:14) 67.Kf4 (0:31) Ra4+ (0:30) 68.Ke3 (0:03) Kh2 (0:12)
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: gg
69.Rh7+ (0:11)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: doens't white run out of checks though Chessopotamus
69...Kg1 (0:12)
UiR(2020) whispers: oh oh
70.Rb7 (0:08)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: like here
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: oh
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Ra3
70...g2 (0:28) 71.Rc7 (0:25)
UiR(2020) whispers: rh7
71...Ra3+ (0:18)
KiranY(1973) whispers: Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine (Spielmann) ... jytke is doing the last part right :)
sylva(2406) whispers: W will be dissapointed,but against this level of endgame skill,should not be too self-recriminatory
HyperMagnus(2052) whispers: fics rules: play opening like a human, play middlegame like a human, play endgame like a human. or face the consequences
UiR(2020) whispers: lol
UiR(2020) whispers: ke2
bash(2133) whispers: Ke2 surely holds
pokkim(1743) whispers: jytke is the boogeyman
Magnakai(1629) whispers: It's over and it's a draw, for real now, right?
UiR(2020) whispers: yep, think so
72.Ke2 (2:11)
UiR(2020) whispers: now
72...Ra2+ (0:11)
sylva(2406) whispers: yes,for sure
73.Ke3 (0:06)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: i remember similar lasker study
hugozver(1899) whispers: Kf1 :D
KiranY(1973) whispers: :)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: kf1 and it's rf1 mate
hugozver(1899) whispers: really?
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rc1 mate, I mean. My notation has been way off.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: He knows, it was a joke.
KiranY(1973) whispers: :))
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Pffft!
hugozver(1899) whispers: |_|D
UiR(2020) whispers: would be a stylish way to end this game though
FINLANDIA(0) whispers: |_|D
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I HOPE that at a certain skill level one will drop such blunders :-) I didn't yet.
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I'd totally do it. And as white I would then not see it and play Rf7.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Magnakai, it's exactly the kind of move somebody would make in a blitz game, though.
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: Kf1 would be nice.
KiranY(1973) whispers: we all agree
Magnakai(1629) whispers: He can't hear us, right?
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: draw or kf1. he choose
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Supposedly he can't hear the whispers, right.
UiR(2020) whispers: only in bold
threebird(1881) whispers: f lecturebot
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: 67 Ra4 bad check imho
73...Ra3+ (6:37)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: now seriously, would there be some way to manourver the black king so as to have his rook shield a check, allow white to queen and queen with check and then march the king over and spear the white queen?
hugozver(1899) whispers: jok, jedan moj igrac igra
74.Ke2 (0:09)
hugozver(1899) whispers: mistell
AcuWill(1743) whispers: by march the king over i mean to check the king over
AcuWill(1743) whispers: as in the white king
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I wonder why they don't agree to a draw yet.
74...Ra2+ (0:47) 75.Ke3 (0:05)
bash(2133) whispers: no idea - there's no way to win this
bash(2133) whispers: well, except Kf1
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Whisper Draw.
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: actually draw by repeat now is it
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Yes.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: One more iteration.
75...Ra6 (1:21)
AcuWill(1743) whispers: no draw!
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: still try.....
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Black is hopeful!
Magnakai(1629) whispers: I still have the odd feeling that the decisions of white in the middle game that lead to the initial advantage in the endgame are beyond my scope of understanding. So I didn't gain much from this game.
76.Ke2 (0:38)
KiranY(1973) whispers: is he trying for the bridge or what?
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Magnakai--That's a shame, because black's play in the endgame has been exceptional.
msternbe(1605) whispers: when did this game start and is it part of a regular tournament series?
TheGalopatator(2390) whispers: I think this guy is as bad at endgames as I am.
bash(2133) whispers: it's hard to build a bridge when your opponent can create a queen
UiR(2020) whispers: www.teamleague.org
76...Re6+ (0:52)
hugozver(1899) whispers: no bridges when a8 Q
KiranY(1973) whispers: yeah
sylva(2406) whispers: you need to sit down with a board later and look at the game again.This is too hard to grasp at a first sitting
77.Kf3 (0:17) Re8 (0:24)
sylva(2406) whispers: or at least too hard to grasp all of it
Magnakai(1629) whispers: If one of you high rated guys had some time to look at one of my recent games and give me tips that Crafty can't provide, I'd highly appreciate it.
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: if black could get his rook to h8 he'd be in business.
78.Rb7 (0:21)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: very risky
KiranY(1973) whispers: yes
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: but at least black is giving white some problem to solve
KiranY(1973) whispers: black r will be tied to 8th rank..
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: White threatens Ra8, winning outright.
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: rb7 ? why not rg7
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Rb8, rather.
78...Ra8 (0:34)
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: yes rb8
79.Ke2 (0:17)
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: kg3?
WilkBardzoZly(1945) whispers: sorry kg3 rg8 check
79...Re8+ (0:36) 80.Kf3 (0:11)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Still a draw.
bash(2133) whispers: where's the win, jytke?
KiranY(1973) whispers: black cannot escape the draw now ;)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: I think black was just hoping for some more inexact play by white.
matthiasg(1996) whispers: How long are they playing already?
paceytallblack(1704) whispers: exactly chessopotamus
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: kf1 now?
80...Kh1 (1:29)
hugozver(1899) whispers: they started at 13:00 fics time
81.Rh7+ (0:19) Kg1 (0:04)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: If Kf1, then Rb1 mate, DodgeBrother.
matthiasg(1996) whispers: OK, thanks.
82.Rb7 (0:15)
bash(2133) whispers: back to b7
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: no
ScrwLoose(1079) whispers: what time is it now (fics)?
bash(2133) whispers: type "date"
ScrwLoose(1079) whispers: date
ScrwLoose(1079) whispers: ;)
bash(2133) whispers: Server time - Fri Apr 25, 16:21 PDT 2008
82...Kh1 (0:54) 83.Rh7+ (0:04) Kg1 (0:02)
Chessopotamus(2049) whispers: Dodgebrother, a queen on a8 and a queen on g1 would be a draw anyway ;)
84.Rb7 (0:03) Kh1 (0:07)
DodgeBrother(1463) whispers: :D
85.Rh7+ (0:30) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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