Publishing your game
Default version
Copy and paste the following HTML code:
<iframe width="540" height="300" frameborder="1" scrolling="auto" src="" style="margin: 0.5em 0"> <p><a href="/mk/watchbot/game/2643944">Click to view the game</a></p> </iframe>
Here is what you should obtain:
Edit the HTML to fine-tune the frame size and margin, and possibly to disable a border.
Use parameter like ?pieces=Fantasy&background=Blue
to change the way the board is displayed.
For the list of available pieces see the
configuration screen (just use the
piece and background names as written there).
For example, the following HTML (note frameborder="0"
and extra parameters appended to src
<iframe width="540" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" src="" style="margin: 0.5em 0"> <p><a href="/mk/watchbot/game/2643944">Click to view the game</a></p> </iframe>
results in:
Questions, comments, remarks
Leave your questions and remarks as comments to the announcement on my blog.