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hundirector(2293) vs. gmfree(2216) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-02-17

1.c4 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00)
GMfree(2216) whispers: hi all :)
2.Nf3 (0:47)
GMfree(2216) whispers: ah! was expecting g3
GMfree(2216) whispers: there goes all my prep lol
e5 (1:52) 3.g3 (0:24)
GMfree(2216) whispers: lol thought so
Bc5 (0:45)
GMfree(2216) whispers: the plan is back on!
4.Nc3 (0:15) Nf6 (0:40)
GMfree(2216) whispers: will he go for his usual e3 or Nxe5!!?
5.Bg2 (0:38)
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmm..niether
GMfree(2216) whispers: e4 has to be seriously considered here
GMfree(2216) whispers: or perhaps i should be more carefull, have played all week!
GMfree(2216) whispers: haven't played ....
d6 (2:09) 6.O-O (0:14) O-O (0:10) 7.e3 (0:24)
GMfree(2216) whispers: looks like he will get his normal set up
GMfree(2216) whispers: after d3, b3, and Bb2
Bg4 (3:03) 8.h3 (0:28) Bh5 (0:04) 9.g4 (0:02) Bg6 (0:02) 10.d4 (0:02) Bb6 (0:53)
GMfree(2216) whispers: must be careful, english is one of my weaker def, and he's very strong in it!
11.a3 (5:17) a6 (1:10)
GMfree(2216) whispers: so he's gonna smother me in q-side pawns :)
12.b4 (1:05) Rb8 (0:32)
hundirector(2293) whispers: i cant figure out what did that move do
13.Bb2 (7:21) exd4 (2:37) 14.exd4 (0:19) Re8 (0:37)
GMfree(2216) whispers: those q-side pawns give white an edge i guess, but what will he do with them?
GMfree(2216) whispers: prob he will seek to swap off f3N with g6B at some point
GMfree(2216) whispers: and push c5 at the right mo
Pallokala(2122) whispers: g5 and Nd5 maybe?
GMfree(2216) whispers: i had started to build a new idea in the eng with g6, Bg7, ne7 etc but i changed specifically to meet his move order, but hasn't really done much for me, need to look at this later
Pallokala(2122) whispers: g5 Ne4 Nd5 doesn't work right away but maybe white can prepare it first
15.Qd2 (10:20)
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmm..does he want me to play Ne4 lol
GMfree(2216) whispers: might do me good to swap off a piece or too :)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I quess I should be trying to find ideas for GMfree since he's my teammate but white's position is so nice to play :)
GMfree(2216) whispers: however it's the other N i'd like to swap off, feeling a little cramped over there
KiranY(1951) whispers: after ne4 nxn bxn d4 opens the diagonal
KiranY(1951) whispers: i mean d5
GMfree(2216) whispers: actually i like h5!? almost by illimination lol apart from Ne4 can't see any other moves :)) undermining his king pos a little and giving mine some air!
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I don't think white wants to play d5 if black has his bishop still on b6
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmm..also gives my n a place to retreat to if Nh4
KiranY(1951) whispers: but rc1 abd c5
GMfree(2216) whispers: could go for the safer h6 i guess, but it's rather passive
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I think he wants to play c5 or Nd5-xb6 and d5
derMandarin(2125) whispers: or just a rook to the e file
GMfree(2216) whispers: h5 g5 and Ne4 i guess is the way it will go?
GMfree(2216) whispers: is that good? <rhetorical lol>
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I think black should worry more about his dark bishop
GMfree(2216) whispers: ok decision time! h6, h5, or just Ne4??
KiranY(1951) whispers: h6 nh4?
h5 (14:13)
AcuWill(1711) whispers: is playing on the flank wise when there is so much potential action in the middle?
GMfree(2216) whispers: fortune favours the brave apparently ;-)
GMfree(2216) whispers: in the end Ne4 immediately is too obv, make him think a bit lol
Pallokala(2122) whispers: well white is clearly better on the queenside and black doesn't have much play on the centre either so playing on the kingside seems logical since white has weakened his pawnstructure
16.g5 (5:44) Ne4 (0:03) 17.Nxe4 (0:04) Bxe4 (0:10)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: but I still don't like about b6 bishop. It will be completely out of the game after c5. Maybe black could have played Ne7, c6, Bc7 and d5
18.Rfe1 (4:02) d5 (0:23) 19.c5 (0:02) Ba7 (0:04)
GMfree(2216) whispers: neutralized both Bs!! that has to be good
AcuWill(1711) whispers: f5 for the black knight?
GMfree(2216) whispers: now i just have to dig my dark sq one out of that hole and i'll be ok lol
NakedNous(1667) whispers: f4 for the white queen
20.a4 (3:56) b5 (1:13)
GMfree(2216) whispers: pretty much forced
Pallokala(2122) whispers: white will have lots of time to manover his pieces while black tries to free his bishop :(
GMfree(2216) whispers: if i can arr to swap off everthing except the dark Bs i will go into the endgame with the better B :)
21.axb5 (3:46) axb5 (1:03) 22.Ra6 (0:10) Re6 (1:26)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: His plan on doubling rooks looks very good
23.Rea1 (0:36) Rb7 (0:10)
Yke(2045) whispers: now Rxc6 wins two pieces for a rook
Pallokala(2122) whispers: u sure about that?
lrzal(2046) whispers: i dont see it
kend(1959) whispers: how?
lrzal(2046) whispers: Ba7 defended by Rb7
pollock(2020) whispers: if had three rooks on a file it would
pollock(2020) whispers: but white doesnt have three rooks
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxc6 Rxc6 Ne5 Re6 c6 Rbx Rxa7
NakedNous(1667) whispers: the Queen could act as a rook ;-)
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmm..feeling a little tied up here!
lrzal(2046) whispers: hmmmm yes good find
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Rx Rx Ne5 Qe8
pollock(2020) whispers: get him hun!
lrzal(2046) whispers: although black could also allow the capture on c6 instead of moving
Yke(2045) whispers: the players cant read this I hope?
lrzal(2046) whispers: by that i mean defend the c6 rook and recapture
lrzal(2046) whispers: really? what incidents?
24.Qf4 (3:39)
kend(1959) whispers: now Rxc6 threatens
Yke(2045) whispers: I think rxc6 was winning on the previous move
lrzal(2046) whispers: he did have qe8 to defend the rook i think
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxc6 Rxc6 Ne5 Qe8!? Bxe4 pxe4 d5!
GMfree(2216) whispers: we have reached a crunch point!
GMfree(2216) whispers: next blunder loses!!
Yke(2045) whispers: I think it is already lost
lrzal(2046) whispers: ok how about Rac6 BxN
lrzal(2046) whispers: in that previous line
lrzal(2046) whispers: rxc6 BxN
Qe8 (3:10)
pollock(2020) whispers: you say comments about teh game and you dont know if they can read it? ;)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: excellent move by black!
Pallokala(2122) whispers: ok I think I'll agree with Yke Rxc6 would have won stuff though black can't defend this either
lrzal(2046) whispers: even though Rxc6 BxN?
lrzal(2046) whispers: yes i agree black is in trouble though
25.Bc3 (2:18)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Rxc6 BxN RxR and black is screwd
lrzal(2046) whispers: i meant on the move before Qf4 btw jsut to clarifty
lrzal(2046) whispers: its still bad for black that i do agree maybe it wasnt losing a piece but it was losing
Bb8 (1:37) 26.Ra8 (0:24)
lrzal(2046) whispers: oh i counted wrong it was losing a piece hehe :)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: does Ra7 solve some problems now?
Pallokala(2122) whispers: or Ne7 and c6 next and black isn't that dead
Bc2 (2:37)
kend(1959) whispers: after Ra7 R1xR NxR Ne5 is strong for white, not?
lrzal(2046) whispers: it sure is
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I do not think black is or was dead at all
27.R1a6 (2:23)
kend(1959) whispers: now the e5 is weak
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: white is working on just the right time to spring knight to e5
lrzal(2046) whispers: whites pieces cannot be improved really so it is a matter of looking for the combination
Pallokala(2122) whispers: ok 26...Ra7 was bad but why not Ne7 instead of Bc2
kend(1959) whispers: i think Bc2 was wrong, becouse of e5
Yke(2045) whispers: now Rxc6 is a moajor problem
lrzal(2046) whispers: now back to the old RxN threats
Pallokala(2122) whispers: white can still improve his bishops h4 Bh3 for example
spendius(1822) whispers: Bb3 to defend d5
lrzal(2046) whispers: i also thought so pallokala but now i think its better to wait for the N to jump so it comes thorugh that beautiful diagonal
lrzal(2046) whispers: hence all the piece must maintain their positions :)
lrzal(2046) whispers: if nd2 for example the B is cut off e1
Pallokala(2122) whispers: h4 Bh3 and white might have some grazy tactics with Bc8 since queen is overloaded and can't defend both c8 and c6 :9
Pallokala(2122) whispers: :)
lrzal(2046) whispers: yes there are many ways to skin a cat :) it might be possible
Yke(2045) whispers: poor GMFree, I hate to be in his shoes now :)
Nd8 (5:02)
lrzal(2046) whispers: the tactical seeds are tehre now ne5 is possible
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Black is defending well -but howlong can he keep it up?
28.Ra5 (1:13)
lrzal(2046) whispers: just a few moves to set it up
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: black is planning c6!
Yke(2045) whispers: he cant, Bon b8 is not defended
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: and he not afraid of knight to e5
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I think black has solved most of his problems. Compare positions after white's move 22 and 28 white hasn't improved his pieces that much and black is almost ready to play c6
lrzal(2046) whispers: maybe white should have sacced a pawn instad of Ra6
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: right Palla
lrzal(2046) whispers: c6?!
Nc6 (2:38) 29.R5a6 (0:05) Nd8 (0:06)
lrzal(2046) whispers: c6 now hehe
fernbap(1719) whispers: booo
lrzal(2046) whispers: is it possible?
GMfree(2216) whispers: I think i have nothing better than a draw now, but we'll see what he wants to do
Syielvasj(2004) whispers: hahaha
lrzal(2046) whispers: too bad looks lke it is not
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: and after c6 black will be able to double his rooks on the e file --say who said black was dead?
Pallokala(2122) whispers: well ofcourse c6 isn't possible yet but after Re4 Ne6 for example
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: of course
Syielvasj(2004) whispers: yes black would be well placed if he could make three moves in a row. otherwise not
30.Ra2 (2:16)
lrzal(2046) whispers: that might eb the tempo he needed
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: white does have to do some rethinking
Pallokala(2122) whispers: now Ba4? wasn't that the purpose of Bc2?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: the retreat of his rook was wise
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: B a4 sure looks good to me
Mekk(1731) whispers: white could cosnider exch sac then, those pawns start being dangerouse
Pallokala(2122) whispers: hmm... nah it doesn't look that good now
spendius(1822) whispers: Re4 looks good
Be4 (3:09)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: planning on c6 next
kalamata(1804) whispers: c6 is a waste of tempo at the moment
lrzal(2046) whispers: according to steinitz you must attack when you have the advantage or else you lose it, is whites advantage leaving him?
31.h4 (1:48) Nc6 (0:18) 32.Bh3 (0:15)
adamredsox(2049) whispers: hey pallo
adamredsox(2049) whispers: :)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: maybe black considers the a file to be pretty much useless for white -and that is why he opted to place his bishop on e4!
Re7 (0:43) 33.R2a6 (0:08)
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxc8 is in the picture again, followed by Ne5 and maybe c6
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Nd8-e6 and black is finally ready to play c6
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxc6 i mean
spendius(1822) whispers: Nd8 Bc1 I guess
Bg6 (1:59)
lrzal(2046) whispers: the threat after c6 is Nd7
Pallokala(2122) whispers: oh mist Bc8 :)
lrzal(2046) whispers: RxN QxR Ne5 Qe8 c6 Rb6 Nd7
GMfree(2216) whispers: i'm gonna run out of usefull moves in a min!
fernbap(1719) whispers: nice line
lrzal(2046) whispers: or Bc8 :)
lrzal(2046) whispers: wasnt mine
lrzal(2046) whispers: someone mentioned it earlier
lrzal(2046) whispers: yke
Yke(2045) whispers: but you dotted the t's and cross the i's ")
Yke(2045) whispers: oops the other way around
lrzal(2046) whispers: ;)
hundirector(2293) whispers: ah i have an idea
Yke(2045) whispers: finally!
GMfree(2216) whispers: prob a good time to offer a draw b4 i blunder lol
Yke(2045) whispers: I think gmfree should have the knight
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Bc8 Qxc8 Rxc6 and now Ne5 is possible without sacing exchange
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: if bc8 then rook to a7!
hundirector(2293) whispers: well, im not sure if its any good
hundirector(2293) whispers: whatever
34.Ne5 (5:56) Nxe5 (0:14) GMfree offers a draw. hundirector declines the draw request. 35.dxe5 (0:02)
lrzal(2046) whispers: sometimes its helps to change the move order when thinking about combinations
adamredsox(2049) whispers: lol a draw
lrzal(2046) whispers: maybe if he had more time
c6 (0:22)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I wonder what is white's plan...
GMfree(2216) whispers: i guess he doesn't want a draw then lol
Yke(2045) whispers: maybe Qd4 and e6
36.Bd4 (0:35)
lrzal(2046) whispers: black can only be happy since he was planning this for some time
adamredsox(2049) whispers: lol
Ra7 (0:46)
kalamata(1804) whispers: blunder...
hundirector(2293) whispers: ok that move i didnt see
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: That move I suggested a few moves back
AcuWill(1711) whispers: i don't think this was great for black, but the time trouble for white might get him out of it
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: In case you went bish to c8
spendius(1822) whispers: Rxb8 looks nice
Psycho(1713) whispers: e6?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: this seems to relieve black of most of his difficulties
hundirector(2293) whispers: i think i can sac an exchange
spendius(1822) whispers: go Hundi -_-
GMfree(2216) whispers: i think it's a draw, tho he has the better poss
Yke(2045) whispers: i think he has to sac
hundirector(2293) whispers: too bad i have no time to think this over. :)
Syielvasj(2004) whispers: black should be cured of his delusion promptly
AcuWill(1711) whispers: sac it
37.Rxb8 (3:12)
lrzal(2046) whispers: should have earlier though
AcuWill(1711) whispers: YES!
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Rxb8 Qx Rxc6 Re8
Qxb8 (0:11)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I think it is a draw as well
38.Rxc6 (0:03)
lrzal(2046) whispers: had the chance to win then slowly it slips away
AcuWill(1711) whispers: az nagyon nehez lehetet mert nincs sok idod
hundirector(2293) whispers: maybe it would have been better to take the draw
hugozver(1978) whispers: AcuWill, are you ok?
Yke(2045) whispers: now if he managed to play Qg3 and f4 and f5
Yke(2045) whispers: but that's a lot of moves
Pallokala(2122) whispers: white is short on time and he has less material so he might actually lose this now... but anyway I think white is still better here
Re8 (2:14)
lrzal(2046) whispers: also he has to watch out for rook invasions on the 7th rank if f2 is moving
lrzal(2046) whispers: 2nd rank i mean
39.Rd6 (0:55)
GMfree(2216) whispers: nice sac, didn't see it, he might have enuf ro win now!!?
hundirector(2293) whispers: oh wait
Yke(2045) whispers: the pawn on d5 doesn't seem that important
Yke(2045) whispers: though it give black a nice square for the bishop
Pallokala(2122) whispers: a pawn is always a pawn
AcuWill(1711) whispers: isn't it funny how both players think they are worse?
lrzal(2046) whispers: if the c pawn moes there is possibility for a Q sac?!
lrzal(2046) whispers: on white next move
Yke(2045) whispers: oh wait, white is planning c6 and d7
Yke(2045) whispers: Rd7
AcuWill(1711) whispers: what you see lrzal?
fernbap(1719) whispers: e6 looks like an oprion too
lrzal(2046) whispers: well it wont work though since white just allows the B t be taken
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: perhaps white should be glad he did not take a draw
lrzal(2046) whispers: i was looking at possible check on e1 by the rook
lrzal(2046) whispers: and the B moving into e4 if Kg2
lrzal(2046) whispers: but after the e1 check simply bf1
lrzal(2046) whispers: but i like the possible complications of Be4 now
lrzal(2046) whispers: Be4 f3 Ra3?
Yke(2045) whispers: Be4 c6 Rc7 Rd7
Rae7 (4:44) 40.Rxd5 (0:25) Qa8 (0:04)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Wow a critical decision there by black
Yke(2045) whispers: I didnt like Rd5, c6 was better
41.Bg2 (0:36) Qa4 (0:17)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Rd8 c6 Ra3 Bd7 Be4 was my plan... but it had kinda a problem if white just left his rook on d6 :p
42.Qd2 (0:29)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: now b c3 holds everything together nicelyfor white
lrzal(2046) whispers: yes i think black should have complicated while he still had the chance
lrzal(2046) whispers: double up on a file get rooks in there threaten king etc
Qb3 (0:52)
lrzal(2046) whispers: that was the idea behind Be4
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: White's queen move was even more solid
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: no need to take chances
Yke(2045) whispers: white is winning
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Yep, no doubt about it
43.Bc3 (1:30)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Ra7-a2 or smth active has to be done
Yke(2045) whispers: agree but even then black has not much of an attack
Bf5 (1:22)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: not much is better than nothing :P
44.Kh2 (0:34)
Mekk(1731) whispers: hmm, Bf1 pushing b5?
Yke(2045) whispers: Bf5 was agood move, it was very passive and is much better on e6
lrzal(2046) whispers: valuable time for white to plan ahead
Qb1 (3:27)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I see nothing better for black than B e6
lrzal(2046) whispers: i like Qd4 here
spendius(1822) whispers: e6 :-z then Qd4
45.Qb2 (1:35)
Mekk(1731) whispers: wow, QxQ forced
AcuWill(1711) whispers: nice little passer here for white
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Now black has to trade =-a trade he can ill afford
AcuWill(1711) whispers: engines like white
Mekk(1731) whispers: white should have excellent chances now...
Yke(2045) whispers: after the exchange of queens white's pawns increase in pressure, and b5 will become weak
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Right you are Yke
Mekk(1731) whispers: maybe black could activate rooks via a file, but it is too slow
Qxb2 (2:18) 46.Bxb2 (0:00) Be6 (0:27) 47.Rd6 (0:46) Ra7 (0:02)
Yke(2045) whispers: white can just play Bd4 c5 and bc5
spendius(1822) whispers: uh, Bc6 ?
Mekk(1731) whispers: well, if black puts rooks on - say - a2 and c2, white still an have some problems
48.c6 (1:41)
NakedNous(1667) whispers: whis nice move!
Ra2 (0:39)
NakedNous(1667) whispers: white B should end at c5
49.Bd4 (0:13) Rc2 (0:19)
Yke(2045) whispers: Bc5 and c5 black is totally lost
50.Bc5 (0:48) Rc4 (0:04)
Yke(2045) whispers: c7
GMfree(2216) whispers: tense or what!!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: k-g3!
51.c7 (1:25)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: White is not afraid of losing a pawn with a check
NakedNous(1667) whispers: perhaps he didn't see it ;-)
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxh4 Kg1 Rc8 g6?
Mekk(1731) whispers: Rxc5?
lrzal(2046) whispers: with 1 minute left he can be forgiven for missing that :P
GMfree(2216) whispers: if he doesn't blunder i've lost! my only hope is time trouble mistake!
Rxh4+ (2:21) 52.Kg1 (0:02) Rc8 (0:02)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: g6 and black can play Rxg6
AcuWill(1711) whispers: why g6 here?
AcuWill(1711) whispers: 'lol, nm
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Yes, mistakes do happen under extreme time pressure
Yke(2045) whispers: it is not a knight Pallokala :)
53.Rd8+ (1:05) Kh7 (0:06) 54.Bd6 (0:02)
kalamata(1804) whispers: draw
Pallokala(2122) whispers: :) I thought black played both Rc8 and Rg4 :P
adamredsox(2049) whispers: draw yawn
Rc4 (0:27) 55.Bf1 (0:05)
lrzal(2046) whispers: Rc1?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: that is why I would have liked rook to g4 instead!
Pallokala(2122) whispers: now this looks like a draw after R8xc7 Bxc7 Rxc7 Bxb5 Rb7
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: rook to c1
Yke(2045) whispers: then Rb8
Yke(2045) whispers: pall
Yke(2045) whispers: h never mind.. silly me :)
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmm...I can sac back now!?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: or how about rook takes pawn!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: the rook on c4 takes pawn
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: but even that seems to lose in the end
Yke(2045) whispers: bishop ending with a plus pawn, isnt that always winning?
R4xc7 (4:10) 56.Bxc7 (0:08) Rxc7 (0:01)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: white doesn't have extra pawn
57.Bxb5 (0:05)
Yke(2045) whispers: he does, Rb7 Bd3 +
Pallokala(2122) whispers: :p
Pallokala(2122) whispers: well Kg6 then
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: yes rook to b 7!
Rc1+ (0:58)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I mean now not after Bd3 :)
58.Kh2 (0:05) Bf5 (0:05)
lrzal(2046) whispers: was it not possible for black to activate king with Kg6?
NakedNous(1667) whispers: Rd4?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Not rook to b1?
59.Kg3 (0:33)
lrzal(2046) whispers: i think it was a crucial tempo to get the black king into the action
lrzal(2046) whispers: through f5
Pallokala(2122) whispers: h4+ looks fun
Rg1+ (0:48) 60.Kf4 (0:15) Bg6 (0:01)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: h-pawn is so fast....
61.Bd7 (0:16)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: or that's what I hope :P
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: h4 is right!!!! go little pawn!!
NakedNous(1667) whispers: no b is faster
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Yep -a good bishop move there
lrzal(2046) whispers: black is down a piece
Pallokala(2122) whispers: well h-pawn would have been faster if black had played 59...h4+ since white can't play Kxh4 Rc3
lrzal(2046) whispers: his king is doing nothing!'
Yke(2045) whispers: h4+ Kxg3 Rc3 Bf1 was possible pallo
Rd1 (3:14) 62.b5 (0:07) Rd4+ (0:08) 63.Ke3 (0:08)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I'm not seeing anything anymore :(
hundirector(2293) whispers: im gonna promote buddy!
GMfree(2216) whispers: if i take on e5 after check i can't get to b5
Pallokala(2122) whispers: but I think h4+ was still a good for black after Bf1 Rf3
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: that is one dangerous b pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: Rb4 looks best
Rd3+ (1:58) 64.Ke2 (0:09)
Yke(2045) whispers: Rb3 now
Rb3 (0:45)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: that had to be done!
spendius(1822) whispers: go e6 -_-
Yke(2045) whispers: Rb3 Rb6 h4 b6 h3 Bxh3 Rxh3 b7...
Yke(2045) whispers: oh wait that doesnt work
Yke(2045) whispers: e6 is interesting
spendius(1822) whispers: e6 fxe6 Bxe6
Yke(2045) whispers: e6 Rb+
Yke(2045) whispers: Rb2+
timeconstrained(1796) whispers: so Be4 now?
kalamata(1804) whispers: e6 fxe6 Bxe6 Rxb5 Bg8+ Kh8 Rc4+
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I am just wondering when h4 by black will come into the equation
GMfree(2216) whispers: got his king cut off, 1st job if you wanna draw a pawn down!
GMfree(2216) whispers: now i have to balance att on b5 with h-pawn push!?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Sounds like great advice!
Syielvasj(2004) whispers: so optimistic once again, deserves e6 to burst his bubble
Mekk(1731) whispers: f4-f5 also may work
65.e6 (4:41)
Yke(2045) whispers: e6 fxe6 Bxe6 Rb2+ Ke3 Bb1
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: no choice here
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: yes
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: x x rook check
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: and then do something about the bishop check for white
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: move black bishop i gues...
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: guess
Rb2+ (2:38)
GMfree(2216) whispers: there are some nasty tricks here
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: lol
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: yes
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i know
Yke(2045) whispers: the white king is going to be very active now supporting the white passed pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: is white winning?
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: nah
66.Ke3 (1:37)
GMfree(2216) whispers: the rook was unfortunately placed on b3
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i dont think white will win but lets see....
Yke(2045) whispers: yes Rb4 was better instead of Rd3+
GMfree(2216) whispers: i have prob bcoz of Bg8+ stuff :(
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I am still routing for black tohold on by the skin of his teeth
Rb3+ (1:56) 67.Kf4 (0:04)
lrzal(2046) whispers: i dont understand the point of that check
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: check again?
Yke(2045) whispers: why not Kd4?
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: kd4?
Rb4+ (0:29) 68.Kg3 (0:02)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Kd4 Rd3+
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: then check on f6
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: with rook
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: then he would lose pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: ah ok
fxe6 (0:28)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: yes
69.Bxe6 (0:05)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: move black bishop now...
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i think
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: g8?
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: d5
h4+ (0:33)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: oh, ok
70.Kh3 (0:16)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: Bd5
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I am not sure I understand why h4 at that point
Be4 (0:42)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i was right
lrzal(2046) whispers: Kxh4?!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I would have taken the b pawn
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: h5 you mean
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: not h4
71.Rb8 (1:25)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: king take is BAD move
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: lol
Bd3 (0:19)
lrzal(2046) whispers: Kxh4 then Kh5 had a mating net so not losing B
72.b6 (0:08)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Kg6 and soon black can sac his B for b-pawn
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: Bc8+
Bf1+ (0:12)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i was right
73.Kh2 (0:16)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: but black has a method in his "madness"
Pallokala(2122) whispers: or maybe black is playing for win instead of draw :)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: Rg7
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i think Rg7
Kg6 (0:44)
lrzal(2046) whispers: finally black activates his king!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Just maybe!
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: yes
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i wonder who will win...
Yke(2045) whispers: b7 Ba6 Bd5 Kxg5 Rg8 Bxb7 Rb8
Yke(2045) whispers: but maybe exchage vs pawn is draw
74.b7 (4:02) Ba6 (0:14) 75.Bd5 (0:03)
Doxxas(2117) whispers: Now Kxg5 Rg8 Bxb7 Rxg7+ wins a piece
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: k takes g5!
lrzal(2046) whispers: these guys have played pretty well considering the time pressure even if it is increment
Yke(2045) whispers: oh wait, white can play Rxg7+
Rb2 (1:31) 76.Kg2 (0:06)
Yke(2045) whispers: so Kxg5 is not good
Kxg5 (0:20) 77.Rg8 (0:10)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: it had to be
Yke(2045) whispers: Rxb7!
fernbap(1719) whispers: ouch
Yke(2045) whispers: probably draw
Pallokala(2122) whispers: Bx Rx Kf4 and h3 winning the f-pawn and draw
Mekk(1731) whispers: Rxb7 Bxb7 and?
spendius(1822) whispers: Rxb7 is draw i gu
Doxxas(2117) whispers: I though R and B vs R was a win?
GMfree(2216) whispers: hmmm...may i shouldn't have taken that :(
Rxb7 (1:25)
Doxxas(2117) whispers: What????
spendius(1822) whispers: uh oh maybe not draw :-z
Doxxas(2117) whispers: Oh yeah, check
GMfree(2216) whispers: no choice
78.Bxb7 (0:20) Bxb7+ (0:04) 79.Kh3 (0:01)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: this loses outright!
Yke(2045) whispers: ah white can win the h4 pawn
Pallokala(2122) whispers: hmm.. I'm not rue if RBK vs KR is draw... :) I'll check it from table base
Yke(2045) whispers: lets ask shredder!!
lrzal(2046) whispers: i think its a draw "in theory"
lrzal(2046) whispers: the rbk vs rk
fernbap(1719) whispers: shredder will say +2, which means nothing
g6 (1:38) 80.Rh8 (0:16)
Pallokala(2122) whispers: B:Kd4 Re5 vs W:Kg2 Rc3 Be2 is draw...
lrzal(2046) whispers: why not Rxg6?
lrzal(2046) whispers: instant draw
Be4 (0:11) 81.Rxh4 (0:10)
lrzal(2046) whispers: thinks winning i guess
Bf5+ (0:10) 82.Kg3 (0:08)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: You are right -this may not be winable!
Kf6 (0:05)
Yke(2045) whispers: shredder's table base claims win in 41 moves!
lrzal(2046) whispers: but how probable is it in practice?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: its a long hard endgame for sure
Yke(2045) whispers: oh wait, win in 71 moves!!
Yke(2045) whispers: OMG
fernbap(1719) whispers: lol
spendius(1822) whispers: :-0
lrzal(2046) whispers: gotta extend the old 50 move rule lol
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Yep, lets make it the 100 move rule!
Pallokala(2122) whispers: this is mate in 70 :(
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Nothing to it --right?
fernbap(1719) whispers: most games are a mate in less than 70 from the start ;)
Yke(2045) whispers: so GMFree will resign Pallokala?
Pallokala(2122) whispers: I doubt it :)
Syielvasj(2004) whispers: he did not resign with g6 looming, surely he will pray for 50 moves
Pallokala(2122) whispers: but I would feel much better if tablebase would say that white can't win this against best defence...
Mekk(1749) whispers: dear friends without tablebases, what is the plan to win it?
lrzal(2046) whispers: you mean play surely :P
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I tend to think so also Syie
Yke(2045) whispers: lets hope he doesnt play Rh6...then it;s mate in 72!
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Ouch!
shahrukh(1454) whispers: what do the tablebases say for this one?
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: Kf4 rook check Kg5 later Kf6 maybe its plan
lrzal(2046) whispers: what a crucial move that would be hehe
fernbap(1719) whispers: he's calculating the mate line :D
Mekk(1749) whispers: Kf4 g5+
AcuWill(1711) whispers: but there will be a pawn advance somewhere around move 22, no?
lrzal(2046) whispers: imagine how shattered he might be if he finds out he missed the mate in 71
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: lol
lrzal(2046) whispers: gotta study those
Pallokala(2122) whispers: white will force black king away from it's pawn and sac his rook on g6
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: ok Ra4 Kg5 hard to broke :)
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: ra4 Kg5 Ra5 :(
Mekk(1749) whispers: well, I just read some discussion (on Polish chess forum) about newly found mate in 517 moves (some 7-piece pos)
kend(1959) whispers: I think the 45+ is too much, then games could last too long
83.Ra4 (5:59)
lrzal(2046) whispers: no i like the inc
lrzal(2046) whispers: no need for td interferences :)
Bc8 (1:21)
derMandarin(2125) whispers: this game could easily set a new record for comments
shahrukh(1454) whispers: mate in 32 now
Mekk(1749) whispers: you did not see some old games
Mekk(1749) whispers: samgb-alefzero coudlnot be loaded by scid, too long
derMandarin(2125) whispers: wow
84.Ra8 (0:55) Bf5 (0:09)
AcuWill(1711) whispers: roflchopter
85.Ra6+ (0:10)
shahrukh(1454) whispers: mate in 38
Mekk(1749) whispers: http://mekk.waw.pl/mk/watchbot/game/287987
hundirector(2293) whispers: honestly i have no clue if this position is winning or not
hundirector(2293) whispers: but i'll try.. as always
spendius(1822) whispers: I own the record for off topic comments :-P this is off topic of course
Kg5 (0:52) 86.Kf3 (0:16)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: anything is worth a try --I would rather be in white's shoes here
Bd7 (0:53) 87.Ke4 (0:14) Bc8 (0:37) 88.Rb6 (0:09) Bf5+ (0:12) 89.Ke5 (0:05)
Yke(2045) whispers: win in 26 moves now
fernbap(1719) whispers: hmm... black might have screwed up
fernbap(1719) whispers: white may be able to sack a rook for bxp and keep the oposition
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: b-c2
Yke(2045) whispers: blacks best defence was to play g5 somewhere, but that looks hardly obvious
Bc8 (3:40) 90.f4+ (0:14)
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: f4 ?
Kh6 (0:30)
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: imho keep f pawn on f2
91.Kf6 (0:20) Kh5 (0:23) 92.Rb8 (0:18) Ba6 (0:30)
Doxxas(2117) whispers: Exchanging pawns leads to a known win, I think
Yke(2045) whispers: no B vs R is mostly draw
Yke(2045) whispers: f4 was the best move according to the tablebases
93.Rd8 (1:38)
Yke(2045) whispers: win in 25 still
Yke(2045) whispers: white need to get his rook to g5
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: It is by no means easy
Be2 (1:07)
Yke(2045) whispers: and then win win the g6 pawn through zugzwang
94.Rd6 (0:20)
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: if black bishop on f5 black king on g8 e.g Rf5 gf5 Kf5 Kf7 draw pawn ending
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: so f4 looks suspect for me
Bf3 (0:44) 95.Rd3 (0:41) Kg4 (0:19) 96.Rd4 (0:04) Kh5 (0:14)
Yke(2045) whispers: draw now!!
Yke(2045) whispers: oh wait
Yke(2045) whispers: sorry win in 25
hugozver(1978) whispers: lol
hugozver(1978) whispers: they started almost 4 hours ago!
97.Ke5 (1:06)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: there is a win only if black cooperates
fernbap(1719) whispers: http://teamleague.org
hundirector(2293) whispers: now i know. almost for sure. :)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: I strongly suspect this is only a draw
Yke(2045) whispers: white's winning plan is to move his king to g7 and play Rg5+ and then take the g6 pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: but still Ke5 was the best move...
Yke(2045) whispers: tempo is very imprtant in this ending
hundirector(2293) whispers: im gonna have to put the K on g7 and the R on g5 without giving him a chance to counterattack my pawn
Ba8 (1:31)
Yke(2045) whispers: hundirector got the right plan
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: so Rd1 Rg1 Kf6
98.Rd1 (0:39)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: sounds like a reasonable try indeed
Bb7 (1:05) 99.Rg1 (0:10) Ba8 (0:25)
WilkBardzoZly(1950) whispers: still black bishop on f5 king on g8 e.g is draw Rf5 gf5 Kf5 Kf7 but probably black king havent one tempo to achieve kg8
kend(1959) whispers: why to the corner?
100.Kf6 (0:07) Be4 (0:11) 101.Kg7 (0:09)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: this game has been going a long time, lol
Yke(2045) whispers: blacks king can't reach g8
fernbap(1719) whispers: i think it's over now
Mekk(1760) whispers: Rg5+ and Rxg6 works
Yke(2045) whispers: yes its over now, he can take the g6 pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: well played by hundirector!
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: wow
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: yes x
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: wait, no he cant!! lol
Bc2 (1:51)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: ii would be draw then
102.Rg5+ (0:09) Kh4 (0:03)
kend(1959) whispers: why?
103.Rxg6 (0:07)
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: think about it
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: the bishop can still stop the pawn
Yke(2045) whispers: 1-0
Yke(2045) whispers: ling hard fight indeed
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: draw
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: yep its over!!
Yke(2045) whispers: long
hugozver(1978) whispers: verrrrry lolg
Doxxas(2117) whispers: No reason not to resign here
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: oh the pawn is going up...
GMfree(2216) whispers: well done sir!
SaintPedronik(1871) whispers: i wasn't thinking about that
GMfree resigns 1-0


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