1.Nf3(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.d3(0:02)Nf6(0:15) 3.Nbd2(0:02)Nc6(0:16) 4.g3(0:05)e5(0:02) 5.e4(0:03)dxe4(0:18) 6.dxe4(0:02)Bc5(0:02) 7.Bg2(0:09)O-O(0:18) 8.O-O(0:03)Qe7(2:37) 9.c3(0:41)a5(0:30) 10.a4(0:23)b6(2:20) 11.h3(0:37)Rd8(1:49) 12.Nh4(0:52)Ba6(4:50) 13.Re1(0:21)
AlefZero(2277) whispers: Bxf2+ is an obvious choice, followed up by Qc5+ Re3 Rd3 MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: obvious for you maestro...not common mortels ;-) AlefZero(2277) whispers: unfortunately, I don't see how to refute Nf5, Nb3 seems playable too MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: isn't Rd3 straight up a good move; any thoughts.Rd7(3:05)
HerrGott(1511) whispers: Florin should be proud of this game :)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: no but i am not sure why black is so afraid of g6, sure it weakens the kingside a little, but it will take some serious amount of time before white can make anything of it. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: no disrespect to the great (and my dear friend) FlorinC...but the other way around sounds as good! ;-) Alef, is second to NO ONE! :-) HerrGott(1511) whispers: yeah, I was just referring to the unorthodox way this game looks ;) strange pawn structures, strange developments :) adamredsox(2069) whispers: so adamredsox(2069) whispers: reti is an opening TheGrizz(2287) whispers: no it is not. it is the KIA
adamredsox(2069) whispers: lol adamredsox(2069) whispers: first few moves was the reti TheGrizz(2287) whispers: NO MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: I understood my friend but actually Black'S play has been the most logical imaginable...centralization, piece activity, etc... It is White who can ask himself some serious questions ;-) adamredsox(2069) whispers: lol TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i told you what it was. it is the KIA adamredsox(2069) whispers: yes adamredsox(2069) whispers: i dont care it was the reti the first few moves spendius(1782) whispers: Eco says it is Reti :-O adamredsox(2069) whispers: its obviously the reto lol adamredsox(2069) whispers: reti* hundirector(2269) whispers: coz eco is dumb adamredsox(2069) whispers: lol spendius(1782) whispers: The Oracle can't be wrong :-O adamredsox(2069) whispers: lol adamredsox(2069) whispers: well i will show this game to my coach we will see :) lol TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i dont care what eco says the frist few moves where. the standard moves for Reti is Nf3 with c4 at some point either on the second, third, or four move. with d3 and e4 it is KIA all the way adamredsox(2069) whispers: 1 is a GM one is an FM so i would take their words :) adamredsox(2069) whispers: nope ZaKrzutek(2252) whispers: its Kings Indian attack adamredsox(2069) whispers: lol adamredsox(2069) whispers: again i will talk to my coaches see what they say :) hundirector(2269) whispers: dont argue with him. its a reti from his viewpoint. :) adamredsox(2069) whispers: well it is cept it wasnt followed after the 3rd move adamredsox(2069) whispers: Nf3 is reti :) hundirector(2269) whispers: the first move doesnt decide the opening. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: wow! How many players fall for this here on Fics...even the great Dm. adamredsox(2069) whispers: ok first 2 AIDog(2166) whispers: Previously 11...Ba6 12.Re1 Nh5 would land white in trouble MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: mistell TheGrizz(2287) whispers: what is that Mal? hundirector(2269) whispers: first two would indicate a KIA adamredsox(2069) whispers: KIA is the following adamredsox(2069) whispers: e4 d3 nd2 g3 bg2 adamredsox(2069) whispers: thats 1 adamredsox(2069) whispers: 2; g3 nf3 and d3 hugozver(1963) whispers: KIA motors adamredsox(2069) whispers: dont think he did either :) adamredsox(2069) whispers: esp black didnt play into it adamredsox(2069) whispers: wow white is in not so great shape here TheGrizz(2287) whispers: the KIA is one of those idiot openings that plays itself like the sicilian dragon does. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: where are all Alef's (and mine) teammates...got to support the team guys! Michal is our leader. Well, I am sure they are here in spirit! ;-) HyperMagnus(2103) whispers: wow the comments here are getting profound AlefZero(2277) whispers: in blitz I would play Rad8 Nf1 Rd3 N1e3 (or Be3) and then start thinking HyperMagnus(2103) whispers: I feel immense depth AlefZero(2277) whispers: now I have some doubts: why to force white to play useful moves HyperMagnus(2103) whispers: exactly my point adamredsox(2069) whispers: yawn HyperMagnus(2103) whispers: go Alef! My arch-nemesis MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: but why not Rd3 straight away...refutation? adamredsox(2069) whispers: go karima! adamredsox(2069) whispers: wait i dont like his position adamredsox(2069) whispers: go alef bet vet gimel dalah hay! adamredsox(2069) whispers: dalad* BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: I like Rd3 also Mal. Leader(1936) whispers: how about Bd3? Tuvi(1341) whispers: ani lo ohev otah MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: cause it seems to force Ne3 and at least that takes away that useful square to the other knight or bishop... any thoughts?Rad8(15:37)
AlefZero(2277) whispers: like in blitz, just much slower... BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: I agree with your suggestion Mal, I think Rd3 is more aggressive than say Rad1. TheGrizz(2287) whispers: ya, but what after Ne3 and Bf1? MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: yes that was my worry Grizz, but maybe a repetition of moves then...Black just needs a draw for the match. :-) TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i think that any serious trades are going to help white out.
16.Nf1(2:24)Rd3(0:12) 17.N1e3(0:28)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: but at least it would have been the wrong knight on e3 in the other line... ;-) BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: Yeah Rd3 first would have cramped white more as Mal suggested. BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: anyone have an idea what white's plan is anyway? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: you mean something like Rd3, Ne3 Rad8 and Bf1. then what to do about the attack all the way back up to the a6? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: white i would guess is trying to unwind his cramp position. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: well grizz I am not that much of a patzer...I did see that ;-) TheGrizz(2287) whispers: Mal that was for BlackofKnightR3d7(6:19)
AlefZero(2277) whispers: I tried hard to make Nd4 work, but, contrary to my intuition, it seemed to be bad AlefZero(2277) whispers: as I have much less time and I am not in a must-win situation, I decided to keep it more quiet TheGrizz(2287) whispers: black maybe be with advantage here, i honestly dont know. i am just glad it is not me playing black. :) BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: Well I probably wouldn't play Rad1 right after Rd3 Grizz in light of that attack on a6 BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: Rad8* MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: this is what I meant Grizz; Black could have this position with the knight f5 on e3 not the other...and if White after say Ne3 Rd7 wanted to go back to f5...well my repetition idea comes to fruitation...and a Black draw is a match win! ;-) TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i could agree with that and black would be happy since he just wants a draw anyways. and white would most likely agreed i guess. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: maybe here a plan for White is h4 and Bh3...I personally do not like theQueen on e6 from a black's (my team) perspective...however, I have NO doubt, maestro Alefzero knows what he is doing. :-)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: well if h4 then g6 what do with the N since after Nh6+ Kg7 Ng4 Nxg4 is quite interesting with threats against f2 not sure what would happen after that, just a thought MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: is this good? Grizz, your expert opinion since no one else risks a comment? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: you mentioned about an idea for white h4 with Bh3 TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i just countered with g6 between h4 and Bh3Ne7(3:23)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: I saw and agree though it is not clear who the exchanges on g4 favour...but now is Nd5 good? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: no idea TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i still like the idea of g6 which black refuses to play MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: lol Yeah seemed adequate...but I did not expect this... KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: wasn't Bc4 good ? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: although here i would not play g6 you will lose the queen after Nxf6 MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: yeah I looked at that too kibo TheGrizz(2287) whispers: or the exchange KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: it looks nxf6 is good for white goki(1440) whispers: talk how about black playing Bg5 TheGrizz(2287) whispers: you mean white i think goki goki(1440) whispers: ah sorry confused goki(1440) whispers: talk yes
19.Nh6+(4:21)Kf8(1:24) 20.Nxf6(0:16)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: does it look better if white tried Nxf6 first then Nh6+ attempting to get the queens off?Qxf6(0:28) 21.Qxf6(0:05)gxf6(0:02)
KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: it would get the same BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: I would think that since white needs to win that it'd be better to keep the queens goki(1440) whispers: exactly KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: heh KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: i cant see advantage for white ... Sportsmen(2273) whispers: hey guys, black only needs a draw? Cause I really like his chances then TheGrizz(2287) whispers: according to Mal that is all black needs. goki(1440) whispers: netither can I MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: guys Rd3 when I said it was very good for Black; because there is a tactic based on Ne3 so Rad8! is possible... but ok this is an equal ending so I am very confident still. Go Alef! AcuWill(1668) whispers: dunno what you all 2000+ guys think, but certainly seems that all of blacks pieces are more active than whites (excpet for black's knight) Sportsmen(2273) whispers: then a Win will even better KiboPlaying(2223) whispers: :) MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: yes but the pawn structure is terrible...a draw is a fair result I think from this position...now if Black is better player; that is a different story ;-)))
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: alefzero is very tough in every positionNg8(0:11) 23.Bf3(0:06)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: winning, drawing, or losing ZaKrzutek(2252) whispers: :) TheGrizz(2287) whispers: Hundirector isnt Karmia with you?Bb7(2:22) 24.Kg2(0:16)Rd3(2:09) 25.Be3(2:57)Bxe3(0:39)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: wonder if white is going to force trade rooks
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: not that black will care BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: what do you think white's chances to win are Grizz? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i think a candle would stand a better chance in hell MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: no he is with RaibowWarriors Grizz...hun is cap of all hungarian team Buda_Pests. SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: ? AlefZero(2277) whispers: looks like I made a typical mistake - playing with black pieces I pressed too much, trying to punish my opponent for too passive play in the opening Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i would give him a 1% chance of winning it, but i am afraid i always over estimate a plyers chance to win TheGrizz(2287) whispers: what Saint? AlefZero(2277) whispers: and white would have to make a serious mistake to be worse SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: nothin' sorry TheGrizz(2287) whispers: flipping back to the opening and looking it over a few times. i love babaschess for this feature. it reminds me of a reverse pirc defence. MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: indeed ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: hi all ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: congrats dermandarin :))))
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: ooh that f4 square looks juicy for Black! ;-)Ng6(2:30) 28.Kg3(0:11)
ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: CONGRATULATIONS DERMANDARIN ****************Nf4(0:21)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: what did I say...guess great minds think alike; um well I can get lucky too! TheGrizz(2287) whispers: it has a nice tactical trick to it, if white does Ng2 ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: acuwill can do chi kung in of night ? MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: this is not the place Rey...do NOT spam my ace player's game commentary please! ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: is here channel of chi kung? fernbap(1711) whispers: yea, channel 40
ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: thanks BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: Nice knight spot for black- what is the plan for white now, advance g-h pawns and hope for a break? Sportsmen(2273) whispers: h4 the sign you dont have a plan, or any good movesNe6(0:50)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: well with g4 no more tactical tricks Sportsmen(2273) whispers: not really his fault he is just so tied down Sportsmen(2273) whispers: I didnt expect Ne6 MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: yes Black is much better...not clearly winning, but much better. fernbap(1711) whispers: chess pieces in KKK boards are white and very white :P Rakete(1986) whispers: Maybe Nc5 with pressure on e4? ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: rakete ! MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: Fern you doing your best Rey impression... ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: go sleep now! ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: i think after of fair play with dermandarin 45 45 have give me green card :o) ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: im cure fernbap i play for fun here :) BlackofKnight(1797) whispers: black must not like the idea of white advancing his king pawns and wanted to put a quick stop to that?
ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: im not important much chess is only one game i go make work and do tai chi and chi kung for health :) ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: im ready for next 45 45 :) MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: rey please go talk of that in 101 or even better in front of your town priest. Thank you!Rd2(0:51)
ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: malcovich thanks for all im free of bad think :) fernbap(1711) whispers: better, goto channel 40
ReyFeroz(2060) whispers: :) i go do gym bye thx Sportsmen(2273) whispers: ooooooh Sportsmen(2273) whispers: Rxe2 Rxe2 Ba6 b3 Nc5 with a threat of Rd3 pollock(2037) whispers: bxe4 exchangee sac probably bad pollock(2037) whispers: oh nice sportsmen :) Sportsmen(2273) whispers: black can get a pawn and Bishop for the rook, and some play, but he is playing for a draw so he might find a safer path Sportsmen(2273) whispers: hehe i tryR2d7(2:53) 32.f3(1:03)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: ok I commend him cause he is a team player ;-) But, Rxe2 was good!Nf4(0:39) 33.Bf1(0:49)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: its interesting I am not sure it was worth it now that I really look at it Sportsmen(2273) whispers: palying 3 0 and trying to ananlyze another game is becoming harder is a get older Sportsmen(2273) whispers: Ke7Ba6(3:15)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: good move! derMandarin(2098) whispers: yepp. superawesome northridgehawk(1771) whispers: so knight takes b6 doesnt work because ? MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: it is nice to have an open file! ;-) Black is at least a little better and a draw is in the bag barring any unfortunate incidents :-) northridgehawk(1771) whispers: o i see hell have the second rank
34.Nxe5(7:31)fxe5(0:03) 35.Bxa6(0:02)Rd2(0:02)
Minuchin(1947) whispers: black win easy
Minuchin(1947) whispers: bye TheGrizz(2287) whispers: ouchRxb2(0:25) 37.g5(0:29)
ZaKrzutek(2252) whispers: hmmKg7(2:16)
ZaKrzutek(2252) whispers: interesting was h5 TheGrizz(2287) whispers: well there is always h6
ZaKrzutek(2252) whispers: but now white have f5 for a king? TheGrizz(2287) whispers: but interesting how white gets himself out of one paralysed position only to go walk him with open eyes into another oneh5(1:09)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: lol good one The Grizz.
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: i maybe wrong about this, but doesnt Rdd2 finish this game up?Rdd2(1:15) 40.Rxb2(0:06)Rxb2(0:02)
HyperMagnus(2103) whispers: there was Bf1
41.Bf1(0:26)Kf8(0:15) 42.Rh1(0:05)
TheGrizz(2287) whispers: and take a picture folks, white as been offically hogged tiedRc2(0:55) 43.Rh2(0:17)Rxc3(0:08) 44.Rd2(0:10)Ke7(0:26) 45.Bb5(0:28)c6(0:14) 46.Bf1(0:05)
SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: will black win? Schemato(2161) whispers: yes, he'll put the knight on d4 now. SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: whisper d4?Ne6(1:35)
SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: whisper yes! that's what i thought...
SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: oh i keep typing "whisper" before i talk... sorry.
pollock(2037) whispers: looks like black is winning
SaintPedronik(1804) whispers: yes MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: looks so indeed! ;-) fernbap(1711) whispers: na, it's just an illusion StiliDimitrov(2070) whispers: black have to be precise some more moves derMandarin(2098) whispers: easy drawKe6(0:48)
derMandarin(2098) whispers: if I had black pieces here, that is MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: lol
50.Rb3(2:03)Nxg5+(0:29) 51.Rxc3(0:06)Nxe4+(0:01)
AcuWill(1668) whispers: in comes the towel
StiliDimitrov(2070) whispers: looks like 0-1
pollock(2037) whispers: kf2 nxh4 be2 seems pretty obvisious
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: only 3 passers he will need to use some AMAZING technique to win this :)f5(0:49)
MALCOVICH(2066) whispers: ya think! ;-) Nice win Michal, way to go team my prediction of 3.5-.5 was off but not by much! ;-) See you in round 2 gents. And thx all for following the game it was a real treat...special thx to the Grizz for the enlighting comments...ciao! One down, 7 to go! :-)))Karima resigns 0-1
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